[05:27] hi chesedo [05:27] helloooo africa [06:07] hello Kilos and the beautiful continent [06:22] password -> 123123123 [06:22] oops [06:23] haha theShirbiny [06:23] that was clever [06:24] you surely dont use that kind of password [06:25] jazz it up with caps letters and upercase characters [06:26] like !@#Shirbiny123 [06:26] with other numbers of course [06:26] no way, i'm using this one Thoo6Eki!x;ahngoogi7aba5Viph0neizog7zeey)i/M7eefoh [06:27] haha [06:28] that looks good yes but hard to remember [06:28] that's what .txt files are for [06:29] or password managers [06:34] lol [10:29] just use pwgen -sy 40