
olinuxxsakrecoer, what's about adding #linuxmao for the !fr bot command ?00:14
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:26
sakrecoerolinuxx: it could be an idea, but the risk is that #linuxmao will get lots of ubuntu-related questions... i'll bring it up with those in charge of ubottu :)12:48
sakrecoeralso, hi! :)12:49
sakrecoerand welcome back!12:49
olinuxxsakrecoer, linuxmao is *already* dealing with a lots of ubuntu-related questions :)12:58
olinuxxsince linuxmao is a distro-agnostic french linux audio community, it's not an issue12:59
olinuxxthat being said, that's up to you guys, just suggesting to oil the process for a potential new french comers (I'm not willing here to take the ubuntustudio users outside of this channel which is a great resource for help)13:00
* olinuxx is switching to "trebmuh"13:02
zequencetrebmuh: Welcome to our offtopic channel, if you like to hang, at #ubuntustudio-offtopic13:03
zequenceThat said, we should probably update our IRC info. We only started using that channel quite recently13:03
victor_tlmgood morning people!!!15:30
victor_tlmis there someone alive here?15:30
zequencevictor_tlm: studio-user416: hello15:32
victor_tlmoh hi zequence!!!15:33
studio-user416my external sound card is not getting detected.. even though pulse audio has it listed15:33
victor_tlmthanx for your last help the last time15:33
victor_tlmuhmmmm studio-user416 is working with pulseaudio directly? have you seen if alsa isn't detecting it yet?15:34
victor_tlmyou should use alsamixer and see if is there15:34
zequencestudio-user416: sakrecoer put it well last time you were here, so I'm going to repeat him. In order to know what actually is the problem it would be helpful to know what you are doing exactly15:34
zequenceIf pulseaudio has it listed, then it is detected. But, I'm assuming there is no sound - but, in what?15:35
zequencevictor_tlm: You're welcome!15:35
victor_tlmzequence! by the way I have a question... look I'm using timidity and fluidsynth directly with the terminal, but now I wanna use timidity instead of fluidsynth cuz until I see is more efficient15:36
victor_tlmbut fluidsynth has an option timidity doesn't and is the oportunity to turn on and turn off channels during playing15:36
victor_tlmI think because it lets a terminal open and timidity doesn't do that15:36
victor_tlmdo you know if timidity can do that too?15:36
zequencevictor_tlm: No idea. I have actually very little experience in both. You could ask in #opensourcemusicians though15:37
studio-user416zequence: correct.. Pulse audio detects ut output device SB X-Fi surround 5.1 pro analog Steeo but if i play any multimedia.. it plays on in build laptop speakers instead of directing it to the sound card15:37
victor_tlmuhmmmm well zequence I'll try that15:38
victor_tlmthank you15:38
victor_tlmand studio-user416 as I told you remember pulse is working over alsa15:38
zequencestudio-user416: Have you used the pulseaudio settings app? It's called "pavucontrol"15:38
victor_tlmso maybe pulse is recognizing that but alsa is configured in your default device15:38
zequencestudio-user416: I'm guessing you have, of course, since what you said15:38
zequencevictor_tlm: No, it's choosing default15:39
zequencestudio-user416: So, one thing that is confusing about that applications is how to choose a default sound device15:39
victor_tlmI think he should check in alsamixer if is the another device selected zequence15:39
zequencestudio-user416: in the tab "Outputs" or "Output devices" (I forget the exact name), click on the green button which says something with "fallback" when you hover over it15:40
zequencevictor_tlm: No, he just needs to select the default audio device first15:40
studio-user416this information is from Volume control app> output devices under multimedia15:41
zequenceOtherwise, he would hear no sound, instead of sound from the builtin15:41
victor_tlmuhmmm I'm not really sure zequence... maybe you are right15:41
victor_tlmbut I think he should look at alsamixer just to be secure15:41
zequencevictor_tlm: That comes next15:41
studio-user416cool......it works15:45
studio-user416thanks zequence15:45
zequencestudio-user416: Yes, too bad the buttons are so confusing :)15:45
zequencestudio-user416: If you boot the computer without the non-builtin audio device, you may need to do that again15:45
zequenceIt will remember it as long as it is there when pulseaudio starts (which is at login)15:46

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