
=== SeanS is now known as Guest66289
ubuntu_Hello, ubuntu-server won't ad a network adaptor.02:08
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cpaelzergood morning05:36
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halvorsHi. How can i disable dhclient for some given interfaces?09:56
Walexhalvors: that's not a good question10:08
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halvorsWalex: Is there any way to just run the dhclient on a spcifed interface? Where is the config file for this?11:21
Odd_Blokehalvors: /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/network/interfaces.d/* should be what controls it.11:22
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coreycbjklare, it looks like bug 1586443 was fixed so I'll take a look at backporting gnocchi again.  it's going to be a bit though if at all since the fix will need to land in yakkety first before an SRU to xenial can be approved.12:16
ubottubug 1586443 in Gnocchi 2.1 "i386 tests exhaust threads" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158644312:16
coreycbjklare, your best bet would be to test on xenial12:16
jklarecoreycb thanks, would be great to see it in trusty too. We are already using it on xenial and it seems to work :)12:17
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coreycbjklare, that's good to hear.  I'll keep you posted.12:18
halvorsOdd_Bloke: Well, it isn't as both are completly empty.12:20
halvorsBut dhclient still requesting DHCP on all interfaces.12:20
cpaelzerhalvors: for static and manual configs it shouldn't - would you mind providing a pastebin of your /etc/network/interfaces[/.d] and name an interface in it that you expect to not do dhcp, but does it?12:25
halvorscpaelzer: As i said both /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/network/interfaces.d is empty.12:28
halvorscpaelzer: My interfaces is configured with iproute212:28
Odd_Blokehalvors: Could you pastebin your /var/log/syslog somewhere?12:30
cpaelzerhalvors: ah I read that as "not empty" sorry12:30
cpaelzerlike "it is not like both would be completely empty" - anyway clarified now12:31
cpaelzersomebody might know the inner workings if that file is completely empty (I don't out of my head) - I'd try to just replace dhclient with a wrapper that reports PPID and current ps axlf output to a tmp file - so you'd see where it is coming from12:38
ImpalooHey not sure what's going on with a mounted USB stick. `df` says it has 29G used, whereas `du` says the mount point has 3.6G usage12:46
Odd_BlokeImpaloo: Could you pastebin the two outputs?12:47
ImpalooOdd_Bloke: http://pastebin.com/C8V710Bp12:48
Impalooworth noting it's an exFAT fs12:48
Odd_BlokeImpaloo: Hmm, I'd expect du to report permissions errors, but there might be files on there that your user can't access?12:49
ImpalooOdd_Bloke: nope, no extraneous files12:50
Odd_BlokeDo you have access to any other distros/OSes?  What do they report/12:51
ImpalooOdd_Bloke: unfortunately no, on Raspbian atm12:51
Odd_BlokeHmm, afraid I'm out of ideas then. :)12:52
Impalooi'll try reformatting to ext412:52
cpaelzerImpaloo: http://serverfault.com/questions/57098/du-vs-df-difference http://linuxshellaccount.blogspot.de/2008/12/why-du-and-df-display-different-values.html12:53
cpaelzerImpaloo: the difference of "trusting superblock" vs "counting" could be amplified by behavior of xfat in your case12:53
cpaelzerAs Odd_Bloke thought the omst common issues are permissions or mounting over directories then invisible to du12:54
jayjoIs there a way to program a cron job to skip certain calendar days - as in skip July 4th, August 2nd, etc12:56
cpaelzerjayjo: I don't know of a "skip" parm, people usually do like this http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/88770/cron-to-not-run-on-specific-day-but-all-other-days13:02
Walexjayjo: not really, but you can write a shell script script to do that with 'date'13:02
Walexhalvors: I think that you are asking the right question...13:04
Walexhalvors: I think that you are NOT asking the right question...13:04
Walexhalvors: it usually helps if you say first what you want to achieve, not about the way you think is theb way to do it.13:05
Walexhalvors: for example "I have 2 interface and I want to configure statically one and dynamically the other and I am using 'ifup'/NM/... to configure them.13:06
smoserflarunt, invalid manifest (sorry, long weekend). is that still an issue ? you're saying the manifest file in the ova has invalid sum for the .ovf file i think, right?13:07
Walexhalvors: you could also ask why your original question was wrong...13:07
Walexor at least looked wrong.13:07
smoserplease file a bug against cloud-images https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+filebug13:07
jayjoWalex: so use a cronjob to execute a shell script, and that script will only continue if it meets the date param criteria?13:14
devster31can I apt upgrade python* making apt only update packages already installed?13:18
patdk-wkwhy do you want to update python? but nothing else?13:19
devster31it was an example, first thing13:20
shewlessHi guys. Does anyone know a good place to read up on keystone configuration? I'm using this guide but it does not give enough detail on LDAP configuration: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/configuration.html13:25
shewlessDo I need to download the source code and read it or is there some proper documentation that I just can't find?13:25
devster31shewless: #openstack and #openstack-keystone might be better fits?13:26
shewlessdevster31: thanks I'll look there. To be honest you guys at ubuntu-server are far more responsive :)13:28
devster31maybe, but I know absolutely nothing about openstack, you could also try http://docs.openstack.org/developer/devstack/ if you aren't already13:29
caribourbasak: I'm done with the kexec-tools's merge; should I wait for usd-import to be run so I get the repository created ?13:48
jamespagecoreycb, poked a load of things in packaging CI today13:59
jamespagemost things working/in the pipe for build testing again13:59
jamespageironic broken due to my mistake in the versioning field for the build - fixed now13:59
coreycbjamespage, awesome, thanks.  b1 should be released any day now.14:00
jamespagecoreycb, yah - I see global-requirements sync's going past14:01
jamespagecoreycb, we should probably do a oslo.* run through14:01
jamespage(says the man not here for the rest of the week)14:01
jamespagecoreycb, we're nearly deployable from branch PPA's now14:01
coreycbjamespage, ok.  on that note I'm catching up on all the upstream g-r review policies etc to help out with that.14:01
jamespagecoreycb is awesome14:02
coreycbjamespage, lol I've not done much yet.  ack on the oslo bumps.14:02
coreycbjamespage, re: almost deployable from PPAs, are you referring to the charms?14:04
jamespagecoreycb, yes14:04
coreycbjamespage, that's good, so we should be in pretty good shape to get b1 out the door.14:06
jamespagehope so14:06
cpaelzercaribou: you might want to highlight nacc for that question as well - @nacc importer timing question above14:22
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rbasakcaribou: I was about to reply to you when nacc appeared!15:28
rbasaknacc: seen caribou's request for import of kexec-tools? I wanted to ask you if I'm fine to run the importer for people on request now.15:28
rbasak(I haven't actually tried to run it at all yet :-/15:28
naccrbasak: it would work, but i've not pushed our rework yet15:28
naccrbasak: so it would result in a different tree, not sure if kexec-tools would be affected or not :)15:29
naccrbasak: i can do the import later today, i think, i was pretty close to being done with the rewrite on friday15:29
naccrbasak: i'll respond to caribou on-list regardless :)15:30
naccrbasak: if that's ok with you?15:30
rbasaknacc: sure!15:31
naccrbasak: also, did you see my last e-mail from last week? re: merge and double-commits?15:31
rbasaknacc: sorry, I forgot about that.15:32
naccrbasak: np! long weekend and i sort of asked you not to respond at the time :)15:32
rbasaknacc: I think one commit is fine, but we'll have to end up with two commits when a user pushes to upload/<version>15:32
rbasakThis is assuming that there isn't a case I'm missing here.15:33
naccrbasak: right, i'll need to consider that case still (right now, i'm not handling upload/ being added properly, i expect, even in the current code)15:33
rbasakIt would be nice if the importer could somehow detect and add the second commit so a merger would only have to upload a straightforward rebase, but I'm not sure that's possible.15:33
naccrbasak: yeah, i'll think through it, and worst-case put some comments in15:34
caribounacc: rbasak: on-list is fine for me btw15:37
nacccaribou: thanks, sorry for the delay, holidays and just waking up now :)15:37
caribounacc: no worry, I was fighting with my merge anyway15:38
caribounacc: I need to spend some time cleaning the Wiki's notes & merge mine15:38
nacccaribou: ack, i also was considering making a second page that's more tied to this tool and with a working example15:39
caribounacc: well, I will most probably have to redo my own merge with the new tree so I'll write down a set of side notes that I can add somewher15:40
nacccaribou: sounds good -- it'll be some sort of combination and distillation of what's in the serverreleasehandling page (which has gotten quite long :)15:40
caribounacc: some pkg specifics makes things weird sometimes; like kexec-tools that provides patches that it doesn't apply and that are removed as delta15:41
caribounacc: couldn't figure out why there were patches in d/p but the result was still ok wrt the merge :)15:42
* caribou makes a note to submittodebian this one15:42
rbasakThere's a thought15:43
rbasaksubmittodebian could do with expanding to work on individual git commits.15:44
naccrbasak: yeah, all of these tools and stuff, are part of what i want to document, too :)16:15
naccrbasak: i will say the new algorithm makes some nice gitk graphs :)16:16
caribounacc: FYI, I have pushed a kdump-tools update which should take care of the ppc64el crashkernel issue16:18
caribounacc: It'll hit Yakkety once I get kexec-tools merged in16:18
nacccaribou: awesome, that's what i was looking forward to seeing :) i'm sure ibm will appreciate it ... eventually :)16:19
caribounacc: well, I'll need someone to formally test it as I don't have the hardware available16:19
nacccaribou: yep, should be easy to find someone if you need me too16:19
rbasakrharper: for bug 1518440, I'll mark as cleared in my tracking. There seem to be enough people affected that one would think someone could complete SRU verification. If not, then the SRU team will warn and remove, and I think that's fine to avoid regression risk (if nobody cares).16:27
ubottubug 1518440 in MAAS "tgt fails to install in LXD" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151844016:27
rbasakrharper: thank you for driving.16:27
rharperrbasak: sure16:27
rbasaknacc: for the bacula bugs, I think I'm missing a big picture of how the different issues interact. For the MySQL-specific ones, upstream and I are quite happy to help - I'm just not sure how everything needs to fit together to make the whole thing usable.16:40
naccrbasak: yeah, i think we discussed this during the sprint and was why we demoted bacula to universe?16:41
naccin 16.0416:41
rbasaknacc: I think that given we demoted it it's up to us to unbreak it. Once unbroken and in sync, we (Canonical) have done our duty and don't need to worry about it any more.16:42
naccrbasak: ack, not disagreeing16:43
rbasakmagicalChicken: around? I've got some old bug assignments I'm tracking - bug 869017, bug 1394403, and a new one, bug 1511222.16:48
ubottubug 869017 in kbd (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu server enables screenblanking, concealing crashdumps (DPMS is not used)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86901716:48
ubottubug 1394403 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "RewriteRule of "^$" is broken" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139440316:48
ubottubug 1511222 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Incorrect trusted proxy match test in mod_remoteip" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151122216:48
rbasakmagicalChicken: I know you've been out, but jgrimm informs me that you should be able to work on these again soon, so I'm just checking in.16:48
magicalChickenrbasak: Hey, I'm back in this week16:49
magicalChickenSure, I'll pick these back up, I think I had partial fixes for all of them, just never got through the final stages for getting them approved16:50
magicalChickenI'll take a look at the new apache bug first16:52
rbasakmagicalChicken: thanks!16:54
magicalChickenrbasak: Of course, sorry it took so long to get the two old bugs handled16:54
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spaceturtleDoes anyone know how I can use an .ssh/config entry that will re-write my username based on the hostname? The %h varaible doesnt work for User17:39
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EmilienMcoreycb, jamespage: did you already try trove? trove-taskmanager recently fails to start on Mitaka (works on RDO): http://logs.openstack.org/20/323320/1/check/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario003-tempest-ubuntu-xenial/cb423b0/logs/etc/trove/trove-taskmanager.conf.txt.gz18:16
EmilienMerr, wrong link18:16
EmilienMcoreycb, jamespage: found it, it's a bug in packaging I'm reporting it18:21
jamespagethis rings a bell - something todo with the wrong config files EmilienM?18:22
EmilienMtrove packaging loads trove.conf only18:22
EmilienMwhile trove use multiple files18:22
jamespageEmilienM, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/151647118:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1516471 in openstack-trove (Ubuntu Xenial) "systemd init scripts not setting correct conf file" [High,Triaged]18:22
jamespageI have a fix committed in the repo18:23
EmilienMso it's not fixed in xenial?18:23
jamespageunsurprisinly a comment on a bug is not always the best way to get peoples attention18:24
jamespageI picked that out of the backlog last week18:24
EmilienMwe disable trove testing on ubuntu in the meantime.18:24
jamespageEmilienM, sure - I'll get the bits lined up next week (about to disappear for a few days).18:27
jamespageEmilienM, is it relatively easy for you to test from our stable branch PPA's?18:34
jamespageppa:openstack-ubuntu-testing/mitaka will have pre-upload fixes in a while18:35
EmilienMjamespage: we already released mitaka, which means now we rely on what you provide in stable repo18:35
EmilienMjamespage: we don't want to use ppa on purpose because we want stable things18:35
EmilienMand fwiw, trove was working on trusty/mitaka18:35
EmilienMjamespage: we can enable ppa but only for our master branch (and only if you give us newton packages)18:36
EmilienMotherwise, we're not interested by ppas18:36
jamespageEmilienM, I was not suggesting you release an update with a PPA; I was asking whether you could help test the fix18:37
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ddellavcoreycb almost forgot, lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/keystone and lp:~ddellav/ubuntu/+source/ceilometer re: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/keystone/+bug/158758919:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1587589 in keystone (Ubuntu) "[SRU] liberty point releases" [Undecided,New]19:13
coreycbddellav, keystone looks good. can you rebase ceilometer?19:28
ddellavcoreycb i thought i did but i'll look again19:29
coreycbddellav, there were probably some ci fixes that snuck in since19:30
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aslaenhello, I am trying to use openstack autopilot. I have MaaS installed and working (nodes ready), juju installed and connected to MaaS, but when I run autopilot it fails because the environments.yaml is ignored and it uses ~/.cloud-install/juju/environments/maas.jenv instead.22:49
aslaenFor some reason that yml file tries to connect to MaaS on port 5420 but my MaaS runs on port 80 so it fails22:49
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aslaensorry meant 524022:51

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