
svijjose: did you hear something regarding the sponsorship email?06:06
josesvij: hey, not yet. I hope soon, though, because I have my sponsors on the line06:06
svijjose: ok06:06
davidcalleMorning o/07:50
svijjose: you have 8 sponsors!? wow.08:26
josesvij: possible sponsors, yep08:26
josetalked to several people at oscon, most of them were marketing so they pointed me in the right direction08:26
svijah, nice08:27
* knome points jose to the wrong direction08:29
knomejust for the variety08:29
joseohai knome!08:29
knomehello :)08:29
joseall set for California?08:31
knomei will be traveling VERY light which means i will have to see carefully what i take with me08:32
joseI still haven't learnt how to travel light. the last time I tried, I ended up with a packed suitcase on my return08:34
knomeheh :)08:35
knomemy secret is that i'm usually throwing stuff away when traveling08:35
knomekind of extreme, but... it helps me travel with a small backpack for up to a week08:35
knomeand yeah... no extra shoes, no extra sweater, nothing extra really08:37
knomejust prepare to buy something when traveling :)08:37
joseI can't think of a time where I haven't checked a bag.08:41
joseactually, yes, there was a time, but it was a one day trip08:41
knomei did the UDS in copenhage with just the 20l~ish backpack08:44
joseoh wow, that's amazing08:44
knomehaha :)08:44
joseI checked one bag because that was the maximum allowance, but in the return it was weighing 49.5lb out of the 50lb max08:45
knomei mean, it's ok to have luggage if you travel with somebody else... then you can share the space and it is indeed more comfortable08:45
knomebut when traveling alone, i just like to go and not wait for luggage stuff and blah-di-blah, also helps navigating to/from the airport08:46
josemiles <3 my bag always comes out first08:46
knomehah, yeah08:46
knomebut nonetheless08:46
knomethen you need to take it to the hotel08:46
joselast time Ian from S76 was waiting for me at the airport, and literally as I walked down the stairs the machine was spitting my bag out08:46
joseI actually tucked it under the table :P08:47
joseanyways, you do have a point - checked luggage can be bothersome. very.08:49
knomeand what if it gets missing on the way...08:50
joseoh! that happened to me in copenhagen, actually!08:50
josenot missing, but delayed08:50
josethey took it to my room the next day, but still08:50
knomenot funny when you have all your clothes there ;)08:57
joseor if they give you a super small tshirt for backup09:02
joseanyways, time for me to go to bed09:10
popeywho is doing Ubuntu On Air today? Was dholbach and myself last week.11:17
dpmmhall119 and I can probably do it11:45
dpmsvij, you might have seen the notification, but I've moved the UbuCon call to Thursday - I'm planning to spend some time on the blog template11:47
svijdpm: yep, I've seen it11:47
svijI'm in London for a couple of days, so I probably can't join on thursday11:48
dpmsvij, ok, nevertheless I can hopefully get the blog in shape in the next couple of days. Otherwise, have fun in London :)11:50
svijthanks. :)11:50
* svij added Jane as the first Keynote speaker \o/ http://ubucon.org/en/events/ubucon-europe/talks/#keynotes11:54
czajkowskifor Ubucon EU do all the talks have to be about Ubuntu, or can there be other topic presentations ?12:00
dpmI think we'd favour talks that are related to Ubuntu in one way or another, rather than it being a generic Open Source event. But that said, we can always have a discussion about other topics, what do you say svij? ^12:21
mhall119dpm: I can do the Q&A today12:32
marcoceppipopey: while I have "admin" on the site, the Discourse guys host it (as an fyi)12:44
czajkowskimarcoceppi: same as us :)12:45
czajkowskimarcoceppi: do you guys create any dashboards for questions or interactions?12:45
marcoceppiczajkowski: this site is sorely underutilized and failed to take hold because of friction with the ubuntu forums, so we're about two seconds away from killing it off. I ahven't really explored the admin portion of the platform for quite a while12:46
popeyi don't think the lack of use is soley due to friction with ubuntu forums, but that didn't help12:49
popeymany people didn't know discourse even existed12:49
=== czajkowski is now known as LauraFautley
svijLauraFautley: what dpm said is correct. We have 4 rooms on two days available, so we can fit a lot of non-ubuntu stuff. :)14:05
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=== davidcalle_x86_6 is now known as davidcalle
dpmmhall119, I've pre-scheduled the q&A hangout with the Ubuntu On Air account, but I don't seem to be able to start the hangout. Would you mind updating ubuntuonair.com with the links?14:41
mhall119dpm: on it14:57
dpmI had to reinstall the Google hangouts plugin, now I can start it14:57
=== LauraFautley is now known as czajkowski

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