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schnoodlesHas anyone had any trouble with Dolphin not picking up windows shares?00:37
ahoneybunschnoodles: not using samba so not here00:39
schnoodlesSorry I should say any shared drives. I cannot even pick up my Synology NAS.00:41
schnoodlesOk it seems to be working now. Excuse me :)00:52
prabhushaktiDoes anyone know how to check whats downloading in discover?01:15
prabhushaktianyone here to help?01:17
ahoneybunopen up Discover?01:17
prabhushaktiIs it possible to add a single key shortcut for dash?01:21
prabhushaktiapplication dashboard01:21
ahoneybunoh like Kickoff01:22
ahoneybunthere is no way as KDE uses modifior01:22
ahoneybunlike alt+a01:22
prabhushaktiok thanks u r very helpful01:22
prabhushaktiI've been trying to add widgets on my panels but its not working! yeah i use drag n drop way ahoneybun01:24
ahoneybunprabhushakti: yea press and hold widgets to get them on the panel01:24
ahoneybunif they are on the desktop then press and hold them to move and resize01:24
prabhushaktihow to resize?01:25
ahoneybunpress and hold will make a pop up show up on the side of the widget with a resize button01:26
prabhushaktii'm trying that with thermal monitor01:27
prabhushaktihow to add "icons only task manager" to panel?01:28
ahoneybunsame way that you added that thermal monitor but drag it to the panel01:28
prabhushaktiits not working01:28
prabhushaktido i need to add some spacebar or what?01:29
prabhushaktiyeah it works after removing task manager. thanks01:30
ahoneybunthere is a option to add a Spacer01:30
prabhushaktiwhat exactly is a spacer?01:30
ahoneybunit pushes items in the panel apart01:30
prabhushaktiothers musts be thinking who's this questionman01:31
ahoneybunprabhushakti: questions are good01:31
ahoneybunI had to look up the way to move widgets01:32
prabhushaktii actually switched from unity to kde01:32
ahoneybunoh yea?01:32
prabhushakticustomization is a pain but helpful01:32
ahoneybunhas some info01:33
prabhushaktithanks again01:33
ahoneybunbut always looking for more to add01:33
prabhushaktione more question01:33
prabhushaktii accidentally turned off application menu how to get it back?01:34
ahoneybunthe K icon in the panel?01:34
prabhushaktiin okular01:35
prabhushaktior any app there's a setting for application menu to show or turn off01:35
prabhushaktilet me see01:35
prabhushaktithanks you again01:36
ahoneybunnp again01:36
prabhushaktiu  r the best01:36
ahoneybunthanks ;)01:36
prabhushaktiI'll just read the docs u've sent , have fun!!01:37
prabhushaktican u tell me what's the right driver for nvidia 21001:42
prabhushaktigt i think01:43
prabhushaktinvidia gt 21001:43
ahoneybun340.96 says Nvidia site01:45
ahoneybunfor the Geforce 21001:45
ahoneybunadd that "01:46
ahoneybunthen sudo apt update01:46
ahoneybunsudo apt install nvidia-34001:46
prabhushaktioh thanks01:47
prabhushaktii think 361 is the right one01:48
ahoneybunyou can find the one in there01:49
prabhushaktiu were right its 34001:51
ahoneybun361 and such are for a newer card01:51
* ahoneybun looks at JSON for minutes01:52
prabhushaktiur doc took me here https://userbase.kde.org/Plasma01:53
ahoneybunyea there is a few links going to other sites since there was no point in rewriting everything01:54
prabhushaktiyeah thanks01:54
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seppohi, don't know if this is the right place, but I have 2 kubuntu 15.10 systems, and find out that MUON-UPDATER can't get update any more. Both laptopt behave the same kind.08:19
seppo Is this because of fault in my systems or insomewhere else? I mean that have someone else seen same thing?08:20
seppothe last system map version that was updated is  4.2.0-3608:22
soeei'm not sure if in 15.10 there is fixed version of muon08:25
soeeit should work on 16.04 though08:25
seppoI reinstalled muon package ver. 4:5.4.2-0ubuntu1, with no help! Muon just starts, and seeks packages. Then after a few seconds it closes. There are no erros or other messages??08:38
seppoit doesn't show any packages in its window, before close!08:40
mparilloSometimes a command line update will solve it: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y10:13
mparilloBut more likely it will point to a possible error and suggest -f install.10:14
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BluesKajHey folks11:46
QuantosHello, I'm having a problem with my phone connecting to KUbuntu 16.04.  I keep getting the message that the MTP has failed.  It used to work fine.  But then after a week this is happening.  What can I do?12:37
katronixHello all, I tried to add Unity to my Kubuntu install, and now I seem to have hosed apt-get entirely, I keep getting asked to run apt-get install -f but this does not fix the issue. Can anyone help?12:57
BluesKajkatronix, dependency issues , most likely..try sudo dpkg --configure -a , then sudo apt -f install  or if all else fails remove unity , this is kubuntu support for unity help join #ubuntu13:04
QuantosBluesKaj - Do you know if there is a way to access my phone from KUbuntu.  I'm having MTP issues.  Thanks to the tools at MS13:13
BluesKajQuantos, android phone ?13:14
QuantosYes, but I'm unsure what version13:14
hateballQuantos: You could use KDE Connect13:14
QuantosIt's a Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo13:14
BluesKajtried kdeconnect?13:14
QuantosI have that installed13:15
QuantosWill it do the job?13:15
QuantosI didn't know I could move files with that13:15
hateballit has many features, sadly not a hook into pulseaudio13:17
QuantosOh that's BRILLIANT !!!13:17
QuantosThank you13:17
QuantosWorks like a charm13:18
QuantosI had no idea13:18
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modmanmatthey guys having allot of trouble with this kubuntu is there a more stable version or something i am running v1615:00
BluesKajmodmanmatt, which kubuntu ?15:02
modmanmattwokred ok at first week but after adding a few programs and using it for a little bit now everything crashes cant update cant even listen to music for 10 min without itmessing up15:04
BluesKajok , more details about your problem would help15:04
modmanmattthe discover software browser has been buggy since day 1 very very slow15:05
modmanmattrunning on an old mac mini 1.6ghz dual core 32bit with 2gb ram15:05
BluesKajmodmanmatt, install muon for package management, it's solid and mature15:06
modmanmattok looking for it now15:06
modmanmattthink i may have messed something up also i made file manager run as root15:07
BluesKajmuon discover is just a fancier gui, not my cuppa tea15:07
BluesKajopen a terminal modmanmatt , sudo apt install muon15:07
lucidguyHow is it that kubuntu LTS is only 3 years and Ubuntu is 5.  From what I've seen the repos are the same?15:07
modmanmatti wound up using the ubuntu software store for everything that may be messing me up also15:07
BluesKajkubuntu and ubuntu LTS are the same age and use the same repos15:08
lucidguySupport wise.15:08
modmanmattok so not that then15:08
BluesKajmodmanmatt, i suggest you use the terminal/cli for installing packages and use muon a s package reference guide15:10
modmanmattok all installed is it safe to remove the other stores like ubunut and sicover ?15:25
BluesKajno need , just don't use them, they may have dependencies/libs that other apps need15:27
modmanmatti already see a differenece with less crashing15:30
BluesKajmodmanmatt, run , sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade  , that should bring all your installed packages up to date15:31
modmanmattthanks blueskaj15:33
BluesKajmodmanmatt, it's good practice to run those commands every few days or at least once per week15:37
modmanmattok saving them to notepad would be nice to make a script t launch to do that automatically15:38
BluesKajor you could make aliases in ~/.bashrc15:39
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BluesKajI keep a text file of cli commands as a reference since there are so many handy commands one can use to help fix things as well15:41
modmanmattindeed i am making 1 now15:41
BluesKajthis is worth reading  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:42
modmanmattnice thanks allot buddy15:44
BluesKajmodmanmatt, np , glad that you're interested15:47
modmanmatti use allot of centos linux for dedicated servers so i wanted to learn more linux found this to be nice way to learn sort of a cross breed between linux and command line linux15:48
modmanmattwindows & KLI i mean15:48
modmanmattdicover stuff still not work but seems like everything is running much more smoothly now15:50
modmanmattbrb restart15:50
ModManMatti set dolphin browser to use use root privalages how do i put it back to user privalages?16:20
andy123ModManMatt: How did you set it to root privileges?16:22
ModManMattused a command i found to change user16:23
andy123quit dolphin, type "exit" in Terminal, start dolphin16:23
andy123(you canged user in a Terminal, I suppose)16:24
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ModManMattpcmanfm works i guess i can just use that since dolphin seemed to always have issues even the dolphin store is messed up since os install16:30
andy123ModManMatt: What command did you use?16:30
ModManMattim not sure was a few days ago i was trying to find it in history16:31
andy123kdesu dbus-launch dolphin ?16:31
ModManMattadding screenshot 1 sec16:32
ModManMattsee i set user group to matt when other filemanagers are set to root16:35
andy123which file is this?16:36
ModManMattdolphin browser16:36
ModManMattstock filemanager that comes with kubuntu16:36
andy123  /usr/bin/dolphin ?16:37
andy123ModManMatt: I found it16:39
andy123 /usr/share/applications/org.kde.dolphin.desktop16:39
andy123Change its permissions back to root16:40
andy123I guess you did somethign like "sudo chown matt:matt /usr/share/applications/org.kde.dolphin.desktop"16:42
akaisora_does the KDE community contribute to the development of Qt?16:51
BluesKajakaisora_, ask in #kde16:58
akaisora_was just wondering ^^ it's not really that important16:59
OerHekswith any bugreport, we do.16:59
goddardwhat does the kdepim package do?17:23
BluesKaj!pim | goddard17:26
BluesKaj!info pim17:26
ubottuPackage pim does not exist in xenial17:26
BluesKaj!info kdepim17:27
ubottukdepim (source: kdepim): Personal Information Management apps from the official KDE release. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 23 kB, installed size 253 kB17:27
BluesKajgoddard, kontact kmail etc17:27
goddardBluesKaj: so that is different then the Kmail etc.. I have installed now17:31
goddardBluesKaj: its saying I don't have it installed17:31
BluesKajgoddard, most of PIM is installed by default afaik , but I'm not really familiar with all the apps it contains since I don't bother with PIM apps at all17:33
BluesKajgoddard, maybe the guys at #kde can answer you better than here17:36
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Kdepim is the entire suite and is called kontact18:40
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Has email calendar tasks notes RSS feeds etc all in the same window18:41
alexooI'm running a pretty good copy of Kubuntu 16.04, but it appears to have a corrupt linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic package after running debsums. Any suggestions on how to procede? On now to reinstall this package?18:45
steve-_-1are kubuntu devs working on a fix for this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/muon/+bug/142948218:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1429482 in muon (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu Vivid 1 Beta 15.04: Last checked for updates is displayed unusal" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:49
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keithzgalexoo: You can use the --reinstall flag for apt-get.19:45
keithzgie. "sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-4.4.0-21-generic"19:46
keithzgIf it's corrupted, though, I'd be worried for your RAM or storage disk :(19:47
keithzg(last time I had such problems it was a stick of RAM starting to go bad)19:47
alexookeithzg Thx! I wasn't sure I could use the apt-reinstall command on this one. I'll check my RAM from the live USB.19:51
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valjanDoes anyone know how to install a 32bit libGLEW library?23:22
geniivaljan: sudo apt-get install <whatever-the packagename-is>:i38623:27
geniiPackagename likely being libglew1.1023:27
schnoodlesHey I was wondering what state the kubuntu backports are in. Like are they bleeding edge or well tested?23:49
valjanThanks @genii23:49
clivejoId like to think they are a bit of both23:50
schnoodlesWould you recommend it on a work computer?23:50
clivejosome people are finding plasma 5.6.4 is faster and more stable23:51
clivejobut there are always exceptions23:51
schnoodlesOk thanks. I might have to give it a whirl.23:52
clivejothe nice thing about PPA is that you can use PPA purge to remove it and roll back if things dont go to plan23:54

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