
* thumper just pushed a mega-branch00:17
thumpereven though it touches 59 files00:18
thumperthe diffstat is just: +541 −38700:18
thumperit needs some cleanup in instance/namespace.go and instance/namespace_test.go but the rest is good for review00:18
* thumper goes to walk the dog before she climbs the walls00:19
anastasiamacthnx thumper\o/.. i *think* m meant to be OCR today :-P00:20
thumperwallyworld: this is the shortler lxd name branch00:21
thumperwallyworld: it also fixes the maas container dns issue00:21
thumperand makes some things more consistent00:21
wallyworldthumper: awesome00:22
wallyworldthumper: my branch a couple of days ago was 840 files00:22
thumpersomeone has to do the big hunks00:23
thumpersee you in a bit00:23
anastasiamachunks or chunks?00:23
davecheneythumper: OH MY GOD00:59
davecheneyi just found a set of state tests that duplicate TearDownTest00:59
perrito666davecheney: doing test archeology?01:11
anastasiamacperrito666: lasr i've heard, all these were under davecheney's couch or something :)01:13
davecheneyperrito666: no, i hit my toe on this01:15
perrito666davecheney: If you are to believe Indiana Jones movies, that is how most archeology is done01:16
davecheneyperrito666: i have not excavated deep enough to get to the real issue yet01:18
davecheneyi'm still diging up the past01:18
perrito666ah, allwatcher01:20
davecheneyperrito666: hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife, all watcher coming01:46
thumperwallyworld: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4937/ updated. Nothing really surprising. Heading home to test maas now. Car wheel alignment now done.02:30
* thumper heads off line briefly02:30
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
* thumper tries to remember how to bootstrap a maas thing again02:47
davecheneythumper: I have a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/158624402:48
mupBug #1586244: state: DATA RACE in watcher <2.0-count> <blocker> <race-condition> <juju-core:In Progress by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1586244>02:48
davecheneyit's not perfect02:48
davecheneybut it will unblock things for beta802:48
davecheneythe "we can just zero shit out to make the test pass" logic was woven through all those tests02:49
davecheneya custom equality function would have been a _lot_ of work02:49
davecheneyand would have taken days to test02:49
davecheneydays of wall time02:49
davecheneybecause the state tests are such an utter cluster fuck02:49
thumperwallyworld: what is the expected way to be able to bootstrap maas?02:57
thumperI don't need to add-cloud do i?02:57
thumperjust creds?02:57
* thumper is confused02:57
natefinchthumper: unless it has changed in the last week, you do need add cloud02:58
thumperwhat is supposed to go into the cloud config for a maas cloud?02:58
thumperjuju help maas doesn't do anything02:58
thumperI feel it should tell you how to set up juju for maas02:59
natefinchthumper: yeah.... I am hoping whoever did the maas work will fix that03:00
thumperit is the credential and cloud definitions03:00
thumpernot the maas provider03:01
thumperwhat auth-type should be defined for maas?03:01
thumperit uses an oauth token03:01
natefinchthumper: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16858151/03:01
natefinchthumper: your yaml file for add-cloud should look like that... fix the cloud name and endpoint of course.03:02
thumperand creds?03:02
natefinchthumper: I think when you add it, it'll ask for the outh key03:02
natefinchmaybe during bootstrap?  I forget when it asked me03:02
natefinchI really wish juju bootstrap maas/https://myhostname.com/MAAS worked03:04
natefinchthe release notes say that works, but it doesn't03:04
anastasiamacmine works and creda re in format http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16858205/03:04
anastasiamaccreds* r03:05
thumperI add creds for vmaas03:05
thumperthen go "juju list-credentials"03:05
thumperand it errors03:05
thumpersaying "removing secrets from credentials for cloud maas: cloud maas not valid"03:05
thumperworks if you say 'juju list-credentials vmaas"03:06
natefinchuhh... that sounds like a bad idea.... deleting secrets because we encountered an error?03:06
anastasiamaci did mine by hand... and here is my clouds... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/16858228/03:06
natefinchor do they just mean they're eliding them from the output?03:07
natefinchbecause that error message is scary03:07
anastasiamacalso...maybe do not name your cloud 'maas'? maybe there is a confusion with type 'maas'03:07
thumpergot it now03:07
natefinchmeh.... if they're one and the same, what's the difference?03:07
thumperit is bootstrapping03:07
natefinchI name all my environments after the provider type.  I only have one of each... why reinvent the wheel03:08
thumperanastasiamac: I didn't name it maas03:08
thumperI called mine "vmaas"03:08
thumperso no idea where it is falling down there03:08
anastasiamaci've cafted files by hand and could bootstrap... the commands gave me grief :(03:09
thumpermaas tests running03:15
* thumper packing up and taking laptop while Maia does BJJ03:15
thumperemails and stuff03:15
davecheneyall := newStore()03:30
davecheneywhy ...03:30
davecheneyprivate is a terrible name for a package03:43
natefinchdavecheney: naming is hard.  It's the api for agents, as opposed to the client api03:44
* thumper isn't going to start on that one03:46
* thumper does hr bollocks03:46
mupBug #1587236 opened: no 1.25.5 tools for vivid? <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587236>04:22
davecheneyyes, the client api is called this github.com/juju/juju/payload/api/private/client04:33
davecheneythumper: did some looking into the api bifurcation04:37
davecheneylots and lots of refactoring will be needed before its possible04:37
davecheneythe api depends directly on watchers04:38
davecheneyi don't even know how that's possible04:38
davecheneyoh and directly on the state/multiwatcher04:38
davecheneylucky(~/src/github.com/juju/juju/api) % pt multiwatcher04:39
davecheney9:      "github.com/juju/juju/state/multiwatcher"04:39
davecheney51:func (watcher *AllWatcher) Next() ([]multiwatcher.Delta, error) {04:39
davecheneyright, so we expose the state types directly inside the api, even though they get pooped into and out of json04:40
davecheneythis should be reasonably straight forward to fix04:40
thumperdavecheney: as fun as it is, now is not the time to be looking into this04:50
thumperwe need to keep focused on the 2.0 beta 8 bugs04:50
thumpero/ balloons04:50
davecheneythumper: understood, I'm not making any changes04:50
davecheneybut I have some time to think during test runs04:50
thumperdoc is fine to start04:50
wallyworldthumper: there's 2 docs in state which have EnvUUID - endpointBiningsDoc and resourceDoc - these should be deleted right04:51
thumperwallyworld: 'juju deploy ubuntu --to lxd:" doesn't work04:51
wallyworldit's on the todo list04:51
thumperwhy not?04:51
thumperoh, bug?04:51
wallyworldknowm issue, just haven't got to it yet04:51
thumperum... not sure about those docs04:51
thumperwe should double check with the original authors04:51
thumperwon't file another bug then04:51
thumperwallyworld: btw, just finished testing with maas, changes look good04:52
wallyworldthumper: nate is looking to at plus other lxc to lxd things this week04:52
thumperwallyworld: juju add-machine talks *a lot* about lxc04:52
thumperwe should change to lxd04:52
wallyworldthere's a lot there04:52
wallyworldjust a sed script04:52
* thumper nods04:52
thumpersed is magic like that04:52
thumperwallyworld: I thought you'd find my typo amusing on the PR04:53
thumperu and i are so close together04:53
wallyworldthumper: with the EnvUUID thing, these fields are tagged "env-uuid" so even if we keep them, sure we want to use "model-uuid"04:54
thumperwe probably can just remove them04:54
thumperI have been cleaning up docs as I go04:54
thumpermost model-uuid fields are implicit and aren't needed04:54
thumperthe framework ensures they are there04:54
thumperand valid04:54
wallyworldok, i'll delete them04:55
* thumper looks sadly at tomorrow04:57
thumpermeetings solid from 8am to noon04:57
* thumper sighs04:58
thumperlater peeps04:58
thumperI'll check in on that branch to see if it lands - should only be intermittent failures if it doesn't04:58
=== thumper is now known as thumper-bjj
davecheneyoh no05:21
davecheneywe have tests which accidentally mutate data stored in a cache05:21
davecheneythen expect to match that accidentally mutated data05:21
davecheneymenn0: thumper-bjj http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4941/06:06
davecheney^ fix for beta8 blocker06:06
wallyworldaxw: rb doesn07:07
wallyworld't like the latest pr, you can eyeball the changes here https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/5497/files?diff=split07:07
wallyworldif you get time, could you take a look? not really urgent07:08
axwwallyworld: ok07:28
axwonly 380 files changed this time07:28
wallyworldyeah :-(07:28
dimiternaxw: hey, do you know if any of the openstack charms use the enhanced storage support?07:29
axwdimitern: AFAIK only ceph is using it07:29
axwdimitern: why do you ask?07:29
dimiternaxw: I've been deploying openstack-base bundle on my hardware maas for the past few days07:29
dimiternaxw: it mostly works :)07:30
axwdimitern: cool :)   are you looking to test storage?07:30
dimiternaxw: yeah, I was looking at the various ceph-related charms, and ISTM none of them define "storage" section in their metadata07:30
axwdimitern: hrm, possibly in staging still07:31
dimiternaxw: and it appears cinder is required in order to later use juju on the deployed openstack07:31
dimiternaxw: ok, just checking whether I missed something obvious..07:32
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
dimiternnova-lxd is quite cool!07:32
axwdimitern: it's in here: https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/ceph/archive/metadata.yaml07:33
axwdimitern: apparently it still hasn't made its way over to ceph-osd yet07:33
dimiternaxw: what's the charm url for the above? cs:~?/ceph ..07:34
axwdimitern: cs:xenial/ceph-1 (or just "ceph")07:34
dimiternaxw: ah, I see - so ceph has it but ceph-osd not yet07:35
axwdimitern: if you want to use juju storage, don't set the osd-devices config. instead, deploy with --storage osd-devices=<...>07:35
axwdimitern: seems so. I thought it had been copied over07:35
dimiternaxw: but for that to work the charm needs a storage section in the metadata, right?07:35
axwdimitern: yep, so that only works for ceph, and not ceph-osd atm07:36
dimiternaxw: do you know the difference ? is ceph-osd+ceph-mon = ceph ?07:36
axwdimitern: not entirely sure, but I think so07:37
dimiternaxw: ok, I'll ask jamespage for details07:37
axwdimitern: Chris Holcombe is in charge of the ceph charms, FYI07:38
dimiternjamespage: can I use 3x ceph instead of 3x ceph-osd + 3x ceph-mon for an opestack base deplyment?07:38
dimiternaxw: oh, good to know, thanks!07:39
axwdimitern: totally unrelated, I'm curious to know what you're doing with concourse.ci. I saw it a while ago, but didn't dig too deep. got anything to show off at the sprint perhaps? :)07:39
dimiternaxw: we have a call later today with the QA guys to discuss concourse ci07:40
axwdimitern: okey dokey. I shall watch this space07:41
dimiternaxw: I'm charming concorse so it can be evaluated easily, first attempt in bash, now "properly", i.e. with charm layers and unit tests07:41
* axw nods07:41
axwwallyworld: I can't open the full diff on GitHub either, so reviewing this is going to be difficult...07:43
axwwallyworld: I've got the raw diff, I guess I'll just email comments :/07:44
wallyworlddamn, sorry07:44
jamespageaxw, dimitern: ceph-osd has storage support in master branch - not yet released07:44
dimiternwallyworld: oh wow it's happening! service -> application07:44
wallyworlddimitern: yeah, it is. omfg it's been a big job07:44
axwjamespage: righto, thanks for clarifying07:44
dimiternjamespage: nice, I'll use that then - did your rabbitmq-server fix for bug 1574844 land on cs:xenial/rabbitmq-server ?07:45
mupBug #1574844: juju2 gives ipv6 address for one lxd, rabbit doesn't appreciate it. <conjure> <juju-release-support> <landscape> <lxd-provider> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <rabbitmq-server (Juju Charms Collection):Fix Committed by james-page> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1574844>07:45
dimiternwallyworld: it will be worth enduring it now rather than later :)07:45
wallyworldindeed. we need to get this all done for beta807:46
wallyworldsince after beta8, we need to support upgrades07:46
dimiternjamespage: another question - since all of my NUCs have 1 disk only, I decided to try emulating 2 disks by using a volume group with 3 volumes - root, ceph, and lxd (for nova-lxd) - seems to work07:47
dimiternjamespage: well, the question is - should it work equally well like this I guess?07:48
dimiternaxw: I've found an issue with storage/looputil/ tests failing if you have a loop device attached locally (e.g. losetup /dev/loop0 /var/lib/lxc-btrfs.img)07:54
axwdimitern: eep, sorry. they're meant to be isolated07:54
axwdimitern: which test fails?07:55
axwor is it all of them? :)07:55
dimiternaxw: attempted a fix here: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4871/diff/# (that was discarded, but I think about extracting and proposing a fix like the one in the diff in storage/)07:55
dimiternaxw: in parseLoopDeviceInfo07:55
dimiternthe fix no longer causes the tests to fail, but I guess the isolation issue is still present..07:56
jamespagedimitern, not yet - working that today07:56
jamespagedimitern, you can always test with the ones from ~openstack-charmers-next - that's an upload of the master branch of each charm as it lands07:57
dimiternjamespage: I used -next initially, but a few deployments failed due to incompatible changes across revisions (e.g. lxd started using 'block-devices' vs 'block-device')07:58
axwdimitern: seems like a reasonable change07:58
dimiternaxw: cheers, I'll propose it as a separate fix then07:58
axwdimitern: could you please also file a bug about isolation? it should be fixed also, but it's a separate issue07:59
dimiternaxw: will do07:59
jamespagedimitern, well those will always happen at some point in time - lxd was never actually released until 16.04 so we broke it before then...07:59
dimiternjamespage: that's ok - it's under development still08:00
dimiternjamespage: I really should've tried that earlier (full openstack deployment with lxc or lxd).. now I see how flaky our multi-nic approach is :/08:01
dimiternlxc is *even* worse with the default lxc-clone: true .. any lxc always comes up with 2 IPs per NIC due to cloning ;(08:02
dimiternfrobware: are you around?08:02
frobwaredimitern: yep08:03
dimiternfrobware: wanna sync?08:03
frobwaredimitern: oh yes08:03
dimiternfrobware: ok, omw08:03
axwwallyworld: sorry, this is just too immense for me to review08:11
=== thumper-bjj is now known as thumper-eod
wallyworldok, i wonder wtf is up with github :-(08:12
wallyworldmaybe i'll try reproposing08:12
axwwallyworld: regardless of that, it's too big. the other one was big, and was about 1/4 the size diff08:12
wallyworldthe trouble is when you rename even one thing, the corresponding changes are huge08:13
axwand htat one was basically the same change repeated in most of hte files, this one is all over the place08:13
axwwallyworld: I don't know how to fix it, but I can't review as is08:13
wallyworldok, i'll see if it behaves a second time08:13
axwwallyworld: one thing I did pick up was an inappropriate renane of juju/service package path08:13
axwthat's about systemd/upstart services, not juju services08:14
wallyworldi didn't mean to do that08:14
wallyworldaxw: are you sure?08:15
wallyworldit's not renamed as far as i can see08:16
axwwallyworld: I just replied to your question via email. I misremembered, there's just an invalid comment change08:29
wallyworldah, rightio08:29
wallyworldaxw: i'll rey and get the diff up using rbtool or something. after soccer08:30
axwwallyworld: ok, but I don't think it's going to help much. it really needs to be broken up I think08:30
wallyworlddamn, tht will be very difficult :-(08:31
wallyworldsince even an error message change perculates through several packages and tests08:31
axwwallyworld: you could do all messages/strings in one branch. types in another, functions in another... I don't know. all I know is I can't perform any kind of useful review on a 60K line diff08:34
frobwaredimitern: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/157667408:58
mupBug #1576674: 2.0 beta6: only able to access LXD containers (on maas deployed host) from the maas network <lxd> <maas-provider> <oil> <ssh> <juju-core:Triaged by dimitern> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1576674>08:58
dimiternfrobware: ta!09:03
dimiternaxw: fyi, bug 158734509:06
mupBug #1587345: worker/provisioner: Storage-related tests not isolated from the host machine <tech-debt> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587345>09:06
mupBug #1587345 opened: worker/provisioner: Storage-related tests not isolated from the host machine <tech-debt> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587345>09:31
frobwaredimitern, fwereade: I'm going to skip the meeting in 15 - need to catch up with other stuff and other meetings later in the day too.10:45
dimiternfrobware: that's ok - marked you as optional anyway :)10:45
dimiternfwereade: omw11:01
anastasiamacdooferlad: standup11:34
babbageclunkdimitern, fwereade, voidspace, frobware: review please? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4944/ It's the other side of the Mongo3.2 slowness fixes.11:52
dooferladanastasiamac: i am on holiday until Thursday :-)12:10
anastasiamacdooferlad: ooh lucky some \o/ did not see it in team's calendar -sorry :) have fun12:11
dimiternbabbageclunk: sorry, was otp till now - looking12:28
fwereadedimitern: further thoughts: nursery workers probably want a StringsWorker that notifies only on enter-relevant-state (or watcher-created-state-already-relevant)12:35
fwereadedimitern, failures kinda need to be the nursery's responsibility to reschedule12:35
fwereadedimitern, I'm not sure whether that will be better with more controller-side infra, or not12:36
dimiternfwereade: a stringsworker as coordinator?12:38
fwereadedimitern, if we do have more infra we should probably go all the way with it: so when we create a machine we add a schedule-whatever doc for "now", and if the worker fails it just sends a reschedule-because-error message that writes a new time on the ticket, updates the status(?) and moves on confident that the watcher will deliver it when required12:38
fwereadedimitern, well, the worker wants to be based on some watcher? I don't know for sure that strings>notify12:39
dimiternfwereade: strings sounds better as those the nursery entites should be a few and short-lived anyway12:40
dimiternfwereade: I've taken notes for those12:42
dimiternfwereade: that makes total sense12:51
dimiternfwereade: it's already taking shape in my mind.. tyvm!12:52
dimiternbabbageclunk: ping12:52
babbageclunkdimitern: pong12:52
dimiternbabbageclunk: how can I test your PR locally? run tests before and after apt install mongodb-3.2 ?12:53
babbageclunkdimitern: Yup - although it's juju-mongodb3.212:55
dimiternbabbageclunk: ok, I'll try it now12:55
dimiternbabbageclunk: cheers12:56
babbageclunkdimitern: Then build, then run tests with JUJU_MONGOD=/usr/lib/juju/mongo3.2/bin ...12:56
babbageclunkdimitern: Thanks for looking!12:57
dimiternbabbageclunk: oh, I see, ta! (was just wondering..)12:57
babbageclunkdimitern: You might see the occasional failure in subnets_test - that's the one that seems to be a problem with txns between mgo and mongo3.212:58
dimiternbabbageclunk: with your patch and both mongodb versions? or only with 3.2?12:59
babbageclunkdimitern: yes, with my patch, only with mongo3.2.13:01
dimiternbabbageclunk: ok13:01
babbageclunkdimitern: Actually you see the same without my patch.13:01
dimiternbabbageclunk: how much longer is "too long" with 3.2?13:01
babbageclunkdimitern: ...but with mongo3.213:01
babbageclunkdimitern: Well, running the state tests with 3.2 for master takes longer than a couple of hours, so longer than I could bear to wait while doing something else. Running a small slice of them showed they were about 100x slower.13:03
babbageclunkdimitern: Is the maas-juju meeting I have in my calendar still current?13:04
dimiternbabbageclunk: oh! I better not wait more than a couple of minutes over the time it took with 2.4 then :)13:04
dimiternbabbageclunk: anybody else around from maas?13:04
babbageclunkdimitern: Not unless you're feeling very bored.13:04
babbageclunkdimitern: No, I'm the only one here!13:04
dimiternbabbageclunk: I don't have anything new so I guess we should skip it13:05
babbageclunkdimitern: Cool cool13:05
mupBug #1585836 changed: Race in github.com/juju/juju/provider/azure <azure-provider> <blocker> <ci> <race-condition> <regression> <unit-tests> <juju-core:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585836>13:08
dimiternbabbageclunk: all tests pass with 3.2, the time difference is more than double here though13:25
dimitern233.236 s vs 477.708 s13:26
babbageclunkdimitern: :(13:26
babbageclunkdimitern: Not sure there's much I can do about it unfortunately.13:26
dimiternbabbageclunk: I'll run it a couple of times to get better stats13:28
babbageclunkdimitern: Thanks13:28
redelmannhi there13:28
redelmannim seeing a lot of this output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16863930/ in debug-log13:28
redelmannjuju version 1.25.513:29
redelmannit also happen in 1.24.x before upgrade to 1.2513:29
mupBug #1585300 opened: environSuite invalid character \"\\\\\" in host name <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585300>13:29
dimiternredelmann: on what cloud are you seeing this?13:29
redelmanndimitern: aws13:30
dimiternredelmann: have you changed firewall-mode for the environment?13:30
redelmanndimitern: no, everything is in default13:31
dimiternredelmann: and those machines showing the error - can you access exposed workloads on them regardless of the error?13:31
redelmanndimitern: here is a larger output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16863964/13:32
redelmanndimitern: yes13:32
mupBug #1585300 changed: environSuite invalid character \"\\\\\" in host name <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585300>13:32
redelmanndimitern: ok, this is new: exited "firewaller": AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials (AuthFailure)13:33
dimiternredelmann: it looks like something is odd about your AWS credentials?13:33
frobwaredimitern, babbageclunk, voidspace: testing meeting?13:33
redelmanndimitern: good point, i will research a little13:33
dimiternredelmann: uh, sorry I need to take this - back in ~1/2h13:33
redelmanndimitern: thank you13:34
babbageclunkfrobware: I don't have an invite?13:34
dimiternbabbageclunk: you should have now13:35
babbageclunkdimitern: ta13:35
mupBug #1585300 opened: environSuite invalid character \"\\\\\" in host name <blocker> <ci> <regression> <test-failure> <unit-tests> <windows> <juju-core:Incomplete> <juju-core 1.25:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1585300>13:38
mupBug # changed: 1518807, 1518809, 1518810, 1518820, 1519141, 1576266, 158377213:59
dimiternbabbageclunk: I suspect the longer run-time was bogus as the second run finished in 482.571 s; running a third now14:01
babbageclunkdimitern: oh, good - yeah, it's definitely pretty variable.14:02
dimiternredelmann: I'd suggest to install the official AWS CLI tools and using the same AWS credentials you give to juju to try e.g. starting and stopping an instance with --dry-run14:03
dimiternbabbageclunk: you have a review14:15
babbageclunkdimitern: cheers!14:15
dimiternit seems the test actually take less time the more you run them :D14:15
rogpeppeif anyone wanted to know what the Juju API looked like: http://rogpeppe-scratch.s3.amazonaws.com/juju-api-doc.html14:22
babbageclunkdimitern: Sorry! I think I mislead you about the value for JUJU_MONGOD - it needs to be the full path to mongod, including the filename, so for 3.2 you need to set it to /usr/lib/juju/mongo3.2/bin/mongod14:22
babbageclunkdimitern: Otherwise it'll silently fall back to using the 2.4 binary.14:23
alexisbrogpeppe, :)14:23
rogpeppealexisb: i don't think there are any API docs anywhere, right?14:23
alexisbrogpeppe, nope14:23
alexisbjust what is on github14:24
dimiternbabbageclunk: that's what I did, yeah14:24
rogpeppealexisb: i guess some people might find this useful then14:24
dimiternbabbageclunk: it was using 3.214:24
alexisbrogpeppe, you bet!14:24
alexisbthank you14:24
babbageclunkdimitern: Huh. Ok, awesome!14:24
rogpeppealexisb: my pleasure :)14:25
dimiternbabbageclunk: I double checked by 'ps -ef|grep mongod' while the test was running14:25
perrito666good morning14:25
babbageclunkdimitern: Sweet, that would definitely be better.14:25
dimiternperrito666: o/14:28
alexisbfrobware, I am going to be a few minutes late14:28
frobwarealexisb: ack14:29
dimiternbabbageclunk: hey! you know what?14:31
babbageclunkdimitern: what?14:31
dimiternbabbageclunk: running the tests on 2.4 with your patch (which I've just thought to do), actually cuts the run-time in *half* !14:32
frobwaredimitern: heh, nice14:33
babbageclunkdimitern: Wow, that's a bigger change than I saw. But I didn't want to get excited about the tests going faster under 2.4, because that will just make the pain of 3.2 more intense.14:33
dimiternbabbageclunk: running again to get a better sample14:33
=== rodlogic is now known as Guest89868
dimiternbabbageclunk: well, it's quite reasonable to expect this, especially with not doing things like recreating dbs for *every* test case14:35
babbageclunkdimitern: Yeah, definitely - it's doing a lot less.14:35
dimiternbabbageclunk: I can confirm - ~276 s on 2.4 vs ~476 on 3.214:36
dimiternbabbageclunk: great job! please land this soon! :)14:37
babbageclunkdimitern: ok!14:44
dimiternbabbageclunk: I did a final run with 3.2 with comparable system load levels - it's still ~47614:45
babbageclunkdimitern: Cool.14:48
babbageclunkdimitern: If someone's commented on a change, and I think I've addressed those comments, I should probably wait for them to put a Ship It on the review before merging it, right?14:50
natefinchbabbageclunk: if it was trivial, then just go ahead and merge.  If it was something complicated, I usually wait to make sure they agree with my change14:51
natefinchbabbageclunk: that's assuming you got a "fix it, then ship it"... if you didn't get the ship it, then definitely ask if they intended to give you a ship it or if they think it will need a re-review14:52
babbageclunknatefinch: Makes sense - thanks!14:52
mupBug #1587503 opened: LXD provider fails to set hostname <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587503>14:54
babbageclunknatefinch: (I got a bit excited and didn't check with someone for a previous change, when I realised I figured it was probably a bit rude.)14:54
voidspacebabbageclunk: dimitern: frobware: sorry I missed the testing meeting - I was at the dentist. I have the invite now.15:03
natefinchhmm... pretty sure I'm a team of 1 for my standup15:04
dimiternvoidspace: that's ok - we'll have one every other week15:14
voidspacedimitern: yeah, I saw. Great.15:14
dimiternvoidspace: the gist of it is we need to come up with a list of relevant networking tests that could be added to the current CI15:15
voidspacedimitern: right, sounds like a good start15:15
babbageclunkfrobware: Are you ok with me merging http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/494415:36
babbageclunkfrobware: ?15:36
arosalesnatefinch: or katco or anyone familiar with resorces could we get your ack on https://github.com/juju/docs/pull/112215:55
arosalesneed this to land in docs asap so we can have charmers start using terms15:55
natefincharosales: will look15:56
arosalesnatefinch: thanks!15:56
rogpeppefwereade, dimitern: you might like this: http://rogpeppe-scratch.s3.amazonaws.com/juju-api-doc.html16:24
dimiternrogpeppe: awesome! tyvm16:25
dimiternrogpeppe: what did you use for generating this?16:26
rogpeppedimitern: some code :)16:26
rogpeppedimitern: one mo and i'll push it to github16:26
rogpeppedimitern: it does rely on a function i implemented in apiserver/common to get all the facades16:27
dimiternrogpeppe: nice! cheers16:29
mupBug #1587552 opened: GCE Invalid value for field 'resource.tags.items <blocker> <ci> <gce-provider> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587552>16:30
frobwarebabbageclunk: sorry, was otp16:30
babbageclunkfrobware: no worries - not blocking me, just thought I'd check16:31
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
fwereaderogpeppe, nice16:49
rogpeppefwereade: obviously a lot of the comments are Go-implementation-oriented, but it's better than nothing :)16:51
fwereaderogpeppe, absolutely16:51
rogpeppedimitern: i've pushed the code to github.com/rogpeppe/misc/cmd/jujuapidochtml and github.com/rogpeppe/misc/cmd/jujuapidoc17:09
rogpeppedimitern: the former just generates the HTML; the latter generates the computer-readable form that jujuapidochtml works from17:09
dimiternrogpeppe: thanks! starred and bookmarked :)17:10
alexisbnatefinch, is the PR in this bug merged?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/158188517:29
mupBug #1581885: Rename 'admin' model to 'controller' <juju-release-support> <usability> <juju-core:In Progress by natefinch> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1581885>17:29
alexisbseems to be??17:29
natefinchalexisb: yes, sorry, it's in17:40
natefinchalexisb: I marked it as such17:40
alexisbnatefinch, awesome, thank you17:41
=== redir_afk is now known as redir
* thumper looks sadly at the calendar for this morning and sighs19:56
rick_h_thumper: look at all those oppertunities!19:59
* perrito666 wonders why the code is working20:08
natefinchit's never good when you have to wonder why something works20:09
* thumper slaps rick_h_20:19
perrito666uh, did you just ....rickslapped him? <puts sun glasses> <cue csi miami music>20:20
* rick_h_ says "Thank you sir may I have another?"20:20
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
redirbrb reboot20:49
thumpertrivial review for someone http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4948/20:53
perrito666thumper: ship it20:55
thumperperrito666: ta20:55
mupBug #1587644 opened: jujud and mongo cpu/ram usage spike <canonical-bootstack> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587644>21:07
mupBug #1587236 changed: no 1.25.5 tools for vivid? <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587236>21:52
mupBug #1587653 opened: juju enable-ha accepts the --series= option  <cdo-qa> <ha> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587653>21:52
mupBug #1587653 changed: juju enable-ha accepts the --series= option  <cdo-qa> <ha> <ui> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587653>22:01
mupBug #1587236 opened: no 1.25.5 tools for vivid? <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587236>22:01
mupBug #1587236 changed: no 1.25.5 tools for vivid? <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587236>22:07
mupBug #1587653 opened: juju enable-ha accepts the --series= option  <cdo-qa> <ha> <ui> <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1587653>22:07
perrito666alexisb: did you need anyhing?22:14
* perrito666 notices he is answering old messages because of lag22:14
alexisbperrito666, nope, I got an update from Ian, thanks!22:16
perrito666oh, I get my updates from the internet, I just apt-get update :p22:16
* perrito666 tries to unfreeze22:18
thumperalexisb, wallyworld: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4949/diff/#22:22
thumperI've not done other packages because I think we actually need some of them22:22
thumperpotentially we could do the apiserver too22:22
thumperbut haven't done that yet22:22
thumperstate takes ages22:22
alexisbthumper, well that was a simple fix to remove a bunch of pain22:23
alexisbthank you22:23
thumperalexisb: I told you it wouldn't be big22:23
* perrito666 runs tests for state and wonders if he could make dinner while he waits22:45
axwthumper: in http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/4925/, you say "business object layer". would it make sense to have it in the core package maybe? I still think it belongs in "names" at the moment for consistency, but maybe if we were to move core outside, and fold names into it?23:04
thumperaxw: have it in names for now23:05
axwokey dokey23:06
mupBug #1463420 changed: Zip archived tools needed for bootstrap on windows <simplestreams> <tools> <windows> <juju-core:Fix Released by bteleaga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1463420>23:13
alexisbmenn0, it seems our 1x1 has fallen off the calendar23:30
menn0alexisb: yeah, we haven't had one for a while23:30
alexisbI will put some time for us tomorrow23:30
menn0alexisb: sounds good23:31

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