
freewgrant: hey there, around?10:20
wgrantfree: Sorry, I've had your MP open for a day, but let me have a look at it now.10:22
freewgrant: ah, you noticed it, just wanted to mention it. No hurry from my side.10:22
wgrantfree: Much less intimidating once I realised the majority of the diff was bootstrap.py.10:23
freewgrant: I'll be pushing a few txlongpoll branches at some point, I'm wondering if it'd make sense to make the Landscape team in LP member of the project (so I could get more reviewers). That code was originally written in Landscape and then extracted to txlongpoll by former LP devs10:23
freewgrant: yeah pretty much all of it, should have mentioned that in the MP description10:24
wgrantYeah, I was part of that extraction project back in 2011.10:24
freewgrant: ah I had forgot10:25
wgrantfree: I can add you to ~lazr-developers, which has commit access.10:25
freewgrant: thanks10:25
wgrantfree: There's no tarmac or anything on these branches, so just merge directly.10:26
freewgrant: right, I'll make sure to run tests :)10:26
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JasperIs it possible to trigger a rebuilt of a previously-uploaded source package?21:04
JasperIf we try and trigger a rebuild the normal way, the package will fail to upload.21:04
naccJasper: is this in a PPA?21:09
JasperIt's a git import recipe thing.21:09
naccJasper: ah, i don't know much about that -- but did the previous build succeed?21:09
JasperIt was a test fail for other unrelated reasons.21:10
naccJasper: then i think you can submit the rebuild from the web interface, at least21:10
naccJasper: so it probably is possible via the API21:10
JasperWe're not trying to do it from the API, only the web UI.21:10
naccJasper: i think if you view all builds, then click on the fialing build, there's a link21:10
JasperWell, I could view all builds, if Launchpad just didn't die on us.21:11
naccJasper: i'm pretty sure i've done that in the past, i can try and look where i think it should be ... link?21:11
JasperLaunchpad is dead.21:11
sarnoldlaunchpad feels unhappy, I got the "Uh oh! Something has gone wrong" page21:11
naccyeah, it just stopped working for me too :/21:12
dobeyseems to be a network issue to the data center. might be a DDoS or something21:15
JasperThank god. Now we might be able to switch to a CI system that's usable.21:16
dobeyJasper: but anyway, yes, you can request a rebuild for an individual target, if you go to the PPA's package details page, and then click on the failed build, there will be a "retry"21:16
naccdobey: thanks (i was pretty sure it was there, but not an expert)21:17
dopey_is https://launchpad.net down at the moment?21:19
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad.net offline due to network failure | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
wgrantdopey_: Yes21:20
beisneri'm getting 'Uh oh!' too21:20
rdhyeeany estimate of when launchpad.net will be back?21:20
wgrantNot at the moment. Still not sure exactly what's happened.21:21
Gues_____launchpad down?21:23
gaughenoh good it's not just me. I swear I didn't do anything!21:23
rdhyeewgrant: thanks for answering my question about estimated time.  Good luck to the sysadmins for bringing it back up.21:24
sarnoldGues_____: correct, down21:24
Alivesgit-core ppa 503: https://launchpad.net/~git-core21:29
sarnoldthanks for publishing on twitter, too21:30
bladernrack, that explains it.  Thanks wgrant21:31
wgrantWe're back.21:35
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad
rdhyeewgrant: thanks!21:38
oeilthank you!21:40
cjwatsonJasper: No; you need to arrange for a new recipe build that has a newer version number.  Your recipe will include various elements that go into building the version number, and you need to arrange that each time you want to build the package it has a newer version number.21:53
Jaspercjwatson, we fixed an issue with a dependency.21:53
JasperWe have no new source package.21:53
cjwatsonJasper: Link?21:53
JasperTo what?21:54
cjwatsonJasper: To your build21:54
cjwatsonOr your recipe21:54
cjwatsonOr *something*21:54
* Jasper tries to find it21:54
JasperStart with that.21:54
JasperI can't figure out how to navigate to anything else.21:55
JasperWe eventually just bumped it in the changelog.21:55
JasperBut it would be nice not to have to do that.21:55
cjwatsonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~wgreenberg/+recipe/eos-shard-daily ?21:55
cjwatsonLooking for the older builds that actually failed, since they've now expired off the recipe listing page21:56
JasperI can't navigate the Launchpad UI, sorry.21:57
JasperI'd help you if I could.21:57
cjwatsonJasper: So the thing is that the builds preceding the "failed to upload" ones actually succeeded.  What "test failure" are you talking about?21:58
cjwatsonCI in some other system?21:58
Jaspercjwatson, no, there was one that failed to build.21:58
JasperOf eos-shard21:58
naccJasper: do you mean: https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+recipebuild/1149824 ?21:58
JasperI have a build log but nothing else: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/262619453/buildlog_ubuntu-xenial-i386.eos-shard_1.4-1.5~114~ubuntu16.04.1_BUILDING.txt.gz21:58
cjwatsonBuild log is enough.  One moment.21:59
naccthat would appear tob e: https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+build/983940121:59
nacci think?21:59
cjwatsonRight, and that has a "Retry this build" link on it.21:59
cjwatsonYou could have used that.22:00
JasperAha, thanks.22:00
JasperOut of curiosity, how did you find those pages?22:00
naccJasper: i got to that from https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+builds?build_text=&build_state=failed22:00
JasperCool, thank you.22:00
naccJasper: and i got there from 'view all builds' on https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+packages22:00
wgrantJasper: They're also linked from +packages22:00
JasperI got to the recipe build page.22:00
wgrantWhen a build fails, there's an X in the relevant row with a link to each architecture that has failed.22:00
JasperWhere is it from there?22:00
cjwatsonUnder "Binary builds".22:01
wgranteg. https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=22:01
Jasper"Binary builds: none"22:01
JasperOn https://launchpad.net/~endlessm/+archive/ubuntu/soma/+recipebuild/114982422:01
cjwatsonThen you're not looking at the right recipe build.22:01
wgrantThat recipe build failed.22:01
cjwatsonThat recipe build was a *source package* build failure, not the binary build failure above.22:01
JasperAh, OK.22:01
cjwatsoni.e. failure even to construct the source package22:01
JasperOK, cool.22:02
cjwatsonRecipes are all two-stage: first we build a source package from the various VCSes and such that you specify, and then we feed that source package into the usual package building machinery to get binary packages.22:02
JasperI can't see it but that's probably a permissions issue.22:02
JasperYeah, yeah.22:02
mwhudsonis there any way i can tell if this job is stuck? https://launchpad.net/~mwhudson/+archive/ubuntu/devirt/+build/983683922:30
mwhudsonit's gcc building on armhf so being very slow is hardly surprising but there has been no output for an hour or so now22:30
mwhudsonoh wait, it's going now, never mind :)22:30
naccwhat format does getPublishedSources' created_since_date take?23:45
wgrantnacc: ISO 860123:47
wgranteg. 2016-05-31T23:48:0823:48
naccwgrant: thanks!23:48
naccwgrant: i was thinking that as i looked through the logs23:48
wgrantnacc: But if you're using launchpadlib you can just pass in a datetime object23:48
naccwgrant: ok, good to know!23:49

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