
magespawngood morning05:17
Kilosmorning all and sundry05:39
Kiloshi urbanslug Xethron magespawn MaNI captine inetpro paddatrapper Private_User theblazehen and others too05:51
paddatrapperHey Kilos05:51
XethronHeya Kilos05:54
urbanslugHey Kilos 06:13
theblazehenHey Kilos06:17
mazalMorning all06:37
Kiloshi mazal 06:38
mazalGaanit oom ?06:38
Kilosvol griep06:38
mazalAg nee06:38
mazalDan hoop ek oom is onder komberse06:38
Kilosdit sal verby06:38
mazalI discovered something last night that I don't know if it's lack of feature or yet another bug06:39
mazalOn Kubuntu 16.04 , I can not shift-delete a document on my desktop. I must just delete and then go and empty it out of the trash06:39
Kilosoh my06:40
mazalWas stunned by this really. Shift-delete is such an old feature so I'm thinking it must be another bug. I can't believe it's by design06:40
Kilostry report a bug and see if there are others complaining06:40
mazalI don't want to report a bug if it's a design flaw. Must mayve google first06:41
mazalCan oom do it on 14.04 desktop ?06:41
Kilosthen just google shift+delete doesnt work in 16.04 kubuntu06:41
Kilosyes i use it all the time06:42
Kilosthe trash can is a hassle06:42
mazalIt works fine in dolphin , just on desktop it doesn't06:42
mazalSo I'm thinking plasma problem06:42
Kiloson the actual desktop window it doesnt06:42
mazalSo this must be design flaw then 06:43
Kilosbut if i open desktop from home then it does06:43
mazalAnd my desktop is set to "folder" mode like it should be06:43
mazalGonna google this and see what I find06:44
Kilosif you do the launcher - computer - home - desktop?06:44
Kilosmine works if i go to desktop that way06:45
mazalYeah that's in dolphin , then it works. I think this is a plasma bug06:45
Kilosthen just add your voice there to push the priority06:46
Kilosits old already06:47
Kilosthere are too many bugs and not enough peeps on the bugsquad06:47
mazalFortunately it's not something I need a lot06:47
mazalOnly now and then I put a file there06:47
Kilosadd your voice there man06:48
Kilosthe more peeps complain the sooner they will get to it06:48
mazalAnd on another point , I have an oopsie to report :P06:49
mazalBought 3 games this week :)06:49
mazalBUT , in my defense , all 3 are oldies that was cheap06:50
anton_maygood morning all06:52
Kiloshi anton_may 06:52
Kilosai! mazal 06:53
mazalMorning anton_may06:53
anton_mayWe are urgently looking for a C# developer, that doesn't want an arm and a log, or second prize a senior php developer.06:55
anton_mayIf anybody knows please give a shout06:55
Kilosanton_may put that on the mailing list as well06:55
anton_maywill do06:56
inetprogood mornings07:16
Kiloshi inetpro 07:16
SquirmMorning all07:17
Kiloshi Squirm 07:17
SquirmIt's a Kilos07:18
magespawnhey all, configuring routers07:39
anton_mayok should we get some popcorn?07:51
magespawnthat is why i disappered for a bit, not much to see07:55
anton_maylol ah ok07:56
grembleGood dat09:45
magespawnhey gremble 09:51
grembleHow are you magespawn?09:51
pavlushkaping magespawn !10:24
magespawnhey pavlushka 10:27
pavlushkaHello magespawn !10:28
pavlushkaMaaz: you have configured joomla for some client, so I need some help with joomla, :p10:28
Maazpavlushka: I already know stuff about you10:28
pavlushkamagespawn: : you have configured joomla for some client, so I need some help with joomla, :p10:28
Kiloshi pavlushka 10:29
pavlushkaHello dear Kilos !10:29
Kilosi sick with flu10:30
pavlushkaDo you live all alone?10:31
pavlushkaKilos: 10:32
Kilosmy sister also  has flu10:32
pavlushkagood, but not that good if its all flu house, :p10:33
pavlushkaKilos: take rest, eat well, full stomach, will help.10:34
Kilosyes i will sleep soon ty pavlushka 10:35
pavlushkaKilos: :)10:36
pavlushkamagespawn: You are not caught with flu I guess, are you?10:36
Kiloslol he is at work in a new job so gotta look busy with work not irc10:37
pavlushkalol, ok10:37
Kilos be patient10:37
magespawnno i am good10:38
pavlushkamagespawn: then tell me which joomla ver you configured?10:39
magespawni did not really configure it, i just tried to maintain it as best as possible, 2.14 i think10:42
pavlushkamagespawn: So it was pre-configured? You just done some maintenance?10:43
Kiloshi gremble alive ty and you10:44
magespawnthe previous IT set it up, i just maintained it10:46
magespawnnot very well sometimes10:46
pavlushkaok, magespawn: when you have time, please take a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/779339/joomla-3-0-3-installation-gets-stuck-in-the-configuration-section-in-xubuntu-16?noredirect=1#comment1168774_77933910:48
pavlushkamagespawn: and if you have any suggestion on that, you can send me a memo, :p10:48
Kiloswe use maaz to pass messages pavlushka 10:49
Kilossame as QA10:49
Kilosthose freenode memos are hard work10:50
Kiloshi Trixar_za 10:50
grembleI am alright thank you Kilos 10:50
pavlushkaKilos: sure, I dont mind, I just forgot, :p10:50
magespawnpavlushka: will do10:59
magespawnpavlushka: is that is what is happening to you?11:08
pavlushkamagespawn: yes11:10
pavlushkaMaaz: but that is totally something with joomla conf.11:11
Maazpavlushka: One learns a new thing every day11:11
pavlushkamagespawn: : but that is totally something with joomla conf.11:11
KilosMaaz forget but that11:23
MaazKilos: Done11:23
magespawndid you sort it out11:56
pavlushkamagespawn: nope, got stuck12:07
mazalBye for now , have a good afternoon all12:34
anton_mayciao all have a good weekend13:56
Kilosyou too ty13:57
magespawnhome time, later all15:17
Kilosgo safe15:18
Kiloshi captine why you so quiet?16:29
Kilosim battling to think and all you healthy peeps dont say a word16:30
inetproMaaz: but16:56
Maazinetpro: Huh?16:56
inetproMaaz: last set factoid16:56
Maazinetpro: It was: but that16:56
inetproMaaz: but that16:56
Maazinetpro: Huh?16:56
inetproMaaz: forget but that16:57
Maazinetpro: I didn't know about but that anyway16:57
Kilosty inetpro 16:57
Kilosi thouht i did that16:57
inetpropavlushka: why you teaching the bot such weird factoids?16:58
inetprogood evening Kilos16:58
inetprooh and hi to everyone else16:59
Kilosi go eat16:59
inetprome too16:59
pavlushkainetpro: lol, its a g factor after ma which was creating the issues16:59
pavlushkainetpro: and good evening17:00
pavlushkaI go eat too, yum yum.17:01
Kilospavlushka type first three characters of a nick and when you hit tab just check which nick it brought up17:38
Kilossome times tab tab tab a few times cycles through all nicks close17:39
Kilosohi superfly 17:39
pavlushkaKilos: I know that all but I was not typing up to 3 characters, that was my fault.17:40
Kiloslol not serious17:41
pavlushkaand not doing the tab tab even, :p17:41
Kilostoo much good spicey food makes the brain slow at times17:42
pavlushkaKilos: Did you ran a research on that or any survey?17:43
Kilosno i tried it17:43
Kilosended up with a slow brain and a fat tummy17:43
pavlushkaKilos: or you just get confirmed studying me?17:43
Kilosi dont study, that makes the brain even slower17:46
Kiloswb pavlushka 18:15
Kilosinetpro if you have some timeanytime i need you to fix something for me please18:16
inetproKilos: what's up doc?18:17
Kiloswhen i had the original drive in lappy thunderbird used to get a mail on membership boards meeting days18:17
Kilosnow i have same thing on ssd but i dont get reminder mails anymore18:17
inetprowho is sending these mails?18:18
Kilosi took .thunderbird from old drive to here and it remembered all settings etc but not the reminder mail18:18
Kilosi dunno18:18
pavlushkaI guess the issue is not drive specific18:18
Kilosfrom calender18:18
Kilosevents i think18:18
inetproin other words what is the From address and what is the To address?18:19
Kilosits fridge mail18:19
Kilosi think18:19
Kilosyou remember we set up the fridge in calender18:19
Kilosi see calender still with info in but no more reminder mail18:20
Kilosused to get one dily18:20
Kiloseither you have a meeting or you dont18:20
inetproMaaz: I think18:21
MaazI think sounds like an assumption18:21
Kilosmaybe spammers broke the fridge to me18:21
Kilosman i think they are listed as events18:21
Kiloshappenings on certain days18:21
Kilosdont try make me work it out please head too sore and sukkeling with flu18:22
Kilosi missed a new applicant meeting last night now im scared he has given up18:22
Kiloshe tried twice now18:23
inetproMaaz: I think18:23
MaazI think sounds like an assumption, they have the unique ability to listen to one story and understand another18:23
Kilosmaybe ive got something missing in this drive to get a reminder from fridge18:24
inetprodoes that sound right ^^ ?18:24
Kiloswhat "i think"18:24
inetprothe last part18:24
Kilosi dunno if i perhaps had a browser setup to the fridge as well18:25
Kilosdoes that sound logical18:25
inetprobut you are sure you received an email?18:26
Kilosyes man i used to get them daily , if no meeting it said you have no meetings today18:27
Kilosand vice versa18:27
Kiloswas  a bit annoying but i didnt miss meetings18:28
Kilosand if i miss it so does everyone else18:28
inetproaha, those sound like google calendar mails18:29
Kiloscould be18:29
* pavlushka think so18:30
inetprowith subject "Daily Agenda for Oom Kilos as of 5 am"18:30
Kiloslol yeah18:30
Kilosno oom though18:30
Kilosno respect from google18:31
pavlushkaKilos: do you have some copies of previous mails?18:32
Kilosin the sky at ggmail ya18:32
pavlushkainetpro: I thing you already figured all, or do you need a sample?18:32
Kilosbut like 5000 mails to search through18:32
inetprogo to https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render#settings-calendars_918:32
inetprothat should show you your calendars18:33
inetproclick on "Edit notifications" of your relevant calendar18:33
Kilosyes i see that ty sir18:34
inetprodo things add up for you, as in can you see why it is not working?18:35
Kilosyes notifications was unticked18:35
inetprolook out for the "Daily agenda" notification18:35
Kilosand the daily agenda was unticked18:36
Kilosty very much sir18:36
inetprocool, there's your reason then18:36
Kiloswhy did google do that18:36
Kilosbecause i used duckduckgo?18:37
pavlushkainetpro: can you help me with a task? I need to move/mv the result of "mediainfo *.* | grep -v avc | grep .flv" in a bulk.18:37
inetpronow don't go blaming your poor new PC 18:37
Kilosno man i thought i had missed something18:37
inetpropavlushka: WAYTTD?18:38
Kiloswhat are you trying to do pavlushka 18:38
Kilosthats what that means18:38
pavlushkaI am trying to sort files with that and then move them at a time.18:40
inetpropavlushka: tell us the full story18:41
pavlushkainetpro: trying to sort specific type of media files and put them in different folders with single command in bash18:43
inetprofirst of all, why use *.* ? This is not windows...18:44
pavlushkainetpro: ok, so just * will do?18:45
inetproyep, unless you have that dot in there for good reason18:46
pavlushkato consider all files18:47
inetpro* is good enough for all files18:48
inetproyou can test it by putting 'echo *'18:48
inetpromediainfo returns a huge lot of information, I fail to see why you want to read that and then act on filenames18:48
inetproperhaps show us one example of the output and why you are trying to read only the lines containing .flv18:49
inetprouse https://bin.snyman.info18:49
inetproI assuming that you want to list files that contain flash video and move those to a folder?18:53
pavlushkainetpro: https://bin.snyman.info/mmmp6zpz18:53
inetproproblem with that is that you've lost the original filename in the output18:56
pavlushkainetpro: that is a point.18:56
inetprowhat files do you see in the folder?18:57
pavlushkainetpro: before answering your question I want to mention that for single file this trick worked though it prints some error message " mv 'mediainfo Facebook.mp4 | grep -v avc1 | grep .mp4' test"18:59
inetprothat looks completely wrong there19:00
pavlushkainetpro: please, teach me where.19:01
inetprowhat is the output of 'file Facebook.mp4'19:02
pavlushkainetpro: https://bin.snyman.info/mmm4ztdv19:03
inetprono, no, no19:04
inetprofile *.mp419:05
pavlushkainetpro: like https://bin.snyman.info/mmm2kapy19:06
inetprohmm... 19:06
pavlushkahere, https://bin.snyman.info/mmmn47bf19:08
theblazehenpavlushka: `whatis magic` btw19:08
inetprowould ISO 14496-14 files be FLV files?19:09
pavlushkatheblazehen: aaaaa... what?19:09
theblazehen~ ❯❯❯ whatis magic19:10
theblazehenmagic (5)            - file command's magic pattern file19:10
theblazehenIt's used by `file` to see what a file is19:10
pavlushkainetpro: no, i just need to sort different file type in different folder but some times it is codec specific.19:11
theblazehenpavlushka: Does `ffmpeg -i file.mp4` help?19:12
inetprofile *.mp4 | grep "ISO 14496-14"19:13
inetpropavlushka: that ^^ should filter out only the one type of file19:13
pavlushkahmm, copy both19:14
inetprothen you can do the following to get just the name19:14
inetprofile *.mp4 | grep "ISO 14496-14" | cut -f1 -d:19:14
theblazehenhey inetpro, have you seen https://joeyh.name/code/moreutils/ ? I really like vipe and sponge19:16
inetproseen only a few of those commands 19:17
inetprolike sponge19:18
pavlushkathank you guys, it was a pleasure getting help from you19:18
inetpropavlushka: did that help?19:20
inetprotheblazehen: I've seen  moreutils somewhere before but can't remember where and in what context19:21
inetprothanks for sharing 19:21
theblazeheninetpro: Cool. Yeah, I use it rather often, always good to have it around19:21
pavlushkainetpro: nope, https://bin.snyman.info/mmmc3ttr19:25
inetproyou're doing it wrong sir19:25
pavlushkaSorry, please correct me.19:25
inetprospaces in filenames are not helping you19:27
pavlushkainetpro: then?19:27
inetproyou could use a loop19:27
theblazehenmv -t /media/pavlushka/media/Videos/test/test/test/test/ "`file *.mp4 | grep "ISO 14496-14" | cut -f1 -d:`" will help with the spaces19:31
theblazehenNot sure, don't have time to properly look19:31
pavlushkaI think I have to re filter it like mv qwert*19:36
pavlushkawith addition to mv -t /media/pavlushka/media/Videos/test/test/test/test/ "`file *.mp4 | grep "ISO 14496-14" | cut -f1 -d:19:38
inetprothe following is a terrible hack of a command but it should work19:39
inetproecho mv -t DST `file *.mp4 | grep 14496-12:2003 | cut -f1 -d: | sed -e 's/^/"/;s/$/"/' | paste -sd' '`19:39
inetproam sure there must be a much better way of doing it19:39
Kilosty for the help inetpro .i knew you would fix it19:40
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:40
pavlushkaKilos: night night19:40
inetprogood night oom19:40
inetpronow what was I busy with?19:40
pavlushkalets check this out.19:41
pavlushkainetpro: I think if we can deprecate the out put to first five character followed by a * and then mv -t destination "that command" supposed to work.19:45
pavlushkafeeling sleepy, cant keep up, night guys.19:57

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