=== JanC is now known as Guest60369 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [11:53] Hiyas all [15:47] ಠ_ಠ [16:38] does pkexec still work? running "pkexec bash" gives me following error: [16:38] polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for cookie [16:40] brainwash: it worked here, but did pop-up a GUI [16:41] ok. thanks for testing it. [16:42] brainwash: this is on 16.04, though :) [16:42] brainwash: so noticing the chan, maybe it's broken in 16.10 :) [16:43] brainwash: working here [16:44] ohh. yeah, I'm running 16.10 and the last time I've used pkexec was like half a year ago during the dev cycle of 16.04. [16:44] flocculant: nice, thanks [16:46] welcome :) [16:47] nacc, ran sudo pkexec bash in 16.10 just sets up the terminal as root user , is this what's expected? [16:48] BluesKaj: i think so? brainwash --^ :) [16:49] uhm, why the sudo? [16:49] brainwash: I assumed you meant running that from a terminal btw - running it from alt+f2 does nothing [16:50] right, you have to run it inside a terminal [16:50] BluesKaj: shouldn't need sudo and pkexec btw [16:50] brainwash: just checking :) [16:51] just tried it without sudo and a got a popup asking for pw , after entering the pw ...nothing [16:51] brainwash,^ [16:51] nothing? [16:52] you are supposed to run the command in a terminal window [16:52] or run "pkexec whoami" which will return "root" [16:52] ok it shows as root in the terminal peompt [16:52] it's just a simple test [16:53] prompt even [16:53] yes, that's the expected result. thanks for testing it :) [16:54] i use yakuake so the dropdown disappeared after the popup asking for the pw, when i checked yakuake again it was root [16:55] ok good ...what is pkexec bash anyway , jsua method to drop to root ? [16:55] just [16:55] yes