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cpaelzergood morning05:36
pittiinfinity: right, I remember again -- we made the libpam-systemd a recommends instead of a depends to keep out dbus etc. from being quasi-essential07:03
pittiinfinity: but now that the entire init dropped out of essential, that's actually okay and desirable07:03
pittiGood morning07:04
infinitypitti: I made all the changes, FYI.  I'm going to look at fallout for "weird" images (people who don't ship minimal/standard, because reasons) when I wake up and fix any oddities.07:04
pitticyphermox: this morning when I tried to boot my laptop, EFI refused to boot because it could not verify the signature; I disabled secureboot for now, but I suppose that Should Not Happen™; how can I debug this?07:09
pitticyphermox: (yakkety du jour)07:09
pittimdeslaur, jdstrand: IIRC you started working on loading apparmor profiles in systemd directly, like it does with SELinux, to get rid of the apparmor rcS init.d script and the associated race conditions, right?07:28
pittimdeslaur, jdstrand: I was curious what the status of that was, as Debian is trying to get rid of rcS init.d scripts (they tend to cause problems)07:29
RAOFHm. *Some* update appears to have broken the Mir build. With weird template linker errors!07:33
pittiurgh, what happened to prodstack swift07:43
Laneymapreri: was away for a few days; will look soon08:02
six86Hello. I can't manage to create a bootable stick with my preseeded *.iso file... It works fine in a VM and Also creating a bootable stick from the orginal ubuntu image works fine09:04
pittitjaalton: please see my followup/question in bug 157773509:37
ubottubug 1577735 in libdrm (Ubuntu Xenial) "Add missing SKL/BXT PCI-ID's" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157773509:37
rbasakpitti: I see systemd 230 is in Yakkety. What are the plans for KillUserProcesses? Does the server team need to consider our view on the screen/tmux use case? That is, will there be a behaviour change in Yakkety?09:48
pittirbasak: the change is already reverted in the packaging git, so 230-2 will be back to the 229 behaviour09:48
rbasakpitti: ah, thanks.09:50
infinitypitti: Can we get that out sooner rather than later, to avoid the impending whine-fest (and people like me who've been sprinkling config snippets around already...)09:51
pittiinfinity: yeah, can do; it'll be stuck in -proposed for a while though, as autopkgtesting is currently blocked on swift being down09:52
pittibut people could get it from -proposed then09:52
infinitypitti: Whee.  But yeah, better than nothing.09:52
infinitypitti: Is there ongoing upstream discussion about the madness, or are downstreams just expected to fork that bit forever?09:53
pittiinfinity: there are upstream discussions, yes09:53
pittie. g. upstream bugs for screen/tmux09:54
pittibut until that has settled down, we'll just revert to the old behaviour09:54
pittiinfinity: it's just a ./configure option, not that much of a fork09:54
pittiand given how much opposition it met, I wouldn't be surprised if the default flips back in 231 upstream too09:54
infinitypitti: So, in the new world order, how does a user intentionally detach a process so it doesn't get whacked?09:54
lifelessinfinity: there's a systemd thing you can call09:55
pittiinfinity: that's still being discussed actually; IMHO it'd be cleanest to start a PAM session, or use systemd-run to start a new scope (like a "mini" session)09:55
rbasakYou have to enable lingering first AIUI? Or is that not necessary?09:55
pittibut I haven't seen a really satisfying answer to that09:55
pittiyes, but lingering is global09:55
pittiif you enable it, all other leftover processes from your session will survive too09:56
rbasakI see. So one or the other will suffice?09:56
pittithis is still a problem at the conceptual level, before we even can discuss technical solutions09:56
infinitypitti: None of that would satisfy the simple use case of "./long-job > log 2>&1 &" oh crap, need to logout "disown && logout".09:56
infinitypitti: But I guess we'll see where it goes.09:56
infinityBreaking UNIX, one use-case at a time.09:57
pittiwe either accept tons of leftover processes, or change the ones that are deliberately long running09:57
pittiinfinity: e. g. I wouldn't expect ./long-job & to survive on logout09:57
pittithat'd go straight against my idea of logging in and out09:57
rbasakOr we fix the bugs so processes exit when they should?09:57
pittiscreen and tmux I can understand09:57
pittibut, as said, we first need to define what we actually want before discussing implementation09:58
infinitypitti: I suppose one could write a souped-up disown that moves the process out of the cgroup instead of just unparenting it?09:58
pittiand everyone seems to want something different09:58
pittiinfinity: yes, that's more or less what systemd-run or a new PAM session would do09:58
infinitypitti: Well, but post-run is the key.09:58
infinitypitti: Having to think of this in advance is a massive behavioural change for old farts. :P09:59
pittithis is a prime example for https://xkcd.com/1172/10:00
infinityI disagree entirely.10:00
pittiI think it's a bug and counter-intuitive that session processes survive logout, you consider it a feature, one of us will always be unhappy :)10:00
rbasakpitti: do you consider an ssh disconnect a logout?10:00
infinityrbasak: Yes.10:00
infinityAnything that will result in killing your shell (or base process) is a logout.10:01
pittirbasak: I'd say yes10:01
infinitydisown exists specifically to unparent processes from the controlling shell, so the HUP sent on disconnect isn't propagated.10:01
infinityIt's a feature, not a misfeature.  It's not spacebar heating. :P10:01
pittiyes, I can close the terminal and the process goes on10:02
infinityAnd HUP has a very specific meaning, and has done for decades.  Again, I don't think it's sane to say "actually, that should have been KILL all along".10:02
pittianyway, 230-2 building, and I'll upload it to sid then; should get autosynced to y in half a day or so10:03
infinityAs in, some things intentionally deamonize on HUP, so they don't get rudely interrupted by a remote disconnect.10:03
infinityIn fact, even apt does that. :P10:04
infinity(To avoid half-done dpkg runs)10:04
infinitypitti: Anyhow.  I agree that making tmux/screen spawn new login sessions would be a workaround for the problem, but I disagree that remapping HUP to KILL for disconnects is in any way POSIX/UNIX friendly. :P10:06
infinityAnd, honestly, it'll just lead me to set my shell to /usr/bin/tmux10:06
infinityWhich then gives me the same behaviour I had before, and renders the new world order a no-op.10:07
pittiinfinity: I don't actually expect it to become a new world order anytime soon10:07
pittithis was an idea, it failed, it gets reverted, maybe the next concept and iteration works better10:08
tjaaltonpitti: adding a handful of missing pci-ids so that compiz works properly shouldn't break anything10:13
pittitjaalton: maybe, but it still needs to be confirmed that the package upgrades and runs correctly, and that X still works with the -proposed package10:14
pittitjaalton: we've had SRUs of binutils and gcc, for example10:14
tjaaltonpitti: well I copied a comment from the private bug10:14
pittitjaalton: that comment makes little sense10:16
pittitjaalton: 2.4.67 *is* the version in t/x-proposed10:16
pittiif it's only fixed by .68, then that needs to be SRUed as well, that's only in y10:16
tjaaltonwell yes the version in the comment is wrong10:16
pittiand it also doesn't say whether that's t or x10:16
tjaaltonno, it just needs the pci-id's that the rest of the stack already has...10:16
tjaalton(kernel, mesa)10:16
tjaaltonif you insist, I'll ask chih to comment himself10:17
pittiwell, I insist on someone testing the actual package from -proposed and confirming the version and that it still works10:18
tjaaltonpitti: and the only diff between t/x is the version number10:18
pittitjaalton: doesn't matter -- we are looking for regressions here; confirming that it fixes the bug is nice, but not actually the first priority10:19
pittibut if the xenial-proposed one misbuilt because of our gcc or binutils SRU, we want to know this10:19
pittijust trusting "the diff is simple" isn't sufficient, and has led to catastrophes more than once10:19
tjaaltonhave you even looked at the diff?10:20
pittithe diff is *completely* irrelevant10:20
tjaaltonit's completely relevant10:20
tjaaltonthis is not gcc10:20
tjaaltonor binutils10:20
pitti(well, it's not in geneal, but the diff doesn't change the fact that we need to test teh proposed package)10:20
tjaaltonand it was tested, I don't have the hw for that10:20
pittitesting for regressions on any intel hardware is fine10:21
pittiit's more important that it doesn't regress on existing systems than that it actually fixes the bug10:21
pittiwe can always do a followup SRU if we missed a PCI ID, but we don't want to leave existing systems with a broken X10:21
pittisorry, but just saying "it'll work without testing" for a compiled library is not acceptable10:22
Saviqxnox, hey, could you help with bug #1585517 please - between vivid and xenial we can no longer cross-build unity8 again - I've tried :any, :native for the two B-Ds, but I suppose that's wrong (and it didn't work anyway...)10:31
ubottubug 1585517 in python-setuptools (Ubuntu) "Can't install for cross-building" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158551710:31
mapreriLaney: ok, don't worry :)  Thanks for prodding the thing!10:50
* mapreri now waits for the mirror to updates10:50
mdeslaurpitti: jdstrand can confirm, but I don't believe we ever started that work, as the init script worked ok and we got busy  doing other stuff11:03
pittimdeslaur: thanks, what I thought; the usual fate of makeshift solutions which work well enough :)11:04
pitti*cough* ddeb-retriever *cough*11:04
mdeslaurheh, yeah :)11:04
MirvI think qtchooser  qt4-x11 qtbase-opensource-src could migrate to release pocket, together, but some hinting would be definitely needed still.11:18
Mirvthere are also "Test in progress" ones that seem to be ghosts - kactivities under qt4-x11, ktnef under qtbase-opensource-src (others are always failed ones)11:19
Mirvsome KDE update remaining autopkgtest breakage is there, but they don't completely go away too soon.11:22
xnoxSaviq, commented.11:45
Saviqxnox, thanks11:45
xnoxbut it's been a while since i did multi-arch fixes11:45
mdeslaur@pilot in11:45
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mdeslaur
xnoxso maybe barry and/or slangasek would be best to doublecheck the assertions I stated on bug #158551711:45
ubottubug 1585517 in python-setuptools (Ubuntu Xenial) "Can't install for cross-building" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158551711:45
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smoserpitti, "cloud-init hash seed issue" ? you mean bug 1584147 right ?13:05
ubottubug 1584147 in cloud-images "cloud-init hangs on boot as Python waits for sufficient randomness to start" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158414713:05
tyhickspitti (FYI mdeslaur & jdstrand): the hard work is done - the parser code that handled policy loads has been moved into libapparmor with a nice simple interface for systemd to use13:53
tyhickspitti: what we didn't get to are the systemd changes to use libapparmor13:53
mdeslaurtyhicks: oh, cool13:53
mdeslaurthat should be reasonable trivial13:54
pittismoser: right, that; that causes looong boot times (and adt-run timeouts; I could bump them, but it's still a nuisance)13:54
smoserpitti, o'13:57
smoseri'm open to suggestions13:57
pittityhicks: ah, thanks; that sounds a lot better indeed13:58
* pitti still in meeting, sorry for lag13:58
pittiyay, swift is back, re-enabling the autopkgtest minions14:10
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infinitypitti: Is this a misconfiguration in scalingstack, by not providing virtio_rng to the guests?14:49
pittiinfinity: could very well be, yes; the RNG takes aaages to initialize14:50
infinitypitti: (Not that I'm agreeing with the new python behaviour, it seems a bit daft, but not starting instances with zero entropy certainly wouldn't hurt)14:50
infinitypitti: Well, s/a bit daft/completely daft/ really.  Given the irresponsible people tend to fork hundreds of python scripts as if it were as cheap as POSIX shell, sucking your RNG dry when you might not even end up using it seems batty.14:52
pittiinfinity: I also don't quite see why one needs cryptographically secure hash randomization14:53
infinitys/Given the/Given that/14:53
pittiin most programming languages hashes have a reproducible order14:53
pittiI did read the upstream report about the resource exploits with CGI arguments, but this appears to be a bit silly14:54
infinitypitti: There's certainly that argument too, yes.  Though, I can certainly firmly place myself on both sides of that fence.  But I'd prefer, as a programmer and sysadmin, to make that decision per call, not have it made for me.14:54
pittiif your CGI program allows me to specify a thousand GET arguments, then making that more efficient rather than just preventing so many args in the first place isn't a good fix14:54
infinitypitti: I have zero hope of influencing python upstream, however, but nudging IS/LP to see if you can get some virtual rng might at least get you past the hump.14:55
infinityI do wish we lived in a world where reliable randomness was a thing all computers had in abundance.  Can't quite sort out how we've failed so miserably to do that by now.14:56
mdeslaur@pilot out14:57
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Xenial (16.04) Released! | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of precise-xenial | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
pittiinfinity: at first the upstream bug report sounded like a wontfix, but I think they were pondering adding a NOBLOCK flag to the getrandom call14:57
infinitypitti: Yeah, I read the whole thread.  Still seems a bit up in the air, and the behaviour still seems incorrect (to me), even with the NOBLOCK, but meh.14:58
infinityIf I want cryptographically awesome randomness, I should ask for it, I think assuming it (and, indeed, draining my RNG to seed it on every python call) is silly.14:58
infinityBut, whatever.  One more reason for me to not be a Python fan.  As if I didn't have enough of those.14:58
pittiI actually am, all the more reason to fend off insanity :)14:59
infinityI suppose it could be worse, they could make /usr/bin/python3 dial-up Amazon and order a hardware fuzz dongle, and block until you plug it in.15:00
pitti"throw a dice 200.000 times and type in the results"15:00
infinity"No cheating, we've turned on your webcam to make sure."15:00
infinityHey neat, I just tore open my stomach.15:04
infinityFor some value of "neat".15:04
infinityAlso, ow.15:04
mdeslaurinfinity: are you ok?15:25
rbasak"reliable randomness was a thing all computers had in abundance."15:27
rbasakThat exists. It's called flaky hardware :-P15:27
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smoseranyone else seeing ubuntu connection failures ?21:22
dobeyeveryone is yes21:22
* smoser out21:23
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jbichawhy is https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/vlc missing the stretch branch (2.2.2-6 or the current 2.2.3-2) ?22:14
naccjbicha: https://launchpad.net/debian/+source/vlc/+publishinghistory22:38
naccjbicha: i'm guessing that pacakge isn't actually using lp for development, so it might be that someone just hasn't made a tracking branch appropriately22:38
naccjbicha: i'm not sure how those work in lp.net/debian, maybe ask on #launchpad22:38
jbichaI believe it has the result that Ubuntu isn't auto-syncing vlc from Debian22:41
cjwatsonnacc: no that's not a "using LP for development" thing22:43
cjwatsonwill check after call22:43
nacccjwatson: oh ok22:44
cjwatsonbut stretch also isn't pertinent to auto-sync22:44
naccjbicha: yakkety is synced?22:44
cjwatsonsid is22:44
naccwell, with a rebuild22:44
nacc2.2.2-6 from unstable, it seesm22:44
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/debian/+source/vlc/+publishinghistory has it as deleted for some reason22:44
naccweird, and without an attribution as to who did it?22:45
cjwatsonit's entirely automatic22:45
cjwatsonchecking logs22:45
naccok, i thought even then it said by the bot or something22:46
cjwatsonnacc: not for /debian, that's more like reflecting external status than a deletion as such22:48
cjwatsonit could be deleted by ~janitor I guess but it wouldn't add any useful information22:49
cjwatsonjbicha: so in this case the problem is apparently that the dpkg-dev we're using can't unpack sid's vlc22:49
nacccjwatson: ok, i must be misremembering22:49
cjwatsondpkg-source: error: unrecognized file for a v2.0 source package: vlc_2.2.3.orig.tar.xz.asc22:50
cjwatsonhttps://lists.debian.org/debian-dpkg/2016/05/msg00041.html and thread22:51
jbichaI hit that with bzr earlier today, bug 158765922:51
ubottubug 1587659 in bzr-builddeb (Ubuntu) "bzr-bd chokes if tarball .asc in directory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158765922:51
cjwatsonseparate issue22:52
cjwatsonI'm pretty cross at the excessively rapid introduction of this feature22:52
cjwatsonjbicha: can you file a bug against Launchpad itself about this?  we're clearly forced to do something22:53
cjwatsonit'll probably also require some other changes to LP beyond the dpkg backport22:54
cjwatsonSourcePackageFileType for starters22:54
cjwatsonin fact we might need those first, would need to check22:55
cjwatson... yup, that sure looks like it'd be an IntegrityError or similar if we try to insert it without knowing its file type22:57
jbichafiled bug 158766722:59
ubottubug 1587667 in Launchpad itself "Import from Debian fails for source packages with included tarball .asc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158766722:59
cjwatsonthanks.  will try to get to it ASAP23:01

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