
goddardin kde4 you could just enable this in kmixer00:06
FanfareQ: i added mpv to handle directories, now its in the first place ( and defaultaction) to handle them, i can't rearrange it using the properties dialog.00:19
MichaelTunnellgoddard: you probably meant MichaelP :)00:21
=== jstanford is now known as thelostcircuit
N3X15Is there any way of modifying mouse pointer hotspot offset?  I'm thinking something screwed with my settings and offset it by at least 16 pixels04:02
noobeyWhat's the best package manager to use with KUbuntu?04:03
noobeyWhat's the best package manager to use with KUbuntu?04:24
=== goddard_ is now known as goddard
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=== chinmoy is now known as chinmoy_
ozberkhi guys need to ask a questtion. Umm I tried to use driver manager to install AMD microcode and nvia drivers but it saying collecting data from my system yet it takes too long09:58
ozberkwhat is wrong with the driver manager ?09:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1530523 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information" [High,Confirmed]10:02
ozberkoh ok so we only need to wait a bit since there is no solution yet. Ummm how can I install those drivers then ?10:05
FritigernThis means it's a known bug, high priority and that multiple people have reported it. Therefore, it's being worked on. In the mean time you can manually  install the microcode and the Nvidia drivers10:05
FritigernOpen Konsole and enter sudo apt-get install nvidia-364 && sudo apt-get amd64-microcode10:07
FritigernNote that you will have to enter your password in order to install that10:07
ozberkyeah I figured that with this document https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia10:08
ozberkthat ubuntu-drivers devices command is really helpfull10:09
ozberkjust enter it and it will tell you what do you need to install. Cool10:09
BluesKajHiyas all11:53
EvilRoeyhi BluesKaj12:08
BluesKajhi Roey12:08
=== vorap2 is now known as vorap
viewer|21429Hello, I'm having a problem with Krunner and plasma shell. They crash when i type in letters to search of applications/files. Kubunut 16.04. I was running on nvidia 361 drivers, i updated to 364. this led to the krunner/plasma shell crashes. i rolled back to 361 but still have the problem. Tried with 358 but again the same problem. Any help?13:00
hateballviewer|21429: I'm not sure why you think it would be related to nvidia drivers13:02
hateballviewer|21429: Perhaps baloo has been corrupted, you could try rebuilding it13:02
viewer|21429how can i do that?13:03
CoodingCookieeHey guys, i'm running 16.04 Kubuntu. I'm using a Apple Magic Mouse 2, but the scrolling doesn't work. I tried i few things days ago, but nothing works. Maybe someone of you can help me :)13:03
hateballviewer|21429: "balooctl disable" then  reboot, then "balooctl enable"13:03
BluesKajCoodingCookiee, try system settings>input devices>mouse , there are a few settings that might help13:06
viewer|21429hateball: it can be done from plasma or do i need to logout and make it from the console?13:08
hateballviewer|21429: no you can do it in your current session13:10
CoodingCookieethe mouse works fine but the scroll/touch have no support13:10
viewer|21429hateball:disable worked; but trying the enable it gives the error "failed to register via dbus, another instance is running"13:11
hateballviewer|21429: did you reboot?13:12
hateballviewer|21429: what does "balooctl status" say?13:13
viewer|21429it says it running. By the way the crash are gone now13:13
viewer|21429(i do the instructions again)13:16
hateballviewer|21429: well if it's not crashing, problem solved :p13:16
hateballI wonder why it would restart tho, without you enabling it13:17
viewer|21429well in fact before the error message you do get a balooctl is running13:19
viewer|21429my bad balooclt enabled13:19
viewer|21429well it seems to work. thank you very much!13:24
BluesKaj!cookie | hateball13:27
ubottuhateball: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!13:27
BluesKajgood call hateball13:27
hateballBluesKaj: :)13:37
hateballexperience with broken things goes a long way :p13:38
BluesKajyeah, I don't use baloo so i avoid it's problems , aamof I deleted myslqld and akonadi without losing the desktop like it did before pl\asma 513:40
=== syadmin is now known as VLanX
yossarianukBluesKaj: have you tried baloo on the latest version ? Doesn't seem to be a resource hog any longer ?14:00
acheron_ukstill a pain here14:06
acheron_ukIf want anything more controllable me then https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recoll seems a better targeted solution14:08
abhishekI am using kde 5.6.4 and kubuntu 16.04. How can I make the backlight turn on only on press key.14:24
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest86019
Guest86019who the fuck picks these colors for kubuntu...omg stab my eyes out14:25
Guest86019so whats the workaround for the installer in 16.04 that I cannot read since its so bright14:26
Guest86019tried themes and zionreversed color scheme, doesnt seem to appy to the installer14:27
Guest86019prolly should have stuck with 14.04....14:28
Guest86019I cant read the text on the installer in the live disc14:34
yossarianukGuest86019: perhaps if you made a screenshot and uploaded it for us to me we might understand what you mean14:37
Guest86019you cannot read the ANY of the instructions in the installer window at all, it is super bright background and white writing, I can barely make out the download third party checkbox and thats cause I know its there from past installs14:39
Guest86019ahh I bet i know how to fix it14:40
Guest86019the installer is likely gtk14:40
kubuntu_yossarianuk: what a good image site?14:47
kubuntu_ill prolly turn back into guest here14:47
yossarianukimgur.com is popular14:48
kubuntu_prolly cant even save it cause it isnt persistant usb14:49
kubuntu_yossarianuk: see what I mean?14:51
kubuntu_like how did anyone else install?14:52
kubuntu_nm I thought about what used to be the default theme in older versions and I cant read the text now14:54
kubuntu_fuck is that stupid14:55
acheron_ukhad no such problem with recent 16.04 installs14:55
acheron_uktext was perfectly readable14:55
acheron_uksome graphics card oddity perhaps?14:57
kubuntu_not sure but the default theme or whatever you call it doesnt let you see  the text14:58
kubuntu_just a gtx nvidia card and I assume nouveau14:58
kubuntu_installer appears to be hanging now14:58
acheron_ukthe dropdown dialogues there and some other colours down match the default breeze theme14:58
kubuntu_yeah i used oxygen and I could see it14:59
acheron_ukI would imagine a graphic rendering glitch as that is NOT how it should show15:00
* kubuntu_ appologies for freaking out15:01
kubuntu_usually doesnt take me 1.2 hours to figure out a workaround15:01
acheron_ukit ok. Just installed 16.04 on a box with a nvidia card a few weeks ago, and I know that is not hwo the installer looked15:02
=== chris_ is now known as chaotix
chaotixhello.  I am on Kubuntu 16.04, and am having a problem where for some reason, the proper icons for applications, folders, and files and whatnot' are not being displayed at all,15:05
chaotixit started when I tried to change the icon theme, and now no matter what icon theme i choose, I get most of the icons have what looks like a paper document with a "?" in the middle, and the rest show the wrong icon15:06
acheron_ukcan you change the icon scheme in system settings to another one then back again?15:07
acheron_ukoh sounds like you have15:07
chaotixacheron_uk: i can, but it doesnt actually change the theme15:07
geniiSave session before logging off/shutting down15:08
acheron_ukthere is an icon them cache somewhere15:08
chaotixi press apply, and the dialog comes up saying updating, but nothing changes15:08
chaotixim looking now for how to delete the icon cache15:10
acheron_ukin /tmp/ and /var/tmp/kdecache-'youruseename' and ~/.cache/ there may be some15:11
chaotixi found this15:11
chaotixbrb if the problem persists.. thanks for the suggestions guys15:13
acheron_ukthink the caches are done slightly different for icons in plasma5, bit basically yes, clear icon caches and restart your KDE desktop15:13
acheron_ukif that doesn't sort it then there is something more fundamental up15:14
kubuntu_acheron_uk: seems like the installer was just thrown in the last changes lol15:18
BluesKajkubuntu_, the ubiquity installer has been a part of kde for many years and works well on most systems15:21
BluesKajand dpkg installer has been very stable and capapble package installer for even longer15:23
kubuntu_ok its great15:24
kubuntu_ive been here since the start of kde415:26
kubuntu_its not ok, plus the themeing seems zoloft induced15:27
kubuntu_all things are bright nowadays, even my phone is too damn bright15:28
kubuntu_but ...15:28
kubuntu_at least there is an included dark theme now15:28
BluesKajthere is a brightness ctl in system settings.power>management , it night work for you, altho it doesn't seem to on my TV?monitor15:31
BluesKajTV/Monior rather15:32
kubuntu_ill check it out15:32
BluesKajkubuntu_, is this a laptop or desktop?15:32
BluesKajyou might need to set the brightness directly on your monitot ctls15:34
kubuntu_I think that because kubuntu sounds cute theme has to ...match?15:34
kubuntu_I like kubuntu cause it isnt super hard and stays up to date with kde releases for the most part15:35
kubuntu_but the coloring is something else15:36
kubuntu_first thing I change15:36
kubuntu_kde-bian, way better name lol15:38
kubuntu_but that besides the point15:38
EvilRoey<kubuntu_> kde-bian, way better name lol16:10
BluesKajtoo late Roey, long gone16:12
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user|21225What are the minimum specs required for Kubuntu 15.10 for 32-bit machines?16:31
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=== chet is now known as Guest40582
Guest40582ok where is all the " get new" options in system settings?17:41
clivejoget new?17:42
BluesKajGuest42522, workplace themes and applications style and desktop behaviour > effects17:46
BluesKajand if you explore,  there might be more17:47
=== jubo2 is now known as Iamahuman
ozberkhi guys I need to add this command to startup nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"19:07
=== vorap2 is now known as vorap
ozberkhow can I do this19:07
=== Guest42522 is now known as soul__
ozberkI also need another question dolphin can't create any directories as I try to create a folder it crashes19:15
BluesKajozberk, have you updated and upgraded lately?19:17
ozberkBluesKaj:  yes19:18
ozberkBluesKaj:  yesterday accutaly19:18
BluesKajlately means today :-)19:19
ozberkyes but I'm in Turkey so. As you asked I run another update here19:20
ozberka few packages have new updates installing the now19:20
ozberkthem (corrections)19:20
BluesKajozberk, why are going to use that command in nvidia-settings ?19:22
BluesKajForceFullCompositionPipeline  ...why are trying that?19:23
ozberkBluesKaj:  because this command enables the VSync feature in KDE which is not enabled by deaflut somehow. I googled the problem and the solution was simple. This command is for testing but the solution was about counfiguring x.conf ehich doesn't exist in here19:23
ozberkso I think if I put this command at startup the VSync will be enabled automaticly19:24
BluesKajox then you need to run nvidia-xconfig to create the file then add the string in it19:24
ozberkBluesKaj:  package xorg-server was not found ?19:26
ozberkBluesKaj:  I belive I installed the nvdia drivers what happened here :/19:26
BluesKajyes , but it should have created it19:26
ozberkaaah it did19:27
ozberkBluesKaj:  thank you succesfully created and edited x.conf file19:31
ozberkbut still19:31
ozberkthere is another isssue with dolphin.19:31
BluesKajozberk, try a  reboot, but your issue with dolphin could be a permissions oproblem19:32
ozberkBluesKaj: I will reboot and check if it will be continue then come back to here19:33
ozberkBluesKaj: okay I back and the edited x.conf file worked thanks to you. REally thank you lets try dolphin19:40
ozberkok again it crashes what should I do ? I googled it no results19:40
BluesKajozberk, which kubuntu, 16.04?19:43
ozberkBluesKaj: affirmative19:43
ozberkBluesKaj: yes19:43
BluesKajozberk, check in /var/log/syslog for dolphin errors19:44
ozberkBluesKaj: ok checking19:45
ozberkBluesKaj: I cant say which one is about dolphin19:47
BluesKajlots of errors?19:48
ozberktoo many19:48
ozberkand really compicated to say19:49
ozberknot all of them are errors accutaly19:49
ozberkwhat is hazer provider it keept denied19:50
BluesKajno idea19:51
ozberkI tried to find the name dolphin19:51
ozberkno data is here19:51
BluesKajdo you see any permissions errors19:51
ozberkonly one19:52
ozberkJun  2 22:45:00 ozberk-System-Product-Name kernel: [  592.615798] audit: type=1400 audit(1464896700.224:21): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/mission-control-5" name="/usr/share/accounts/providers/ktp-sipe-haze.provider" pid=1376 comm="mission-control"19:52
ozberkI shouldnt paste it here19:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.kde.org | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:54
rattkingsipe is a instant messenger protocol, thats unrelated19:54
BluesKajoz have you tried setting the pemissions in dolphin/file/properties/permisssions/advanced pernissions/owning group19:54
ozberkhang on a min. brb19:55
rattkingis it just dolphin that cant create directories? can you mkdir from konsole?19:57
buriedalivehi folks19:57
buriedaliveozberk if these no right your problem, try logout X-server and join to console and del your home dir, but last19:59
buriedaliveand save config need you! remember20:00
ozberkguys I accutaly can't get all of theese20:00
ozberkwhat is wrong with dolphin :/20:00
ozberksyslog contains any data about dolphin20:00
ozberkdoesn' contain ( correcctions)20:01
bpromptozberk:    what's the original issue anyway?20:01
ozberkbprompt: I can't create any folder it crashes20:01
soul__Guys, do you know if it will be possible to extract archives directly from Dolphin using right click → extract here?20:01
bpromptsoul__:   sure20:02
bpromptozberk:   hmmm ooookk...hmmm  hmmm are you on 16.10?20:03
soul__bprompt: in which version is planned?20:03
ozberkI solved the issue temproarly. There are two options in dolphin I figured now Yeni dosya oluştur (create a folder in Turkish) and yeni dizin oluştur (this means create ner DIRECTORY in Turkish) now I figured I could create a new folder but not directory20:04
ozberkner => new (corrections20:04
bpromptsoul__:    hmm ?    I've had it as far back as 12.04, even in Krusader, which is what I mostly use20:05
ozberkwhat is the difference between a folder and a directory :/20:05
bpromptozberk:    zilch, zero, same cat, different name20:05
buriedaliveozberk try sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop20:05
ozberkburiedalive: doesn't affected it20:06
ozberkaffect (corrections)20:06
soul__bprompt: is not possible in Kubuntu 15.10. It is not possible since we switched to Plasma 520:07
BluesKajok , enough cooks in the kitchen, time to for other things anyway...later folks20:07
bpromptsoul__:   hmmm I do have it in 16.04, either way, you can add such option anyhow, I also had it in 12.04 as well, hold the mayo for a sec20:07
bpromptsoul__:    https://lizards.opensuse.org/2008/07/12/extract-and-compress-right-click-menu-on-kde4/20:15
soul__bprompt: the problem is in Plasma 5. I guess is solved in Kubuntu 16.04 and that's why you have that function. I remember someone here telling me  some dolphin features were are not ported still. I'll upgrade to 16.04. Thanks :)20:16
bpromptsoul__:   well, I had it in 12.04 as well, you can add "service menus" to the context menu in  kde file managers, tis a bit easier if you use Krusader btw, since krusader has a context menu editor20:17
soul__bprompt: I had it to in 12.0420:18
bpromptsoul__:   but I've added a few myself :)20:18
goddardgetting an error in my chroot20:28
goddardsudo: main: unable to allocate memory20:28
goddardanyone know how to repair?20:28
jannuhathaving some widget style issues on Mint KDE 17.3, which are probably caused by Kubuntu modifications to original KDE code. does anyone know how to fix the issue described here: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=22293020:49
jannuhatbasically buttons in KDE dialogs are oversized and drawn in the wrong colour and various other UI elements are also glitchy20:50
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest48180
cjwelbornThis may be a dumb question, but I'm making a simple "install script" for my new machines and I was wondering if `sudo apt-get install <247 package names>` will even work, or if there's a better way do go about this. I have a file with all the package names that I need to install.21:33
cjwelbornway to go*21:34
bpromptcjwelborn:    package names, as in the .deb files?21:49
cjwelbornbprompt: I generated a list of package names (just the name), where 'apt-get install <pkg-name>' should work by itself. After thinking about it, if I pass 247 names to apt-get and it can't find one then the whole thing collapses. I think I will generate individual 'sudo apt-get install -y <pkg-name>' for them.21:51
cjwelbornI was just thinking about 'google-chrome-stable' being in my list, and I didn't get that from Kubuntu/Ubuntu repos.21:51
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geniiWhy not a meta package21:52
cjwelborngenii: I'll have to look into that. It hadn't even crossed my mind. Probably a lot cleaner and safer.22:02
cjwelbornI just now remembered `--ignore-missing` also, but still. I'm not going to pass 247 names to apt-get.22:03
abhishekhi guys!22:11
abhishekI am using kubuntu 16.04 kde 5.6.422:11
abhishekthere is no hibernate option available in menu for me though sudo pm-hibernate works22:11
abhishekMore details-> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=363866#cz22:20
ubottuKDE bug 363866 in general "No Hibernate option avaiable" [Critical,Unconfirmed]22:20
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest62348
Guest62348hi people, I love you >/]22:42
Guest62348Current Kubuntu edition is fantastic!22:43
Guest62348Can I ask something basic?22:43
geniiI'm sure the devs which are lurking here will be glad to hear :)22:43
geniiGuest62348: Best thing is just to ask the channel your question, and then see if someone takes it up22:44
Guest62348Really good job. I never liked Kubuntu before :-]22:44
Guest62348I need to backup user home folders, but I dont have a rights permissions to access them. I have fond many examples, but simply I dont understand to those examples. Rights in Linux are very complicated...22:47
Guest62348Is any GUI for setting permissions recursively?22:47
geniiAnything underneath of /home/yourusername by default is written with the permissions of the user whose home directory that is. Unless you have done something like perhaps untarred files with permissions intact which contain files belonging to a different username22:49
geniiGuest62348: Possibly you are trying to copy /home instead of /home/yourusername22:50
geniialternately, those files are in use22:51
Guest62348I need to backup everything in /home/ (for all users)22:51
Guest62348I am able to share home root dir, but I need to allow root to read all files in all home folders.22:52
geniiGuest62348: For backing up all user's files, this must be done with admin privelege. So you do not change the permissions or owners, because if you restore those files, the user they previously belonged to will be unable to access them.22:52
Guest62348I am SUDO, but still not able to read all dirs.22:52
geniiGuest62348: The simplest in Konsole, to issue: kdesudo dolphin22:53
genii...and then just use it like normal to copy things one place to another place22:53
geniiGuest62348: If you want to copy files they cannot be in use at the time.22:54
geniiSo trying to copy things in your own home directory while you are logged in will result in files like some things in the .kde directory for instance or cache directories not being able to be copied22:55
Guest62348I think I need to set group for read. But how to say who is the group?22:55
Guest62348By the way, how can I connect to the server on LAN from Kubuntu? Only what I know is Putty on Windows.22:56
geniiGuest62348: What is the error you get when you currently try?22:57
Guest62348I have to connect from console to the server at first.22:58
geniiGuest62348: To connecto a server, make sure it is running an ssh server, then just in Kubuntu opn up Konsole and use ssh command from there23:02
geniiwork, afk 7-10 minutes23:03
Guest62348ssh legolas says that he could not resolve hostname23:05
geniiGuest62348: Add the ip and name of that box to your /etc/hosts file23:06
Guest62348I tryed to boot kubuntu live on the server, It works, but I cannot see RAID HDD in the server.23:06
Guest62348omg konsole is really challenge for me, nothing is working23:09
geniiGuest62348: Back for a minute or two. .. for RAID, Kubuntu does not load those modules by default, only Ubuntu Server does that. So you have to manually load them afterwards.23:13
geniiGuest62348: If you do not specify a username to ssh, it assumes you want to connect using your cuurent username23:13
geniiTo specify a different name, use like: ssh differentname@servername-or-ip23:14
geniiGuest62348: Also, please ask your questions in the channel, and not by private message :)23:15
geniiGuest62348: For recognizing RAID1, you should use: sudo modprobe raid123:16
Guest62348great! I will try to recognize Raid123:17
Guest62348I hope I cannot damage files :-]23:17
Guest62348I am still not able to connect, so lets do the live boot...23:18
Guest62348when I do ssh jiripr@ nothing happens.23:19
Guest62348thank you very much genii, I will try to boot kubuntu on server and backup all files from RAID1 (mirror). A can access netword backup drive wiyhout problems.23:30
geniiGuest62348: Glad to assit23:31
Guest62348do you mean, that I can read all files after booting new live OS or attributes of original OS will be still active?23:32
Guest62348omg I am connected over terminal now :-]23:35
Guest62348But Doplhin is not installed on the server23:36
Guest62348Good bye!23:36

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