[01:38] Logan: I updated it https://launchpad.net/~unit193/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+sourcepub/6482713/+listing-archive-extra [01:49] Unit193: context? :P [01:50] Logan: Pinged you a few months back, this doesn't even need to pull a new version in. This enables the use of indicators, IIRC unity doesn't support the systray now? [01:50] I have no clue [01:50] I use Ubuntu headlessly :P [01:52] I noticed in Xubuntu, at least with my theme, it looks nicer this way too. :P [01:54] https://github.com/christophgysin/pasystray/issues/36 I think I'd seen this, is why. [01:54] README.md:57-58 claims that it's necessary in Ubuntu 13.04+ [01:54] if I upload this, will you forward a patch to Debian? [01:55] it can't hurt for them to build-depend on it as well [01:56] Last I saw Debian had removed a couple appindicator packages, since Ubuntu runs on snapshots it's harder to maintain. [01:57] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libappindicator [01:57] they still look pretty present to me :P [01:57] I mean, it's orphaned, but it exists [01:57] This one is still there, though QA maintained. [01:57] Aye. [01:57] worst case, the Debian maintainer says no [01:57] but I'd rather not carry a delta wherever possible [01:58] but yeah, I'll upload [02:01] Wish you could do deriv based build-deps like you can with patches. Best you can do is force --enable-appindicator/--disable-appindicator in d/rules based on --derives-from. [02:06] Oh heh, fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pasystray/+bug/1470483 too. [02:06] Launchpad bug 1470483 in pasystray (Ubuntu) "Please update the Package" [Undecided,New] [02:29] Unit193: the distro-specific quilt series causes more problems than it solves [02:30] because the Debian maintainers often forget that an Ubuntu series exists [02:30] and don't add patches to it that are relevant to both Debian and Ubuntu [02:30] Heh, there is that. Though in the case of deluge the maintainer is the same. I actually forwarded him a patch that allows Ubuntu to directly sync. [02:30] or they forget to refresh the patches upon a new release, and it refuses to build in Ubuntu accordingly [02:31] but it's fine in Debian, of course :P [02:31] that's good to hear [02:31] And by 'forwarded', I mean I dumped the diff in a pastebin and memoserv'd him. :P [02:33] Anyway, I need to find more MOTU/sponsors so I'm not pinging you all the time. [02:41] Unit193: haha, it's okay [02:41] I'm off for the summer, so I need things to do :P [02:41] then I'm going to start my full-time job! [02:41] Nice, where at? Or rather, what at? [02:42] Site Reliability Engineer at LinkedIn :3 [02:42] Hmm. [02:43] they contribute to the open source community! [02:43] What springs to mind is more the recent breaches. >_> [02:43] But, that's nice at least! [02:43] gah [02:43] right, so [02:44] the breach actually happened in 2012 [02:44] it's being...resurfaced now [02:44] they obviously have proper salting and hashing on their passwords at this point [02:44] I remember that one, actually. That's certainly good, at least they did learn. [02:45] for sure [02:45] Also, here pretty soon we may be pinging you (and someone else) to review a new package for Universe. >_> [02:46] oh dear :P [02:47] you know how I feel about new packages in Ubuntu [02:47] Understandably, though path of least resistence and all. >_> [02:48] what package is it? [02:48] xfdashboard. [02:49] there's an ITP! [02:49] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=788332 [02:49] Debian bug 788332 in wnpp "ITP: xfdashboard -- GNOME shell like dashboard for Xfce" [Wishlist,Open] [02:49] Logan: Look who filed it and how long ago. :P [02:49] oh hi bluesabre [02:50] Tadaaaa. Yep. pkg-xfce isn't so interested either, yey. [02:50] uh oh, what'd I do? [02:50] why not? I figured they'd package anything starting with "xf" [02:50] pickier than you'd expect :D [02:50] Logan: Because there's a lot of bugreports and not a lot of people taking care of it. Pretty much, it's just Corsac at this point. [02:51] it's not like things that start with g or k :) [02:53] https://qa.debian.org/data/bts/graphs/by-maint/pkg-xfce-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org.png [02:53] :( === FourDollars_ is now known as FourDollars === lfaraone_ is now known as lfaraone === \b is now known as benonsoftware === inaddy is now known as tinoco === bluesabre is now known as bluesabre1 === bluesabre1 is now known as bluesabre