=== JanC is now known as Guest41566 | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
NorbyDroid | Are ya familiar with the xserver Bashing-om? ' startx '? | 00:28 |
daftykins | don't use startx on ubuntu | 00:37 |
daftykins | bad things happen! | 00:37 |
NorbyDroid | even in a command line only setup? | 00:38 |
dax | what bad things | 00:38 |
NorbyDroid | I tried it and now the pc starts and I see a prompt but I cannot do anything. | 00:38 |
daftykins | which user are you trying to run this as? | 00:39 |
daftykins | i'd be willing to bet you don't have enough of a DE to achieve anything, right there | 00:39 |
NorbyDroid | DO I need to run it as root? | 00:39 |
NorbyDroid | Possibly. | 00:40 |
dax | shouldn't be running startx as root on any distro | 00:40 |
daftykins | no you shouldn't be running a DE as root | 00:40 |
ibrumfield | Plymouthd crashes on startup on 16.04... anyone have any idea what might cause this? | 00:40 |
daftykins | this is the problem with pursuing this minimalist setup idea without experience, without the right packages you're gonna have a bad time | 00:40 |
daftykins | ibrumfield: this isn't a support channel - so #ubuntu for that | 00:41 |
NorbyDroid | Well one never learns not takin risks. How elase if one is to learn but to jump in and try stuff out? | 00:41 |
daftykins | i'm just laying it out for you | 00:42 |
Bashing-om | NorbyDroid: Yeah ,, I have a bit of familiarity .. // Did you install any X componenbts .. like say xorg ??. Can not start what is not installed . | 00:46 |
NorbyDroid | I start it and the screen goes blank and then it shows the prompt and that is all. I can get to a new login by usin Ctrl-Alt-F2 | 00:47 |
NorbyDroid | norby | 00:47 |
daftykins | or start a non-present DE :) | 00:47 |
NorbyDroid | Isn't X the DE? | 00:47 |
NorbyDroid | or XServer | 00:47 |
dax | no | 00:47 |
NorbyDroid | I have Xorg installed | 00:47 |
daftykins | X is the foundation, the DE's the walls | 00:47 |
Bashing-om | NorbyDroid: Who was it that said they were not going to run a GUI ? // And who said you were in for a steep learning curve ? | 00:51 |
daftykins | hehe | 00:51 |
NorbyDroid | Okay okay toche | 00:53 |
NorbyDroid | Okay I figured out one error (I've made plenty). I didn't have my program fully enabled so that was one problem. When I run it (doen't need a GUI/DE) it only shows in a small section of the screen. | 00:56 |
Bashing-om | NorbyDroid: We can work through this .. Just takes a bit of time .. and a lot of effort on your part for progressing on the linux curve . You chose to jump on here in the deep end . | 00:57 |
NorbyDroid | I'm willin to loose a few strands. | 00:57 |
Bashing-om | NorbyDroid: // What have you now for a terminal TTY ? .. IF tty maybe we can set 'page=1' to allow ,ore than one page of code to be displayed ?? | 00:59 |
NorbyDroid | I don't know, to be honest. I might just redo and start over not installing the stuff I did that messed it up. | 01:00 |
daftykins | it sounds like you'd be better off learning in a VM with this stuff | 01:01 |
NorbyDroid | What does Control-Alt-F2 do? Restarts a new session? | 01:01 |
daftykins | install, snapshot, experiment... revert to the snapshot if you make a mistake | 01:01 |
NorbyDroid | That does sound like a plan daftykins | 01:01 |
NorbyDroid | I do have 15.04 CLI setup in vbox already | 01:02 |
NorbyDroid | clear | 01:02 |
daftykins | that release is EOL, so it would not be worth working with | 01:02 |
Bashing-om | NorbyDroid: Well .. practice makes perfect .. but this is 'buntu .. always fixable with time effort and a liveDVD . So long as you can get a terminal one can remove and install; 'til ya get it like ya like . | 01:02 |
NorbyDroid | True | 01:04 |
Bashing-om | NorbyDroid: In a default install there are 8 TTYs availabale . ( ctl+alt+F2 is TTY2) .. the GUI generally runs ion TTY7 . | 01:05 |
NorbyDroid | Ah | 01:07 |
Bashing-om | Smoke break .. be back in just a bit . | 01:07 |
* Bashing-om is back | 01:17 | |
Bashing-om | NorbyDroid: As you have a strong background and an interest on 'buntu as the development environment, we will expend the foundational efforts to groom you such that soonest you can be a contributing member of the community . Takes time . I have heard that the curve is 10 years . | 01:19 |
seto | got a question for you all | 01:20 |
seto | im wanting to uninstall a bunch of junk i dont use | 01:20 |
seto | and want to make it more or less as simple as right click a menu item and select remove | 01:20 |
seto | eg if i wanted to remove xchat i would right click it in the internet sub menu and select a option remove i found this and it seems like im on the right track more or less | 01:21 |
seto | http://archive.oreilly.com/pub/h/3156 | 01:21 |
seto | basically would be a new contxt menu item | 01:21 |
seto | i know id need to enter my sudo pass each program but yeh should work | 01:22 |
daftykins | that's a support question | 01:26 |
seto | yeh i wasnt sure | 01:36 |
seto | seems a little of both really | 01:36 |
daftykins | what's wrong with sudo apt-get purge program1 program2 programN? | 01:40 |
NorbyDroid | --purge remove | 01:41 |
NorbyDroid | ? | 01:41 |
seto | have to look up each in the menu to see what i dont want and then make up a list etc | 01:41 |
seto | where this way i see what i dont want and just right click purge remove what ever | 01:41 |
seto | i want to create a script at some point to do it in one click | 01:42 |
pauljw | what's the matter with using synaptic? | 01:42 |
pauljw | ah | 01:42 |
seto | exactly | 01:42 |
seto | its faster to just right click and get rid of | 01:42 |
seto | i figure it is doable but just never tried it before | 01:42 |
seto | i know its possible to add right click options | 01:43 |
NorbyDroid | Sounds like an equilivent to an uninstall link in WIndows | 01:43 |
seto | so should be able to do say apt-get purge somewildcardstring | 01:43 |
seto | basically yeh | 01:43 |
Bashing-om | seto: Consider; that is a functionality of synaptic . Does that job very well . | 01:43 |
seto | little simpler and cleaner though | 01:43 |
seto | true true | 01:43 |
seto | thast how i did it the last time | 01:44 |
seto | using installed | 01:44 |
daftykins | NorbyDroid: no, you don't need to specify both | 01:44 |
seto | prob is though it lists libs drivers etc as well | 01:44 |
daftykins | seto: i don't see why the design needs to change just for you, personally | 01:44 |
daftykins | i mean this task is being done once then you'll be sorted... | 01:45 |
seto | with me and my fooling around with stuff yeh prob not once lol | 01:45 |
NorbyDroid | Okay daftykins. Does it wirk with just 'purge' or does it need the -- first? | 01:45 |
daftykins | you can read up the usage from the 'man' page | 01:46 |
daftykins | "man apt-get" | 01:47 |
NorbyDroid | There are alot of man-pages I need to read upon. | 01:47 |
daftykins | a lot, yep | 01:47 |
pauljw | this linux stuff is a real pita... | 01:49 |
NorbyDroid | Can ya define pita? Is that good or bad? | 01:50 |
pauljw | people eating tasty animals?? | 01:50 |
pauljw | pain in the butt | 01:50 |
NorbyDroid | we have a racoon here we wanna get rid of ;) | 01:50 |
pauljw | ummm... | 01:51 |
NorbyDroid | I find linux a joy. | 01:51 |
pauljw | me too, i love it | 01:51 |
Bashing-om | NorbyDroid: A wonderful thing we have a manual as close as the terminal . -- a wealth of documentation in /usr/share/doc/ directories . | 01:51 |
NorbyDroid | Loved DOS. Liked Windows 3.x and Win 9x. Took a couple years to swap to XP. Now I run Linux as my main OS. | 01:51 |
NorbyDroid | Will be scanning those into memory Bashing-om. | 01:52 |
daftykins | you don't ever come away from the command line if you do Windows in depth | 01:52 |
pauljw | :) | 01:54 |
NorbyDroid | On my other desktop I have XP installed, but I run DOS on it more using a 16GB usb. | 01:54 |
daftykins | not wise running EOL operating systems | 01:55 |
seto | thing about xp is it is way more bloaty than windows 7 | 01:55 |
NorbyDroid | I do it for legacy programs and stuff I refuse to leg go of. | 01:55 |
daftykins | seto: that's a really daft statement | 01:55 |
seto | i put the 32 bit ver of 7 on a very old compaq laptop that was orig xp pro | 01:55 |
NorbyDroid | >let go of< | 01:55 |
seto | it used about 1/3 the ram and ran one heck of allot faster | 01:55 |
NorbyDroid | I've litteraly killed a laptop runnin Win 7. | 01:56 |
seto | not really daftykins | 01:56 |
seto | i thought it was going to be a uge mistake to at first | 01:56 |
daftykins | yeah right, with XP being the used install no doubt - so an apples to oranges comparison | 01:56 |
daftykins | sorry but that's 100% rubbish | 01:56 |
seto | but just post install 7 was going on 300ish mb ram compaired to a bit over 500 on the laptop with 1gb ram | 01:56 |
seto | tried both ways honestly | 01:57 |
dbz2k | I wish I could figure out how to stop ubuntu from deleting old kernels | 01:57 |
seto | i first reinstalled xp and was around 350 to 400 7 was about 310 or so | 01:57 |
seto | after tweaking a bit 7 was jusst south 300 | 01:57 |
daftykins | you know 7 caches like Linux and XP doesn't, right? | 01:57 |
daftykins | www.linuxatemyram.com | 01:58 |
seto | yep | 01:58 |
seto | think for 64 bit only | 01:58 |
daftykins | lol. | 01:58 |
seto | not sure on that would need to check to be sure | 01:58 |
daftykins | i can tell you already that's false | 01:58 |
daftykins | it's no wonder some folk flock to another OS when they don't understand the one they begin with | 01:58 |
seto | oh i understand windows quite well | 01:59 |
seto | im constantly working on windows comps kind of my job | 01:59 |
seto | just dont run in to 7 32 bit much | 01:59 |
daftykins | again, the above challenges that :) | 02:00 |
seto | actually other than my laptop i had i think i seen one other 32 bit install | 02:00 |
NorbyDroid | I didn't like the way MS was goin startin with Vista so I went full on linux and haven't looked back. Not one regret. | 02:00 |
seto | if you say so | 02:00 |
seto | i just know that on my old system that it ran way leaner than xp ever did | 02:00 |
seto | esp with tweaking | 02:00 |
daftykins | then you sir, cannot configure Windows. | 02:00 |
seto | again believe what you want or dont i really dont much care | 02:01 |
ibrumfield | #windows | 02:01 |
seto | been working on computers for 22 years | 02:01 |
NorbyDroid | Which sir? | 02:01 |
seto | working for one company right now for 30 a hour doing service calls and have already went back to previous customers for other comps of their a few times | 02:02 |
NorbyDroid | In a way I enjoyed the home computers more than the personal computers we have now. | 02:02 |
daftykins | home? o0 | 02:02 |
seto | heh old hardware was more fun NorbyDroid | 02:02 |
seto | more hardware hacking possible than now | 02:02 |
NorbyDroid | Yea know the3 old Commodore computers, TI, Tandy (Radio Shoack) etc. | 02:03 |
NorbyDroid | I still have a TI-99/4a here | 02:03 |
seto | lol tsr80 color computer 2 :p | 02:03 |
NorbyDroid | Not tryin to show my age, but oh well. lol | 02:03 |
NorbyDroid | :P | 02:03 |
seto | 42 here so yeh i remember many of those old comps lol | 02:04 |
seto | intelevision 2 game consol any one :p | 02:04 |
NorbyDroid | Close to my age. | 02:04 |
seto | console even | 02:04 |
NorbyDroid | Just turned 46 last month | 02:04 |
seto | how about mfm hds or rfms hehe | 02:04 |
seto | and oops ment 43 not 2 typoed | 02:05 |
NorbyDroid | Remember the old 8 inch floppies? | 02:05 |
seto | a little before my time | 02:05 |
seto | but not by much | 02:05 |
seto | i started working on computers for a living in 94 | 02:05 |
seto | fooled around with some basic ones tsr80s etc before that | 02:05 |
NorbyDroid | If I remember the old Commodore PET and Radio Shack computers used those | 02:05 |
seto | i remember when the mmx cpus first hit etc | 02:06 |
NorbyDroid | I used to go around and helpin people out with their systems. | 02:06 |
seto | yeh and tape drives lol | 02:06 |
NorbyDroid | I still have one of those. | 02:06 |
seto | i had a old leading edge 386 20 at one point | 02:07 |
seto | with the daughter board that had the cpu and ram on it etc | 02:07 |
seto | those old tape drives were nice for remastering ld tapes you had | 02:07 |
NorbyDroid | My oldest system here is a Packard 166Mhz. I maxed it out in ram, video menory and I added a DVD drive, 2 8GB hds a zip and tape drive as ell. | 02:07 |
NorbyDroid | well | 02:07 |
seto | they had way better read and write heads than a walkman or boom box | 02:08 |
NorbyDroid | I don't count the TI because that is a different beast. | 02:08 |
seto | hmm maxed out vid mem | 02:08 |
NorbyDroid | The Packard has 128MB (max ram) and 2mb video. | 02:08 |
seto | im thinking s3 virge 2 meg upgradeable to 8? | 02:08 |
seto | or was it a tritan card | 02:09 |
NorbyDroid | I took memory out of an old Cirrus logic board and used it in the packard to go from 1mb to 2mb | 02:09 |
seto | ahh ok | 02:09 |
seto | old cirus logics were nearly unkillable lol | 02:09 |
seto | i kept s3 virge cards in pci and agp for ever | 02:09 |
seto | for known good hardware for testing hard ware probs | 02:10 |
NorbyDroid | I use an old Sound Blaster 64Gold for the sound. Sweet card. | 02:10 |
seto | yep | 02:10 |
seto | had that one the asound clone sb plat and the bay amp for it | 02:10 |
seto | also had a new q bay amp damn that thing was nice | 02:10 |
seto | paid 159 for it on release day | 02:11 |
NorbyDroid | I have been meaning to get the Packard back up. It wasn't put in a safe place and when I started it the main drive popped and died. I have a new 8GB I need to put in it. | 02:11 |
seto | packard bell lol | 02:11 |
seto | does yours have the wires on the back of the mobo where they bypassed dead traces and such on the board lol | 02:11 |
NorbyDroid | I love that old comp. Was my first PC. | 02:11 |
NorbyDroid | No, I don't have one of those. | 02:12 |
seto | cant by pass dead traces any more really | 02:12 |
NorbyDroid | I lost alot of stuff in my move some years back | 02:12 |
seto | 3+ layers killed that pretty much for good | 02:12 |
seto | back when they were single and dual layer only you could bypass dead traces or use a pint pen to bridge broken ones | 02:13 |
seto | paint even | 02:13 |
NorbyDroid | If y'all like ASCII art and text stuff I would like y'alls opinion of my Norby project. | 02:13 |
seto | did a few old server boards that were dual layer pcb | 02:13 |
NorbyDroid | It is all texst and includes alot of stuff. | 02:13 |
seto | well guess ill spend part of the day tomorow stripping away the extra stuff from my install | 02:15 |
seto | right now its hovering right around 9 gigs installed | 02:16 |
seto | on a chromebook with a piddly 16gb ssd thats a bit big lol | 02:16 |
NorbyDroid | My system here has a 2TB hard drive split into 1tb/1tb partitions | 02:16 |
NorbyDroid | Quite a bit of overkill, in my opinion | 02:16 |
seto | yeh this one doesnt have a upgradeable ssd | 02:16 |
NorbyDroid | Dual core 3Ghz 3GB ram | 02:16 |
seto | i want to get one of the 16 gb ram pixels that have removeable ssds | 02:17 |
seto | figure get 16 gb ram model with 32 gb ssd | 02:17 |
NorbyDroid | Referin to a desktop or laptop? | 02:17 |
seto | pull it and put a 750 gb to 1.5 tb mechanical in it | 02:17 |
NorbyDroid | This is a slimline Lenovo desktop here I amreferin to | 02:17 |
seto | chromebook basically a laptop | 02:17 |
seto | ultra portable and light with crazy battery life lol | 02:17 |
NorbyDroid | Leo has been talkin bout the chromebooks alot lately | 02:18 |
seto | right now with bloat from default install it boots in about 50 seconds from power off | 02:18 |
NorbyDroid | Leo Laporte | 02:18 |
seto | ill have it down to sub 45 seconds soon enough | 02:18 |
seto | some of the high end ones are no joke | 02:18 |
seto | beefy little comps | 02:19 |
seto | i7 cpus | 02:19 |
seto | 16 to 32 gb ram 64 to 128 gb ssds | 02:19 |
seto | think the one even has a 4k display | 02:19 |
seto | with i think nvidia gpu | 02:19 |
seto | pretty basic one though | 02:19 |
seto | or maybe that is a to be released one | 02:19 |
seto | personally i want to get back in to custom builds again | 02:22 |
seto | and offer kubuntu or other variant of ubuntu as a os choice | 02:22 |
seto | in this day and age most do not need windows as they mostly just do web and email | 02:23 |
seto | most by a slim margine though | 02:23 |
seto | still lots of gamers who need windows for gaming because of direct x | 02:24 |
seto | i ended up installing linux for about 8 customers in the last month | 02:24 |
seto | all because they seen my chrome book and liked how it ran and worked | 02:25 |
seto | what gts the most comments is what the one guy called the start menu on steroids lol | 02:26 |
seto | he liked the way it organises every thing | 02:26 |
seto | and he dont do games etc | 02:26 |
seto | and has used open office for years any ways | 02:26 |
seto | so installed kubuntu etc | 02:27 |
NorbyDroid | I just saw my old Pentium IBM ThinkPad. Forgot I had that. | 02:32 |
NorbyDroid | Non-mmx if I am not mistaken. | 02:32 |
NorbyDroid | HUGE ;) hard drive at 1gb | 02:36 |
seto | i ran smooth wll on a old compaq pent 90 with like 16mb ram and a 2gb hd | 02:39 |
seto | way way over powered for it | 02:39 |
seto | now granted i ran php my admin apache and squid and bind on it | 02:39 |
seto | all dns look ups were basically done on the box | 02:40 |
seto | cant remember now what dns servers it used for fall back before bind took over | 02:41 |
seto | eg some new site not already on the firewall box | 02:41 |
seto | i only rebooted that system once in like 8 years of service | 02:41 |
seto | the second time i tried rebooting it the hd refused to spin back up lol | 02:42 |
seto | had a old red hat machine as well as a win2k pro and another win2k machine that was adv server | 02:42 |
seto | also had a windows xp machine that started out as a 98 se machine | 02:43 |
NorbyDroid | I did a reversal. Took an XP laptop and swapped it out for WIn 98 | 02:43 |
seto | eeew lol | 02:44 |
seto | i installed windows 3.0 on a ath clasic 700 mh with 64 mb ram once lol | 02:45 |
seto | that was uh interesting ... | 02:45 |
seto | obviously it did not read all the ram but yeh | 02:45 |
NorbyDroid | I have 98 decked out with alot of updates, USB comparable to XP, a way to run XP-only programs, and an XP look. Really sweet setup. | 02:45 |
seto | oh and win 98 on a 386 20 mhz to once | 02:45 |
seto | that was a interesting poc lol | 02:45 |
NorbyDroid | Ever had Win v1 runnin off a floppy drive? | 02:46 |
NorbyDroid | modern system. | 02:46 |
seto | took hours to boot | 02:46 |
NorbyDroid | lol | 02:46 |
seto | and did not shut down even after 5 days sitting | 02:46 |
seto | i had a legit win 1 system | 02:47 |
seto | was on a very old compaq 286 with mfm hd 300 meg | 02:47 |
seto | biggest mfm hd made | 02:47 |
seto | think was 380 mb total | 02:47 |
seto | double height 5.25 | 02:47 |
seto | it met its end by being fed to a repavers pavement grinder :p | 02:48 |
seto | road crew let me do it to lol | 02:48 |
seto | that was 17 years ago now that it got ate | 02:49 |
seto | still bits of it in the pavement | 02:49 |
seto | they use one of those single pass pavers | 02:49 |
seto | where it grinds up front heats melts mixxes lays down new | 02:49 |
NorbyDroid | I am off to work on my project. Later taters. | 02:50 |
seto | yeh bed tme for me more or less | 02:50 |
seto | going to watch a ep or 2 of code geass | 02:50 |
seto | and the ncis ep i got cued up | 02:51 |
NorbyDroid | Jinkies! About that time. | 02:51 |
NorbyDroid | Didn't realize it was about 2300 hours. | 02:51 |
seto | yep | 02:53 |
lotuspsychje | good morning to all | 04:27 |
ibrumfield | lotuspsychje: Morning | 05:31 |
lotuspsychje | hi ibrumfield | 05:31 |
* lotuspsychje is hitting a hot shower | 05:34 | |
BluesKaj | Hey folks | 11:46 |
pauljw | hi BluesKaj | 11:46 |
BluesKaj | 'Morning pauljw | 11:47 |
BluesKaj | switched back to adblock lite on FF, bluhell was blocking the video player supplied by some sites, took me a while to figure it out ;-) | 11:58 |
pauljw | :) | 12:01 |
NorbyDroid | Not sure if it is my systems or not but I cannot get the Lubuntu 16.04 i386 to work. | 12:20 |
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=== ZoiaGuyver is now known as Switches |
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