
dholbachsalut davidcalle07:40
davidcalleMorning dholbach o/07:40
dholbachthe 15.04 -> 16.04 snappy doc could be another customer for the gdoc cleaner :)07:40
dholbachlet's see when cwayne responds later on07:41
davidcalledholbach: sudo snap install gdoc-html-cleaner07:47
dholbachyep, I saw it :-)07:47
dholbachnice work07:47
dholbachdavidcalle, coming? :)08:32
dholbachdpm, https://github.com/ubuntudesign/vanilla-framework/issues/29008:51
dholbachdpm, when did you want to meet up later on?08:52
davidcalledholbach: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16916662/08:52
dpmdholbach, shall we say at 11:30?08:52
dholbachdpm, I have an appointment at 12 and need to go there by bike, so 11:30 won't work for me08:53
dholbachdavidcalle, I'll take a look08:54
dpmdholbach, would 15:00 be ok?08:54
dholbachdpm, 15:00 to 15:30?08:54
dholbachthat'd work08:54
dpmok, cool08:56
dholbachdavidcalle, did you run with --delete?08:56
davidcalledholbach: nope08:56
dpmdholbach, looking at that github issue, I'm not sure it refers to the CSS theming we're using for d.u.c - it refers to vanilla, but I'm not sure how that is related to the Ubuntu web guidelines we're using on the site08:56
dholbachdavidcalle, it doesn't look like it from the last line of the traceback08:56
dholbachdpm, that'd be relevant if we moved to vanilla - I just thought that it'd be good to stay in touch with the webteam about it08:57
davidcalledpm: that's the framework we will want/need to use in the future (because that's what they are migrating websites to)08:58
davidcalledholbach: should I try with delete and see what burns?08:58
dpmdavidcalle, dholbach, but is vanilla not a full framework? I.e. the move to vanilla would mean migrating from djangocms? I'm not too familiar with Vanilla other than knowing it exists08:59
davidcalledpm: CSS framework08:59
dholbachdavidcalle, do we have a way to cowboy a file into the deployment?08:59
dpmdavidcalle, ok, that makes sense then08:59
davidcalledholbach: into staging, yes08:59
dholbachdavidcalle, <308:59
* davidcalle puts is hacker pants on08:59
dholbachdavidcalle, can you teach me the black art of this?09:00
* davidcalle adds his teacher's hat09:00
davidcallessh dholbach@wendigo.canonical.com09:00
davidcallesudo su - stg-ue-devportal09:00
davidcallejuju ssh 409:01
davidcallecd /srv/devportal-app-0/code/current09:01
davidcalleHack hack hack09:01
davidcallecd /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-devportal-app-0/charm/09:02
dholbachhow do I run the management command again?09:02
davidcallesudo JUJU_UNIT_NAME=devportal-app-0 ./run.py "python manage.py check-consistency"09:03
dholbachgreat, thanks09:04
dholbachdpm, http://ubuntudesign.github.io/vanilla-framework/demo/09:08
dpmthanks dholbach09:13
dpmdholbach, davidcalle, just as a general question - is there anything that's stopping us from migrating to vanilla on d.u.c, other than the actual work it'd require?09:14
dholbachAFAIK nothing09:14
davidcalledpm: I don't think there is, but we simply need to try it and see what breaks.09:14
dholbachcode blocks09:14
dpmdavidcalle, sounds familiar :)09:15
dpmdholbach, so that's currently the only known blocker, from your point of view?09:16
dholbachlooking at the demo site that's what was obviously missing09:16
davidcalledpm: we simply need to - have the webteam - try it and see what breaks? :)09:16
dholbachdavidcalle, the file is read-only _:)09:19
* WillMoogle peers around the corner09:19
WillMoogleI think there are some code blocks in the making, but I'm not directly involved with them09:20
nottrobinif you have custom code currently, e.g. for code blocks, you should be able to just whack it on top of Vanilla in the same way you might have whacked it on top of Guidelines09:20
dholbachdavidcalle, I pushed a new rev to https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/fix-consistency-command/+merge/295718 - maybe you can talk me through the process of deploying it later on again09:22
dholbachI need to run in a few09:22
davidcalledholbach: which file is read only?09:22
davidcalledholbach: to redeploy from the branch, from stg-ue-devportal; cd ~/mojo-ue-devportal/ue/mojo-ue-devportal; make09:23
dholbachdavidcalle, developer_portal/management/commands/check-consistency.py09:29
dholbachdavidcalle, ok cool - I'll try that later09:30
* dholbach runs09:30
WillMoogleIf you have Vanilla questions #vanilla-framework has been opened10:19
davidcalleWillMoogle: Nice!11:14
dholbachdavidcalle, trying a redeploy now15:01
dholbachdavidcalle, does 'make' pull the latest of the branch in question?16:01
davidcalleIt should16:01
dholbachit's still broken16:02
dholbachi'll fix it tomorrow16:02
davidcalleHmm, good luck :/16:02
dholbachit's fine :)16:04
dholbachall right... see you tomorrow!16:05

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