
cmaloneywoo woo01:16
shakes808How was everyone's weekend?13:21
jrwrenexcellent and wonderful but it went too quickly.13:23
jrwrenhow was your weekend?13:23
cmaloneyWas pretty good overall13:23
cmaloneyPlayed way too much Neo Geo Pocket.13:24
shakes808jrwren: same.  could use another day or three ;)13:26
shakes808cmaloney: HAHA!  Seriously?  You have one?!  That is awesome!  What game(s) were you playing?13:27
shakes808brings me back to road trips with the family and my Sega Game Gear13:28
_stink_game gear, the battery eater.13:29
cmaloneyshakes808: I have one, but I also found a really good emulator on Android13:31
cmaloneyso I was checking out the titles that I didn't have yet13:31
shakes808haha, sweet13:31
mrgoodcatit was ok until my car got towed13:53
mrgoodcatout of my parking lot13:53
mrgoodcatwhere i live13:53
mrgoodcatand pay rent13:53
shakes808mrgoodcat: that's shitty!  figure out why?13:55
mrgoodcatno idea yet13:59
mrgoodcatstill waiting on property manager13:59
mrgoodcatgood thing i have a second car13:59
jrwrendid you call the police and report it stolen?14:00
mrgoodcatnot yet14:03
mrgoodcatwaiting on a call from the parking manager to see if it can be resolved nicely first14:04
shakes808how many vehicles do you have?14:17
cmaloneymrgoodcat: That sucks.14:48
jrwrenwho works at ford?14:56
cmaloneyNot I (used to)14:56
jrwrenI just got a recruiter call for what sounds like would be a pretty interesting project.14:56
jrwrenautomation and web front end for network configuration.14:56
mrgoodcatshakes808: a few14:56
mrgoodcatonly one on the property though14:56
jrwrenif anyone wants me to pass along contact info, let me know.14:56
mrgoodcatluckily i can get to work with another vehicle. just had to go get it last night14:57
shakes808jrwren: did they tell you what company?  a buddy just started something like this.  Just wondering if it is the same thing14:58
shakes808mrgoodcat: that is good.  one day I strive to be like you ;)14:59
cmaloneyFord is trying to update their infrastructure14:59
jrwrenshakes808: is your buddy Bob?14:59
cmaloneyI think they're tired of giving IBM money14:59
shakes808jrwren: that isn't the company that he is working for. Not sure what his company's name is, but it isn't one of the big three haha14:59
shakes808cmaloney: Yeah, they are still on mainframe.  they need to get up to the times haha15:00
jrwrenGM was tired of giving HP money, so they went back to EDS. So HP bought EDS when they lost their GM contract to them.15:00
jrwrenPrivate companies are so under rated. Keep things private and things like that won't happen15:00
mrgoodcatshakes808: haha what do you mean?15:01
mrgoodcatto have a spare car?15:01
mrgoodcati'm driving my project car right now15:01
mrgoodcati had to put the tires back on it last night so i could get to work today15:01
jrwreni'm trying to get to be a 1 car family instead of 2. zipcar is cheaper than buying insurance on a second car.15:02
mrgoodcatonly works if you have the requisite work flexibility15:03
mrgoodcatwhich i dont15:03
shakes808mrgoodcat: i almost had a project car, but then realized that 1. I live in an apartment and wouldn't have anywhere to work on it; 2. with the job I had then, wouldn't have any time to work on it; 3. need to save money for other more important things, like life and what not :(15:06
greg-gjrwren: does 1 car and 1 RV count? We never drive the RV for normal things :)15:28
rick_h_greg-g: boooo, always RV all the things. never know when you might need a cold one or a bathroom break :P15:28
rick_h_though single digit mpg is a negative15:29
jrwrengreg-g: yes, that counds.15:29
jrwrenwow. counts.15:29
greg-grick_h_: "need a nap, pull over and crawl into bed! Want dinner, pull over and fire up the oven! Stink? Pull over and take a shower!"15:31
rick_h_greg-g: exactly!15:33
mrgoodcatim not actually sure which of my cars has worse gas mileage15:35
mrgoodcat2004 suburban or 1983 mustang15:35
mrgoodcat2016 F250 is probably sadly the best mpg15:35
mrgoodcatalthough i don't actually own that one15:35
jrwrenI love the gas milage of the 2012 Accord I-4.15:37
jrwren500 miles to a tank is nice too.15:37
greg-gmy 2002 subaru is getting to the point where it's basically the same mpg that my 98 ford ranger had (in 2004)15:38
jrwrenyeah, subaru didn't focus on efficience much before the 2008 crisis.15:39
jrwrenerr, 2007 crisis?  when was it that gas was 4.50/gal?15:40
greg-glast week ;)15:41
greg-gkidding, though our gas is expensive out here15:41
jrwrenis it? its gone up a lot in the last 6mo. i dunno if commodity oil prices have gone up 25% like at the pump prices have.15:42
cmaloneyt's been steadily ratcheting up15:46
cmaloneythough partly because of summertime driving15:46
smosertony's discuss post is so temping. http://paste.ubuntu.com/16870311/17:28
jrwrenits not really.17:33
jrwrendid you look up the specs?17:34
jrwrendid you look on ebay. they are often had for under $300 on ebay.17:34
jrwrenits a 6+yrs old CPU.17:34
jrwrenthe 72GB of ram is pretty awesome.17:34
jrwrenbut even with 6 cores, that CPU is going to be slower than a i5 from a couple of years ago, for many tasks.17:34
cmaloneyBut it's still a decent machine17:36
jrwren72GB of ram... so tempting!17:42
jrwrenhow much does 72GB of ram cost?17:43
cmaloneyChecking Crucial17:48
cmaloney32GB of DDR-4 is ~$20017:50
jrwrenso its a great deal.17:50
mrgoodcatits ddr-3 ram17:50
cmaloneyFor the RAM alone yeah17:50
cmaloneywould make a great VBox host17:50
mrgoodcat64G of DDR3 ECC is 400$17:51
mrgoodcaton newegg17:51
cmaloneySo yeah, you're buying the RAM at a discount and getting a  machine for free.17:51
mrgoodcatsmoser: what list was that posted on?19:51
cmaloneyMUG Discuss mailing list19:52
smosermrgoodcat, http://mail.mug.org/pipermail/discuss_mug.org/2016-May/000648.html19:52
smosersorry, before couldnt be bothered to look up an actual useful link :)19:53
mrgoodcatis that tony-smlr?20:16
smoseri dont know. that is not ddr-4 though rpboably20:40
smoserright ? jrwren20:40
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Yes, it is20:40
smoser8G sticks are $25 of ddr3. so 9 is $225-ish.20:40
jrwrenprobably not.20:41
jrwrengiven its 6yrs old, it might even be DDR220:41
cmaloneyIt's ECC though20:41
smoseroh. thats laptop that i pointed at.  i'm guessing it is ddr3.20:41
jrwrenbut even still, if its ECC, its a whole diff world.20:41
smoserso , yeah. its a lot of ram :)20:41
cmaloneyI bought one of the earlier machines he was offering. It's a CAD station20:41
smoserother thing is that at 6 years old, its sata II20:42
smoserso a reasonable ssd is going to saturate that20:42
cmaloneyThing weighs a metric shit-ton20:42
cmaloneyI didn't think Dell made things that heavy anymore20:42
mrgoodcatit says DDR3 and ECC20:43

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