
geniivalorie: Apparently it failed to build for Wily. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3d/+publishinghistory00:05
genii...so at least my curiosity is now satisfied.00:05
prabhushaktiis plasma 5.6.4 available to upgrade for xenial users?04:11
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mparilloYes, Plasma 5.6.4 is available for Xenial (16.04). http://wire.kubuntu.org/?p=950 https://kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5-6-4-available-in-16-04-backports/ https://plus.google.com/107577785796696065138/posts/btwC7PJnpoK09:30
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BluesKajHiya folks11:53
clivejoyofel: what am I doing wrong with this ?  https://launchpad.net/~clivejo/+archive/ubuntu/krita/+packages12:38
clivejoit installs fine into one big krita.deb but when I try and split it up into krita and krita-data all hell breaks loose12:38
yofelI think that's supposed to read /usr/lib/*/lib......12:40
yofelthe lib folder is missing12:41
yofelbrrrrrrr. How does page-wise scrolling work in gtk3 firefox?!?12:42
clivejovery stiff and jumpy on my FF12:43
clivejoare .desktop files arch dependant?12:45
yofelfor me left click on the scrollbar does what the middle button is supposed to do, and the middle button does nothing *-.-12:45
yofelquestion is whether the Exec= line references something that's arch-dependent12:46
clivejoI thought desktop files are just text12:46
yofelIn 99% of all cases, they aren't12:47
clivejoyou know Ive looked at that error for hours and couldnt figure out what was wrong, feel so stupid12:48
clivejosometimes I cant see stuff for it being right in front of my eyes screaming at me12:49
yofelDon't. I had the same happen to me, just that it was one single missing character in a long file path -.-12:49
yofellike, today12:49
clivejois it nice in Germany?12:51
clivejoits almost too hot here#12:52
* clivejo is considering taking the pup for a hair cut12:52
clivejoor getting the sheep shears out12:52
yofelweather wise? We've got floods galore because it's raining buckets. (Well, not my corner of germany though - here it's "just" heavy rain, but no destruction so far)12:53
clivejoblue skies and sunburn here!¬12:54
acheron_ukclivejo: Hi :) should have some time to look at packaging a bit more after today12:54
clivejowhat happens today?12:57
acheron_ukhopefully should finish proof reading a friend's thesis12:59
acheron_ukgot a bit bogged down13:11
clivejoit happens13:54
clivejo!info libkolab14:00
ubottuPackage libkolab does not exist in yakkety14:01
clivejo!info libkolab-dev14:01
ubottulibkolab-dev (source: libkolab): Development package for Kolab library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-10ubuntu6 (yakkety), package size 10 kB, installed size 64 kB14:01
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clivejohi jimarvan14:57
jimarvanmy god so much work lately15:19
jimarvanwhy always when the summer starts, work piles up? :(15:19
clivejoso you dont get to enjoy it15:21
acheron_ukeveryone else who could do it is on holiday15:21
jimarvanyeee.... ;)15:22
acheron_uk!info labplot15:23
ubottuPackage labplot does not exist in yakkety15:24
acheron_uk!info labplot215:24
ubottuPackage labplot2 does not exist in yakkety15:24
acheron_ukMight be an interesting practice packaging project then: http://krajszgsoc.blogspot.co.uk/2016/06/strong-kickoff.html15:27
jimarvanacheron_uk: I have to show this to my Inorganic Chemistry professor :))15:32
jimarvan20 years ago I created a pH titrator using custom made plot diagram on a VAX VMS which he still uses. This would be very interesting!15:33
BluesKajwhat about your neglected Organic Chemistry prof , jimarvan ? :-)15:35
jimarvanhe was a windows addict15:36
BluesKajloser :-)15:37
jimarvansince 3.1 era 15:37
jimarvanye he died young15:37
BluesKajthat's a bummer15:39
BluesKajtitrating the pH with indicators ..no pH meters in your chem lab ? 15:40
jimarvanback then they were very expensive15:41
jimarvanand it was fairly easy to measure it to be honest. Now it got harder because of the electro-magnetic interferences: wi-fi, mobiles etc....15:42
BluesKajwe had beckman pH and conductivity meters in our lab, didnt think they were really expenive, but I guess being an industrial lab they weren't considerd pricey15:45
jimarvanhehe yeap university labs budgets16:07
jimarvansee ya later peeps!16:07
clivejocan any testers install and check krita is working in my PPA?  Availabe for Xenial and Yakkety19:41
acheron_ukkrita: error while loading shared libraries: libkritacolord.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:48
jimarvanchromium + flash plugin finally working, ready for next party19:57
acheron_ukthat was xenial clivejo19:57
ahoneybuninstalled on xenial clivejo19:59
ahoneybunopened without error19:59
acheron_uksame error here in YY. libkritacolord.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:17
acheron_ukso does not launch from terminal or shortcut20:17
clivejonever rains but it pours#20:50
ahoneybunmm Krita might have messed with konsole20:51
ahoneybunvery weird behaver once I installed it20:51
clivejoshould do20:51
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clivejowhy is aaron Guest86371 ?21:11
=== Guest86371 is now known as ahoneybun
ahoneybunhad to restart the ZNC server clivejo21:14
valoriefreenode is under attack again it seems21:17
valorieor was21:18
jimarvanwhat do  you mean? :O\21:20
valoriefreenode gets DDOSed sometimes21:21
valoriescriptkiddies or whatever once school lets out21:21
valoriejust crazy21:21
jimarvandon't they have something better or more profitable to do?21:22
jimarvanor someone is paying them? :P21:22
clivejokeep them in school all summer21:22
clivejoteach them military time21:22
clivejoconversation with a young American recently "Ill be back around 23:15" "emmm what time is that, I don’t know military time"21:24
* clivejo was shocked and stunned21:25
clivejodont they teach 24hr clock in schools?21:26
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Nope21:26
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Not in the US rrally21:26
clivejoUTC must really baffle you guys!21:26
ScottKclivejo: For most people it doesn't come up very often.21:27
jimarvanclivejo: you cant be serious man21:28
jimarvan"military time" omg xD21:28
ScottKI think most people know what the 24 hour clock is, but outside the military it's not much used.21:29
clivejoI just assumed basic time keeping was taught in schools21:29
ScottKjimarvan: That's all it's generally used for here.21:29
clivejodont bus timetables etc use it?21:30
ScottKPersonally I used it even though I've been out of the Navy for two decades, but I'm weird.21:30
jimarvanin all european cities on labels and signs21:30
ScottKclivejo: no21:30
jimarvani always see 24h time21:30
jimarvannever 12h21:30
ScottKYes, I'm familiar.21:30
clivejoI find that hard to believe21:30
jimarvanand india, and qatar21:31
jimarvanand bahrein21:31
jimarvancant think right now a single country that I saw a label or sign with 12h21:31
ScottKWhether you believe it or not, doesn't affect how true it is.21:31
jimarvansomething came up to my mind21:32
ScottKMostly don't use the metric system either (it is taught in schools).21:32
clivejowhen I was in school we have Personal development lessons to teach us "life skills"21:32
jimarvanmy honda CB500XA bike21:32
jimarvanhas 12h hour lol...21:32
jimarvanLOL xD21:32
jimarvanbut doesn't show am/pm just 1 to 12 digits21:32
ScottKFor current time, I hope you'd know.21:33
clivejobut saying that, I remember asking a student on work experience to write the address and put a stamp on about 20 envelopes, such a mess he made of them21:33
jimarvanhow can you make a mess on that? o.O xD21:34
clivejoin his 18 years of education and life in general he never was told you put the stamp in the top right hand corner21:34
jimarvani am surprised he knew what a stamp and an envelop was. e-mail man...21:35
clivejothis was about 10 years ago21:35
clivejobut still21:36
clivejoyou kinda expect someone coming out of school and doing Business Studies to know how to address and stamp a letter :/21:36
valorieI first heard of 24 hour clock when taking German in high school21:37
valoriebefore then, it never came up21:37
valorienow I have most of the clocks that will display it, on 24 rather than 12 hour21:37
valorieand try to have at least some weather indicators in C rather than F21:38
valorieclivejo: basic life skills here are very much lacking21:39
valorietoo much helicopter parenting21:39
jimarvanvalorie: "here"?21:39
valoriethe US21:39
jimarvanoh there21:39
valoriemany Americans are barely aware there is anything other than Hollywood gossip, honestly21:40
valoriehistory? what's that21:40
clivejothat parent who let her kid get in with the gorilla's is getting some heat!21:40
jimarvaneducation issue? or just life-style choice?21:40
valoriemuch less lin ucks?21:40
valoriemaybe too much money in the culture?21:41
jimarvanoh ye money focus, money buy everything. I have money i know everything21:41
valorieI wasn't raised that way, but still had too much of the cluelessness21:41
valoriethat's one of the things I love about Kubuntu and KDE in general -- made by people all over the world, working for betterment of the world, mostly just for the love of it21:42
jimarvanoh well, if there is someone in 2016 that says openly in FB that the earth is flat21:42
clivejowe dont get paid for this?!?21:43
* clivejo runs away21:43
jimarvanrun to moneysoft21:43
jimarvanthey love linux now21:43
clivejotrying to figure out how to stick a M$ badge on it and charge people for it21:45
valoriethere are KDE applications for sale for use on MS and Mac, I believe21:49
valorieand some on Android21:49
valoriefree software can be sold as long as the four freedoms are upheld21:50
jimarvanvalorie: the money earned is there any revenue going back to KDE?21:50
valorieyes, although usually indirectly21:51
valorielike Krita gets money, which it uses to hire devels to do specific things21:51
jimarvanso they sell the means of acquiring the software, either by download or cd21:51
valorieor they pay for their devels to go to Akademy/sprints21:51
valorieKDE itself sells nothing I think, beyond stickers, tshirts, etc.21:52
jimarvanI would love to sell technical support for people using kubuntu i.e.21:52
valoriewe have one company doing that; do it!21:52
jimarvanhaving businesses in greece or UK asking me for help for specific uses of the software21:52
jimarvanthere is so much demand right now for this21:53
valoriedooooo eeeeeet21:53
jimarvanI am doing it xD21:53
jimarvanthat is exactly what I do in my companie hehe21:53
jimarvantech support for ubuntu/kubuntu based IT solutions ;)21:53
valorienot sure how much the company on our website kicks our way21:53
valoriebut something.....21:54
jimarvanye that is a good question, mostly is by donations21:54
jimarvanbut as you said, if there is a specific "need" to be fulfilled, that could make the company interested in investing21:55
jimarvanthen there you have an opportunity :)21:55
jimarvanI want to check ubuntu's subscriptions and benefits21:56
jimarvani think they give you option before downloading the iso21:56
valorieah, yes21:57
jimarvanthose options before downloading ubuntu21:57
valoriethat fund often pays for me to go to Akademy21:57
valoriesince we have our annual Kubuntu meeting there21:57
jimarvanexactly whoever did that page was a genious21:57
* valorie never sees that page since I torrent all the supported ISOs21:57
valorieI mean seed them21:57
jimarvanI want to find some free time21:58
valoriesince I have decent internet connectivity21:58
jimarvanto make an awesome DVD label for Kubuntu21:58
valorieooo, get with ahoneybun on that21:58
valoriewe had one last release21:58
jimarvanye... I will definetely try this weekend21:58
valorienever got one this release.... yet21:59
jimarvanopportunity to check on Krita ;)21:59
* clivejo forgot to install the sym links for libs 21:59
* clivejo face palms21:59
* jimarvan brings coffee to clivejo22:00
clivejoI need more than coffee22:00
clivejonew brain would be good22:00
* jimarvan brings an NVIDIA 1080GTX GPU to clivejo22:01
clivejogot a laptop to go with it :P22:01
jimarvannot yet, but September. And more 1080M, pure GTX just underclocked22:02
jimarvanso I open the laptop case, watercool it throw away the battery and voila you got a mobile desktop :P22:02
jimarvan*no more 1080M22:02
clivejogrrr why are companies so bloody useless22:04
jimarvanplaying CIV5 with only a 2Ghz intel CPU + graphics chip :D22:12
jimarvanand works like a charm in kubuntu :)22:12
clivejois that windows ?22:12
jimarvanKubuntu 16.04 :D and no NVIDIA22:13
jimarvanits my business laptop, since my gaming was burned during the last Kubuntu party22:13
jimarvanpure linux client from steam22:13
jimarvanawesome? :)22:13
clivejoyeah, used to play that a lot22:14
clivejonow I put that energy into mapping on OSM!#22:14
jimarvanI am jealous!22:14
clivejoits like civ in reverse!22:15
jimarvanbut I need to exterminate the last two standing22:15
jimarvanswedish and chinese22:15
valorieclivejo: have you seen http://www.keypressure.com/blog/osm-in-the-beginning-there-was-a-node/ (re:OSM)22:33
clivejovery true22:34
clivejoI look very suspicious!22:35
acheron_ukstill see "dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: couldn't find library libkritacolord.so needed by debian/krita/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkritacolor.so.15.0.0" in buildlog?22:35
clivejoacheron_uk: but the symlinks are being installed in the .deb22:36
clivejoso *fingers crossed* this version should work22:37
jimarvanis it difficult to add a new UK postcode on OSM? it is taking google maps more than 3 months now...22:37
clivejojimarvan: I wouldnt even bother with GoogleMaps, they are a complete disaster outside the US22:38
jimarvanye felt that recently...22:38
acheron_ukfor libkritacolor.so I thought, but not for libkritacolord.so?22:38
valorieI hear that bing map or whatever it's called is actually better22:38
valoriebizarre as that seems22:39
clivejojimarvan: its very easy to add stuff to OSM22:39
clivejoOSM have a licence to use Bing imagery to trace :)22:40
jimarvan:D ye i am reading it22:40
clivejojimarvan: even if you dont want to learn how to edit the map, there are tools to give other mappers enough information to do it for you22:41
clivejohttp://www.mapillary.com is a great tool for gathering data22:41
jimarvanif i manage to do that, I will change my company's embeded map from Google Maps to OSM22:42
clivejojimarvan: send me the details in PM and Ill add it for you22:42
jimarvandoing :)22:42
acheron_ukclivejo: still that library missing error on that letest build after I grabbed the debs22:44
acheron_uk2 with almost identical names I think22:44
acheron_uk libkritacolor.so and libkritacolord.so22:45
acheron_uk2nd is absent22:45
acheron_ukclivejo: yes, the ppa50 build22:45
acheron_ukdon't see the one ending in 'd' in your install file?22:48
acheron_ukwould it not need? http://paste.ubuntu.com/16967148/23:00
jimarvangn eeryone :D23:15
jimarvansee ya tomorrow23:15
clivejoacheron_uk: added that line to install and uploaded to LP23:19
clivejo51st time lucky!23:19

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