
theblazehenMaaz tell kulelu88 weird. Can you reproduce the issue?06:58
Maaztheblazehen: Got it, I'll tell kulelu88 on freenode06:58
Kilosguten morgen meine herren07:06
Kilossjoe taking forever to show hosts07:08
anton_mayocme se va?07:22
theblazehenhey Kilos07:25
theblazehenSo dns tunneling is awesome :)07:26
theblazehenActually getting a decent 600 kbit/s down07:26
theblazehenhttp://beta.speedtest.net/result/5367057450 woah.. Nedbank has a good internet connection, seeing as that's tunneled over dns07:30
theblazehenAnd I'm connected via wifi07:30
mazalinetpro copy that08:52
mazalMôre oom08:54
Kiloshi mazal 08:54
mazalmaaz tell inetpro I think you hit the nail on the head with the dolphin one. I removed special characters from the folder name now and tried copying again. Successful copy without errors09:38
Maazmazal: Got it, I'll tell inetpro on freenode09:38
skokkk16.04 LTS server seems to be super stable low ram usage09:43
skokkktill when will it be supported? I'm thinking of throwing this machine in a datacenter and letting it do it's job for a few years09:44
mazal2021 I think09:44
mazalI might be wrong though09:44
mazalBut suppose to be 5 years09:44
Kilosya 5 years09:45
skokkkI'm very impressed. it is using barely any ram idle and if I throw it some java shit to run it handles memory leaks properly09:45
mazalSee support lifespan ^^09:46
skokkkoooh openstack09:47
skokkkphp7 + nginx09:47
=== skokkk is now known as skokkk|afk
grembleGood afternoon12:50
theblazehenhey gremble12:52
grembleHow are you theblazehen 12:54
theblazehenalright and you gremble?12:54
grembleI alright thank you12:58
grembleTrying to make a fencing glove xD12:58
Kilosohi superfly wb14:40
inetprogood mornins14:51
Kiloshi inetpro 14:51
inetprosjoe maar jy's vinnig vandag14:51
KilosMaaz seen superfly 14:53
MaazKilos: superfly was last seen 6 days, 36 minutes and 29 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-05-25 07:17:29 PDT], and has been online on freenode since 2016-05-22 22:31:15 PDT14:53
Kilosshocking disgrace14:54
Kiloshope everything ok there superfly 14:54
inetprowhy so quiet here?17:57
Kiloshaha you bored17:57
Kilosthe fly still hasnt greeted17:58
Kiloswassup superfly 17:58
Kiloskoud ne inetpro 17:58
inetprothat's an understatement17:59
Kilosand weather liar says 7°18:00
inetprothis morning was the much colder than that18:00
Kilosim sure its gonna frost tonight18:00
inetprovery near freezing point18:00
Kilosyes i think so too18:00
Kilosand i havent brought in my curry leaf tree or my avo18:01
inetprofingers were burning when I got to the office18:01
Kilosno gloves?18:01
inetprowith gloves and all18:01
Kilosmind you whe its cold gloves dont help either18:01
inetprojust need to keep them dry18:02
Kilospity bikes need fingers 18:02
Kilosotherwise mittens made from good sheepskin could help18:03
theblazehenhttps://twitter.com/sadserver/status/735135582997909505 For RAID 5, 2, RAID 6, 3. :(18:10
inetprotheblazehen: eish, did that happen to you?18:15
theblazeheninetpro: Had a 4 disk RAID 5, 2 died. Downgraded to 2 disk RAID 1, 1 died yesterday :(18:15
* theblazehen is now getting a 5 disk RAID 618:16
Kiloswhat are you doing wrong18:16
inetproif you have proper failover and loadbalancing plus a decent backup strategy in place I don't see the point of having RAID18:16
Kilosby died you means drives died?18:16
theblazehenKilos: Buying seagate disks :)18:16
theblazeheninetpro: Full failover and loadbalancing is still overkill for a VM host at home, even for me..18:16
Kilosi use a few but they older 18:16
theblazehenI was gonna do backups though18:17
theblazehenAt least the 1 drive still works18:17
Kilospost them to me 18:17
Kiloslemme fiddle and see18:17
Kilosare they just dead dead dead18:17
Kilosthats 3 drives in 2 weeks18:18
theblazehen1 dead dead,1 kicked out of raid, 1 grub would freeze when doing ls (hd1,gpt1)/18:20
theblazehenAll 5 TB drives :(18:20
theblazehenCost just under R10k, got it on a makro special18:21
Kiloscan you run badblocks on the one running18:21
theblazehenKilos: Not gonna power it on new. Gonna get new raid set up, then copy my data off it18:21
theblazehenI can send you all 4 then. I don't trust the running one18:22
Kiloswhew thats shocking18:22
inetproKilos: have you recovered stuff from disks in a RAID setup?18:22
theblazeheninetpro: Well, don't even need raid data recovery. I have data on the surviving disk18:23
Kilosraid is where both drives carry same data right18:23
theblazehenKilos: Depends, that's RAID 1 where all have same data18:23
Kilosfor safety sake18:23
Kilostheblazehen  they could have been handled badly18:23
theblazehenRAID 5 is where you can lose 1 drive and data is still fine18:24
theblazehenKilos: Could be, yeah18:24
Kilosespecially all from same place same time18:24
Kilostake them back18:24
Kiloshow old are they18:24
Kilosthere must be some gaurantee18:24
theblazehenmaybe a month. But they were external, and had to break the case a bit to get the disks18:25
Kilosthats not a seagate prob its makro mishandling them18:25
Kilosare raid drives different from other drives18:26
Kilosi thought  raid was software18:26
theblazehenKilos: Yes, raid is software18:26
theblazeheninetpro: Eh, no longer need that. I have all my data on the RAID 1 now. The RAID 5 was a failed openstack install.18:27
inetpro"Tirst things first - stop. Stop everything. Well, keep breathing, but stop everything else..."18:27
inetprooops... s/Tirst/First/18:28
inetprotheblazehen: whew... looks like you're still breating at least :-)18:29
inetprobreathing as well18:29
theblazeheninetpro: Yeah :) Until the next disk fails while I'm restoring the data I bet18:29
inetpromake a backup now18:30
Kilosyou find the data18:30
Kilosill try find what happened to drives18:30
theblazeheninetpro: I'm keeping it powered off18:30
theblazehenBackup should be quicker copying it to a raid anyway, higher write speed18:31
inetprohmm, that might be a good point18:32
* Kilos scrolls back18:35
Kilosholy smokes18:36
Kilos5 TB drives18:36
Kiloswhy so big18:36
Kiloswhat are you serving18:36
Kilosinetpro where is symmetria18:37
KilosMaaz seen symmetria18:37
MaazKilos: symmetria was last seen 14 days, 1 hour, 7 minutes and 7 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-05-17 10:30:08 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-05-18 13:45:41 PDT18:37
inetproKilos: why?18:37
Kiloswhy what18:37
inetpro05/31 20:37:05 <Kilos> inetpro where is symmetria18:37
Kiloshe should have more info on seagate quality18:38
inetproyou ask me or you making a statement?18:38
Kilosasking you18:38
inetproyou missed the "?"18:38
Kilosif i was making a statement i would ping you18:38
Kilosi dont do fancy characters often18:39
Kilosand you know that18:39
Kilosdidnt you see i asked frog boots to not use caps in ibid18:40
theblazehenKilos: Just future proof :)18:40
* theblazehen is now getting 5x 1 TB disks in RAID 618:40
Kilospity you broke the cases open theblazehen 18:40
theblazehenKilos: Yeah :(18:40
Kilosim sure seagate would have replaced them18:41
Kilosmust be bad handling somewhere18:41
Kilospaddatrapper leer jy?18:42
inetprosome fail soon others fail later18:43
Kilosi have old drives working here18:43
* inetpro had a system fail the other day after 11 years of very productive operations18:43
* theblazehen is off to bed night all18:44
Kilos11 years i can accept18:44
theblazehenYeah, the raid building killed them I think18:44
Kilosnight theblazehen 18:44
Kilossleep well18:44
theblazehenty Kilos18:44
Kilosi need to learn about raid18:44
inetprosooner or later they all fail at some point, best be prepared when it happens18:45
Kiloseish inetpro 18:45
Kilosthey must last years man18:45
inetprogood night theblazehen18:45
Kilosthis ssd im using here was a discard18:46
Kilosdoes raid over work drives?18:46
Kilosi wonder if the psu isnt faulty18:46
paddatrapperKilos: ek speel hokkie. Ek het vanmiddag leër, en môre (hopefully) 19:29
Kilosjy moes slaap ook19:30
Kilossien jou more19:30
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:30
captineevening all19:33
paddatrapperHey captine19:38
kulelu88Hey mates20:44
kulelu88Maaz: make coffee20:46
Maazkulelu88: Excuse me?20:46
kulelu88Maaz: coffee on20:46
* Maaz washes some mugs20:46
MaazCoffee's ready for kulelu88!20:50
kulelu88Maaz: biscuits20:50
Maazkulelu88: Excuse me?20:50

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