
JoeandhelmetHow do you connect from irssi securely?00:01
ouroumovcheck the irssi documentation?00:02
pibookholaaa alguien de argentina?01:38
JoeandJoeIs python good for GUIs or what kind of things are done with python?01:50
ouroumovStandard Python is good for almost anything that does not require extreme efficiency01:55
ouroumovie heavy low-level scientific computing01:55
ouroumovBut, many libraries for Python written in C make Python a must use for scientists anyway01:56
ouroumovAs for GUI, it's not only a question of language.01:56
ouroumovYou gotta use a GUI toolkit01:56
ouroumovAnd most of the time, that toolkit won't be written in Python01:57
ouroumovYou're gonna have Python bindings for the toolkit though, which usually makes it easier to use than the toolkit's native language (C, java)01:57
pilnei think dicking around with zsh and omg-zsh messed up my terminal's config a bit >.< any easy way to restore it to the ubuntu mate default?02:08
JoeandJoeAny toolkit for GUI development?02:12
pilnesorry, heading to bed, i'll ask my question again tomorrow.02:13
JoeandJoeI read that PyQt is the best GUI toolkit02:17
Artemis3JoeandJoe, you mean qt02:49
Artemis3so qt creator02:50
JoeandJoeI don't know02:50
JoeandJoeI just read a comment on a page02:50
JoeandJoeI'm wondering in programming languages the panels of ubuntu-mate were created02:52
JoeandJoein what programming language02:52
JoeandJoesome knowledge of gtk maybe02:54
JoeandJoeI keep asking these question tomorrow02:55
RobWilcoHas anyone run into the problem in caja's interactive search where it takes a second keystroke to register an interactive search?02:59
RobWilcoexample: folder is opened revealing several subfolders, typing the first letter of any of them used to start the interactive search and begin highlighting, showing the characters typed in a smaller window below03:00
RobWilcobut now it takes a second stroke for it to begin?03:00
staeksaucejust tried it, it starts on the first keystroke here03:01
RobWilcoI've been twisting my mind trying to figure out what could have changed. I use the feature regularly03:02
staeksauceit doesn't seem to work very well though03:02
staeksaucesometimes it doesn't highlight anything at all03:03
staeksauceunless I click inside the folder itself first03:03
RobWilcointeresting, thanks.03:04
RobWilcowhoops forgot slash lol - good night03:19
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WattisLoveHi. I have a number entering numbers as text in calc. When I try to put an apostrophe before the number, it types a similar but different apostrophe. In other apps I get the normal apostrophe ('), but in calc I get (‘). All my settings are default08:03
WattisLove*I have a problem08:03
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randallany suggestions for unpacking .rar files?09:56
ouroumovrandall, install unrar?10:44
ubuntu-mateHi community12:19
ajcastroany people here?12:30
ajcastrojoin #ubuntu-mate12:32
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Guest1212hallo is it possible to integrate google drive in ubuntu mate 16.04 just like in ubuntu 16.04?14:32
ouroumov_Guest1212, how do you integrate it in Ubuntu 16.04?14:40
gordonjcpouroumov_: it's built in to Gnome 3.1814:42
Guest1212aha! sorry i am new to linux. does this mean it only works in unity?14:45
Guest1212i found this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erjSEYnyPiM14:46
ouroumov_Guest1212, what are you using it for? Backup? FileSync àlà dropbox?14:46
Guest1212yes just like dropbox14:46
gordonjcpI don't think there's a way to do it without pulling in all of gnome314:47
Guest1212okay! thanks a lot!14:49
ouroumov_there's also a "google cloud storage" option in the backup settings15:02
JoeandJoeHi everybody!15:04
ouroumov_hi JoeandJoe15:07
JoeandJoeI'm back15:22
JoeandJoeSo PyQt is one of the toolkit That I'm interesting in15:23
JoeandJoeWhat toolkit is best?15:23
JoeandJoeFor GUIs15:23
AkuliWhat do you want to do with them?15:23
JoeandJoeGUI development15:24
Akulimore precisely15:24
Akulicross-platform stuff? linux stuff? windows stuff? simple/advanced?15:24
AkuliI assume you want to use python, since you mentioned pyqt.15:25
JoeandJoeJust linux stuff15:25
Akulinever use qt for just linux stuff15:25
Akuliuse gtk instead https://python-gtk-3-tutorial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/15:25
Akulilooks much better15:25
JoeandJoesome gtk toolkit?15:26
JoeandJoesome books too.15:27
JoeandJoeOh! That link is good.15:30
JoeandJoewhat language does the mate-desktop use?15:34
Akuliat some point you'll realize that you need more than that link15:34
Akuliwith gtk 2, but they're moving to gtk 315:34
JoeandJoeis it using gtk too?15:34
Mordoc_MysteryAkuli, That's a great link btw. Hadn't seen that before.15:34
Akulihere's more docs, when the tutorial i linked is not enough anymore https://lazka.github.io/pgi-docs/15:34
ouroumov_Hey can someone repaste Akuli's link?15:34
AkuliEveryone make gtk apps :D15:34
ouroumov_oh, had that one15:34
Akulithe other one is great15:35
Akulia crazy number of libs documented there15:35
Akulibecause the documentation has been automatically generated from c docs :D15:35
Akuliouroumov_, Mordoc_Mystery and JoeandJoe, what have you written so far?15:36
ouroumov_I don't believe I've written anything of note so far.15:36
ouroumov_As in, something useful for other people15:37
AkuliI'm working on a noteprogram that displays a tray icon15:37
Akulimuch like tomboy15:37
Mordoc_MysteryAkuli, not much of substance really. Mostly internal apps to allow me to be a bit more lazy with the administrative tasks. Some information grab and display stuff.15:37
Akulitkinter is nice for small guis15:37
ouroumov_But it's not very sexy15:38
Akuliright :)15:38
Akulidoesn't look that good15:38
Mordoc_MysteryAkuli, agreed. Nice to play in the gtk toolbox just for the knowledge angle.15:38
JoeandJoeis GTK written in C?15:41
JoeandJoeI know I little C15:41
JoeandJoea little*15:42
JoeandJoeAre the GUIs GTK/C or GTK/Python? I don't understand15:43
ouroumov_You can use GTK from man languages15:44
JoeandJoeIf I learn GTK from a book that teaches GTK2/C, do I benefit for GTK3 programming?15:48
Akuliits a bit different15:49
Akulifor example, instead of a delete-event signal you have a destroy signal in gtk 215:49
Akuliso i'd suggest learning one of them, not both at the same time :)15:49
JoeandJoeI like the Ubunu-mate desktop. I don't like GNOME3 more than this desktop. So want want to learn it to preserve it, if I can, of course.15:52
AkuliMostly the stuff are the same, so if you already have experience with gtk 2 you'll like reading the tutorial15:52
ouroumov_Hey Akuli, wasn't there talks about some developer documentation coming soon?15:52
Akulibut i don't recommend learning one just to learn the other :)15:52
* Akuli hasn't heard anything15:53
mate|83528i'm installing ubuntu mate :D16:14
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* festerB sighns and mutters to self - imagine the luck, LibreOffice has a spendid document recovery feature after each crash...23:29
festerBbahh, LO is not playing nice tonight, document recovery is saving my behind ;)23:45

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