
=== JanC is now known as Guest41566
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
pittiGood morning06:09
=== Guest2064 is now known as fredp
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=== CrazyMelon is now known as CrazyLemon
pittihappyaron: FYI, I pushed some changes to the NM bzr and uploaded; you have a parallel local git repo, right? can you please integrate the changes there too?07:33
pittibah, and there's a -0ubuntu2 already in proposed which isn't in bzr07:40
pittihappyaron: cleaning up after your updates, importing the latest NM uploads into bzr07:46
pittihappyaron: this is annoying TBH -- if there is an official git now, please update Vcs-* accordingly, otherwise please also push changes to bzr07:46
happyaronpitti: ok ic07:54
tjaaltonis the "colord crashes on default install login" on someones radar? still happens on a fresh xenial install07:59
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seb128good morning desktopers!08:29
pittibonjour seb128 !08:32
seb128pitti, salut pitti, ça va ? tu as eu un bon w.e ?08:32
pittiseb128: en effect ! c'était un week-end long (quatre jours)08:32
pittiseb128: we went to a Rock festival on Friday, and to a Star Wars exhibition on Saturday; toss in some gardening and basketball playing to get a perfect weekend :)08:33
seb128so weather was nice?08:34
seb128it was ok here but now it's quite raint08:34
pittiseb128: oui, comme l'été08:34
pittiil y avait de la pluie hier soir, mais c'est d'accord08:34
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
pittiLaney, seb128: once you get the hang of it, it's fairly easy :) http://picpaste.com/pics/systemd-session.1464603655.png10:21
pittihalf-converted session with everything apparently working10:21
pittimost important feature is obviously the auto-started xeyes!10:22
pittibeat that, upstart10:22
pittiLaney, seb128: WDYT about spending two or three days on that on a little sprint? (virtual or real)10:23
seb128+1 from me10:23
seb128no Laney today, it's an u.k holiday10:23
pittiI heartily invite you to Augsburg, but I also wouldn't mind paying Seb a visit in the Netherlands10:23
seb128let's discuss with Laney/willcooke tomorrow?10:24
pittiit's an US holiday too, isn't it?10:24
seb128I think so10:24
seb128but yeah, should be easy travel either way10:24
pittii. e. for three people we presumably don't need a hotel10:26
Trevinhopitti: oh, nice work on systemd user session...10:29
pittinow that I have enough units converted, I can simplify the bamf change a bit10:30
Trevinhopitti: the missing menus in terminal is related to that or something else?10:30
seb128hey Trevinho!10:30
Trevinhohi seb12810:30
pittiTrevinho: how do you mean? there's clearly a menu in my screenshot10:30
Trevinhopitti: missing *global* menus10:30
Trevinhosorry -,)10:30
Trevinhopitti: if it's only terminal it might be related to something similar we had in upstart not exposing vars to dbus activation10:31
pittiTrevinho: doesn't happen under upstart session for me, thanks for pointing out; so supposedly my fault10:31
pittiTrevinho: do you happen to know what enables/triggers this?10:32
Trevinhopitti: if this lists unity-gtk-module then it's something like that10:32
Trevinhotr '\000' '\012' < /proc/$(pidof gnome-terminal-server)/environ | grep GTK_MODULES10:32
Trevinhoerr if it doesn't list*10:32
pittiright, it doesn't10:33
pittiunity-gtk-module.conf:      GTK_MODULES="$GTK_MODULES:unity-gtk-module"10:37
pittiTrevinho: ah, I suppose I need to convert this upstart job too10:37
pittior more precisely, set the GTK_MODULES env for systemd --user10:38
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
andyrockhey guys10:42
seb128hey andyrock! had a good w.e?10:42
andyrockseb128: hey seb128! nothing special and you?10:43
seb128it was quite good, went to a weeding on saturday and relaxed/played some tennis yesterday10:43
andyrockseb128: wedding o weeding? :D10:44
seb128lol, ups :p10:45
pittiheh, I *did* do half a day of weeding on the weekend :)10:46
Trevinhopitti: having that var in systemd user is enough to get that exported to dbus activation list too, right??10:48
pittiTrevinho: ah no, if we need it in dbus also, I'll use dbus-update-activation-environment10:48
pittiTrevinho: I'm currently porting unity-gtk-module.conf, will report back with the results once I'm done10:49
Trevinhopitti:  it would be nice if anything exported in ssytemd user is also exported to dbus activation as it happens in g-s or recently in upstart10:50
pittiTrevinho: why not just use dbus-update-activation-environment then?10:52
Trevinhopitti: it's fine, but I think it's something that should be done by default when some service wants to export something at systemd level10:53
TrevinhoI mean if a [service] as an Environment field, is that exported to systemd only or also sent to dbus?10:54
pittithat sounds like a layering violation though10:54
pittiTrevinho: this only applies to that service10:55
pittiso, neither10:55
TrevinhoMh, yeah... For now :)10:55
Trevinhopitti: oh, also keyring stuff was doing it10:56
Trevinhopitti: but maybe going back to g-s activation for those things we can get this for free done by g-s10:56
pittiTrevinho: yep, works fine11:10
pittihey desrt, how are you?12:14
desrtthis is getting old faster than I expected...12:15
seb128good morning desrt!12:16
desrthello :)12:16
* desrt is exhausted and sore12:16
desrtbiked 50+km yesterday12:17
desrtand ran around like crazy the day before12:17
seb128Sweet5hark, hey, could you look at the xenial SRU bugs? there is one bug reported on the SRU version that looks like it's not a regression/should be untagged and the other ones needs to be made verification-done13:23
seb128Trevinho, andyrock, should be fail the unity SRU on bug #1586491?13:24
ubot5bug 1586491 in unity (Ubuntu) "Volume up and down keys no longer autorepeat" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158649113:24
seb128since it's a regression13:24
Trevinhoseb128: I don't think so13:26
seb128but it's a regression in a SRU...13:27
Trevinhoseb128: I think it's quicker to just do a new one, isn't it?13:27
Trevinhoseb128: or should I rebuild the silo with a new fix and re-sync that?13:27
Trevinhoseb128: but in my opinion the bug fix is more important than the "regression" (honestly I didn't think that was a feature).13:28
seb128Trevinho, well, failing the SRU means it needs to be fixed before being copied to -updates13:28
seb128so you can do another landing on top with the fix for that specific bug13:28
seb128yeah, I didn't know either, I never kept the key pressed, I usually just hit those a few times13:29
Trevinhoseb128: ok, and how can we track both together: by keeping the tags in sync?13:29
seb128it also gives a better approximation than timing a long press13:29
seb128Trevinho, I would do a landing with the regression fix and talk the SRU team into just accepting that and not changing the bugs already verified13:31
Trevinhoseb128: so, let's turn that into a feature :-)13:31
seb128we should also really do u-s-d landings this week13:32
Trevinhoagree, upower stuff is already there.. so even kbd fixes are coming13:33
seb128we should first land the pending stack in y13:34
seb128going for some sport, bbl13:52
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
Trevinhoseb128: enjoy14:11
Trevinhodesrt: hey, I've just experienced a crash here https://github.com/GNOME/gtk/blob/master/gtk/gtkmenutracker.c#L43614:12
Trevinhodesrt: it happened that position has value 1, but section->items = NULL, thus the *change_point-> thing fails14:13
Trevinhodesrt: why not protecting from that?14:13
Trevinhodesrt: this looks sane to me, while I'd like to know why the position is invalid, but still... better not to crash, no?14:24
Sweet5harkre (from lunch)14:25
Sweet5harkseb128: wrt SRU bugs -- will do14:25
Trevinhoerr http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16835569/ ^14:25
* Sweet5hark just made it home 1 minutes before thunderbolt and lightning14:27
attenteseb128: hey15:00
attenteseb128: have you seen this trello card? https://trello.com/c/oHKSPMPR/76-snapping-popular-apps15:00
=== sil2100_ is now known as sil2100
seb128Sweet5hark, thanks15:47
seb128attente, hey15:47
seb128attente, no I didn't, thanks for pointing it out15:48
attenteseb128: do any of those items seem easy for us to knock out? like talking to ubuntu gnome?15:51
* Sweet5hark finds trello phletora of boards ... unhelpful. If there are cards with todos all over the place, that doesnt help having an overview of my current (and upcoming) workload at all.15:52
Sweet5harkhmm. I take that back trello.com/$ACCOUNT/cards seems good enough ...15:54
seb128lacks an aggregator as we had with the workitem server for blueprints15:54
seb128oh, there is one... :-)15:54
seb128attente, unsure, I would like to know who added those items, let's talk to willcooke tomorrow. But the "identify and implement interfaces" is wip we can say, I think Trevinho is working on Electron and hello-unity so those might be "done"15:56
seb128we can easily talk to Ubuntu GNOME but I doubt it's going to much useful until we address some of the issues like input methods or translations not working15:56
Trevinhoseb128: hello unity is done per se, but the problem is that there are some install issues in that setup.py, so that it gets some local references15:56
Trevinhobut the program itself should run15:57
TrevinhoSo, not sure if marking as done or not15:57
Trevinhohowever, I wasn't able to mark the that checkbox15:57
seb128let's discuss that with willcooke tomorrow15:57
desrtTrevinho: will take a look there in a moment.  In general, I don't expect the tracker to deal with invalid values.. but a critical would be better than a crash16:09
Trevinhodesrt: yeah, i actually wanted to fire a critical... Which I didn't, as I wanted to know if you just prefer return or silently fail... So let me know16:09
desrtIt means that something else is wrong there.16:10
andyrockseb128: sorry i missed that ping... yeah i've already proposed a branch for xenial17:05
andyrockseb128: i added a whitelist17:06
seb128andyrock, I saw, thanks17:08
=== ozgun is now known as ozzo
seb128Trevinho, do you want to do the y/usd landing since you have a keyboard to test it? (I don't)17:13
andyrockseb128: tbh i could not reproduce the regression here17:14
andyrockseb128: i asked Trevinho to test it17:14
andyrockit should just work17:15
Trevinhoseb128: yeah, I think it's something related to how the bios sends the events17:15
Trevinhoseb128: what you get on acpi_listen when you keep it pressed?17:15
seb128Trevinho, I was speaking about usd and backlog17:15
seb128sorry, autofingers :p17:16
Trevinhoohhh sorry17:16
Trevinhoseb128: I can do the landing ok17:16
seb128let me know if you need me to click buttons for you17:16
seb128I can also test the ppa17:16
seb128just not the backlight bits17:16
Trevinhoandyrock: can you add also XF86KbdBrightnessUp and XF86KbdBrightnessDown to the whitelist?17:43
andyrockTrevinho: sure one second18:05
andyrockTrevinho: done18:07
Trevinhoandyrock: thanks, SRU too?18:07
andyrockTrevinho: yup18:07
Trevinhoseb128: I've sent upstream some gsd changes for the the kbd backlight, there are two versions of the patch we can wait them to choose which one they prefer before doing our landing too (bug is https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=767040)21:35
ubot5Gnome bug 767040 in power "GsdPowerManager: always use current keyboard backlight value" [Normal,Assigned]21:35
Trevinhosilo is there by the way.21:35

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