
=== JanC is now known as Guest41566
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
sethjI asked a question on Ask Ubuntu as I couldn't figure my issues out. https://askubuntu.com/questions/779267/snapcraft-snap-failing-because-python-modules-are-missing01:05
sethjhuh. I tried using python-packages too, but dbus-python fails to install because the headers are missing, however python-dev is listed in build-packages...01:40
sethjthis is insane. snaps are supposed to be easy :/02:15
hathor008yeah if anyone can shed some insights I'd also be greatly appreciative http://askubuntu.com/questions/779315/how-do-i-create-a-snap-for-a-monogame-application04:00
hathor008sethj: trying to build your snap now04:03
sethjhathor008, let me know how it goes.04:04
sethjI've pretty much given up hope at this point.04:04
sethjWhatever I do I simply get a different error.04:04
hathor008well it's doing something no errors yet04:05
hathor008hope all this stuff it's installing isn't going to mess up anything lol i'm runing xubuntu not ubuntu04:06
hathor008yeah i can't help with it b/c i'm not running Unity desktop i'm running Xubuntu04:07
nicomenlol, maybe the ltrim author did a left-pad.js move ;)04:07
nicomenanyhow, some string is empty, and something is trying to run a string method on it I guess04:08
nicomencan't you get a stacktrace at least? you might get some clues on which value is failing?04:10
nicomenyeah someone was probably "nice" and took care of the exception...04:17
hathor008hrm well maybe there's a verbose mode, idk python tho04:18
nicomenin perl I could happily override that with "perl -MCarp::Always snapcraft.pl snap", perhaps there is something similar for python, or check if snapcraft has some debug flags04:19
nicomenanyway, afk, good luck04:19
hathor008alright thanks <304:23
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
ahoneybunmhall119: around?14:38
Nymsrenatu: Hi14:49
NymsIs that you working on calandar syncr ?14:50
renatuNyms, hi, yes14:50
NymsDo you work on caldav syncr ?14:51
Nyms'cause I'm planed to implement caldav support but alan pope told me that you actively working on it14:51
Nymsrenatu: ?15:00
renatuNyms, we have plans for that. But I am not working on it right now.15:00
NymsNeed community help ?15:02
NymsI mean, maybe I can provide a simple qml file that get calandar update from owncloud instance15:03
Nymsand you can implement it into calendar app ?15:03
NymsOr it's not mandatory ?15:03
bartbespopey: so months back you were experimenting with getting the sdk running on non-ubuntu platforms/distros, did you ever get it running on arch, or in docker, or something similar?15:51
bartbesI guess I could try using a lightweight wm instead of unity in my vm, if need be, it seemed like most lag was because there's no graphics acceleration15:52
Nymsbartbes: I would love having the sdk running on non ubuntu plateform15:59
NymsBut when you see that Kubuntu doesn't recognize a ubuntu touch device15:59
NymsI'm afraid it will be not for now16:00
bartbessame, even if it's just enough of the qml stuff to test on my desktop16:00
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
sethjI think I found a bug in snapcraft. When I try to build my python snap it always fails with 'error: option --single-version-externally-managed not recognized', an argument passed in earlier to setuputils (I think). Can someone confirm I'm not just missing something somewhere?22:07

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