
pilneis it normal to have about a 1 second delay from opening the terminal to having the prompt be available?02:08
pilnecpu not under load, plenty of ram available02:08
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DragnadhI installed steam from the software boutique, but for some reason when I click on it to open it won´t open.. o_O14:51
AkuliDragnadh, if you open a terminal and type 'steam' there, what happens?14:52
Dragnadha lot of errors -_-14:53
Akulidon't paste them here14:53
Dragnadhall related to libgl14:53
Akuligo here http://dpaste.com/ paste errors, click the paste it button and give us a link14:54
Akuligoogling one of the lines, i found this14:56
DragnadhUh i tried the command he pasted, says cannot find directory14:59
Akuliwhich one15:00
DragnadhThe Remove libstdc++ in reply #5 of the topic15:01
Akulido you have a /home/yourusername/.local/share/Steam folder?15:05
Akulicheck with caja, press Ctrl+H to view everything15:06
DragnadhI am confused, where do i see this local thing15:07
Dragnadhlocal map15:07
Akuliopen your home folder from a menu15:07
Akulipress Ctrl+H and go to .local, then go to share, is there a Steam folder?15:07
Dragnadhfile system > home?15:07
Akulithen your username there15:07
Akulithats the home folder15:07
Dragnadhclicked it then i come at documents and music etc15:08
Akulinow Ctrl+H15:08
Akuliyou'll see a bunch more stuff, go to .local15:08
Dragnadhyour right15:08
Dragnadhi am in the steam folder but i dont see a that library15:09
Akulithere's a bunch of other files there too, remove any you find15:10
Dragnadhi have 3 maps -> linux, logs and ubuntu12_3215:11
Dragnadhand steam.sh and 2 text files15:11
AkuliYou could ask on #ubuntu about this15:15
braulio_puedo instalar visual basic en mate ?15:21
gordonjcpbraulio_: I think you're asking if you can install Visual Basic in Ubuntu MATE?15:24
gordonjcpoh wow, there's a #ubuntu-pa for people in Panama15:25
gordonjcpbraulio_: you might get it working in Wine, Visual Basic is very much a Windows-only thing15:25
braulio_ok friend, i like ubuntu15:27
gordonjcpbraulio_: what are you trying to do?15:27
Akuliif you just want to program in c or c++ you can use some other IDE instead, but if you can't you need windows15:28
gordonjcpif you need actual Visual Basic like maybe for school or college, you pretty much need to use it15:28
gordonjcpAkuli: python might be a better fit, for VB stuff?15:28
Akulidoes visual basic do python?15:28
gordonjcpbut then it doesn't do C either :-)15:28
braulio_I want to use ubuntu as a platform, and install visual basic, schedule, tasks are college15:28
Akulioh right15:28
Akuliits a language, not an ide :D15:28
gordonjcpand actually you can get VSCode from Microsoft15:29
gordonjcpwritten in JS, conceptually similar to Github Atom15:29
gordonjcpI've never used Visual Studio, or indeed Visual Basic15:29
gordonjcpbut apparently VSCode is good, and there's a PPA for it15:30
gordonjcpthink of it15:30
gordonjcpMicrosoft - *Microsoft* - have an Ubuntu PPA15:30
Akulias far as i know its possible to install bash on windows 1015:31
Akulibash provided by *Microsoft*15:31
gordonjcpand Linux binaries for MS SQL Server15:31
gordonjcpI mean they do a GUI-less Windows Server already, have done for years15:31
gordonjcpbraulio_: okay so https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1325#15:31
gordonjcpmaybe that'll help?15:32
braulio_thank you15:36
JackiI got an issue with my login screen16:13
Jackiright place here?16:13
gordonjcpjust ask your question :-)16:14
JackiWhen my login screen shows up it does some kind of refresh after two seconds16:15
Jackiso often i am already typing my password and i get an error because I hit a key during this refresh16:16
Jackinever happend to me before16:16
nomicmaybe your keyboard -- there is nothing that should intefere with the "login"16:16
nomicits a keyboard problem16:16
nomicits too basic to be anything16:17
Jackii have an external wireless logitech keyboard16:17
Jackiprobably its that16:17
nomicsome issue with keyboard16:17
Jackinever been working well with ubuntu16:17
nomicshowing up16:17
Jackiok i try to reboot16:17
nomicway to test, plug real keyboard in16:17
nomicie. non-wireless16:17
Jackii have a laptop :)16:17
Jackibut put it on a docking station sometimes16:18
Jackithats when i use the wireless keyboard16:18
Jackii do a reboot without the dongle attached16:18
nomicnot sure if wireless keyboard needs compatibility /drivers16:19
nomicI really don't think so16:19
nomicthe hardware works like a physical keyboard, through the usb16:19
nomicdoesn't have  driver .. its not a linux/ubuntu issue, this16:20
Jackistill having the issue...16:21
gordonjcpJacki: yup, I get that too16:27
gordonjcpJacki: it's really annoying16:27
Jackiits not going away16:28
Jackii detached the dongle16:28
Jackididnt work16:28
gordonjcpJacki: it's got nothing to do with the keyboard, I suspect16:29
gordonjcpJacki: it does it here on three laptops and two desktops, different hardware16:29
gordonjcpsame symptom16:29
JackiI will post it in the forum i guess16:29
Jackipretty buggy version 16.0416:29
Jackinever had so many problems with ubuntu16:30
gordonjcpthe simple fix I found was to just not type my password in for a couple of seconds after booting16:30
Jackiyeah ok16:30
gordonjcpor taking it out of screensaver16:30
Jackithats a workaround16:30
moootHi is there any way I can get updated Flash to work on Chromium on an older laptop with ubuntu?16:50
moootI couldn't find the pepper plug in in the application centre and it didn't seem to work after trying to manually install it16:50
moootAnd Chrome browser was no longer supporting 32 bit16:50
moootI usually use Firefox but I did download Chromium when  I tried to install the pepper plug in with that, which I couldn't seem to find16:55
nomicflash is becoming deprecated, I beleive17:15
sixwheeledbeastI removed flash ages ago.17:21
nomici think the end of flash was when apple removed it17:22
nomiccouple years back17:22
sixwheeledbeasthtml5 video was the end of flash and rightly so.17:26
Akulimooot, its possible to get flash working, but i don't recommend it17:47
Akuliflash is quite a security issue17:47
sixwheeledbeastExactly why I removed it17:55
ubuntu-mateanybody here18:26
gordonjcpubuntu-mate: lots of people18:27
ubuntu-mateok tanx18:27
gordonjcpubuntu-mate: however, in the GMT-ish side of the world it's early evening and lovely and sunny out, and in the other side it's night time and everyone's probably in bed :-D18:27
ubuntu-mateso ...18:28
ubuntu-matei have a laptop18:28
ubuntu-matewith broken HDD18:28
ubuntu-matei search opereting system who run good linux os18:28
ubuntu-matewhat i try18:29
ubuntu-mateinstall the os on the usb stick18:29
ubuntu-matebut is too slow18:29
ubuntu-mateslowly open the applications ant more than18:29
gordonjcptoo slow to install, or too slow to run?18:29
ubuntu-mateslow to run any program18:30
ubuntu-matei mean,i need a os who can install on usb stick18:30
ubuntu-mateINSTALL !18:30
ubuntu-matenot live usb18:31
gordonjcpjkkkkkkkkkkkbvu666666opi dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd8e n#18:31
ubuntu-matewhat :D18:31
* gordonjcp removes cat18:31
ubuntu-matethe good cat yeah18:32
gordonjcpoh, you want to use the USB stick as the hard disk?18:32
gordonjcpyou can do that, but you need a really good quality USB stick18:32
gordonjcpcheap ones will be slow18:32
gordonjcpyou can install from a normal bootable USB stick to the other USB stick, just make sure you've got them the right way round18:32
ubuntu-mateyeah,but is not same,becouse usb stick have a limit to read18:32
ubuntu-mateok listen18:33
gordonjcpwell, flash has a limit on the number of writes18:33
gordonjcpbut you're unlikely to hit that for all but the cheapest nastiest USB sticks18:33
ubuntu-mateare you have ideq how i can save setiings and profiles on live usb18:33
ubuntu-matelive os18:34
gordonjcpoooh, there used to be a way to do that18:37
ubuntu-mateok,take a look now18:38
ubuntu-matelooks good18:39
gordonjcpubuntu-mate: what kind of hard disk is it?  SATA or PATA?18:39
ubuntu-matetoo many badblocks18:39
gordonjcpyou can get SATA-to-SD card adaptors for pennies these days18:39
ubuntu-matesata to SD18:40
ubuntu-matedid os accept the HDD18:41
ubuntu-matebecouse for this moment OS dont acces the HDD18:41
ubuntu-mateFATAL ERROR18:42
SuperEngineerWill Wine install & work ok on an old 386 netbook? [can't find in boutique & the man from apt-get says no]18:45
SuperEngineer[umate 16.04 i386]18:46
Akuliit should18:53
Akulithe man from apt-get says no?18:53
ubuntu-matei have a new question19:01
ubuntu-matedid i make bad sectors in different partiton on hdd19:02
gordonjcpubuntu-mate: not unless you dropped it, hard19:03
nomicyou won#t cause bad secttors by typing .. its not software19:03
nomicis reported by disk firmware19:03
nomicif you have them, they are marked, and not addressed19:04
nomiclike minefields with flags on them19:04
nomicdisk firmware .. onboard software, on the disk19:04
ubuntu-matei tryed with fsck19:04
nomicthats the tool19:05
nomicto check19:05
ubuntu-matei think is to repair19:05
nomicthey don't ever get opened19:05
SuperEngineerAkuli: it says not found19:05
nomicif they're opened, they die19:05
nomicthey contain gas19:05
nomicto work19:05
gordonjcpubuntu-mate: fsck will repair disks where the stuff written to them is a bit confused19:05
SuperEngineer[partner repo is enabled]19:05
gordonjcpnomic: most don't, only air19:05
Akuliapt-cache search wine19:06
Akulishould give you plenty of results19:06
nomicwouldn't htink "air"19:06
ubuntu-mateok what i try to make19:06
SuperEngineerAkuli: thanks19:06
nomic"WD releases 6TB Ultrastar He6: The world's first helium-filled hard drive www.extremetech.com › Computing 4 Nov 2013 "19:07
gordonjcpnomic: I don't think that's the first helium-filled hard disk19:07
gordonjcpnomic: they were used a long time ago, for very, *very* specialised things19:08
nomicis that before, or after, mercury delay lines19:08
nomicis it after williams tubes19:09
AkuliCan someone recommend an alternative to pygame?19:09
gordonjcpwell I first saw them in the 1990s19:09
AkuliI've heard that pygame is deprecated and it sucks.19:10
Akulioops wrong channel :)19:10
gordonjcpAkuli: were you supposed to be trolling #pygame? ;-)19:10
nomicits not deprecated19:10
nomicit is widely used19:10
gordonjcpnomic: they were quite expensive and went into big green crates of computing equipment that went onto big grey ships19:11
nomicwas one of them the USS Eldridge?19:11
Akulino, #python19:11
Akulii was supposed to troll their way of saying that things suck and there's one right way, which is qt :)19:12
Akuliby the way, qt sucks. especially for games.19:12
ubuntu-matehttp://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/how-to-fix-repair-bad-blocks-in-linux/ can help me that19:12
nomicqt is not for games .. its a widget set19:12
nomicyou could make tiling games, I suppose19:12
SuperEngineer& have you tried vacuuming - that really sucks!19:13
nomicthats the funniest joke i've ever heard19:13
SuperEngineerno it's not19:13
nomicubuntu-mate - an issue that can be resolved in irc #ubuntu, far busier than here19:15
nomicmore likely to get a drive expert there19:15
nomicmay be easier tools to use than the one described in your article19:16
ubuntu-matebuying a new19:16
ubuntu-matethat is19:16
* SuperEngineer has always wanted a new "that is" ;-)19:17
nomicdrive isn't going to heal19:17
nomicbad sectors = on it's way out19:18
ubuntu-matei knooow19:18
ubuntu-matetoo much repaired PC`s19:18
ubuntu-matebut now ,i want to resolve this19:19
* nomic got old drives all over19:19
nomicthey amass19:19
nomicmust have 10 .. would probably be able to get together > 1019:19
nomicsort of 80gb , 60gb, 120gb 160gb etc etc19:19
nomiclaptop 2 inch drives19:20
* nomic has thrown stuff away19:20
* nomic reckon could put together mebbe 8 working pcs19:20
nomicv v old19:20
nomicno value19:20
nomiccouple more since I replaced with raspberry pi 3ds19:20
ubuntu-matethis is 320 GB19:20
nomicpi 3s19:20
ubuntu-matei need only 20 30 gb in partition19:21
ubuntu-matenothing more19:21
ubuntu-matethis bad blocks19:21
useris anyone online19:43
userI installed ubuntu mate 1604 and it works great, BUT i forgot to update my19:44
userBIOS on my laptop19:44
userit's an exe file19:44
userI don't want to reinstall windows to load it19:44
userthen reinstall ubuntu mate again19:44
useris there a way to run an exe file in linux to flash my bios?19:44
nomicwould get something like freedos to run it19:45
nomicsort of thing I used to put on a dos disk19:45
nomicboot the dos disk, run it .. nothing else running19:46
userI suppose that could work19:46
nomicwouldn't be sure something that low level, would execute to flash bios, through wine19:46
nomicbecause wine will run in it's own protected env.19:46
nomicit needs to run on the machine19:46
nomicwine = emulator, so no19:46
nomicor just grab a copy of dos19:47
nomic6.22 is prolly all over the place19:47
useryeah, I will look it up and burn it to a cd19:47
nomicget it bootable,19:47
nomicyou think upgrading your drives bios will resolve issues19:47
userno I don19:48
userNo, I don't have any issues, but I want the latest bios19:48
usermine is 14 versions old19:48
userI just flashed the bios on my DVD player a few days ago and now I can play some DVD's that were not working....19:49
userso maybe there is some updates or patches for this PC that will improve some things....19:49
userwho knows19:49
userThe only thing wrong with this laptop is that the batter will not charge at all... and the bios won't fix that.19:50
carl__How is the world treating everyone?19:53
usershitty, it's raining here19:54
userand my basement gets wet when it rains19:54
carl__bright and sunny, might hit 100 degrees here in the high desert (3800ft)19:55
usermust be arizona19:57
carl__west texas19:57
usersays it's only 89 in w. texas19:58
carl__sorry, possible this weekend. June is hot as hell here.19:58
userI lived in San Antonio for a while... that heat sometimes hits you in the face hard when you go outside19:59
Mordoc_Mystery20C and sunny in Calgary...19:59
carl__i bet your skin pores are clean, for the humidity lol20:00
userwell it's a little clammy in minnesota right now20:00
carl__Don't worry Calgary...no plans to invade Canada this year, maybe next year...20:01
userApparently after this election, plenty of people are moving to canada20:01
carl__Are there alternatives to vote for?20:02
carl__Canada = no guns!20:02
userYou can't have a gun in Canada?20:03
userkinda lame20:03
userHow would you hunt? with a spear?20:03
carl__Hillery wants those guns!20:04
userwell, she just represents the status quo.... so no change really with her20:05
usertrump is a wild card, could be good, could be disaster20:05
Mordoc_MysteryWe don't mind guns, just not handguns and semi-automatics. Hunting rifles are okay with us...20:05
Mordoc_MysteryThe one that has made us laugh the most is the Canadian/US dating site, MapleMatch.20:05
usersemi-automatics are not necessary, but I think handguns are ok20:06
Mordoc_MysteryFor those seeking Canadians and a reason to move to Canada.20:06
Mordoc_MysteryMy wife is a Minnesotan, from Elk River...20:06
userI know the place20:07
userjust north of me by 20 minutes20:07
carl__Gun Control means never having to say... I missed you!20:07
Mordoc_MysteryPretty country...20:07
usermaybe 30 minutes20:07
userwell, the only thing that bothers me is that the goverment and police have them, so if it's okay for them, then it should be ok for the citizens as well.20:07
userif you want to ban guns, then ban them for everyone20:08
carl__Canada has breath-taking country.20:08
userdoes canada have socialized medicine?20:08
Mordoc_MysteryIt's just a different history and culture this side of the 49th. I don't think I have any perspective on the US issues.20:09
Mordoc_MysteryIt does, single payer type system.20:10
userif you make 100,000 per year in Canada, what do you have left after all your taxes are paid?20:11
Mordoc_MysteryDepends on the province, taxes are less in the prairie provinces than Ontario and Quebec. It would be in the 30 to 40% range in Alberta20:12
userhmmm... Do you have property taxes?20:15
userI guess I am just trying to figure out what the benefit to living in Canada would be vs. the U.S. or somewhere else like Europe (somewhere stable)20:16
Mordoc_MysteryAverage house in my community is around $3,000 per year CDN.20:16
Mordoc_MysteryHard to say. I've lived in the US and liked the area and the people. The job is what got me back to Canada.20:17
Mordoc_MysteryI was just in the UK, and while wages were higher the cost of living was considerably higher as well.20:17
userI visited Paris a few years ago for 17 days, and housing in the city is crazy expensive20:18
Mordoc_MysteryYep, my experience as well.20:18
userI program, so I can pretty much work from anywhere20:19
userI don't really care where I live, I would just like to find someplace less polluted.20:19
miguel_Algún español o de habla hispana?20:19
userno say20:19
moootIs there any way to use updated flash on an older laptop with ubuntu? I normally use firefox but I downloaded Chromium since Chrome isn't supporting 32 bit anymore. I heard to use the pepper plug in, but it wasn't in the application centre and it didn't seem to fix anything after I manually installed it20:19
userno ente endo20:19
Mordoc_Mysterymooot, Not that I know of. Given that Adobe has abandoned Linux I think you're out of luck.20:20
userWhy would you want to use flash? I thought it was dying.20:21
userI don't visit sites that have flash...20:21
moootYeah, that's why I was trying to use some kind of Chrome browser since that's what most people are using that for flash, but I couldn't seem to find the plug in I needed to have it work with Chromium20:21
userI don't visit sites that use silverlight either20:21
userYou can't put 64-bit mate on your older laptop? I run it on mine and it works just fine.20:23
miguel_I need help please20:23
userI have an old HP pavilion g420:23
moootWell when I tried to it wouldn't work20:23
moootThere was some kind of error20:23
Mordoc_Mysteryuser, That's one of things that I like about Southern Alberta. Pretty, weather is okay for the most part, lots of parks and such near by.20:23
userfor mine, I had to install ubuntu mate 15.1 64bit20:23
userthen run the software updater to 16.0420:24
miguel_I uograde to Ubuntu Mate 16 and now i can,t install nothing20:24
userdownload software center20:24
markus__good bye20:25
miguel_I try all20:25
usersystem>administration>software botique20:25
userthen install it.20:26
userWhat kind of job would bring you back to Canada?20:28
miguel_thank you very much20:28
useryou are welcome20:28
userI am going to go play a little TeamFortress2 mordoc, see you later.20:30
miguel_installArchives() failed: Selecting previously unselected package libappstream3:i386.20:31
jakub__after installation of ubuntu mate there is no splashscreen during startup. is it normal? i see such screen during shutdown.20:35
gordonjcpsuspending a laptop, swapping its hard drive, and powering back up is, uhm21:50
gordonjcpyeah, think I'll just reboot and fsck, there21:50
ubuntu-matesomebody speak spanish_23:16

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