
ejatis it ok to remove this package : 05:41
ejatThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:05:41
ejat  discover discover-data libdiscover2 libkwineffects7 libkwinxrenderutils705:41
ejatUse 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.05:41
ejatThe following packages will be REMOVED:05:41
ejat  kactivities libkf5screen6 libkwinglutils705:41
IrcsomeBot<marcinsagol> Yes05:49
soeegood morning06:10
viphi ho, any way to get kmail2 >= 5.2?08:36
clivejovip: kmail in apps 16.04.1 is 5.2.111:07
clivejoto back port it, it will need libical211:08
clivejoand thats only available to Yakkety Yak via prposed at the minute - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libical11:10
vipclivejo: 16.04.1? .?11:14
clivejoIm running it on Yakkety at the moment11:15
vipoh, I've understand as a kubuntu 16.04.111:15
clivejofew "issues" with it!11:16
clivejoThe red ones are problem packages - http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/applications/build_status_16.04.1_yakkety.html11:17
clivejoplus KDE PIM needs version 2 of libical to build11:18
clivejoand run too I think11:18
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=== chris17 is now known as chs
BluesKajHey folks11:46
clivejohowdy BluesKaj11:48
BluesKajHey clivejo, how goes it today 11:49
clivejonot too bad11:52
clivejotrying to keep the pup out of badness11:53
ahoneybunvalorie: that was fast: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/install-latest-plasma-desktop-kubuntu-16-0412:01
ahoneybuneven took my screenshot lol12:07
clivejowhat does the note say?12:08
ahoneybunWelcome to Plasma 5.6.4 - The Kubuntu Team12:08
clivejothat Joey guy seems to keep a good eye on Kubuntu12:09
clivejocan you add that KDE video to the news post on Kubuntu.org?12:09
jimarvannice video! :)12:12
ahoneybunyea sure12:12
clivejocan anyone figure out what Im doing wrong with krdc ?12:16
clivejoIve added that file to not-installed but still failing :/12:16
ahoneybun-./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkrdccore.so ?12:18
ahoneybunclivejo: he updated the article with the video already12:33
ahoneybunmm Telegram bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ktp-contact-list/+bug/151213513:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1512135 in ktp-contact-list (Ubuntu) "Cannot add Telegram account to Telepathy" [Medium,Confirmed]13:00
=== alvesadrian is now known as adrian
clivejoanyone able to help with these last few problem apps?18:03
DarinMillerclivejo: I assume you want assistance from who has a clue.  I will be glad to assist, but my current level of expertise is officially "rubber ducky".18:07
clivejomaybe just take a look18:09
clivejoI cant see the problem for looking at it18:09
DarinMillerlooking there now...18:09
DarinMillersearching kdesdk 64b log file for "failed".  What other method/strategies should one use to find an error.18:12
DarinMillerhow does the package builder know to use "Overriding sources.list in build-PACKAGEBUILD-9780698"?  Is that in one of the config files in the kubuntu-automation setup?18:16
DarinMillerNevermind, I just grep'd to answer my own question (grep -r  9780698) from the top level of the kubuntu-automation folder and found nothing.  Which still begs the question, where is the alternate source.list specified.  A KCI config?18:22
DarinMillerOK, downloaded kdesdk-kioslaves source and check the debian/rules file as debian/rules build error was listed at the bottom of the log file.  I think I am barking up the wrong tree as the debian/rules file in the package contains almost nothing bu an inlcude command and 2 overrides.18:49
clivejohow does our packaging relate to debian?18:53
DarinMillerI don't understand the big picutre.  As I still do not have my head wrapped around KCI vs launchpad.  They both seem to be package build systems. Does LP replace KCI?18:55
clivejoKCI uses LP to build the packages18:56
clivejoKCI is a Jenkins box which grabs the packaging (now from LP) and the source code and fires them to LP 18:58
DarinMillerwhere was packaging previously?18:59
clivejoa machine called Alioth18:59
* DarinMiller building kdesdk-kioslaves on my YY box to see if I can produce the same error...19:00
clivejobut not many Kubuntu people have access to that19:00
clivejothats build status page is just a tool for seeing proplems easier19:01
clivejoits part of the kubuntu-automation tool kit19:02
DarinMillerwas the change from alioth to lp an attempt to reduce packaging issues between debian and canonical?19:02
clivejothe problem was getting enough on the team to have commit access19:02
clivejoDebian are VERY strict19:03
DarinMillerah, i see.19:03
DarinMilleryes, understandable.19:03
clivejoin theory we have better control over who can commit on LP19:04
darinOK,  kdesdk-kioslaves is literally the 3rd or 4th package I have every build manually from source.  I get a different build error than on the apt status page and my build log is much shorter.  It says dpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see /tmp/kdesdk-kioslaves_16.04.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu16.10~ppa1.diff.qFlXor" 19:09
clivejohave you changed the source?19:11
darinfile mentioned above says this: https://paste.kde.org/p70xk3ufc19:11
darinummm, not sure. where/how should I do that?19:12
clivejoseems to think you changed the source by building it :/19:19
darinI used a redirect and wrote the log file to the current directory.... I guess that's not recommended.... I tried again and routed the output to my home directory....19:24
clivejoin the rules file, can you bump the packaging tools from 2 to 3?19:31
darinchanged the 2 to a 3 and tried rebuiding19:36
darinfailed log here: https://paste.kde.org/ppvzhu1h819:39
darinI am hacker/scripter as opposed to a real programmer so the build logs and errors are completely foreign to me.19:40
clivejoseems this has been a problem for a while https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=79952519:42
ubottuDebian bug 799525 in src:kdesdk-kioslaves "kdesdk-kioslaves: FTBFS: error: invalid use of incomplete type 'const svn_sort__item_t {aka const struct svn_sort__item_t}'" [Serious,Open]19:42
clivejo!info kdesdk-kioslaves xenial19:42
ubottuPackage kdesdk-kioslaves does not exist in xenial19:43
clivejowe must have just ignored it in the past19:43
clivejolast in Wily19:44
clivejoand no recent changes upstream - https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kdesdk-kioslaves.git19:45
* clivejo sweeps it under the carpet19:46
DarinMillerHow do you find all these links so freakin fast?19:46
clivejowell https://quickgit.kde.org is where all the KDE upstream code lives19:47
clivejocontrol file should point to the project page and packaging19:47
* DarinMiller bookmarking....19:47
clivejoI bookmark a lot of stuff too19:48
clivejoKubuntu packaging lives here - https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git19:48
clivejoit really needs a search feature!19:49
clivejobut if you setup your working environment you can get it to use shortcodes19:49
clivejoie git clone lp:kdesdk-kioslaves19:50
DarinMillerYes! search feature should be mandatory for all current web projects!19:50
clivejoonce you know the upstream source name, it should match19:51
DarinMilleris that replaces apt-get source kdesdk-kioslaves19:52
clivejothey are different19:52
clivejoapt-get will only be able to get the packages that are in the archive19:53
DarinMillerI did not use the git method when I dl'd the source.  I used apt-get.  19:53
clivejoa lot of the time we are using new sources19:53
DarinMillerBack to my "wrong tree" comment.  I was not even in the correct forest.19:54
clivejoapt-get source kdesdk-kioslaves will be grabbing whats in the archive19:54
clivejothat status page is for apps 16.04.119:55
clivejothe source code tarballs are located here - http://download.kde.org/stable/applications/16.04.1/src/19:55
clivejoso we use the scripts/tools in kubuntu-automation to grab the tarball and combine it with the packaging and then we upload it to the staging PPA19:58
DarinMillerhow does git clone lp:kdesdk-kioslaves know to pull from 16.04.1?  Config file somewhere?19:59
clivejothe changelog19:59
clivejoyou need to checkout kubuntu_yakkety_archive19:59
clivejochangelog tells us that the version we are working on is kdesdk-kioslaves (4:16.04.1-0ubuntu1)20:01
clivejothe script look in the watch file20:03
clivejoand tries to download the version we have told it should exist20:04
clivejowe can do that manually ourselves by "uscan --download-current-version --destdir=../"20:09
ahoneybunmm clivejo Telepathy works with Google now20:49
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Huh?21:01
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I logged in21:02
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> With my google account21:02
jimarvanIs there any update about: http://askubuntu.com/questions/762062/akonadi-services-and-mysqld-use-too-much-memory-in-kubuntu-16-04? It seems i started experiencing this issue too. Is the shutting down akonadi-server the only temporary workaround?21:13
yofelJavabean: there is bug 1576930 - but we're waiting for a fix from oracle essentially21:57
ubottubug 1576930 in mysql-5.7 (Ubuntu) "Excessive consumption RAM of mysqld daemon in Kubuntu 16.04" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157693021:57
Javabeanoh, yofel that wasn't me21:58
yofelJavabean: oooops, sorry :D21:59
yofeljimarvan: 21:59
jimarvanthanks! :D22:04

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