
=== JanC is now known as Guest60369
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
aki237Guys I am porting ubuntu-touch to a new device. But the port guide shwed me to a link which is dead.https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Building <-04:15
cedarcticaki237 Hello05:05
cedarcticwhich link did you click?05:06
cedarcticWhich is supposed to link to what?05:06
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aki237When I did phablet-bootstrap phablet ... It didn't clone the kernel source for my device(for that any device).05:23
mike00Hi all06:48
mike00Why on my bqE4.5 the remote display doesn't work06:49
mike00I can't activate it: The switch is gray....06:53
duflumike00: I read that it's only available for one device or so, probably not the E4.506:55
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mike00Ok thanks07:10
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zetherooI am trying to update my phone but it's not finding any of the sources07:39
zetherooI tried via the GUI (and it just says "Checking for updates" for forever) and then with the terminal ...07:39
zetheroosorry, nevermind - rebooted the phone and it's working now. Maybe the wireless connection got messed up :P07:41
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=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-touch to: Home: http://bit.ly/YEqEfo | Install: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install | Porting (advanced) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting | Bug filing: http://bit.ly/1aV9AJG | Dashboard: http://bit.ly/12AQV53 | http://www.bq.com/gb/ubuntu.html | https://store.bq.com/en/ubuntu-edition-aquaris-m10 | http://www.ubuntu.com/tablet | OTA-11 released!
jdhoekHello, is there any way to install command line utils on a Ubuntu Touch device in OTA mode?08:42
nhainesNo, unless you make a chroot.08:44
jdhoeknhaines: Where can I find more information on that approach?08:45
nhainesjdhoek: I do not have the typical Ubuntu Touch-specific guides available, as I don't really do that sort of thing outside of libertine, but it's no different than any other chroot.08:48
jdhoekHow does Libertine fit in all this? Should I see that as a way to install .deb packages in a container?08:50
nhainesjdhoek: it's a really easy way to install .deb packages in a container, at least.08:58
nhainesBut focused on legacy X apps.08:59
MCMicIt’s so sad that ubuntu touch does not give access to apt09:00
jdhoekAm I correct in assuming the Libertine will become available as a click package?09:01
jdhoekWhat I am looking for is a way to install tools to experiment and test things on my device, but without leaving the OTA cycle.09:03
jdhoekIt is fine if tools installed by me don't survive an OTA update.09:03
nhainesMCMic: it is one of Ubuntu's best benefits that it does not give access to apt.09:06
nhainesjdhoek: OTA-13 (if not 12) will include libertine.09:06
nhainesIt will be part of the base system, so I understand.09:06
MCMicnhaines: oO09:07
MCMicHow is that a benefit? It removes possibilities09:07
jdhoekAh good, that will help a lot.09:07
nhainesMCMic: 'apt' requires root access to the entire system.  Snappy allows for secure apps without compromise to the base system or other apps.09:07
ogra_jdhoek, no. libertine wont be a click package, it is an integral part of the system itself (but as nhaines said, it will be in all images with OTA12 or 13 or so)09:08
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jdhoekogra_: Understood. So if I want to install some tools along the line of lsusb etc. to poke around USB devices connected to my device, Libertine would be the way to achieve that?09:10
ogra_well, for commandline stuff you could just use a chroot :)09:10
ogra_libertine comes into play if it gets graphical09:10
ogra_it is the "extension" of a chroot that adds XMir support to it so you can run X11 apps under Mir09:11
jdhoekogra_: So do I understand correctly that with a chroot I can install (temporarily) apt-getabble packages on my device in OTA-mode?09:12
ogra_sure, you can create a chroot in your homedir and use the chroot command to enter it as a work environment at any time09:13
ogra_read: no need to ever touch the readonly side of the system09:13
jdhoekogra_: Alright, I'll have a go at that. Thanks.09:14
ogra_and regarding libertine: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yJepibh68YaQijWO3Z3dWTtTTmzXnMmEE8eswhUXzw409:14
ogra_this is how you can use it today already without making anything writable09:14
nhainesAnd by 'temporary' I suspect you mean 'permanent'.  :)09:14
ogra_yeah, unless you apt-get remove them or wipe the chroot they stay :)09:15
jdhoeknhaines: I'll probably end up using a chroot most of the time. :)09:16
nhainesjdhoek: until snappy takes over, probably the best route.  :)09:16
jdhoeknhaines: What still confuses me about this way of packaging is how to integrate with the basic Linux userspace. For example, if I want to create a password manager app that uses the PasswordStore way of storing data, but with a UI suitable for touch. I would need access to my GPG keychain and the Gnupg libraries. How would something like that work with sandboxed packages?09:17
ogra_you would ship all you need in your package09:19
jdhoekogra_: So each package that uses Gnupg would ship its own copy of the library?09:20
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ogra_in click it is like that, yeah09:20
ogra_snaps will allow you to have a GPG package that provides an interface for other packages to use09:21
ogra_(or the core system would simply provide such an interface)09:21
jdhoekWith the latter route (Gnupg interface provided by core system) would it be possible to implement 'access my GPG keychain' as a permission?09:23
ogra_something like that, yeah09:24
jdhoekInteresting. Thanks for explaining.09:24
joukeI have an aquaris M10 and I was wondering if I could use the miracast that was added to OPA-11 as well?09:37
joukeWhat does "OTA" stand for btw?09:37
ogra_jouke, "over the air (update)"09:41
joukeOTA means update?09:41
ogra_jouke, yes09:41
ogra_all ubuntu phones (and tablets) get system updates every 6 weeks ... we are at the 11th of these :)09:42
joukeBut not all features are available for all systems?09:42
ogra_wrt miracast, i think it is not yet wired up in the UI on the M10 ... but you should be able to enable it from commandline using aethercastctl09:43
crs___there is a ?bug? in the browser. i can no longer use slither.io while it worked some weeks ago.09:44
ogra_works fine here09:45
joukeFailed to scan:GDBus.Error:org.aethercast.Error.NotReady: Not Ready09:46
crs___when i hit 'play' the browser shows me an error page and offers me to reload09:46
ogra_that is what you get running aethercastctl in the terminal app ?09:47
joukeogra_: yes09:47
joukeAnd issueing the scan command09:47
ogra_weird, works here ... i get the prompt and can call enable ... scan doesnt do anything though09:48
ogra_popey, ^^^ do you know what we need to do on the M10 to get aethercast up ?09:48
joukeOh, didn't enable it at first09:49
joukescan doesn't output anything for me either09:49
crs___ogra_: did you try on pro5 ? i am trying on pro5 with rc-proposed09:50
ogra_crs___, there it works fine ...09:50
popeyogra_: nope, not tried09:53
joukeIf I look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/DisplayCasting I would expect to see the scanning setting to be changed10:05
joukeBut "show" displays: Scanning: false10:05
ogra_check the log, perhaps it says something valuable10:05
ogra_sudo service aethercast restart10:07
ogra_then aethercastctl ... call enable ... call scan10:08
ogra_works here10:08
nhainessneaky! :)10:09
mariogripWhat android apis does aethercast?10:09
joukeAh, it is scanning10:11
mariogripmorphis: ^10:11
joukeDidn't find my TV though.10:11
morphismariogrip: its using the MediaCodecSource class from libstagefright10:12
morphisjouke: is that on a Pro5?10:12
mariogripmorphis: thanks10:12
morphismariogrip: see https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/#/c/444/ https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/#/c/445/ https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/#/c/446/10:12
morphismariogrip: and the latest changes we did on the media parts on https://git.launchpad.net/~libhybris-maintainers/libhybris/+git/libhybris/log/10:13
mariogripmorphis: is it plans for backporting it to 4.4?10:14
morphismariogrip: not officially10:15
morphismariogrip: some time back I played with a backport to 4.4 for Nexus410:15
morphisthe result are those three changes above10:15
morphiswhich gets video encoding working10:15
morphisbut on Nexus4 the real problem is a broken WiFi driver10:15
ogra_morphis, jouke is on an M10 ... tyring it here too, but cant get it to connect10:16
popeytrying on M10 here... dongle says "Connecting to ubuntu-phablet" but never completes10:16
popeyand I get "Timeout was reached"10:16
popeyooh, i think i had this before10:16
ogra_popey, thats more than i get10:16
popeyi suspect i know what this is :)10:16
morphisogra_, popey: it could be that we're missing a few fixes still10:16
mariogripi was thinking backporting to e4.5, e5 and mx410:16
* popey tries again10:16
morphismariogrip: you simply can't without having access to the android source tree of those10:16
mariogripmorphis: are they not open?10:17
morphisthey are not10:17
popeyaethercastctl should support cursor keys btw :)10:17
mariogripoh? i did not know that10:17
morphismariogrip: basically for no commercial device we have an open tree10:18
morphispopey: feel free to send a fix for that :-)10:18
joukemorphis: aquaris M1010:18
popey\o/ it works10:18
morphisjouke: rc-proposed or stable?10:18
joukeEuh, haven't done anything on the tablet, so I suppose stable10:19
ogra_morphis, isnt that the same atm ?10:19
popeyhttp://imgur.com/cUlHUWt success \o/10:19
ogra_with the realease yesterday channels should be largely in sync10:19
morphisogra_: not necessary10:19
ogra_well, "largely" :)10:20
morphiswe already landed fixes for post ota 1110:20
morphisespecially for aethercast :-)10:20
joukeAh. I am willing to run rc-proposed :)10:20
ogra_popey, are you on proposed ?10:20
morphisjouke: I don't give any gurantee that things are working yet10:21
morphiswe're still in the process of make it solid on the M1010:21
morphisand don't expect that to be done before OTA 12 comes10:21
morphismariogrip: however there might be the possiblity that we import those patches I linked above into the tree for krillin and arale and you fix anything from the Ubuntu side10:24
mariogripmorphis: yeah, that would be great10:25
MCMicmorphis: Who has the decision of opening those tree or not? Is it BQ?10:25
morphisMCMic: yes, BQ or Meizu but even for them it depends on a lot other stakeholders like MTK, ARM, ...10:25
MCMicThis is so stupid…10:26
MCMicI hope we’ll some day be able to use this on the E4.5 some way or another.10:27
joukeHow do I change to rc-proposed?10:27
MCMicBTW, why is there two names aethercast and miracast? Is it not the same thing?10:28
morphisMCMic: aethercast is simply the name of our management service which is meant to cover other streaming protocols too10:28
morphisand miracast is the actual display streaming std we're using10:28
MCMicSo aethercast is a software/library on the ubuntu side, and miracast is one streaming protocol that it supports?10:29
mariogripjouke: http://askubuntu.com/questions/764554/how-to-change-from-ubuntu-touch-stable-channel-to-rc-proposed10:29
morphisMCMic: yes10:29
MCMicOk thanks10:29
morphisMCMic: https://launchpad.net/aethercast10:30
popeymorphis: nice work :) https://twitter.com/popey/status/738318147955089408 / https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AlanPope/posts/d8PCVidDww110:36
morphispopey: performing well for you?10:36
ogra_popey, is that on stable or rc-proposed  ?10:37
ogra_ah, thats why10:37
morphispopey: thank abeato for the M10 enablement :-)10:37
popeymorphis: yeah, the scaling makes the fonts hard to read, same as on pro 510:37
popey1080p->720p->1080p doesn't do the fonts justice10:37
morphispopey: we don't do the first scale step10:38
morphiswe don't scale down from 1080p to 720p10:38
popeydo you have a recommended hdmi dongle?10:38
popey(i mean, real hdmi, not wireless)10:38
morphiswe render on a virtual display which has 720p10:38
ogra_i wonder if the app for the dongle could help somewhat here10:38
morphisdon't know10:38
popeyeither way, it doens't look great10:38
ogra_might become slightly better if it renders at 720p10:39
morphispopey: we may add an option to enable 1080p but that will always be a performance thing10:39
ogra_instead of doing internal upscaling10:39
morphisogra_: maybe10:42
ogra_(not sure if the app allows you to set the output resolution though)10:44
DSMcGuireHello all! I have the Pro 5 and i can't install the lastest OTA11:14
DSMcGuireThese are my log files for .cache and .upstart:11:15
DSMcGuirehello? :D11:25
popeysil2100: ^ have you seen other reports of this?11:26
DS-McGuireLogged into my xchat, this is my new name!11:26
sil2100DS-McGuire: hey! Does it download the update and then reboot your phone for installation?11:27
DS-McGuiresil2100, Nope, it gets to around 25% and then claims it cannot install.11:30
popeyseeing Alan bell talking about update failures on the mailing list too11:31
DS-McGuirepopey, which mailing list?11:32
popeythe phone list11:34
popeyDS-McGuire: anything in /var/log/ubuntu-download-manager most recent logs?11:35
sil2100It's a different failure11:38
sil2100That's why I asked if it tries to isntall it - Alan's problem was that it wasn't installing the update after download11:39
sil2100So at least it's a different issue, no one reported something like that yet11:39
DS-McGuirepopey, http://imgur.com/CIxXeg911:40
DS-McGuiresil2100, ^11:40
DS-McGuireMy phone is an hour behind of the correct time11:41
DS-McGuireSo what would be the best course of action right now?11:56
DS-McGuiresil2100, ^12:00
ogra_is that an unmodified pro5 ? not made writable or anything ?12:02
DS-McGuireogra_, I haven't done anything to it yet at all.12:04
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DS-McGuireShould I flash the new ota to my phone?12:17
ogra_DS-McGuire, try cleaning up /cache/recovery and then try again12:18
DS-McGuireogra_, What would be the best way to do that?12:18
XaRzHello, I was checking the html5 app tutorials from ubuntu dev portal. They are made from 14.04 plattform isn't it? I'm finding some discrepances like the inspector and oxide support. Any hints?12:19
ogra_use the terminal app ...12:19
ogra_sudo rm -rf /cache/recovery/*12:19
DS-McGuireI ssh into my phone, but thanks!12:19
ogra_then reboot and try the update via the GUI again12:20
* DS-McGuire download now12:23
DS-McGuireogra_, Still fails12:25
ogra_well, was worth a try12:25
DS-McGuireit was, thanks12:26
ogra_where/how exactly does it fail tghough12:26
DS-McGuirearound 19%12:26
ogra_does it reboot into recovery ?12:26
DS-McGuireThink it might be a network thing?12:26
ogra_and fail when applying ...12:26
ogra_or does it fail before12:26
DS-McGuireIt fails as it's downloading.12:26
ogra_are you behind a proxy in your WLAN or some such ?12:27
DS-McGuireAll others updates for apps and such work though12:28
DS-McGuirePlus, an MX4 on my network updated to OTA11.12:28
DS-McGuireWould it be that I'm going from OTA9 > OTA11?12:28
ogra_well, if apps work that kind of rules out the download manager12:29
DS-McGuireYeah that makes sense12:29
DS-McGuireAfter it fails if I try to run it again it fails straight away.12:29
ogra_well, try to pastebin the logs somewhere12:30
ogra_(/var7log/download-manager and /var/log/system-image should be the interesting dirs to pick the logs from)12:31
sil2100I'm starting to wonder if the problem isn't that the image is OTA-912:31
sil2100We did a key rotation and only re-signed the latest images from each channel with the new key12:31
ogra_well, there should be an error logged *somewhere*12:31
ogra_which should tell you :)12:31
sil2100Might be that the image for OTA-10 is signed with the old key, and since from OTA-9 to OTA-11 there are OTA-10 and OTA-10.1 which need to be downloaded12:32
ogra_would indeed be bad if you cant update a factory device12:32
sil2100Yeah, I'd have to re-sign the old images too12:32
sil2100Anyway, we need more logs12:32
DS-McGuiresil2100, I got the device early yesterday and never got any OTAs until OTA11.12:32
sil2100If that's the case, I'll have to sweep through all the stable channels and re-sign more images12:32
sil2100DS-McGuire: you didn't get an update notification about OTA-10.1?12:33
sil2100That's really weird, hm12:33
DS-McGuireNope, I got nothing.12:33
ogra_sil2100, well, if 11 was already phasing ... why would he get a former OTA12:34
DS-McGuireI knew about OTA11 and just assumed I would get that when it hits my phone12:34
sil2100Anyway, if you could pastebin the logs ogra_ mentioned (like, download them from the device and use pastebinit or something to get us the contents)12:34
sil2100ogra_: we started phasing in the afternoon, DS-McGuire said he got it early yesterday, but maybe indeed12:34
ogra_sil2100, well, it is morning in the US now ;)12:35
DS-McGuiresil2100, Just be exact, I checked for an update around 1pm GMT12:35
ogra_"morning" is a very flexible term :)12:35
DS-McGuirePhone came eariler than that.12:35
DS-McGuireSorry that wasn't very accurate.12:35
DS-McGuireRight, I'll try and get these logs12:35
sil2100Ah, ok, so it might be that :) Anyway, we want you to get the update as soon as possible12:36
DS-McGuireI would love the update asap too haha!12:36
DS-McGuireWhat would be the easiest way? I'm not the best with the terminal, can I use a GUI?12:36
ogra_you said you use ssh12:37
DS-McGuireYeah, still pretty bad though haha12:37
ogra_so just use scp to pull the files12:37
sil2100For log fetching we sadly don't have too many GUI tools :)12:37
DS-McGuireNo worries12:38
sil2100DS-McGuire: does your device have adb enabled? e.g. is it set to developer mode? Then you could connect it through cable to your PC and use adb pull to get the contents12:38
* ogra_ actually uses the "connect to server" thing in nautilus with an sftp url .. that way you can drag/drop 12:38
sil2100Although ssh could be used as well12:38
sil2100ogra_: hah, right, that's also a good way12:39
DS-McGuireYeah I can do that12:39
DS-McGuiredevice is in dev  mode npw12:39
ogra_use that for the connect to server address12:39
ogra_(with the right IP indeed)12:40
DS-McGuireWhat would the adb command be?12:41
ogra_adb pull /path/to/files12:44
ogra_but i think at least system-image requires root access and adb runs as phablet user, so you will likely have probs pulling these logs12:45
popeyyou can scp them off the device  if you have ssh access12:45
popeyscp phablet@<ip>:/foo/bar/baz .12:46
DS-McGuiresorry, bad time for a phone call,12:47
DS-McGuireIm getting Usage: adb devices [-l]12:49
popeyits not adb devices12:49
popeyit's adb pull12:49
popeyscp is easier though12:50
DS-McGuiresweet jesus sorry12:50
ogra_well, but both run as phablet after all12:50
ogra_/var/log/system-image wont let you access12:50
metasequoiahello, does anybody know when canonical will add a character counter to the text messaging app so I can stop sending double messages accidentally? :)12:51
DS-McGuirefor system-image and everything else i get 0 files pulled. 0 files skipped.12:52
ogra_metasequoia, probably after you filed a bug about it :)12:52
metasequoiaI figured it would be planned or already noted... seems basic functionality12:53
pmcgowanmetasequoia, why would you get double messages sent?12:53
metasequoiabecause there is no character count...12:53
dobeypmcgowan: because SMS has a character limit12:53
dobeypmcgowan: so long messages get split up12:53
pmcgowanbut thats old news12:53
pmcgowanthey get split and reassembled transparently12:53
pmcgowanon some networks they just get sent12:54
dobeyright, unless the other phone doesn't support it12:54
metasequoiayeah but they still use twice as many of your free messages12:54
metasequoiaI just find it annoying and every phone I have ever owned had a char counter12:55
dobeymetasequoia: please file a bug against messaging-app stating your use case12:55
pmcgowaninteresting but still seems a throwback to me, I have never used one12:55
dobeypmcgowan: well yeah, we don't much care about message length over here, because we have unlimited messages12:56
pmcgowanright, hence my lack of sensitivity12:56
JanCwell, not unlimited here, but it's unlikely I'll ever send 5000 or whatever free messages I got  :)12:57
metasequoiayeah a lot of people 'here' have them too12:57
metasequoiabut pay as you go still limited12:57
DS-McGuiresil2100, ogra_ popey I have pulled all files from /log, i'll sort it out now, where should I put it?12:57
popeyor email them to sil2100 :)12:57
JanCalso, it often depends on who you send them to12:57
dobeyand lunar position12:58
ogra_if you are using an ubuntu desktop ... install the pastebinit package12:58
sil2100pastebinit is a really useful tool12:59
ogra_then you can just use the pastebinit command (i.e: pastebinit /path/to/file)12:59
pmcgowanyou know the logviewer app in the store can push them direct to pastebin12:59
ogra_it will return an url for you12:59
ogra_pmcgowan, and you say that *now* !12:59
sil2100pmcgowan: all logs?12:59
pmcgowanwell I never tried it personanlly13:00
pmcgowana subset13:00
ogra_well, probably not the ones the pahblet user can not open :)13:00
ogra_so wouldnt help for system-image logs13:00
sil2100I mean, even those in /var/log/ ? Since the ones we needed are root-owned13:00
pmcgowanhmm not syslog13:00
sil2100Ok ;)13:00
sil2100Well, anyway, good to know, I'll install that app myself in a moment13:00
ogra_not syslog ?13:00
pmcgowanyeah we should fix it up13:00
ogra_syslog should work, the pahblet user shjould be in the adm group13:01
pmcgowanyeah, I blame victorp13:01
ogra_yeah, he is a good target for blame here :)13:01
sil2100DS-McGuire: for now, please try to put those files on paste.ubuntu.com or e-mail me or ogra_, so lukasz.zemczak@ubuntu.com13:01
DS-McGuiresil2100, I think it will be easier to zip them up and send it to you, pastebin as far as I can tell wont allow me to upload multiple files13:02
sil2100DS-McGuire: yeah, you'd have to upload each separately - send it over by e-mail and we'll check what's up with that13:02
JanCmetasequoia: what you want is probably not a character counter but a byte counter13:03
metasequoiait is up to canonical how they want to handle it13:03
metasequoiaI just want the phone to tell me how many chars are left before a second text will be needed13:03
metasequoialogging it now anyway13:03
JanCthe limit for SMS is per byte AFAIK13:04
DS-McGuiresil2100, sent in an  email to the address provided.13:05
JanC(not sure it's 8-bit clean even?)13:05
sil2100DS-McGuire: thanks! Waiting for it to arrive13:06
metasequoiaokay, I logged it, thanks anyway guys13:07
ogra_whats the bug number13:07
DS-McGuiresil2100, Let me know when you have it. Geary said it it sent but couldn't save it in my sent folder.13:07
sil2100DS-McGuire: got those, let me look at that in a minute, need to finish something up quickly13:07
DS-McGuireNo problem13:10
sil2100DS-McGuire: ok, so I would need one more log from your device, since it seems to be missing13:14
DS-McGuiresil2100, Which one? I might have missed it when I packaged it up.13:14
sil2100DS-McGuire: so /var/log/system-image/client.log I would need - to access it you need root permissions13:14
popeyDS-McGuire: sudo cat /var/log/system-image/client.log | nc termbin.com 999913:15
popeyis a good way to get the file off the device, to a pastebin directly13:16
DS-McGuirecat: /var/log/system-image/client.log: No such file or directory13:16
DS-McGuireVery odd13:16
sil2100Wow, ok13:16
DS-McGuirethanks popey though13:16
popeyit may have log-rotated13:17
popeysudo ls /var/log/system-image/13:17
popeyis there a client.log.1.gz or some other file there?13:17
sil2100DS-McGuire, popey: maybe let's try running the updater from the console and see what it results in?13:17
DS-McGuirethere is only a client.log file13:18
sil2100Oh, ok, so the file is there?13:18
DS-McGuireI have it13:19
DS-McGuireI used the wrong terminal13:19
sil2100Ok, if you could send it over as well all will be clear (hopefully)13:19
DS-McGuireMy bad13:19
DS-McGuiresil2100, Is that okay^13:20
sil2100DS-McGuire: perfect, let me look into that in a moment13:21
DS-McGuireNot a problem13:21
pmcgowansil2100, the download is jut failing13:22
sil2100Yeah, it looks like it fails downloading one of the deltas13:22
sil2100But the files are present, wait, might be something else13:23
sil2100FileNotFoundError: http://system-image.ubuntu.com/pool/custom-f635fa450d07a4abb036ae386ccf4f73055910e8cf411c04ea31cf545ba99fd0.delta-custom-83eb19e343f9a712bf666557a84676a34ba83613c22ef1e34bbee01f5cd93cbd.tar.xz.asc <- this is worrying, since the file is available on the remote location13:24
pmcgowanthis sounds familiar13:24
sil2100FileNotFoundError: https://system-image.ubuntu.com/channels.json13:25
sil2100There's a lot of those, looks like download issues all the way13:25
sil2100Doesn't look like system-image is at fault here13:25
ogra_which is weird, since app updates work13:27
pmcgowanthere are also reactor error13:28
sil2100Ok, it won't be that easy, let me fill in a bug for this DS-McGuire and we'll try to get some more eyeballs on tit13:29
sil2100I'll report it for ubuntu-download-manager and system-image just in case13:29
DS-McGuiresil2100, Sure thing. One last question? What should I do now? Sit on my OTA9?13:29
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sil2100DS-McGuire: you could re-flash your device to the latest version through your Ubuntu desktop easily, but not sure if we wouldn't need your device in this state to find the cause of this bug13:31
sil2100We would need barry around13:31
sil2100He should be up pretty soon I suppose13:32
DS-McGuireWell if I'm the only person with this problem and it would help a lot then I would feel bad if I did update.13:32
popeyi imagine you're one of a few people who managed to get a pro 513:32
popeyand are still on ota 913:32
popeytiming :)13:32
DS-McGuireOne of things is that my camera doesn't work yet so that's kinda annoying.13:32
popeyi suspect most people got theirs and went 9->10.1->1113:32
sil2100DS-McGuire: if you could stay in this 'broken' state for at least a little bit more today it would be great, I want barry to comment13:32
sil2100Maybe he needs some more logs13:32
DS-McGuirepopey, Very true.13:32
popeyappreciate you helping us DS-McGuire13:33
sil2100DS-McGuire: thank you for your patience ;)13:33
DS-McGuiresil2100, Oh the rest of today is fine. I just would like it updated for the weekend :)13:33
DS-McGuireAt least now I know I can stop trying to update it.13:33
popeysil2100: want me to revert my pro 5 back to 9?13:33
popeyis that worth doing?13:33
DS-McGuirepopey, Not a problem, thanks for helping out :)13:33
sil2100popey: would be nice to have something like this tested - is that a testing device or your main phone?13:34
popeyDS-McGuire: can you "system-image-cli --info | nc termbin.com 9999" please?13:34
popeyit's my own personal phone and I don't care what happens to it13:34
DS-McGuirepopey, http://termbin.com/bype13:35
* popey backs up device first13:36
popeyok, ta DS-McGuire13:36
sil2100DS-McGuire, popey: reported this to track the issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-system-image/+bug/158837013:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1588370 in Ubuntu system image "Unable to download update from OTA-9 to OTA-11 on turbo" [Undecided,New]13:38
DS-McGuireFor what it's worth, my phone has a problem with the screen and I'm talking to Joybuy about getting it replaced so if my next phone comes back with OTA9 I'll be able to try again haha!13:38
DS-McGuireMarked as affecting me.13:39
dobeyi thought turbo came with 10.213:42
ogra_DS-McGuire, what kind of issues ?13:43
popeylight bleed from one side13:43
ogra_same here13:43
dobeymardy: is it not possible to do migration from one signon plug-in to another, in the existing migration script where we deal with the ACL?13:43
pmcgowanthe log says Upgrade path is 2:3 but his info says current build number: 113:43
ogra_a greenish glow if there is a black bg13:44
pmcgowanthat seems wrong13:44
ogra_on the right side of the display13:44
DS-McGuireogra_, Really!?13:44
DS-McGuireogra_, These are the images I have sent to joybuy: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zv9uva1m1ky53tv/AACrZgdvWFiXWiM-ImXrPPa7a?dl=013:45
ogra_not bad enough that it bothers me (and i also assume i will crack the display during the phones lifetime, so i will eventually replace it anyway )13:45
DS-McGuireI can only see it at low light with the dark backgrounds.13:45
ogra_DS-McGuire, yep, i see something similar ... a bit less for me though13:45
DS-McGuireThis is weird. Is this a hardware or a software problem since we both have it?13:46
popeyi would imagine they were made in a fairly small batch13:48
popeyso plausible it's a hardware issue13:48
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
ogra_yeah, likely a HW issue13:49
ogra_(like they sell you a gold phone and you get an antique pink one instead :P )13:50
DS-McGuireHmm, don't know if I can be bothered to send it all the way back with the chance of my new one having the same problem.13:50
DS-McGuireVery true, phone is not even gold. It's copper!13:50
ogra_FSVO copper :P13:51
ogra_it is somewhere between pink and copper IMHO :)13:51
DS-McGuireMight slap a case on it so I can't see it anyway.13:52
* ogra_ was thinking about a paintjob :) 13:52
DS-McGuirePimp my Pro 5.13:55
pmcgowanDS-McGuire, what does system-image-cli -n tell you?13:55
DS-McGuirepmcgowan, Exception occurred during update; see log file for details13:56
pmcgowanDS-McGuire, maybe it needs sudo13:56
dobeyto be fair, when i hear "small batch" it isn't phones that come to mind ;)13:56
DS-McGuirepmcgowan, Nothing seems to happen13:58
pmcgowanit should say Upgrade path is foo13:58
DS-McGuireJust leaves me with a blinking cursor13:59
pmcgowanhmm ok thanks14:00
DS-McGuireLet me try on the terminal app on the phone and get back to you14:00
ogra_dobey, it is to red for champagne (the photos make it look champagne though ... it s more copper in real life)14:01
DS-McGuirepmcgowan, On the phone app with sudo it gives Exception occurred during update; see log file for details again14:04
pmcgowanDS-McGuire, with sudo?14:04
pmcgowanlet me try here14:04
DS-McGuireokie doke14:05
dobeyogra_: copper would be more blue/green i think. :)14:05
dobeyogra_: but it's not kentucky small batch bourbon, either way.14:05
ogra_yeah ... it is really more $undefined ... kind of old pink copperish ...14:05
pmcgowanDS-McGuire, same here, doesnt run in terminal for some reason14:06
ogra_definitely far from "gold" :)14:06
pmcgowanguess we cant do sudo from the app14:06
DS-McGuireWell, I'm glad it's not just me :P14:06
dobeypmcgowan: sudo works fine in terminal app14:07
pmcgowandobey, for some reason system-image-cli doesnt14:08
dobeypmcgowan, DS-McGuire: try "sudo system-image-cli -vvvv -n"14:08
dobeypmcgowan: it should. i've used it plenty to switch channels14:08
popeyokay, sil2100 I am now on the same revisoin as DS-McGuire on my pro 514:08
sil2100popey: do you have the same issues with upgrading?14:09
pmcgowandobey, it blew up with an exception14:09
dobeypmcgowan: what exception?14:09
popeyhttp://popey.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2016-06-02-150915.png thats what i see in os build details14:09
dobeypastebinit :)14:09
pmcgowandobey, just says check the log file for details14:10
sil2100popey: love the device build description ;) So pro with that aletu and test-keys14:10
pmcgowanbut its the same as what happens when you dont sudo14:10
popeyit's downloading version 314:10
dobeypmcgowan: weird14:10
dobeypmcgowan: i blame barry then14:11
popey371.9MB seems awfully big, from OTA9 to OTA1114:11
pmcgowananyway seems its trying to do the right thing, no idea why it fails14:11
dobeypmcgowan: what is the full output from system-image-cli though? just the exception and nothing else?14:11
pmcgowandobey, no bunches of other things with -vvvv14:12
dobeypopey: it's because you're having to download the full image14:12
pmcgowanbut they all seem like it just doesnt have access14:12
dobeypmcgowan: can you pastebin the full output?14:12
pmcgowandobey, not sure I never use terminal app14:13
dobeypmcgowan: can you run the same command via phablet-shell or ssh then? should give the same result14:14
DS-McGuiredobey, That works. Want the output?14:15
pmcgowandobey, thats just it works fine in phablet-shell14:15
DS-McGuirepopey, How's yours doing?14:15
pmcgowanlet me try again14:16
DS-McGuire.... -___-14:16
dobeypmcgowan: oh, weird14:16
DS-McGuireMine never got that far.14:16
pmcgowandobey, must be some sort of cockpit error14:16
DS-McGuireThis is unfair haha!14:16
popeywell, I didn't wipe, maybe i should have?14:17
pmcgowanjibel, what else should we grab from his system?14:17
popeysil2100: ^14:17
sil2100popey: hm, no, I guess it looks ok14:17
popeydoes my device already have the necessary gpg keys though?14:17
popeywhich would not be there if I --wiped back to #114:18
sil2100popey: I guess it doesn't really matter, hm, since u-s-i anyway downloads the latest ones from system-image if it finds a mis-match14:18
popeysil2100: so is there anything else you want me to do? Want me to press 'install' on this? http://popey.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2016-06-02-151911.png ?14:19
sil2100popey: in both your and a fresh-flash case both of you would get the new keys14:19
pmcgowansil2100, popey his log starts with No valid image master key found, downloading14:19
jibelDS-McGuire, hi, so apparently download fails for some reason, could you attach all the log files from /var/log/ubuntu-download-manager/ ?14:19
sil2100popey: could you just pastebin the client.log?14:19
sil2100jibel: we have those, let me upload14:20
sil2100jibel: DS-McGuire sent me the logs, I can pastebin those and attach to the bug14:20
pmcgowanpopey, sil2100 but then it never really works when it tries to update14:20
jibelsil2100, great14:20
jibelsil2100, all of them?14:20
jibelincluding hidden ones?14:20
sil2100pmcgowan: yeah, that can happen, it just downloads the latest keys from the server then14:20
sil2100jibel: not sure, I got a ubuntu-download-manager directory with two logs being quite detailed14:21
popeysil2100: http://termbin.com/g2uh my current client.log14:21
sil2100popey: ok, thanks14:21
sil2100popey: guess you can upgrade now ;)14:21
pmcgowansil2100, it wouldnt need a restart would it?14:21
pmcgowanDS-McGuire, have you rebooted since the updates failed?14:21
sil2100jibel: maybe I'll just tar it up and attach the whole thing to the bug report14:22
DS-McGuirepmcgowan, Yes several times, even reset the phone.14:23
popeybtw does anyone else get insane flickering on the pro 5 while updating?14:23
DS-McGuireSince it was quite new I didn't need to do much.14:23
popeythe white screen with the blue bouncer14:23
ogra_popey, yep14:24
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sil2100DS-McGuire: ok, so far, as already mentioned above, this does seem like networking issues - is your connection stable? Could you see if you have issues accessing system-image.ubuntu.com from your network?14:59
DS-McGuiresil2100, On the same network accessing system-image.ubuntu.com seems fine.14:59
DS-McGuirewant me to try on the phone14:59
DS-McGuireThe phone can access it.15:00
sil2100It seems that it's not failing every time, just from time to time certain files cannot be downloaded15:00
sil2100DS-McGuire: anyway, for now I guess it doesn't make sense to keep your device out-of-date - did you upgrade an ubuntu-touch device before with ubuntu-device-flash?15:00
DS-McGuiresil2100, FWIW My nan has the MX4 and she downloaded and installed OTA11 fine.15:01
DS-McGuiresil2100, I have done in the past, but not for a while. Is there any commands I can use?15:01
sil2100popey: do we have some adb-enabled recovery available somewhere for the turbo? What do you use during flashing?15:02
* sil2100 doesn't have a turbo15:02
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davmor2sil2100: yes the devices wiki page along with the rest15:03
sil2100DS-McGuire: ok, so first download http://people.canonical.com/~plars/touch/recovery-turbo.img on your desktop15:04
* DS-McGuire downloading15:04
DS-McGuiresil2100, ^ sorry15:06
sil2100Ok, sorry, in a meeting right now15:07
DS-McGuireNo worries, I don't know the etiquette of pinging people on IRC.15:09
ogra_just ping at any time :)15:10
ogra_IRC is asyncronous ... he will answer when he gets to it :)15:10
sil2100DS-McGuire: no worries, just saying I'm in a meeting so I will be slowly responding ;)15:10
sil2100DS-McGuire: ok, not sure how turbo flashing works, but try this for starters: ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en --recovery-image /full/path/to/recovery-turbo.img15:11
sil2100I always use --bootstrap but I'm not sure if that wipes your userdata or not (I only re-flash with u-d-f my testing device)15:11
pmcgowanit does wipe15:12
DS-McGuireuserdata isn't a problem for me.15:12
DS-McGuirePhones a day old15:12
sil2100Anyway, for starters that should be good, right ^ ? Be sure to have the latest ubuntu-device-flash15:12
dobeywe should rename it to --obliterate15:12
DS-McGuiresil2100, Seems like that's working,15:32
sil2100DS-McGuire: woo!15:33
DS-McGuireHmm, I'm getting error pushing:15:47
robinherohey guys, I filled a bug report a few days ago, if you think this feature would be useful please +1 it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ux/+bug/1585353 Thanks :)15:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 1585353 in Canonical System Image "Please include the contact's avatar/picture on the call screen" [Wishlist,Confirmed]15:50
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DS-McGuireSeems to be updating now!16:06
sil2100DS-McGuire: phew! Sometimes the device can fail pushing when the download takes too long, usually a re-run of the command helps16:06
DS-McGuireThat's what I did. Thanks :)16:07
DS-McGuireBrilliant British Internet speeds.16:07
DS-McGuiresil2100, It failed to enter recovery.16:07
DS-McGuiretry again?16:07
DS-McGuireOh wait. It has updated.16:08
DS-McGuireTerminal claims that but phone is clearly updated.16:08
sil2100Yeah, don't worry about it, check if you have OTA-11 :)16:09
DS-McGuireYep. I have it.16:09
DS-McGuireThanks so much for all your help today.16:09
DS-McGuireHope my logs have helped.16:09
sil2100Apologies for the rough ride, usually OTA is a no-problematic thing, we'll keep on looking into what happened there16:09
DS-McGuireIt's not a problem. I've had the MX4 for a year and no problems updating that. :)16:10
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zzarris it possible to show a display on a Google cast device from an MX4?16:53
zzarrwith aethercast or what it's called?16:53
kenvandinetedg, is there a way to pass an env variable with dbus-test-runner16:58
kenvandinezzarr, you mean a chromecast?16:59
kenvandinezzarr, i don't think the chromecast speaks miracast17:00
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zzarrit's a chromebook17:02
zzarra normal Ubuntu desktop?17:03
kenvandinezzarr, oh, not sure about that17:05
zzarrI meant connecting a phone to a normal Ubuntu desktop (I realized my question was implicit)17:07
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effbiaihi, has ubuntu for phone been ported to the meizu pro 6 or only pro 5?17:26
ogra_only pro517:27
effbiaiis it possible to buy the normal pro 5 and install ubuntu on it, or do i have to buy the ubuntu version?17:28
dobeyyou would have to get the tools from meizu to repartition the device, and would need a device with unlocked bootloader17:31
effbiaiso buy the ubuntu edition? :)17:31
dobeywhen it's not out of stock, yes :)17:32
effbiailet's hope they produce more of those then :)17:32
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artur_scholzHello! I have the BQ Aquaris E5 now since more than half a year. And well, almost nothing is really working well. Is it only me?19:04
artur_scholzFor example, the music player crashes regularly, after having played 3 or so songs19:04
davmor2artur_scholz: never had that happen here on any of the devices I have19:05
davmor2popey, john-mcaleely: either of you guys seen that ^19:05
artur_scholzMy assumption is that it is hanging when trying to play a wav file19:07
artur_scholzThere are actually much more issues. For example, GPS is working sometimes, except when I need it. Also, the gallery for pictures is crashing at times.19:08
popeynot had music app crashing, no19:09
artur_scholzThere are many more of those little annoying things on the phone that left me with the impression that it is still in a kind of pre-development status19:09
popeyoh sure, there's a bunch of little issues, i agree with that19:10
artur_scholzProblem is: for any those things, where to file a bug report? Normally I would expect a pop-up after a crash that asks me whether to send a crash report.19:11
davmor2popey: but not crashes all the time right19:11
popeyartur_scholz: crashes get captured19:12
dobeyartur_scholz: there's a setting under privacy settings for automatic crash reporting19:12
popeyyou can see the ones that you have sent to us in system settings -> privacy19:12
artur_scholzThanks for the hint. It's now enabled!19:13
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popeywe have a wiki page which links to all the projects on the phone, if you feel inclined to manually file bugs, that's welcome19:14
dobeythough if it's an OOM issue where the app is just getting killed, i'm not sure those get reported19:14
popeyno,they dont19:14
tedgkenvandine: Not a formal way, but if you just setenv on your own process it'll inherit that.19:18
dobeyi kenvandine "env FOO=bar dbus-test-runner ..." ?19:21
kenvandinedobey, i don't think so19:22
dobeywhy not? wfm19:23
kenvandineoh... it does work!19:23
* kenvandine is confused, i thought dbus-test-running cleaned the env19:24
dobeyno. only real dbus activation does i think19:24
effbiaihow to manually install ubuntu on nexus 5 with fastboot?19:32
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mardydobey: yes, it's possible -- brilliant idea!20:38
mardydobey: so I will create such a script, and simplify the plugin a bit, alright?20:39
dobeymardy: is it doable with just account-console and/or sqlite?20:40
dobeymardy: i've been trying to simplify things in a branch i have here, so i can understand all this better, but so much of what's going on just doesn't make sense to me when i think about it :-/20:41
dobeyalso, isn't it like 23:00 for you?20:42
JanCalmost midnight probably20:43
JanC(assuming he's in Finland)20:44
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