
cyphermoxCarlFK: all he really needed was to add 'automatic-ubiquity' on the kernel command-line when booting the graphical installer.14:41
cyphermoxCarlFK: (he = AgeOfAsparagus)14:41
CarlFKcyphermox: hmm... googles.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityAutomation  read that..14:47
CarlFKso why would someone want that over di?14:48
cyphermoxif you're installing a desktop, it's just as fine, and probably slightly faster15:25
cyphermoxat the point where one preseeds things, you can pretty much pick whatever you prefer.15:26
cyphermoxautomatic-ubiquity though just means that it will not wait for you to pick the language, and just use the preseeding. Preseeding without automatic-ubiquity works, but you get the welcome screen15:27
CarlFKwhy would it be faster?15:32
CarlFKer, which would be faster ?15:32

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