
=== richard is now known as snowrichard
YankDownUndereffectnet, If it's not started already, you can start it from the CLI00:02
roundduckmanI installed it with encryped home, but later on I deleted the encrypted swap because a prompt for a password would show at the boot screen at times ever since I restored my system using testdisk, because I accidently wiped the partition table. I was planning to turn back on encrypted swap, but an error happened after using that ecryptfs-setup-swap command, saying "stat of /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 failed: no such file or directory"00:03
effectnetcan i put this in my /etc/rc.local file??? ->   /etc/init.d/smbd restart00:03
Dienet install is the best option for old computers00:03
YankDownUndereffectnet, I'm not sure where you're going with all of this, but simply, you just open a CLI and type "sudo service smbd restart"00:04
LasivianDoes anyone know how I can make a link from the Ubuntu Desktop to a folder on a networked windows drive?00:04
effectnetoh that is too old00:04
DesuLasivian: short story: don't00:04
LasivianI have a cifs link to the windows drive that functions, but I can;t link to it00:04
* YankDownUnder thinks it's time for coffee00:05
LasivianDesu: well, yeah.. I just want to easily open the 3D files that I use on my printer. I store them on the windows Raid.00:05
LasivianDesu: The repetier software defaults to the desktop when I try to open a file00:05
Lasivianwhich drives me bonkers00:05
LasivianI did it on my old printer controller, but I can;t remember how, lol00:06
roundduckman@Umeaboy I installed it with encryped home, but later on I deleted the encrypted swap because a prompt for a password would show at the boot screen at times ever since I restored my system using testdisk, because I accidently wiped the partition table. I was planning to turn back on encrypted swap, but an error happened after using that ecryptfs-setup-swap command, saying "stat of /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 failed: no such file or di00:06
roundduckmanrectory" Somehow, though, after reversing my failed ecryptfs-setup-swap attempt, and recreating another unencrypted swap, my boot is slower.00:06
Umeaboyroundduckman: I have no idea really. Encryption and /swap is not my field of experteese.00:09
roundduckman@Umeaboy maybe it's the updates then.00:09
UmeaboyGoogle the issue.00:09
UmeaboyTo see if someone else has had this issue as well00:09
UmeaboyOr add a new question on askubuntu.com with valid and detailed information.00:09
effectneti still have to open files on the other drive with the file manager before they are available.  weird.00:16
Lasivian**smackhead** I can just symlink the cifs mount in /media00:19
LasivianI hate not knowing an OS, lol00:20
CoolKevinplease is there somewhere I can report many problems, I keep having to shut down to do some things00:21
Ben64CoolKevin: as i said before, explain your issue in detail and wait for someone to help00:22
CoolKevinI have said many times the first problem, over a week ago00:23
CoolKevinok I except you do not know00:23
CoolKevinbut how long do I wait, I do have to work as well00:24
Ben64well it's pointless to come in here and not say what's actually the problem00:24
CoolKevin1st one flash player keeps crashing00:24
CoolKevinin chrome and does not even work in firefox00:24
Ben64explain in more detail00:25
CoolKevinflash player is closing down00:25
CoolKevinthat is all I get00:25
CoolKevinI do not get a report problem box anymore00:26
sruliflash player hasnt released a linux version in years, why do u need that crap? what wrong with the built in version of chrome?00:26
CoolKevinnext problem, I cannot undo zip or rar files00:26
CoolKevinnext problem, I keep having to type passwords all the time00:27
Ben64_explain_ the problem00:27
Ben64"cannot undo zip or rar files" using what? what message comes up when you try?00:27
CoolKevinI hit extract file, and nothing happens00:28
CoolKevinso I use file archive, and it closes00:28
Ben64ok, i'm done. i'm not going to fight with you to get information00:28
CoolKevinthat is all there is00:29
CoolKevinI do not have any information, because I am not getting any from the O/S00:29
CoolKevinI try to do something, and it does not do it00:30
CoolKevinall I am asking now is there somewhere I can report it, because it is very clear it cannot be answered here00:31
bazhangCoolKevin, try with unp00:32
CoolKevinI got fed up with the flash player question, it just shuts itself down when playing you tube00:32
bazhang!info unp | CoolKevin00:33
ubottuCoolKevin: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7+nmu1 (xenial), package size 16 kB, installed size 133 kB00:33
CoolKevinand when playing in goodgamestudios, online game of war00:33
tgm4883CoolKevin: if you are talking about the built in archive extracter, I believe that is "file-roller"00:33
CoolKevinand I tried ark as well00:34
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:34
CoolKevinthe bot just sent a message, no idea what that is00:34
tgm4883CoolKevin: "ubuntu-bug file-roller" would be how you file a bug against it00:35
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tgm4883CoolKevin: although looking at all your issues, it feels like hardware to me00:35
CoolKevinnew HDD00:35
CoolKevinand no00:35
CoolKevinI can close down here and use an old system to solve some issues00:36
CoolKevinI got 3 HDDs I can fall back on00:36
CoolKevinlol, seriously the link you gave me to report does not even open00:38
hid|ninjahow can i see the content of lot of files in a directory?00:39
hid|ninjacd /ubuntu-f00:39
tgm4883CoolKevin: hardware issues can be more than just the hard drive...00:39
tgm4883CoolKevin: and the link opens just fine here00:40
zjhxmjlhi,guys! how to add the " cal++ headers" in ~/.bashrc00:40
CoolKevinok thank you, I will have to re-install the old O?S, that works00:41
CoolKevinthank you for you time00:41
tgm4883CoolKevin: YW00:41
zjhxmjli want to program to find the header file00:41
SchrodingersScatzjhxmjl: and this thing you installed is actually at /opt/AMDAPP ?00:42
zjhxmjlbut the program cannot find the header files00:43
zjhxmjlSchrodingersScat: i follow this guide00:44
zjhxmjlbut i find the cal.h header file not in lib/x86_64, it's in  /opt/AMDAPP/include/CAL directory00:45
SchrodingersScatzjhxmjl: and you ran the last bit, source ~/.bashrc ?00:47
majikmani'm having an issue with my 16.04 laptop having abnormally high latency when pinging from another host but normal latency when pinging from the 16.04 laptop. where could i start to troubleshoot this issue?00:47
Twirlhey guys, is there a way to set a key combo to disable the touchpad?00:51
cristobalTwirl, touch pad indicator00:52
cristobalTwirl, https://launchpad.net/touchpad-indicator00:52
prelude2004chey guys.. looking for help with xorg and nvidia00:57
prelude2004cLoading extension GLX fails00:57
OerHeksprelude2004c, you need to give more details, what ubuntu version, what driver version etc00:59
prelude2004ci am using the latest driver.. i been at it for hours.. i am about to rip out my hair01:00
prelude2004croot@enc1-3:~# vdpauinfo01:00
prelude2004cdisplay: :0   screen: 001:00
prelude2004cXlib:  extension "NV-GLX" missing on display ":0".01:00
prelude2004cXlib:  extension "NV-GLX" missing on display ":0".01:00
prelude2004cError creating VDPAU device: 101:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:00
prelude2004csorry about that01:01
prelude2004cNVIDIA-SMI 364.1501:01
Queenslayerwhat's this about freenode moving over to lib irc01:01
somsipQueenslayer: probably one to ask in #freenode01:02
Queenslayersomsip, I think it affrects everyone though01:02
prelude2004cOerHeks any idea ?01:02
somsipQueenslayer: offtopic for here01:02
OerHeksprelude2004c, driver from https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa  ??01:03
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SuperPotatoMannWhen I try to download a file from firefox, like Skype or chrome, I choose the Ubuntu download, click install and nothing happens... What do I do?01:04
prelude2004ci pulled it from nvidia site01:04
OerHeksoh vulkan01:05
prelude2004ci am going to try https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/nvidia-graphics-drivers-361_361.45.11.orig.tar.gz01:05
ricardo_hola ?01:19
prelude2004ctried what you stated and nothing worked :(01:24
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gtkminh90how do install virtualbox ?01:26
somsipgtkminh90: sudo apt-get install virtualbox01:28
gtkminh90somsip: Thanks01:35
tominator88This is my first time, how do I use this?01:46
somsiptominator88: you ask support questions, and people will answer if they can. If youjust want to chat, type "/j #ubuntu-offtopic"01:46
tominator88Alright, cool01:47
tominator88So, i can simply ask for help right here?01:47
prelude2004cOerHeks... needing help here01:47
tominator88It would seem so01:47
prelude2004cyou can.. hopefully you get a response01:47
tominator88Thank you01:47
tominator88So, I am using a flashdrive with Ubuntu on it to take from computer to computer, but it only works on a few computers, I can give details.01:48
pantatoi broke my rtorrent package by trying to run a version of libtorrent/rtorrent outside of the package system01:49
DieIs opt where you extract files when compiling from source?01:49
pantatocan anyone give me a hand?01:49
pantatoi get "rtorrent: symbol lookup error: rtorrent: undefined symbol: _ZN7torrent11thread_base8m_globalE01:51
somsipDie: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12649355/what-does-opt-mean-as-in-the-opt-directory-is-it-an-abbreviation01:53
tominator88Can someone give me a hand? This is my first time01:55
somsiptominator88: ask your real question01:55
deadmundtominator88: what do you need help with?01:56
tominator88I need help with a standalone ubuntu flashdrive that I'm hoping to take around with me. It only shows as a bootable option on some computers01:56
pantatotominator88: Rufus for Windows is a usb stick creator that I know of that never doesn't work01:56
pantatomy 2 cents01:57
deadmundtominator88: it works on some computers?  What happens on the other computers?  Did you get into the bios of those other computers?01:57
pantatoGuest82508: hi01:57
Guest82508I know this is probably not the right place to ask this01:57
Guest82508do you know why cant I access any .onion irc links01:58
somsipGuest82508: it's not the right place to ask01:58
tominator88It works on the majority of 64bit PC's and seems to work on every mac after 2013. Unfortunately, It doesn't work on any others.01:58
somsiptominator88: does it not work on 32bit machines by any chance?01:58
Guest82508So i reckoin that is just a support channel01:58
tominator88For example, a 2012 macbook pro, and a windows 10 Lenovo01:59
tominator88It does not.01:59
somsiptominator88: is it a 64bit install?01:59
somsipGuest82508: yes - ubuntu support. Try a tor channel01:59
somsip!alis | Guest8250801:59
tominator88Yes, x86-6401:59
ubottuGuest82508: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http01:59
somsiptominator88: that's why it doesn't run on a 32bit machine01:59
tominator88Yes, sorry, I mean it doesn't work on some 64 bit02:00
WattisLoveHi, when I get this box "ubuntu has experienced an error... send a report" am I really actually sending a report? How do I see the report I'm seeing?02:00
somsiptominator88: yes - lag in answers I think. Probably a UEFI thing then02:00
tominator88I understand the 32 bit 64 bit difference02:00
deadmundtominator88: In order to boot USB, you have to go into the bios of the target machine and tell it to boot from USB and to boot USB before the harddrive.  Many computers will be set by default to boot from the interal HDD BEFORE they even look at the USB devices.  Could that be the problem??02:00
tominator88yes! is there any way for me to insert a UEFI boot into grub or something?02:01
somsiptominator88: that's not the issue, AIUI02:01
somsip!uefi | tominator8802:01
ubottutominator88: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI02:01
tominator88No, it does not show on the systems at all. A live CD does work however, as well as a clonedisk USB02:01
deadmundtominator88: What?  UEFI boot is a standard implemented by the hardware, it's not in the USB drive (the USB drive must support and it newer ubuntu editions do support it)02:01
tominator88I must have some vocabulary mixed up then...02:02
tominator88Basically, my Ubuntu flash drive is not appearing on some computers, even with USB boot and all enabled.02:02
tominator88Is there any easy way around this?02:03
somsiptominator88: nothing else immediately springs to mind then02:03
deadmundtominator88: I'm also not sure.  You'd have to figure it out on a case by case basis.02:03
tominator88It's quite unusual.02:03
deadmundtominator88: Is there anything in common with all the PCs that it doesn't work on??02:03
tominator88I cannot get it to work on one windows 10 PC, and any mac before 201302:04
tominator88I have seen it work on a computer with UEFI(??)02:05
arunpyasiEriC^^: hello are you around ?02:05
somsiptominator88: what filesystem?02:05
tominator88What way? The flashdrive?02:05
somsiptominator88: yes02:06
Bashing-omtominator88: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2213631&highlight=usb <- Portable installed system that boots in UEFI as well as in BIOS mode .02:06
tominator88It's split into 3 partitions, and they all run ext4 or fat3202:06
tominator88Does it have anything to do with grub?02:07
somsiptominator88: I'd guess at something in the MBR or boot sector that some computers aren't happy about. But no real idea so I'll stop guessing02:08
tominator88Alright. Thanks for your time, and thanks for the link Bashing-om02:08
james__I can't seem to get a module blacklisted02:08
tominator88I'll go off of that. I really appreciate the help. Good first impression of the community.02:08
tominator88How do I exit Xchat?02:09
arunpyasiHello people, is it possible to connect and recover a HDD without restarting the PC ?02:12
somsip!recovery | arunpyasi02:12
ubottuarunpyasi: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode02:12
somsiparunpyasi: ignore that02:12
somsip!recover | arunpyasi02:12
ubottuarunpyasi: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery02:12
deadmundMy ubuntu 14.04 install is unable to play WMV files with dragon player (KDE) or vlc player.  I have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed.  Any ideas?02:14
arunpyasisomsip: the thing is, I have two HDD, one which boots normally, another which seems crashed. The problem is, The HDD where I had installed Ubuntu, after it rebooted, I get some error Out of memory..... systemd-udev..... and Killing process.... etc when I boot using that HDD and the same error comes when I boot Ubuntu using an USB. But when I replace the HDD, I don't get any error and works fine. So, I can now declare that my previous HDD had problem.02:14
arunpyasiHow can I resolve it ? How can I recover my files and how do I format it again ? Please help ! When I insert both HDD and try booting with a good HDD, it gives the same error too.02:15
somsiparunpyasi: boot normally, copy your files over, format the drive. Either it's that simple or I don't understand your problem02:16
arunpyasisomsip: The problem is, I cannot boot normally when I insert that crashed HDD02:17
arunpyasiI get the same error02:17
somsiparunpyasi: but you say you one HDD boots normally02:17
arunpyasisomsip: yeah but when I connect that crashed HDD and boot with my normal HDD, I get the same error/stucks the boot after grub is load.02:18
somsiparunpyasi: so the disk is dead. You may not be able to anything without resorting to a professional data recovery service02:19
Bashing-omdeadmund: Restricted formats // did you run : ' sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh ' ? see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs .02:21
deadmundBashing-om: Well, I'll try, but the file in question is not a DVD02:22
arunpyasisomsip: I don't need data recovery TBH. I just want to check the health of the HDD and format it if possible02:23
Bashing-omdeadmund: K, however WMV, that is a restricted video format .02:23
deadmundarunpyasi: get an ide / sata -> usb adapter, plug it into any working PC.  Diagnose and format to your heart's content.02:27
deadmundBashing-om: thanks02:27
arunpyasideadmund: thanks man ! I was expecting the same solution. I think I need to get an adapter today from market.02:30
somsiparunpyasi: it sounds like it is dead.02:30
deadmundarunpyasi: they're very cheap.  One of the best purchases I've ever made.02:30
arunpyasideadmund: whats the estimated price ?02:31
arunpyasihow much it usually costs ?02:31
deadmundarunpyasi: under $20.002:31
arunpyasideadmund: I have just made a Hiren's Boot CD, I am gonna test it out if it boots or not.02:35
* arunpyasi has some hope it recover it.02:35
manhdvguys, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 on Asus laptop, and my ubuntu keep warning usb port overcurrent, how to get rit of it?02:37
Guest53142i can't seem to keep the radeon module from loading. i tried modprobe.blacklist=radeon in grub AND adding it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:38
manhdvThe warnings display when Ubuntu starting up02:38
Bashing-ommanhdv: Bad USB device ? replace it ?02:38
Guest53142 Kernel driver in use: pci-stub      Kernel modules: radeon02:39
mundus2018Can someone help me try ot install something? :x noob02:39
Guest53142mundus2018, what do you want to install?02:39
somsipmundus2018: give details02:39
mundus2018Im trying to install this on an Rpi, https://github.com/ChristopheJacquet/PiFmRds02:39
mundus2018I followed the install directions02:39
somsipmundus2018: you need the pi channel02:40
somsip!alis | mundus201802:40
ubottumundus2018: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http02:40
manhdv@Bashing-om: as I search on google it's ubuntu fake warnings02:42
mundus2018what could this mean? https://gyazo.com/8f5abf7d350d4b42cf1f0d236f8a617702:43
somsipmundus2018: it means youre still in the wrong channel02:43
mundus2018Ive asked in the pi channel02:44
somsipmundus2018: if youre running ubuntu and installing standard packages, we can help. Not running and compiling for yourself, it's not supported here02:44
Bashing-ommundus2018: Does it happen with other devices connected ,,, and what results when this problematic device is connected to another computer ?02:44
mundus2018SOrry if this is the wrong place, its just I cant fins help! Ill leave02:45
mundus2018What do you mean by other devices connected Bashing-om ?02:45
somsipmundus2018: ask the maintainer of the package on github. Create an issue.02:45
somsipBashing-om: manhdv maybe?02:45
Guest53142i can't seem to keep the radeon module from loading. i tried modprobe.blacklist=radeon in grub AND adding it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:45
Jordan_Umanhdv: What specifically makes you think that the errors are spurious?02:45
manhdvJordan_U: Im not sure, but my usb work correctly02:47
DieDoes samba offer more security than ftp02:47
somsipDie: offtopic for here. Try #ubuntu-offtopic but better asked ina security channel02:47
Bashing-omsomsip: Yes .. bad highlight . Thanks and sorry mundus2018 .02:47
manhdvJordan_U: There is no error if I install windows on my laptop02:47
somsipBashing-om: np :)02:47
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setogah why does ktorent suck so bad .... lol03:00
setoweird nick serv not telling me i identified03:13
Bashing-omseto: Maybe just a glitch, happens to me sometimes . I do ' /msg nickserv regain <nick> <password> in the secure status window so password is not broadcast .03:16
OerHeksirc, good ol'1988 technology03:17
doc|workanyone got docker running under virtualbox? I'm curious what your cpu usage is for idle processes.03:18
OerHekslolz a vm in a vm ..03:19
OerHeksnext test: virtualbox in docker?03:19
doc|workOerHeks, right, because it's going to make cleaning everything up a lot easier03:19
doc|worknotice you're running out of diskspace? Delete vm, start over.03:20
doc|workand docker isn't a vm03:20
smd75jrvirtualbox in docker in virtualbox?03:20
doc|workno, docker in virtualbox03:20
OerHeksoke,  operating-system-level virtualization .. stil funny what you try to accomplish03:21
doc|worknot really03:21
Jordan_Umanhdv: Please pastebin the exact error message. Is this a dual boot machine?03:24
ritascan somebody help my clamtk found 8 possible threats and dont delete them03:33
FLeiXiuSIn 16.04 how are you guys connecting to exchange mail servers?  evolution-mapi no longer exists?03:38
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OerHeksevolution-mapi was deprecated and replaced by evolution-ews http://askubuntu.com/a/77669003:43
FLeiXiuSOerHeks, Thanks, I'll give it a shot.03:45
filifunkHi -- I tried to free up space on my dual boot by getting rid of a "drive" in windows that was corrupt.  I try to get back on my computer using ubuntu and I get a grub rescue screen.  I've tried some answers online but not much luck.  Anyone been through this before?03:50
drownfilifunk, what have you tried so far?03:51
FLeiXiuSfilifunk, Go over your hard drive layout.  How many drives, what partitions do they have, etc.03:51
Jordan_Ufilifunk: Are you sure that you didn't delete your Ubuntu partition?03:51
filifunkso when I type in ls03:51
filifunkI get quite a few different hard drives03:51
filifunkI tried to go through each one by using ls (hdx,y)/boot/grub03:52
filifunkand I get "error: unknown filesystem" for all of them03:52
filifunkJordan_U, I don't think so, but it's possible03:53
drownwhat are the filesystem types listed as>?03:54
drownhow many partitions/drives do you have?03:54
drownand what kind of output do you get for blkid03:54
filifunkhmmm...all of them are like this: (hd1,gpt8) (hd1,gpt7) all the way to gpt1, then there is als (hd0) and (hd1).  "Unknown command 'blkid"03:55
drownso gpt is the partition table type not the FS type03:57
drownso you have 8 driveS?03:57
drownand 2 drives?03:57
YankDownUnder...could just a boot a live USB and use gparted to figure out what's what...if that's not been mentioned as of yet...03:58
drownyeah seriously that's the way to go here03:58
filifunkyes I believe so.  I have my ISO on my usb and I started my laptop with it in and it still went to this grub rescue screen03:58
drownyou need to intervene and boot to usb03:59
drownwhen it goes to grub it's booting off the HDD bootloader03:59
drownI'm assuming you've booted to USB before right?03:59
YankDownUnderfilifunk, When the machine is booting up, did you use the "Boot menu" via your BIOS? (Might be a good idea just to check the settings in BIOS - and then when booting to the live USB, hit ESC and make sure it's not booting to the grub on the HD0)04:00
filifunkyes, I have, but that was a long time ago.  Am I supposed to press f1 or something when I restart04:00
drownit's different for all machines04:00
YankDownUnderfilifunk, Depends on your machine's BIOS, bro.04:00
drownon mine it's f904:00
YankDownUnderDouble-check. Being redundant is always a good thing. Saves a person from doing silly things...or at least, in most cases it does...04:01
drownwhat model is the machine?04:01
filifunkit's an old ASUS.  I just tried to turn off my computer then turn it back on, and there is no BIOS screen or booting screen it goes strait to grub menu04:02
FLeiXiuSF1, F10, DEL, F804:02
FLeiXiuSOne of them will work04:02
prelude2004cI think i am soooo done with this OS04:02
prelude2004c6 hours later.. still " Xlib:  extension "NV-GLX" missing on display ":0". "04:02
prelude2004c20 reboots, 50 purges... 100 reinstalls04:02
filifunkok so I'm just going to try all of those when I turn my computer on04:02
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, Its not the OS fault ;-)04:02
prelude2004cits a pain in the ass is what it is :*(04:03
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, welcome to linux.04:03
prelude2004ci have tried all the google links.. none of it wokrs04:03
filifunkI just pushed a bunch of buttons and somehow got my BIOS screen04:03
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, Do you have a display at all?04:03
prelude2004cits a remote server04:03
prelude2004ci have to get vdpau working and it needs X running04:03
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, remote server, so you're attempting a remote X session?04:04
prelude2004cnope.. just want to run it so my ffmpeg library ( VDPAU ) can access decoding on my nvidia card04:04
FLeiXiuSPastie `lspci` and `lshw` and `dpkg -l |grep nvidia` and ... lsmod04:05
=== zach is now known as Guest95974
filifunkok, just booting from my usb.  thanks guys, hopefully I figure this out04:06
YankDownUnderfilifunk, Sometimes, just hitting "esc" and like "f2" will cause the machine to get to BIOS...and then you can change stuff in the BIOS - like the time for how long the POST screen stays up, what HD to boot from (or removable device) etc etc etc...04:06
YankDownUnderfilifunk, After you've gotten to the desktop, you can "ALT-F2" and type "sudo gparted" => should also WRITE DOWN what you find...hmm?04:06
filifunkok, will do YankDownUnder04:07
YankDownUnderfilifunk, Good luck, bro.04:07
filifunkThanks YankDownUnder!04:07
Bashing-omprelude2004c: Nvidia ? and in all these re-installs .. did you remove the config file /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?04:08
FLeiXiuSBashing-om, He's headless.04:08
prelude2004cremove the config... ehhh.. i did everything04:09
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, Ugh oh, you're using a laptop?04:10
prelude2004c?? laptop ?04:10
prelude2004csee pastebin04:11
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, Ok, I expected a k4200m but it's just a k4200.04:12
prelude2004cyup.. K4200 is correct04:12
prelude2004ci mean 6 hours later.. what have i done to deserve this :(04:13
drownlinux is like god04:13
FLeiXiuSHow are you running ffmpeg and how was it installed?04:13
drownit tests you in horrible ways, but the lesson learned enriches you beyond your years04:13
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prelude2004cffmpeg is compiled from git.. ffmpeg is not even important yet until i get glxinfo & vdpauinfo going04:14
prelude2004conly when vdpauinfo gets me a result can i even attempt to use it04:14
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, So, you're decoding on a remote machine without an X session right?04:15
prelude2004cyes.. its just a server04:15
michaelrosedoes unity use gnome-session under the hood?04:15
YankDownUnderWhat is funny about that - especially in many years of retrospect, y'all have NO idea what it was like having to deal with driver installation or graphics stuff "way back when"...getting the source code and compiling FOR HOURS just to make a single item work...and graphics cards were the ultimate pain... :)04:15
prelude2004ci am decoding with CPU > nvenc .. i am tyring to decode on the card too which requires vdpau for the hwaccel04:15
drownmichaelrose, yes04:15
prelude2004cvdpau wants X04:15
michaelrosethank you04:15
drownmichaelrose, so gnome-session-quit will work04:15
drownmichaelrose, if that's what your looking for?04:16
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, vpdau wants X?  Says who?04:16
drownFLeiXiuS, I think for the input/output interfacing04:16
michaelrosedrown, its close enough, not worth explaining, that was just the info I was looking for04:16
drownmichaelrose, lol good luck.04:17
FLeiXiuSdrown, ffmpeg doesnt care when it comes to decoding04:17
prelude2004ci dont know... said vdpauinfo04:17
drownprelude2004c, hmm...04:18
prelude2004cneeds to connect to display:0 no ?04:18
prelude2004cunless you know something that i dont04:18
drownprelude2004c, if it's headless though dipsplays shouldn't be involved04:18
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, What is it you're trying to do?  Let's understand the end goal first.04:18
prelude2004cI need to use vdpau for the decoding library to use the nvidia hardware accell04:19
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, That still doesnt tell me what you're trying to do.04:19
prelude2004ci am trying to decode h264 video on the video card not on the CPUs04:20
prelude2004cbecause i am actually transcoding from one source to another format04:20
prelude2004cso... right now encoding is working fine through nvenc ... the decoding is being handled by t he CPU.. which takes up too many resources04:20
prelude2004cvdpau takes care of that by using the nvidia card for decoding04:20
prelude2004cif you can get it working :(04:20
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, What are the sources?  Files?  PVR components, etc?04:21
prelude2004clive TS streams04:21
drownprelude2004c, television series?04:22
drownprelude2004c, tv shows?04:22
FLeiXiuSAnd you're outputting to a file?04:22
prelude2004clive tv yes04:22
prelude2004cyes i am segmenting to h264 HLS04:22
drownprelude2004c, the file is local?04:23
FLeiXiuSYou know the myth tools will do most of this for you, if not all.04:23
FLeiXiuSBut thats not answering your original question.04:23
drownprelude2004c, I've never used them, but he's probably right about that.04:23
drownprelude2004c, they were made with your situation in mind.04:24
prelude2004cdrown not sure what you mean by local but... they are locally written files yes04:25
prelude2004cso, the issue is installation of the NVidia drivers with GLX support04:25
=== Kenrinx is now known as kenrin
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, So you basically, want to record live TV to files?04:25
prelude2004cthe nvidia drivers are working.. i actually see them and nvidia-smi reports .. all is well in the world04:25
FLeiXiuSSounds like a perfect job for myth.04:26
prelude2004cthe issues is this GLX extension that will not load04:26
prelude2004cfleixius.. none of this is important.. i have been doing live tv for years... and using Nvtranscoder already and it si working...04:26
drownprelude2004c,  you need to edit the module file.04:27
prelude2004cthe issue is simply that i want to test with vdpau vs Nvtranscoder ( which does both encoding and decoding at the same time )04:27
prelude2004cedit module file?04:27
drownprelude2004c, There should be a text file which shows all of the Nvidia functions that are set to load04:27
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, Sure - but why re-invent the wheel?  Your compile of ffmpeg sounds like its not loading the correct extensions.04:27
drownprelude2004c,  I've never seen it as an actual conf file, but with the Nvidia Xsettings gui panel they are all listed there04:28
prelude2004c<FLeiXiuS> i am not too sure i understand where you are going with this04:28
prelude2004cguys.. clearly nobody here has experience with ffmpeg :P .. i get that.. that is not even up for discussion .. all i am trying to do is get glxinfo and vdpauinfo working04:29
drownall of the Nvidia GLX libs and functions04:29
prelude2004cthe rest will work itself out :)04:29
prelude2004ci have used vdpau before.. this is  not the first time i have done this04:29
drownI use ffmpeg for transcoding audio.04:29
prelude2004cwhat i dont get is why on this ubuntu 14.04 i can't get the drivers loaded correctly04:29
drownfrom a server to ALL of my clients.04:29
drownprelude2004c, on the 14.04 install, that is the server right?04:30
prelude2004cyes server04:30
Ben64ffmpeg isn't even in 14.0404:30
drownprelude2004c, and it has no actual display? It's a truly headless setup?04:30
prelude2004ctrully headless04:30
drownprelude2004c, oh god...04:30
drownprelude2004c, ffmpeg is not in the repos but it can easily be installed or compiled04:31
Ben64and i'm pretty sure the avconv that comes with 14.04 doesn't have hw accel support04:31
drownprelude2004c, Do you have anconv?04:31
drowndpkg -l | grep aconv04:32
drownerr avconv04:32
FLeiXiuSGLX is only needed for X.04:33
prelude2004cno i dont have avconv04:33
FLeiXiuSTherefore, its not going to 'load' when there's no X present.04:33
drownFLeiXiuS, exactly.04:33
FLeiXiuSWhat are the ffmpeg errors04:33
prelude2004cyour saying i can use some avconv to decode with the hardware ?04:33
drownprelude2004c, it's meant to be used locally, it wasn't designed for your use case.04:34
prelude2004chum.. i am not following at all04:35
prelude2004coh i get it.. your saying use avconv to decode04:36
drownprelude2004c, umm04:36
prelude2004cbut i can't because source is UDP04:36
drownprelude2004c, avconv doesn't use hw accel04:36
prelude2004cok so that doesn't help me at all04:36
FLeiXiuS<- still waiting for ffmpeg errors.04:36
drownprelude2004c, according to Ben6404:36
drownprelude2004c, but, the thing is avconv is like a replacement in 14.04 for ffmpeg04:37
drownprelude2004c, as far as I remember, so I just wanted to make sure it wasn't installed.04:37
prelude2004clook vdpau i think requires GLX04:40
prelude2004cand GLX requires X04:40
prelude2004ci have X running but GLX wont load04:40
drownprelude2004c, can you give us the specific errors from ffmpeg?04:40
prelude2004cso if GLX wont load.. vdpau wont load04:40
prelude2004ci haven't gotten that far in the code but.. i remember that if " vdpauinfo " doesn't give you hardware details it does not work04:41
prelude2004cvdpauinfo has to kick back my K4200 cards04:41
prelude2004cnot give an error04:41
FLeiXiuSvpdau does not require X04:41
prelude2004chum... what does it require ?04:41
prelude2004ci am going to test it right now on esec04:42
FLeiXiuSIt requires X development files upon compile/install. libxcb-glx0-dev I believe it is.04:42
drownFLeiXiuS, , does Nvidia's driver integrate on top of X04:42
drownFLeiXiuS, and communicate through it?04:43
FLeiXiuSThe module operates independently.  X is only there to facilitate output04:43
drownFLeiXiuS, exactly, it's the i/o04:43
prelude2004calright for those of you who are skeptical :)04:44
FLeiXiuSX doesnt care about the input.04:44
prelude2004cError while decoding stream #0:4: Invalid data found when processing input04:44
prelude2004cCannot open the X11 display :0.04:44
prelude2004cVDPAU init failed for stream #0:4.04:44
FLeiXiuSprelude2004c, Show me the command and the entire output.04:44
prelude2004c${ffmpeg} -v 40 -vsync 0 -hwaccel vdpau -i "$stream" $mapping -f mpegts -04:44
prelude2004cthe issue is that vdpau can't talk to display :004:45
FLeiXiuSPreferably without the vars ;-)04:45
drownprelude2004c, because it isn't configured for headless.04:45
prelude2004cXlib:  extension "NV-GLX" missing on display ":0"   VDPAU device creation on X11 display :0 failed.  VDPAU init failed for stream #0:3.04:46
prelude2004cwhats not configured for headless ?04:46
prelude2004chow would i do that ?04:46
drownWhat about vaapi?04:47
FLeiXiuSvpdau depends on X.04:47
FLeiXiuSIts written for X11.04:47
drownFLeiXiuS,  what about vaapi is it also X dependent?04:48
somsip!info xvfb04:48
ubottuxvfb (source: xorg-server): Virtual Framebuffer 'fake' X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.18.3-1ubuntu2.2 (xenial), package size 808 kB, installed size 2352 kB04:48
drownnot a bad idea.04:48
somsipdrown: not following the thread so may be off kilter, but there you go04:48
drownsomsip, no that's a idea for a workaround.04:49
drownsomsip, I've never used it though.04:49
drownsomsip, and we're trying to help prelude2004c04:49
somsipdrown: used it for running FF on a headless CI server, and was simple and painless04:49
drownprelude2004c, he's got your solution.04:50
prelude2004cnow i have to learn how to use it :)04:50
prelude2004cbut sure.. whatever works04:50
drownprelude2004c, well he just uncluttered the whole problem, we thought you hit a dead end and he just gave you a bridge.04:50
prelude2004ci am def. looking into it :)04:51
FLeiXiuSWell there you have it.  A full course on vpdau.04:51
FLeiXiuSHeadless X is the only way to go with vpdau.04:52
prelude2004cuhh hum... ok.. now having to learn how to make it work :)04:53
prelude2004cstill complaining about the same thing04:54
prelude2004cso i ran  Xvfb :0 -screen 0 800x600x1604:55
prelude2004cand it says initializing.. etc etc04:55
drownprelude2004c, I'm sorry man, I think you can do it with that component, but I have to sleep now. I'd look at the documentation for xvfb04:55
drownxvfb probably stands for x server virtual frame buffer so I'd try looking for that.04:56
drownprelude2004c,  try "man xvfb"04:57
drownprelude2004c, hope you get it sorted man. night.04:57
prelude2004clooking thanx04:57
drownprelude2004c, Oh another thing, You might want to look at VLC's server documentation, chances are VLC might have an alternative.05:00
drownprelude2004c, VLC has so many tools for streaming and directing video you wouldn't believe.05:00
drownprelude2004c, lots of headless functions.05:01
drownprelude2004c, VLC has  integration with VDPAU05:03
prelude2004cuhh hum.. anyways same damn thing.. even a fake X doesn't help as vdpau needs GLX05:10
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prelude2004cstill no luck.. $%$% HELL05:42
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hateballprelude2004c: what seems to be the matter?05:49
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bazwaltHi, anyone familiar with i3 and feh on ubuntu?05:53
akishi all. Ever since i fresh installed 16.04 I've never been notified of updates by Software Updater. Instead i should install updates manually. My settings are: Automatically check for updates: Daily-When there are security updates: Display immediately-When there are other updates: Display immediately. Under 14.04 no issue appeared. Any idea or help?05:55
Ben64akis: run "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to check if theres any problems05:57
akisBen64: i run both commands and i install manually any update available. but no previous notification was shown for those available updates. that's the issue.05:59
yrittajahelp, I just downloaded a language pack for open office to /home/yrittaja/Downloads/Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.2_Linux_x86-64_install-deb_es.tar.gz but i dont know how to install it, please tell me what i have to copy and paste onto the terminal thanks06:00
bazwaltwhenever i try to add the feh command to either my i3 wdm config or to xinit it never works06:02
Hoffmanis there any project in the works to get WiDi working on Ubuntu for laptops (rather than phones)06:16
auronandacebazwalt: i put it in my .profile06:18
hateballHoffman: https://github.com/albfan/miraclecast06:18
auronandaceyrittaja: any reason you are not using libreoffice?06:19
Hoffmanhateball: thanks!06:20
Hoffmandidnt realize miracast = widi06:20
home-pccan you help me to set a conky on my xubuntu?06:22
danialbehzadiHi. I installed android-sdk from repositories. and Android studio wants to install sdk again. Is there a way for android studio to use my system's sdk?06:23
onanohey guys anyone knows what kvm-ok command checks (i mean what specifically it looks for?) in ubuntu06:41
reisioso it checks the processors, the bios overrides for the processor, and the kernel for required elements06:42
onanoreisio, thanks!06:46
Emni m new on ubuntu06:57
Emni installed ubunutu mate06:57
Emnits aswome06:58
HetroErectustheres #ubuntu-mate ... i have it too06:58
Emnhow to upgrade hex chat ?06:58
BackwardsHas anyone here used xmail?06:59
Emnhex chat upgrade command line ?06:59
Ben64Emn: sudo apt-get install hexchat06:59
HetroErectussudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:59
reisioEmn: 2.10.2 is the latest that's easily available for the moment06:59
reisiosome reason you need a newer version?06:59
reisioBackwards: probably someone has07:00
Emnhex chat need upgrade his infarence07:00
BackwardsI was told that it was OK. I also was told that I should not run a private mail server from my home. Is that true?07:00
reisioEmn: mm, k07:00
reisioEmn: https://launchpad.net/~gwendal-lebihan-dev/+archive/ubuntu/hexchat-stable07:01
reisioBackwards: most ISPs don't technically allow servers from home (for a reasonable price)07:01
reisioemail is pretty antiquated anyway07:01
reisiothere are more secure, more real time, more asynchronous, more reliable alternatives these days07:02
BackwardsReisio I worked around that. But, not sure why not running a mail server on my private server.07:02
Ben64reisio: there is no good replacement to email07:02
reisioBen64: only amazingly good ones? :p07:02
Ben64any examples?07:02
HetroErectussudo add-apt-repository ppa:gwendal-lebihan-dev/hexchat-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:02
reisioBackwards: if your ISP allows it, there's no particular harm07:03
BackwardsI run a Debian ircd server and that works. I have had no complaints.07:03
reisioBen64: xmpp07:03
reisiodoes all the things email can do, and more, but better, with less07:04
BackwardsBen64: xmpp    I will google that.07:05
reisioone could argue it is "email" in that regard, just a far superior implementation (due no doubt to not having been created 78,000 years ago)07:05
Ben64call me when it's actually used07:05
reisiobig crap organizations like facebook have been using it for a while07:06
BackwardsIs there an Ubuntu program that sends mail to localhost or 0,0.0.0   ?07:06
reisioother people before then07:06
Emnhex chat upgrade command line plz07:06
Ben64yeah, i've never seen it on a business card, or website or anything07:06
reisioEmn: read up to HetroErectus' msg07:06
reisioBen64: you've never heard of a replacement for email, though, either07:06
reisiothat's about all email has going for it07:07
reisionormos know what it is, kinda07:07
Ben64yeah, and that's what matters07:07
reisionot really07:08
reisioI think facebook calls xmpp "chat"07:08
reisionormos don't get caught up in the details, they just mash their buttons for whatever you give them07:08
coredumpSo, I am trying to use i3 w/ gnome, and while I get everything kinda working I can't make stuff like brightness/sound work. IF I use a panel to show the applet icons it works, but when I remove the panels everything stops working. Is there a way to manually run those applets on the tray? Also if anyone has a git to a working gnome + i3 config it would be07:08
BackwardsReisio my ISP has never complained about running my website from home.07:09
ducasseEmn: if you have hexchat installed and your system is up to date, then you have the latest available version.07:09
reisioBackwards: that's nice07:09
Ben64Backwards: check their TOS and/or AUP07:09
BackwardsI never had a complaint.07:09
ducasseBackwards: you might have trouble running a mail server at home because those ip ranges are often blacklisted.07:09
reisiocoredump: define 'work'07:09
coredumpreisio: when there's a gnome panel still around, pressing buttons shows the OSDs for brightness/sound/key backlight and those things change as expected. W/ i3 and gnome-settings-daemon running but no panels or similar, they don't work.07:11
BackwardsDucasse, the Comcast port was 22 for smtp but it is now 587 I had to program my popcorn smtp client for that.07:12
Ben64smtp is 2507:12
BackwardsMost people don't know that port 25 is now 587.07:13
reisiocoredump: mmm, if those are shortcuts managed by the window manager, you might have to remake them with i3/xbindkeys/etc.07:13
reisioBackwards: most people know that comcast (and most other ISPs) hate all their users, though :p07:13
Ben64and it's still likely that your ip is blocked by mail servers07:14
reisiobriesje: pass07:14
briesjehow do I find channels?07:14
BackwardsI don't use and I discourage anyone from using gmail or Yahoo mail.07:15
reisiobriesje: on freenode, this network, you can use /msg alis list *foo*bar*07:15
reisiogmail used to be "fine"; lately it's pretty annoying07:15
BackwardsIt's crapppppp07:15
Ben64gmail still is fine, you shouldn't expect anything emailed to be private anyway07:15
BackwardsAll of your emails are sorted and logged.07:15
BackwardsYou cannot delete fully anything you delete on their servers.07:16
reisioBen64: yeah, they've had a couple problems irrespective of things actually sent, though07:16
reisiolike, buzz, was it?07:16
reisiowhere abusive ex husbands on your contact list could see all your friends07:16
reisioand it used to be (maybe still is?) you could see any address' person's real name, as listed07:17
reisiolittle things, though, really07:17
reisiowhat bothers me is how neglected the "basic" html version is07:17
reisioand how poorly made the fancy version is07:17
BackwardsI cannot stand sending an email to someone who puts me on an everybody list all at once. <-----<    Doesn't work.07:17
reisioyeah that's just email being as awful as email will always be07:17
BackwardsI got email from people all over the country and I never met them telling me hello. I don't need that. Same thing with the IP they send weekly their garbage to everyone spamming.07:19
BackwardsSetting up your own email server is the answer.07:20
Ben64yeah, but do it on an actual server07:20
BackwardsI have one.07:20
Ben64and it won't stop spam still07:20
Ben64home connection is not a real server07:21
BackwardsGenerated idiot spamming.07:21
BackwardsMy email will be port forwarded to my internet server.07:21
ikoniasounds like a very bad design and idea07:21
ikoniasounds like you should run a proper mail service if you want one07:21
BackwardsNo. It is just private stuff. Nothing big.07:22
ikoniaBackwards: so ?07:22
ikoniayou still need to run a proper mail service.07:22
ikoniaor if it's nothing big, use a mail provider, such as your isp07:23
BackwardsI know. You are taking all of the fun out of the idea here.07:23
ikoniaBackwards: no, we are removing the bad concept from the idea07:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:23
ikoniadavido: ?07:23
BackwardsI love that expression Ikonia.  hehe07:23
Ben64why even set up an email service at all if it's going to be barely functional if that07:24
ikoniait seems like the worst design "sort of" mail realy with home hacks07:24
ikoniawhen you can just run a mail relay in minutes07:24
BackwardsIt is the fun of installing it on Ubuntu server.07:24
ducasseBackwards: home isp ranges are blacklisted (because spam). you can't run a mail server on them.07:24
ikoniarunning a mail service is nothing to do with "the fun of installing ubuntu server"07:25
ikoniaducasse: it's ok, he's going to port forward to a server on the internet ?????07:25
ducasseikonia: right. :)07:25
BackwardsOk so someone here has personal experience in these matters. OK. Thanks for the input.07:26
ikoniaBackwards: I have experience in running mail servers07:26
ducasseBackwards: get a cheap vps, run your mail server there.07:26
kenrin+1 vps07:26
ikoniaducasse: he already has a machine on the public internet, the one he's going to port forward to....07:26
=== user__ is now known as akis
akis hi all. Ever since i fresh installed 16.04 I've never been notified of updates by Software Updater. Instead i should install updates manually. My settings are: Automatically check for updates: Daily-When there are security updates: Display immediately-When there are other updates: Display immediately. Under 14.04 no issue appeared. Any idea or help?07:27
ikoniaakis: are there updates pending ?07:28
BackwardsIkonia, thanks for the advice. I will take it under advisement. Many thanks.07:28
six86Hello. Is there a way to create a working USB installation medium for non UEFI systems? Even for UEFI systems it's a pain in the ass. The only working way is manually formatting and copyying over, but the the stick only works with uefi systems. I'm not able to create a stick for non UEFI BIOS systems...07:28
akisikonia: a lot. i proceeded on them manually using sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:29
Ben64six86: dd the iso to the flash drive, or use something like unetbootin, it's easy07:29
jnhghyHi, I have ubuntu 16.04 and gnome, I'm trying to show thunderbaird and firefox on my desktop is there an easy way to do this?07:29
ikoniaakis: sounds like the notification applet isn't working07:29
ikoniajnhghy: show ?07:30
six86Ben64: Tried those ways resulting in "No boot medium found" or similar messages. If it's working, then only in the efi system07:30
BackwardsKenrin thanks for your help. :)07:30
Ben64six86: you tried dd?07:30
six86Ben64: Yes.07:30
Ben64six86: then you're either doing it wrong, using a bad iso, or not ubuntu07:31
Ben64or the computer can't boot from usb, i guess07:31
BackwardsBen64 perhaps the boot order in his BIOS is not USB first.07:32
akisikonia: that's right. something like this. although there are many pending updates more than 24 hours, no notification pops up. i read similar complains here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2323320 and here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/158662507:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1586625 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update notification but no update manager icon in launcher ?" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:32
six86Ben64: It can. I used a preseeded 12.04 install stick for 2 years. Now after the transition to 16.04 everything gets messed up. usb-disk-creator, mkusb and unetbooting produce sticks that are not bootable and have no real partition (same as dd). Creating it manually (real partion sdb1 and then copyying the iso content wresults in a workign stick for efi systems but not for BIOS.07:33
Ben64six86: i guarantee you it works07:33
six86Boot order is not a problem, I am booting from the stick.07:34
Ben64well, dd at least. i've heard that certain usb creators don't work anymore07:34
six86Ben64: I can gurantee I have a problem and it is not the first stick were creating here.07:34
Ben64check the md5sum, use dd, try again07:34
six86Ben64: What state should the stick be in before dd? Shouldn't matter?07:35
Ben64doesn't matter07:35
six86Ben64: The sha checksum of the original image is correct, the iso I create while preseeding also is valid and installable, because it works damn fine in virtual environments.07:37
Ben64ah, so you change the iso07:38
six86Ben64: like I said before07:38
TvL2386hi guys... I'm playing with cloud storage and davfs... I notice that davfs does not honor "cache_size 50" at all in ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf. I have about 50 files of 2GB in my cache_dir... uploading is complete... unmounting & mounting does not remove the cache either.... I don't get it...07:45
TvL2386it does honor the cache_dir setting, so I know it's using this file07:45
BlackDexI have two internet connections with both different external IP's. One connection is on the ethernet, and the other on wlan. How can i "team"/"bond" these connection with ubuntu (NetworkManager)?07:55
lyzeBlackDex, http://ask.xmodulo.com/configure-linux-bridge-network-manager-ubuntu.html07:56
BlackDexlyze: If i try that, i'm not able to select my wireless connection07:58
Eagleman7On Ubuntu 14.04 I am using inotifywait to log changes on the filesystem, however I want to ignore some files. When I look at the manpage I see that I have to use --fromfile and then @ to supress a file, however when using @/path/to/file/test.file and restarting inotifywait, it is still logging that specific file, any idea what I am doing wrong?08:01
brainwashEagleman7: no typos? the file only contains the line "@/path/to/file/test.file"?08:05
Eagleman7brainwash: It was an example, but yeh, no typo's08:06
BaltecoTrolldudes, any help with hp pavilion notebook hybrid graphic (radeon)? http://pastebin.com/fwGfSaS508:20
hateballBaltecoTroll: fglrx is deprecated08:23
hateballBaltecoTroll: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes#fglrx08:24
hateballBaltecoTroll: and if you want to test a newer module you need a newer kernel. You can try a mainline kernel at your own peril08:25
hateball!mainline | BaltecoTroll08:25
ubottuBaltecoTroll: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds08:25
BaltecoTrollhateball hm. oook. which one should i use for my hw?08:31
hateballBaltecoTroll: it should be decided for you automatically. do you not get any display at all?08:37
hateballBaltecoTroll: what does "lspci -k" say for the AMD carD?08:38
six86Ben64: I just tried with the plain ubuntu image and dd. Works like a charm... But why doesn't it work with the preseeded one?08:38
ViciousLoohey, how do i add a normal website to my ubuntu server, i already have wordpress installed but i want another website with a different domain name08:39
ViciousLoohey almark08:39
ViciousLoohey, how do i add a normal website to my ubuntu server, i already have wordpress installed but i want another website with a different domain name08:40
Ben64wait longer before repeating08:40
ViciousLooben64, sorry new ppl joined08:40
EriC^^ViciousLoo: apache?08:40
ViciousLooumm.. LAMP08:40
Ben64people join and leave all the time, there are 1888 people here08:40
almarkhi ViciousLoo08:41
ViciousLooi used the one click digital ocean wordpress thing08:41
ViciousLooso i think thats LAMP08:41
EriC^^ViciousLoo: go to /etc/apache2/sites-available08:41
EriC^^and make a copy of the default.conf08:41
EriC^^and put the document root and server name etc08:42
EriC^^then sudo a2ensite <site name>08:42
ViciousLoothere are 2 files in sites-available, 000-default.conf and default-ssl.conf08:42
damien__Does anyone have a clue, how to install a talking clock on linux?08:43
EriC^^use 000-default.conf if it's standard not https08:43
ViciousLooso cp 000-default.conf ?08:43
EriC^^ViciousLoo: cp 000-default.conf 000-newsite.conf08:43
ViciousLoohow do i edit in putty?08:44
EriC^^sudo nano 000-newsite.conf08:44
Ben64damien__: sudo apt-get install espeak && date | espeak08:45
damien__are you sure that will work ben08:45
Ben64depends on your definition of work. it definitely says the time, but it sounds.... not awesome08:45
damien__you mean it don't sound too good08:46
EriC^^it's not too bad with date +%r | espeak08:47
EriC^^damien__: ^08:47
damien__so does this clock speak the time eric08:47
EriC^^damien__: no, that's just piping the output of date to espeak08:48
EriC^^if you want a talking clock you could use xclock with a timer that does what ben suggested08:48
ViciousLooEriC^^:  what do i put for serverAdmin ?08:48
damien__oh ok i think i'm with you there thanks for explaining that08:48
EriC^^ViciousLoo: you're email i think08:48
BaltecoTrollhateball 01:00.0 Display controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Sun XT [Radeon HD 8670A/8670M/8690M / R5 M330] Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device 21af08:49
ViciousLoohow do i save the file?#08:49
EriC^^ViciousLoo: ctrl+o08:49
damien__thanks eric08:50
EriC^^ViciousLoo: have you secured your server yet and stuff?08:50
BaltecoTrollhateball it's hybrid with intel _and_ radeon and i'm trying to turn ati on08:50
EriC^^damien__: no problem :)08:50
ViciousLoofor a2ensite, does the sitename need to be the same as how i put it in the directory08:51
damien__Why is it that, people from ubuntu seem much nicer, than other chat rooms?08:51
ViciousLooor can it be whatever08:51
ViciousLooEriC^^: what do i put after a2ensite?08:52
six86So where can the problem be when my preseeded stick boots fine in a VM environment, but not when dd'ed to a usb stick?08:52
mgorViciousLoo, if you don't enter any parameter, it will list the available sites08:53
mgorViciousLoo, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man8/a2dissite.8.html08:53
EriC^^ViciousLoo: try the server name you put for it08:55
ViciousLooEriC^^: how do i know point a domain name to this instead of the main site?08:55
EriC^^ok, sudo service apache2 restart08:55
EriC^^ViciousLoo: you just point the domain name to the server's ip and apache will do the rest08:56
Ben64depends how the initial site was set up08:56
ViciousLoobut it doesnt know which part of the site to point to if i just put IP08:56
EriC^^ViciousLoo: apache will see the domain.com and direct it to the document root you set for it08:57
Ben64it should if the virtualhosts are set properly08:57
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ViciousLooi didnt put the domain name anywhere when setting up08:58
EriC^^in the .conf you should put it08:58
ViciousLooEriC^^: https://gyazo.com/de03b9551408fc63c49e93bd1fab734008:59
EriC^^uncomment ServerName and put it there08:59
ViciousLoowhere abouts?08:59
ViciousLooi need a new line08:59
ViciousLoodo i need to put http:// at the start08:59
ViciousLooso just sitename.com ?08:59
Ben64it worries me that you're running sites without knowing this09:00
EriC^^same here09:00
EriC^^that's why i asked if you had secured stuff yet09:00
ViciousLooi started using linux 2 days ago09:00
Ben64especially with wordpress09:00
Ben64asking to get hacked09:00
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ViciousLooi havent got any sensitive info, just messing around09:01
Ben64thats not a good excuse09:01
Ben64you can be held responsible for whatever happens on your vps09:01
ViciousLooBen64: i havent done anything that isnt directly following a tutorial09:03
Ben64thats not a positive09:03
EriC^^ViciousLoo: did you do the tutorial on ssh and keys and stuff like that?09:04
EriC^^also keep the server updated always09:04
yossarianukhi - How can I use the nvidia driver to force DPI setting when using nvidia-prime ?09:06
yossarianuk I would normally edit /etc/X11/xorg and add ' Option     "DPI" "102 x 102"    '  but if I ever change GPU the xorg.conf gets overwriten09:09
yossarianukany ideas ?09:09
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lioserEriC^^: hey09:10
EriC^^hey lioser09:10
lioserhey sorry I was just trying to see if I had a voice haha09:11
darkeyeAnyone tried to develop using Ubuntu SD under Kubuntu ?09:13
lioserwhat is up with #freenode im tyring to reset things and noone answers09:13
ViciousLoowell, i screwed up the server :/09:13
ViciousLooatleast znc still works!09:14
EriC^^lioser: :D09:15
lioserEriC^^: I hate being on the windows side of my box .....09:15
ViciousLooEriC^^: it now says 404 not found for my main site :/09:16
EriC^^ViciousLoo: maybe the document root is wrong?09:16
yossarianukanyone know how to force DPI settings when using nvidia-prime ?  Any xorg changes I do get overwriten when I change GPU ?09:16
Ben64ViciousLoo: paste.ubuntu.org all the files in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/09:17
Ben64wow, that's all kinds of wrong09:21
EriC^^ViciousLoo: you're missing the "/" before var/www/.. next to Document root09:22
Ben64both should have a valid servername, the virtualhost section should be the ip address09:24
lioserahh you have to wait for a voice in that channel lol09:24
EriC^^lioser: yeah, it's stupid09:24
TheSilentLinkhello anyone know why when I boot into ubuntu I don't get the loading screen? I just shows a black screen until the login screen appears09:24
EriC^^TheSilentLink: type cat /proc/cmdline09:25
mcphailTheSilentLink: are you using proprietary drivers?09:25
TheSilentLinkmcphail: no09:25
lioserwell I havent been there in awhile so I was wondering haha   nothing set up on this side of my system.... maybe should do that lol09:25
TheSilentLinkEriC^^: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-22-generic root=UUID=dcede63d-b81f-4c60-8e40-6f75b0a8b367 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=709:25
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hateballTheSilentLink: and you're positive you're not using the nvidia blob for instance?09:28
TheSilentLinkhateball: Nvidia blob? I have an amd graphics card09:29
six86So can anyone help me? Just creating a usb stick with my preseeded iso worked fine for 12.04, for 16.04 I am not able to create a bootable stick with my preseeded iso...09:29
TheSilentLinkwell integrated..09:29
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hateballTheSilentLink: hmm, then you should have KMS support I guess. cant say I know much about amd tho09:31
mcphailTheSilentLink: the plymouth splash screen has always been a bit of a mystery to me. An experiment would be to try forcing a kms resolution from the boot command line09:31
mcphailTheSilentLink: what is the native resolution of your monitor?09:32
ViciousLooben64 which bit needs to be the ip?09:32
ViciousLoothe tag at start and end?09:33
TheSilentLinkmcphail: 1366x76809:33
Ben64ViciousLoo: maybe you should read and learn more before doing this09:33
ViciousLooi should, but do i change the tag at the start and the end that say virtual host?09:34
mcphailTheSilentLink: aah. There isn't a pre-built shortcut to force that one ;)09:34
TheSilentLinkmcphail: can't I just force any resolution that is below 133x76809:35
yossarianuki.e how can I get nvidia-prime to also add the DPI settings to the conf when I uchange GPU with nvidia-prime09:36
mcphailTheSilentLink: you could try, but I don't know if it will work. Try adding drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=edid/1024x768.bin to your command line, between "quiet" and "splash"09:37
TheSilentLinkmcphail: in what file?09:38
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ViciousLooEriC^^:  is anything else wrong with what i pasted?09:38
effectnethow come when i installed samba, the printer was automatically available?09:39
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mcphailTheSilentLink: when GRUB loads at boot, press "e" to edit the boot commands09:40
mcphailTheSilentLink: but my hack probably won't work anyway ;)09:41
mcphailTheSilentLink: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Plymouth for debugging information on plymouth09:42
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TheSilentLinkmcphail: o ok thanks so there is no fix?09:43
ViciousLooi got it all working Ben6409:44
mcphailTheSilentLink: can't say for sure, but that page will show you how to enable debugging and logging, and how to test plymouth on an already-booted system. It might give you some clues09:45
TheSilentLinko ok btw is it normal I don't have /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth?09:45
mcphailTheSilentLink: or, you could just ignore the missing splash screen entirely09:45
mcphailTheSilentLink: I don't know. I'm not on an Ubuntu machine to check right now09:46
TheSilentLinkmcphail: o ok09:46
mcphailTheSilentLink: did you install Ubuntu in the normal way, or is this a funny setup?09:46
TheSilentLinkmcphail: by the installer but i am dualbooting09:46
mcphailTheSilentLink: from the wiki page, /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth isn't used in ubuntu09:47
mcphailTheSilentLink: actually, ignore me. Reading fail on my part09:48
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halvorsHi. How can i disable dhclient for some given interfaces?09:56
crawlnhalvors, you set that interface to static10:00
vekexasiaHello All, i've a file under /etc/init but when i do service mailcatcher status i get  "mailcatcher.service\n Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory)...."10:07
TheSilentLinkmcphail: I changed the theme and it seems like it works10:08
TheSilentLinkmcphail: but it only appears for like half a second before the login screen appears!10:08
crawlnvekexasia, what version10:08
vekexasiacrawln 16.0410:08
mcphailTheSilentLink: ha!10:09
crawlnlooks like to me it's looking for a systemd file not init10:09
mcphailTheSilentLink: at least it works ;)10:09
TheSilentLinkmcphail:  I don't know why lol cause I pc is a toaster!10:09
vekexasiacrawln how can i see if that's true ?10:09
TheSilentLinkmcphail: trye10:09
yossarianukif anyone knows how to help me with my DPI issue with nvidia-prime I have posted in the forum... -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2326377&p=13497362#post1349736210:09
somsipvekexasia: like, this mailcatcher? If so, it doesnt run as a service https://mailcatcher.me/10:09
somsipvekexasia: it still doesnt run as a service10:10
mcphailTheSilentLink: because I run the proprietary drivers, I haven't seen the splash screen for years. Best to just ignore it, imho10:10
TheSilentLinkmcphail: true but ubuntu 16.04 doesn't have the amd drivers10:10
vekexasiaI found an howto.here https://prabuddha.me/setup-mailcatcher/10:11
yossarianukmcphail: I see it with nvidia (364) drivers...10:11
somsipvekexasia: not supported, so contact the author of that website10:11
vekexasiasomsip, what's not supported exactly?10:12
somsipvekexasia: official packages are supported here. This one, though useful, is not official. We have no way to know if those instructions really do work, and your experience suggests they dont, unless you havent followed them right10:14
vekexasiasomsip, ok. understand but more generally why an /etc/init/ is no longer seen by "service" command ?10:15
somsipvekexasia: hmmm. upstart or systemd. Something to investigate more maybe...10:15
vekexasiaI just get an "not found" error when trying to issue a service mailcatcher status10:16
mcphail!systemd | vekexasia10:18
ubottuvekexasia: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units10:18
ziggy_set theme murf10:19
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Guest12397How do I run hdparm on a mount?10:19
Guest12397Basically, I have virtualbox running with a shared folder mounted.10:19
Guest12397I'd like to know what the benchmark is for actually reading from it...10:20
Guest12397It's mounted to /media/sf_Foo10:20
BluesugarHello everyone10:20
NoCodeHow can I enable transparency with gnome-shell in 16.04?10:26
NoCodeI'm finding that each  window has four *white* corners. whenever opening up the Apps bar or the bar I use to log out wiht there's always a non-transparent border.10:28
popeyNoCode: known bug which has recently been fixed I believe10:29
popeybug 156526710:29
ubottubug 1565267 in Ubuntu theme "Gnome Calendar has white corners" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156526710:29
ren0v0Why do i constantly get the locale issue on new servers (14.04) ?  perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:LANGUAGE = (unset),10:31
popeyren0v0: how was the server deployed / installed?10:32
ren0v0LANGUAGE and LC_ALL are never set10:32
popeythey are with a standard install10:32
popeynot with some cloud images10:32
popeyor vps providers10:32
ren0v0popey, this was was using LXC template, and yea i've had it with DO also10:32
popeyyeah, that's why.10:32
ren0v0popey, what is the correct way to fix it, and is it possible to do it via script? because i havea  deployment script (bash)10:32
NoCodeFor a LTS release, Gnome-Shell is quite unpolished. O.o10:33
sector_0how well does the r9 290 work on ubuntu with the proprietary drivers10:34
sector_0there someone offering me that card for a reasonable price, but I've read about some issues that people had in the past10:34
hateballsector_0: fglrx is deprecated, there is only amdgpu10:34
NoCodeI guess in the meantime, I'll go back to i3WM.10:34
popeyNoCode: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/language-problem-on-ubuntu-14-0410:35
ren0v0popey, there are various answers around, but it seems some work for some people and not for others  http://askubuntu.com/questions/536875/error-in-installing-mongo-in-virtual-machine10:35
popeyren0v0: not me asking10:35
popeyren0v0: duh, got confused, sory. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/language-problem-on-ubuntu-14-0410:35
ren0v0ok i'll try this locale file10:35
popeysorry NoCode :)10:35
sector_0hateball, so the r9 290 has great support then?10:35
sector_0I wanna make sure that switching from the 7870HD to the r9 290 isn't going to introduce problems10:36
hateballsector_0: I do not know, I've been avoiding AMD for a decade+10:38
hateballsector_0: Since amdgpu is in the kernel it is likely you'll want to use a more recent kernel than 4.4 included in 16.0410:39
sector_0hateball, so nVidia has better support than AMD?10:46
sector_0I always thought AMD was better supported, since the company worked along with linux devs10:47
sector_0I even remember Linus Tarvolds once saying nVidia didn't cooperate well with the Linux dev team10:47
hateballsector_0: Well with nvidia you're relying on their binary blob, but it's well supported and the performance blows AMD out of the water10:48
hateballsector_0: But AMD has better open source drivers10:48
hateballAnd with some luck, maybe they'll get performance on par. But until then I will keep using nVidia anyhow10:49
sector_0hateball, well it seems my perception was wrong all this time10:49
sector_0just looked it up, and from a quick glance there's a lot of thread confirming your opinion10:50
Jakey3how can I connect to a homeserver without using DDns10:52
Ben64ip address10:52
Jakey3I have a vps10:53
Ben64then use that instead10:53
Jakey3home server has dynamic ip10:53
Ben64don't use a home server at all if you have a vps10:53
Jakey3I want to use my home server as vps is just a small DO droplet10:53
Ben64homes aren't for servers10:53
Jakey3I can create a vpn to my vps from my homeserver?10:54
Jakey3and then connect through the vps?10:54
Ben64sure, but why10:54
Jakey3I want to be able to connect to my homeserver all the time it has a dynanic ip and i dont dont want to use a ddns service10:55
BluesKajHey folks10:55
Jakey3I was looking for the standard way to do this10:55
Ben64Jakey3: no, use a real server10:55
k1l_Jakey3: then you will have to run an own ddns service at the vps.10:56
Jakey3i was thinking of writing a script to update the vps with my homeservers new ip each time each changed10:57
Ben64residential connections are: 1) residential, so running a server on it is likely against what they allow you to do 2) slow 3) bad10:57
k1l_Jakey3: you can use  bind9 for that. but that is not a beginners task which is done with installing a packge and doing one click.10:57
Jakey3im fine with learning new stuff10:57
k1l_then read yourself into bind910:58
k1l_"learning new stuff" doesnt mean "#ubuntu just copies the commands for me"10:59
Dark_WitcherHey, guys10:59
Dark_Witcherquick question10:59
Jakey3k1l_, haha10:59
Dark_Witcherhow can I get thing to minimize to theire icon like in widonws 8/1010:59
Dark_Witcheropen stuuf10:59
Dark_Witcherand to use them like that ( windows 8/10 taskbar style)11:00
Jakey3k1l_, i thought it was just about piping into bash from curl11:00
XOF_can anyone help me with some windows 10/ 16.04 dual boot questions?11:05
Ben64XOF_: unknown until you ask the question11:05
XOF_I installed ubuntu and i windows 10 wont show in the gnu grub and im not sure what to do11:06
XOF_i think its because i didnt disable hibernate on windows 10 but now stuck.11:07
Ben64XOF_: do this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Info11:07
YankDownUnderXOF_, you can also look at: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2015/11/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-alongside.html11:08
XOF_the problem is it's already installed but i cant get back into windows11:09
EriC^^XOF_: are you in ubuntu now?11:09
EriC^^XOF_: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999911:10
XOF_-l not found11:10
EriC^^you did a typo i'd guess11:11
XOF_i copied from your text11:11
EriC^^sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999911:12
XOF_im not sure what to do now11:12
XOF_i didnt get an error11:12
EriC^^copy the link here11:12
neredsenvyI'm trying to create a  user using a script using the command createuser is there a way I can provide a password non interactivelly11:12
neredsenvyif I do11:13
neredsenvycreateuser -W password username11:13
neredsenvyit wont work11:13
EriC^^XOF_: windows is on the 1tb disk?11:13
XOF_no its on my smaller ssd11:13
EriC^^XOF_: ok, try sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt11:14
EriC^^which windows is it?11:14
XOF_The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Operation not permitted The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount option.11:14
XOF_thats what i got11:14
XOF_i know this stems from be not disabling hibernation11:16
EriC^^XOF_: try sudo mount -o ro /dev/sda1 /mnt11:16
XOF_ntfs-3g-mount: mount failed: Device or resource busy11:17
EriC^^XOF_: try mount | grep /dev/sda111:18
XOF_ /dev/sda1 on /mnt type fuseblk (ro,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)11:19
codfectionGuys how to transfer videos to iphone on linux(ubuntu)11:19
EriC^^XOF_: try sudo update-grub11:19
EriC^^codfection: itunes11:19
codfectiondont have itunes in ubuntu11:19
XOF_Generating grub configuration file ... Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-21-generic Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-21-generic Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.elf Found memtest86+ image: /boot/memtest86+.bin Found Windows 10 (loader) on /dev/sda1 done11:20
XOF_do i reboot now and see?11:20
hateball!iphone | codfection11:20
ubottucodfection: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod11:20
k1l_codfection: apple doesnt make itunes for linux.11:20
EriC^^XOF_: yeah11:20
codfectionk1l_, any way to transfer videos to iphone using ubuntu11:20
codfectionI can connect wire11:20
k1l_codfection: and since they change the stuff everytime with the intention that 3rd party programs dont work, you will need to run itunes in wine or ask apple what to do11:20
codfectionthis is the first time I am hating my iphone11:21
codfectionfor not making itunes for linux11:21
halvorscrawln: I've done that, giving me DHCP anyway.11:21
sebThreeM10whitecodfection yes no sucky itunes for linux, but theres probably a setting in the iphone and ubuntu for usingn the lightning cabble or something to transfer files not sure though11:21
halvorscrawln: The interface is not configured with ifupdown.11:21
XOF_it worked Eric11:22
codfectionsebThreeM10white, cant find.11:22
XOF_back on windows11:22
Jakey3EriC^^, why did updating grub solve the issue?11:23
EriC^^XOF_: cool11:23
codfectionEriC^^, Any idea?11:23
EriC^^codfection: as k1l_ said, and itunes new versions stop working on wine11:25
codfectionso how to transfer videos to iphone using laptop (ubuntu)?11:25
EriC^^Jakey3: it found it since it was mounted ro and then windows booted itself11:25
codfectionI cant figure out this simple thing11:25
codfectionI used to transfer using cable on windows11:25
codfectionbut now on linux I am confused11:25
codfectionI tried using cable without itunes but doesn't seem to worek11:26
Jakey3EriC^^, ok11:26
i5pranayhi everyone?11:26
i5pranayi need help in installing rvm on ubuntu11:26
i5pranay??? can any one ?11:26
mcphailcodfection: there isn't a good solution for apple devices with Ubuntu. Apple do not support linux, and take measures to break compatibility with home grown solutions11:27
codfectionmcphail, so how can I transfer a simple video to iphone11:27
i5pranayruby version manager it is. i am working on rails11:27
k1l_codfection: for android there are wifi samba server or such.11:28
mcphailcodfection: in my experience, you don't. Simple as that. Apple don't want you to do it.11:28
EriC^^codfection: can't you get itunes running on some windows pc11:28
codfectionmcphail, damn.. so its like waste of money on an iphone if I cant do simple things such as transferring video files11:28
codfectionEriC^^, you think windows vm would work?11:29
mcphailcodfection: Most linux devs have given up trying to support apple devices, as they are hostile to open solutions11:29
Jakey3Welcome to seamless design from apple11:29
EriC^^codfection: maybe11:29
brunch875Is anyone experienced with keyboard layouts? I want to map right control to fifth level and put all unicode smileys there11:29
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damien__does anyone know, how to get a digital clock working in ubuntu?11:39
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dgadd523Downloaded new windows manager to try it out.  Can anyone point me to a HOWTO to change back to Unity on 16.04?11:48
damien__can't you just log out and select the desktop enviroment you want from the login screen11:50
dgadd523damien__ : It doesn't give me an option, can you give startx an argument?11:51
damien__im not sure11:52
damien__google it11:52
mcphaildgadd523: click on the icon in the top right corner of the login box to change wm/desktop environment11:52
damien__thats what i was saying11:52
mcphaildgadd523: and don't use startx unless you really know what you are doing11:52
dgadd523I think I11:53
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damien__mcphail can you please tell me why the digital clock is not working11:54
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mcphaildamien__: not without details? What clock, what desktop environment, what ubuntu version, what "is not working"?11:56
Alxpahey, is a 64 gb usb enough to run ubuntu off?11:56
mcphailAlxpa: yes11:56
damien__the digital clock for ubuntu11:56
Alxpamcphail: how do i set it up?11:57
Alxpaand should i do 64 bit or 3211:57
k1l_damien__: the digital clock in the panel is working. so what is the issue exactly?11:57
mcphailAlxpa: depends on whether you're going to use it in a 32 bit machine. If not, use 64 bit11:57
damien__i want a bigger one as well as the one pre-installed11:58
mcphailAlxpa: you'll have a choice of using your USB as a live disk (with or without peristence) or, if you want, you can do a full install of Ubuntu onto a USB disk11:58
Alxpai want to do full install,11:59
damien__i have tried installing it but when i look for it, it's not there.11:59
Alxpaalso, when i go to format there is no fat32, only exFat11:59
k1l_Alxpa: you cant do a full isntall on windows filesystems.12:00
k1l_Alxpa: you need ext4.12:00
mcphailAlxpa: you'll need to use smaller partitions for fat32. exfat is for large partitions. But, if you're installing Ubuntu, you don't need either12:00
Alxpamcphail: im using this12:02
k1l_Alxpa: that will create a live-system. not a full isntall12:03
damien__any ideas mcphail12:03
Alxpaso if i used the usb in 2 diffferent PCs i would not keep that data?12:04
mcphaildamien__: you still haven't given details, so no12:04
damien__i told you im using ubuntu12:05
mcphail11:56 < mcphail> damien__: not without details? What clock, what desktop environment, what ubuntu version, what "is not working"?12:05
damien__i also told you i wanted to use a another clock12:05
damien__im using 16.04 not sure wht the desktop enviroment is12:08
mcphaildamien__: is it the default desktop with the icons in the bar on the left?12:08
BluesKajdamien__,default is Unity12:09
mcphaildamien__: and what clock were you trying to install (and from where were you trying to install it?)12:09
damien__oh i forgot to mention the software centre12:11
Alxpawhat button do u press on laptop to choose boot device?12:11
mcphaildamien__: you may have to launch that one from a terminal. Have a try at the commands at the bottom of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/wily/dclock/wily/view/head:/README for examples12:12
mcphaildamien__: if it doesn't show anything, let us know the errors12:12
damien__ok thanks12:13
Alxpamcphail: if i do "try ubuntu without installing, can i save data to my usb so to be used next time i start the pc in ubuntu"12:13
mcphaildamien__: you might find a more modern clock in the store ;)12:13
damien__which store12:14
mcphailAlxpa: if you set the live USB up with persistence enabled, you should be able to save things12:14
Alxpamcphail: where would i have done that?12:14
mcphaildamien__: sorry, software centre. There _must_ be a newer one in there somewhere ;)12:15
damien__ok i'll check it out!12:15
mcphaildamien__: I'm afraid I don't have any recommendations12:15
fucatusi guess meta questions aren't welcome here so here is my problem: i installed bumblebee on my xubuntu and after a reboot my screen resolution was fixed to something like 600x480. from there I tried a lot of things and finally managed to get an option to change my resolution through the gui (display settings), however, the resolution didn't actually change12:16
fucatuswell, after a while of trying to fix it, now all graphical surface is gone, but i still have access via console12:16
mcphailAlxpa: it is a feature of some software used to create the live USB, such as the one from Ubuntu itself12:16
fucatusis there a way for me to restore my graphics to the starting default?12:16
fucatusi tried several things and searched a lot, for example i tried reinstalling xfce, but nothing worked12:16
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AlxpaWould ubuntu run well on a pi zero?12:22
DJonesAlxpa: Doesn't look like it, http://askubuntu.com/questions/703070/does-ubuntu-work-on-a-raspberry-pi-zero12:23
Alxpa:( DJones  i have 212:24
Alxpaim in ubuntu, what do i type to SSH to another ubuntu machine?12:25
Alxpait has a domain12:25
destinydrivenssh user@example.com12:25
EriC^^Alxpa: ssh user@domain12:25
Alxpaty EriC^^12:26
Alxpais there a way of broadcasting a message to all computers that are currently SSHing to your server ?12:27
EriC^^Alxpa: wall <msg>12:27
AlxpaEriC^^: it saus cannot open file hey12:28
Alxpawhen i type wall hey12:28
AlxpaEriC^^: how do i get out of wall ?12:29
Alxpait didnt send it to my putty client EriC^^12:29
AlxpaEriC^^:  how do i send12:30
damien__who watches, The Big Bang Theory?12:30
Alxpadamien__:  i used to12:30
fucatusso no advice on restoring the xfce gui?12:30
damien__sheldon says ubuntu is his favourite operating system12:30
EriC^^Alxpa: msg <something> works here12:31
Alxpamsg: command not found12:31
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EriC^^Alxpa: sorry i meant wall <something>12:31
Alxpathat just says the file something is not founc12:32
EriC^^Alxpa: check "man wall"12:32
damien__I find Sheldon really amusing!12:33
AlxpaEriC^^:  echo message | wall12:34
EriC^^Alxpa: must be a different wall version12:34
EriC^^try man wall maybe there's an option12:35
EriC^^wall -m <something> etc12:35
damien__the whole worlds gone off the wall12:36
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Guest94490plz help me...12:38
damien__with what12:38
Guest94490i want to install samba server with gui mood but m felt12:38
damien__ask eric he may know12:39
Guest94490plzz tell me if any one know..12:39
Guest94490m using ubuntu server 16.4 LTS12:40
ikoniaGuest94490: what samba gui are you talking about12:41
Guest94490do u know samba server...for file sharing with windows12:41
ikoniayes, I'm aware of samba12:41
Guest94490so plz tell me how to install it with gui mood in ubuntu server 16.412:42
ikoniaGuest94490: what gui ?12:42
Guest94490have u any idea.12:42
PiciUbuntu Server has no GUI12:43
ikoniaGuest94490: there isn't a samba gui, there is SWAT, I'm not sure if that's been obsoleted12:43
Guest94490Graphic user interface..12:43
ikoniaGuest94490: what gui are you talking about12:43
Guest94490Gui...stand for Graphic user interface12:43
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ikoniaGuest94490: I know what a gui is, but what gui are YOU talking about12:43
ikoniaGuest94490: are you asking "is there a gui for Samba" ?12:44
ikoniaGuest94490: ok, so look up samba SWAT, other than that, there really isn't a gui12:44
Guest94490okay m trying12:44
computerpeople, i am tyring to format an SD card, but it is not working, what is the problem?12:55
computerhow do i fix it?12:56
Guest94490no application find like SWAT12:56
Guest94490any one know how to install samba with GUI in ubuntu Server 16.412:59
PiciGuest94490: There may not be one.  Honestly the sama configuration file is pretty easy to understand.12:59
Guest94490pici sir m not talking about configuration ...m want to know just tell me how install gui samba in ubuntu server 16.4 LTS13:01
computerpeople, i am tyring to format an SD card, but it is not working, what is the problem? how to fix it?13:01
PiciGuest94490: Then I don't understand.  What else would a "samba gui" do other than provide a way to change its configuration.13:02
PiciGuest94490: Ubuntu Server has no GUI, it is command line only.13:02
Guest94490no no i all ready installed gui  packeg also13:03
Guest94490desktop version13:03
Guest94490but unable to install samba13:03
Guest94490samba is also installed but it is in CLI mod..thats why i have problem to configure13:04
Guest94490have u any idea..PiCI SIr13:05
sgasser_https://github.com/nelmio/NelmioApiDocBundle 404 :(13:10
Picisgasser_: okay?13:10
sgasser_NelmioApiDocBundle deleted on github?13:11
sgasser_has a official symfony doc: http://symfony.com/doc/current/bundles/NelmioApiDocBundle/index.html13:11
Picisgasser_: maybe you want #symfony or ##php, this is #ubuntu13:12
sgasser_ooops sorry ;)13:12
lucidguyis it me or is 16.04 buggy?13:14
ikoniait's you13:15
lowbroyer buggy13:15
computerpeople, is it possible to format an SD card in ubuntu?13:15
ikoniacomputer: yes13:15
damien__Guest94490: Why not do a search for your query, as nobody seems to be bothered!13:16
computerhow? i tried using the dick app ikonia, but i get back an error13:16
Picidamien__: they're gone13:16
ikoniadamien__: people have answered before, so please don't say people are bothered13:16
ikonianot bothered13:16
ikoniacomputer: what error ? is it possible the sd card is already mounted13:16
computerikonia: i will paste you the error on a link 1 moment.13:17
computerikonia: https://da.gd/deE913:17
ikoniacomputer: is this on ubuntu ?13:18
computerikonia: yes13:18
computerikonia: error 2: https://da.gd/vCTZH13:18
ikoniacomputer: so the device can't be written to as it appears it dissapeared,13:18
ikoniacomputer: can you actually see the disk anywhere else ?13:18
k1l_computer: are you sure the sdcard is okay? sounds like a hardware failure13:18
ikoniaor it's hitten it's write limit13:19
damien__ikonia, im sorry but, i am just stating facts!13:19
ikoniahitten ?? hit13:19
ikoniadamien__: no, you're not13:19
ikoniadamien__: people are bothered, thats why they took the time to help13:19
computerikonia: i see the SD card only in the disks app, not in the left application bar. i just bought 3 SD cards non of them work, when i put them in a mac they work perfectly13:19
ikoniacomputer: can you please show me (in a pastebin) the output of "uname -a" "sudo fdisk -l" and "mount"13:20
computerikonia:  ok one moment13:20
damien__ikonia; that is your opinion13:20
damien__i don't share it13:20
PiciThe user is gone, lets move on.13:21
damien__tell ikonia that13:21
computerikonia: https://da.gd/EcHv13:21
ikoniacomputer: what's with all the ram disks ?13:22
ikoniacomputer: it appears the mmc is missing from that list13:22
computeri don't know13:22
computeri am using ubuntu on an 8,1 macbook pro13:22
ikoniacomputer: if you do "sudo fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0" what do you get13:23
computerikonia: fdisk: cannot open /dev/mmcblk0: Input/output error13:23
ikoniacomputer: so I would suggest, a.) take the card out b.) reboot c.) plug the card back in d.) re-paste the "sudo fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0" command please13:24
computerok ikonia one moment13:24
damien__people seem to be quitting, i wonder why13:24
k1l_computer: could be due to the funny ways apple builds its hwardware:http://askubuntu.com/questions/170634/macbook-pro-8-1-ubuntu-12-04-sd-card-reader-doesnt-work13:24
computerikonia: fdisk: cannot open /dev/mmcblk0: Input/output error13:26
k1l_<k1l_> computer: could be due to the funny ways apple builds its hwardware:http://askubuntu.com/questions/170634/macbook-pro-8-1-ubuntu-12-04-sd-card-reader-doesnt-work13:26
damien__the funny ways apple builds it's hardware! ahhh please, give me a break!13:27
ikoniacomputer: so it looks like it can't see the sd card, which could be tied into the link k1l_ is posting13:27
ikoniadamien__: stop now - I won't ask you again, help or be quiet13:27
k1l_computer: he says it could be working with using ethernet cable instead of wifi. (or shutting wifi down)13:27
damien__stop what!13:27
ikoniadamien__: these stupid snide remarks13:28
ikoniacomputer: if you plug/unplug the card, does the syslog show any change13:28
computerikonia: its ok, thanks for your help, i will use the SD card on the MAC OS X, i want to install raspian os for a raspberry pi. i am trying to leave mac os x and use only ubuntu.13:29
computerikonia: no13:29
ikoniacomputer: looks like that hardware is not happy in linux, I've got a later macbook pro that doesn't have this problem, so it could be down to the that specific model, I don't know without more research13:30
computerikonia: thanks, i always has problems with ubuntu in this laptop model, wifi doesn't work i have to install the hardware etc...13:32
computerit is a 2011 model13:32
ikoniacomputer: I do remember specific issues with the earlier broadcom wireless13:32
katerina_Hey, is there a thing such as pastebin for sharing screenshots?13:44
joeliokaterina_: just put it on imgur?13:44
SchrodingersScat!screenshot | katerina_13:44
ubottukaterina_: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.13:44
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xdevnullguys, i've bin/sh file, i have export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive13:49
xdevnullcan someone explain what this DEBIAN_FRONTEND exactly?13:49
ikoniait's an enviornment variable13:49
LinnakHi, Which driver dou you recommend for nvidia card? bumblebee? nvidia-361? or nvidia-current?13:49
ikoniaLinnak: bumblebee is dead13:49
xdevnullikonia, ty13:50
Linnakikonia, Then which one from the other two?13:51
k1l_Linnak: ubuntu uses nvidia-prime instead of bumblebee. which is the official nvidia replacement shipped with the nvidia drivers.13:51
ikoniadepends on the card and how well either supports them, I suggest you research13:51
ikoniaconstructorprobl: ?13:51
k1l_Linnak: nvidia-current is 304 on ubuntu 16.04 while the 361 is 361 :)13:51
Linnakk1l_, I know. That's why I ask. Newer better or not as stable?13:52
k1l_Linnak: if your vard was made after 304 was released then you need the 361 driver. but 361 should be stable anyways13:53
Linnakk1l_, I have an old one. If I install 361, cause it a problem?13:56
k1l_Linnak: worth a try.13:56
Linnakk1l_, One more question please. Do I need to remove any driver after I install nvidia?14:00
k1l_Linnak: talking of what drivers?14:00
guykPackage glib-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.14:00
guykPerhaps you should add the directory containing `glib-2.0.pc'14:00
guykto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable14:00
guykNo package 'glib-2.0' found14:00
guykTraceback (most recent call last):14:00
guyk  File "setup.py", line 20, in <module>14:00
LinnakThe opensourde gpu driver14:00
k1l_Linnak: if you installed nvidia drivers from their website or such then first remove them. if you have the standard opensource noveau driver running, then no. the nvidia install will blacklist it.14:01
LinnakThank you14:01
LinnakT reboot now14:01
BernzelI'm trying to install Windows 7 and remove my ubuntu installation. But none of my drives where available to format or write too because they weren't NTSF or something?14:02
guykI want to install calibre14:02
guykPackage glib-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `glib-2.0.pc'14:03
guykHow to solve ah14:04
Harishello all14:04
Harisis there a stun server that we can setup for asterisk on ubuntu 14.4 LTS ?14:04
Randomnessi'm getting a laptop with 128 gb ssd and 4 gb ram, which i intend to install ubuntu 16.04 lts on. when doing so, should i create a swap partition? if the swap partition is used it will wear&tear the ssd, if i don't have it, most ram intensive program will crash if i need more ram than i got. any thoughts appreciated!14:05
Randomnessi could create a swap partition and limit swapiness from 60 down to 10 or even 0, but whats the point of the swap partition at all then?14:05
zykotick9Randomness: also consider, swap is required for hibernation...14:05
k1l_guyk: what ubunut is that exactly?14:05
guykI use ubuntu mate 160414:06
k1l_!info calibre14:06
ubottucalibre (source: calibre): e-book converter and library management. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.55.0+dfsg-1 (xenial), package size 22344 kB, installed size 49154 kB14:06
Randomnesszykotick9: from my understanding when i either lock or close the laptop lid ubuntu does not hibernate, if i lock it pretty much does nothing and if i close the lid it suspends. ill only ever shut it down, lock it or close the lid.14:07
Randomnesswill ubuntu ever hibernate by default?14:07
Randomnessif battery is running low?14:07
justxuxguyk, Please go to #ubuntu-mate . They will likely help you better,cuz it's their official support channel.14:07
mistawrighthi guys i have almost 70+ gigs of tmp files and need to clear them out. I can ls the directory nor run a command to delete by date. this is on a running server as well. what would be the best way to clear these files?14:07
Randomnessmistawright: sudo?14:08
Bernzelanyone know how to solve my issue?14:08
zykotick9Randomness: i think ubuntu disables all hibernation (by default) but you can enable it, if you hardware supports it...14:08
jairhello all, do we know if there is a solution for the google repo showing: W: http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release.gpg: Signature by key 4CCA1EAF950CEE4AB83976DCA040830F7FAC5991 u14:09
Randomnesszykotick9: so if i don't ever manually hibernate, i will be fine with no swap partition? any other con to not having swap partition?14:09
Hesulanmistawright: there are lots of /tmp cleaner daemons out there... 'tmpreaper' is a common one from what I've heard... they're designed to work on running servers without a reboot14:09
mistawrightRandomness, this is with me as root14:09
justxuxBernzel, What was installed previous on your Hard-Drive?14:10
Hesulanmistawright: too early in the morning, just now noticed the part about not being able to ls or delete by date... if that means what I think you mean, then idk, sorry14:10
zykotick9Randomness: ahh, i'm not suggesting that really.  i was just noting swap was required for hibernation <- that's my _only_ point.  personally, i don't expect my SSD drives to last for ever, and use swap on them... thus far, no failures (after several years) but YMMV.14:10
Bernzeljustxux, I have ubuntu 14.04 installed now14:10
Harisok, coming back in a bit14:11
Bernzeljustxux, what I had before this was win 714:11
justxuxBernzel, So now you have only Ubuntu partition? Right?14:11
Bernzeljustxux, I would guess so yes. I'm sure I formated the SSD when installing Ubuntu14:12
Randomnesszykotick9: alright, yeah, a drew a hasty conclusion there. as you mentioned you use swap partition on laptops with ssd, how much ram do you have on that/those laptops? how much swap space do you use per ram, ram*2? what have you set swapiness too? (promise i will stop nagging soon. ^^)14:13
Randomness*a = I14:13
justxuxBernzel, If you want to install Windows 7 only you need, copy your important data to external sources,then install Windows 7. And than format your drives as NTFS.14:13
Bernzeljustxux, I have copied all data I want to my other internal drive, so that one I won't touch with any formatting. But the thing is I couldn't format the SSD when I had booted from the Windows USB. So I need to do something with the drive before14:15
zykotick9Randomness: on the system i'm typing on right now, i've not 8GB RAM and a 4GB swap (and hibernation hasn't failed yet!) <- only cause i upgraded from 4GB->8GB RAM after install14:15
justxuxBernzel, Or you can create an NTFS partition from you Ubuntu 14.04,than copy your data there. After that you will use it as Disk :D ,, or something like that. Than install Windows 7 on other partition that you will create.14:15
zykotick9Randomness: ramx2 is a bit overkill these days (but i guess it depends on what you are doin').  typically i use RAM+'a little' as my swap size.14:16
Bernzeljustxux, but the partitions I would need to format isn't available to format from the windows installation USB. So do I use GParted to format my drive?14:17
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justxuxBernzel, You can use Gparted but from USB Live Image.14:18
justxuxAnd format to NTFS14:19
Bernzeljustxux, I have no CD's , is it possible through usb?14:19
justxuxBernzel, Yes it is.14:20
Randomnesszykotick9: alright. thank you very much. i'm stuck at 4gb ram for now, but i got a spare slot, so will eventually get myself some more ram as well. did hibernation fail before you upgraded to 8gb, or was just more swap used? i won't be using the laptop intensively, so i guess ill be fine with swap=0.5*ram as well. i just read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq, and it suggest using min 1*ram to max 2*ram, but probabl14:20
Randomness(hopefully the last question i direct at you.)14:20
Randomnessthanks for your time! appreciate it!14:20
justxuxBernzel, I'll give you a link : http://ubuntu-mate.org/how-to-create-bootable-usb-drive/14:21
Bernzelthanks justxux !14:21
justxuxBernzel, Glad to help14:21
=== ozgun is now known as ozzo
zykotick9Randomness: as a "general rule" for hibernation, swap sould be at least the same size as physical ram... BUT if you are using less than all the ram, you can get away with less swap than physical ram, but if i did something very ram intesive - then tried to hibernate, it would fail.  best of luck.14:24
Randomnesszykotick9: thanks for the help! appreciate it!14:25
=== HoloIRCUser2 is now known as Rezaagha
Bernzeljustxux, just one thing, what I should install on the usb is this right: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop to be able to boot and change the partitions?14:32
Jakey3is there a way to setup 2 factor authentication on a home server14:33
justxuxBernzel, Yes14:37
=== badon_ is now known as badon
Bernzeljustxux, ok good. I'm quite worried I'll wipe out my other drive in this process..14:39
Bernzelhate changing OS14:39
Pinkamena_DIn the dash when I search if I change to another type of search, for example from 'programs' to 'documents', it erases my typed search and I have to type it again. Is there a way to have it not erase my search when I choose a different category.14:42
justxuxBernzel, If you dont know for sure than check couple of times before committing changes. If you have 2 drives than 1 should be labeled as "sda" other as "adb" or something like that,just pick the right drive to commit changes on and everything will be okay14:42
justxuxBernzel, Sorry other drive should be labeled as "sdb" not "adb"14:42
Bernzelok I'll give it a go now14:43
R13osewhich program do I use to record audio from my speakers?  I have tried the audio recording program and audacity which hasn't been able to do this.  Do I need to have my mic on to do this?14:43
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justxuxBernzel, Just dont forget to read everything carefully, and take your time.14:44
Bernzeljustxux, is it ok if I enter this chat on my phone and have you hold my hand during the process *hehe* ? In case I get uncertain of something14:45
justxuxBernzel, Gotta go home in 20 minutes so if you can manage than let's try14:46
k-josephhi guys; sed '/^\#/d' "/path/to/file.txt" | grep "substringStartingALine" | tail -n 1 | cut -d "=" -f2- returns the "weeee" if there's a line in /path/to/file.txt that looks like "substringStartingALine=weeee" unfortunately it returns the same with only a line that looks like;  "substringStartingALine=weee", how can i fix this regex experts?14:47
Bernzeljustxux, ok well it seems it's putting up a fight. So might take a while14:48
justxuxBernzel, You can wait like 1 hour before ill be at home14:49
arunpyasiHello guys, I am trying to install Ubuntu in my laptop but I am having issue, I get the grub-efi-amd64-signed package failed to install into /target/ error14:50
justxuxBernzel, What format partition do you have on your other hard-drive?14:50
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spirosHello :) . How can I use HexChat. I just came here by mistake :p14:52
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R13oseAny thoughts on my question?14:52
tgm4883R13ose: uh, to record audio from your speakers?14:53
R13oseyes I have tried many tutorials on the internet but none of them are recording anything.14:54
R13oseI have a video playing and I want to record the audio.14:54
justxuxtgm4883, I think he meant to record his output directly14:54
justxuxR13ose, I've done that like years ago,but forget how. Let me look up a bit14:55
tgm4883I've not tried that, but I would use pulseaudio to create a monitor of the speakers and then try to get audacity to listen to that14:55
R13osetgm4883: I tried and nothing is being recorded.14:56
tgm4883R13ose: even after creating the monitor in PA?14:56
R13osejustxux: if you want the link to the audio let  me know.14:56
R13osetgm4883: yes14:56
LovkeshHi all. I am just trying to install Ubuntu 16.04 on my dos laptop using Linux live usb creator , rufus, and also dd command but i got the following errors                     failed to load ldlinux.c32 , unknown keyword in the configuration file: some symbols no default or ui configuration directive found , isolinux.bin missing or corrupt respectively.... so what can i do14:56
justxuxarunpyasi, Try this fix : http://askubuntu.com/questions/676710/ubuntu-14-04-3-install-grub-efi-amd64-signed-failed-dualboot-windows-uefi14:56
LovkeshIts urgent pls help14:57
saraHI I have a RAdeon R5 integrated graphics card I want to run amd's propriatary drivers for max excelleration with gaming. Anyone know where theres directions for Xenial?14:57
justxuxR13ose, give me the link14:57
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R13osejustxux: http://bit.ly/1Za8xgM14:58
justxuxLovkesh, Try to create bootable USB this way : http://ubuntu-mate.org/how-to-create-bootable-usb-drive/14:58
R13osejustxux: if you are able to capture the full audio there, and upload this somewhere for me to download that would be great too.14:58
arunpyasijustxux: will this work as I have UEFI ?14:58
arunpyasijustxux: I think I need to setup with UEFI !! Is UEFI good or MBR ?14:59
sarashould I be reinstalling Ubuntu 15 in order to get it working?14:59
arunpyasiand BTW, I am running 16.04, is it a bug ? I had seen some bugs stuffs in launchpad regarding this !!15:00
saraok Guess I am installing 15 thanks15:00
LovkeshCan you tell me why i am getting such errors? I have previously installed Ubuntu never got them.15:01
justxuxarunpyasi, UEFI and Linux dont work so well together in some cases. Try to search for some results in Google .  Not quite sure about bug tho15:01
arunpyasijustxux: so, shall I use MBR ?15:02
justxuxYou should disable SEcure Boot in BIOS15:02
arunpyasijustxux: hm.. so, Linux won't be installed in GPT partition ?15:03
EriC^^arunpyasi: hi15:03
kahrlHi, I'm trying to install gmsh on 14.04 and apt-get wants to remove libhdf5-7 in favor of libhdf5-openmpi-7. Is that safe or could it break packages like octave, paraview, ...?15:04
LTCDHey, got a question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/779929/force-all-deletes-to-be-secure?noredirect=1#comment1167264_77992915:04
justxuxarunpyasi, try this : http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2015/11/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-alongside.html15:05
arunpyasiEriC^^: I recovered the HDD with Hiren's Boot CD :D15:05
popeyLTCD: what is your question?15:06
Jordan_ULTCD: What is the advantage of shredding files when you're already using LUKS encryption?15:06
LTCDpopey Didn't you see the link? Be easier to read it there than for me to write it all out here.15:06
popeyi did see the link, but what's your specific question15:07
LTCDJordan_U popey In case they get access to server when it's still on encryption won't help. So how can I force server to ALWAYS use secure delete (shred) not rm?15:07
justxuxR13ose, Did you tried this tutorial?15:08
justxuxR13ose, http://askubuntu.com/questions/229352/how-to-record-output-to-speakers15:08
popeyLTCD: there's already a lengthy askubuntu question about this. http://askubuntu.com/questions/57572/how-to-delete-files-in-secure-manner15:08
R13osejustxux: I did try that tutorial15:09
justxuxR13ose, I'm trying now15:10
LTCDpopey You misunderstood the question. I know what shred is, and I know how to shred a while HDD. What I am asking is how whenever someone uses the command rm (or other unsecure delete commands) that instead it gets replaced with shred. Perhaps I could edit bash_profile or something? No idea not a Linux guru yet.15:10
popeyLTCD: no, I fully understood the question15:10
popeyLTCD: it's not an easy one to do, not everything uses "rm"15:10
R13osejustxux: if this works on your end, would you be able to fully record the audio and upload this somewhere for me to download?15:10
popeyLTCD: most will use a system call for deleting/unlinking files15:10
popeyLTCD: this seems overkill given an encrypted drive15:10
tgm4883LTCD: yea that seems like overkill. If they gain access to your running box, it's game over anyway15:13
LTCDtgm4883 Yes but if any temporary files were deleted recently by system they would be unable to recover them.15:13
LTCDBTW is anyone here from America? Need a super quick favour.15:14
LTCDpopey If it's super difficult then forget it.15:14
popeyit's probably possible LTCD15:14
kostas_hi everyone, anyone with experience in ltsp thin clients? I'm planning a ltsp server at home for the family, it should serve 4 desktops with AMD Athlon 64x x2, 2GB Ram and, gigabit ethernet cards-switches-cat5e cable, 1GB PCIe graphics cards! My question: how would the performance be? not interested in games, just 720p-1080p videos, internet and office suits. Who does video decoding? my server or the graphics card? my sperver specs: intel I15:14
kostas_5 with 8GB Ram and 250GB SSD15:14
justxuxR13ose, Yep15:15
tgm4883LTCD: who cares? If I gain access to your box, I'm not looking for some quick files. I'm waiting patiently in the background to get info as it's added15:15
popeyLTCD: to intercept delete / unlink syscalls, but like I say, overkill15:15
R13osejustxux: thanks15:15
tgm4883LTCD: and at that point, I'm bypass whatever change you just did anyway15:15
obZenAnyone know of a ppa to get kde partitionmanager 2.2 on Ubuntu 16.04?15:16
obZenI really need it .-.15:16
kyroseHi, where can I get free resources to learn bash scripting and linux command line app development?15:16
LTCDtgm4883 Not exactly, in MY scenario if it's raided it will be for something from at least an hour or two ago. Most likely it'll be from like a few weeks ago, but I want to play it safe.15:17
tgm4883LTCD: yea, but in my scenario, I don't gain access to your system and wait a few hours, I gather information for months.15:17
LTCDpopey Any idea how I could do that? intercept delete / unlink syscalls15:18
justxuxR13ose, It worked i jsut selected in Pavucontrol alsa plugin  from monitor of built-in audio15:18
popeyLTCD: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8588386/intercepting-file-system-system-calls15:18
LTCDtgm4883: Sure I got that, however it's unlikely people use my service more than once. I've done a lot to stop them from tracking server.15:18
tgm4883LTCD: what service is this?15:19
R13osejustxux: Great news.  Let me know when you have a downloaded file for me.15:19
justxuxR13ose, Ok15:19
R13osejustxux: thanks again15:19
LTCDtgm4883 Crypto related. It can be run locally or from your own server, this will be open source once I'm done with my final year project.15:19
Jordan_ULTCD: Remember that the more "clever" stuff you do, the more likely you are to accidentally add a security vulnerability. Stick to tried and true, and supported, methods of adding security.15:21
LTCDJordan_U:  +115:22
GivenToCodecan i have a udev script i'd like to invoke an upstart service, but the upstart service needs to ensure other things are complete. Can I set it up so that the udev script starts the upstart service but it doesn't really start until all of its dependencies are started?15:23
Jordan_UGivenToCode: Does this need to happen on 14.04 LTS? Because it sounds like something that would be much easier to do with systemd's dependency based system.15:25
LTCDJordan_U popey Thanks to you and anyone that answered though15:27
kostas_hi everyone, anyone with experience in ltsp thin clients? I'm planning a ltsp server at home for the family, it should serve 4 desktops with AMD Athlon 64x x2, 2GB Ram and, gigabit ethernet cards-switches-cat5e cable, 1GB PCIe graphics cards! My question: how would the performance be? not interested in games, just 720p-1080p videos, internet and office suits. Who does video decoding? my server or the graphics card? my sperver specs: intel I15:28
kostas_5 with 8GB Ram and 250GB SSD15:28
tgm4883kostas_: I believe everything is still done on the client15:30
tgm4883kostas_: wait, I might be thinking of just straight pxeboot15:31
kostas_tdgm4883: thank you for your reply! so video decoding will not stress the server's CPU but the clients GPU? doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of the thin client then? I've done a lot of reading so far on the net15:31
AtuMIs there a howto on getting lte modem working with ubuntu? I have a m.2 me936 available15:31
kostas_tgm4883: no pxeboot, just ltsp... an edubuntu thin client solution for the whole family15:32
justxuxR13ose, It's done but what will you do in the future? You know now how to do this?15:32
R13osejustxux: I try this again and if fails I will try another computer.15:32
tgm4883kostas_: not sure then15:33
kostas_tgm4883: no problem, thanks then!15:34
ducassekostas_: the x server on the client will be responsible for drawing, so decoding video will be done by the clients gpu.15:34
R13osejustxux: where is the file?15:34
justxuxR13ose, it's not he computer just select an option in pavucontrol under recording tab,when you'll start to record with audacity,you'll see there is a drop down box choose unchecked variant than youll see it should work ,cheers . File : https://mega.nz/#!1BZCTRza15:35
R13osejustxux: key?15:35
kostas_ducasse: so rendering web pages will be done on the client itself as well? how does a low specs thin client benefit then in terms of speed, if it can't handle the stress?15:36
justxuxR13ose, !l5HTZAhZOBeVOjuzQH-ialZ9Br_dIqebbGtINgqJGKU15:36
ducassekostas_: rendering web pages will be partly done by the server cpu, the client does _display_.15:37
justxuxR13ose, Works?15:37
R13osejustxux: yes15:37
justxuxR13ose, Ok IM out,have a nice day15:37
kostas_ducasse: even youtube and html5?15:37
R13osejustxux: thanks15:38
ducassekostas_: video is normally decoded by the x server/gpu.15:38
kostas_ducasse: so everything else is done server side! thank you for clearing this up for me. so I'm good with my setup for home use?! gaming is done on an XBOX360 and amiga :-P so no games gaming on my network15:40
ducassekostas_: i'm guessing it should work fine, as long as the client gpu can handle video decoding.15:41
kostas_ducasse: 1GB PCIe graphics cards, they do! I tested open elec on them with 720p-1080p sample files and they're going hardly over 30% CPU ussage15:42
ducassekostas_: then you should be fine.15:43
kostas_ducasse: next round of beers is on me ;-)15:44
kahrlhi, I'm trying to install gmsh (on 14.04) and apt-get wants to remove libhdf5-7 in favor of libhdf5-openmpi-7. Is that safe or could it break packages like octave, paraview, ...?15:45
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niklasdo you want to try it out on a xubuntu vm?15:46
kahrlniklas: me?15:48
niklasbefore you break anything on your real pc15:48
kahrlI'm fine, I have spare machines to test it on, I already did and it seems fine15:49
kahrlbut I don't know if it could break something subtle in the future15:49
brunch875Whoever wrote the English (International AltGr dead keys) layout is an absolute genious15:52
brunch875But he didn't sign himself as an author15:52
brunch875so I cannot thank him15:52
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Lovkeshjustxux: i am getting the same error15:53
Cyber_AkumaDoes the nvidia control panel exist for linux like the one in windows?15:54
LovkeshIsolinux.bin missing15:54
Mordoc_MysteryCyber_Akuma: Yes.15:54
k1l_Cyber_Akuma: there is nvidia settings when you install the nvidia from the repos. yes15:54
Cyber_AkumaDo any type of GPU stress tests exist? And if so, can they test SLI? I am trying to see if something is wrong with my 3D cards.15:56
baizonCyber_Akuma: yes there are15:56
Randomnessjust out of curiousity is everything on "ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64" open source? i guess everything except for the third party items (mp3, etc) is.15:58
Cyber_AkumaAre they in the repos? What are they cled?15:58
LovkeshI want to install Ubuntu 16.04 but getting isolinux.bin missing or corrupt..can anyone help15:58
k1l_Randomness: and the various drivers.15:58
k1l_Lovkesh: how did you make that ubuntu usb?15:59
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: you could run the phoronix test suite from the graphics PPA  https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa16:00
Randomnessk1l_: yeah, and the drivers. alright.16:00
LovkeshI have tried all ways Linux live USB creater, Rufus, dd command, gnome disk utility16:01
niklasHow about Universal USB Installer or Yumi?16:01
LovkeshI am getting different errors with all16:01
Cyber_Akumai used universal so i could have a persistant area16:02
Randomnessk1l_: does ubuntu install any closed source drivers during install, or is just after ubuntu is installed that you can install closed source drivers? so if you install ubuntu without the third party (mp3 etc) the complete system is open source?16:02
LovkeshFailed to load ldlinux.c3216:02
moriazLovkesh: you could just download linux + initrd.gz and boot them directly from your grub16:02
k1l_Lovkesh: what iso is that at all? which OS do you use to make that usb? did you check the md5sum?16:02
Randomnessand dont install closed server drivers afterwards.16:02
AtuMwould someone please paste (privatelly) the contents of /usr/share/sessions/ubuntu.desktop file ?16:02
AtuMfor 16.0416:02
Cyber_Akumatgm4883, I dont understand how to use this16:02
LovkeshI have windows as well xubuntu on a 32 bit pc16:03
k1l_Randomness: iirc yes. the live iso includes some drivers to get a working system but most of the drivers need to be installed after the install.16:03
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: did you go to that link? It shows how to run the test suite16:03
Mordoc_MysteryLovkesh, maybe asked before but is this with the same USB key or different ones?16:03
Randomnessk1l_: thanks!16:03
LovkeshBut i want to create for 64 bit dos laptop16:03
moriazLovkesh: if you already have a working system then you should look into netbooting to install a new linux, because that way you won't have to deal with any iso images or CD's or USB's16:03
k1l_Lovkesh: a siple "dd" command should work best to make sure its a 1 to 1 copy16:03
niklasLovkesh try to redownload the iso16:04
niklasOr just another programs, commands16:04
LovkeshIt is giving isolinux.bin corrupt or missing16:04
LovkeshI checked for an iso of kali linux16:04
Cyber_Akumalet me read it agaim16:04
LovkeshIt worked well with rufus16:04
LovkeshBut gave isolinux.bin missing with dd16:05
moriazLovkesh: download linux and initrd-gz then boot then from your grub16:05
Cyber_AkumaIs this just a benchmark or actual stress test though16:05
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LovkeshI didn't get that @moriaz16:05
LovkeshI am not too much into linux16:06
Cyber_AkumaAlso...... do you have any idea how much space the suite takes? Since I am running it off of a live usb16:06
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: wait, this is a live USB?16:08
moriazLovkesh: you don't have to deal with iso images16:09
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: The documentation suggests that there are stress testing runs http://www.phoronix-test-suite.com/documentation/phoronix-test-suite.pdf16:09
moriazLovkesh: what is installed on that pc?16:09
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: Since you are in a live session, are you sure you have the drivers both installed and loaded?16:10
LovkeshI have windows 10 installed16:10
Cyber_Akumai installed them, but i havent checked if they are running16:10
LovkeshRest partition unallocated16:11
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: they aren't, since they require a reboot16:11
Cyber_AkumaIts a windows machine, i want to test why its crashing16:11
Samy__hey i am building a project using cmake but getting errors https://paste.kde.org/plm2qnm4q though qt is installed in /home/user16:11
Cyber_Akumai am not in the liveusb atm, i was earlier, going to go back to it when this backup is done16:12
Cyber_Akumajust want to know what to do once im back16:12
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: well you can't run proprietary drivers in the live session16:12
Cyber_AkumaNot even with a persistant file?16:12
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: maybe16:13
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: AFAIK, it's a completely unsupported scenario. It's worth a shot, but if it doesn't work you'd be pretty much on your own16:14
Cyber_AkumaHmm.... does anything like prime95 exist for ubuntu too? Might as well test that it wasnt a cpu issue16:14
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: yes16:14
ubottuCD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:14
Pici!info cpuburn16:14
ubottucpuburn (source: cpuburn): Collection of programs to put heavy load on CPU. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4a-6 (xenial), package size 14 kB, installed size 67 kB (Only available for amd64; armhf; i386; hurd-i386; kfreebsd-i386; kfreebsd-amd64; x32)16:14
niklasxfburn is also burning tool16:14
tgm4883Pici: +116:15
Cyber_AkumaThan again.... i have my backup app set to mac compression, I am guessing that would tax the CPU already?16:15
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: Unknown. If your backup app is only single threaded, then no16:15
niklasCyber_Akuma what are you going to do? What do you want to do?16:15
Cyber_Akumaniklas, Windows started BSODing on me, i want to test my hardware in ubuntu to see if its the hardware or software16:16
Cyber_AkumaI'm pretty sure its software but i want to make sure before i go on a wild goose chase in my system files16:17
Cyber_Akumaalready ran two passes of memtest86+, my ram is fine16:17
stevenis there a way to set sdX letters to a fix value for each hdd?16:18
tgm4883steven: why?16:18
stevenatm I use em in a script and it sucks that they change after reboot16:18
ducassesteven: use /dev/disk/by-id/...16:18
tgm4883steven: probably?16:18
moriazsteven: you could create symbolic links16:18
R13osetgm4883: justxux was able to record this but I think didn't record 20 or so seconds at the front.  I was able to figure this out on my end and record this.16:19
stevenducasse that I could use, yes. I was just wondering if there was a way to prevent it from happening in general :)16:19
ducassesteven: not really, as those interfaces are provided already.16:19
AndroUserI've just booted from my USB with a live version of ubuntu on it. Now I need to "clean" my drive so I can install Windows. Where should I go? "Try Ubuntu without installing"?16:20
stevenjust iirc other liux dists dont have that issue. but I am not 100 sure on that16:20
stevenanyway in that case, uuid it is. thanks :)16:20
sipiorsteven: you could muck about with your udev config. more trouble than it's worth, though.16:20
stevenoh yeah I can see that16:20
tgm4883AndroUser: you want to wipe the drive and install windows?16:21
ducassesteven: just use the fixed paths that exists, instead of hacking together something different.16:21
Cyber_Akumaniklas, any suggestions?16:22
Cyber_AkumaAndroUser, by clean, do you mean just format, or actually wipe data so its unrecoverable?16:22
AndroUsertgm4883 yes. I tried booting from my windows usb but the drive was in the wrong format or something, so I couldn't format the drive, hence not install windows16:22
niklasXfbsuite is a benchmarking tool with nbench (CPU), stream (RAM) cachebench (L1/L2 CPU Cache) Perl HDD Benchmark X11perf16:23
Cyber_AkumaYou can from the windows installer16:23
tgm4883AndroUser: not sure what wrong format means, but you should be able to "wipe" the drive from the live session with gparted16:23
AndroUsertgm4883 well it said something about it being/not being in NTSF format16:24
niklasAndroUser try to format the USB with GParted or something like that.16:24
Cyber_AkumaAndroUser, you can delete all the partitions from the windows installer16:24
tgm4883AndroUser: right, so you delete it in the windows installer16:24
Cyber_Akumait will then auto-create partitions for you16:24
frechdachs69Q: is there a patch for 14.04 which disables SSL v3 support inside Qt?16:24
AndroUserCyber_Akuma I cannot do such a thing16:25
Cyber_AkumaYou can, what version are you installing?16:25
tgm4883AndroUser: just open gparted and delete the partitions16:25
AndroUserI wasnt able to do anything at all with the drive from the windows installer16:25
niklasyup tgm4883 i already suggested that16:25
niklasIt would be the best idea16:25
AndroUsertgn4883 and I open gparted by "Trying Ubuntu without installing"?16:25
tgm4883niklas: Yea, I did to. But apparently it needs repeating16:26
Cyber_Akumaniklas, Is this in the repos or would i have to install it myself?16:26
tgm4883AndroUser: yes, gparted is an installed application16:26
tgm4883AndroUser: so you would fire up the live session then start it16:26
AndroUserOk let see.16:27
Cyber_Akumawhat version of windows are you installing?16:27
Cyber_Akumaand do you have a drive over 2tb in the system?16:27
niklasCyber_Akuma: https://sourceforge.net/projects/fbsuite/16:27
Cyber_AkumaI have no idea how to install something from a tar file in linux :(16:28
FuchsCyber_Akuma: usually you don't16:28
AndroUserIm in Gparted. Is sdb the lable for the drive with the os on?16:29
Cyber_Akumai know16:29
FuchsCyber_Akuma: see if there is a package available instead. Otherwise: there is a README or INSTALL along, usually you compile it, with make or cmake doing most of the ugly things for you, but that will bypass your package management, which is bad16:29
Cyber_AkumaAndroUser, maybe you should post a screenshot of gparted, systems can be different16:29
tgm4883AndroUser: IDK, you'd have to figure that out16:29
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tgm4883AndroUser: Look at the size, which one is the size of your HDD16:29
niklasAndroUser you must find out how big the usb drive is and then format it16:29
Cyber_AkumaFuchs, its the sourceforge link niklas posted16:30
AndroUserYeah well I'm quite certain Im in the right drive. What do I do from here16:30
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MonkeyDustAndroUser  linux uses /dev/sda , /dev/sdb etc, like windows uses C: D: etc16:30
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: you aren't really instlaling it. You extract it and just run the executabl16:30
niklasCyber_Akuma: in the archive is a install.sh file16:30
niklasJust run sudo ./install.sh16:30
tgm4883or maybe you do16:30
Cyber_Akumayour drive can have multiple partitons AndroUser16:30
tgm4883stupid instructions16:30
niklasfrom the folder, you must navigate to the folder in the terminal16:30
tgm4883AndroUser: click on the partitions and then click delete16:30
niklasbut first extract it ;)16:31
tgm4883AndroUser: http://askubuntu.com/questions/342857/how-to-wipe-format-entire-disk-using-gparted16:31
Cyber_AkumaI really think it would be easier to use the windows installer to do it...16:32
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: possibly16:32
AndroUserCyber_Akuma I dont understand how I would be able to do that?16:32
tgm4883AndroUser: you're already in gparted, just do it there16:32
Samy__hey i am building a project in Ubuntu using cmake but getting errors https://paste.kde.org/plm2qnm4q though qt is installed in /home/user16:33
AndroUsertgm4883 there are 3 partitions on that drive. Only one is available for deleting.16:33
Cyber_AkumaUgh, 24 hours, backup isn't even 50% done.... and im not even sure if it will finish or run out of space16:33
naccSamy__: are you sure it's a -D flag and not an environment variable?16:33
tgm4883AndroUser: screenshot?16:34
Cyber_AkumaAndroUser, can youps ascenso?16:34
Cyber_Akumai hate wirless keybords16:34
niklasAndroUser please post a screenshot16:34
Cyber_Akumayeah, what they said16:35
Samy__nacc: my CMakeCache.txt http://sprunge.us/ICeM16:35
AndroUsertgm4883 http://imgur.com/iuG4Jn116:35
niklasis that your flash drive?16:36
AndroUserThat is my ssd drive which I tend to install windows on16:36
tgm4883AndroUser: is 5 mounted? You'll have to delete that one first16:36
Cyber_Akumasdb2 looks like it16:36
Samy__naac: is it an environment variable?16:36
naccSamy__: um, so your cache file says "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:UNINITIALIZED=/home/divyam/Qt5.6.0/5.6/gcc_64" but you're passing "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/home/user/Qt5.6.0/5.6/gcc_64/lib/cmake/" ?16:36
naccSamy__: for one thing, a PREFIX_PATH generally would not go down that far into the directory structure16:37
naccSamy__: and for another do you actually have a "user" user?16:37
Cyber_Akumacan you delete an exended partiton without deleting the logical partitions in it first?16:37
Samy__nacc: i have tried multiple ranging from /gcc_64 to gcc_64/lib to the above provided nothing worked16:37
AndroUsertgm4883 I cant delete that one. Only move and resize16:37
Samy__nacc: no i replaced user with my user name16:37
tgm4883AndroUser: Can you pastebin the output of the "mount" command in a terminal16:38
niklasAndroUser can you give tgm4883 access to your desktop with teamviewer16:38
niklasJust an idea16:38
tgm4883let's not volunteer other people for work ;)16:38
Samy__nacc: what can be done ?16:38
niklasok :)16:38
Cyber_Akuma... maybe we should try the windows one at this rate XD16:39
* tgm4883 assigns a bunch of launchpad bugs to niklas16:39
niklaswhat did you do to me tgm488316:39
* Cyber_Akuma assigns AndroUser to the Half Life 3 team16:39
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: that's a possibility, but unsupported in this channel. You'd need to support that somewhere else (like PM)16:39
AndroUsertgm4883 paste.ubuntu.com/1686861216:40
naccSamy__: does a `find /home/user/Qt5.6.0/5.6/gcc_64 -name Qt5Config.cmake -o -name qt5-config.cmake` produce any output?16:40
Cyber_Akumawhat was that other one? lsblk or something like that?16:40
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: lsblk will show the block id of the device16:41
MonkeyDustCyber_Akuma  ls means list, blk means block device16:41
tgm4883Cyber_Akuma: wait, I'm thinking of blkid16:41
Cyber_Akumai was told to run a command the ither day that showed a much more human readable output of mounted drives16:42
Samy__nacc: /home/user/Qt5.6.0/5.6/gcc_64/lib/cmake/Qt5/Qt5Config.cmake16:42
Cyber_Akumawhen mount showed too much junk information16:42
naccSamy__: ack, so it should have found it16:42
c-pinis there a guide on compiling ubuntu from source16:42
Cyber_Akumait was lssomething....16:42
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:43
tgm4883AndroUser: You need to lvremove first http://askubuntu.com/a/21873216:43
AndroUsertgm4883 anything useful in that paste?16:43
c-pinthx fam16:43
tgm4883AndroUser: yes, lots. See that link16:43
naccSamy__: sorry, i was just thinking of obvious fixes, i don't know anything about cmake itself. Maybe someone else can help, or you can ask in a cmake channe (search with !alis)16:43
Samy__whats !alis16:44
AndroUsertgm4883 I see. Well Gparted gives me tje option to Deactivate that partition. Will that work as the command suggested in the link?16:44
c-pinOerHeks, this is for packages16:44
c-pinnot for the uh... os16:44
tgm4883AndroUser: IDK, try it maybe?16:44
nacc!alis | Samy__16:44
ubottuSamy__: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http16:44
MrokiiHello. Does somebody know a writing-app for (K)Ubuntu that saves instantly, I mean, every keystroke, so that it isn't necessary to save manually?16:44
OerHeksc-pin, it applies to all the packages in ubuntu16:45
c-pincool OerHeks16:45
naccc-pin: what do you mean by os? do you mean the kernel?16:45
AndroUsertgm4883 did. Nothing special happened. Should I have noticed something? Should it dissappear?16:45
c-pinthis is to make a uh... vanillla ubuntu package for the C2 cause the one hard kernel provided runs bad16:45
AndroUserOh wait. I can delete it now16:45
Samy__nacc: but i suppose it should have worked :/16:45
tgm4883AndroUser: I would think the lock would disappear, but try deleting it again16:45
c-pini guess thats what i mean16:45
AndroUserYeah I can delete sdb5 now.16:46
AndroUserSo delete sdb5 and then sdb1?16:46
tgm4883AndroUser: yes...16:46
AndroUsertgm4883 sdb2 too then? It became available for deleting now16:47
tgm4883AndroUser: What do you think you should do next?16:47
AndroUsertgm4883 frankly I have no idea. Im just worried I'll screw it up16:48
tgm4883AndroUser: you want to wipe the entire drive? Who cares if you screw it up?16:48
niklasIt's not our fault16:49
AndroUsertgm4883 well it's all done now. So now try to install win7 again?16:49
tgm4883AndroUser: I mean, your requested end result is "no data on the drive", it's not like you could hit the wrong button and be like "Whoops, I accidently got the entire works of shakespear"16:49
tgm4883AndroUser: yes16:49
niklasnow all of are quiet16:52
OerHeksniklas, that happens often after "now try to install win7 again"16:55
AndroUsertgm4883 well now I have an Unallocated Disk showing. Though it's not working to install on it.16:55
tgm4883AndroUser: errors?16:56
=== funky is now known as Guest13196
Randomnessdo i really need to tick third party software (mp3) when installing ubuntu or get them via sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras? will i really have a bad time without it? youtube uses html5 now. i got no mp3, and if i want to rip some cd's i have, i could just use an open format.16:56
tgm4883I mean, now we're pretty far OT16:56
tgm4883Randomness: you can install it later if you find out you really need it16:57
niklasRandomness you don't have to tick this box in the installation window16:57
AndroUsertgm4883 "Setup was unable to create a new system partition or locate an existing system partition"16:57
MonkeyDustRandomness  don't install them and if you can do everything you want, you have your answer16:57
tgm4883AndroUser: that sounds like a question for ##windows16:57
AndroUserYepp it is. Thanks for your help tgm488316:58
Randomnesstgm4883, niklas, MonkeyDust : yeah, i figured, but what are the chances i will have to get them? guess this is just really a question which i have to answer myself, depending on my needs.16:59
Randomnessany of you not having it installed?16:59
niklasI'm having it installed, cuz I need to play music, which is in a mp3 format17:00
tgm4883Randomness: I'm not sure why we're doing this exercise. You're the only one that can determine if you need it or not, and it's trivial to install it later. This conversation seems pointless to me, and it's support17:01
tgm4883isn't support*17:01
A3308-Guestis or isnt?17:01
citrixHi all ...17:02
Randomnesstgm4883: yeah, you're right. ill try without and install if required. thanks.17:02
citrixmy hardrive had gone bad.. how much space do ubuntu takes .. can i make it bootable in pendrive...17:02
nexiiI was wondering how I can access a samba shared folder from thunar, since when I try to access a folder, I get prompted to enter a username, domain, and password.  The server doesn't have a domain so I leave it blank but the "connect" button is greyed out unless I enter something in there.17:03
niklasdid you enter a username and password17:03
=== LasTwo is now known as Lasivian
niklasTry with WORKGROUP in Caps as a domain17:04
MonkeyDustcitrix  start here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:04
nexiiniklas: I tried WORKGROUP as well17:05
jattnexii: on the windows machine type:17:05
jattecho %userdomain%17:05
jattto get the domain.17:05
citrix MonkeyDust actually i had removed my hdd .. and i only have a 8GB pendrive17:06
Srp2416Hi all17:07
MonkeyDustcitrix  and a dvd?17:07
syeekicki've added rules to my iptables in ubuntu 16.04 and i dont know how to restart the iptables. "service iptables save && service iptables restart17:07
syeekick" i tried this but to no avail. Any ideas?17:07
citrixYes i have a dvd ubuntu 15.1017:07
citrixMonkeyDust, is that sufficient17:08
niklasIt's slower than a pendrive17:08
citrixMonkeyDust, i tried but it said that space is full..17:08
citrixMonkeyDust, I mean i tried to install in sdb from dvd but it said space full .. after some time17:09
MonkeyDustcitrix  on the page i suggested, read 'Method 1', i guess it's what you can do ... never it myself, tho17:11
MonkeyDustnever tried it*17:11
nexiijatt: the server's a linux machine as is the client that I'm trying to access files from.  My windows clients can access the files just fine, though.17:11
MonkeyDustcitrix  if that's not it, i'm out of iedeas17:12
=== Guest4709 is now known as NeoMahler
ron__hello, I had installed ubuntu 16.04 but the hibernate don't work :x17:14
ouroumovHello ron__. Have you run a full system update since you've completed the installation?17:15
ron__how I can find the problem ?17:15
ron__ouroumov, yes17:16
dbz2kis there a way to disable software updater notifications?17:16
MonkeyDustdbz2k  yes, in the system settings, software & updates17:17
ouroumovron__, if you're ok with it you can try and install the package linux-firmware-nonfree and see if that helps17:17
ron__ok I try17:17
ouroumovron__, as well as the linux-firmware package17:18
brainwashron__: hibernate is disabled by default17:18
dbz2kMonkeyDust, do I just disable auto checking for update right?17:18
MonkeyDustdbz2k  'Notify me...', disable that17:18
phiphlerTF2 is really strange for me on 16.04 , I can launch and play the game no problems but sometimes I get freezelag which seems to affect the entire system as I can't alt-tab out. FOSS AMD drivers17:19
Samy__how to get GL devel stuff in ubuntu17:19
phiphlerfreezes usually last for 10-20 seconds17:19
niklasnexii have you tried smbclient17:20
niklasOr a other file manager17:20
nexiiniklas: I have not. Only thunar so far17:24
nexiiniklas: I'll try those17:24
niklastry pcmanfm17:25
niklasIt works fine17:25
MonkeyDustnexii  try 'gigolo', to easily connect ... it's not a file manager, tho17:26
sdexterI'm running 14.04 and want to block access TO an ip on the machine from anywhere to port 53.  'ufw deny to <IP> port' doesn't seem to to do it17:27
Samy__hey how can i get mesa-devel package in ubuntu17:27
Samy__apt-get shows no package as such17:27
MonkeyDust!find mesa-devel17:27
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 11 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mesa-devel&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all17:27
baizonSamy__: https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers17:28
naccSamy__: you use `apt-cache search` or `apt search` <pgkname> and grep17:28
naccSamy__: or in your case, not <pkgname> but 'mesa' (package substring)17:29
Samy__its a lot of stuff17:29
ioria!info libglu1-mesa-dev17:29
ubottulibglu1-mesa-dev (source: libglu): Mesa OpenGL utility library -- development files. In component main, is optional. Version 9.0.0-2.1 (xenial), package size 198 kB, installed size 777 kB17:29
MonkeyDust!find mesa-dev | Samy__17:30
ubottuSamy__: Found: libegl1-mesa-dev, libegl1-mesa-dev-lts-utopic, libegl1-mesa-dev-lts-vivid, libegl1-mesa-dev-lts-wily, libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-dev-lts-utopic, libgl1-mesa-dev-lts-vivid, libgl1-mesa-dev-lts-wily, libgles1-mesa-dev, libgles1-mesa-dev-lts-utopic (and 11 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mesa-dev&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all17:30
Samy__i have got this error that i want to solve https://paste.kde.org/pdjp7u8zi17:30
MonkeyDustioria  was faster17:30
Randomness"Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware, Flash, MP3 and other media" is an option you get when installing Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. if i have wi-fi during install and don't tick this box is it safe to assume that the linux kernel within Ubuntu 16.04 LTS supports wi-fi with some open source code, and that there will be wi-fi once i am done installing? also, why would i want the propriatary graphic drivers if i don't 17:30
ioria!!info libgl1-mesa-dev17:31
ioria!info libgl1-mesa-dev17:31
ubottulibgl1-mesa-dev (source: mesa): free implementation of the OpenGL API -- GLX development files. In component main, is extra. Version 11.2.0-1ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 4 kB, installed size 67 kB17:31
=== llorephie1 is now known as llorephie
naccSamy__: ... `apt-file search <filename>`17:31
Samy__MonkeyDust: should i install all of them?17:31
deadmundsdexter: I think that ufw deny to <IP> port refers to outgoing traffic on the target machine.  Not incoming.  I think you want sudo ufw block from any port 5317:31
deadmundsdexter: I think?17:31
MonkeyDustSamy__  if you are a developer, you should know the answer to that question, i reckon17:31
ron__ouroumov,  linux-firmware-nonfree is avaible in 16.04 ?17:31
k1l_Randomness: that depends heavily on the used hardware17:31
MonkeyDustSamy__  i mean, if you know what you are doing17:32
Samy__MonkeyDust: i am a beginner and i just switched to ubuntu in my previous distributions i didnt face these problems17:32
MonkeyDust!manual | Samy__17:32
ubottuSamy__: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/17:32
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, if you don't have wireless by default,  get additioal drivers open fro the search and you may have a driver waiting for install there, but the installer optoin isn't really for that but more so for mp3 support and things like that17:32
ron__http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?lang=fr&keywords=linux-firmware-nonfree&searchon=names not 16.04 :x17:32
naccSamy__: /usr/include/libdrm is from libdrm-dev17:33
Samy__right now i just want to solve this error https://paste.kde.org/pdjp7u8zi17:33
MonkeyDustSamy__  don't try to develop if you're a beginner, one step at a time17:33
naccSamy__: but i see no GL/gl.h file17:33
ouroumovron__, yes17:33
Randomnessk1l_: but if i got wifi before installing wifi prop. driver, it works. don't see why it would offer prop. driver then. perhaps the prop. driver works better than the open source solution?17:33
ouroumovron__, in a terminal: sudo apt install linux-firmware linux-firmware-nonfree17:34
k1l_Randomness: no.17:34
Samy__whats the problem with GL/gl.h file17:34
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, if you put the prop driver into the live session, no it won't just go into the install as well17:34
RandomnessSebthreeBQM10HD: alright, well, i dont need mp3.17:34
Zonca_95ciao a tutti17:34
MonkeyDustSamy__  when/where do you encounter that error17:35
ioriaSamy__, mesa-common-dev17:35
ron__ouroumov,   "linux- firmware- nonfree" not found17:35
Samy__on running cmake17:35
k1l_Randomness: the live system has some prop. drivers enabled for a better user experience. but to isntall that drivers you need to check that on install.17:35
MonkeyDustSamy__  and why are you running cmake17:35
ouroumovron__, there is no spaces in the name of the package17:36
Billyzekidhello, I would like to install new flashplayer version17:36
k1l_Randomness: so if you wifi chip only works with prop. drivers it works on live usb but not on the install if you didnt want the prop drivers to be installed.17:36
Billyzekidwhat do I do with the tar.zp17:36
Samy__thanks ioria17:36
ioriaSamy__,  np17:36
k1l_Billyzekid: you dont install it that way.17:36
ron__ouroumov, It is copy/paste   but ""linux-firmware-nonfree" not found17:36
naccron__: do you have multiverse enabled?17:37
Billyzekidk1l_: ok17:37
k1l_Randomness: that means: you will need to get the prop. driver for the wifi afterwards over ethernet or other ways.17:37
ron__nacc, deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial universe   is enable17:37
naccron__: universe != multiverse17:37
Randomnessk1l_: oh, alright, i was under the impression that everything on the ubuntu image was open software/non prop., and if the option was ticked it would get prop. drivers, flasgh, codecs from some place on the net. thanks for clarifying.17:37
nacc!multiverse | ron__17:38
ubotturon__: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.17:38
ouroumovOh right. ron__ as nacc said you have to enable multiverse in your software sources17:38
Danielh90How do I switch between screens?17:38
Danielh90threw putty?17:38
naccron__: and then run `apt update` to refresh, of course17:38
k1l_Billyzekid: there are 2 important things to know about flash: 1. adobe doesnt support linux like windows. 2. some webiste fake the wrong version warning to make you install viruses.17:38
ron__deb http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial multiverse  was enabled17:38
=== richard is now known as snow_richard
naccron__: ouroumov: oh, you're looking fro linux-firmware-nonfree in 16.04? not pulibshed anymore17:39
snow_richardlibGL error: unable to load driver: r600_dri.so17:39
Randomnessk1l_: i don't have any spare ethernet cable here, so i guess ill just tick the option. :/ it's not too bad, it's just if i could survive without it i wouldn't tick it. i guess i could install without ticking it first and if i had no wifi, just reinstall and have the option ticked. i don't want flash though, so i guess ill have to manually remove that once installed. why is it still included in this option.17:39
snow_richardthis is in android studio17:40
BillyzekidI I would like installing flashplayer, I don't see how to17:40
ouroumovnacc, seriously? But Ubuntu MATE has a one-click install of all that stuff in the LTS :o17:40
naccouroumov: ron__: LP: #151358917:40
ron__nac yes i dont found17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1513589 in linux-firmware-nonfree (Ubuntu Xenial) "linux-firmware-nonfree should be removed from Xenial" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/151358917:40
naccouroumov: in 16.04?17:41
ron__it is the explication :D17:41
ouroumovnacc, yes17:41
k1l_Billyzekid: install flashplugin-installer17:41
naccouroumov: i'm just citing what's in the database and the publishing history17:41
naccron__: sounds like mate must be pacakging it separately somehow, then17:41
Danielh90How do I use screen ? and switch between them17:41
snow_richardi'm running ubuntu mate 16.04 and have this libgl error with radeon integraged graphics17:41
Billyzekidk1l_: ok thnx17:42
naccouroumov: ron__: you could easily setup a ppa, copy the wily package there and use it17:42
naccouroumov: ron__: but it's no longer provided in ubuntu proper, afaict17:42
k1l_Billyzekid: dont use that .tar file. the package i mentioned should give you a working flashplugin17:43
ron__nacc, if I recompile the kernel ?17:43
naccron__: not sure, but that's not necessarily supported anyways, right -- you've gone outside the scope of a 'distribution', and so you might have to move those files around so they're seen, etc. I really don't know17:44
Billyzekidk1l_: but I dont see, I am lead directly through here from my browser17:44
Billyzekidk1l_: sudo update and sudo upgrade didn't work the new flashplayer version17:46
k1l_Billyzekid: that package works. did you install it? what website is telling you got a wrong version?17:46
k1l_did you restart the browser?17:46
=== precise is now known as CrowKingMalar
Billyzekidcan I test17:47
ron__nacc, I'll wait for the correction, thank you also for the quick answer :)17:47
=== CrowKingMalar is now known as precise
homehey guys17:49
homeI am on ubuntu server 15.0417:49
homehow do I upgrade to 16.04?17:49
nacc!eolupgrade | home17:49
ubottuhome: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:49
OerHeks15.04 - 15.10 - 16.04 .. i would reinstall17:50
nacchome: but also what OerHeks said --^17:50
homeso how do  Upgrade17:50
=== Zzyzx is now known as THX1138
homeit's hard to reinstall since I am not local17:50
OerHekssee the eolupgrade url17:50
nacchome: read the FAQ ubottu sent you a moment ago17:50
homeit's far away from me17:50
OerHeksoh, remote upgrade.. good luck man17:51
k1l_home: "do-release-upgrade" should offer you the upgrade to 15.10. from there you need to upgrade again to 16.0417:52
homeit doesnt work17:53
homegives error17:53
k1l_what error? (use paste.ubuntu.com for more lines)17:53
OerHekshome is this a rental VPN?17:53
=== brayden_ is now known as Blaster
fishhead2567pardon me, does anyone have experience with fglrx on kernel 4.4, or alternatively using two thunderbolt monitors with the xorg drivers for an ATI card? I seem to get black screen when I use the fglrx driver, and despite efforts cant seem to get the xorg driver to recognize two monitors17:59
syeekicki've added rules to my iptables in ubuntu 16.04 and i dont know how to restart the iptables. "service iptables save && service iptables restart18:00
syeekick" i tried this but to no avail. Any ideas?18:00
syeekickfishhead2567, have you tried the propiertary drivers?18:00
naccsyeekick: is 'save' a real parameter to the iptables service file?18:00
syeekicknacc i have no idea18:01
naccsyeekick: why are you running it then?18:01
syeekickoh lol18:01
naccsyeekick: and if it's not, that will error and wont' run restart18:01
syeekickbecause them firewall rules need to be set18:01
naccsyeekick: what did you mean by you "added rules to my iptables"18:01
syeekickare you going to ask next which ports i tried to open :P18:03
syeekicki'm scared18:03
matanmy question: i tryed to run rtv with the command "sudo python3 rtv" i got an error saying that the module '' is missing. any help?18:03
naccsyeekick: no, i'm asking what you meant ... did you run the `iptables` command with parameters?18:03
naccsyeekick: why would you need to restart the service then?18:04
naccsyeekick: in any case, maybe read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo18:04
syeekick-I INPUT -p udp --dport **** -j ACCEPT18:04
syeekickseveral different ones18:04
matanany help with my question guys?18:05
brainwashmatan: how did you install rtv? and why do you run it with sudo?18:05
naccmatan: what is rtv? not an ubuntu package, afaict?18:05
matani installed it originally with pip3, after trying with git. i used sudo cause thats the way i did it before18:06
k1l_matan: see what depencies rtv got and if you can satisfy them with packages on ubuntu18:06
OerHekswhy does python3 need sudo to run something?18:08
brainwashmatan: what happens if you run "rtv"?18:08
OerHeksmatan, see https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rtv/1.6.118:08
OerHeksbrainwash +118:08
k1l_and i wonder what that mess from pip install and git install will do anyway.18:08
matanbtw: there seems to be somthign related to the _main_18:13
kovacsHi guys18:13
Guest10122am from saudi arabia18:13
Guest10122and you18:14
Billyzekidhello, I have xf86 driver, can someone lead me18:15
Billyzekiddo I make install?18:15
kovacsI have a problem when I use the monitor with my linux notebook, the quality its bad and its seems like its not calibrated18:16
kovacsbut only happends with linux18:16
gmhIs there any way to make ubuntu recognize "no_NO.UTF-8" as "nb_NO.UTF-8". One ised by os x and one is used by ubuntu. The ubtuntu one is the correct.18:16
gmhTried adding it in /etc/locale.alias but didn't work.18:16
Randomnesswhat exactly does "Erase disk and install Ubuntu" during installation do? i only have one drive, an ssd. i assume the drive is formated, and it partitions the disk into either 3 partitions (/, /home, /swap) or 2 (/, /swap), is this correct? if so, how large will the swap be with 128gb ssd and 4gb ram? (i can't find any suitable answer via google, maybe my search terms are off.)18:17
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, no by default it will put everything into /18:17
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, also that option would erase anything on the disk18:17
RandomnessSebthreeBQM10HD: so default install makes no swap partition?18:17
gmhis used *18:17
RandomnessSebthreeBQM10HD: erasing the complete disk is no problem. :)18:17
MonkeyDustRandomness  select 'something else', if you want a separate /home partition18:17
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, yes it makes a  swap pariton as well, it's / and swap18:18
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, I like making seperate / home on installs of  the first distro now :)18:18
k1l_Randomness: it will clean the disk and will do / and swap, with swap = ramsize, iirc18:18
RandomnessSebthreeBQM10HD: alright, any idea how much it allocates to swap with 128gb ssd, 4gb ram?18:18
kovacsWell u can separate /home before the installation18:18
Randomnessk1l_: thanks!18:18
BluesKajRandomness, the installer /partitioner will give you the option of setting up a swap then you size it18:19
solomonguys i need help18:19
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, it would probably do 8GB SWAP by default, which debabtly is to big really with 4GB RAM, its also debable if you really need swap with even 1GB RAM, but I thik hibernation uses swap actsualy so18:19
SebthreeBQM10HDsolomon with what?18:19
RandomnessBluesKaj: that only happens if i select "Something else", right?18:19
MoeHi Guys18:19
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, default optoins are a bit uh,  seems you  know partitning enough youreslf, so may as well set it up yourself then18:20
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prelude2004chey guys.. still looking for some help.. ubuntu is messed up man :(18:20
SebthreeBQM10HDprelude2004c, hows that?18:20
solomoni just installed backbox but when i type su it ask for password but when i type my password it says authentication failure18:20
solomoni dont knw why18:20
Guest71640Does anyone know how I can connect to a fortigate vpn server over ipsec in ubuntu?18:20
prelude2004cbrand new install today of version 16... installed server .. installed Xvfb ... rand that .. installed the nvidia driver .run file... " GLX failed again "18:20
BluesKajRandomness, yes I think so. it's manual partitioning which I always use, never even tried the auto since I don't trust it :-)18:20
prelude2004cthis has serious issues with GLX18:20
SebthreeBQM10HDsolomon how do you try and open black box18:20
prelude2004croot@ubuntu:~# glxinfo18:21
prelude2004cname of display: :118:21
prelude2004cXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":1".18:21
RandomnessSebthreeBQM10HD: i don't really know what happens, so if i can go with the defaults ill probably do that. ^^18:21
Guest71640any ipsec vpn client for ubuntu?18:21
MonkeyDust!backbox | solomon18:21
ubottusolomon: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.18:21
solomonlogin with my the same password18:21
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, BluesKaj indeed the auto partitining isn't that great for those of us who are more experienced,  we are better of custom partitining it seems :)18:21
SebthreeBQM10HDmore control etc18:21
RandomnessBluesKaj: alright, sounds reasonable.18:21
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, BluesKaj the custom partitining in the installer is a bit limited as well, so I genrally like setting up in gparted first and then finishing things off in custom  installer18:22
Randomnessmight do the partitioning myself then, and since im using ssd, i might just allocate 2 gb for swap.18:22
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, not sure how much swap is really needed now  but yeah that would probably be ok18:22
Randomnessanother quick question, should i really bother with making a partition for /home?18:22
k1l_Randomness: if you want to use hibernation you need swap=ram18:22
BluesKajSebthreeBQM10HD, yes i always prepartition with gparted18:23
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MonkeyDustRandomness  it's easy if you want to re/install ubuntu18:23
SebthreeBQM10HDk11 how much  SWAP is needed for that when got 8GB RAM In his case?18:23
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, it's nice to have sperate /home for data, if wanting to re install Ubuntu or even putting on other distros as well :)18:23
BluesKajRandomness, /home is very handy to have18:23
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Randomnessk1l_: ill probably not hibernation, but from what i gathered from this channel today and online i should make a swap partition on an ssd even if i won't hibernate and if i will actively try to remain under 4gb ram which i have.18:24
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maxb /home as a separate partition is a tradeoff. It's really helpful if you want to re-install the OS whilst preserving your user data, BUT it means you need to commit to a division of space between /home and the rest up front18:25
RandomnessMonkeyDust: yeah, true. but ill probably make a backup of everything in /home on some external hdd anyways, but i guess having it as a separate partiton will go faster. i dont intend to test a lot of distros or upgrade ubuntu frequently. ill probably just jump from lts to lts.18:25
RandomnessSebthreeBQM10HD: yeah, won't skip distros often though.18:25
MonkeyDustRandomness  yes, i have both /home and a backup18:25
RandomnessBluesKaj: alright.18:25
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, skip distros?18:26
Randomnesswell, seems you all are for seperate partition for /home, so ill do that.18:26
RandomnessMonkeyDust: sounds good.18:26
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, doing LTS to LTS may get a bit boring, since there are osme intereting changes on the verge of happening now that the current LTS is already out.18:26
RandomnessSebthreeBQM10HD: i meant change distro.18:26
LinnakHi, Is it possible to install Atheros wifi driver from here? https://packages.debian.org/jessie/all/firmware-atheros/download18:27
LinnakOr how can I do that there is not in Ubuntus repository18:27
SebthreeBQM10HDRandomness, altough for something I am thinking of  may not really need 16.10 anyway since there should be a ppa for 16.04 anyway I guess :d18:27
RandomnessSebthreeBQM10HD: i'm a boring person. ^^ well, i might test distros, but i got a spare laptop which i might use for that. but the colelctive conscious seems to have a separate partiton for /home, so ill probably do it.18:29
Randomnessthanks for the help people! appreciate it!18:29
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user2635how do I check for duplicate packages18:35
user2635I installed Ubuntu Mate on top of ubuntu at one point18:35
user2635and then got rid of it18:36
LovkeshI am getting a problem with playing videos in Ubuntu....i get a line in between the frames18:36
k1l_user2635: your packagemanager shoudl do that.18:36
user2635but when I now open a file to view all programs18:36
tgm4883user2635: how did you install it,18:36
user2635I see that there are double entries18:36
LovkeshAlso cpu usage gets very high18:36
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user2635sorry my bad18:37
user2635not Mate18:37
LovkeshIs this due to fact that cpu gets used instead of gpu18:37
user2635I installed Xubuntu18:37
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tgm4883user2635: how did you install it over ubuntu, and can you post a screenshot18:37
user2635tgm4883, I followed this https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/alternative18:38
user2635hold on, let me screenshot18:38
kovacsLovkesh, what videocard do you have?18:39
LovkeshI have intel HD 5500 and amd radeon r518:40
prelude2004chey guys.. still here asking for help... nothing I do seems to work :(18:41
prelude2004ceven a fresh install doesn't work ....18:41
user2635tgm4883, here you go http://imgur.com/OQKy85y18:41
user2635tgm4883, thank you18:41
LovkeshI face same problem while using kali but on windows videos play good with 2-3% cpu usage18:42
tgm4883user2635: hmm, ok. You went through that whole guide?18:43
MonkeyDustLovkesh  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue18:43
user2635tgm4883, i actually skipped step 318:44
user2635tgm4883, because i wanted to keep unity in case (which I did end up going back to)18:44
k1l_Lovkesh: for issues with kali better ask the kali support since its not even based on ubuntu18:44
LovkeshKali GNU/Linux 2.0 \n \l18:44
user2635tgm4883, let me know when you don't need the pic and i'll delete it18:45
tgm4883user2635: ok, so just to be clear. You are seeing duplicate items after following a guide to switch to Xubuntu from Ubuntu and skipping the step explicitly designed to remove the duplicate items. I'm not sure I'm following what your question is18:45
LovkeshO sorry i was using kali18:45
OerHeksadding a desktop is usually no problem, removing one can give vary results: clean with autoclean, and run bleachbit for all bits and pieces18:46
syeekicknacc, i can't do it im still scared18:47
user2635tgm4883, I don't understand why there are duplicates in the first place18:47
tgm4883user2635: wait, is that the "open with" dialog?18:47
user2635tgm4883, plus, i'm new to linux18:47
user2635tgm4883, yes open with18:47
tgm4883hmm, I think that's a bug18:47
user2635tgm4883, i assume linux is clever enough not to have duplicates18:47
user2635tgm4883, ah ok18:48
naccsyeekick: scared of what? what are you talking about18:48
OerHekscache can have duplicates18:48
kovacsone question guys is it difficult to switch from unity to gnome on las ubuntu version?18:48
tgm4883OerHeks: IMO, the "open with" dialog probably shouldn't list "gedit" 3 times18:48
MonkeyDustkovacs  unity is a compiz layer for gnome ... i guess you mean gnome-shell ... install it, logout, switch, logon18:49
root____1what does it mean when i get an (numner here+)          stopped18:50
user2635tgm4883, other things that aren't in the screenshot, ImageMagick shown twice, same for Rhythmbox18:50
Bashing-omroot____1: Not a good idea to run your IRC client as 'root' .18:50
root____1when i press enter18:50
tgm4883user2635: Yea I know18:50
root____1how do i change that?t18:51
OerHekstgm4883, true, but to be sure i would suggest: clean with autoclean, and run bleachbit for all bits and pieces18:51
tgm4883user2635: I've got the same on my 16.04 desktop. I've not bothered to hunt it down18:51
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user2635tgm4883, ohhh i see18:51
kovacsMonkeyDust, i mean gnome GUI, change desktop enviroment, im new in linux soz XD18:51
user2635tgm4883, I think thats the problem, if we don't report it it won't get fixed... I should probably report it18:51
tgm4883user2635: yea go ahead and report it18:51
user2635tgm4883, shall i delete the imgur link now?18:51
tgm4883user2635: sure18:52
user2635tgm4883, actually i need it to report18:52
MonkeyDustkovacs  i just explained how to do it18:52
tgm4883user2635: you can also upload the image as an attachment in the bug rport18:52
user2635tgm4883, actually haven't done it before, i'll work it out..18:52
MonkeyDustkovacs  if you refer to gnome2, you can install MATE desktop environment18:53
kovacsMonkeyDust, Is gnome2 the lates version?18:54
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yosefhMy computer keeps freezing every 5 minutes Can anyone help me with my issue?18:55
yosefhIts a new install18:55
MonkeyDustkovacs  no, gnome3, now called 'gnome shell'18:55
user2635tgm4883, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+question/6139718:55
user2635tgm4883, that will solve it for you18:55
kovacsMonkeyDust, ahhhh ok o ty man!!18:55
yosefhI keep asking for help but nobody has been able to solve it yet18:55
MonkeyDustkovacs  it can be confusing for a beginner, i agree18:56
tgm4883user2635: good find, I'd still file a bug. Probably shouldn't be happening and shouldn't need manual cleanup18:56
yosefhbasically I run iotop and it appears that jbd2 is taking up 99% io periodically18:56
yosefhI cant discover why18:57
yosefhbut the result is my computer completely freezes every 5 minutes for about 1 -2 minutes18:57
MonkeyDustkovacs  keep it in the channel18:57
yosefhsometimes I get 10 minutes of work in before it freezes though18:57
yosefhTheres no point reinstalling because Its a new install18:57
yosefhSo all i can do is work like this until somebody helps me solve it18:58
user2635tgm4883, ok i'll try18:58
tgm4883yosefh: ok, a few things that might help you get support. 1) Don't use enter as punctuation. You can state your issue in one or two posts rather than 10 that you just made. 2) State what you've tried already 3) State what hardware you have (since full system lockups are rare, this might be a hardware issue. Especially on a fresh install)19:00
syeekickim sacred about applying the iptable rules19:00
Randomnesssorry, yet again a rookie question. got a new laptop on the way here. was going to install ubuntu on it immediately, but should i be getting manufacturer updates before hand? most drivers will be wiped when i install ubuntu, but there might be a few bios/uefi/firmware updates. ( http://h20564.www2.hp.com/hpsc/swd/public/readIndex?sp4ts.oid=7834508&swLangOid=8&swEnvOid=4059 ) im guessing i should get these updates. what happens if19:00
k1l_yosefh: anything in syslog?19:00
Randomnessis installed?19:00
yosefhtgm4883, Sorry man. Well nobody has actually given any solutions. Its mostly just troubleshooting and people throwing their hands up and saying they don't know19:01
yosefhtgm4883, all I can say is that I fscked all my discs and their were no errors. SMART says the disk is in good enough condition19:02
root____1what is error code 119:02
OerHekserror code 1 .. that happens when you use irc as root ?19:03
k1l_Randomness: yes, worth a try. sometimes they fix uefi issues  and get better fan control.19:03
tgm4883yosefh: probably worth noting that k1l_ asked you a question19:04
user2635tgm4883, in case you want to subscribe19:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1587614 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Open with - duplicate entries" [Undecided,New]19:04
user2635or anything I need to add19:04
yosefhtgm4883, I was reading my syslog19:04
tgm4883yosefh: it's better to just pastebin it19:05
Randomnessk1l_: alright, guess i will do that then.19:06
niklas__hey there19:06
root____1how do i change nickname from root?19:07
user2635anyone use KeePass? I don't know if this is the right place to ask this19:07
k1l_root____1: you dont run all programs as root. ubuntu is set up to not be run this way.19:07
root____1or not run this as root?19:08
yosefhk1l_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16873438/19:08
yosefhtgm4883, thanks for the suggestion19:09
root____1this anwert is kinda confusing19:09
k1l_root____1: what ubuntu do you use exactly?19:09
k1l_root____1: ok. that is no ubuntu.19:09
root____1lol what?19:10
root____1oh sorry19:10
root____114.4 sorrt19:11
root____1lts :P19:11
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k1l_root____1: then stop using programs with sudo/root that dont need root permissions.19:11
EriC^^it's still wrong actually19:11
EriC^^14.04 :P19:11
yosefhk1l_, syslog with: grep error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16873506/ , grep WARNING: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16873517/19:12
root____1also... i get an error of not enough disk space when i have 20G and i am trying to install transmission19:13
root____1akso occures with error code one if it matters19:13
k1l_yosefh: you cloned this install from another hdd?19:14
yosefhk1l_, no, i upgraded from 15.10 i think19:14
root____1did sudo apt-get install transmission19:14
yosefhk1l_,  i installed with live cd19:14
k1l_root____1: first stop using programs as root that dont need root. are you running this program as root? the whole desktoP?19:15
root____1i dont think so....19:15
yosefhroot__1 if you are running out of disc space you can try to run sudo apt-get clean19:15
root____1i ahve 20g available19:15
BluesKajroot____1, in / ?19:16
root____1i also got a message that boot directory runing out of disj space19:16
root____1in cinputer settings xD19:16
yosefhroot__1 each partition has its own amount of space assuming you have multiple partitions19:16
root____1good point19:16
Gallomimiaboot partition is usually a lot smaller19:17
Gallomimiaonly room for maybe 5-6 kernels19:17
MonkeyDustroot____1  pastebin the out of    lsblk -f ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/19:17
Gallomimiaand all their fixins. apt autoremove to clear out the old19:17
root____1but i deleted a 2g worth of videos and its still giving me the same error19:18
yosefhroot____1, your packages are stored in /var and binaries usually in /usr/bin19:18
root____1same partition19:18
k1l_yosefh: try this "pkill gvfsd-metadata; rm -rf .local/share/gvfs-metadata"19:18
user2635For the KeePass users, I'm coming from Windows and I used to use the easy CTRL-ALT-K to unlock workspace. How do I turn this on for linux?19:20
yosefhk1l_, I'm going to stress test my system to see if it worked. Know any quick ways to do that?19:20
tgm4883root____1: can you pastebin the output of 'df'19:21
Gallomimiayosefh: what are you stressing? cpu?19:21
reisiouser2635: what's ctrl+alt+k do exactly, on Windows?19:21
user2635reisio, unlock KeePass19:22
user2635KeePass has 2 states, locked (in systray) and unlocked19:22
Gallomimiauser2635: keep in mind, the specific desktop environment you're using will determine these features19:22
yosefhGallomimia, disc io19:22
user2635I'm using Unity19:22
Gallomimiadd to or from a file, into /dev/null or from /dev/zero19:22
user2635Alternatively, you may suggest your own password manager solutions on linux19:22
root____1how do i paste into terminal? i cant right click19:22
Gallomimiashift ctrl v19:23
Gallomimiaor middle mouse19:23
yosefhroot__1 or right click paste19:23
yosefhdepends on your terminal19:23
Gallomimiahe said he can't right click19:23
yosefhoh sorry19:23
k1l_root____1: are you really using ubuntu?19:23
reisiouser2635: is it a screen locker?19:23
user2635reisio, do you know what KeePass is? It's a password manager, basically it locks the program, not the screen (unless by screen, you mean window)19:24
reisioright, I thought it was not a screen locker19:24
root____1i do use ubunti19:24
k1l_root____1: please run "lsb_release -d | nc termbin.com 9999" and show the url here19:24
tgm4883root____1: then pastebin the output of that command19:25
root____1swift ctrl v not working19:25
tgm4883root____1: so type it in?19:25
root____1sad face19:25
homeroot@ubuntu-server:/etc/apt# sudo do-release-upgrade19:26
homeChecking for a new Ubuntu release19:26
homeNo new release found19:26
home^ how to fix that19:26
homewant to upgrade from 15.04 to 16.019:26
tgm4883home: wait until July?19:26
tgm4883!eol | home19:26
ubottuhome: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:26
BluesKajhome, ypu19:26
tgm4883home: you'll need to upgrade to 15.10 first19:26
k1l_home: tail -n 1 /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades19:26
homehow to upgrade to 15.1019:26
BluesKajll need to to get an iso and do a clean install19:26
k1l_home: what is the output19:26
reisiouser2635: one really dumb way would be to use xdotool19:27
homek1l_, thats the output19:27
k1l_home: change that to "normal"19:27
reisiouser2635: you using keepassx?19:27
user2635xdotool, sorry care to explain what that package does?19:27
user2635reisio, KeePass 219:27
tgm4883k1l_: wait, why would he have prompt=lts if he was on 15.04?19:27
reisioxdotool is kinda like autohotkey19:27
* tgm4883 thinks he's on 14.0419:27
k1l_home: sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades     . then change that, then press ctrl+o for saving and ctrl+x for leaving19:27
homek1l_, Okay command is working now19:28
root____1can u type the command again?19:28
k1l_tgm4883: maybe some hoster setup19:28
ioriatgm4883, ^19:28
homehere goes19:28
Gallomimia!info keepassx19:28
ubottukeepassx (source: keepassx): Cross Platform Password Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-1 (xenial), package size 496 kB, installed size 1964 kB19:28
reisiouser2635: so you're using it to lock a workspace? Is that useful in addition to GNOME/Unity's own locking?19:28
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Gallomimiahe's not using it to lock a workspace, he's using it to lock up the passwords19:28
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Gallomimiaand user2635, it's cross platform. you can install it for linux np19:29
reisioyou want to "lock up the passwords" with nothing but a keyboard shortcut?19:29
reisiosorry I don't get it :p19:29
user2635reisio, lol.. basically yes!19:29
Gallomimiaunlocking obv takes a password19:29
user2635maybe I should use keepassx19:30
reisiodocs for win32 apps are so awful19:30
user2635basically i'm transitioning to linux19:30
Gallomimiawhy wouldn't it make sense? locking the screen takes only a key combo19:30
user2635whatever password manager works on ubuntu works for me19:30
user2635I just need your advice19:30
Gallomimiauser2635: from that !info snippet, it's my understanding that it's the zact same program19:30
user2635thats how I used to work19:31
reisioit just seems pointless19:31
k1l_root____1: "df -h | nc termbin.com 9999"19:31
reisioif someone is already logged in as you, all they need is a key combo19:31
reisioand if they aren't, you're hitting a key combo for no particular reason19:31
k1l_root____1: and you really should stop using irssi with sudo19:31
root____1fine i will relog19:31
user2635Gallomimia, Keepass 2 has more features19:31
user2635reisio, i guess...19:31
tgm4883reisio: +119:31
Gallomimiaoh, well, maybe there's something else19:31
Gallomimia!info keepass219:31
ubottukeepass2 (source: keepass2): Password manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.32+dfsg-1 (xenial), package size 1229 kB, installed size 2926 kB19:31
user2635forget it.. I guess for now I can just 'favorite' Keepass on the unity bar19:32
user2635and use super + (whatever number keepass is)19:32
Gallomimiayou don't like that there's a keepass2 package also?19:32
user2635Gallomimia, i have no problem with that. thats what i'm using now :)19:33
Gallomimiano shortcuts?19:33
Gallomimianot the same feature set as keepass2 for win?19:33
user2635Gallomimia, i've solved it for now.. i basically needed a shortcut to open a particular program i guess19:33
Gallomimiacause that's suspicious... says its open source and cross platform19:34
reisiouser2635: does it not have its own shortcut manager in its own prefs?19:34
user2635Gallomimia, like you said it depends on the DE19:34
tgm4883reisio: actually, I bet that key combo just brings up keypass rather than unlocks it19:34
user2635tgm4883, I think you're right19:34
Gallomimiawell, it's not a feature of the DE, it's a feature of that program19:34
reisioyeah that sounds totally pointless :p19:34
user2635in windows it puts it in the background and 'locks' the program19:35
reisiowhat do you do then, exactly?19:35
reisioonce it's up?19:35
user2635enter the master pass again19:35
user2635to unlock the db19:35
user2635but it means I don't have to actually open the program from scratch19:35
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user2635just as you would an email client19:35
user2635(except in email clients you normally save the password)19:35
reisiokeepass --unlock-all ?19:35
tgm4883"To quickly switch back from an application to KeePass, you can use the global hot key that restores the KeePass main window."19:35
user2635yeah I confused all of you sorry19:36
reisiomy guess is that you're using a password manager because your passwords are hard to remember19:36
reisiowhich probably also means they're not great passwords (entropy-ly speaking)19:36
user2635reisio, well not only that19:36
reisioyou should probably try and migrate to algorithmic passwords, and lose the pw manager19:36
user2635I don't even know what entropy means19:36
reisiouser2635: nobody does :p19:36
user2635is there a bot in irc to define words19:36
user2635.define entropy19:36
reisioprobably, but wiktionary.org is betta19:37
reisiolike the fish19:37
tgm4883reisio: wait, hard to remember passwords are bad?19:37
user2635please educate me if you know better19:37
user2635I'm always to looking to learn19:37
user2635Ben64 I've seen that before19:37
reisiotgm4883: since they're usually also short, yes19:37
Ben64user2635: extremely relevant19:38
reisiopeople think short and gibberish is better than long and easy-to-remember19:38
user2635but that doesn't solve the problem of having to remembering passwords still!19:38
Ben64it does, look at the last panel!19:38
reisiobut to a computer, a character is a character is a character19:38
user2635Ben64 for over 30 websites?19:38
tgm4883reisio: well, keepass generates passwords which don't need to be short19:38
reisiouser2635: it doesn't, but you can make an algorithm in your head19:38
reisioname of site/password purpose -> + your middle name + favorite animal + random easily remembered gibberish you actually will remember19:39
user2635lets be real here guys, does anyone here do this already, and if so, is it easy for you?19:39
reisioI do it, it's so easy19:39
Ben64reddit = red = ketchup + random words19:39
user2635if so, please teach me how19:39
k1l_aswe323: you are still running irssi as root :/19:39
reisioit's just a simple formula I store in my head19:39
yosefhGallomimia, Thanks dd did the trick for testing io.19:39
aswe323yes but my nick is diffrent19:39
reisioaswe323: yes it is19:39
aswe323sorry i dont have any outer users on this mechime19:40
aswe323and this is the onlt user19:40
yosefhk1l, "pkill gvfsd-metadata; rm -rf .local/share/gvfs-metadata" might have done something but im still getting spikes19:40
Ben64aswe323: you should add yourself a user19:40
aswe323my terminal starts as $19:40
reisiocbf to keep passwords in a db/list19:40
tgm4883Meh, I'll agree that longer passwords are better than shorter passwords. But we'll have to disagree that BatteryHorseStapleTrombone is a better password than xOXtMWHnCD0G9iUJYNuH2hG0bjR7ijfAfhPPdWE0pZDc4fXcWewMkUEpdNG019:40
k1l_aswe323: that is not a standard ubuntu install then.19:40
user2635tgm4883, +119:41
Gallomimiaperhaps you've started in single user mode?19:41
aswe323ok knwo what.. i am gona deal with this tomarror...19:41
yosefhk1l_, if it ihelps understand the issue, the spikes get worse the longer I use the computer19:41
aswe323now its a shower movie and sleep...19:41
Gallomimiatho, it usually gives you a # terminal prompt19:41
user2635I don't understand how shorter passwords are better19:41
user2635shorter passwords are still prone to dictionary attacks19:41
Ben64yosefh: run atop and see whats going on19:41
reisioyou want a password as long as possible /that is still *easily, easily* remembered/19:43
tgm4883user2635: technically, a shorter password is not better. But there are instances when it's better to have a password one can remember19:43
reisiowhich is quite easy to accomplish with a simple formula19:43
reisioeven though so many sites still enforce awful passwords :/19:43
reisiothere are sites that are only just adopting terrible passwords in the past year or two19:43
* reisio shakes head19:43
Ben64and have short limits on length for some reason19:43
reisiogonna be a decade before they get around to sanity19:43
user2635I really have no idea what to do now19:44
Ben6416 characters max or something dumb like that19:44
user2635I'm still going to depend on keepass because i'm so lazy19:44
reisiouser2635: just keep it in mind; do it how you've been doing it for now19:44
reisiothat's very sane19:44
yosefhBen64 CPU or Memory is almost never used. Its just the io being eaten. but i cant pin point a process via iotop19:44
tgm4883Ben64: not sure if it's true, but I read somewhere that length limits usually mean your password is stored in plaintext19:44
user2635thanks guys19:44
Randomnessnot that it matters but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Ubuntu.27s_official_recommendation says "Ubuntu recommends Pendrivelinux 2016-04-11", but if you click the link it recommends Rufus.19:44
tgm4883Ben64: I mean, it could just be the input field, but that seems easier to fix19:45
k1l_well, the longest passwords are useless if the are written on note-its or circumvented because they are hard to remember. that is why we have security breaches all the time.19:45
user2635how about backing up? have you guys used the default deja dup on ubuntu to backup before? tgm4883 reisio Ben6419:45
yosefhtgm4883, that would make sense, as a hash is a fixed length19:45
Ben64user2635: i haven't19:45
tgm4883user2635:  nope19:46
tgm4883k1l_: true, which is why you use a password manager19:46
yosefhthough to be fair, a password length limit could be for practical reasons or to prevent abuse by sending huge strings19:48
user2635What do you guys use to backup your system? (hopefully you do backup!)19:48
pauljwuser2635, i use deja-dup and it works just fine.19:49
k1l_user2635: rsync selected folders to a external hdd in a cronjob. used dejadub and that worked too.19:49
user2635pauljw, good to know! i'm doing my first back19:49
OerHeksi use my mouse to backup19:49
Ben64i use rsync, external drivers, offsite backup to my server as well19:49
Ben64external drives*19:50
user2635k1l_, i've heard of rsync through a YT vid19:50
yosefhI use my gas pedal to backup19:50
yosefhusing rsync is nice19:50
tgm4883rsync to 3.5" floppies19:50
reisiouser2635: I use rsync or rdiff-backup depending on the situation19:51
reisiouser2635: there are a number of alternatives to rdiff-backup, too; bup, obnam, some others19:52
reisiodepends on what you want, 1:1, incremental, etc.19:52
user2635reinecath, err... incremental I guess19:53
OerHeksso how do you test your backup, user263519:53
user2635just general personal backup19:53
user2635OerHeks... I'm inexperienced. I've never tested a backup19:54
user2635OerHeks, in fact this is my first backup19:54
marco__querria hacer una pregunta19:55
k1l_!es | marco__19:55
ubottumarco__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:55
dagerikI did apt-get upgrade and now ssh is not working. Connection refused.19:56
dagerikIs it not listening on anymore?19:56
=== Blaster is now known as Guest69534
user2635OerHeks, did you have any tips?20:05
OerHekswell what is the use of a backup if you cannot test it20:08
user2635OerHeks, how would I test it though?20:08
user2635buy another machine and try restoring on there?20:08
user2635I've never had to test it20:08
user2635I understand its more important in a commercial context20:08
m82labsWhats the general opinion on using passwordless SSH logins via keys? Specifically for production systems (that are not addressable from the internet).20:10
LinuxGuy2020Hello Im looking for anyone that has gotten Skyrim installed on Ubuntu and it actually works. I could use some help.20:11
dgadd523Hello had to reinstall 16.04 to get Unity desktop back, now I cant see my sound card ... any suggestions20:12
Gallomimiadagerik: you could try service sshd start20:14
user2635part of my backup failed20:19
user2635it said it couldn't backup /home/user/.cache/dconf20:20
user2635what is stored there anyway?20:20
user2635is it to worry about?20:20
LeptospireHey folks. I need some help setting up a home media server's network connection. When I connect to my router via wifi I get internet but no network. When I connect to my router via ethernet I get network but not wifi. Can anyone help me? I am running lubuntu. Linksys can't seem to help me.20:20
backbox_kas kurde nazane20:20
=== alpha is now known as Guest71687
malwar3hun73ri have 3 tasks that i want to run when ubuntu starts and i'm using upstart to control this.  The jobs need to be executed in a specific order. From my understanding, i can use "start on started job1" to control this.  Job1 starts fine, but job2, which contains the "start on started job1" only starts if I manually start it. Any ideas what's going on?20:25
JoelI'm getting the following when trying to connect to my vpn: AUTH-PAM: BACKGROUND: user 'joel' failed to authenticate: Authentication failure, is there any way to up the logging from PAM so I can see why I'm failing to authenticate?20:26
yosefhWhat can make Ubuntu so slow that it can't even detect mouse movement or key presses?20:28
Guest71687I am running 14.04, kernel version 3.13.0-86-generic on an HP pavilion 15 notebook and cannot connect to the internet via ethernet or wireless, after running dmesg | grep eth0, there are 'link is not ready' and 'link is down' messages consistently. I am dual booting with Windows and the same problem is taking place on that platform as well.20:28
daxuser2635: no. i'd recommend excluding ~/.cache from your backups20:28
user2635dax, someone told me the same :) I've done that now. thanks!20:29
Rochvellonyosefh: high input/output from hdd could cause this20:30
yosefhMy disc io keeps spiking to 99% and I can barely move my mouse or keyboard, during the time leading up to the spike. Network also lags up to 30seconds latency20:30
yosefhRochvellon, this issue has simply been getting worse ever since I installed Ubuntu20:31
LinuxGuy2020DOes anyone have experience with installing Windows games on ubuntu that could give me some tips/advice?20:31
yosefhRochvellon, I showed someone my syslog earlier and they tried to solve it but their solution didnt work20:31
LeptospireWhere can I pay someone to help solve my linux home networking issues?20:31
yosefhLinuxGuy2020, use wine, playonlinux, or Crossover20:32
yosefhLinuxGuy2020, you can also download steam for linux20:32
LinuxGuy2020yosefh: Yeah thats pretty obvious I need more help than that.20:32
LeptospireWhere can I pay someone to help solve my linux home networking issues? I am not satisfied with the free help that's available20:32
yosefhLinuxGuy2020, what specific issues do you have?20:32
Bashing-omGuest71687: Local host (in-house check) ' ping -c3 ' what results ?20:33
LinuxGuy2020yosefh: Everyone on youtube says skyrim plays great on linux. I tried playonlinux and it has a skyrim install script to choose. It hangs and fails to finish. Ive followed manual steps and audio gets static. Tried crossover and it installs flawlessly and everything works. I really don't want to fork over $40 if theres a better way.20:34
yosefhLeptospire,  http://www.ubuntu.com/management?_ga=1.187580463.6484531.146472683620:34
LinuxGuy2020yosefh: Either better directions to manually do it or a better script to run on playonlinux. I dont know.20:34
yosefhLeptospire, I'm not sure that canonical offers support for individuals though. Maybe your (Ubuntu LoCo) local team can help?20:37
Leptospireyosefh: I tried looking there; it does not seem to apply to individuals for a home network20:38
yosefhLinuxGuy2020, this looks promising https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2110829-modding-skyrim-with-wine-playonlinux-in-linux-ubuntu/20:39
Rochvellonyosefh: you should find out what task this cause it. iotop should show this20:39
brelodLeptospire, why arent you satisfied with the free help? What was the problem with that?20:39
Leptospireyosefh: I am simply frustrated because I had a home network working, then changed routers. It no longer works, but linksys says they can't help me because I'm running linux. For two months I've been unsuccessful asking here for a solution to my problem20:39
MonkeyDustLeptospire  depending on the nature of your question(s), you may want to join a dedicated channel20:39
yosefhRochvellon, iotop doesnt help really. it just says jbd2 and kworker20:39
yosefhRochvellon, I'm pretty sure *every* operation makes those take io20:40
LeptospirePeople are great when they try to help. I appreciate it. But I have been unable to find a solution for two months! That is the source of my dissatisfaction20:40
Guest71687it completes successfully with no packets lost20:40
yosefhLeptospire, I understand where you are coming from. sometimes Local Community Teams (LoCo Teams) offer support20:40
Rochvellonkworker? KDE, yosefh?20:40
LeptospireI have a home meda server running lubuntu connected directly to my router via ethernet. I can SSH into this server but I cannot access the internet from it. I am not a networking expert.20:41
yosefhRochvellon,  Idont think so. I don't have it installed20:41
MonkeyDustRochvellon  the k in kworker means kernel, not kde20:41
Leptospireyosefh, I have tried reaching out to local community groups, but I am not from a big city so there isn't much20:41
yosefhLeptospire, what issue are you having ?20:41
yosefhLeptospire, or you just want to know who you can call in general so you dont have to wait for answers?20:42
yosefhLeptospire, nvm you just mentioned your issue20:42
yosefhLeptospire, it sounds like a port issue20:43
LeptospireI suspect the problem may be related to the following:20:43
MonkeyDustLeptospire  try and ask in ##networking20:43
MonkeyDust(double #)20:44
LeptospireI set up the server to have a static local IP, but this static IP is outside the range of " IP Address Range:"20:44
LeptospireMonkeyDust: thanks. I will try20:44
yosefhMonkeyDust, is there a special channel for spiking hard drives as well? I've been trying to resolve this issue for over a week20:44
LinuxGuy2020yosefh: Thank you Ill read that.20:44
MonkeyDustyosefh  type   /msg alis list blah    <-- replace blah with a word of your choice20:45
Bashing-omGuest71687: ' ip route list ' in the output is a "gateway" IP . Can you ping that IP ? ' ping -c3 <gatewau_IP> ' .20:45
yosefhi dont get any response20:46
MonkeyDustyosefh  you vave waited 2.6842 seconds for an answer, be more patient20:46
yosefhMonkeyDust, I found it. I just was looking in the wrong place20:47
yosefhMonkeyDust, I thought it would appear in this window. the response is in the freenode ta20:48
LinuxGuy2020Leptospire: set the server to DHCP and reserve an address on the router maybe?20:48
Rochvellonyosefh: did you tried you tried "perf" alsready? Ran some of your mounts out of memory?20:48
yosefhRochvellon, its been doing this since I installed it20:48
Guest71687Basing-om: ping was successful20:50
dagerikim getting mysqld_safe[9512]: Could not open required defaults file: /etc/mysql/debian.cnf20:50
dagerikbut the file is there20:50
=== prometheus is now known as Guest22280
Bashing-om!nick | Guest7168720:51
ubottuGuest71687: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.20:51
Bashing-omGuest71687: Opps on bot's last . I mean to use my nick, else I can and will not see the response .20:52
Guest71687Bashing-om: Okay20:54
JoelI hate pam so darn much, it can die in a fire20:55
dagerikwhy does /etc/mysql folder remain when I purge mysql-server mysql-client20:55
Bashing-omGuest71687: :) .. ok next is can you get out onto the net . what results ' ping -c3 ' ?20:55
holysmokesbertmeI accidentally mv'ed my user directory to nowhere. The source partition has not benn written since that mv call. Can I still get the data back?20:57
tgm4883holysmokesbertme: what do you mean nowhere? What command did you run?20:58
OerHeksmv to /dev/zero ??20:58
holysmokesbertmemv /home/me /newhome/20:58
holysmokesbertmebut newhome was a drive i didnt recognize it wasnt actually healthy20:59
Guest71687Bashing-om: Okay so I tried plugging the ethernet cable into another port and the ethernet is working, and now in the dmesg log it is telling me to install nss-myhostname20:59
tgm4883holysmokesbertme: that doesn't look like nowhere to me20:59
OerHeksoh, then / should have /newhome, between mnt and opt20:59
SD_Eclipticaholysmokesbertme you can't just do mv /newhome /home/me?20:59
tgm4883holysmokesbertme: define not healthy20:59
holysmokesbertmewhen I try to access files from newhome they are not there21:00
Guest71687Bashing-om: With the wireless still not connecting. It say secure with no connection21:00
holysmokesbertmeeven when I remount newhome there is nothing in it21:00
tgm4883!recover | holysmokesbertme21:01
ubottuholysmokesbertme: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery21:01
bpromptholysmokesbertme:   maybe nothing got moved to it :)21:01
holysmokesbertmeno because the source directory isnt there21:02
=== Finetundra_ is now known as Fineutndra
Bashing-omquenode: wireless I can not help with .. no expeiience . for the error make sure the files " /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname " have the same name .21:02
=== Fineutndra is now known as Finetundra
Bashing-omGuest71687: ^^21:02
holysmokesbertmei have mounted oldhome readonly now for the chance to somehow undelete the freshly moved files21:02
holysmokesbertmeto oldhome hasnt benn written since21:03
yosefh Does anyone here know how to deal with perf errors?21:04
yosefhI got roundtrip evsel->name check                              : FAILED!21:04
mundus2018Not sure if this is an issue for here -- But can someone help me install koel? Im having issues21:06
Bashing-omGuest71687:I be away for a bit . be back soonest .\21:08
LeptospireFor the record, I finally have my network problem solved: route add dev eth0; sudo route add default gw dev eth021:09
=== name is now known as krastavac
krastavacwhat text editor to use in ubuntu?21:10
mundus2018nano? vim?21:10
bpromptkrastavac:  too many to mention, depends on needs21:11
_AxS_hey all ..  i';m about to help someone with their ubuntu install; haven't used it in -years- tho.  what's a regular ubuntu install use for boot loader? grub / lilo / something else?21:11
Mordoc_Mysterykrastavac, If you are looking for something graphical gedit is fine as well.21:11
nacc_AxS_: grub21:11
krastavacnotepad ++ equivalent21:11
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator21:12
_AxS_thx.  is interactive modification of boot command like usually enabled in grub or disabled by default?21:12
bpromptkrastavac:    I probably would go with Kate then21:12
OerHeksstandard gedit21:12
nacc_AxS_: you mean during the boot? it's enabled, although you may need to hit escape to see the full menu, or whatever21:12
_AxS_nacc: yes during boot.  ok thx.  I might have to force this computer into single mode, as i doubt the guy has the password for root and his user probably isn't in wheel either...21:13
krastavacit requires kde21:13
bpromptkrastavac:   oooook, so it does :), a few libs I'd think only21:14
=== jrd is now known as Guest34767
nexiihello.  I was wondering how to fix terminator so that the default <ctrl>tab and <ctrl><shift>tab keybindings work21:26
Bashing-omGuest71687: Back . your status ?21:30
shivayahi folks, I was wondering if there is a way to write ovs_extra stuff for /etc/network/interfaces in multiple lines? I tried multiple ovs_extra lines but it didn't work21:35
maurizioEXEC wget http://digilander.libero.it/udasoft/Software/Linux/buduscript/buduscript_3786_2808_x86_64.tar.gz && tar xvzf buduscript_3786_2808_x86_64.tar.gz -C $HOME/.xchat2 && rm -vf buduscript_3786_2808_x86_64.tar.gz && cd $HOME/.xchat2/buduscript && ./install.sh21:41
nikulinlg_Hi all, where is russian ubuntu channel?21:41
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:41
gamelasterHello, I'm trying to install any Ubuntu distro, but anyway, I still fail on this error: http://imgur.com/yTjHPFR . Before I has got installed an Xubuntu, Lubuntu and its working (still same configuration) and its works. But now no. Installation: Along side with Windows 10 (UEFI). Install disk is MSDOS(NO GPT). / EXT4 and SWAP, boot loader into that disk. I tried to change the disk, but not helped. Any ideas?21:50
reisiogamelaster: so... the current problem manifests how?21:51
Fleuvhello, does the latest ubuntu server support nginx and php7.0-fpm to run with sockets?21:52
Mordoc_Mysterygamelaster, Interesting, could it be secure boot as the culprit everyone?21:52
reisioFleuv: as opposed to?21:53
KenrinxYes you need to make the image uefi21:53
gamelasterreisio: in image you can see, its still returning this grub error. I tried Lubuntu, Xubuntu etc. Mordoc_Mystery: Well, I have secure boot enabled, but alot of times I installed GRUB successfuly with Secure Boot, not any problems before21:53
gamelasterI tried the "Repair-Boot" tool a few times, but anytime no help.21:53
Fleuvreisio, well on my machine running this set of software php pages are served empty.21:54
reisioFleuv: empty?21:54
yosefhWhy are kworker and jbd2 constantly spiking?21:55
Fleuvreisio, yes nothing in the source. nothing in the logs. configuration seems right.. where shall i start?21:55
gamelasterI tried to search on google about this error, but nothing not helps...21:55
yosefhDoes anyone know why the io of kworker and jbd2 are constantly spiking to 99.99% usage21:56
reisioFleuv: you should see something even if PHP isn't running properly21:56
OerHeksmaybe installing xdebug extention is any help https://gist.github.com/hollodotme/418e9b7c6ebc358e7fda21:58
OerHekskworker indexing service, yosefh, on Kubuntu21:58
Fleuvreisio, indeed that's the part what is confusing me. When renaming a perfectly fine .html file to .php it serves a blank page as well.21:58
OerHekstons of foru posts about that, howto disable or enlarge diskspace for it.21:59
yosefhI can't  even  use my computer as a text editor :s as it wont recognize keypresses21:59
reisioFleuv: okay... I'd guess your nginx config is quite oddly configured, or not configured at all, then21:59
reisioFleuv: see nginx wiki for php-fpm config examples21:59
yosefhOerHeks, its a kernel service i think i dont have kubuntu21:59
OerHekssingle core cpu or duo core without HT are hit by this IO22:00
yosefhI have to press every key about 10 times during spikes just to type something22:00
OerHeksyosefh, kworker is standard in kde.. so tell me what you installed?22:00
yosefhSo I apologize if my responses take a long time22:00
yosefhOerHeks, its beeenlike this since i  used a default install and upgraded to  latest ubuntu22:01
Fleuvreisio, well most of it (I guess everything) I found it on the internet, here are my configs (templates): : http://pastebin.com/8V3XXMfr http://pastebin.com/c2P2diSn http://pastebin.com/bJgmDzKF http://pastebin.com/fhiFsXEu http://pastebin.com/rKuXxSfm22:01
k1l_yosefh: still not fixed?22:02
yosefhk1l_, nobody has any solutions22:02
yosefhk1l_, the solutions from google are just random. I could try them all but I'd probably just wreck my sytem22:02
k1l_yosefh: are you sure the partitions you use on the system are ok? can you provide the output url of "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999"22:03
yosefhk1l_, http://termbin.com/nhry22:04
yosefhi fscked multiple times22:04
OerHeksman you have system memory issues22:05
holysmokesbertmeholy dodongos22:05
holysmokesbertmeext4magic is awesome22:05
OerHeksrun memtest86 from liveiso ..22:05
holysmokesbertmeIt looks like I get my files back22:05
yosefhOerHeks, you mean me?22:06
OerHeksyosefh, yes, looking at your dmesg22:06
tekeousOK, here's a question: I am running Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 amd64 on a custom-built PC. When I suspend the machine it won't wake up. Suspend was working on 15.10.22:06
yosefhthis you mean "[    0.000000] Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption" ?22:06
yosefhor this spam [    0.000000] PM: Registered nosave memory: [mem 0x00000000-0x00000fff] ?22:06
reisiotekeous: what're you trying to wake it from?22:06
tekeousSuspend, sleep mode, etc22:07
reisiotekeous: ...with what tool/command/installation22:07
tekeousI don't understand the question: I click Suspend from the power menu, and press some keyboard keys or the power button to wake it up. But it never wakes up from the black screen22:08
yosefhOerHeks, my memory usage never goes back 10% and my system works perfectly normal usually. It just suddenl spikes. Are you saying that memory corruptions is causing problems only with io ?22:08
reisiotekeous: oh okay22:08
yosefhpast 10%22:08
tekeousBetween clicking Suspend, and waking it, obviously I've walked away for a bit22:09
tekeousThe Ubuntu wiki chalked suspend issues up to motherboard incompatibility, but it was working with 15.10.22:09
OerHeksyosefh, ram, or an bios issue where CPU MTRRs don't cover all of memory, maybe timing issue or 2 different brands22:12
L0g4nAd4msSorry guys, how can i install "Elegance Colors" on Ubuntu Xenial ?22:12
OerHeksyosefh, first step is the simple memtest8622:12
KenrinxNo support yet l0g4nad4ms, compile it from git22:14
yosefhOerHeks, I have no problem doing that. isnt there a kernel option for that to22:14
prelude2004cstill nowhere :( can anyone help me with GLX ?22:14
yosefhOerHeks, boot option imean22:14
prelude2004ci been at it now for over 24 hours.. i still can't figure it out :(22:14
prelude2004cbrand new install.. still nothing22:14
L0g4nAd4msKenrinx: Yeah I think the vala version 0.30 that is available in the ubuntu repos is too old to compile it22:14
krastavacwhat text reader to use, i ued balabolka in windows?22:15
L0g4nAd4msalways get an error22:15
reisiokrastavac: text reader?22:15
krastavactext to speach22:15
yosefhOerHeks, Its just counter intuitive to me that the memory and CPU usage should be fine but that only the io should be affected if it were a memory issue. But Id try anything at this point and you seem to know what youre talking about22:15
reisioespeak or festival, I guess22:15
tekeousElegance Colors is a GNOME shell theme: you trying to install it on Unity?22:15
Mordoc_MysteryL0g4nAd4ms, here's the only thing I could find and it's for 14.04: http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-gnome-shell-elegance-colors-2-7-on-ubuntu-13-1013-0412-10-and-linux-mint-16151413/22:15
reisioor flite :p22:15
prelude2004cXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0".  ( unbuntu 16 ) ... i installed nvidia drivers NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-367.18.run .. nvidia drivers are up.. glx not supported.. both vdpauinfo and glxinfo report error22:15
kehHi there. What nvidia version supports "Geforce FX Go5600" Chip? Or do I have to install an ubuntu 13.xx version and dist-upgrade with ignorable xorg*, nvidia* packages in apt-get ?  (Probably version nvidia 173 in ubuntu 13.10?)22:15
prelude2004canyone ?22:15
reisioprelude2004c: got a xorg.conf?22:16
reisioprelude2004c: does the string 'glx' occur in it?22:16
Kenrinx"sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vala-team" should work with it l0g4nad4ms22:16
L0g4nAd4msKenrinx: It always says me that "gtk.h" is not found22:16
prelude2004cnot a the moment.. at one point i had module "glx" but still didn't work22:17
L0g4nAd4mswell, i think there is some gtk package missing, since i realized this does not seems to be a vala error22:17
prelude2004cbut i haven't seen it yet since the new version was installed22:17
Mordoc_MysteryL0g4nAd4ms, the PPA has the best chance. Otherwise I'd stalk the author out on their github page: https://github.com/satya164/elegance-colors22:17
mundus2018Im getting errors when I try to apt install php5 and php5-mysql22:20
Mordoc_Mysterymundus2018, What's the error message22:21
uplink<prelude2004c> install bumblebee22:21
mundus2018Acctually figured out I can use 722:21
Kenrinxlibgtk2.0-dev and libgtk-3-dev should be all you need to compile22:22
k1l_uplink: prelude2004c bumbelbee is deprecated on ubuntu22:22
reisioprelude2004c: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual22:22
prelude2004cgoing to try that link 1 by one22:23
xCykrixhey can anyone help me real quick?22:24
k1l_yosefh: what usb devices are connected?22:24
reisiono one can22:24
kehWhat ubuntu / xorg version does work with nvidia geforce fx go5600 ? Is anywhere a list?22:24
reisiokeh: on nvidia's website22:24
reisioor just use nouveau22:25
L0g4nAd4mssomebody know how to get "libgtk3-dev" ?22:25
yosefh k1l_ if you're referring to the 3-3 spam, thats my audio device being stupid when i connect it22:25
xCykrixwell i have this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/16877572/ | is there any way to get around that22:25
reisioL0g4nAd4ms: ask apt-file22:26
yosefhk1l_, is that why you asked?22:26
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k1l_yosefh: yeah, ever tried without it?22:26
reisioxCykrix: what command did you run?22:26
xCykrixits trying to mount it to ubuntu and failing22:26
yosefhk1l_, I  often run without it plugged in. But I've never done a real test. Do you think that a audio device could cause io problems periodically22:27
xCykrixim just plugging in a usb with a HD connection22:27
reisioxCykrix: it's the answer to my question I want you to type22:27
k1l_yosefh: i just found some experiences with same issue who report they were caused by there usb devices. a test should do no harm.22:27
reisioxCykrix: you can mount it read only, as it suggests, or try ntfsfix, or fix it from Windows22:28
k1l_xCykrix: its the windows "feature" to not put its hdds into real shutdown but in hibernation to simulate a faster reboot time.22:28
L0g4nAd4msreisio: yeah it is not in the sources ^^22:28
Kenrinxlibgtk-3-dev isn't there ?22:29
yosefhk1l_, yeah, you never know22:29
k1l_xCykrix: in the long run you want to turn off that "feature" in windows to be able to use the hdds and not loos e any data22:29
xCykrixi knew it was a fastboot issue, i judt needed to get around it22:29
NeedHelpNowPlzare there any ubuntu genuises online?22:29
yosefhk1l_,  Ill leave it unplugged for a while and see if the issue goes away.22:29
NeedHelpNowPlzare there any ubuntu genuises online?22:29
xCykrixk1l_:  it wasnt my laptop so it wasnt disabled, but the HD is failing and i needed to get something off it22:29
tgm4883!help | NeedHelpNowPlz22:30
ubottuNeedHelpNowPlz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:30
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reisioL0g4nAd4ms: hrmm?22:30
L0g4nAd4msKenrinx: omg its libgtk-3-dev not libgtk3-dev ^22:30
KenrinxYeah I said that before =)22:30
L0g4nAd4msnaming conventions ftw22:30
reisioin the long run, pick one OS to use22:30
reisioL0g4nAd4ms: when you're searching for things, it can help to search for partial string matches22:31
L0g4nAd4msyeah sorry i am still used to pacman22:31
frostythesnowmanhi, i'm trying to upgrade my packages on trusty, but I'm getting the following error when I run sudo apt-get upgrade.  does anyone know how i can fix thsi? The following packages have unmet dependencies: postgresql-contrib-9.3 : Depends: postgresql-9.3 (= 9.3.13-0ubuntu0.14.04) but 9.3.12-0ubuntu0.14.04 is installed22:31
reisioL0g4nAd4ms: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman_Rosetta22:32
NeedHelpNowPlzmy ubuntu 16.04 desktop is stuck in a weird loop. Problem: it is stuck at the "dev/sda1: clean, 261938/4759552 files, 6501735/19013632 blocks" part. please help. what do i do22:32
NeedHelpNowPlzmy ubuntu 16.04 desktop is stuck in a weird loop. Problem: it is stuck at the "dev/sda1: clean, 261938/4759552 files, 6501735/19013632 blocks" part. please help. what do i do. my computer is off at the moment.22:33
L0g4nAd4msreisio: ah good that such a site exists22:33
NeedHelpNowPlzmy ubuntu 16.04 desktop is stuck in a weird loop. Problem: it is stuck at the "dev/sda1: clean, 261938/4759552 files, 6501735/19013632 blocks" part. please help. what do i do. my computer is off at the moment.22:33
tgm4883!patience | NeedHelpNowPlz22:34
ubottuNeedHelpNowPlz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:34
hazrpgHey everyone, just wondering if anyone knows how I can solve a problem with a blank screen after the splash screen (nvidia optimus).22:34
k1l_xCykrix: ntfsfix is the command to use22:34
prelude2004cguys i just tried and it didn't work22:35
kehfrostythesnowman: try sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install --reinstall postgresql-9.3 ...before upgrading your system.22:36
kehfrostythesnowman: maybe just postgresql22:36
Kellermanhello i've customized a iso of ubuntu, but it boot fine only under Mac, in a PC i've got this error "(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failed"22:36
NeedHelpNowPlzare there any ubuntu geeks i can pm?22:36
tgm4883NeedHelpNowPlz: if someone knows the answer to your question, they will respond here22:37
yellowman243My friend is trying to set up a dual boot, problem is during install alongside windows it just freezes on an orange bar and just says 'searching file system'22:37
hazrpgI don't know if it'll help, but I dual-boot two copies of Ubuntu (one mainly for testing the latest ubuntu - but they're both on 16.04 currently) - one works fine and the other doesn't (i.e. blank screen) - is there any way I can figure out what config needs changing? I diff'ed xorg.conf and they are the same, but possibly there are other files I can check against?22:37
yellowman243Is this an error?22:37
frostythesnowmanhi keh, when i run that command i get this error which i don't understand either: https://gist.github.com/boxbeatsy/e039a0717ba05b1c878ae567cb398da222:38
kehhazrpg: check differences in the xorg.conf.d folder.22:38
xCykrixk1l_: how do i find where its stored at? media isnt showing it22:38
k1l_xCykrix: dont run it on /media run it on /dev/sdXY.22:39
Bashing-om!nomodeset | hazrpg Boot to a degraded GUI with ? :22:39
ubottuhazrpg Boot to a degraded GUI with ? :: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:39
xCykrixjust saw that when i did the command it showed /dev/ as a dir22:39
xCykrixthank you bunches k1l_ :D22:40
kehfrostythesnowman: "invoke-rc.d: initscript postgresql, action "stop" failed." <- In your thing. You have to manually stop postgresql server and try again.22:40
kehfrostythesnowman: It seems that postgresql init script is broken.22:41
frostythesnowmankeh: hmmm, when i try to manually stop postgresql with /etc/init.dpostgresql stop it fails.22:42
frostythesnowmankeh: could i manually fix the postgresql init script? everything was working until i ran apt-get upgrade.  i wonder if there's a way to just reverse my upgrade?22:42
naccfrostythesnowman: you could try backing to the version just prior `apt-get install postgres-pkgname=version`; `apt-cache policy <pkgname>` may tell you what version strings are available22:43
kehAnother option could be to disable the postgre init script and reboot? Then it shouldn't be started and any files in /var shouldn't appear which would confuse a reinstalled postgresql.22:43
frostythesnowmankeh: i see.  how would i go about disabling the postgres init script?22:45
hazrpgkeh: I don't appear to have that folder in etc22:45
kehfrostythesnowman: https://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/how-to-enable-or-disable-services22:46
tgm4883NeedHelpNowPlz: Don't PM people unless they specifically say you can22:46
effectneti cant get system-config-samba to work on 16.04, is it cuz of version?22:46
frostythesnowmankeh: ty22:46
snfgfHow do I find where my linker is searching for libraries and add a location?22:46
snfgf(using ld)22:46
kehhazrpg: Check differences in whole /etc/X11 folder on each sys22:47
Kenrinxeffectnet: did you gksudo?22:47
KenrinxEr gksu22:48
effectnetno i will try that22:48
hazrpgBashing-om: will that not roll me back to intel instead of nvidia? I recall trying that and it works but doesn't fix using the nvidia card22:48
hazrpgkeh: I'll give that a try.22:49
hammer25Hi guys, i'm running ubuntu 16.04 in a virtualbox VM on windows 10. For some reason, there are only two (very small) resolutions available22:49
hammer25does anyone know how to set it to 1920x1080?22:49
Jordan_Uhammer25: Did you install the virtualbox guest additions?22:49
effectnetthat worked but it asking me for pw to root account22:49
hammer25probably not, lol. first timer. where would i go to do that?22:50
=== Kenrinx is now known as kenrin
effectnetdo i have a root account?22:50
naccsnfgf: usually it's defined in /etc/ld.so.conf*22:50
Bashing-omhazrpg: "nomodeset" disables KMS such that the fall back driver is loaded . Many time them one can load the proprietary driver properly from the "Additional Frivers " utility . reboot and all could be good ??22:51
effectnethmm i get this error now heh:        SystemError: could not open configuration file `/etc/libuser.conf': No such file or directory22:53
xCykrixyay for hard drive being offically done22:53
xCykrix340gb hd ded22:53
xCykrixwont boot on windows, barely loads on linux22:53
kenrineffectnet: sudo touch /etc/libuser.conf22:54
hazrpgBashing-om: I've already tried reinstalling all the drivers availble (terminal and gui), even tried purging to see if the configs were the issue... no luck there...22:54
Jordan_Uhammer25: I can't double check the official Ubuntu documentation at the moment due to only having a dialup connection, but I believe you can just install the package virtualbox-guest-utils . It's still a good idea to check the official ubuntu documentation / the Ubuntu Wiki to see what they recommend doing.22:54
kenrinOnce you get it configured log out and in or reboot and you can launch from the dashboard22:55
hammer25Jordan_U: i'll check it out, thanks22:55
Jordan_Uhammer25: You're welcome.22:56
Jordan_Ueffectnet: You do not have a password for the root account, and you shouldn't have one as you shouldn't be logging in as root.22:56
Bashing-omhazrpg: Has my interest . what are we working with ? ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' . Be aware that I am working 2 other instances elsewhere .. seems headers are the issues in these other 2 .22:57
effectnetsystem-config-samba asks for root password22:58
Jordan_Ueffectnet: What is the exact message?22:58
kenrinI just know it had that bug since 15.0422:59
kenrinWhere you need to gksu to launch it22:59
hazrpgkeh: Tried diffing, all the important files seem to be identical, the broken one just has extra back xorg.conf files (e.g. xorg.conf.xxxxxxxx - where x is a bunch of numbers) - also /etc/X11/Xsession.d/65snappy is different, but the diff shows that the broken install one has a patch applied to fix a bug (the broken ubuntu has been fully patched, but has been broken from day one since upgrading from 14.04)22:59
hazrpgBashing-om: sure one moment :)22:59
effectneti wonder how to enter a username into the dialog22:59
FoolishDaveSo whenever I try and do anything that requires a GPU, if I have my integrated graphics on, my comp locks up, but if I have my 970M on, everything works fine.23:00
effectnetoh thx, it's just this sytem-config-samba access dialog where you enter a users name is not working, or at least i dont understand it23:01
Jordan_Ueffectnet: Please poste the exact wording of the dialog that is asking for a password. You should be able to copy and paste the message.23:01
Jordan_Ueffectnet: Or post a screenshot.23:02
hazrpgBashing-om: paste.ubuntu.com/1687829423:02
Jordan_U!screenshot | effectnet23:02
ubottueffectnet: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.23:02
effectnetok let me do something first23:02
kehhazrpg: Did you revert any PPA before doing a release upgrade? The upgrade will not succeed if maybe third sources where involved.23:03
Bashing-omFoolishDave: With the integrated chip in use, can you boot to a terminal and see in the config file ' /etc/X11/Xorg.conf ' which driver is in use ?23:03
Bashing-omhazrpg: :) .. look'n and comparing .23:03
FoolishDaveBashing-om: I'm running the discrete card atm, so I'll have to log out and back in, I'll be right back23:03
hazrpgkeh: I didn't no - however, the problem existed on both installs of ubuntu - I fixed one, using answers available on askubuntu, but the same fixes aren't working on my main one23:04
effectnetok i got it fixed Jordan_U , thank you though23:04
kehhazrpg: mmh, same systems? or is one gpu a mobility one?23:05
Bashing-omhazrpg: Have you installed the 361 version driver ? http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/103306/en-us .23:05
hazrpgBashing-om: yes I have23:06
FoolishDave_Bashing-om: what am I looking for in the Xorg.conf file?23:07
hazrpgkeh: Both on the same system, /dev/sda1 is my main install - for programming/work/etc, /dev/sda8 is my second install I use for testing out new versions of ubuntu, it just so happens they're both 16.04 now. Main was 14.04 -> 16.04, secondary 15.10 -> 16.04.23:07
Bashing-omhazrpg: A look at what X thinks . paste the /var/log/Xorg.0.log log file, please .23:08
hazrpgBashing-om: I've tried all the version that are available in the official repo (terminal and the gui: restricted drivers)23:09
hazrpgBashing-om: sure, one moment23:09
hazrpgBashing-om: paste.ubuntu.com/1687849523:10
kehis anyone using ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa ?23:11
hazrpgBashing-om: That's the Xorg.0.log that is broken, I'll pastebin the working one for you (I have the other parition mounted).23:11
Bashing-omFoolishDave_: in the section "ServerLayout" is Inactive "nvidia" present ?23:11
scythefwdany cups guru's in here?23:12
scythefwdor even cups users lol.. just looking for an understanding23:12
Slop__Hi, does anyone know python pretty well (specifically scraping) and could gimme a hand real quick? :323:12
hazrpgBashing-om: paste.ubuntu.com/16878544 - working partition23:12
Bashing-omhazrpg: will read also the broken one .. see what we can glean .23:12
FoolishDave_Bashing-om: There actually isn't a xorg.conf file present anymore. There are two xorg.conf.[date] files, but none for current :/23:12
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scythefwdopen.. some times.. some times23:13
geniikeh: Yes. But also as the page there describes, the ppa: graphics-drivers/ppa  for nvidia/amd proprietary drivers now23:13
FoolishDave_Bashing-om: there was one when I was running the 970m, and Inactive "intel" was present23:13
hazrpgkeh: I use to, several years ago, but I ended up with an unstable install - things would break every few weeks after updates23:13
geniikeh: ( which have now been split off from the main xorg-edgers ppa )23:13
kehdidnt know that genii, thanks.  /  yeah hazrpg, does not work here either. Mh.23:15
scythefwdanyone know of a cups support forum that isnt all bots?23:15
scythefwdthe one on this server has been idle for like 20 hours23:15
effectnetdo i want wins server?  i cant see the samba share from win723:17
scythefwdis it shared so that everyone has permissions, or can you not even touch the system?23:18
effectneti shared it so everyone has permissions for now23:18
scythefwdso you cant even see it23:18
effectnetin win7, i tyep in the ip address of the samba and i dont see it23:19
scythefwdwait.. I had that backwards, you're sharing to a win 7 box, not from?23:19
hazrpgkeh: What problem are you trying to solve?23:19
effectneti am trying to share to a win7 yes23:19
scythefwdwins shouldnt be required.. all that is is netbios23:20
Bashing-omFoolishDave_: Right, and when you switch graphics sets, the config file gets switched ( supposed to !) now booting with  Intel  .. one should see "nvidia" as the inactive set .23:20
scythefwdyou should be able to directly connect via IP and see what is shared.. in theory23:20
FoolishDave_Bashing-om: so what should I do since there doesn't seem to be a config there?23:20
kehhazrpg: To get any working and usable ubuntu version for an old laptop with nvidia FX Go5600 gpu. Probably ubuntu 12.xx, but trying to solve it with these ppa's.23:20
FoolishDave_Bashing-om: should I generate one with sudo X -configure?23:21
scythefwdyour samba is running?23:21
Bashing-omhazrpg: Scratching my head on the broken log file info " 41.535] (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "NULL" >>> 2002.622] (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "NULL" " do not know what to make of this .23:21
scythefwdand you dont have any fw in the way?23:21
kehCurrently testing ubuntu 14.04 with some working xorg / nvidia 173 drivers.23:21
hazrpgBashing-om: I believe that line is showing on the working one too...23:22
Bashing-omFoolishDave_: Ouch .. Not at all sure what to do . When you swirch graphics sets .. the config file should be switched out . IF the Intel cinfig file  is not there I do not know what to advise you exactly .23:24
FoolishDave_Bashing-om: alright I'll keep messing with it23:24
Bashing-omhazrpg: Reading the good one att .23:24
hazrpgBashing-om: Cool, thanks. :)23:24
scythefwdwell folks, I'm off to find a different net .. maybe I can find some info on cups there, enjoy23:24
hazrpgBashing-om: The bits I find interesting is the good one has "modeset(G0):" which I can only assume is the display, but I don't know what causes it or how to find out.23:25
effectnetthanks once again :D things working here23:27
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hazrpgkeh: Are none of them working?23:34
hazrpgkeh: I assume you can at least load the cd/usb to install, but is the issue once it is installed?23:34
pentiumone133if i have a box with an aliased NIC (so eth0:1 in addition to eth0) can i  ifdown eth0 without taking down eth0:1 ?23:39
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Bashing-omhazrpg: Working has "  25.271] (II) modeset(G0): using drv /dev/dri/card0 " broken has no modeset(G0): .. still looking at things .23:44
Bashing-omhazrpg: More .. broken does not find the display !23:46
cosmicfireswhere do I set my default web browser in xfce?23:49
hazrpgBashing-om: interesting... anything we can do to fix that?23:49
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