
_stink_cmaloney: you get anyone toj oin in your june of learning?02:17
cmaloneyOther than JoDee> Not really.02:32
cmaloneyposting my first blog post about it.02:33
_stink_may join you.02:50
cmaloneyFeel free. We can spur each other on. :)02:50
mrgoodcathow often will you post?02:52
cmaloneyIdeally daily02:59
_stink_cmaloney: you have any ideas of what you'd like to try writing?03:05
cmaloneyNot sure03:10
cmaloneyI'm more just reading along with the book right now03:10
cmaloneyalthough I want to get into playing a bit with player missile graphics on the Atari03:11
cmaloneythat's 10 y/o me talking03:11
cmaloneyWanting to be Chris Crawford03:11
_stink_hah, awesome03:13
_stink_this book is actually funny.03:17
cmaloneyYeah, it's a really good book03:20
cmaloneyWill be tackling the assemblers chapter tomorrow03:20
_stink_cool, i'll zip through the monitor chapter tonight03:23
_stink_riding your coattails03:23
cmaloneyThank you. :)03:23
_stink_i really wanted you to pick lisp03:24
_stink_i will survive03:24
cmaloneyNext month03:24
jrwrenawe yeah... first time crossing 11000KB/s since moving inet from 100Mbit nic to 1Gbit nic03:38
jrwreni guess that is technically only 90Mbit... but still faster than I've ever seen.03:39
jrwrenoh! and that rate isn't even counting the amazon prime video I'm watching ;]03:43
jrwrenretro peeps: how much data fit onto a 20min, 30min, 60min, 90min audio cassette when the cassette was used to store data on a C64 or Atari system?04:16
jrwrenreally, i just mean cmaloney. ;]04:16
cmaloneyI have NFC04:18
cmaloneymy Atari 400 was goofed up. :)04:19
cmaloneyiirc though it was similar to a Teletype in how it stored data.04:19
cmaloney600 baud04:20
jrwrenyeah, I knew it was a modem. but HOW MUCH?!?!04:22
jrwrenI must find out!04:22
jrwreni cannot sleep now.04:22
jrwrenhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1478120  2MB!04:24
cmaloneyYeah, not a whole lot. :)04:24
cmaloneyworse: C90 and C120 are pretty much useless for data04:25
jrwreni vaguely recall that.04:25
jrwrenhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compact_Cassette#Data_recording  oh! great article04:26
jrwrenand it says EVEN WORSE!  660KB / side of a 90min tape04:27
jrwrenok, I can sleep now.04:27
cmaloneyYeah, because they're not taking data frame markers into account04:27
cmaloneyand checksums04:27
cmaloneyalso depends on baud04:27
jrwrenthese days, i wonder what you could do.04:28
cmaloneyApparently the Atari was hamstrung on the SIO bus because of the FCC regs in place04:28
cmaloneywhich was why you couldn't get true 19.2 kbps out of it04:28
jrwrenqam256, error correction and maybe you could fit a few CDs worth of mp3 onto a cassette ;]04:28
cmaloneyeven though it theoretically could do that04:28
jrwrenok, enough. good night ;]04:28
cmaloneyAlso: Adam cassettes. ;)04:29
_stink_cmaloney: did you grab a better assembler for linapple?  or just using the mini-assembler?17:00
cmaloneyI grabbed Merlin17:01
cmaloneybut had fun trying to create a "blank disk"17:01
_stink_any links or advice?17:01
cmaloneyfinally just grabbed a "demo" disk image17:01
cmaloneyYeah, one sec.17:01
cmaloneyif you want a few minutes a manual might show up in there17:05
_stink_awesome, thanks!17:05
_stink_cmaloney: i mount demo.dsk, then ctrl-shift-f2, yes?20:40
greg-gperformance reviews... they're good but draining20:45
greg-g(writing them, that is, as a manager)20:46
cmaloney_stink_: You'll want to use f4 to put demo.dsk on the second drive20:48
cmaloneyand f3 to put Merlin on drive 120:48
_stink_aha, beautiful.  thanks20:54
rick_h_greg-g: :/ at the instagram22:35
rick_h_been there...22:35
rick_h_'hi family, back from a sprint. ummm...why isthe wall blue?'22:35

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