
Researcher-good morning04:05
pavlushkaHello Researcher !07:37
Kiloshi elacheche08:37
Kiloshi Researcher-10:49
Researcher-yo man10:50
Researcher-whats up and how it goes10:50
Kilosall ok here ty and there?10:50
Researcher-same bro10:52
Researcher-today i am trying to re cycle one old mac book pro10:52
Researcher-MBP 200710:52
Researcher-between to be honest better then core i310:52
Kilosyou using hackintosh10:53
Researcher-actually i am going to hit interpid on it .10:55
Researcher-i know interpid only works well with such model10:55
Researcher-but right now you will surprise to see the desktop10:56
Researcher-almost all latest software i have installed including working openvpn on mac os x 10.6.810:56
Researcher-which is un believeable for people using MBP 201510:56
Kiloskeep it up10:56
Researcher-mac claim these are un supported10:59
Researcher-but i think they are still very useful10:59
Researcher-i am big fan of Darwin.. actually it is one of the true OS10:59
Kilosi enjoy playing with old pcs and making them work again10:59
Researcher-yeah i like this hobby too11:00
Researcher-wb kilos11:11
Researcher-Kilos : you mission is critical :)11:28
Researcher-how i can help you ?11:28
Kiloswe need to all get together and collect all relevant information and then i can take it to the council11:29
Kiloswith all the facts from many people then things will be changed11:29
Kilospavel is busy for a while but he has gathered some and i have some from other guys so its just filling in the gaps then we can move forward11:31
Researcher-between can you clarify with relevant information ?11:33
Researcher-what kind of statics you people are gathering11:33
Researcher-and do you have a strong access to counsil or you are just doing by believing in your fate11:33
Kilosi need all the info about why locos are collapsing11:37
Kilosand the causes11:37
Kilosthere can be no place for personall problems in a loco11:38
Kilosi am on the membership board and i am looking into reviving locos with the loco councils  approval because they are all busy11:39
Researcher-i can understand that11:44
Kiloselacheche is gonna help as well11:46
Kiloshe also just got married11:46
Researcher-what is the bottom line... are you guys collecting the statics proposed reasons for  failures of loco team because i.e inactivity on IRC ... or you guys are here to find out the real cause ?11:46
Researcher-i am i am still confuse .. are you here to help us .. the users or loco team leaders or your own self ?11:47
Kilosinactivity on irc , not approving new members in the loco and not approving new guys to join the mailing lists etc11:48
Kilosi get nothing out of it except pleasure when a group gets going again as things should be11:49
Kilosi want to see locos all over working happily as teams11:49
Kilosi have been spoiled in #ubuntu-za . everyone is friendly to everyone else and helps wherever they can11:51
Kilosi would like to see all locos operating the same way11:51
Kilosthis all started because one guy applied for ubuntu membership on his own with no support or guidance from his loco11:55
Kilosthat is what i would like to solve11:55
Kilosoh just read scroll back, i want to know the real cause of course12:00
Kilosif the cause is poor admins then they need to move over and let someone else do the job12:02
Researcher-respect for your efforts12:07
Researcher-same happened in Pakistan too12:07
Researcher-no leader no proper guidence12:08
Kilosonly if we all work together can we sort this out, even if we all attend a council meeting just to get the facts through12:10
Researcher-i agree you12:12
Researcher-participation is must ..12:12
Researcher-task management and activity monitoring is must to make the improvements.12:12
Researcher-so far i offered on facebook ubuntu loco teams that i will provide domain / hosting / vps even dedicated server for the ubuntu related or ubuntu oriented projects ..12:13
Researcher-and i found some queries but unfortunately those were not opensource.12:14
Kilosjust do what you can, and invited pakistani people to join us here so we can grow the movement from here12:18
Kilosi have two other membership board members helping as well, but being working people their time is limitted12:19
Researcher-yes sure...12:32
Researcher-I am linked with a large pakistani comunity of I.T people here..12:32
Researcher-i offer free ubuntu related help via teamviewer12:32
Researcher-also i recommend everyone.. to use ubuntu12:33
Researcher-for me now only ubuntu is too much handy12:33
Kilossee, thats the kind of spirit all ubuntu users should have12:33
Researcher-even if you check ubuntulog12:34
Researcher-you will see only my nick and my other nick shani here12:34
Researcher-i never left this channel even it was dead12:34
Kilosthanks for that12:34
Kilosnow encourage others to come back here12:35
Researcher-no need for that ..12:35
Researcher-yes but12:35
Researcher-i wanted to create few bot here..12:35
Researcher-ubuntu related bots12:35
Researcher-i wanted to link a bug tracker here ..12:36
Researcher-i want to add a protection bot12:36
Researcher-i want to have a loco team cloaks12:36
Researcher-i need few active people mission critical people who can spend time here like you and me doing12:36
Researcher-and obviously membership board is here itself .. so i think this is the best12:37
Kiloswell, im not clued up with technical stuff but ill help where i can12:37
Researcher-yes sure12:37
Researcher-Kilos very basic is ubuntu-pk.org12:38
Researcher-i want to make it alive12:38
Researcher-how i can do that i need your guidence ..12:38
Kilosthats the whole plan yes12:38
Researcher-between I have lot of VPS all ubuntu based12:39
Kilosdo you have admin rights on the channel?12:39
Researcher-i have a hobby that i test the low end boxses / low spec vps to see how new hosting companies are doing12:40
Researcher-even i ran my own hosting companies in the past12:40
Researcher-and now my upcoming projects .. ivmcloud.com12:41
Researcher-but they are still not complete only mockups are uploaded12:41
Researcher-also some undeveloping projects like omanbuysell.com / shopnshake.com / jobvisagulf.com / hostnet.work12:42
Researcher-try to keep ITGuy alive inside me12:42
Kilosencourage people to get involved12:44

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