
davidcalleMorning o/08:07
czajkowskijose: mail from you seems to have been eaten by the spam monster you may have to resend again13:13
belkinsapopey: That's what I saw.  But any news from M$ on using it for Bash on Windows?13:30
joseczajkowski: oh noes! I've gotten a reply or autoreply from most people :( I'll resend in a sec!13:48
pleia2sethj: sent an email to the community team mailing list about the general outstanding struggles of the doc team, and mentioned the wiki woes13:57
pleia2I'm sure it's incredibly frustrating for potential members to have folks encourage them to become members, only to find they can't even edit the wiki to create their pages13:58
sethjpleia2, thanks a lot! I'm thinking since members of ubuntu-members on LP, and previously etherpad memebers, were given access it wouldn't be too hard to create a team just for people seeking membership and give them write access. They'd still have to ask, but at least no more proxies. Dunno how hard that would actually be though.13:58
pleia2sethj: yeah, we could create a fully moderated team13:59
sethjIndeed. Is belkinsa aware of these issues? It might throw a wrench in her membership workshops :/13:59
pleia2no requests to join13:59
pleia2(since we get buried in spam that way)13:59
sethjdo you? Wow.13:59
pleia2oh yeah13:59
pleia2like, non stop14:00
sethjI did not know O_O14:00
pleia2hundreds of requests to join14:00
sethjbut that would work.14:00
sethj*still work14:00
pleia2spammers getting sneaky about making their profiles look real, some even signed the CoC14:00
pleia2it was crazy, and a huge time sink14:00
sethjWow! That's a lot of work!14:00
* pleia2 nods14:00
pleia2even with a moderated team, admins are probably going to get lots of direct emails from spammers who want to join14:01
pleia2so we'll need some volunteers who want to deal with that (not me again)14:01
sethjThat's insane. I didn't know LP had so many spam issues.14:01
pleia2it's so bad that the OpenStack wiki is also on lockdown (we use Ubuntu SSO/lp)14:02
pleia2we're working to switch to a new auth mechanism because there seems to be no interest in solving the problem14:02
nigelbOh man.14:02
nigelbTHe spam requests are so createive.14:02
pleia2nigelb: it was pretty impressive actually :)14:03
pleia2if they weren't evil...14:03
sethjthat's a real bummer. Ubuntu SSO and LP are almost perfect for these things in other regards. What with teams and keys and stuff.14:03
pleia2sethj: yeah :\14:03
mhall119sethj: the problem is that Ubuntu SSO prevents bot spam, but there are all (very dedicated) humans14:07
mhall119it's not just us either, several people at CLS said they were having the same problem14:09
sethjpleia2, could I get him added to the etherpad instance users? Then I could copy the page to a pad and that would make editing much easier for him. and maybe allow him to ask for testimonials without having them go directly through me.14:13
sethjmhall119, sounds like a problem you would have period, then.14:13
pleia2sethj: yep, what's their lp id?14:14
sethjpleia2, https://launchpad.net/~fossfreedom14:14
pleia2sethj: done14:15
pleia2fossfreedom is already approved as a member of the team.14:15
sethjoh really? It wasn't showing on his wiki page.14:16
sethjThanks again!14:16
pleia2it's on https://launchpad.net/~fossfreedom/+participation14:16
mhall119sethj: make sure he's checking the team box when he logs in via SSO14:17
sethjmhall199, yup. will do :)14:17
czajkowskijose: mail from you seems to have been eaten by the spam monster you may have to resend again14:44
czajkowskibah damn up tab14:44
joseczajkowski: again?!14:52
czajkowskinope got the last mail14:53
belkinsaIt's a shame that nothing is getting done with the issues on hand.15:37
belkinsasethj: I'm aware of the issues, but I forgotten to add it to my outline!15:38
belkinsaOi!  The topic of this channel needs to be updated.  ;)15:39
pleia2belkinsa: anyone can change it :)15:41
pleia2no topic lock (+t) on the channel15:43
pleia2try it15:43
=== belkinsa changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Welcome to the IRC Home of the Ubuntu Community Team| Home page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity| This channel is LOGGED: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
sethjbelkinsa, oh okay. Good. I am going to email the docs team tomorrow and suggest that a special team be created with edit privs for the wiki to ease the editing process. I'm not sure how testimonials should be handled though..15:57
sethjRight now I have my friend routing them all into a Google doc and I will edit them into the wiki as they come in, but I'm not sure that would scale well (although we could try)15:57
belkinsaI feel like having a special team will get the spammers coming unless it's kept as a secret.16:03
sethjbelkinsa, hm. do you have a better idea?16:06
sethjI guess what we did could work. etherpad with the template then a member edit it for them.16:06
belkinsaDoes Etherpad get spam edits?16:09
popeyno, because there's no value in doing it16:09
belkinsaThen it would work.16:09
popeyif you make a new team, you will need to document it16:10
popeyas soon as you document it, bad actors will find that16:10
popeyand will abuse it16:10
belkinsaWhich will most likely happen if we doc the EtherPad.16:10
popeyI'd be happy to be on a team admin as I am for etherpad16:10
sethjsounds like LP has some serious issues.16:10
popeyI'm also looking at longer term what we do16:10
popeyin terms of keeping the wiki or moving to something else16:11
sethjpopey: migrate the wiki16:11
popeyyes, I'm looking at that16:11
sethjmoinmoin is obviously not working..16:11
belkinsapopey: are the suggested scripts from the MediaWiki's wiki not useful?16:12
sethjpopey: you would need to approve members for the etherpad instance, right?16:13
popeybelkinsa: I didn't say that16:14
popeybelkinsa: they are one option16:14
popeysethj: i already do16:14
belkinsaI know, but did you look at them?  Because we at Linux Padawan found that none worked.16:14
popeysethj: so if there was an ~ubuntu-wikieditors too, I'd be happy to be an admin of that16:14
popeybelkinsa: yes16:14
sethjI thought you both just said an ~ubuntu-wikieditors would be a bad idea?16:15
popeyI didnt16:16
popeyjust that it's not a panacea16:16
popeyand will get us back where we were16:16
* belkinsa did say it's a bad idea if docuemented16:17
sethjI see. Ok.16:17
popeyI'm just more willing to take on some of the admin burden, rather than have community people burn out on it16:17
pleia2I think if there are at least 3 well-coordinated (who is replying to admin emails?) admins, it is a reasonable stopgap for now16:17
sethjI'm willing to help wherever I can, in my spare time, although it would probably be better people more familiar with the related teams and work do it.16:18
PaulW2Upopey: re ~ubuntu-wikieditors, I would too. We seem to be avoiding the solution that might actually solve the problem.16:19
popeyso for the short term, that might be the least worst option.16:19
popeyso that would be 3 ACLs for the wiki, ~ubuntumembers, ~canonical and ~ubuntu-wikieditors ?16:23
PaulW2UJust giving access to that group to all known Ubuntu contributors would be a start. Admins would only then need to deal with *unknown*  users16:23
popeyall non-canonical non-member contributors?16:24
popeynot convinced that is a massive list, but it's certainly a list we could pre-load in the team, yes16:24
popeymaybe collaborate on that list before adding en-masse?16:24
PaulW2UI'd be willing to help whatever the workload  :)16:25
popeynext step would be to create a group, set the permissions on it and file an RT to get that added to the wikis ACLs16:28
PaulW2U popey: sounds good to me16:34
sethjI guess I will forgo the email and let you guys do it then :)16:39
popeynicely done16:40
PaulW2Usethj: by all means send your email. not everyone is on IRC  :)16:43
=== tsimonq2 changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Welcome to the IRC Home of the Ubuntu Community Team | Home page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BuildingCommunity | This channel is LOGGED: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
tsimonq2the lack of a space was bugging me, I didn't change anything :P20:11
tsimonq2s/a space/spaces/g20:11
tsimonq2< pleia2> so we'll need some volunteers who want to deal with that (not me again) - I volunteer20:34
tsimonq2*summer's coming up and I'll have a significant amount of free time20:35
* tsimonq2 kicks his Enter key20:35
knometsimonq2, maybe kicking it is the cause for it not working properly...21:00
tsimonq2no I accidentally pressed it21:01

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