
knome-webhello hello!15:03
pleia2ochosi, bluesabre - included you on an email with sabdfl re: snaps15:05
knome-webmeh, i should remember to send that council thing email today15:06
knome-webi'm already a week and more late15:06
ochosipleia2: thanks, will take a look when i'm home from work!15:09
ochosiknome-web: yes, you really should...15:09
ochosior i'll end up being XPL for another cycle, and I guess nobody wants that :)15:09
pleia2ochosi jr for xpl?15:10
pleia2maybe knome jr15:10
knome-webochosi: but me?15:11
ochosipleia2: thanks, i'll forward your support to ochosi jr ;)15:12
knome-weband me to knome jr15:13
bluesabrepleia2: thanks16:46
bluesabreochosi: ping16:46
ochosibluesabre: pong16:49
ochosiwat up?16:52
bluesabrehey ochosi16:57
bluesabresee the email pleia2 mentioned yet?16:57
ochosinot yet16:57
ochosijust came home16:57
ochosiprepping dinner now16:58
bluesabreI'll give you a chance to review it before bugging you (I think you're more familiar with xfce internals than myself)16:58
ochosibluesabre: ok will do (sorry, gotta get back to dinner ;))17:18
ochosibluesabre: ok, now i've read up on it18:20
ochosii'd say glib-dbus and gdbus, X11 signalling is all18:21
ochosieven xfconf relies on dbus, so there's nothing special i can think of18:22
bluesabreYeah, that sounds right18:23
ochosiso yeah, x11 calls we'll have to get rid of anyway if we ever want to support wayland18:25
ochosiwhich leaves us basically with gdbus18:25
ochosiare you gonna reply or shall i?18:25
bluesabreFeel free to, I don't have anything to add to that... snaps work in xubuntu 16.0418:28
ochosihadn't tested them yet, but that's good to know (couldn't think of a reason why they wouldn't)18:35
ochosiit's mostly a packaging issue to make our stuff snappy18:36
ochosiand i guess that's the main part18:36
ochosiwe probably don't have the manpower18:36
ochosi(wrt our reply)18:36
ochosibluesabre: anyway, lemme know when you're around again so we can finalize our reply to mark20:44
ochosi(alternatively i can also just go ahead and write it on my own, as you wish)20:44
bluesabreochosi: sorry about that, took an allergy-induced nap21:12
ochosioh ouch21:12
ochosisorry to hear21:12
bluesabreochosi: np :)21:13
ochosihave you looked into snappy packaging?21:15
ochosifrom how i understand the use-case, there's little benefit for us21:16
ochosiespecially since it's not like we roll out so many updates during a cycle21:16
ochosiwe likely benefit more from staying in sync with debian21:16
bluesabreThat's generally the case, we don't really benefit from utilizing it ourselves21:17
ochosi(is my crude initial analysis)21:17
bluesabreit's a good one21:17
bluesabreI think the main thing that mark is interested in is regarding integration with xfce/xubuntu21:17
ochosilike what? an installer?21:18
ochosiwe're already going with gnome-software and that is supposed to have integration21:18
bluesabreAs I understand it, snappy-packaged apps use a wrapper script to get things like fontconfig and other environment variables in place so the app can integrate well21:18
bluesabreXfce doesn't do anything particularly special and should not need additional config to integrate21:19
ochosii guess so21:20
ochosiStrong C/C++ experience, preferably with an open source project.21:20
* ochosi needs to get his mousepad under control21:21
ochosileft-click != middle-click21:21
bluesabreochosi is hiring xfce developers...21:21
ochosiso i dunno, i guess to some extent it might depend a little on the actual application that is snapped21:26
ochosibut in general i don't see any blockers with snap packages so far21:26
ochosifrom the docs it's easy to see though that this is in an early stage, i would assume that things will change quite a bit in the future21:27
bluesabreyup, early stage, but functional21:27
ochosihave you tried any snap package so far?21:28
bluesabreI installed the notes snap when it first showed up21:28
bluesabremhall119 has been snapping things up https://plus.google.com/+MichaelHall11921:28
bluesabreI've been watching other folks stay on top of it :D21:29
bluesabrenotes app http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/04/sudo-snap-install-notes-app21:30
bluesabretelegram app http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/05/telegram-snap-package-ubuntu-16-0421:30
ochosithe article on telegram highlights some shortcomings that sound nasty to overcome in a generic and desktop-agnostic way21:33
ochosiholy moly, 60mb for a notes app...21:34
ochosii guess they added a whole DE just to be sure it'll run21:35
ochosilooks fairly bland also21:36
ochosinot sure what's really worth 40mb (sorry, misread before) in that app21:36
ochosithe gtk theme wasn't used in that app btw21:36
ochosilooked broken, using raleigh21:36
bluesabreand that's probably one of those highlighted issues, where the wrapper is failing to grab the default theme21:37
bluesabrethat might be something the wrapper needs to communicate to xfce for21:37
ochosihm, not sure. it's not really an xfce specific setting21:38
ochosiat least i think it isn't21:39
bluesabrekill xfsettingsd, everything goes raleigh21:39
bluesabreso it does something, somehow21:39
bluesabreI'm not entirely familar yet with how the apps figure that out21:40
bluesabremight be something I experiment with this week21:40
ochosii thought it sets an x setting21:41
ochosisome daemon needs to set/provide that21:41
bluesabrebut snap-packaged apps basically run in a clean environment, unless the wrapper script passes in those specific runtime parameters21:42
bluesabre(if I understand correctly)21:42
ochosiyeah, sounds a bit like another docker implementation to me (minus the chroot)21:44
ochosibluesabre: so wait, do you want me to wait with the reply to mark?21:53
ochosii mean, do you want to check the theming xfsettingsd thing somehow?21:53
ochosii can also just mention this as a result of our first tests21:53
ochosialthough it means we have to admit we don't know how xfce works :p21:54
bluesabrexfce is an old project... we can't be familiar with it all, but happen to be some of the xfce+ubuntu devs21:56
bluesabreI'd just mention what we know, and keep it open for future conversation as we figure out more21:57
ochosii'll ahead and reply then21:57
bluesabregreat, thanks ochosi21:59
ochosibluesabre: ok sent. i hope you're ok with my wording and content22:13
ochosiwait. i meant: i hope you're content with my wording22:13
bluesabredinner time, bbl22:19
ochosibed time, nighty ;)22:21
knomenighty ochosi 22:25
bluesabreochosi: well said22:53
mhall119bluesabre: ochosi are there any xubuntu apps that you'd like to try snapping? We've done some examples for Gnome and KDE already, I'd be happy to help build one for Xubuntu/Xfce too23:13

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