
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
cjwatsonwgrant: Any suggestions on speeding up the query shown in http://paste.ubuntu.com/16923480/ ?  It's rather essential to the xPN vocabulary -> package cache work.  I've also tried the "... AND binarypackagename.id IN (SELECT distroseriespackagecache.binarypackagename FROM ...)" strategy, which is slower.16:27
cjwatsonOr perhaps we can tolerate this given that vocabulary lookups aren't generally fast-path?16:28
cjwatsonIt's a *lot* slower than the couple-of-milliseconds lookups in xPN though.16:31
cjwatsonHm.  It would be a lot better if the planner did the name scan first.16:36
cjwatsonDo I just have to do two separate queries to stop it being stupid?16:40
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
cjwatsonHm, even if I split it into separate queries the DSPC part isn't great.16:42
cjwatsonAha!  Needs distroseriespackagecache (binarypackagename, archive)16:48
cjwatsonOK, with that it's much better in cases where there aren't too many BPNs.  If there are lots then there seems to be a tipping point where it goes back to terrible (e.g. "name LIKE '%man%'").16:56
cjwatsonLooks like it only uses distroseriespackagecache__binarypackagename__archive__idx if there aren't too many possible BPNs.16:58
cjwatsonI think it will be OK if I can limit the result set.17:11
wgrantcjwatson: Two separate queries might be necessary. What's your latest progress on that, so I can optimise it further?23:40
cjwatsonwgrant: Further optimisation may not be necessary.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/16934843/ with https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/package-cache-indexes/+merge/29637923:46
cjwatsonThe trick seems to be pushing the LIMITs down far enough23:46
cjwatsonAs well as the indexes of course23:46
wgrantTry with linux and it will probably take eleven years.23:47
cjwatson1440ms hot23:48
wgrantThirteen years, then.23:49
cjwatsonIncidentally I wonder why I made GitRepositoryTargetWidget use BinaryAndSourcePackageNameVocabulary rather than SourcePackageNameVocabulary.  Seems silly.23:52
cjwatsonNot that it really helps since LaunchpadTargetWidget needs the combined one anyway, but I noticed it in passing.23:52

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