=== kubuntu is now known as Guest9488 [03:55] anyone know of a macos docker like app launcher for kde? [04:06] nevermind I found one [04:06] kooldock [04:12] is plasma 5.6.4 available to upgrade for xenial users? [05:22] Is 16.04 stable yet? When I run do-release-upgrade it says "No new release found" === groove is now known as koder === koder is now known as k0d3r [06:08] rritoch: Try kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade instead. [06:28] Fritigern: Thanks, I really don't want to upgrade until it's stable though. I really should have stayed on Trusty but I started upgrading and have had lots of problems. Wily is somewhat stable but I want to stick to LTS for now on. [06:29] rritoch: 16.04 is stable [06:29] Ok, I'll try it then. Thanks. [06:31] Same problem "no new release found" [06:32] I just added the kebuntu ppa repositories to my links, I'm going to run those updates maybe that will solve the problem. [06:33] links => sources.list [06:33] !ltsupgrade | rritoch [06:33] rritoch: Users of 14.04 LTS will be offered the automatic upgrade when 16.04.1 LTS is released, which is scheduled for July 21st. [06:34] hateball: Thanks :) I'll wait for that. [06:35] is "http://ppa.launchpad.net/kebuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu wily main" considered stable? [06:35] Or should I remove it from my sources.list ? [06:35] I just added it trying to do the upgrade. [06:37] !ppa | rritoch [06:37] rritoch: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge [06:37] also it's likely kubuntu and not kebuntu :p === Iamahuman is now known as jubo2 [06:38] Yeah, sorry for the typo [06:38] !ppa-purge [06:38] To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:/ » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html [06:40] some explanation on how stable the updates and backports ppa are here https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/PPAs [06:45] archeron_uk: Thanks for the link, I believe the ppa kebuntu sounds stable enough, I think it's the backports that will get me into trouble. === jayhunold is now known as jhunold [06:48] I'll know soon enough, the ppa versions should be done installing soon. [06:57] Hey all. Kubuntu 16.04. Plasma 5.6.4 (from backports). Kdeinit is crashing all the time. Am I the only one with that issue? [06:59] stable enough here ejay [06:59] Or just tell me how to restart tray plasmoid becouse with kdeinit crash systray is goin mental. [07:00] ejay: I think you need to reload plasma for that [07:01] ie kquitapp plasmashell && kstart plasmashell [07:03] hateball: tried that. not working. problem is - I'm keeping some apps in systray (amarok, toggl, keypass) and I cant access them because systray plasmoid is not working correctly after kdeinitcrash. [07:03] To fix that I need to restart whole system. [07:03] not working in what sense? [07:04] acheron_uk: there is no icons for amarok, toggl and keypass [07:05] does killing and restarting 'xembedsniproxy' help? [07:06] acheron_uk: will try it now [07:06] think that is for more legacy systray icons, but you never know [07:07] acheron_uk: killed and started xembedsniproxy. Nothing changed [07:07] sometimes kdeinit is goin up by itself (I mean it is giving me back my systray icons) byt it's just random. [07:08] oh well. just a thought [07:10] ha! and it's back. fuck me. from plasmashell crashes to kdeinit crashes. jesus. I'm waiting some stable release. x_X [07:11] odd. 5.6.4 has been very stable here. better than previous [07:13] acheron_uk: and you are on what distro? [07:13] kubuntu 16.04 [07:14] also tested it on arch/chakra [07:16] is yours a fresh install, or an upgrade from a previous release? [07:17] acheron_uk: it's updated from 15 wich was updated from 14 IIRC [07:17] at the moment all I can think of is doing things like making sure all plasma/kde related caches are cleared in case something stale is there from previous versions [07:18] or reset your plasma/configs to something more like a clean system [07:19] test if it happens if you log in under a new user etc.. [07:31] acheron_uk: under new user will not help BC it's random. I will wait for another crash and fill bug report (bug report dialog is telling me that gathered info is useful). maybe they will fix that. === jubo2 is now known as Iamahuman === Jobava_ is now known as Jobava === Aerosonic_ is now known as Aerosonic === rharish_ is now known as rharish === claydoh_ is now known as claydoh [09:34] The graphics configuration is still garbage, someone should really look into fixxing this mess, drivers don't work, greeters don't work, even the slightest change in kernel version or hardware settings and you have nothing more than a 50lb paper weight on your desk. [09:35] sddm has white screen, ligthdm won't start at all because it's trying to use something called xeyphr that crashes... what fun === soul is now known as Guest82327 [09:36] ran into the bug where the amd control files aren't there so I had to manually install them just to get X running after adding a "new" amd video card. [09:36] But now that X is working, the greeter is crashed. [09:37] Lol, I guess complaining works. [09:37] It magically just started working [09:37] After uninstalling sddm === vorap2 is now known as vorap [09:56] Fun isn't over yet..."Your graphics hardware does not support OpenGL (ES) 2. Plasma will abort now (AMD R9 280X FGLRX) === \b is now known as benonsoftware === kat is now known as kat_xy === Iamahuman is now known as jubo2 [10:39] Hey All. I'm having a problem with logging in after upgrading from Kubuntu 15.10 to 16.04. Initially the login manager wouldn't start, but I've got that (sddm) working now. My issue is now that my user cannot log in and get the plasma shell going. If I create a brand new user on the laptop, then there is no login problem. I can only assume there is [10:39] an old config file laying about with some value in it which upsets 16/04. Anyone got any ideas what this file might be? [10:40] tif: have a look at ~/.Xauthority, make sure you are its owner [10:40] tif: also, what GPU do you use? [10:40] will do. And it's an intel gpu in an old HP laptop [10:41] ahh, .Xauthority is owned by root, not my user... [10:42] tif: have you been naughty running gui apps with sudo perhaps [10:42] @hateball could have been inadvertant when I was fixing the login manager not starting issue (which quite a few laptop users seem to be having with 16.04) [10:43] tif: anyhow, try chowning the file to your user, see if it behaves [10:44] @hateball yep, just doing it now. I'm typing on another machine so I'm having to run to another desk to do this :) Will let you know asap [10:46] @hateball w00t :D Can haz KDE!! Thanks so much [10:46] tif: :) [10:47] gotta say, I'm really liking the latest KDE [10:47] tif: Well, it's Plasma these days [10:47] KDE is the community, not the software ;) [10:48] yeah, my bad ;) === bduncan_ is now known as bduncan === skyrulerz is now known as muditsharma [11:32] !kdm [11:32] no more kdm? [11:33] !sddm [11:33] Perhaps ubottu is retired [11:34] ChetManly: anyhow, sddm is used now [11:45] !info sddm [11:45] sddm (source: sddm): modern display manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.0-1ubuntu5 (xenial), package size 271 kB, installed size 1201 kB [11:53] acheron_uk: is that what included as default? [11:53] oh nm [11:53] Hiya folks [11:54] I would like to use kdm [11:54] !muon [11:54] Muon is the current Kubuntu package manager. Please see http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/introducing-qapt-and-the-muon-package-manager/ for an overview [11:56] !kdm [11:56] kdm is defunct [11:57] yup, it's not available in 16.04 [11:57] why? [11:57] been replaced by sddm [11:57] i hate lightdm and variations of it [11:58] it's only a login page and it can be configured [11:59] kdm was part of the old kde4 kde-workspace sources I think [12:00] yes but kdm always show my login/logout screens on the RIGHT screens [12:00] is wayland here yet? [12:00] so ceased when that did [12:01] am I using wayland in 16.04? I should be able to kdm till then [12:02] why is everyone so gangbusters on unstable hardware? [12:02] oops [12:02] soft* [12:03] brb [12:05] we have to deal with what's given to us ...you can always ask for a refund ;-) [12:06] https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kde-workspace.git&a=commit&h=8577abf894a661bc0700adc72513dacf0b7dca7f [12:06] "KDM goes the way of the Dodo." === maxime_ is now known as maxime__ [12:07] ok so how do I configure sddm to be on the CORRECT screen [12:08] at least baloo seems to not be such a shitbrick [12:08] acheron_uk, I wasn't crazy about KDE4 when it was first introduced especially what was done to kmail [12:09] I hate how everything seems to use a database now eg. mysql [12:10] everything is dependent on something else, and Im not talking just regualr dependencies [12:10] baloo and akondi still removed here if I can on any install [12:11] pardon? [12:11] I got rid of mysql /akondi server and associated PIM packages [12:11] akonadi [12:12] hmm there is a #sddm here on freenode [12:12] there a re still some mysql libs and I had a to sacrifice amarok which is no big deal to me [12:13] most things related to multimonitor is broken in 16.04 [12:13] be it sddm or plasma [12:13] as for plasma I think fixes are coming in 5.7 [12:13] yeah I hear the multimonitor issue is not good [12:13] ffs [12:14] just googled for that on sddm and seems lots of similar queries and bugs [12:14] i.e. login spanned over screens, or not configurable to a specific one [12:16] ChetManly: have you configured a primary screen in kscreen? [12:16] yup [12:16] hmmm [12:16] its hdmi out to TV [12:16] oh well, I've just learned to live with the broken-ness [12:16] it's still less terrible than the options :D [12:17] I love kde but the things that open all over the place is so FRICKEN annoying [12:18] what do you mean [12:18] chome opens whereever its feel like on 14.04 [12:18] I use dvi to hdmi to our TV which acts as a monitor..works great as well [12:18] chrome* [12:18] ChetManly: Yes, but that is because Chrome/Chromium doesnt feel like it needs to respect the window manager [12:19] even if you set kwin rules to force it to behave a certain way, it will ignore it [12:19] gtk apps usually do [12:19] few interesting comments on https://github.com/sddm/sddm/issues/565 [12:19] ChetManly: chrome uses its own... aurora or something iirc [12:20] chrome doesn't render well on a large scree,n the addressbar fonti is hard coded and too small to read from a short distance [12:22] i guess the chrome devs think everyuone still uses 22" monitors [12:22] BluesKaj: that was just in the latest update though wasnt it? [12:23] chrome 43 got hidpi support according to the googles [12:23] ChetManly, no , it's been like this for at least 3 yrs , maybe longer...it's forced me to stick to Firefox [12:25] is there a qt disks thing yet like in gnome [12:26] BluesKaj: there appears to be a --force-device-scale-factor switch you can use [12:26] chrome --force-device-scale-factor=1.50 or whatever [12:26] does anyone know what I mean? [12:27] ChetManly: what does "disks" do? [12:27] actually I saw close to part of it if I can find the site [12:27] at least firefox follows the font settings one sets up in systemsettings>app stule>gnome/gtk fonts [12:27] hateball: it does hdparm and smartcrtl [12:27] style [12:28] and before you say its done in kdepartitionmanager ...its not [12:29] hateball, it;s only the address bar font that's affected , otherwise chrome renders fonts in the correct size chosed in it's settings [12:29] quite a few people have said that to me without even looking what gnome-disks does [12:30] chosen even.... coffee no 2 coming up ,m abe my typos will be fewer [12:30] ppl in #kde even said use the cli equvilients ..... um isnt this bells and whistles kde gui people!! lol [12:31] I love that konverstion is default now and that the channel list is moved [12:31] moved? [12:32] oh the options [12:33] no the channel list [12:33] form the bottom to the top [12:34] side* [12:35] jeepers its hard to text on phone and here lol [12:36] yes options, still prefer the bottom [12:36] oh yeah cause I guess there can be things besides channels there [12:36] no way the side is better [12:37] outside is better [12:38] lol [12:38] well,it's a matter of personal preference and now we have that option [12:39] mainly because it resemmbles other client and bouncing around them is easier for me [12:41] tried quassel and hexchat and a few others, always came back to konversation, it suits me [12:45] hexchat isnt too bad [12:46] hateball: try gnome-disks if can stand gtk stuff on your system, or in a VM. Its pretty dope [12:47] so how come I cant install muon? [12:47] ChetManly, you can \, it's in the repos [12:48] well discover says it isnt [12:48] ChetManly, bah discover is hopeless, use apt [12:48] discover is useless [12:48] sudo apt install muon [12:49] think it tried that too hang on cant remember [12:49] chalcedny, on 16.04 ? === Novell_ is now known as Novell [12:50] I ve found a few things with discover before [12:50] !info muon [12:50] muon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:5.6.0-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 337 kB, installed size 2018 kB [12:50] like new things [12:50] oops ChetManly [12:51] how can i install kde frameworks using apt [12:51] BluesKaj: yes I got it [12:53] chinmoy, install plasma-workspace , or plasma-desktop [12:55] k since i dont know how to expain this well [12:56] does anyone know how the outline shadow is around kubuntu when booting up [12:56] chinmoy: frameworks covers a lot. most packages with pull in the parts of it the need automatically [12:56] the blue glowing edge [12:56] how the heck do I make my windows do that again [12:57] ChetManly: window decoration shadow? [12:59] are you guessing or asking if that what I mean? [13:00] both I think. [13:01] like before when I selected zion reversed all my windows had a "glow" like the kubuntu logo [13:02] where do I find the option you mention [13:02] like this http://i.imgur.com/WOrUAHD.png [13:03] exactly [13:03] you mean? [13:03] ick. [13:03] I like dark themes [13:03] and a little eye candy [13:04] people that use the system always comment they like it too [13:04] ChetManly: afaik, in plasma 5 it's in the theme, rather than an effect you can turn on/off [13:04] in systemsettings > application style > windowdecorations and then in the shadows options for oxygen and breeze decoration types. [13:04] but I may be wrong, as per usual ;f [13:05] is the reason there arent any get new buttons is because not much is compatible yet? [13:06] like do I have to install oxygen theme by hand and will it work [13:07] will be a config like http://i.imgur.com/5tiDslp.png [13:08] package to install is 'kwin-decoration-oxygen' [13:08] I see I think I need oxygen glass or black glass, I do not like all this flat pastel color [13:09] default breeze decoration will configure in same way, but the shadow is dark by default and not as obvious [13:09] ChetManly: there is plasma-theme-oxygen [13:09] which should have all the parts [13:10] yep, you can get most of the oxygen look and feel back [13:12] has taken me a while to come to terms with plasma5 and qt5 based kubuntu [13:15] I just use dark breeze, works for me :o [13:17] don't care for the breeze icons , but the breeze dark desktop theme looks ok [13:18] konversation crashed :-/ === Haudegen is now known as Guest17877 [13:22] I think installing the 4.6 kernel saved me some grief [13:26] ok when I try to select new themes, there isnt much to the theme config [13:27] like where acheron_uk said to select windows shadows [13:28] the default beeeze seems to be the only one with many options === Guest17877 is now known as Haudegen [13:30] man that kdm thing is irking me so bad [13:31] lets get rid of it when the other one works first.... [13:35] thanks for all the help [13:56] so virtualbox is only 32 bit in the repo? [13:56] so virtualbox is only 32 bit in the repo? [14:02] seems so === aektzim is now known as jimarvan === tudor123 is now known as l1meon [16:24] 16.04 (upgraded from 14.04): Muon and plasma discover updater do not display change lists for any packages at all - muon occasionally decides to display a 404 html page (not parsed, just as text) instead. Is this a known issue? apt-get changelog works fine, though with a lot of waiting first [16:25] what plugin does okular uses to open epub files? [16:29] chinmoy: okular-extra-backends [16:29] Got it brother [16:30] thanks brother it worked [16:56] infrared__: check your /etc/apt/sources.list and make sure the deb lines contain the correct OS names and a repos that's located in your country [17:08] got to say, the current kde enviroment is extreamly nice [17:10] yes, it has enough options to look quite good [17:13] Stock kde is beautiful [17:14] been a long time gnome user (10+ yrs) but I think I've converted [17:15] :O [17:16] I people.. I just install kubuntu 16.04 on some decent hardware (i7 3770k, 24gigs ram, nvidia 970) and I find it a bit sluggish at time. for example, when I click a .deb file in the Dolphin file manager, it seems to take a while to actually open the installer app. Am I the only one? [17:17] taking a while for me too [17:17] Ok. And a few other things left and right that I didn't note down feels a bit sluggish.. hum. I'll try to turn down the animations [17:19] are the other apps opening fine [17:19] might be a bug in Dolphin [17:20] elezium: deb files are usually slower than other apps, think it's the nature of loading an installer vs an ordinary app [17:20] once my apps are open, it's feel fine. Mostly like navigating between the open.. like the first time I click on the clock in the panel, i took 2-3 seconds to pop up the calendar [17:21] BluesKaj: gotcha.. it just feels faster in Gnome (no, I don't want to start a debate) [17:21] elezium: also maybe your file indexer/baloo is running [17:22] ho. nope.. but .. grr. I hate those Electron app, they are cpu intensive. [17:22] elezium: do you also have gn?ome installled [17:23] Hey guys, do you support KDE Connect here? [17:23] BluesKaj: nha.. dual boot. [17:23] BluesKaj: it's a clean install + Google Music, Chome, Slack (which is not working) and IntelliJ. That's about the thing I've done so far. [17:24] elezium: assume you've updated and upgraded lately [17:25] yup [17:25] but I'll be honest, I'm wondering if I did reboot after [17:26] brb. I'll do that. [17:27] elezium: if you don't use kmail or kontact or any database like mysql etc then you can also disable akonadiserver , but with a i7 I'm at aloss as to why your system seems sluggish at all [17:28] too late [17:33] BluesKaj: It seems so, xenial{,-updates,-security} etc [17:34] In fact, I think it's the animation that are clunky :/ [17:35] elezium: if you don't use kmail or kontact or any database like mysql etc then you can also disable akonadiserver , but with a i7 I'm at aloss as to why your system seems sluggish at all [17:36] the i7 cpu also comes with a decent onboard gpu iirc [17:37] ok, scrolled back, nvidia 970 [17:38] same here, intel onboard graphics are choppy [17:39] I also install the nvidia driver.. I'll check the config. [17:40] humm.. 30 Hz... nha... [17:41] I'll have to boot in windows what it was.. but probably 60 [17:56] When I change the port for an audio device (that is connected all the time) in system settings, the setting is not saved and it resets on next reboot. I want the port selection to remain as I set it. Is there anything I can do? [17:56] ok.. 60hz.. don't know if it makes sense, but animations seems somewhat smoother [18:01] elezium: did you install the nvidia-364 driver ? [18:01] I use the ubuntu-drivers tool [18:01] not sure exactely which packages it installs. [18:02] infrared__: by port you mean selected audio output , correct? [18:02] BluesKaj: Yes, I think so [18:02] BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/iVWdPekb [18:03] hum.. you said 364. I have 361.. [18:06] elezium: how is it performiong withte 361? [18:07] I switch my config from 30 hz to 60hz and animations seems smoother.. but I don't know if it's a placebo effect ;) [18:08] but I like said previously, it's no biggie. Once my windows at all setup, I barely move them and they are responsive. [18:08] I'll probably turn off a bunch of animiations when I got time, too. [18:08] so far, I really like it.. my last KDE experience was... hummmm.. 3? [18:08] how to configure dolphin to show hidden files? [18:09] infrared__: make sure the device you've chosen in the sytemsettings>multimedia>device preference and hardware tabsuse the same audio outputs [18:10] chinmoy: click on Control -> Show hidden files. [18:10] chinmoy: dolphin>view>show hidden files [18:11] BluesKaj: 364 is probably avaiable from nVidia web site? [18:12] nope, only 361 available from what I can see. [18:12] elezium: 364 is available from the repos [18:18] BluesKaj: Ok. I'll get after my work day. (boooo) [18:18] infrared__: also open alsamixer in the terminal and disable automute with the down key if needed and turn up the volume xctls on master and pcm, The use the escape key to exit and do, sudo alsactl store [18:18] the=then [18:19] yeah. Sounds is my next topic, too. ;) [18:19] infrared__: also if you see MM in any relevant vol ctls then unmute them with the M key [18:22] elezium: I don't think there'smuch difference in performance between the 361 and 364 drivers , they're both quite advanced unless you;re agamer and want the nth egree of speed etc fom the gpu [18:22] egree=degree :-) [18:23] Sorry, forgot to say I use pulse [18:23] I only play 2-3 games which are on Windows anywyas... [18:24] ho crap.. the fonts in LibreOffice looks f* ugly. [18:30] infrared__: yes, the hardware tab in system settings>multimedia> music is pulseaudio [18:34] wtf.. apt-get disapears [18:36] aptitude.. gone. [18:39] elezium: ?? [18:40] like you said.. ???? [18:40] run an update via Kde (linux kernel update for whateve reason) [18:40] and bang.. apt-get done. [18:40] gone.. [18:42] is there some kind of repair if I boot on the iso? [18:46] BluesKaj: My problem is specificaly with the device configuration section (settings -> Multimedia -> Audio Volume, Output Devices tab) [18:47] When I open the same window through KMix's "Audio setup", the "Port" is called "Connector" [18:49] The issue is that after reboot, this field returns to "Line out" instead of what I select [18:49] brb.. will try to boot on Iso.. [18:49] what are yoy selecting? [18:49] you [18:50] Headphones, in this case [18:52] did you open alsamixer in the terminal as I suggested and set your ctls there ? [18:56] Yes, PCM and master were way up, and Headphones was active; automute was enabled, and I disabled it, but then 'sudo alsactl restore' restored it [18:57] not restore , do sudo alsactl store , that stores your alsa settings changes [18:58] Ah, store [18:58] yes [18:59] Ok, thanks; I'll se what happens next reboot :) [19:01] you really shouldn't need to reboot everytime you make changes uness they're to pulseaudio/pavucontrol and usually just relogin will suffice === aaron is now known as Guest86371 === Guest86371 is now known as ahoneybun [21:26] hi world [21:28] allo [21:28] hi [21:28] from Poland [21:29] o/ :) [21:29] from Spain [21:29] nice to meet you [21:31] and happy kubuntu user [21:31] :) [21:35] god I LOVE kubuntu 16.04 :)) [21:35] good, just ease off on the espresson on the next cup [21:35] s/espresson/espresso/ [21:36] :D [21:36] jimarvan: I've run kde apps, since way back in Mandrake 9.2, and they were great too :P [21:36] mandrake lol i almost forgot that name [21:36] I think it was mandrake 7.2... then after that, I installed SuSE 9.2, which was also great :P [21:36] they changed it to mandriva later on? [21:37] never liked rpm packaging :( [21:37] .spec files! [21:37] * acheron_uk shudders [21:37] hahaha [21:37] jimarvan: yeah, mandrake later versions were named mandriva, and mandriva's later versions are called Mageia, same cat, different name [21:37] ye [21:38] was awesome back then though [21:38] at least for starters, it was the first linux most people tried [21:38] when did Ian started Debian? [21:38] cant even remember [21:38] *start [21:40] early 90s? [21:41] hmmm dunno exactly, but just hit wikipedia :P [21:41] debian is hmm old, yes, I recall debian back when I was running mandrake [21:44] 1996 [21:48] https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/project-history/ [21:48] not that I feel inclined to read more than a snippet of that [21:48] awesome :D === vorap2 is now known as vorap [22:20] http://imgur.com/SGc3hsI [22:21] Playing Civ5 on Kubuntu 16.04, without an Nvidia graphics card. :) [22:49] Does anyone know of a channel for support on KDE Connect, I'm having issues with it on KUbuntu 16.04 LTS [22:55] I'll spell it out, maybe one of you knows a fix. I can connect and send files to the pc from the phone. I can't connect from the pc to the phone though. There's no error message, just a funny little noise a couple of mins after I try to open the phone. [22:58] hmmmmm [22:59] Quantos: when you connect, do you see the USB device icon? [22:59] Yes I do [22:59] come on PM pls [22:59] :) [22:59] The phone won't open that way though, I get an MTP error [22:59] Oh okay [23:14] Quantos: I hope I helped :)