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gamsufaHello guys14:40
dpmhi everyone14:58
JarlathPhew, thought I was an hour late :)14:59
dpmwe're about to start :)14:59
mhall119about to start14:59
JarlathOh, it's last weeks one I'm watching then.15:00
dpmwe're sorting out a couple of issues with sound and we'll be right there in a sec :)15:02
mhall119jarlath: refresh the page15:02
ChloeWolfieGirlI blame snaply15:03
mhall119ChloeWolfieGirl: :-P15:03
jarlathmhall119: thanks :)15:03
jarlathQUESTION: Is a 'papercuts'-like initiative happening under the name of 'band aids' for UT here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/band-aids-uphone15:03
ChloeWolfieGirlI can hear you :315:03
richrbooQUESTION: is mobile still a key part of Ubuntu plans? Read Shuttleworth said unlikely Ubuntu Phone will be lead device. What is end goal for Phone?15:04
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Whats your favourite flavoured pie?15:04
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: HUD?15:04
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Messaging framework?15:04
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION; New notifications?15:04
coocoomberQUESTION: when will meizu pro5 be back on stock?15:04
Thunder QUESTION: Is there a timetable for snaps to come to the phone and tablet? If not, when do you think it is likely to happen?15:05
=== Thunder is now known as Guest69881
jarlathQUESTION: A recent update to the libnl package was causing systems to loose their network interfaces on 14.04. I'm wondering why Ubuntu/Canonical don't use automated testing for critical packages such as these?15:05
dpmthanks everyone for the questions!15:05
dpmwe'll get to them in a minute after the news update15:06
richrboo_QUESTION: also read Shuttleworth, doesn't use Ubuntu Phone. Interested if you all do or don't use it as daily driver?15:06
coocoomberQUESTION: i am trying to find a phone with ubuntu but all links from http://www.ubuntu.com/phone/devices are out of stock or 404 links15:06
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Michael Hall are you going to start vreating Ubuntu backgrounds using Krita? (please)15:06
mhall119coocoomber: which ones are 404?15:07
mhall119coocoomber: can you file bugs against lp:ubuntu-website for those?15:07
coocoomberE4.5 is dead link15:07
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Whats your favourite nonalcoholic beverage?15:07
nick110QUESTION: has the development of OnePlus One stopped? I haven't seen much news about it.15:07
coocoomberwhat is lp:ubuntu-website?15:08
mhall119ChloeWolfieGirl: going to start a tea vs. tea war here :)15:08
coocoombercan you try?15:08
ChloeWolfieGirlnick110 it has not, its slowed down due to exams and dead lines15:08
mhall119coocoomber: launchpad.net/ubuntu-website15:08
ChloeWolfieGirlMhall119 a goal added to my ubuntu Q&A's Start culture wars/arguments ;P15:09
coocoomberi don't know how to, can you do it instead?15:09
coocoomberthe e4.5 link is dead15:09
coocoomber404 code15:09
jarlathQUESTION: I clean install/reflash of my E4.5 fixed a lot of issues. I know all systems have this problem but how can updated systems be made equal to clean installs on the phone?15:09
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: What game do you wish was available for Linux which currently is not?15:10
ElectricBob QUESTION: I believe that Mark Shuttleworth mentioned at the start of the year that the next verison of snaps may include ways for unity 8 apps to perform some processes in the background. Is this on the books for this year?15:10
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: What feature would you like to see in scopes?15:10
ElectricBob QUESTION: Although snaps and the technology behind them are open source, it seems that other major linux distributions are not considering it and are instead going with Gnome's own flatpack or something else.  Is it possible for other ditributions like Fedora or Suse to use snaps without Canonical being involved? If not, what would need to change in order for that to become a possibility? I find it frustrating when anothe15:10
nick110ChloeWolfieGirl: ah, ok. I love my oneplus one and i love ubuntu touch on it15:10
coocoomberQUESTION: howto install snaps on phone?15:11
ChloeWolfieGirlnick110 same :) headphones and calls are coming next, hyped but trying to keep patient x'D15:11
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Part of microsofts convergence plan is the xbox, when will canonical have an xbox competitor, or is the idea to leave that to steamOS?15:13
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Can we see a ubuntu edge device, I know the original didnt get enough money but Id love to see a new one with usb-c and wired convergence.15:14
nick110QUESTION: I have been in many linux communities, but the Ubuntu community is the most friendly, human, and helpful one, how do you think Ubuntu achieve this?15:15
popeynick110: code of conduct goes a long way15:15
popeygiven we've had that since 2004 or so, it's quite ingrained15:16
jarlathQUESTION: I thought I was alone with problems with location services (which affect uNav and Nearby scope) but a recent review of MX5 reported similar. Is it on the radar at Canonical?15:17
mariogripQUESTION: Is it / will it be possible to program ubuntu apps on rust?15:17
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Windows Phones are loosing market share, Windows Phones currently have more features, more apps and are more slick then ubuntu phones, how will Ubuntu Phones avoid similar circumstances that Microsoft is going through?15:19
jarlathQUESTION: There have been hundreds if not thousands of reports of institutions or regions switching to Ubuntu over the years. Is there a central place to go back and read them?15:21
nick110QUESTION: will mark be at Ubucon Europe, and do you is there some known speakers and talks yet?15:22
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: When will Ubuntu over take windows in marketshare?15:22
jarlathQUESTION: Any plans to make it easier to report bugs from the phone? For example, a link to the launchpad page in the app store entry as well as a mobile friendly launchpad :)15:22
jarlathQUESTION: David P, my wife wants to know how you got the glass bottle around the light bulb :)15:24
mariogripmhall119: 12 :)15:24
mariogrip+ exam and stuff15:24
ChloeWolfieGirlhai mariogrip15:24
mariogriphay ChloeWolfieGirl :D15:25
nick110QUESTION: Will there be Ubuntu touch on OnePlus 3? that would be awesome15:27
nick110hi mariogrip! :D15:27
mariogripnick110: Hi15:27
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: What little thing do you want to see different or changed in Ubuntu phone that may not have much attention because its small compaired to other features or dont feel its worthy of a launchpad bug?15:28
ChloeWolfieGirlNick110 dreams15:28
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Are there plans to talk to more smaller phone manufacturers like WileyFox and OnePlus or are you heading for the top with Samsung and Sony?15:29
popeyI spoke to WileyFox :)15:30
popeyThey are nice people.15:30
ChloeWolfieGirlmariogrip need to get Ubuntu working perfectly on other devices so you can port it to the OP315:30
ChloeWolfieGirlPopey I asked the WileyFox people about the posibility of an Ubuntu pjone, they said they couldnt but they do seem like a really nice comapny :)15:31
jarlathQUESTION: When will unity8 in 16.04 repo support installs from the app store? They download 100% then give an error.15:31
SebthreeBQM10HDis the D in this name showing or not?15:31
mariogripChloeWolfieGirl: yeah!15:31
* mariogrip needs to hurry up!15:32
* mariogrip is to slow!15:32
ChloeWolfieGirlGotta Go Fast15:32
mariogripsonic :D15:32
=== SebthreeBQM10HD is now known as SebthreeM10HD
ChloeWolfieGirlHaha yes!15:33
SebthreeM10HDQUESTION: What happended to Ubuntu Light?15:33
mariogripQUESTION: where is my Ubuntu watch? :)15:35
artaswhats the best ubuntu for 2 gigas ram?15:35
ChloeWolfieGirlQUESTION: Whats the best way to convince other software venders to make linux apps? Will snappy help developers of other OS's make linux apps?15:36
mariogripartas: normal ubuntu will run fine with that :)15:36
ChloeWolfieGirlMariogrip itll happen when you port ubuntu to the apple watch ;P15:36
artasgood question cloeworf!15:37
mariogripartas: but, nothing is "best" ubuntu, the best one is what you like :)15:37
ChloeWolfieGirlMariogrip +215:37
artasI like it :D15:37
=== SebthreeM10HD is now known as SebthreeBQM10HD
SebthreeBQM10HDChloeWolfieGirl: what was?15:38
ChloeWolfieGirlUbuntu edge15:38
SebthreeBQM10HDChloeWolfieGirl: sure but it never hapended for real, hence these BQ and Meizu devices which were made with Android in mind not Ubuntu15:39
ChloeWolfieGirlSeb thsts why Id like to see a new ubuntu edge ;P15:40
artasits possíbel to put any phone with "ubuntu", i will like to try on my phone15:40
SebthreeBQM10HDartas: nope, but if you got a Nexus 4 or  something like that you should be able to put it on ther15:40
SebthreeBQM10HDartas: one plus ones have a port to15:41
mariogripChloeWolfieGirl: oh, apple products will be like trying to flash nexus 4 recovery on a rock.... so, that will be hard15:41
wurdeeQUESTION: I see the potential for JuJu. I'm stumbling over the huge flux happening on 2.0devel. When will there be a stable 2.0 release of JuJu?15:43
ChloeWolfieGirlMariogrip: When will you port Ubuntu to the iPhone 6?15:43
mariogripChloeWolfieGirl: when apple makes Itunes for linux :)15:44
SebthreeBQM10HDChloeWolfieGirl: have you got a WIndows phone which one?15:44
ChloeWolfieGirlMariogrip: Soon tm15:44
artasneed to go, take care15:46
ChloeWolfieGirlSeb I dont, but Ive used a few (friends) they are fast and have more apps15:46
SebthreeBQM10HDChloeWolfieGirl: yees they will hae more apps15:46
SebthreeBQM10HDcan use the WIndows 10 store :d15:46
SebthreeBQM10HDon more reecent ones15:46
SebthreeBQM10HDI think?15:47
ChloeWolfieGirlYeah facebook are making new apps for windows phone15:47
SebthreeBQM10HDChloeWolfieGirl: but the interesting feature is contiumem but only for the more expensive high end ones Lumias15:47
SebthreeBQM10HDso you haen't used that?15:47
SebthreeBQM10HDneed a dock to use it thingey15:47
SebthreeBQM10HDunlike Ubuntu's thing :D15:47
ChloeWolfieGirlI havent used continuem, I just look at these things on youtube and in stores, looking at the competition15:49
SebthreeBQM10HDChloeWolfieGirl: shame the expensive ones are so expensive since I got a nex dock coming next month or so, got to give them my address first15:49
SebthreeBQM10HDI'll be using my remix minis with it and other  things I can connedct to it :D15:49
SebthreeBQM10HDnice device for Ubuntu convergence as well so15:50
ChloeWolfieGirlYeah thats what I was thinking when seeing them.15:50
SebthreeBQM10HDseeing what?15:51
mariogripQUESTION: why isn't canonical sponsoring mariogrip (ubports) for his great work??15:51
SebthreeBQM10HDmariogrip: asked by :d15:52
SebthreeBQM10HDChloeWolfieGirl: seeing what?15:52
ChloeWolfieGirlConvergence options.15:53
SebthreeBQM10HDthe nexdock you meant?15:53
SebthreeBQM10HDyeah I saw Jane Sibler atweet in my emails, thats how I found out orignally :d15:53
SebthreeBQM10HDseems it's going to cost me about the same as what I bought it for, the actsaully get it here, shipping and customs15:53
SebthreeBQM10HDto actsauly get it here15:54
jarlath_mhall119: that was me, correct :)15:54
mariogriphahah :P15:56
* SebthreeBQM10HD is sebsebseb15:56
mariogripQUESTION: What's the status on Unity8 with binary Nvidia drivers15:59
mariogripawww :=)15:59
jarlath_Thanks guys!16:00
ChloeWolfieGirlThank y'all :)16:01
mariogripThanks :D16:02
dpmthanks everyone!16:02
ChloeWolfieGirlBye guys16:02
mhall119thanks everyone16:02
SebthreeBQM10HDhello mhall119 's wife or whoever that was :d he h16:03
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119: good session16:03
SebthreeBQM10HDdpm: ^16:04
dpmSebthreeBQM10HD, I like the device you're running ;)16:04
mhall119SebthreeBQM10HD: daughter :)16:05
SebthreeBQM10HDwho put that dpm ? this IRC client isn't the best16:05
SebthreeBQM10HDmhall119: oh16:05
SebthreeBQM10HDdpm: yeah it's a good device :)16:06

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