
Kiloshelloooo africa08:37
elachecheHello africa08:37
elachechewassup Kilos :)08:39
Kilosbeen busy dosing sheep so tired now08:40
Kilosyour side el?08:40
Kilostab fail08:40
Kilosyou back at work yet os still honeymooning?08:41
elachecheBack to work Kilos :)08:41
Kilosyou went back to work to rest08:42
Kiloshi CraigZim MarwenDo10:45
MarwenDohi Kilos  :)10:47
=== marwen_ is now known as MarwenDo
elachecheHey MarwenDo :)13:17
elachecheKilos: https://plus.google.com/104209171859740165866/posts/61AULG4S1NH13:17
Kilosi go see13:17
Kilosgray beard already13:18
Kilosi dont watch videos man13:18
urbanslugKilos: Spoke to Redempta, we agreed that it would be easier for her to run IRC on her phone.14:24
urbanslugBecause comps are bulky etc14:24
Kiloswas a painful  episode for me irc on a fone14:25
urbanslugFor me too14:28
urbanslugIRC is for terminal apps14:29
Kilosno man works well with konversation and hexchat14:36
Kilosi tried weechat once as well14:36
Kiloshi Na3iL17:25
* Kilos wonders if elacheche is still limited to day time irc only17:26
Na3iLHello Kilos how are you there17:26
Kiloscold but fine ty, hows things there17:26
Kilossend some heat17:26
Kilos5°c is for penguins and walrusses17:27
Na3iLthings here are good too :D17:27
Na3iLAww penguins are the best :DD17:27
Na3iLit's my coffee time17:28
Na3iLQA, please coffee17:28
QANa3iL: What?17:28
KilosQA coffee on17:28
* QA starts grinding coffee17:28
Na3iLhahahaha good girl17:29
Kilosnow say coffee please17:29
Na3iLQA, coffee please17:29
QANa3iL: Alrighty17:29
Kilospaddatrapper is working on her for us17:29
MarwenDo:D :D :D17:29
Na3iLgood job paddatrapper17:30
Na3iLHello MarwenDo how are you mate :D17:30
MarwenDohi Na3iL gi Kilos17:30
Kiloswhen done she will use duckduckgo nog google anymore17:30
MarwenDofine :) :)  Na3iL17:30
Kiloshi MarwenDo17:30
Na3iLaw that's cute :D17:30
paddatrapperNa3iL: thanks. Haven't done too much yet though17:30
Na3iLpaddatrapper, if I remeber well it's written with Python?17:31
Kilosand after debconf she will hopefully be rewritten to fit in with all the modern stuff17:31
Kiloslike python 3\17:31
paddatrapperNa3iL: yeah. Currently python 2, with a couple of outdated libraries17:32
QACoffee's ready for Kilos and Na3iL!17:32
paddatrapperQA: coffee please17:32
QApaddatrapper: There isn't a pot on17:32
KilosQA ty17:33
QAOnly a pleasure Kilos17:33
Na3iLI will help indeed with rewritten her :D17:33
Na3iLQA, ty a lot17:33
QANa3iL: Excuse me?17:33
paddatrapperNa3iL: awesome!17:33
KilosQA botsnack17:33
Na3iLGTG guys, it's time for real coffee now17:34
KilosQA botsnack17:35
QAKilos: botsnack is :-) <317:35
Kilossee she loves me17:35
leumasacetakwas: How are you today?20:42
acetakwasleumas::  Hey. I'm great. And you?20:42
leumasAm okay20:43

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