
JanCI think the real issue is that that USB3 hub should be shielded better...00:00
JanCand both 2.4GHz & 5GHz don't need a radio license when using limited power AFAIK00:02
JanCso, apparently USB3 interfering with Bluetooth is a known thing...00:06
JanCbut that can be avoided by shielding the USB3 devices/cables properly00:07
robert_ancellattente, around?01:22
desrtrobert_ancell: pretty late here...02:04
robert_ancelldesrt, yeah, thought I'd ask anyway02:05
desrtgood evening to you :)02:05
robert_ancellstill afternoon!02:08
RAOFHey desrt, robert_ancell!02:25
* Trevinho started his travel for the Montreal sprint...06:38
didrocksbonjour pitti, hey Trevinho06:48
Trevinhohey didrocks06:48
pittiça va didrocks, how are you Trevinho ?06:52
didrockspitti: ça va, et toi ?06:54
Trevinhopitti: well, thanks... Enjoying working in an hi speed train :), and you?06:54
pittididrocks: ça va bien aussi ! un peu fatigué, j'ai travaillé tard hier soir, mais d'accord06:55
pittiTrevinho: oh, I like that too06:55
didrockspitti: you would say "mais ça va" (pas "mais d'accord")06:57
didrocks"c'est d'accord" doesn't exist, it's more "ça va" :)06:58
* Trevinho refreshes his french06:58
pittididrocks: ah, merci06:59
pittididrocks: il me faut plus de leçons de français -- ça fait longtemps !07:00
didrockspitti: de rien :-)07:01
Laneyahoy there!08:00
pittiit's a Laney!08:00
Laneythe lesser spotted pitti08:01
Laneyhow are you?08:01
Laneyhappy friday!08:01
pittiquite fine, thanks! and yourself!08:01
Laneyexcellent, thanks08:03
Laneygood time at climbing last night08:03
didrocksmorning Laney08:05
Laneyhey didrocks!08:07
Laneyyou good?08:07
didrocksI'm ok, thanks08:11
pittiLaney: do you have experience with prodstack "volume-create/attach"?08:14
pittiLaney: the debci instance is bursting, 98% inode usage again, and I'm already using a loop-mounted image from the root system to hold half of the data08:15
pittibut this is achingly slow08:15
pittiso I wondered if these  cinder volumes are network-mounted, or actually "local" and thus fast08:15
hikikoSorry, Google doesn't recognize that email. Create an account using that address?08:17
hikikodo you get this message when you login with canonical account in trello?08:17
hikikoI first got it today :s08:18
Laneypitti: They seem fast enough to me, but I haven't benchmarked it or anything08:18
pittiLaney: ok; so local-ish, and most certainly faster than a loop-mounted image08:19
LaneyIS recommends using them if you need "performant IO"08:19
pittiLaney: thanks08:19
Laneypitti: There's a 'storage' charm that you can use instead of doing this in the deployment script08:20
LaneyAFAIK - I only found out about that after hacking it up08:20
Laneyand I think new jujus actually support this directly08:20
Laneybut too new for wendigo08:20
pittiLaney: ah, what a shame08:20
pittiwell, I can toss that into setup.sh08:21
pittibut I'll manually set it up for now and see how it goes08:21
Laneyso you just add a relation to that thing and it should handle attaching/mounting for you08:22
* willcooke <- here in body but not mind 08:22
Laneyit was actually a bit annoying for me to not have that08:22
Laneyhad to make the scripts and hooks early-exit if the thing isn't available yet08:22
pittiLaney: so this isn't in juju 1.25.5, just in juju 2?08:23
Laneyyou can use the charm on older jujus, but it supports it natively from <mumble> version08:23
Laneypitti: waaaaaaaaaaait08:24
Laneylaney@wendigo:~$ juju storage08:25
Laneyusage: juju storage [options] <command> ...08:25
pittijuju deploy cs:~axwalk/postgresql --storage data=rootfs,10G08:25
pittithat looks nice08:26
Laneylooks like this version actually got srued to trusty in May08:26
Laneyso wendigo now has it08:26
pittiLaney: hm,  this only supports "rootfs", "tmpfs", or "loop"?08:28
pittithis is a bit sad, I don't want it as a root fs, but as a "real" file system somewhere in, say, /srv/08:28
pittimaybe that's just confusing, as instances already have their own root fs08:28
Laneypitti: I see an 'ebs-ssd' thing in 'juju storage pool list'08:31
Laneythat sounds something like cinder08:31
pittiLaney: anyway, I'm trying with nova volume-{create,attach} for now as I don't want to re-deploy the debci instance08:31
pitti(re-collecting the data takes ages)08:31
pittibut if that works out, this sounds perfect for charming this up08:32
LaneyFor now, storage is always bound to a machine or unit, depending on how it is created. In the future, we will provide an interface for unbinding storage from the machine or unit, so that it is destroyed only when the environment is destroyed. This will make it possible to detach/reattach storage as desired.08:33
Laneythat sounds like an annoying limitation08:33
sarnoldis there any way to request what kind of storage is provided? sometimes a 100iops volume is fine and sometimes you'd rather have a 10k iops volume..08:35
willcookeLaney, OT:  If it might help with your other themeing work: https://code.launchpad.net/~willcooke/ubuntu-themes/progress-bars08:38
Laneyhi willcooke08:38
* willcooke blurgs 08:39
LaneyI think they;re okay there08:39
Laneygo to bed?!?!?!08:39
willcookebloody children wont let me sleep, so locked myself away in the sanctuary of the study08:40
LaneyMy sister and I have this high-larious memory of our dad shouting "INCONSIDERATE PIGS" at us when we were messing around while he was trying to sleep once08:41
Laneyshe sometimes says it to Henry08:41
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho
Laneyhey attente08:42
Laneythis scheme handle thing from last night08:43
LaneyI think it's because /usr/share/ubuntu/applications/ has no mimeinfo.cache08:43
Laneyis that a thing that makes sense to be?08:43
Laneyattente: https://paste.ubuntu.com/16942233/08:45
=== zsombi_ is now known as zsombi
seb128hey Laney willcooke pitti09:19
willcookehey seb128, are you all fixed?09:20
seb128new cable, works great ;-)09:20
seb128how is your cold? feeling a bit better?09:21
pittihey seb128!09:21
pittiseb128: moar bits now? :-)09:21
seb128pitti, yeah, more than 0 is good!09:21
seb128the line didn't like the recent weather and was out of order09:22
seb128but new line is also better09:22
seb128the modem says it gets 34Mbits/s now09:22
seb128which is better than what I had before09:22
Laneyhey seb12809:34
Laneylet the 1s and 0s flow09:35
andyrockhey all09:49
andyrockwillcooke: script? :D09:50
willcookeandyrock, done09:50
Trevinhowillcooke: maybe you could add the script to canonistack with a link to trigger it? :)10:06
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware
willcookeTrevinho, an IRC bot too :)10:12
Trevinhowell what's easier :)10:13
=== Saviq_ is now known as Saviq
andyrockdesrt: g_object_add_weak_pointer does not work10:59
andyrockit always set the value of the weak ptr to null11:00
andyrockdesrt: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16943550/11:01
andyrockthis prints "valid_ptr valid_ptr nil nil"11:02
andyrockdesrt: ah i got it, i've to initialize the pointer before.... mmm11:16
andyrockg_object_add_weak_pointer should do that no? :D11:16
andyrockdesrt, seb128 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1506744/comments/4711:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1506744 in gnome-menus (Ubuntu) "Newly installed applications do not show in the dash" [High,In progress]11:20
seb128andyrock, hey, thanks, waiting for desrt to review/comment11:31
=== JanC is now known as Guest27710
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
desrtandyrock: did you see my review comments yesterday on irc?  I couldn't comment in the bug because you just pasted the raw patch12:21
=== hikiko is now known as hikiko|ln
attenteLaney: hey, is it not reading the mime types from /usr/share/applications/gnome-software-local-file.desktop?12:53
jbichaseb128: could you rm anjuta 3.20 from y-proposed? anjuta needs a simple rebuild against webkitgtk for webkitgtk to migrate12:55
=== qengho_ is now known as qengho
seb128jbicha, what's the issue with the version in proposeD?12:57
jbichait depends on libwebkit2gtk-3.0-25 instead of libwebkit2gtk-4...12:59
ogra_(time for a snap ;) )13:00
* ogra_ whistles innocently13:00
seb128jbicha, unsure what's the difference between those and which one is correct ... can't you just do a rebuild using the right version?13:03
seb128ogra_, yeah, because who needs translations or documentation to work :p13:03
ogra_TGIF ;)13:03
jbichawebkit2gtk 3 is obsolete, anjuta is the last package depending on it and the webkitgtk package in -proposed no longer builds webkit2gtk 313:04
jbichaanjuta just needs a rebuild, but we can't do that since anjuta 3.20 autosynced from Debian and needs GTK 3.2013:04
seb128no it doesn't?13:08
seb128it built it seems13:09
jbichaok, let me look some more13:10
=== hikiko|ln is now known as hikiko
Laneyattente: that doesn't have the scheme handler for appstream13:19
attenteah, ok... so what should be updating that? should there be a dpkg trigger there?13:23
Laneynot sure how it can work13:40
Laneymaybe desrt has an idea13:40
andyrockdesrt: yeah and i fixed that13:41
andyrockor i forgot to move to FALSE :O13:41
andyrockdesrt: nope i'm returning FALSE13:42
* qengho afk. kid lunch.14:11
* ogra_ wonders what sauce qengho has with his "kid lunch" 14:35
qenghoogra_: Son's birthday. Had lunch with him at school.14:43
pittiogra_: Jägersoße?14:43
andyrockseb128: regarding this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/158243015:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1582430 in unity (Ubuntu) "spinning wheel when opening Rhythmbox from Dash/Launcher WHEN it is already playing music" [Medium,In progress]15:06
andyrockthe easiest way is to change the desktop file for Rhythmbox15:06
andyrockto org.gnome.Rhythmbox3 and to make it DbusActivable15:07
andyrockseb128: any idea why is not like that right now?15:07
andyrockseb128: we can workadound it in bamf but it's not that easy15:27
josh98hi. 16.04 seems to lack the ability to selectively remove amazon the way that was present in previous builds (search for amazon in dash, then right click on it and remove). who here knows the best way to do it or has superior google-fu?16:31
ogra_the reason might be that the amazon stuff is off by default in 16.04 ?16:34
=== tyhicks` is now known as tyhicks
a1fajosh98: unity-tweak16:52
a1faandyrock: how bad was the show desktop lunch?16:52
a1faerr bug*16:52
a1falunch is on my mind16:52
andyrockwhat you mean how bad?16:52
josh98alfa: ubuntu software reviews say that unity-tweak comes bundled with amazon app. wth?16:56
josh98alfa: also it looks like very early alpha software16:58
josh98alfa: either way, thank you for the suggestion16:58
andyrocka1fa: we already proposed a fix for that bug. show desktop is still buggy but I'll try to improve it17:01
willcookegnight all17:11
* willcooke -> bed17:11
a1fajosh98: are you trying to disable amazon integration?17:31
a1faandyrock: there is another bug, with the top bar hiding items under it17:37
a1fanot sure how to replicate it17:38
andyrocka1fa: please open a new bug on lp17:38
a1fai will, was hoping to figure out how to replicate17:38
a1faoh i may have opened it already17:38
a1falet me check17:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1581912 in unity (Ubuntu) "Specific NVIDIA driver settings in xorg.conf will cause issues with Unity Panel" [Undecided,New]17:39
a1fai was able to do it with a specific nvidia setting in xorg17:39
a1fabut it happens without it on random17:39
a1faah looks like my laptop had "    Option "AllowEmptyInitialConfiguration" "True"17:40
a1faso so far its only if this is enabled17:40
a1fawill it bug the top ba17:41
andyrockok I'll try to reproduce the bug next week17:42
andyrockeow for me :D17:42
josh98alfa: yes. i want amazon completely uninstalled17:42
a1fajosh98: you cant uninstall it, you can disable the unity integration17:49
a1fano big deal, when its disabled, its disabled for good17:49
josh98alfa: can we disable the unity integration of just amazon, and leave other integration intact?18:19
whlaiHave two monitors working at greeter (sometimes) but after login there's only one, and the second is not detected. Any ideas?18:27
whlaishoot, just saw that I'm off topic18:27
bdrungpitti, here you go: https://github.com/bdrung/systemd/commit/2b824ccae61142cbcdaf251c2d3c996f933e217a21:57
bdrungtime to head to bed21:57

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