Guest65246 | ok | 00:00 |
reisio | ziwmyvb: what? :p | 00:00 |
ziwmyvb | reisio: My best friend died and I am trying to get onto his computer and recover as much as possible, hopefully log onto his Steam and Skype and update his statuses and so on. But when I startx it says fatal error, no screens found. The computer is Gentoo running i3wm | 00:02 |
reisio | ziwmyvb: come to #linux | 00:03 |
pvsharov | ziwmyvb: i'am sory | 00:04 |
ziwmyvb | Thank you, I'll try #linux | 00:05 |
hammer25 | is it just me, or does the ubuntu software application suck? | 00:05 |
reisio | compared to what | 00:05 |
hammer25 | in general. its barely functional, like i'm trying to remove stuff, and it doesnt seem to work | 00:06 |
bradaduke | its not being updated that well.. thats why ubuntu now uses the Gnome Software center | 00:06 |
OerHeks | !info synaptic | 00:06 |
ubottu | synaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83 (xenial), package size 1333 kB, installed size 6929 kB | 00:06 |
reisio | hammer25: you can always install synaptic instead | 00:06 |
bradaduke | synaptic is the best! if you know what your doing | 00:07 |
reisio | really not that different from the new thing | 00:07 |
reisio | only it's more mature | 00:07 |
hammer25 | i dont know what i'm doing :P | 00:08 |
hammer25 | brand new to linux/ubuntu | 00:08 |
reisio | soon you will | 00:09 |
OerHeks | sudo apt-get install synaptic ubuntu-resticted-extras vlc gimp hexchat classicmenu-indicator build-essentials gufw mahjong | 00:09 |
bradaduke | u can try AppGrid as alternative. if you like to see pictures of the applications etc. you can find it on with full instructions | 00:09 |
pvsharov | hammer25: and what you want to do? | 00:09 |
Guest65246 | Ubuntu-mate is just fine for me | 00:11 |
hammer25 | pvsharov: just curious about trying a new os really. I'm mostly learning how to program right now, python and C | 00:11 |
pvsharov | hammer25: okay )) | 00:12 |
designbybeck | I have files I might have deleted from a hard drive I still needed! I was backing up ot another harddrive and I think I deleted files I thought I already moved. But now I can't find them on either harddrive. What might I do to check that? | 00:15 |
designbybeck | .....As in look to see if I can recover them from the old hard drive!? | 00:16 |
drab | lol | 00:16 |
designbybeck | TestDisk!?? | 00:16 |
bradaduke | :hammer25 ubuntu is one of the most stable out here (and good for beginners). it's debian-based. and in my experience most distro's i prefer are all ubuntu or debian based! but Ubuntu which comes with (Unity) is not the most beautiful enviroment/desktop out there! | 00:16 |
nooobie | i just installed ubuntu and wanted to know if ubuntu is secure out of the box if i want to connect to my local library's wifi? | 00:16 |
nooobie | firewall needed, file sharing to be disabled etc | 00:16 |
bradaduke | you want secure? try KALI linux | 00:17 |
BlenderPro | I connected to ftp server on windows from ubuntu using the command line ftp command I did succesfuly logged in but I'm stuck, can't upload full directories can someone help me | 00:17 |
hammer25 | bradaduke: I actually kind of like the whole purple theme, but a lot of the icons kinda suck | 00:17 |
Arcaire | Kali is not a derivative of Ubuntu that would be considered "secure". | 00:17 |
pvsharov | bradaduke: OpenBSD :)))) | 00:17 |
Arcaire | It's not "secure", it's for information security hobbyists and professionals. | 00:17 |
nooobie | that's a pentest distro, not for everyday use | 00:18 |
bradaduke | hammer25: but do you want a beautiful desktop? or do you want to get to know linux? cause first i only cared about the desktopenvirment but now i prefer the terminal | 00:20 |
OerHeks | on windows you would search for a better icontheme.. | 00:21 |
sawdust | question can it combined 2 wifi signals from phones with a raspberry pi into one wifi | 00:23 |
hammer25 | bradaduke: i'd like to get better with the terminal | 00:23 |
reisio | sawdust: technically undoubtedly, don't think I'd want to spend the time on it | 00:23 |
kenrin | noobie: I think he means TAILS | 00:23 |
sawdust | well im in the army we have tmobile phones that are going to be locked at 128kbs | 00:24 |
sawdust | overseas | 00:24 |
reisio | if you're going to cheat, do it properly and just get a better singular connection | 00:25 |
hammer25 | sawdust, what mos? | 00:25 |
bradaduke | :arcaire your right. its not secure. i mixing up distros, install atleast 1 or 2 a day (all kinds, not just debian or ubuntu based) | 00:25 |
sawdust | n91D | 00:25 |
sawdust | 91D | 00:25 |
hammer25 | cool, i'm a 25N | 00:26 |
bradaduke | i saw a review of QUBES linux! i think you can call that SECURE | 00:26 |
Arcaire | Nope. | 00:26 |
sawdust | the plan is is un limited | 00:26 |
Arcaire | Xen has had some pretty big security vulnerabilities in recent times including guest breakouts. | 00:26 |
sawdust | just slow | 00:26 |
sawdust | need help | 00:26 |
nooobie | kenrin: think so but i don't need that level of protection, i just want to make sure my xenial installation is by default secure enough to be able to connect to the library's wifi, so it can't get compromised by a scumbag on the same network with malicious intent | 00:26 |
sawdust | can it be done | 00:26 |
uRock | sawdust, my be helpful | 00:26 |
reisio | mmuffinman: onnection | 00:26 |
reisio | ha | 00:27 |
reisio | then hammer25 can get you a better connection | 00:27 |
sawdust | ok thanks | 00:27 |
reisio | mmuffinman: disregard :p | 00:27 |
sawdust | the link is talking abut using a lan | 00:28 |
mmuffinman | reisio: :-) spider sense tingling | 00:28 |
uRock | sawdust, that was just the first link when I searched "linux wifi load balancing" I would offer more on the subject, but I haven't set up my system to do that yet. | 00:28 |
sawdust | ok thanks | 00:28 |
reisio | i/o spike, client got confused | 00:29 |
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uRock | sawdust, most of them will be, as it is something usually done on a server. Once the interfaces are set with IPs, then you would have to configure IPTables to do the load balancing. That's what I am seeing at a glance. | 00:32 |
sawdust | is there software to help with that | 00:33 |
sawdust | i'm more of a arduino guy | 00:33 |
uRock | from what I am seeing it will all be CLI, There may be something in Synaptic | 00:33 |
sawdust | i running ubuntu mate on a raspberry pi3 | 00:35 |
uRock | sawdust, guidedog may be a useful tool, it is listed in synaptic | 00:36 |
OerHeks | sawdust, if you want 720p Resolution 1280x720 youtube, 1,500 - 4,000 Kbps will need 12 to 40 rasp-pi + tmobile machines | 00:36 |
OerHeks | @ 128 kbs | 00:37 |
sawdust | we are trying to have a nuff band with to run skype to call home | 00:37 |
uRock | | 00:37 |
Ray_ | Logging out. Bye. | 00:41 |
colel | How do I connect to Internet with a fresh installation of Ubuntu Server with no access to an Ethernet port? | 00:44 |
sawdust | is there a app for android | 00:44 |
reisio | colel: what i/o have you got? | 00:44 |
Jordan_U | sawdust: Does each link have its own internet addressible ip? | 00:45 |
reisio | sawdust: you want video chat? | 00:45 |
sawdust | i belive so | 00:45 |
sawdust | no just want to keep the bandwith up | 00:45 |
Jordan_U | sawdust: That's (I believe) going to require multipath TCP at some level. Multipath TCP is bleeding edge and not supported by almost any servers. | 00:46 |
sawdust | ok just trying | 00:47 |
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colel | reisio: Four USB ports, trying to configure a server on a spare Raspberry Pi | 00:51 |
Guest71086 | hello, i have downloaded firefox "firefox-46.0.1.tar.bz2" | 00:52 |
worm5er | Anyone that's online here have decent experience with lvm partitioning in preseed files that I can ask a few question to? | 00:52 |
Guest71086 | I have extracted it to usr/local/src and I'm currently launching it using ./firefox on the .exe file | 00:53 |
pvsharov | Guest71086: what for you doing it? | 00:53 |
Guest71086 | how do i install it so i need not use ./firefox.exe everytime ? | 00:53 |
pvsharov | In ubuntu firefox installed by default | 00:54 |
sawdust | thanks for the help later | 00:54 |
reisio | colel: you can do net over usb, sure | 00:55 |
Guest71086 | pvsharov: I'm not using ubuntu | 00:55 |
Guest71086 | but my os is built on ubuntu | 00:55 |
pvsharov | it is a ubuntu channel | 00:55 |
pvsharov | Guest71086: what os? | 00:56 |
Guest71086 | pvsharov: elementary-os | 00:56 |
pvsharov | Guest71086: use default software installation tools | 00:57 |
pvsharov | such a apt | 00:57 |
Guest71086 | pvsharov: that wouldn't get me the latest version of firefox | 00:58 |
pvsharov | you can add ubuntu reps | 00:58 |
nacc | !latest | Guest71086 | 00:59 |
ubottu | Guest71086: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 00:59 |
Guest71086 | pvsharov: so there isn't anyway i can install the extracted firefox app ? | 00:59 |
nacc | Guest71086: this is a support channel for ubuntu | 00:59 |
nacc | Guest71086: i'm sure there is a way, but the appropriate place for that question would a firefox channel, as the firefox supported here is the one shipped by ubuntu | 01:00 |
nacc | !build | Guest71086 | 01:00 |
ubottu | Guest71086: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 01:00 |
Guest71086 | nacc: thanks | 01:00 |
nacc | may also have what you are missing | 01:00 |
nacc | Guest71086: my guess is you missed a `make install` step or something, but i have never (nor wanted to) tried building firefox from source :) | 01:00 |
pvsharov | Guest71086: package you had downloaded is precompiled | 01:00 |
Guest71086 | pvsharov: yes | 01:01 |
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nacc | oh, i see | 01:01 |
nacc | Guest71086: you just want firefox to run that particular firefox binary? | 01:01 |
nacc | Guest71086: set your PATH properly and it will | 01:01 |
pvsharov | Guest71086: just attach ubuntu or debian repositiry. | 01:02 |
uRock | Guest71086, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa | 01:02 |
django_ | hey | 01:07 |
django_ | is ls command in the PATH? | 01:07 |
Guest71086 | I have decided to bring my lenovo netbook ideapad s10 back to life and damn its freaking slow.. | 01:09 |
nacc | django_: ? | 01:09 |
Guest71086 | even with linux installed | 01:09 |
Bashing-om | Guest71086: . ubuntu wants 2 Gigs of ram for a good experience . | 01:11 |
Guest71086 | Bashing-om: I will be doing that soon | 01:12 |
pvsharov | Guest71086: you can install lubuntu | 01:12 |
pvsharov | on my laptop with 1Gb memory works good | 01:13 |
Guest71086 | Bashing-om: i have an SSD but unfortunately the netbook doesn't recognize it and treats it like a HDD the experience is even worse than hving a regular HDD | 01:13 |
uRock | Was snappy on a netbook as well | 01:13 |
Guest71086 | I have a ubuntu on my main laptop and it runs amazing | 01:14 |
Bashing-om | Guest71086: Windows was installed ? and the SSD is SSRT ? | 01:15 |
Guest71086 | I haven't installed windows on it yet i rarely use windows | 01:15 |
Guest71086 | the ssd is a radeon SATA3 | 01:15 |
Guest71086 | at first i went for a ubuntu for this netbook but the speed was unbearable | 01:16 |
Guest71086 | then i tried debian | 01:16 |
Guest71086 | but got the same issue | 01:17 |
Guest71086 | elementary os is fine but i dont blame the os its the netbook's cpu | 01:17 |
pvsharov | Guest71086: lubuntu | 01:17 |
Bashing-om | Guest71086: What returns - in a pastebin - terminal command ' sudo parted -l ' ? | 01:17 |
Guest71086 | an Atam 2x1.60GHz | 01:18 |
sigrid | I'm trying to put a new distribution of Linux onto my flash drive but can't figure out how.. Dose anyone know how or have a link? I'm using Kubuntu.. | 01:19 |
Guest71086 | Bashing-om: | 01:20 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: Do you know how to use 'dd'? | 01:20 |
sigrid | No | 01:20 |
sigrid | Don't know what dd is. | 01:20 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: Are you using Linux to make a bootable drive? | 01:21 |
Guest71086 | I will switch the ram for 2GB and see what happens | 01:21 |
Guest71086 | would have been great if the SSD was supported | 01:22 |
sigrid | I'm not sure. Right now I have Kubuntu installed on my HD, I want to put another distribution on my usb to boot into if that makes scene? | 01:22 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: Okay, no worries. I will walk you throught the process. Ready? | 01:23 |
Bashing-om | Guest71086: Well, the SSD does not show up . Does Bios see the SSD ? | 01:23 |
sigrid | Yeah | 01:23 |
Guest71086 | it sees the SSD with its name but it does not think it is an ssd | 01:24 |
Guest71086 | in the bios section there is HDD and SSD | 01:24 |
Guest71086 | my SSD falls into the HDD section | 01:25 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: First, insert the USB and open up terminal. Then, type df -h and identify the drive. Should be somehting like /dev/sdb1 or something like that. | 01:25 |
Guest71086 | so the bios thinks its an HHD | 01:25 |
Guest71086 | while there is nothing at the SSD section | 01:25 |
Guest71086 | well it's a 9 years old netbook anyways | 01:26 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: Once you identify the path to the drive you can you the package dd to write an iso to the flashdrive. Let me know when you have the drive path. | 01:26 |
Guest71086 | more like 8 years old | 01:26 |
Guest71086 | the CPU doesn't support 64bit which makes it hard to install chrome | 01:27 |
chrisml | how can i make apache2 start on boot? not sure why it doesn't already, 14.04... | 01:28 |
goddard | how can i get sound from an app running in a chroot? | 01:30 |
FoolishDave | I am having a significant amount of trouble with the integrated graphics card on my laptop | 01:32 |
sigrid | Hey, I was just talking to someone and got kicked off.. are you still here? | 01:33 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: Yes | 01:34 |
=== m1dnight1 is now known as m1dnight_ | ||
k00l3th4n | sigrid: If you want to talk directly to me, just type k00l3th4n: Message goes here... | 01:35 |
Bashing-om | Guest71086: Have you Firstly Disabled Acceleration from Intel RST and Secondly in BIOS changed RAID to AHCI ? | 01:35 |
sigrid | k00l3th4n: Kk | 01:36 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: Did you identify the USB drive? | 01:36 |
sigrid | k00l3th4n, No I lost the command that you just gave me, had to reset my computer. | 01:37 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: No worries, Type df -h in the terminl. | 01:37 |
user | is python used for GUIs? | 01:39 |
sigrid | k00l3th4n, I see udev, tmpfs , tmpfs and a few that say tmpfs. Is it the one that's mounted on /run? | 01:39 |
user | Should I use C instead? | 01:39 |
user | I'm for linux | 01:40 |
FoolishDave | how would I go about debugging my integrated graphics card if whenever I try and do anything with it, my computer locks up entirely? | 01:40 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: No, it shoud be something like /dev/sdb1 Do you see anything like that? | 01:41 |
Guest71086 | Bashing-om: i have not attempted that.. | 01:41 |
Guest71086 | I will go and try that right now | 01:42 |
sigrid | k00l3th4n, The only one that starts with dev is dev/shm | 01:42 |
zkanda | Hey guys, anyone know how to source their ~/.profile on resume? 16.04 | 01:42 |
Bashing-om | Guest71086: Many times that SSD is a raid device for Windows fast startup ... the desktop install does not have the tools to deal with raid . | 01:43 |
k00l3th4n | How many Gigs is the USB flashdrive you are using? | 01:43 |
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sigrid | k00l3th4n, 32gb | 01:43 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: And how big is the HD or SSD in your computer? | 01:44 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: You should be able to identify the drive my the size stated next to the filesystem. | 01:44 |
sigrid | k00l3th4n, 72G If I pull the USB out and run the command again nothing changes, dose that mean that my USB is messed up? | 01:44 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: Possibly. Have you reformatted the flashdrive? | 01:45 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: Try inserting the flashdrive in another port and then run the command again. | 01:46 |
sigrid | k00l3th4n, That was the first thing that I looked at but there is nothing which is around 32gb. When I plug it in my computer acknowledges it and no I don't know how. | 01:46 |
sigrid | k00l3th4n, Only have this one :/ | 01:46 |
Queenslayer | What's up people? | 01:48 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: See if you have the application Disks installed on your distro. | 01:48 |
Queenslayer | Ubuntu 16.04 is quite buggy | 01:48 |
Queenslayer | I've used it on 3 difference systems and on each there's been something not working | 01:49 |
Giant81 | don't tell me that, I just installed it | 01:49 |
Queenslayer | *different | 01:49 |
Queenslayer | Giant81: it could work perfectly fine for you | 01:49 |
sigrid | k00l3th4n, Typed it into the Terminal and it says command not found. | 01:49 |
Queenslayer | It's performs the best on a x220 thinkpad | 01:50 |
Queenslayer | *performed | 01:50 |
Giant81 | I'm on a T540p | 01:50 |
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Giant81 | so far so good | 01:50 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: Look in you applications, use the gui. | 01:50 |
Queenslayer | Giant81: Beats any OS out there when things go right | 01:51 |
Giant81 | yeah I bought an old mac pro for cheap | 01:51 |
Giant81 | can still run el capitan | 01:51 |
Queenslayer | Giant81: windows had lower sound and worse graphics and this with a whole swathe of driver installations | 01:51 |
Giant81 | I always thought MAC was supposed to be the polished *nix based OS | 01:51 |
Giant81 | doesn't seem as polished as I thought | 01:51 |
Arcaire | Giant81: For the most part it is. | 01:52 |
Queenslayer | These X220s are a dream | 01:52 |
Queenslayer | Cheap as chips too | 01:52 |
sigrid | k00l3th4n, I have Startuo Disk Creator, nothing called only Disk though. | 01:52 |
sigrid | It showed my USB there. | 01:52 |
sigrid | k00l3th4n, OH! I think this is going to work. Thank you!! I've been trying to do this for months lol. | 01:53 |
weilancys | I've switched video driver in "additional drivers" and when I switch it back to the original, the fonts in the tty have become very large. How do I make the fonts in the tty back to the original? | 01:53 |
k00l3th4n | sigrid: Did you figure out how to reformat? | 01:55 |
Rui_ | Ola boa noite ! Gaúcho GNU/Linux | 01:58 |
bmcgahan | can anyone help me decode with this ufw firewall syntax means: | 02:02 |
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bmcgahan | join #linux | 02:07 |
clipperz | Can someone tell me why it takes 2 minutes or more to load when I open 2 tabs? | 02:07 |
pilne | hey, i've had this "problem" across multiple "kinds" of ubuntu (stock, xubuntu, ubuntu-mate, and ubuntu-gnome specifically) where when i first install, and open a terminal, i get the prompt instantly, but after a while, there is a small noticable pause between opening the terminal and getting a prompt. any ideas? | 02:20 |
njcomsec | my laptop broke(OS not found) not i try to recover data with ubuntu live USB... but I cannot mount the laptop drive.. i get FAILED to read NTFS $bitmap input/output error | 02:22 |
njcomsec | it might be the disk has fast startup but i looked how to disable this it says to go into windows.. but i cant go into windows because the laptop drive is broken.... | 02:22 |
njcomsec | or it might be something to do with raid... but i dont know how to fix this... | 02:23 |
njcomsec | so to start... how can i identify the problem? | 02:24 |
Bashing-om | njcomsec: " FAILED to read NTFS " says this is a Windows issue . Tty a file system check from a Windows recovery CD ? | 02:26 |
Bashing-om | try* | 02:26 |
njcomsec | i dont have a windows recovery cd or a cd drive | 02:26 |
njcomsec | is there no app for ubuntu that can do something? | 02:28 |
pvsharov | ntfs3g | 02:29 |
goddard | how can i get sound from an app running in a chroot? | 02:32 |
njcomsec | it says ntfs3g is for mac | 02:33 |
pvsharov | goddard: what app? | 02:33 |
jamesd | goddard: not sure but you should be able to make the right files availible to do it.. someone had sound working inside docker, and even X working insdie docker with sound. | 02:33 |
pvsharov | njcomsec: it's a linux implementation of ntfs | 02:33 |
JJtothe4884 | hi | 02:33 |
pvsharov | JJtothe4884: hi | 02:34 |
Jordan_U | njcomsec: ntfs-3g is for any POSIX OS with FUSE, and comes with Ubuntu by default. | 02:34 |
jamesd | goddard: | 02:34 |
JJtothe4884 | looking to create a live persistant Ubuntu usb | 02:34 |
JJtothe4884 | can this be done with ubuntu mini? | 02:34 |
jamesd | not the same but you could use what she did, or just use docker, its close. | 02:34 |
jamesd | i can run a websever on my cellphone or a raspberry pi, ubuntu would work... if you can get the webserver package | 02:35 |
Bashing-om | njcomsec: It is ntfs-3g . | 02:35 |
goddard | im not using doing though | 02:35 |
goddard | pvsharov: it is google chrome | 02:35 |
Jordan_U | njcomsec: Please pastebin the output of "mount" "sudo parted -l" and "dmesg". | 02:35 |
JJtothe4884 | hello | 02:36 |
Jordan_U | JJtothe4884: The Ubuntu minimal image is not a Live image. | 02:36 |
JJtothe4884 | ok. | 02:37 |
JJtothe4884 | which ubuntu variants are not persistant | 02:37 |
zRecursive | Are there any commands as `netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Test key=0123456789` in windows to make Debian/Ubuntu box to act as WIFI hotspot ? | 02:37 |
pvsharov | JJtothe4884: you can install it on your usb drive | 02:37 |
pilne | IIRC all the basic live ISOs are non-persistant without some tweaks. | 02:38 |
njcomsec | ok. i need to setup irc on the laptop and make a pastebin account... brb | 02:38 |
Jordan_U | JJtothe4884: All of the Live images can be persistant, and any installation is inherently "persistant" so you can just install Ubuntu to your USB drive (though there will likely be poor performance and you need to do a little extra work if you want proper UEFI support). | 02:39 |
JJtothe4884 | Jordan_U: any program u reccommend to create the live USB on Windows? | 02:39 |
pvsharov | JJtothe4884: unetbootin | 02:39 |
JJtothe4884 | does it support UEFI? | 02:40 |
pvsharov | JJtothe4884: ubuntu supports | 02:41 |
goddard | i keep getting an error that my program can't connect to dbus | 02:52 |
goddard | i mount it in my chroot though | 02:52 |
goddard | sudo mount -o bind /var/run/dbus/ ~/chroot/var/run/dbus/ | 02:52 |
moldo | hello guys | 03:05 |
pvsharov | hi | 03:05 |
moldo | what is the difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server ? can you use ubuntu desktop to make servers ? | 03:07 |
pvsharov | On desktop xserver already installed | 03:08 |
moldo | oooh | 03:08 |
pvsharov | you can use desktop for server, but what for? | 03:09 |
BenderRodriguez | Installing Linux on a RoG | 03:10 |
BenderRodriguez | tsk tsk | 03:10 |
lestus | moldo, server has mostly core os with some basic tools preinstalled, but everything else you would need to install yourself based on your needs, desktop has a lot more stuff included by default, so takes up a bit more hdd space from the getgo | 03:11 |
moldo | pvsharov, i want to install dns server + monitoring software zabbix ( if you have something more simple tell me plz ) | 03:12 |
moldo | lestus, i understand thanks | 03:12 |
Bashing-om | !info zabbix | 03:12 |
ubottu | Package zabbix does not exist in xenial | 03:13 |
pvsharov | moldo: you don't need graphical environment for it | 03:13 |
ysangkok | i think there is a problem with w3c-markup-validator | 03:13 |
ysangkok | ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/etc/apache2/conf.d/w3c-markup-validator.conf’: No such file or directory | 03:14 |
moldo | pvsharov, yes i know | 03:14 |
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ysangkok | (on "Setting up" dpkg step) | 03:14 |
pvsharov | moldo: so? | 03:14 |
=== nicu is now known as nicu` | ||
lestus | ysangkok: you need to create the conf file | 03:15 |
nicu` | hi | 03:15 |
moldo | pvsharov, i need the xserver because i use the computer to play divx lol | 03:15 |
nicu` | what's hot? | 03:15 |
moldo | pvsharov, i have 500 go disk | 03:15 |
OerHeks | zabbix and dns and divx | 03:15 |
moldo | OerHeks, yes :) | 03:16 |
moldo | zabbix i want to use that to see if somebody is modifying my windows system | 03:16 |
nicu` | moldo: are you from moldova? | 03:17 |
pvsharov | moldo: hmm... Are you sure you need zabbix for it? | 03:17 |
somsip | !ot | nicu` | 03:17 |
ubottu | nicu`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 03:17 |
moldo | nicu`, no i m from france | 03:17 |
moldo | pvsharov, i don t know . maybe there are easier soft in windows | 03:18 |
pvsharov | describe the task | 03:18 |
moldo | i want to monitor wifi device to see if there is somebody hacking it | 03:19 |
moldo | a few times i seen the dns server were changed without my consent | 03:19 |
nicu` | moldo: just for you to know, country Moldova name is coming from a good friend dog called Molda | 03:20 |
nicu` | :-D | 03:20 |
pvsharov | moldo: where? In windows? how you obtain dns? By dhcp_ | 03:20 |
somsip | nicu`: do you have an ubuntu support question? | 03:20 |
nicu` | somsip: yes, why ubuntu works like shit? | 03:20 |
nicu` | is this because of juju? | 03:21 |
somsip | nicu`: so you've shown you're immature and rude. Do you really have a support question? | 03:21 |
moldo | pvsharov, there was somebody connected on the wifi and that somebody changed the dns from auto with dhcp to manual with a local ip adress for example | 03:21 |
=== zel is now known as Guest38568 | ||
nicu` | somsip: don't you think speedo's support balls betters than boxers? | 03:22 |
somsip | !ops | nicu` (troll) | 03:22 |
ubottu | nicu` (troll): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 03:22 |
nicu` | oh shit | 03:22 |
pvsharov | moldo: are you use any router device_ | 03:22 |
moldo | pvsharov, i use a smartphone as a wifi router to share my 4g internet | 03:23 |
tonyyarusso | nicu`: I see that got your attention. Care to stay on topic now perhaps? | 03:23 |
pvsharov | moldo: ok. So what you would to be monitored? | 03:24 |
pvsharov | moldo: your internet provider can change dns | 03:24 |
pvsharov | it's normal | 03:24 |
moldo | pvsharov, i need my window 7 machine to be monitored | 03:25 |
nicu` | that's why i run away from USA to live in Europe | 03:25 |
moldo | pvsharov, there was trojan and weird programs on that win 7 | 03:27 |
pvsharov | moldo: your devices connects to your phone and obtain default gateway and ip. But dns may be different | 03:28 |
moldo | pvsharov, dns doesnt go from auto to manual without a modification from the user | 03:29 |
moldo | and i never did any modification of dns servers | 03:29 |
pvsharov | moldo: what dns settings you have? in auto mode? | 03:31 |
moldo | pvsharov, obtain dns server address automatically | 03:32 |
pvsharov | do you think somebody change it in manual_ | 03:33 |
pvsharov | ? | 03:34 |
moldo | pvsharov, yes because iv see a device connecter to my smartphone with almost the same name as my machine. | 03:34 |
pvsharov | show ipconfig | 03:35 |
pvsharov | but will be better ask for it in windows chatroom | 03:36 |
moldo | pvsharov, it s gone now its fixed | 03:36 |
pvsharov | moldo: hm.. so you have no questions anymore? ))) | 03:38 |
moldo | pvsharov, i still want to monitor my network :) and i want to do it with the linux machine | 03:38 |
pvsharov | moldo: cacti | 03:39 |
moldo | pvsharov, cacti ? | 03:39 |
pvsharov | moldo: yo | 03:40 |
pvsharov | google it | 03:40 |
pvsharov | moldo: | 03:41 |
moldo | pvsharov, thanks man | 03:43 |
moldo | pvsharov, it says no root user on the linux machine | 03:44 |
pvsharov | moldo: Je vous en prie. Use sudo | 03:45 |
Lumancer | Sorry to interrupt, but does anyone know when #NVIDIA tends to be active? I fear I've been getting home too late in the evenings to pick their brains. | 03:45 |
roko | I compiled shout library and it generated a shout.pc file. How do I use this file? | 03:48 |
wicon | so pgp on 16.04 LTS just outputs "Version: GnuPG v1" on public keys | 03:52 |
wicon | is that normal? | 03:52 |
pvsharov | wicon: gpg maybe? | 03:52 |
wicon | pvsharov: huh? | 03:53 |
wicon | what do you mean? | 03:54 |
wicon | it's the gnupg package from the official repo | 03:54 |
pvsharov | wicon: i'am not completly understand your question | 03:55 |
wicon | i did an ascii export with --armor | 03:56 |
wicon | of my pub key | 03:56 |
wicon | it doesn't have the full version number or "GNU/Linux" on it | 03:56 |
wicon | like it used to | 03:56 |
pvsharov | i have gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.16 | 03:57 |
pvsharov | 14.04.04 | 03:57 |
pvsharov | so i thing it's normal | 03:57 |
pvsharov | if you use package from official repos | 03:58 |
moldo | pvsharov, i have trouble login in cacti what is the username and password ??? | 04:04 |
moldo | pvsharov, i tried cacti with the same password that i put during the installation | 04:05 |
pvsharov | admin/admin | 04:05 |
moldo | pvsharov, cool it works ! | 04:06 |
moldo | ty | 04:06 |
pvsharov | moldo: ok )) | 04:06 |
pvsharov | I go to sleep. Bye | 04:14 |
coredump | So, I am using xfce4 power manager and for some reason it's not locking my screen when I close the lid on my notebook. xflock4 is installed and works manually and with xautolock. ideas? | 04:18 |
wicon | coredump: what laptop? | 04:19 |
wicon | what model? | 04:19 |
coredump | macbook air 2013 something | 04:19 |
wicon | could be ACPI issue | 04:19 |
wicon | hm idk | 04:19 |
wicon | should work flawlessly with macbooks | 04:19 |
wicon | that's strange | 04:19 |
Cyber_Akuma | How can I verify which video drivers my Ubuntu LiveUSB is using? | 04:20 |
wicon | livecd never uses non-free | 04:21 |
wicon | er, same with usb | 04:21 |
Cyber_Akuma | I have it set to persistant and switched to the nvidia drivers, I want to check that it's actually using them | 04:21 |
coredump | wicon: it works ok with xautlock and my i3 shortcut to lock screen also works, it only fails when I close the lid or it goes to sleep after a certain time | 04:22 |
OerHeks | lshw -c video | 04:23 |
Cyber_Akuma | Also, is there a way I can view all installed apps? Not installed packages, but desktop apps. They used to all be listed in the menus before Ubuntu switched to this Cinnamon or whatever it's called UI, now I have to search for apps | 04:23 |
roko | How do you download older versions of libavcodec | 04:25 |
SonikkuAmerica | you... don't. | 04:25 |
SonikkuAmerica | why do you need to hold it back? | 04:25 |
alive876_ | hi , i have an executble file in /bin when i try to run it bin/test.js or ./bin/test.js it says no such file | 04:26 |
roko | @SonikkuAmerica need it to compile vlc... throws configure: error: libavcodec versions 56 and later are not supported yet. | 04:26 |
SonikkuAmerica | roko: Why do you need to compile VLC? | 04:26 |
SonikkuAmerica | [ sudo apt install vlc ] is all you need | 04:27 |
roko | I am compiling acestream which is compiling vlc :/ | 04:27 |
SonikkuAmerica | Are you on 14.04, 15.10, or 16.04? | 04:27 |
SonikkuAmerica | roko: or even 12.04 ? | 04:27 |
roko | @SonikkuAmerica on 16.04 | 04:28 |
SonikkuAmerica | roko: k | 04:28 |
SonikkuAmerica | roko: I doubt any stable version of VLC will have libavcodec > 55 | 04:28 |
roko | @SonikkuAmerica this page suggests it is in trusty repos. I ahve the trusty repos in source.list but cant install it | 04:28 |
ktechmidas | roko: You could try to find what's throwing that message | 04:29 |
ktechmidas | and remove it | 04:29 |
Cyber_Akuma | OerHeks, How do I tell what driver is being used from this output? I don't see any mention of it | 04:29 |
roko | @ktechmidas there is a script which i dont want to edit | 04:30 |
OerHeks | lshw -c video should give a line like "configuration: driver= .." | 04:31 |
wicon | roko: bro stop with the @ menions | 04:31 |
wicon | not twitter | 04:31 |
wicon | lol | 04:31 |
roko | wicon lol i thought thats how you get notified in irc.. dont you? | 04:31 |
Cyber_Akuma | ah | 04:31 |
somsip | !who | roko | 04:32 |
ubottu | roko: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 04:32 |
Cyber_Akuma | it says driver=nvidia, so that means I am using Nvidia's closed drivers? | 04:32 |
wicon | roko, no generally not | 04:32 |
somsip | roko: this this | 04:32 |
wicon | i think many clients won't even highlight an @nick mention | 04:32 |
ktechmidas | roko: just say my name, no need for @ | 04:32 |
wicon | ^ | 04:32 |
roko | !wicon did this work? | 04:32 |
ubottu | roko: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:32 |
wicon | nope | 04:32 |
wicon | it didn't work lol | 04:32 |
roko | wicon did this work? | 04:32 |
wicon | i'm using irssi and it didn't highlight | 04:32 |
wicon | yes that worked | 04:32 |
somsip | roko: type the first few letters of a nick and press tab. That will do it for you | 04:33 |
roko | wicon ktechmidas how do i get this repo? | 04:33 |
roko | been using @ for 3 years now xD | 04:33 |
ktechmidas | roko: it's already in the trusty repos, have you tried just apt-get install libavcodec-extra-54 | 04:34 |
roko | ktechmidas I am on 16.04 (xenial?) | 04:34 |
wicon | yeah | 04:34 |
wicon | apt-get it | 04:34 |
ktechmidas | roko: Hm, you could go get the deb package | 04:35 |
ktechmidas | from the repo | 04:35 |
ktechmidas | and try it | 04:35 |
Cyber_Akuma | Hmm...... I just installed Photonix Test Suite from the demos.... and when I run it it tells me that it's massively outdated | 04:36 |
Cyber_Akuma | from the repos* | 04:36 |
ktechmidas | roko, damn in xenial it's just called libavcodec-extra | 04:38 |
ktechmidas | and I'm not sure of the version | 04:38 |
roko | ktechmidas synaptic shows version 56 for that | 04:38 |
OerHeks | roko, good luck, tested with vlc 2.1.5 (2014) >> seems like a dead project to me | 04:39 |
backbox_ | hellow | 04:40 |
roko | OerHeks I thought it wasn't dead :/ worked perfect on windows and now I miss windows | 04:41 |
wicon | roko: whattttt | 04:41 |
wicon | the fuck | 04:41 |
wicon | are you talking about | 04:42 |
wicon | lol | 04:42 |
ktechmidas | roko, try this: | 04:42 |
ktechmidas | it's the deb, just run dpkg -i... see if it works | 04:42 |
backbox_ | what? | 04:42 |
Cyber_Akuma | Where is Ubuntu downloading these files in the Downloads folder to if I am running it off a liveusb with a persistant file? On that file? Or on the empty space of the USB drive itself? | 04:43 |
roko | wicon dude i always used it in wondows for HQ streams...I thought it would be the same in ubuntu. Been solveing this issue for 2 hours now | 04:43 |
wicon | RAM, Cyber_Akuma | 04:43 |
Cyber_Akuma | I can't be ram, becaue they are still there after a reboot | 04:43 |
ktechmidas | it may fail the first time and you'll need to run "apt-get install -f" then try dpkg -i again | 04:43 |
Cyber_Akuma | It* | 04:43 |
ktechmidas | it's not officially supported - but should work | 04:43 |
wicon | roko: so install the older .deb manually | 04:43 |
OerHeks | perhaps in the ~/Downloads folder? | 04:44 |
wicon | Cyber_Akuma: you're probably not actually reboots | 04:44 |
wicon | it's impossible for them to be there after a reboot without a file system | 04:44 |
roko | wicon they dont ahve any debs...atleast I couldnt find any | 04:44 |
wicon | literally impossible | 04:44 |
Cyber_Akuma | They are in that folder, I meant where is that folder being saved to, in the file it mounts for persistant storage or the usb drive itself? | 04:44 |
Cyber_Akuma | Again | 04:44 |
ktechmidas | roko: see above | 04:44 |
Cyber_Akuma | I set it to have persistant storage | 04:44 |
wicon | Cyber_Akuma: you're probably hibernating rather than rebooting thus they remain in RAM | 04:44 |
ktechmidas | I've sent you the link to the deb | 04:44 |
Cyber_Akuma | I physically turned this computer OFF | 04:44 |
wicon | lol | 04:44 |
xangua | wicon: you forgot to read the persistent part | 04:44 |
Cyber_Akuma | I rebooted into a WinPE based backup app! | 04:45 |
Cyber_Akuma | I 100% assure you it was not hibernated | 04:45 |
wicon | yank your HDD and see what hapens Cyber_Akuma | 04:45 |
roko | ktechmidas i got the libavcodec v 54. I am talking about the acestream deb | 04:45 |
wicon | happens* | 04:45 |
goddard | getting an error in lxc | 04:45 |
goddard | Gtk: cannot open display: :0.0 | 04:45 |
Cyber_Akuma | ...... | 04:46 |
Cyber_Akuma | My harddrives are NTFS, I highly doubt it's saving to them | 04:46 |
wicon | Cyber_Akuma: so what do you suspect? magic? | 04:46 |
wicon | they're either on your HDD or in RAM | 04:46 |
Cyber_Akuma | ..... | 04:46 |
wicon | as i said, the only plausible explanation is that you're not actually rebooting | 04:46 |
wicon | and just belive you are | 04:46 |
Cyber_Akuma | How many times do I have to tell you that I setup my LiveUSB with a persistant storage? | 04:47 |
OerHeks | so you understand the persistent part(ition) of the usb install ? | 04:47 |
Cyber_Akuma | I REBOOTED INTO A DIFFERENT OS! | 04:47 |
Cyber_Akuma | OerHeks, I am not clear if it only stores packages and other settings in there, or even downloaded files | 04:47 |
Cyber_Akuma | Or if it stores the files on the usb drive itself | 04:47 |
Cyber_Akuma | As in, not in the persistant file but just on the root of the usb drive | 04:48 |
OerHeks | sudo fdisk -l # this shows the partitions on your live iso and might give you a clue | 04:48 |
OerHeks | !persistence | 04:49 |
ubottu | To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on | 04:49 |
Cyber_Akuma | I used Universal USB Installer in windows to set it up | 04:55 |
z999 | how do i fix the exclamation mark that is at the top of the desktop | 04:56 |
z999 | "the update information is outdated" | 04:56 |
OerHeks | z999, click on it, what does it say ? reboot ? | 04:57 |
z999 | no | 04:57 |
xangua | z999: have you tried clic on it and read the full message? | 04:57 |
z999 | do i reboot? | 04:57 |
z999 | this may be caused by network problems or a respository that is no longer active | 04:58 |
xangua | Is that what the message says or are you guessing? | 04:58 |
OerHeks | oke, maybe ubuntu did an update check and found one instance with an error. | 04:58 |
z999 | it is what it is said | 04:58 |
OerHeks | so run updates, and find out which one | 04:58 |
Cyber_Akuma | Would it tell me how much space updates will take before installing if I click that system updates are avaliable thing? | 04:59 |
z999 | system updates failed | 05:00 |
z999 | how do i change the respositories and to what? | 05:00 |
OerHeks | Cyber_Akuma, one does not update persistence live iso, even if you have 10gb+ free space .. | 05:01 |
OerHeks | z999, what version of ubuntu? paste the update log to please | 05:01 |
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Cyber_Akuma | Hmm.... odd, trying to run this application claimed that I need a dependancy that I already have installed | 05:10 |
Cyber_Akuma | (Though it also listed several others that I do not have installed) | 05:10 |
Cyber_Akuma | How would I check if there is a newer version than in the repos? | 05:10 |
OerHeks | do a real install first. | 05:11 |
Cyber_Akuma | Well, it IS installed | 05:12 |
Cyber_Akuma | It came preinstalled with the distro | 05:12 |
goddard | can anyone help with this issue? | 05:12 |
OerHeks | no, you have the live iso with *some* persistent storage | 05:12 |
eldon_ | #senlin | 05:18 |
Backwards | Would anyone here be so kind as to put my mind to rest with permissions with Linux i.e. Ubuntu kernel? I was told that when all else fails to chmod +x <file> to fix a problem. Does root need to be ownership in some circumstances? | 05:22 |
Backwards | If Group i.e. me has has chown: me <file> or <directory> do some programs require root to have ownership in order to execute? | 05:24 |
Backwards | I tried to sudo ./build something and it said you don't have permission. I did su -- password and that didn't work either. | 05:26 |
Backwards | su is Super User from what I learned. | 05:27 |
Backwards | Sudo is the same thing if you have root password. | 05:28 |
Backwards | I own and installed Ubuntu on the box. I sometimes get denied use of some commands. | 05:30 |
=== kay is now known as Guest55950 | ||
Backwards | Chmod is different than chown. | 05:32 |
Backwards | They are two different arguments. | 05:32 |
Backwards | It is 1:33 in the morning. I guess everyone is sleeping. | 05:34 |
hateball | Backwards: Timezones are a strange concept are they not :) | 05:40 |
Backwards | Greets to Hateball. | 05:42 |
Backwards | How are you this time of day? | 05:42 |
Backwards | Hateball since you asked check this out: | 05:49 |
hateball | !ot | Backwards | 05:50 |
ubottu | Backwards: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 05:50 |
Backwards | UTC Universal Time Coordinate. | 05:50 |
Backwards | Ubottu I will take that under advisement. Thanks. | 05:50 |
ubottu | Backwards: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:50 |
Backwards | I never knew you were ubottu. | 05:51 |
Backwards | Ubottu have a nice Random Access Memory. | 05:52 |
ubottu | Backwards: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:52 |
guest3456_ | will the amd64 image not work for Intel cpus? | 05:57 |
guest3456_ | i have a 2 year old laptop Intel Core i7 | 05:57 |
akik | guest3456_: yes it will work | 05:58 |
UbuntuDude | I do history | grep apt-get to view the recent applications I've installed but I figured out that ubuntu (always) not showing all of them .. does anyone know why or what I'm doing wrong? | 06:09 |
Tegu | I guess that's because the history is limited | 06:43 |
hateball | UbuntuDude: you can parse /var/log/apt/history* instead | 06:46 |
dlam | anyone ever run two different postgresql versions? wondering what will happen if i `sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.2` ...I already have the `postgresql-9.5` package installed | 06:52 |
dlam | (oo i just installed it, it just works! wooo) | 07:01 |
Tegu | does the 9.5 one work as well? | 07:02 |
dlam | yeah i think so, Ubuntu has good installation stuffs, pg_wrapper or something :D | 07:04 |
sevenup__ | Hi everybody | 07:05 |
wicon | | 07:10 |
wxl_ | nihao | 07:17 |
yzx | hello everyone,how to make screensaver don't work on live cd | 07:23 |
student | tere | 07:27 |
yzx | hello everyone,how to make screensaver don't work on live cd | 07:27 |
wxl_ | 123 | 07:27 |
wxl_ | hello | 07:28 |
wxl_ | ni hao | 07:28 |
wxl_ | nice to meet you | 07:28 |
student | hey all i am in school xD | 07:28 |
student | vatgfy õä'Õ Ä_Ü | 07:28 |
lol | hi | 07:30 |
spaceship | hi | 07:31 |
xpl0iter | Hi I am trying to turn on the led lights on my keyboard at start up. The command xset led on will turn it on. I tried upstart to do this, but ti failed | 07:34 |
xpl0iter | Can someone please help me? | 07:34 |
cbfm | hey people | 07:36 |
xpl0iter | :( I created a conf file under /etc/init and which is running an sh file which turns on the leds. But it shows the start of the job is failed | 07:37 |
xpl0iter | someone? | 07:37 |
cbfm | im having a problem with my suspend timer. If i click on suspend it will work but if i set it up for 10mins it doesn;t suspend and stays on all night after watching a movie | 07:37 |
cbfm | can anyone help me out with this problem please? I've got ubuntu 16.04 mate is the desktop envirorment | 07:38 |
xpl0iter | I think no one is online | 07:38 |
=== MacroMan_away is now known as MacroMan | ||
student | hello i need help | 07:40 |
student | i cant find the any key | 07:41 |
xpl0iter | what key? | 07:42 |
xpl0iter | student, | 07:42 |
student_ | :) | 07:42 |
student | the "any" key | 07:42 |
Sheeda_ | it's located at the back of your keyboard. | 07:43 |
student | i looked and did not find it | 07:43 |
Sheeda_ | idk then, mine was there last time i checked | 07:44 |
student_ | sup? | 07:44 |
Sheeda_ | did you check your socks? | 07:44 |
student | socks? | 07:44 |
computer | people, what is the difference between sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade? | 07:45 |
codfection | is there shazam on ubuntu? | 07:45 |
Bome | hi | 07:46 |
xpl0iter | computer, update will update your sources. | 07:46 |
computer | xpl0iter: and upgrade? | 07:46 |
xpl0iter | upgrade will set up your ubuntu for ubuntu version update I guess | 07:46 |
pvsharov | computer: apt-get update updates package's list, but apt-get upgrade performs upgrade packages to new versions | 07:46 |
Bome | upgrade will upgrad software versions taht are old | 07:46 |
student | 8================D | 07:47 |
computer | xpl0iter: oh ok so upgreade will not update my currently installed programs? | 07:47 |
sevenup__ | update parameter only update your database, all about what the package should be downloaded, their description and so | 07:47 |
sevenup__ | *all about where a package ... | 07:47 |
MacroMan | computer, update just refreshes the list of available packages. upgrade will actually upgrade your programs | 07:47 |
computer | sevenup__: so if it did not make sudo apt-get update and requested to install a package, will it install the old version? | 07:48 |
MacroMan | and use dist-upgrade if there is a new kernal available | 07:48 |
computer | MacroMan: hmmm ok, so i should sually run an update and an upgrade together? | 07:49 |
sevenup__ | computer, I'm not sure, I think not | 07:49 |
MacroMan | computer, No. If you update first, then it will install the latest version avilable in the repository. | 07:49 |
sevenup__ | I think you will get an error if the package has changed their location | 07:49 |
xpl0iter | You can ruin upgrade after running the update | 07:49 |
computer | ohhhh ok | 07:49 |
computer | good to know | 07:49 |
computer | thanks everyone :-) | 07:49 |
MacroMan | Which may not be the latest version of the program itself. It depends wether the package manager has kept it up to date | 07:49 |
Bome | first run update then upgrade | 07:49 |
computer | :-) | 07:50 |
sevenup__ | I think you can ruin nothing if you do not update before upgrade | 07:50 |
MacroMan | I personally run this script to keep my server up to date: | 07:51 |
student | how to fix your problem 1) uninstall ubuntu 2) instll windows 3) profit | 07:51 |
pvsharov | Troll detected | 07:52 |
jdeler | hey guys I need to record a uberconf call , what is the best tool we have? i used Kazam but it is not recording the voice from speakers if headset are plugged in | 07:54 |
jdeler | uberconference video call | 07:54 |
schro | Where could I find the version of Linux Mint that is loaded on my computer, need it to install Brother printer, Please help. | 07:55 |
student | have you tried turning it on and off? | 07:55 |
ozmend | hi, i've problem. i want to use hdd driver file while install. i use inst.dd= but ubuntu doesnt recognizes it | 07:57 |
ozmend | how can solve this | 07:57 |
Bome | i have a stupid person in the class room how can i get rid of it? | 07:58 |
student | kill him | 07:58 |
pvsharov | student: did you tried to shut up and go away? | 07:59 |
student | tried it but i did not like it | 07:59 |
pvsharov | student: Nohik | 08:00 |
student | ? | 08:00 |
Bome | student: lits | 08:01 |
student | Bome: pede | 08:01 |
DalekSec | student: Hi. We'd like to keep this channel for actual Ubuntu support, if you're just bored (which you seem to be), there's plenty of social channels which would even be more amusing. | 08:01 |
student | DalekSec: fuck off | 08:02 |
DalekSec | student: Have you tried the social channels? | 08:02 |
student | DalekSec: no | 08:03 |
jdeler | hey guys I need to record a uberconference call , what is the best tool we have? i used Kazam but it is not recording the voice from speakers if headset are plugged in | 08:03 |
jdeler | i need it asap, the call is on !!!! | 08:04 |
student | OTT | 08:05 |
student_ | heloo | 08:05 |
ubuntu | check check | 08:05 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest31283 | ||
pvsharov | !roll | 08:06 |
pvsharov | !troll | 08:06 |
student | Kappa123 | 08:06 |
jdeler | hey guys I need to record a uberconference call , what is the best tool we have? i used Kazam but it is not recording the voice from speakers if headset are plugged in | 08:06 |
jdeler | i need it asap, the call is on !!!! | 08:06 |
xpl0iter | Hi I am trying to turn on the led lights on my keyboard at start up. The command xset led on will turn it on. I tried upstart to do this, but ti failed | 08:07 |
ozmend | anyone who has info about inst.dd in ubuntu | 08:07 |
Ben64 | jdeler: should have figured this out before now | 08:07 |
pvsharov | !troll student | 08:08 |
jdeler | Ben64: lets do it, sonner rather than later :) | 08:08 |
student | !troll pvsharov | 08:08 |
jdeler | Ben64: any ideas | 08:08 |
Ben64 | nope | 08:08 |
Myrtti | pvsharov student: could you not? | 08:09 |
DalekSec | My only thought is audacity, but pretty darn sure that's not exactly what you're looking for. | 08:09 |
student | no | 08:09 |
Kapuh | hello. any one in here who knows how i can turn off the multi functions on the touchtpad of ? | 08:10 |
pvsharov | Myrtti: are you too? | 08:10 |
Myrtti | pvsharov: rest assured the ops are watching, at this point it just makes things worse to feed them | 08:11 |
pvsharov | (troll): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang, chu | 08:12 |
Myrtti | as I was saying... *sigh* | 08:13 |
student | Myrtti: hey | 08:14 |
Myrtti | student: did you have a Ubuntu support issue you need help with? If not, please find another venue | 08:16 |
student | Myrtti: yes i have | 08:16 |
student | Myrtti: how to uninstall ubuntu | 08:17 |
Myrtti | install something else on top on the partition. case solved. | 08:17 |
student | Myrtti: how? | 08:17 |
pvsharov | Myrtti: thanks | 08:17 |
Bome | student: how old are you | 08:18 |
student | 10 | 08:18 |
Myrtti | student: refer to the manual of said operating system. are you and Bome done now? | 08:18 |
Bome | what did i do? | 08:19 |
pvsharov | Myrtti: just kickban they | 08:19 |
student | pvsharov: them* | 08:19 |
Bome | *pff* | 08:21 |
Orestis | Hello people, can someone explain to me the purpose of having both Update-Manager and Software Center that can check for updates in 16.04? Why wouldn't delete the update-manager? | 08:21 |
DevAntoine | hi | 08:23 |
student | bye | 08:23 |
student | bye kidos | 08:24 |
railr_ | Hi Guys, if I am transferring an entire LTSP server to a new LTSP server, how exactly would this work? Would I only have to copy across the data using rsync or would the trasnferring process be much harder? | 08:26 |
jdeler | hey guys I need to record a uberconference call , what is the best tool we have? i used Kazam but it is not recording the voice from speakers if headset are plugged in | 08:30 |
lyze | jdeler, is that just audio or video also? | 08:34 |
jdeler | both | 08:34 |
vlt | !details | railr_ | 08:34 |
ubottu | railr_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. | 08:34 |
=== Senj is now known as Senji | ||
vlt | railr_: What do you want to transfer from where to where? | 08:35 |
lyze | jdeler, it's initially made as a streaming software but you can use it for recording also. it supports switching between multiple settings, record specific windows, picture in picture. you can add multiple audio inputs to the scene and so on... | 08:35 |
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Shadowbird123 | Hi! I just installed fresh Ubuntu 16.04 and I'd like to install skype now. I tried to google where or how I can get the latest version for this 16.04, but found just versions for 13.xx or older Ubuntus.. so should it still work on this 16.04 if I install it? | 08:48 |
cool | i am trying to install openstack + lxd | 08:49 |
cool | with devstack facing no module name found error any suggestions | 08:49 |
k1l_ | Shadowbird123: microsoft, who brought skype, are not making any new skype version for linux | 08:50 |
k1l_ | !skype | Shadowbird123 | 08:50 |
ubottu | Shadowbird123: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 08:50 |
Shadowbird123 | ok, ty. ill try to do it | 08:51 |
Fuffe | hi, i've installed 16.04 but i can't find the qtmobility-dev package (i'm still using qt4)... will it be added to the repo later on or do i need to add a PPA? i couldn't find any info that ubuntu have stopped supporting qt 4 | 08:54 |
OnkelTem | Hi all | 08:54 |
OnkelTem | I'd like to update IBUS on 14.04 - would you point me to a proper PPA? | 08:54 |
Shadowbird123 | skype working good. ty guys! :) | 08:57 |
somsip | !ppa | OnkelTem (search here) | 08:58 |
ubottu | OnkelTem (search here): A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 08:58 |
k1l_ | Fuffe: that old package was deleted from 16.04: Deleted on 2016-03-10 by Martin Pitt (From Debian) ROM; will not get ported to GST 1.0, superseded by Qt5; Debian bug #802642 | 08:58 |
ubottu | Debian bug 802642 in "RM: qtmobility -- ROM; will not get ported to GST 1.0, superseded by Qt5" [Normal,Open] | 08:58 |
OnkelTem | somsip: not much help, really. Lots of unknown things | 08:59 |
OnkelTem | 14.04th ibus 1.5.5 is buggy, there are issues with IntelliJ | 08:59 |
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jdeler | lyze: it is cool | 09:02 |
jdeler | lyze: thank you | 09:03 |
lyze | no problem jdeler c; | 09:03 |
railr_ | | 09:04 |
man_an_apr | Yo everyone! \m/ | 09:05 |
man_an_apr | hi lapion | 09:06 |
lapion | hi man_an_apr | 09:06 |
lapion | whatsup | 09:06 |
man_an_apr | nothing bro | 09:06 |
man_an_apr | what DE do u use? | 09:07 |
lapion | Had a strange crash that furbled the rest of the network up... | 09:07 |
man_an_apr | lol | 09:07 |
lapion | the hdd got loosened and the system was frozen.. | 09:07 |
lapion | dhcp could not dish out any ip addresses | 09:08 |
lapion | well except for 3 ip addresses.. allmost seemed like a hijacked router.. | 09:08 |
lapion | in the end it was the crashed system with torrents client still active feeding the network jamming everything up.. | 09:09 |
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lapion | I had an uptime of several months | 09:12 |
Fuffe | k1l_: thanks for the info | 09:14 |
railr_ | vlt: Hi Man, when I get the new server onsite, I want to transfer data from the old server to the new server. | 09:26 |
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Donitzo | guess I should ask here too: ZFS, btrfs or ext4 with checksums. What would you use for multi-terabyte backups? | 09:30 |
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mtu | in /etc/default/grub, i tried to enter "acpi_osi=Linux" as a parameter (then update-grub), but it only works when i manually edit the grub line from its menu. how to make it stick? | 09:49 |
Felishia | help | 09:49 |
Felishia | how do I setup a vpn | 09:49 |
vlt | railr_: By server you mean a machine? Hardware? | 09:50 |
vlt | !openvpn | Felishia | 09:50 |
ubottu | Felishia: OpenVPN is a vpn technology in Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install openvpn and then see and see the documentation "HOWTO" noting you have already installed it. ;-) It rocks! | 09:50 |
vlt | Felishia: It rocks! | 09:50 |
Felishia | vlt, what in the world is the add vpn button in the network manager for then? | 09:50 |
BuenGenio | good day everyone | 09:51 |
BuenGenio | I'm running Xenial on a 2015 MPB (12,1) - everything is perfect, apart from SD card disappearing after resume from sleep | 09:51 |
BuenGenio | sometimes it will remount automatically after 5-10 minutes | 09:52 |
railr_ | vlt: Hi vlt, do you require the hardware specifications for both the servers? | 09:52 |
BuenGenio | other times, like now, it's still not mounted | 09:52 |
vlt | Felishia: Maybe the network manager app supports connecting to different VPN implementations as client. But I don’t know anything about the GUI stuff and VPNs. | 09:52 |
BuenGenio | tried modprobe -r uas usb_storage, then modprobe them again - no luck | 09:52 |
BuenGenio | any ideas? | 09:52 |
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vlt | railr_: No, I just wanted to know if you’re talking about a machine. The term server is used for many different things. | 09:52 |
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Felishia | vlt, the button does absolutely nothing | 09:53 |
vlt | railr_: Does the new server come with Ubuntu already? | 09:53 |
Felishia | why did ubuntu put it there? | 09:53 |
strehi | Felishia: join ##networking | 09:53 |
Felishia | well anyway openvpn says I need a client.ovpn file | 09:54 |
Felishia | how do I get that one, which vpn servers provide it? | 09:54 |
vlt | railr_: What version of Ubuntu runs on the old server? Do you want to clone that or just copy user data? Or copy configuration files? Please, try to give more details. | 09:54 |
mtu | a kernel param i need (acpi_osi=Linux) only works when manually editing the grub line on every boot. how to make it stick? | 09:54 |
strehi | Felishia: Tell us what exactly you want to do. | 09:55 |
Felishia | I just want to be a client of a vpn | 09:55 |
k1l_ | Felishia: before ranting in here (again). you are aware that there are different vpn protocols? | 09:55 |
Felishia | yes | 09:55 |
Felishia | so which ones allow openvpn then? | 09:55 |
k1l_ | Felishia: make sure the proper package for your protocol is installed then | 09:56 |
Felishia | I only see the ips and password of the vpn services | 09:56 |
strehi | Felishia: Do you have password and certificate? | 09:56 |
railr_ | vlt: the old server is running 10.04. I basically want transfer configuration files(cups, samba etc) and also user data and permissions if that makes any sense? | 09:56 |
strehi | Felishia: ip and password is not enough though. Usually there is a PCF file in which everything is defined (PROTOCOL,IP,GROUP PASSWORD, ETC...) | 09:57 |
strehi | Felishia: You need to find out which protocol provider is using | 09:58 |
abdul_ | Hiya | 09:58 |
Felishia | strehi, yeah so I need to find one that support OpenVPN | 09:58 |
strehi | Felishia: OpenVPN is extremly powerful tool | 09:59 |
strehi | Felishia: It supports all known protocols for sure | 09:59 |
Felishia | why do I need a VPN to crawl a list of phone numbers anyway? | 09:59 |
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strehi | Felishia: Because you need to enter the private network to get the access? =) | 10:00 |
k1l_ | Felishia: again your intentions sound very dubious. | 10:00 |
Felishia | no those numbers are public domain... but somoene put them in a different page each | 10:01 |
strehi | Felishia: Then you don't need VPMN | 10:01 |
strehi | VPN* | 10:01 |
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lorenzo52 | hello | 10:01 |
k1l_ | Felishia: that doesnt make sense | 10:01 |
vlt | !xy | Felishia | 10:01 |
ubottu | Felishia: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned. | 10:01 |
lorenzo52 | d. | 10:02 |
lorenzo52 | * lorenzo52 ha impostato la modalità +i lorenzo52 | 10:02 |
lorenzo52 | ┌────────────────────────────────────────┐ | 10:02 |
lorenzo52 | │ │ | 10:02 |
lorenzo52 | │ │ | 10:02 |
lorenzo52 | │ ██ │ | 10:02 |
lorenzo52 | │ ██ │ | 10:02 |
lorenzo52 | │ ██ │ | 10:02 |
vlt | railr_: What have you tried so far? What did you expect to happen and what happened instead? | 10:03 |
Felishia | ah | 10:03 |
gnumonk | Hi | 10:04 |
gnumonk | How to reinstall ubuntu on one harddisk from another harddisk , its like replica , other then the partition label ? | 10:05 |
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gnumonk | any idea? | 10:07 |
MacroMan | Is there an alternative to nautilus that will give me a column for the total size of folders? | 10:07 |
BuenGenio | anyone else having SD card issues on MBP after resume? | 10:08 |
Lope | the ubuntu xenial netinstall fails to produce a bootable system. | 10:08 |
Lope | error invalid environment block | 10:08 |
Lope | in KVM. | 10:08 |
k1l_ | BuenGenio: try to reload the module for the sd card reader. | 10:10 |
BuenGenio | tried | 10:10 |
BuenGenio | uas and usb_storage | 10:10 |
BuenGenio | is there a separate module for the sd card reader? | 10:10 |
BuenGenio | I think it's part of usb_storage | 10:10 |
k1l_ | i dont know, look what modules are loaded when it works | 10:11 |
drlenny | | 10:11 |
drlenny | UPDATE 1-China paves way for credit default swaps as govt girds for more defaults-sources | 10:11 |
k1l_ | !ot | drlenny | 10:11 |
ubottu | drlenny: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 10:11 |
BuenGenio | dmesg | grep -i reader: | 10:12 |
BuenGenio | [41642.832139] usb 2-3: Product: Card Reader | 10:12 |
BuenGenio | [41643.838441] scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access APPLE SD Card Reader 3.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6 | 10:12 |
BuenGenio | apparently it's usb/scsi | 10:12 |
vlt | gnumonk: You could clone the harddisk using something like ddrescue. | 10:12 |
drlenny | "The government has now made it very clear that everyone won't be bailed out," said Saifeng Mao, Associate Director at Fitch Ratings in Hong Kong. | 10:12 |
BuenGenio | after resume that usb device disappears from /sys/devices/usb... | 10:12 |
bazhang_ | drlenny, totally offtopic here | 10:13 |
mm48_ | ciao | 10:13 |
k1l_ | BuenGenio: that doesnt say anything about the module | 10:13 |
mm48_ | !list | 10:13 |
ubottu | mm48_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 10:13 |
k1l_ | BuenGenio: see "lsmod" when its working | 10:13 |
BuenGenio | need a reboot brb | 10:15 |
gnumonk | vlt: ok | 10:20 |
vlt | gnumonk: /me thinks we should have the factoid for !list in Italian again :D | 10:24 |
notadeveloper | hi does a radeon and nvidia card on 1 pc work together nicely under ubuntu | 10:24 |
vlt | gnumonk: Sorry, nick was wrong. | 10:25 |
hateball | notadeveloper: no | 10:31 |
notadeveloper | really | 10:33 |
effectnet | how do i update the software | 10:38 |
effectnet | sudo apt-get update ? | 10:38 |
hateball | effectnet: update what software? | 10:38 |
effectnet | system software message | 10:39 |
hateball | effectnet: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:39 |
effectnet | upgrade? | 10:39 |
hateball | effectnet: or if on 16.04: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade | 10:39 |
k1l_ | effectnet: "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" | 10:40 |
kolportazhista | hey guys, isntalling and need some help regarding partitioning: i was planning on splitting up my hdd like this: /boot/efi, /, /home and swap. Is this OK, or do I need a separate /boot partition. If not, is then / used as /boot? | 10:41 |
bublik | every third or fourth time i awake computer from suspend its frozen and i have to reboot. what could be the cause of this issue? | 10:43 |
hateball | bublik: kernel bugs | 10:45 |
hateball | bublik: what GPU/driver do you use? | 10:46 |
bublik | hateball, how do i look that up? | 10:46 |
hateball | bublik: "lspci -k" look for VGA | 10:46 |
bublik | hateball: VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK104 [GeForce GTX 670] (rev a1) | 10:47 |
bublik | Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. [MSI] GK104 [GeForce GTX 670] | 10:47 |
bublik | Kernel driver in use: nouveau | 10:47 |
bublik | Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau | 10:47 |
norech | hi guys i'm trying to install wine on ubuntu gnome 14.04 and i'm having some difficulties the terminal says i have unresolved dependencies and i have broken blocked packages, i tried with synaptic package manager but i have the same output | 10:48 |
hateball | bublik: you could try using the proprietary driver, see if that behaves any better | 10:48 |
norech | i tried using apt-get install -f | 10:49 |
hateball | norech: can you run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" first? | 10:49 |
norech | sure | 10:49 |
norech | waiting to end | 10:49 |
norech | 100% [2 InRelease gpgv 12,0 kB] [Connessione a] 27,0 MB/s 0sSplitting up /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ppa.launchpad.net_ubuntu-wine_ppErr trusty InRelease | 10:50 |
norech | 10:50 | |
norech | Scaricamento di:3 stable InRelease [12,0 kB] | 10:50 |
norech | 100% [3 InRelease gpgv 12,0 kB] 27,0 MB/s 0sSplitting up /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ stable InRelease | 10:50 |
norech | W: Si è verificato un errore nel verificare la firma. Il repository non è aggiornato e verranno usati i file indice precedenti. Errore GPG: trusty InRelease: Il file con la firma in chiaro non è valido, ottenuto "NODATA" (la rete richiede autenticazione?) | 10:50 |
norech | W: Si è verificato un errore nel verificare la firma. Il repository non è aggiornato e verranno usati i file indice precedenti. Errore GPG: trusty InRelease: Il file con la firma in chiaro non è valido, ottenuto "NODATA" (la rete richiede autenticazione?) | 10:50 |
hateball | !paste | norech | 10:51 |
ubottu | norech: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:51 |
hateball | norech: also, to temporarily make it english, so it's easier for us to help, run it as "LC_ALL=C sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 10:52 |
norech | how should i use ! paste | 10:52 |
norech | !paste: event not found | 10:52 |
ubottu | norech: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:52 |
DJones | norech: If you go the site you can paste the full error message there, and then just put a link to the paste in the channel | 10:54 |
norech | ok, the output is changed this time | 10:55 |
norech | | 10:56 |
hateball | !info wine | 10:58 |
ubottu | wine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu14 (xenial), package size 0 kB, installed size 6 kB (Only available for i386; amd64) | 10:58 |
hateball | norech: and if you try "sudo apt-get install wine" now ? | 10:58 |
bublik | hateball: i just installed the proprietery drivers for my nvidia card and ill see if it starts being more stable... im trying to format my usb thumb drive so that i can put a windows 10 image back onto it in case it doesnt get more stable :). however its giving me the following error | 10:58 |
bublik | hateball: This partition cannot be modified because it contains a partition table; please reinitialize layout of the whole device. | 10:58 |
norech | | 10:59 |
hateball | bublik: you will need to reboot for the drivers to be used | 10:59 |
bublik | hateball: i did :) | 10:59 |
hateball | bublik: are you using gparted to format the drive? | 10:59 |
bublik | hateball: my system works perfectly fine until about the 3-4 time i try to awake from suspend | 10:59 |
hateball | bublik: I never use suspend so I don't really know much about other than it not being reliable :p | 11:00 |
bublik | hateball: no the disk program that came with ubuntu. should i get gparted? | 11:00 |
bublik | hateball: well i never really used suspend either but it doesnt give me an option to sleep like i had in windows 10 | 11:00 |
norech | hateball: it's the same as before | 11:02 |
hateball | norech: what does "dpkg --get-selections | grep hold" say? | 11:02 |
hateball | bublik: I don't run Unity myself so I am not in the know about "the disk program". Gparted however is easy to use, and I know how it works | 11:03 |
norech | hateball: nothing at all, everytime i used dpkg i had no output at all | 11:04 |
bublik | hateball: gparted is giving me some weird error now too and not mounting my usb drive | 11:05 |
hateball | bublik: it needs to be unmounted for you to write a new mbr to it | 11:06 |
bublik | hateball i tried that but that isnt working either | 11:06 |
hateball | norech: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. what does "apt-cache policy wine" say ? | 11:07 |
bublik | hateball: sudo umount /dev/sdc umount: /dev/sdc: not mounted | 11:07 |
hateball | bublik: is the device not visible in gparted? | 11:07 |
bublik | hateball: now | 11:07 |
bublik | hateball: no* | 11:08 |
hateball | bublik: close gparted, remove and insert device, do not mount, start gparted | 11:08 |
norech | | 11:08 |
bublik | hateball : The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but Linux says it is 512 bytes. | 11:09 |
bublik | thats the error i get and then it doesnt show the usb drive | 11:09 |
bublik | hateball: now it shows but shows as unallocated and doesnt allow me to format | 11:10 |
norech | hateball: sry i forgotten to direct my message to you | 11:10 |
akkonrad | I have some C knowledge and would like to write simpe time tracking app that appears in the top bar tray. where I should start to with it? Is quickly good for that? | 11:12 |
akkonrad | something like hammster, but a little bit different | 11:12 |
DJones | akkonrad: It might be worth speaking to the people in #ubuntu-devel | 11:15 |
DJones | !contribute | akkonrad | 11:15 |
ubottu | akkonrad: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see and | 11:15 |
akkonrad | thank you DJones | 11:15 |
hateball | norech: oh I didnt see that first, you're using a PPA, and I guess it might be broken | 11:18 |
hateball | !ppa | norech | 11:19 |
ubottu | norech: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 11:19 |
Zander | Hi guys | 11:22 |
Zander | can you guys hellp me with something? | 11:22 |
=== Zander is now known as Guest41281 | ||
hateball | !help | Guest41281 | 11:23 |
ubottu | Guest41281: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:23 |
Guest41281 | HI Guys, So I keep having the problem when trying to update to 16.04 : Error Message: Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch | 11:24 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
=== notadeveloper is now known as andyxithyfong | ||
hateball | Guest41281: Someone the other day also had issues with au mirrors. Try switching to UK (or any other) in the software updater and try again | 11:30 |
Guest41281 | Thanks Hateball | 11:30 |
Guest41281 | Also | 11:31 |
Guest41281 | How do i check | 11:31 |
Guest41281 | my Ubuntu Partition | 11:31 |
hateball | Guest41281: Did updates work now? | 11:33 |
hateball | Guest41281: What do you mean by "check the partition" ? | 11:33 |
bublik | is there a way to make computer sleep instead of suspend? | 11:35 |
Guest41281 | Im updating now Hateball | 11:35 |
Guest41281 | Partition size | 11:35 |
railr_ | vlt: I was just wondering if perhaps anyone had experience with transferring servers and what the process would usually be. i.e rsync etc | 11:35 |
hateball | Guest41281: "sudo fdisk -l" to list partition sizes | 11:39 |
Guest41281 | thaniks | 11:39 |
hateball | Guest41281: or use a gui tool like gparted | 11:39 |
Guest41281 | What theme are you running hateball? | 11:40 |
Guest41281 | Im running Gnome with | 11:40 |
vlt | railr_: I do it all the time. | 11:40 |
hateball | Guest41281: I use KDE Plasma | 11:40 |
Guest41281 | I use Numix icons | 11:41 |
railr_ | vlt: And have you done an LTSP one before? | 11:42 |
vlt | railr_: Since 2006, yes. | 11:42 |
norech | hateball: i added the ppa trying to solve the probelm yesterday it was a solution on a forum | 11:44 |
norech | sorry for the late response | 11:44 |
hateball | norech: I'd suggest asking in #winehq then | 11:47 |
hateball | norech: or you can try installing wine-development if you want bleeding edge | 11:48 |
hateball | norech: hmmm my bad | 11:49 |
norech | hateball: thanks for the help | 11:49 |
hateball | no... that should pull in wine 1.9 | 11:49 |
hateball | oh well | 11:49 |
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skakelaar | Is it possible that mount has changed since 16.04 upgrade? | 11:50 |
norech | hellball: how should i present the problem to winehq? | 11:50 |
skakelaar | I cant mount as usual. even with HUI Fuseiso | 11:50 |
skakelaar | Gui* | 11:50 |
BluesKaj | Hiya folks | 11:53 |
vlt | railr_: Again: What have you tried so far? What did you expect to happen and what happened instead? | 11:56 |
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railr_ | vlt: | 12:06 |
xheart | hi everyone, I do a clamscan but how do I fix the errors? | 12:11 |
xheart | Known viruses: 4440633 | 12:12 |
xheart | Engine version: 0.98.7 | 12:12 |
xheart | Scanned directories: 158252 | 12:12 |
xheart | Scanned files: 564085 | 12:12 |
xheart | Infected files: 0 | 12:12 |
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skakelaar | Hello all. I have tried to mount an image with the terminal, fuseiso and file mounter in ubuntustudio16.04. Terminal and fuseiso do mount to a directory, without content. File mounter opened a directory with content which is not executable(read, write, copy) | 12:23 |
vlt | xheart: What errors? | 12:24 |
skakelaar | I then moved the iso per flash drive to a machine running Lubuntu16.04. opened it with file mounter and succesfully copied the image's content. | 12:25 |
skakelaar | I do not have the luxury of having 2 machines at all times nor do i want my OS to be fauulty in any way | 12:26 |
skakelaar | Any advice or help would be highly appreciated | 12:26 |
useraa | Can anyone recommend any good games for ubuntu? | 12:27 |
skakelaar | @useraa 0A.D. | 12:29 |
skakelaar | @useraa Install Steam. Plesthora of decent games there | 12:30 |
vlt | railr_: If you want to clone everything, just use ddrescue. If you also want to upgrade to a more recent Ubuntu version you could either install the new system and then rsync the user homes or clone the old system, then try to gradually run the updates fro LTS to LTS (which sometimes works suprisingly). | 12:33 |
vlt | *from | 12:33 |
entourage | does Ubuntu support the exFAT filesystem ??? | 12:33 |
vlt | entourage: Yes. | 12:33 |
cooldharma06 | hi all | 12:33 |
vlt | There’s pkg exfat-fuse, for example. | 12:33 |
SwedeMike | entourage: you might have to install extra tools, but yes. | 12:33 |
entourage | it should support exFAT out of the box! | 12:34 |
cooldharma06 | how to clone the 500gb lvm to another disk | 12:34 |
vlt | cooldharma06: ddrescue | 12:34 |
cooldharma06 | any suggestions or guidelines, becoz it have all library files | 12:34 |
cooldharma06 | "/var" folder is mounted in lvm | 12:35 |
vlt | cooldharma06: There’s an LVM solution as well. | 12:35 |
sendak | How can I discover which ubuntu version is installed at a partition? I cannot run any programs in the partition. I lost GRUB on the machine, and I can't recover it with other versions' bootable disks. In /etc/os-release I found it's 14.04.4, but I don't know whether it's 32 or 64 bit. The machine /is/ 64 bit capable. (I need to discover the exact version, download an ISO image of the exact version and then book | 12:35 |
sendak | with it.) | 12:35 |
sendak | I likely need the same kernel as well --- in order to run programs in the new system. If I get the same ubuntu version, I'll probably get the same kernel as well. | 12:37 |
welsh1lad | @sendak just use a live disto chrrot onto each partition and run cat /etc/lsb_release | 12:37 |
cooldharma06 | vlt: any reference link to do this | 12:37 |
vlt | cooldharma06: You can add the new disk to the VG, then free the blocks used on the old disk and then remove it. No downtime at all. | 12:37 |
sendak | Is this file there for sure? | 12:38 |
welsh1lad | yepp | 12:38 |
welsh1lad | it will give you the relase name and release code name | 12:38 |
sendak | Thanks. I'll reboot and look at it. Thanks a lot. | 12:39 |
vlt | cooldharma06: man pvcreate, man vgextend, man pvmove ... | 12:39 |
cooldharma06 | thanks vlt: i ll check that one | 12:40 |
sendak | welsh1lad: I think it doesn't say whether the system is 64. | 12:42 |
useraa | ok thx skakelaar, no way of installing Steam for free though is there? | 12:42 |
skakelaar | @useraa It is free isn't it? | 12:43 |
skakelaar | @useraa the games on Steam might be priced. I only installed it to play Dota2, like 2 years ago, and it was free to play | 12:44 |
skakelaar | @useraa not sure if the business dynamics changed | 12:44 |
useraa | the ubuntu software centre says you have to buy it | 12:45 |
useraa | im runiing xubuntu latest version | 12:45 |
vas__ | nice | 12:45 |
skakelaar | You will get a great deal more out of your resources that whay | 12:46 |
skakelaar | sudo apt-get install steam? | 12:46 |
skakelaar | thats what i did | 12:46 |
useraa | yeh, i get transferred to bunutu one payment webpage | 12:46 |
welsh1lad | @sendak uname -p | 12:46 |
neredsenvy | Is 16.04 to fresh to use ? Should I still use 14.04 or upgrade ? | 12:46 |
skakelaar | IMHO it is worth supporting the devs. What is it priced? | 12:47 |
abhishek | hi guys! | 12:47 |
skakelaar | @neredsenvy upgrade | 12:47 |
useraa | yeh thxs again skakelaar, might try that later, another app has locked sudo apt-get | 12:47 |
notadeveloper | hi hi hi abhishek | 12:47 |
abhishek | I want to update my BIOS as per instructions here | 12:48 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1588428 in linux (Ubuntu) "PCI bus error on startup while booting into login screen (Kubuntu 16.04)" [Low,Incomplete] | 12:48 |
abhishek | But I can't understand them. | 12:48 |
Norux | EriC^, ? | 12:50 |
Norux | I have a problem, I get a really weird error message when I boot my computer | 12:51 |
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abhishek | Linux is not mentioned in | 12:51 |
useraa | not sure, dont think i want to install steam if its not free, i'm a freegan, might use Dosbox instead for games | 12:51 |
useraa | or some of the free ones on software centre, like beneasth a steel sky | 12:52 |
abhishek | any suggestions guys? | 12:53 |
Norux | I have a problem, I get a really weird error message when I boot my computer | 12:54 |
trudko | Hi everyone, how do I get my ip if I am connected through VPN? | 12:54 |
Norux | can you guys read this? | 12:54 |
abhishek | I read this for HP, but can't understand the exact instructions for my model. | 12:55 |
abhishek | Should I just press Esc and BIOS update option? | 12:55 |
skakelaar | @useraa check out steam:i386 and steamcmd:i386 | 12:55 |
Norux | hello can you read that | 12:55 |
Pici | Norux: hello | 12:56 |
wizonesolutions | Hi! I am trying to upgrade an old 10.04 LTS server to 12.04 with do-release-upgrade. I have changed to and everything, but do-release-upgrade fails to run apt-get update, it seems. It fails when trying to look up Translation-en, etc. | 12:56 |
Norux | ok good haha wasn't sure i was connected | 12:56 |
Norux | I have a problem, I get a really weird error message when I boot my computer | 12:56 |
Norux | something with rc.local | 12:56 |
Norux | EriC^, probably can help? | 12:57 |
useraa | yeah, installing steam:i386 on synaptic | 12:58 |
useraa | steam:i386 seems to be working, but I couldn't find steamcmd:i386. Does it matter skakelar? | 12:59 |
useraa | Updating Steam is gonna take all night over 300mb download | 13:00 |
putra | test | 13:01 |
putra | test | 13:02 |
belzeburp | ello | 13:02 |
Norux | please anybody, here is the error: | 13:04 |
welsh1lad | @Norux depending on your version of ubuntu check your xorg conf file , your trying to run xterm that needs a display output | 13:06 |
wizonesolutions | Oh, it's a legit bug Well then. Guess I'll just disable authentication for this upgrade :( | 13:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1513232 in update-manager (Ubuntu Precise) "do-release-upgrade no longer works from lucid to precise" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 13:06 |
zykotick9 | Norux: do you have some xterm "something" in your rc.local? you should be pasting that file perhaps. | 13:06 |
vlt | Norux: Did you check /etc/rc.local first? | 13:06 |
Norux | guys the computer doesn't even boot | 13:06 |
Norux | i get that error on booting | 13:07 |
welsh1lad | norux boot up holding shift , select recovery | 13:07 |
Norux | i can't get into grub somehow | 13:07 |
Norux | welsh1lad, oh now i can | 13:08 |
heisenberg | hi | 13:08 |
Norux | welsh1lad, 4.4.0-22 or 4.4.0-21 | 13:08 |
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heisenberg | '-' | 13:09 |
welsh1lad | Norux , ok select the next kernel below the one you been booting off , incase its a kernel issue with a precompiled GFX card driver issue | 13:10 |
welsh1lad | do you have Nvidia | 13:10 |
Norux | welsh1lad, no, R9 270x | 13:10 |
abhishek | any ideas on how to update here The hp website redirects to | 13:10 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1588428 in linux (Ubuntu) "PCI bus error on startup while booting into login screen (Kubuntu 16.04)" [Low,Incomplete] | 13:10 |
Norux | welsh1lad, i select resume right? | 13:10 |
welsh1lad | yep | 13:11 |
Norux | welsh1lad, okay, that worked. | 13:11 |
welsh1lad | Norux , ok looks like the issue is with your display driver and the kernel you have upgraded too | 13:12 |
Norux | welsh1lad, hmm, that could be possible. I added an external driver as somebody in my reddit post recommended it to me | 13:12 |
Norux | that was 2 weeks ago though | 13:13 |
Bent0 | I have added the following line to /etc/sudoers: username ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service tmp-api restart, /usr/bin/service tmp-api restart | 13:13 |
Bent0 | When I log in as that user I am still not allowed to restart that service. Any idea how to fix that? | 13:14 |
Bent0 | Restarting daemon: tmp-apistart-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 63800: Operation not permitted | 13:14 |
welsh1lad | Norrux well at least you got a bootable system now , be good to update your grub entry default tag so it now boots into this kernel and not the new | 13:14 |
Norux | welsh1lad, i should boot to the recovery mode every time from now on?? | 13:15 |
Norux | welsh1lad, here is the post: | 13:15 |
Bent0 | Oh wait it does work. my bad | 13:16 |
welsh1lad | norux what version of ubuntu is this | 13:19 |
Norux | welsh1lad, 16.04 if i'm correct | 13:19 |
welsh1lad | ok , AMD drivers no longer work with ver 16 | 13:21 |
Norux | welsh1lad, is there an option to downgrade | 13:21 |
abhishek | hi guys! | 13:23 |
abhishek | I wanted help to update my bios, I am a bit new. | 13:24 |
welsh1lad | Norex , Yepp use the kernel below to what you are now using and if that works update your grub entry menu so that it always boots into it | 13:24 |
abhishek | I trying to follow this But as per this( on pressing Esc I can't find any update options in BIOS setup. | 13:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1588428 in linux (Ubuntu) "PCI bus error on startup while booting into login screen (Kubuntu 16.04)" [Low,Incomplete] | 13:26 |
Norux | welsh1lad, doesn't work | 13:27 |
Norux | welsh1lad, i rather meant downgrade to 14.04 | 13:27 |
abhishek | any help would be great! | 13:30 |
welsh1lad | Norux , Not a good idea as many the libraies are installed and apps | 13:33 |
Norux | welsh1lad, you mean apps I installed on 16.04? I can reinstall those without a problem | 13:34 |
Norux | welsh1lad, if there's not a system problem. | 13:34 |
welsh1lad | Norux , yes there will be system issues . be best to check the ubuntu help fourm for that . I dont want to lead you down the wrong path | 13:36 |
Norux | welsh1lad, okay thanks anyways. I might just reinstall 14.04 with cleaning my disk. | 13:38 |
welsh1lad | Norux , if you have installed your home Dir onto a seperate directory you can just install ubuntu without losing your user data | 13:39 |
Norux | welsh1lad, you mean another hard drive? | 13:39 |
welsh1lad | Norux or partition | 13:39 |
Norux | welsh1lad, that's not the case, unfortunately. I'll back up the data on my 2nd hard drive though. | 13:40 |
Norux | welsh1lad, i really hate those system problems, i get them all the time | 13:40 |
neredsenvy | just what i was asking if it was worth installing 16.04 or get 14.04 | 13:41 |
welsh1lad | norux , is becouse ATI are not freely open with there drivers as NVidia are as regards to linux development drivers | 13:41 |
neredsenvy | I do most of my development out of vagrant or docker | 13:42 |
Norux | welsh1lad, well, that's bad | 13:42 |
welsh1lad | Its and I feel your pain . | 13:42 |
neredsenvy | Intel HD should have no problem tho | 13:42 |
welsh1lad | any way im off now , ssd array to fix | 13:42 |
JustCurious | Hi, got a problem: my 12.04 Ubuntu shuts down randomly | 13:42 |
JustCurious | every once in a while it appears the shut down dialogue, 60 seconds left, and then it shuts down unless I cancel the action -if I see it | 13:44 |
JustCurious | any idea? | 13:45 |
vlt | JustCurious: Is your power button broken? | 13:45 |
JustCurious | no | 13:46 |
JustCurious | it's a desktop PC | 13:46 |
JustCurious | u think it's a hardware issue? | 13:46 |
vlt | JustCurious: How often does this happen? Often enough that you’d realize if it stopped doing this? | 13:46 |
JustCurious | randomly, it can happen after working for hours | 13:47 |
vlt | JustCurious: If yes, I’d boot from USB and check if it still occurs. | 13:47 |
lunatic | hey | 13:47 |
JustCurious | it may be the power button | 13:48 |
vlt | JustCurious: The power button?!? Wow, surprise! | 13:48 |
vlt | JustCurious: Huh? | 13:49 |
JustCurious | I don't know if it's broken but it may be | 13:49 |
anaran | hi, is there a dedicated channel for ubuntu convergence on smartphones? | 13:53 |
skakelaar | @useraa Great you seem to be on your way! steamcmd:i386 is for the command line. Stick to steam:i386, update and rock on. Remember to backup your .steam folder once you have installed the games. You dont have to download the entire game if you can copy the data into the library. | 13:55 |
disappear | hey. I'm having dependency problems with ubuntu can you help me? | 13:55 |
anaran | I read ota-11 brings firefox to m10. Is this also true for smartphones? | 13:57 |
ChetManly | !gdm | 13:58 |
JustCurious | I'd like to disable the countdown timer in the shutdown dialogue, how can do it? | 14:00 |
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disappear | hey. I'm getting "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-generic" can you help me? | 14:03 |
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ChetManly | is the version if vbox in the 16.04 repos 32 bit or 64 bit? | 14:05 |
ChetManly | of* | 14:05 |
BAEdemo | hi | 14:06 |
yeats | ChetManly: both are available: | 14:06 |
yeats | ChetManly: if you're running 64 bit, it will default to the 64 bit version | 14:06 |
ChetManly | its confusing reading "VirtualBox is a free x86 virtualization solution allowing a wide range of x86 operating systems such as Windows, DOS, BSD or Linux to run on a Linux system." | 14:07 |
ChetManly | when I see x86 I think 32 bit | 14:08 |
yeats | ChetManly: well, it's available in 32 or 64 bit, and if you're running 64 bit Ubuntu, it will allow the installation of x86 or x64 guests | 14:08 |
ChetManly | I am running 64 bit host. How would I install 32 bit ? force architecture? | 14:09 |
yeats | ChetManly: why would you want vbox to be 32 bit? | 14:09 |
ChetManly | or is it a seperate package? | 14:09 |
BluesKaj | ChetManly, there's a amd64bit VB version on the posted page | 14:10 |
EriC^ | ChetManly: you can use 64bit vbox and use it to run 32bit oses | 14:10 |
akik | ChetManly: on windows x86_64 is x64 and i386 is x86 | 14:10 |
yeats | ChetManly: I would just 'sudo apt install virtualbox' and be done with it :-) | 14:11 |
kgee | the package manager on my server won't update due to a file conflict. I don't want to make any assumptions and end up with an unbootable system. Does anyone know how to resolve this? | 14:13 |
kgee | plymouth and libplymouth2 seem to be fighting | 14:13 |
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killall | Hello, how can i know if 2d aceleration is enabled or not? | 14:15 |
quebre | hi | 14:15 |
quebre | no matter what i add to sudoers, i'm getting this: sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified | 14:16 |
quebre | how can i get rid of that message ? | 14:16 |
BluesKaj | quebre, what are you adding to sudoers ? | 14:17 |
quebre | Defaults !requiretty | 14:17 |
quebre | and | 14:17 |
quebre | root ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL | 14:17 |
melindo | I just tried to upgrade via update-manager -d and it broke the system quite bad. lot's of packages uninstalled, it decided that I can only do a partial upgrade _after_ it uninstalled packages, and after that it said the system is up-to-date, but since the panel and the window manager seems broken, I think it isn't. | 14:17 |
mguy | what do you think !requiretty means | 14:17 |
BluesKaj | quebre, usually one doesn 't add root, just the username to ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL | 14:18 |
mguy | root? on ubuntu! | 14:19 |
SchrodingersScat | root's already root, I don't think it would ask for a password... | 14:19 |
BluesKaj | adding the username to it is best IME | 14:20 |
akik | mguy: what do you mean? every ubuntu installation has a root account | 14:21 |
quebre | ok fixed | 14:21 |
JustCurious | I'd like to disable the countdown timer in the shutdown dialogue, how can do it? I am using Ubuntu 12.04. Any idea? Thanks in advance | 14:21 |
quebre | thanks | 14:21 |
SchrodingersScat | !root | akik | 14:21 |
ubottu | akik: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 14:21 |
kgee | Sorry; I missed the paste link in the topic. Anyway, this package conflict won't resolve. I can't remove either package without apt errors or removing critical parts of my system. | 14:21 |
disappear | hey. I'm getting "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-generic" can you help me? | 14:21 |
yeats | melindo: I would probably just backup my data (should do that before upgrades as a general rule anyway) and do a fresh install | 14:22 |
akik | SchrodingersScat: yes, i know what root account is | 14:22 |
SchrodingersScat | that's not what that says | 14:22 |
katshao | hi | 14:22 |
ozbrk | hi guys I saw a strange error when I try to close my computer. ata.5 DRDY ERR | 14:23 |
ozbrk | and lots of numbers | 14:24 |
ozbrk | and an abort messsage | 14:24 |
ozbrk | what is DRDY ? | 14:24 |
ChetManly | Id like to move that SchrodingersScat isnt a family friendly name | 14:24 |
killall | Hello, how can i know if 2d video aceleration is enabled or not? | 14:24 |
ChetManly | jk (for serious) but i seriously isnt that how irc cops work..... | 14:25 |
nicomachus | ChetManly: he's fine. please use #ubuntu-offtopic for any offtopic discussion. | 14:27 |
ChetManly | bahahha | 14:29 |
nicomachus | ozbrk: that's a hard drive error. may wanna run a SMART disk check and check up on that HDD | 14:29 |
anaran | is convergence on topic here? | 14:29 |
nicomachus | anaran: ubuntu support only. | 14:30 |
nacc | ozbrk: it means the kernel and storage didn't handshake (I think DRDY translates to 'disk ready'). That can be a driver bug sometimes (not as common, IME), or a disk error (see nicomachus) or sometimes that the disk isn't responding to the ACPI/APM stuff properly (older disks especially) | 14:30 |
anaran | nicomachus: which channel would I use for convergence questions? | 14:30 |
BluesKaj | ChetManly, they're politically correct/tolerant here in some strange ways like letting soemone use the nick sodo-my without objection | 14:30 |
nicomachus | anaran: #ubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu-discuss, #ubuntu-touch. take your pick. | 14:31 |
anaran | nicomachus: thanks! I picked touch | 14:31 |
nacc | melindo: from what to what? | 14:31 |
nacc | kgee: what version of ubuntu is that? plymouth 0.9.0-9 is not the latest in any currently supported ubuntu | 14:33 |
nacc | kgee: did you try to install debian package on an ubuntu system? | 14:33 |
ozbrk | nacc, nicomachus well guys I tell you the full storry them. There are two different HDD is on my pc. One of them is for Windows (10) this is a 1.0TB SATA disk and the other one is for ubuntu 200GB IDE disk. The error says windows part is somehow broken | 14:33 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 200 in Baz (deprecated) ""baz export" exports to the wrong directory with pathnames consisting of multiple components" [Medium,Fix released] | 14:33 |
nacc | heh, overzealous ubottu | 14:33 |
brunch875 | I'm occasionally getting an issue which doesn't let me log in. Rebooting sometimes work. | 14:36 |
brunch875 | It says something in the lines of 'system booting up, see pam_nologin(8)' | 14:36 |
brunch875 | can't get to log in from tty, but guest seems to work | 14:37 |
brunch875 | anyone else experiencing this? | 14:37 |
kgee | nacc: version 14. aws ubuntu server install | 14:38 |
ububu_ | hey i have a very simple question. i really like ubuntu since i have experience with debian and what i mostly like is how great the gui looks (fonts, etc). but i don't need most applications. so if i install ubuntu server and just do install on xorg and gnome-shell will i get the same graphic config? | 14:41 |
kgee | nacc: that rings a bell. I'm using this as a coturn server, and the instructions I found for installing on ubuntu took it from a debian repo | 14:41 |
ububu_ | basically what i really want is the font rendering for all graphical applications. i tried to configure it on another distro but something's missing and i don't know what | 14:42 |
OerHeks | ububu_, let us know if it works | 14:43 |
ozbrk | nacc, nicomachus I run a simple SMART test from ubuntu and it seems there is a little read and write errors maybe ? | 14:44 |
ozbrk | strange | 14:44 |
ozbrk | I'm a photographer and all of my archives are in that disk should I worried | 14:44 |
cscf | ozbrk, either way, please get backups as soon as possible. You should not have that much value on any single disk. | 14:45 |
OerHeks | ozbrk, bad sectors usually grow, so yes, backup to a fresh hdd | 14:45 |
ozbrk | ok ı'll back up to my external | 14:46 |
cscf | ozbrk, try to get offsite backups as well. Even if that's an external drive at a friend's place or something. | 14:47 |
nicomachus | or cloud | 14:47 |
cscf | nicomachus, maybe but if it's a lot of data that may not be an option on his connection. | 14:48 |
nicomachus | I always forget that people have slow internet somewhere out there in the world... | 14:48 |
cscf | ... | 14:48 |
nicomachus | i'm spoiled. sorry. | 14:48 |
cscf | 1 Mb/s upload here. | 14:49 |
nicomachus | x1000 here | 14:49 |
cscf | you have symmetric gigabit? | 14:49 |
nicomachus | yea | 14:49 |
nicomachus | Google Fiber | 14:49 |
cscf | entire college is proud of having symmetric gigabit | 14:50 |
cscf | Small college, but still | 14:50 |
Tehdastehdas | I hate this bug: | 14:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1558537 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Windows being ejected into wrong workspaces" [Undecided,New] | 14:51 |
nacc | responsible bodies "operating system or application" ... | 14:53 |
Tehdastehdas | That's my view as the user. | 14:55 |
nacc | Tehdastehdas: yeah, it's a window manager's responsibility, I'd say | 14:56 |
nacc | Tehdastehdas: applications don't know where they are running, they just ... run :) | 14:56 |
nacc | and an 'operating system' is too broad of a term | 14:56 |
nacc | as all of Ubuntu is the 'operating system' :) | 14:56 |
GrandPa-G | I need clarification using cron.hourly. Does the next hour run exactly on the hour or 1 hour after the last one finishes? | 14:56 |
nacc | Tehdastehdas: i'm on 16.04, btw | 14:57 |
Dragnadh | can someone help me? steam will not open | 14:59 |
johnzorn | I'm having problems with KVM networking, the guest does not have any internet access. I set the networking to virtio/NAT, is this not correct? | 14:59 |
OerHeks | Dragnadh, steam on 16.04 with ati/radeon .. no wonder with the opendriver. | 15:00 |
Dragnadh | uh? | 15:00 |
nicomachus | Dragnadh: this thread might be helpful. It's arch, but should apply: | 15:00 |
Minimaxx | Hello ! Is Xubuntu considered as an official flavour of Ubuntu ? | 15:00 |
Dragnadh | I looked at that but when i tried running the command it said directory not found | 15:00 |
nicomachus | Steam's using a C++ library that's incompatible with the driver, apparently | 15:01 |
Cyber_Akuma | How would I check which display driver I am using? | 15:01 |
Dragnadh | how do I fix it | 15:01 |
Minimaxx | Go to settings, additional drivers | 15:02 |
nicomachus | Dragnadh: you'll have to verify the paths on your own system by poking around in ~/.local/share/Steam | 15:02 |
OerHeks | Cyber_Akuma, you asked this not that long ago >>> lshw -c video should give a line like "configuration: driver= .." | 15:02 |
Cyber_Akuma | I know, I forgot, thanks | 15:02 |
ozbrk | Goole fiber you are lucky | 15:02 |
ozbrk | In Turkey we hav e TTNET Fiber which we have no idea if it is fast or not | 15:03 |
Cyber_Akuma | Fiber period, you are lucky | 15:03 |
ozbrk | yet whit ADSL you can download an ubuntu distro in half an hour | 15:03 |
ozbrk | with* | 15:03 |
nacc | Minimaxx: yes, i believe it is | 15:03 |
nacc | !flavor | Minimaxx | 15:04 |
ubottu | Minimaxx: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE | 15:04 |
ozbrk | Cyber_Akuma, what do you have then | 15:04 |
Cyber_Akuma | Hmm....... seems stuck on the neovio or whatever driver, even though it thinks it's using the Nvidia one. Let me try rebooting, I guess restarting my session wasn't enough | 15:04 |
Dragnadh | nicomachus How do I there, you see I am quite the noob | 15:04 |
Cyber_Akuma | ozbrk, cable | 15:04 |
Minimaxx | Great, thanks ! | 15:04 |
ozbrk | Cyber_Akuma, cable ? You mean ADSL ? | 15:05 |
SchrodingersScat | ChetManly: be-bop-skiddly-do | 15:05 |
Cyber_Akuma | Yep, stuck on nouveau | 15:06 |
Minimaxx | I have a problem, i am currently running Xubuntu 14.04 LTS on an old computer. When i left the computer unused for too long (10 minutes i guess), my screen turns off and my session is locked. Then, i am totally unable to reactivate my computer. I think it's a problem with the screensaver but I don't know how to fix it. | 15:07 |
Cyber_Akuma | Do you still want the screen blank out feature? | 15:08 |
Minimaxx | not necessarily | 15:08 |
Cyber_Akuma | You can just disable that under "Brightness & Lock" | 15:09 |
Cyber_Akuma | Hmm...... Synaptic seems to get stuck at "Applying Changes" when I choose the Nvidia driver | 15:09 |
Minimaxx | So i just need to turn off "Blank screen after..." ? | 15:10 |
Cyber_Akuma | yes | 15:10 |
camroncade | any idea why in 16.04 if I start unity myself from the command line the top toolbar doesn't have the clock or network connection menu? | 15:10 |
Cyber_Akuma | Just set it to never | 15:10 |
Minimaxx | Okay, thanks a lot ;-) | 15:10 |
Cyber_Akuma | I know there are multiple things that can affect it, but I think by default that is the only one set on a new install | 15:10 |
Cyber_Akuma | I am still new to ubuntu | 15:10 |
Zighuatl | Hi, people | 15:13 |
Zighuatl | has anyone been able to run Ubuntu with Unity in a laptop with an ATI 2400 for more than half and hour? | 15:13 |
Zighuatl | it always crashes, but not with Ubuntu Mate or Xubuntu | 15:14 |
Cyber_Akuma | Hmm, how else can I install drivers? For some reason Synaptic isn't working | 15:14 |
Minimaxx | Not with an ATI chip in my case but with a weird AMD graphics chip, sorry | 15:14 |
Cyber_Akuma | Is there any way I can see the details or someting of the drivers it's installing? | 15:14 |
OerHeks | Zighuatl, maybe unity is too heavy for that old ati x2400, that relies on the opendriver | 15:15 |
cscf | Cyber_Akuma, menu, search "drivers" | 15:15 |
cscf | Additional Drivers utility | 15:15 |
cscf | Unity is too heavy for a lot of things | 15:15 |
Cyber_Akuma | cscf, I am under "Additional Drivers" and choose the Nvidia ones then clicked Apply.... and it just gets stuck at "Applying Changes" | 15:15 |
broman | Can someone please help? I'm using rails 3... this gives me a route error: <img src="/public/arquivos/<>/<%=@produto.banner_slide%>" | 15:16 |
broman | what's the correct url? | 15:17 |
somsip | broman: you should probably ask in the rails channel | 15:17 |
somsip | !alis | broman | 15:17 |
ubottu | broman: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 15:17 |
cscf | I never knew about alis | 15:17 |
broman | sorry | 15:17 |
Zighuatl | Minimaxx but with yours it crashed, blacked out or what happened? | 15:18 |
Cyber_Akuma | Is logging in and out enough or would I need to reboot to get the new drivers working? | 15:19 |
ozbrk | guys I need an opinion for a tirth party spotify client , | 15:19 |
Dragnadh | can someone help me? steam will not open -> this fix doesnt work for me, since i dont have those 2 libraries in my local file either | 15:19 |
Minimaxx | you probably need to reboot | 15:19 |
Minimaxx | And i think it's better to completly reboot your machine( i know that sometimes that can help with some weird drivers) | 15:19 |
Dragnadh | you mean with completely reboot a format? | 15:20 |
Minimaxx | such as Nvidia ones for example | 15:20 |
OerHeks | Cyber_Akuma, normally you don't need to reboot, are you still working on that livee usb + persistence? | 15:20 |
Cyber_Akuma | I installed it to a usb drive using a VM | 15:21 |
Cyber_Akuma | it's not a live session anymore, but it's still on usb | 15:21 |
Cyber_Akuma | The live session actually was working... but I ran out of spac | 15:21 |
Minimaxx | It's probably for that reason that Nvidia drivers doesn't work properly | 15:22 |
Cyber_Akuma | ... and the usb drive failed, it was a crappy one anywayt | 15:22 |
Cyber_Akuma | They were working on the live session actually..... for some reason I am having trouble installing them on the non-live session | 15:22 |
cscf | Cyber_Akuma, I've had that happen several times with persistent liveUSBs. They aren't made for many writes | 15:22 |
Cyber_Akuma | Now that I remember, that usb drive always gave me trouble, I should just toss it so I don't accidently use it again | 15:23 |
Minimaxx | It's weird because i have ever installed an Ubuntu system on an external hard disk drive in order to use it to school. I was able to play games and my drivers worked properly... | 15:23 |
Cyber_Akuma | I wish there was a built-in option to just load the entire OS install to RAM, I mean, it's under 2 gigs right? I have 32 gigs on this thing | 15:23 |
Minimaxx | Normally you are right, an entire Ubuntu system install takes around two gigs of space. Which version of Ubuntu are you running ? | 15:24 |
somsip | Cyber_Akuma: | 15:24 |
cscf | Cyber_Akuma, well, Puppy Linux does that, and probably others. It's not really a goal of Ubuntu. | 15:25 |
Cyber_Akuma | 16.04 | 15:25 |
cscf | Oh cool | 15:25 |
Cyber_Akuma | I mean like, it could setup a 8 or 16gb ramdisk, and use the rest as normal ram | 15:25 |
Cyber_Akuma | 16gb would be a lot jus for running some tests on this system | 15:25 |
Minimaxx | seems complicated | 15:25 |
Cyber_Akuma | as well as a 16gb "drive" | 15:25 |
Cyber_Akuma | I am just trying to get my windows install working again >.< | 15:26 |
Minimaxx | keep in mind that when you turn off your computer, the content of your RAM memory is totally cleaned | 15:26 |
Cyber_Akuma | yes | 15:27 |
Minimaxx | did you tried to do dual boot with ubuntu and windows ? | 15:27 |
Cyber_Akuma | I guess you could boot to usb, install whatever packages, change your settings, etc that you want | 15:27 |
cscf | Which is why Puppy regularly flushes to disk. You'd need something like that, or perhaps a disk home directory | 15:27 |
Cyber_Akuma | then reboot into tha ramdisk option | 15:27 |
somsip | Cyber_Akuma: you're sort-of off real support and into offtopic wishful thinking now... | 15:28 |
Cyber_Akuma | Minimaxx, back then I didn't have the space, and I am worried about ubuntu messing with the booting of an already damaged windows install | 15:28 |
Cyber_Akuma | Plus, my system already takes long enough to boot without adding grub in thre | 15:29 |
Cyber_Akuma | Finally, seems I am on the nvidia driver now | 15:30 |
cscf | Cyber_Akuma, grub only takes like 1 second. | 15:32 |
ipatrol | ok, I'm trying to install a package that has a *hard* dependency on kdm | 15:32 |
ipatrol | which is not in the present repos for xenial, or its backports | 15:33 |
ipatrol | does anyone know where I can find it? | 15:34 |
Babu | I uninstalled some software's in ubuntu, when I restart os is not working | 15:35 |
OerHeks | ipatrol, nobody can, unless you give more details | 15:35 |
ipatrol | OerHeks: it's an old KDE4 package | 15:35 |
nacc | ipatrol: that seems like a mistake. kdm came from kde-workspace (I think) which has been replaced by plasma-workspace (source packages) | 15:35 |
nacc | ipatrol: the hard dependency means your new package is simply notinstallable | 15:35 |
Cyber_Akuma | Oh right, since I am running off a usb install I should probably disable swap... | 15:36 |
OerHeks | ipatrol, kde4 package on kde5 .. | 15:36 |
ipatrol | nacc: plasma-workspace doesn't include a "provides" line? | 15:36 |
ipatrol | OerHeks: no, I need a KDE4 setup | 15:36 |
ipatrol | right now I have a minimal system | 15:36 |
nacc | ipatrol: then you shouldn't have moved to 16.04 :) | 15:36 |
nacc | ipatrol: stay on 14.04 if you need KDE4 afaict | 15:36 |
ipatrol | nacc: ah, so how do I set the PM to an older version? | 15:36 |
exussum | There seems to be an issue with mysql-server-5.5 on 14.04.3 on a fresh install you can not install it. | 15:37 |
ipatrol | just manually edit all the apt source lines? | 15:37 |
nacc | ipatrol: PM ? | 15:37 |
ipatrol | package manager | 15:37 |
nacc | ipatrol: no, you'd need to reinstall at this point | 15:37 |
exussum | Where is the best place to report it ? | 15:37 |
nacc | ipatrol: there isn't really a downgrade path | 15:37 |
Minimaxx | Cyber_Akuma, I think you sould't disable swap because if your machine goes out of RAM, it should be more safer either to have a little space for swap in case of... | 15:38 |
nacc | ipatrol: and you shouldn't mix releases | 15:38 |
Babu | Help who is answering my question | 15:38 |
ipatrol | nacc: I'm trying to get kxstudio working | 15:38 |
Cyber_Akuma | I have 32gb though, I don't think I will run out | 15:38 |
cscf | Babu, what did you uninstall? | 15:38 |
cscf | And what is not working? | 15:39 |
drake | ssup | 15:39 |
Minimaxx | that's right :-D | 15:39 |
arunangshu | i have created ppope connection through terminal is there any gui application available for the same i am using ubuntu 16.04 | 15:39 |
drake | maffacass | 15:39 |
ipatrol | and there's something wrong with their squashfs, or my cd reader's interpretation thereof | 15:39 |
Minimaxx | How many space did you allocate for swap ? | 15:39 |
Babu | The desktop is not working | 15:39 |
drake | motherfuckers | 15:39 |
nacc | ipatrol: looking at their PPA, they only support trusty | 15:39 |
nacc | (only publish for trusty) | 15:39 |
nacc | ipatrol: run it in a VM? | 15:40 |
OerHeks | ipatrol, "If you're using a system newer or equal to Debian Testing or Ubuntu 15.10 you'll also need to enable GCC5 packages." | 15:40 |
ipatrol | !language | drake | 15:40 |
ubottu | drake: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit | 15:40 |
cscf | Babu, "less /var/log/apt/history.log" to see what packages you removed, and reinstall the ones you need. | 15:40 |
ipatrol | !trusty | 15:40 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. Download at - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at - Release Info: | 15:40 |
ipatrol | so what's the one after that? | 15:41 |
ipatrol | I already installed the Gcc-5 repo | 15:41 |
BlakBat | hi, I just reported the following bug to slack (, not sure if it's ubuntu/X related. Anyway, it crashes the whole session and logs you out. Should I create a launchpad bug for it? | 15:41 |
Babu | After logging in the monitor is not responding | 15:41 |
cscf | Babu, did you reinstall the packages? | 15:42 |
Babu | No | 15:42 |
ipatrol | I'm gonna see what I can do to get this working on a KDE5 setup | 15:42 |
nacc | ipatrol: you should contact the kxstudio folks | 15:42 |
nacc | ipatrol: as it's fully their thing, not an ubuntu thing | 15:42 |
Babu | I don't know how to reinstalll | 15:42 |
nacc | ipatrol: not even a kubuntu thing | 15:42 |
cscf | Babu, I just told you above. | 15:43 |
nacc | BlakBat: you mean you don't know if it reproduces under ubuntu? | 15:43 |
Amm0n | ipatrol, if you just want to play around: qemu kxstudio.iso or get ubuntustudio with optimezed kernel for audio stuff | 15:43 |
Zain | Hello all, I'm having trouble signing a module for secure boot in 16.04 | 15:43 |
ipatrol | Amm0n: not trying to play around, I'm trying to get it to work | 15:44 |
Zain | I generate keys and try to sign the file | 15:44 |
someone235_ | Hi, I have a fresh Xubuntu 16.04 installation on a new computer, but a lot of things are very buggy and slow. For example: sometimes when I do an operation on software manager, I get a loader that get stuck forever. Simple operations, like launching browser or skype can take about 1 minute. Every couple of minutes the internet cease to work, and in order to fix this I need to disconnect from WiFi, and then connect again (an operat | 15:44 |
someone235_ | someone knows what can I do about it? | 15:44 |
Babu | After logging in the the nothing is comming | 15:44 |
Zain | However modinfo shows that the file was not signed. However, the file is modified and I can Greg for signature | 15:44 |
exussum | @someone what wifi adapter ? | 15:44 |
=== consta_n is now known as babiole | ||
BlakBat | nacc: it's fully reproduceable on my ubuntu using slack, not reproduced on ubuntu with scudcloud. But every time my colleage sends that many emojis, I'm back to my login screen with nothing interesting in /var/log | 15:44 |
Babu | I uninstalled unity and others | 15:45 |
TanNguyen | @someone235_ Can you try a top command to see which process is using your CPU | 15:45 |
cscf | Babu, as I said, open /var/log/apt/history.log to see what packages you removed, then reinstall them. That should fix it. | 15:45 |
BlakBat | nacc: just wondering if I leave it as a ticket (opened 10 minutes ago) on slack support, or should I also open one on ubuntu launchpad? | 15:46 |
Babu | I don't know to open command line | 15:46 |
Zain | Any help would be appreciated :-/. I've spent 2 days trying to sign this file (to get virtual box to work) | 15:46 |
cscf | Babu, ok, fine, open Software Center and install "Unity" from there. | 15:46 |
someone235_ | TanNguyen: firefox is the top process. It uses 7% cpu | 15:46 |
ipatrol | ok, wait, the repo packages had updates, let's see if that fixes it | 15:46 |
Babu | The monitor strucked | 15:46 |
daey | how can i type the following letters '¯a', '¯e', '¯i' .....? im using a standard us keyboard | 15:46 |
cscf | Babu, right sorry I forgot. Hit Ctrl-Alt-F2 to get a terminal. | 15:47 |
Zain | @bac I'm unable to sign a module (vboxdrv) so I can use it with secure boot | 15:47 |
TanNguyen | someone235_: That doesn't seem like a lot of usage. What hardware (machine) you are using? Maybe there's some incompatible parts in your box | 15:47 |
Zain | | 15:47 |
Zain | Any help would be deeply appreciated | 15:48 |
cscf | Babu, login with username & password, then "sudo apt-get install unity" | 15:48 |
exussum | @someone235 I think thats the one I am using which solved that issue | 15:48 |
Babu | It is not taking pasword | 15:48 |
bac | Zain, sorry, not something i have experience with. | 15:49 |
nacc | BlakBat: oh sorry, i read slack as slack linux :) | 15:50 |
someone235_ | exussum: How should it help? | 15:50 |
Staceyadams44 | Hello everyone, I'm new to this channel. First time Ubuntu user and I'm using it with secure boot | 15:50 |
Staceyadams44 | I need to sign a module vboxdrv but I'm unable to do so | 15:50 |
nacc | BlakBat: i would file a launchpad issue and you can link to the external bug tracker too | 15:50 |
nacc | BlakBat: in launchpad itself | 15:50 |
Staceyadams44 | I create keys and sign the file but it isn't updated | 15:51 |
exussum | @someone235_ the wifi driver that ubuntu auto selected was broken so having ping in a loop fixed it, When I googled a little more i found someone had made a real fix | 15:51 |
BlakBat | nacc: slack doesn't have a bugtracker, just a (private) ticketing system. | 15:51 |
Staceyadams44 | I wrote it up hear | 15:51 |
Staceyadams44 | | 15:51 |
Staceyadams44 | If anyone can help me I'd reeeeeallly appreciate it :-). I'm stuck!! | 15:51 |
nacc | BlakBat: so no link to the ticket? i guess just mention in the description that you filed the ticket | 15:51 |
=== dra1 is now known as TanNguyen | ||
BlakBat | nacc: ok | 15:52 |
Babu | In command terminal the password is not priting | 15:52 |
Pici | Babu: the password prompts on the terminal never show stars or anything, thats how it has always been. | 15:52 |
Staceyadams44 | I'm glad to pay someone over PayPal for help | 15:53 |
OerHeks | Staceyadams44 never heard one needs to sign vbox.drv ... | 15:53 |
Staceyadams44 | Oerheks I have secure boot enabled | 15:53 |
Babu | It is showing in correct | 15:53 |
Staceyadams44 | Please see write up | 15:53 |
Staceyadams44 | Oerheks | 15:54 |
Staceyadams44 | If you google around lots of people seem to have this issue | 15:54 |
cscf | Babu, well then you typed something wrong. Type your username and password and make sure they are correct | 15:54 |
=== dra1 is now known as TanNguyen | ||
cscf | Babu, keep in mind that your username might start with a lowercase letter | 15:55 |
OerHeks | Staceyadams44, what happens wehn you perform ' sudo service vboxdrv setup ' like you should?? what error do you get, paste /var/log/vbox-install.log on | 15:55 |
Babu | It is not taking password | 15:55 |
cscf | Babu, you are probably using the wrong username | 15:55 |
Staceyadams44 | Vboxdrv unrecognized service | 15:56 |
=== dra1 is now known as TanNguyen | ||
Babu | In username the letters are printed but in password it is not responding | 15:56 |
Staceyadams44 | Oerheks it says unrecognized service. When I modprobe it it says Error could not insert vboxdrv, required key not available | 15:57 |
Staceyadams44 | OerHeks: did you see ? | 15:57 |
cscf | Babu, the password field does not show anything, it's supposed to be that way, as we have said. Just type it in and hit Enter. | 15:58 |
Babu | I did it but not | 15:58 |
TanNguyen | I remember one of my student asked the same question - why doesn't it show anything when I type my password :D | 15:58 |
someone235_ | TanNguyen: Lenovo Ideapad g100 | 15:59 |
someone235_ | TanNguyen: intel celeron 2.5ghz | 16:00 |
Staceyadams44 | Anyone? :-/ | 16:00 |
ipatrol | ok, so the KDE dependency on the newer repos is soft, but apparently they never got around to actively supporting KDE5. I can only hope it will still work. I had part of it working earlier on an existing install, before I decided to split them | 16:01 |
TanNguyen | someone235_: I think that CPU won't be able to drive the effects usually found in Xubuntu. Can you try turn off some of the effects? | 16:05 |
ipatrol | as much as the DMs claim to support it, I've never come across a setup where you can have two DEs installed simultaneously and still have it looking, or sometimes even working, right | 16:05 |
someone235_ | TanNguyen: What effects? XFCE should be very lightweight, no? | 16:07 |
ipatrol | they often make incompatible changes to the configuration files for X, the diffrerent GUI libraries (often in order to get a "uniform appearance"), the user menus, file associations, and so forth. If supporting sinultaneous DEs is really a priority of Canonical and co, they really need to do a lot more to make it happen | 16:07 |
=== MacroMan is now known as MacroMan_away | ||
squinty | ipatrol, #ubuntu-discuss this channel is for support only | 16:08 |
ipatrol | someone235_: traditionally that might be true, but people have increasingly gone to it not because it's lightweight, but because they're fed up with both GNOME and KDE | 16:08 |
ipatrol | squinty: point taken | 16:09 |
ipatrol | someone235_: so people have increasingly started adding in effects and whatnot to Xfce. | 16:09 |
someone235_ | ipatrol: so what effect can I disable? | 16:09 |
OerHeks | Staceyadams44 this post does not make it more clear: oracle neds to sign their drv > | 16:09 |
OerHeks | so it is a vbox issue | 16:10 |
someone235_ | ipatrol: but it still show be lighter than win10, no? | 16:10 |
someone235_ | ipatrol: show=should | 16:10 |
TanNguyen | Of course it should be lighter than Win10. I think it's better to disable every effects and then enable them back one by one | 16:10 |
ipatrol | someone235_: go into the settings manager and look through the config apps for anything like transparencies, animations, anything that wiggles, jiggles, or vibrates. | 16:11 |
BlakBat | nacc: done. thx ( ) | 16:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1588899 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Xorg crash with slack when receiving too many emojis" [Undecided,New] | 16:11 |
OerHeks | and | 16:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1574300 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Could not load 'vboxdrv' after upgrade to Ubuntu 16.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1461412 in efitools (Ubuntu) "Mok Not In System Keyring" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 16:14 |
akik | is there a command to check whether secure boot is enabled? my bios says "custom" | 16:17 |
=== captain_fixerpc1 is now known as captainfixerpc14 | ||
Minimaxx | h | 16:22 |
Minimaxx | Oops, missclick, sorry ;-) | 16:22 |
* Xenthys clicks on Minimaxx :] | 16:22 | |
josh98 | 16.04 seems to lack the ability to selectively remove amazon the way that was present in previous builds. who here knows the best way to do it or has superior google-fu? | 16:24 |
DJones | josh98: System settings, security & privacy, when searching in the dash -> off, buts thats a default for 16.04 | 16:26 |
josh98 | thanks DJones i have that the 16.04 dash online search left at default (off). and amazon undocked from launcher. but dash search still shows amazon installed. how to full remove it? | 16:28 |
josh98 | in previous builds, we could search in dash, then right click on Amazon and remove it. that option is missing in 16.04 | 16:30 |
squinty | there is a uninstall option with right click here | 16:31 |
josh98 | on 16.04? | 16:32 |
squinty | josh98, yes | 16:33 |
neredsenvy | Anyone here on 16.04 ? | 16:33 |
josh98 | squinty mine only shows one option: Launch | 16:34 |
pooman | Guys, what is th best distro for running "wine"? | 16:34 |
OerHeks | pooman, what answer would you expect in #ubuntu? | 16:35 |
josh98 | pooman: depends on your use case, but newer distros may have better support for latest development versions of wine | 16:35 |
pooman | Maybe different variables of Ubuntu? | 16:35 |
neredsenvy | pooman: Not true. Check their webpage see how many systems support how many apps. | 16:36 |
josh98 | pooman: newer versions of ubuntu > older versions of ubuntu is probably a safe bet | 16:36 |
neredsenvy | You will see Ubuntu is ahead of most other | 16:36 |
pooman | Ok | 16:36 |
OerHeks | pooman, try them all, see which one fits your needs, skip the server, headless wine machine | 16:36 |
pooman | Whenever I tried to run Wine, on Ubuntu sooner or later something always went wrong runing the Win apps | 16:36 |
neredsenvy | Tho don't get Ubuntu > 14.04 yet | 16:36 |
squinty | josh98, you can see it here | 16:37 |
pooman | Like they would work once and then suddenly not open anymore | 16:37 |
OerHeks | !wine | 16:37 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 16:37 |
ozbrk | can I ask another question about chrome? Youtube videos are way too big then normal in chrome do you guys any idea abotu why ? | 16:37 |
neredsenvy | Seems it was a bad bad idea to install ubuntu | 16:38 |
neredsenvy | 16.04* | 16:38 |
ozbrk | neredsenvy, well it might be a suprise to who are dealt with my question today to read this but I'm using ubuntu since 10.04 and it has improved way more then I expected | 16:39 |
josh98 | squinty thx it is not there on mine. odd | 16:39 |
neredsenvy | ozbrk: I'm going back to 14.04 seems not yet ready for normal use | 16:40 |
neredsenvy | bunch of weird UI scaling bugs | 16:40 |
squinty | josh98, Unity-tweak -> web apps has toggle for turning off amazon too | 16:40 |
ozbrk | neredsenvy, it is | 16:40 |
neredsenvy | can't find the reason both ethernet and wifi problem (poor speeds) | 16:40 |
squinty | neredsenvy, more than ready | 16:40 |
ozbrk | neredsenvy, but it is not releated about ubuntu all of the operating systems have this problem | 16:41 |
neredsenvy | Which problem ? | 16:41 |
neredsenvy | I did not have this problem on 14.04 20min ago | 16:41 |
ozbrk | neredsenvy, new releases always kinda problematic for example take windows vista it was a horrible experiement to use it yet it make a way to windows 7 | 16:41 |
neredsenvy | When I sacle my UI > 1.25 I get white lines at the bottom and right side of the screen about 1-2px wide did not happen on 14.04 | 16:42 |
neredsenvy | It's a fresh install yet DL speeds are 0.1% of my actual seed | 16:43 |
ozbrk | yeaaah I saw them too and just ignored | 16:43 |
neredsenvy | speed* running apt-get update took like a whole minute | 16:43 |
neredsenvy | Seems pretty nasty thing to ignore | 16:43 |
ozbrk | well I don't have this | 16:43 |
OerHeks | wow, whole minute is bad? | 16:44 |
squinty | neredsenvy, Software and Updates try another server | 16:44 |
ozbrk | apt-get update complete its job in second are you sure about your internet is good | 16:44 |
ozbrk | seconds* | 16:44 |
neredsenvy | I'm on a 1Gbps connection so : p | 16:44 |
josh98 | envy | 16:44 |
neredsenvy | and getting dialup speeds : P | 16:44 |
ozbrk | if you have multiple computers at your office/home internet could be affected by the other computers usage | 16:45 |
ozbrk | otherwise just set to the main server | 16:45 |
neredsenvy | 1Gps not 1Mbps : )) | 16:45 |
neredsenvy | I'll try it | 16:45 |
ozbrk | change your DNS to Google DNS, | 16:46 |
neredsenvy | Already have that set on my router | 16:46 |
squinty | neredsenvy, there is an option to select the best server for your current session | 16:46 |
yeats | neredsenvy: more than just internet can affect the speed of apt updates - disk I/O is also a factor | 16:47 |
=== andre is now known as Guest78930 | ||
ozbrk | neredsenvy, I agree with yeats can you run a SMART test ? | 16:47 |
neredsenvy | It's a SAMSUNGS S89 1TB SSD | 16:47 |
neredsenvy | testing dl speeds now | 16:48 |
neredsenvy | for best update serve | 16:48 |
yeats | neredsenvy: then if you can truly rule out WAN/LAN issues, might be a bad mirror | 16:48 |
ozbrk | yeats, welll if it is a SSD it eliminates the I/O issue option | 16:48 |
yeats | ozbrk: yep | 16:48 |
yeats | neredsenvy: traceroute to your mirror's host might be illuminating | 16:49 |
ozbrk | neredsenvy, dude set server to the main it is more then stable and ptades then the others | 16:49 |
ozbrk | uptaded* | 16:49 |
josh98 | neredsenvy: having envy in your nick is very appropriate. your setup is turning me green | 16:49 |
neredsenvy | I got the SSD as a gift at work | 16:50 |
=== Aria|away is now known as Aria | ||
neredsenvy | The internet speed tho costs a crap ton of $$/month | 16:51 |
neredsenvy | Paying like 55$ but at least it includes a mobile plan as well with 8GB/month | 16:51 |
ozbrk | yeah just like we doing here with the TTNET (man I just don't wanna be rude but this provider is a piece of .... that we using here) try to call provider and ask what is gonig on | 16:52 |
ozbrk | neredsenvy, or maybe you can just run a internet speed test from a website | 16:53 |
ozbrk | guys | 16:56 |
ozbrk | youtube videos are too large more than normal size in chrome any ideas ? | 16:57 |
_44trent | i'm trying to reinstall grub through the terminal, but it keeps saying: "Could not find device for /boot. Not found or not a block device" | 16:57 |
_44trent | The syntax is right, I put in /dev/sda, not sda1 or anything | 16:57 |
_44trent | and my system is in legacy BIOS. i suspect it might be trying to install in EFI mode, but that doesn't make sense | 16:59 |
_44trent | and this version of grub has no --platform= option | 16:59 |
_44trent | so i can't force the platform... | 16:59 |
vfw | Has 16.04 switched to systemd? Or is it still optional? | 17:00 |
_44trent | i thought ubuntu switched to systemd in 15.04 | 17:00 |
_44trent | hmm, if i can't reinstall grub through the terminal, i guess i could add the boot repair ppa and see if that works | 17:01 |
_44trent | ... | 17:03 |
_44trent | i just realized why i couldn't reinstall grub | 17:03 |
_44trent | legacy mode requires grub-pc-bin | 17:03 |
_44trent | i feel stupid... | 17:03 |
yeats | vfw: it's systemd, yes | 17:04 |
_44trent | still no luck | 17:04 |
_44trent | i don't think the disk is mounted | 17:04 |
neredsenvy | Ok so it seems the UI scaling issue only needed a Reboot (Logout) was not enough as for the internet speed issue | 17:05 |
neredsenvy | Removing mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] from nsswitch solved the problem | 17:06 |
_44trent | ...if I chroot into the disk ubuntu is installed on, will grub-install work? | 17:06 |
yeats | _44trent: yes | 17:06 |
_44trent | well, i'll just do that | 17:06 |
neredsenvy | half of it anyway I'm getting 100Mbps tho not enough | 17:06 |
vfw | Ok, I stand corrected, Ubuntu 16.04 has systemd by default. | 17:07 |
yeats | neredsenvy: bandwidth on the server side is probably rate-limited too | 17:07 |
_44trent | chrooting into the folder the disk is mounted in /media will work, right? | 17:07 |
neredsenvy | Yea I'm trying another host right now see if that one was capped | 17:07 |
vfw | " | 17:07 |
user2635 | If a notification is too long in unity, how can I see the rest? (for example, blablabla ...) | 17:07 |
_44trent | should i make sure it's in /bin/bash too? | 17:07 |
vfw | "systemd is only fully supported in Ubuntu 15.04 and later releases. While systemd is available in prior releases through the Ubuntu repositories" | 17:07 |
vfw | I've yet to tell any of my users to upgrade to 16.04, (they are all still on 12.04). | 17:10 |
vfw | Sorry, wrong channel. | 17:10 |
GrandPa-G | I need clarification using cron.hourly. Does the next hour run exactly on the hour or 1 hour after the last one finishes? | 17:12 |
vfw | GrandPa-G: I just use crontab | 17:16 |
vfw | or cronie | 17:16 |
user2635 | I know I can do apt-get update, but is there a way in the terminal to check if there is an update for a specific package? | 17:16 |
Paddy_NI | I installed "ubuntu-desktop" on my Ubuntu MATE installation and I wish to remove some remaining packages left behind even after removing "ubuntu-desktop" which is just stupid. Can anyone tell me the name of the lock screen that Ubuntu uses so I can remove it? | 17:19 |
vfw | user2635: upgrade <package-name> | 17:19 |
Paddy_NI | Nautilus has to be removed manually too, goodness knows what other nonsense was left behind | 17:20 |
OerHeks | apt-get upgrade --dry-run or aptitude search '~U' gives a list with upgradable packages | 17:20 |
vfw | user2635: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade <package-name> | 17:20 |
user2635 | vfw, I just want to check if there is one | 17:20 |
vfw | user2635: policy | 17:20 |
user2635 | ok | 17:20 |
user2635 | apt-get policy | 17:20 |
vfw | user2635: I think it may be: apt-cache policy <package-name> | 17:21 |
user2635 | vfw, thanks | 17:22 |
user2635 | does deja jup only backup files that have changed? | 17:24 |
user2635 | or does it do the whole thing agian | 17:24 |
user2635 | again* | 17:24 |
PsynoKhi0 | Hey, anyone using oibaf's PPA on Trusty? | 17:27 |
neredsenvy | Most issues solved : P | 17:28 |
neredsenvy | question tho wasn't ssoftware center meant to be removed in 1604 | 17:31 |
neredsenvy | buggy little fuck*r | 17:31 |
dabaR | Hey. What kinds of things does a server's hostname affect? I'd like to change mine, but I don't wanna mess something up. | 17:32 |
squinty | neredsenvy, it is and replaced by gnome-software | 17:32 |
dabaR | I'd like to change it so that the prompt is different. Or does just changing prompt pattern in .bashrc seem like a better idea for that? | 17:32 |
squinty | neredsenvy, yes buggy family channel | 17:32 |
neredsenvy | Now all that remains is waiting for Unity 8 and hope it brings better UI scaling support : ) | 17:34 |
akik | dabaR: the hostname seems to be defined only in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts | 17:37 |
akik | dabaR: not a wise idea to change it in only bash | 17:38 |
dabaR | Thank you | 17:39 |
xdevnull | How do i list my mounted devices? | 17:53 |
OerHeks | df | 17:54 |
OerHeks | mount | 17:55 |
xdevnull | is there anyway to reset all stuff there | 17:55 |
xdevnull | ? | 17:55 |
xdevnull | i afraid to unmount something critical | 17:55 |
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mguy | reset? | 17:56 |
xdevnull | I have mounted some other deviced and i want unmount them :P but that "df" command show big list | 17:56 |
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OerHeks | try 'mount' | 17:57 |
sevenup__ | does anyone know what can cause ubuntu 12.04 let me know from time to time that the system will shutdown and asks me if I agree? | 17:57 |
mguy | sevenup__: what does it say | 17:58 |
xdevnull | Another question, WHen i start my ubuntu. i always get around 6 pop-ups for system error. | 17:58 |
whlai | howdy all | 17:59 |
kshenoy | Hi, I installed unison. How do I find out what version of ocaml was used to build that package? | 17:59 |
xdevnull | I've picked report option | 17:59 |
whlai | I have a user who has two monitors working at greeter but after login, there's only one, and the second is not detected. Any ideas? | 17:59 |
sevenup__ | mguy, Shut down this system now?, You are currently logged in as ....,The system will automatically be shut down in 60 seconds. | 18:00 |
sevenup__ | and then let me choose OK and Cancel | 18:00 |
sevenup__ | well, this is not happening to me | 18:00 |
sevenup__ | it's happening to a friend of mine, he says he has been suffering from two days | 18:01 |
sevenup__ | and he still have 12.04 | 18:01 |
mguy | sevenup__: is it a laptop or desktop | 18:01 |
sevenup__ | he says it's a desktop | 18:01 |
sevenup__ | I showed him this post, | 18:02 |
sevenup__ | and he says he suffers from the same issue | 18:02 |
mguy | yea I was going to guess his battery is dying | 18:02 |
sevenup__ | is a common message when battery is low? | 18:02 |
sevenup__ | I've never used Ubuntu in a laptop | 18:03 |
mguy | I would take a look at his log files in /var | 18:03 |
mguy | sevenup__: it will try to automatically shut down so you don't lose data | 18:03 |
sevenup__ | yes | 18:03 |
sevenup__ | but he already shutdown the computer | 18:04 |
sevenup__ | and it shows the dialog again, he says it's random | 18:05 |
square1 | hi guys, i'm trying to install 16.04 from a usb drive and i'm at the installation type page and i've told it to erase disk and install ubuntu but clicking "install now" just seems to refresh the screen and doesn't advance | 18:05 |
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sevenup__ | square1, I've never seen that issue, but maybe you should first choose the option which says check integrity | 18:07 |
sevenup__ | to make sure all files are ok in the USB bootable | 18:07 |
square1 | ok, will try that | 18:08 |
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square1 | no errors found, sevenup__ - will try booting into live then install from there | 18:10 |
sevenup__ | nice choice | 18:11 |
kshenoy | Is there a usage guide for the ubottu bot? | 18:12 |
sevenup__ | I'm not sure if it has to do with something about your BIOS settings BIOS/EFI, or ... maybe if you're agree about deleting all disk before install ubuntu, you can use gparted or fdisk to make sure the partition table is right | 18:12 |
square1 | hrm, that didn't help | 18:13 |
square1 | i'm happy for it to wipe everything | 18:13 |
square1 | same issue from within livecd | 18:13 |
DJones | !bot | kshenoy This might help, | 18:13 |
ubottu | kshenoy This might help,: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at | Usage info: | Bot channels and general info: | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone | 18:13 |
kshenoy | DJones: Yeah, the Plugins wiki has gone 404 | 18:14 |
kshenoy | DJones: Do you know how to get it to dump the version of a package in the repo? | 18:14 |
DJones | kshenoy: Not sure, but I'll mention the plugins issue for that page | 18:14 |
whlai | Have two monitors working at greeter but after login, there's only one, and the second is not detected. Any ideas? | 18:15 |
ozbrk | hi guys need a quick suggestion. I need a mail client that supports exchange | 18:19 |
ozbrk | for my school mail (university) | 18:20 |
Kartagis | thunderbird | 18:20 |
ozbrk | well by exchange I mean office exchange | 18:21 |
ozbrk | it is a office365 account | 18:22 |
surajit | Please suggest me a firefox based browser for recent release for ubuntu | 18:23 |
Kartagis | ozbrk: try evolution | 18:23 |
Kartagis | surajit: firefox | 18:24 |
surajit | Kartagis, have firefox, need firefox based browser, like on windows there is many distribution: Cyberfox, Waterfox, Comodo Icedragon | 18:25 |
Kartagis | iceweasel | 18:25 |
Amm0n | surajit, seamonkey, torbrowser | 18:26 |
ozbrk | surajit, just try chrome businnes as usual | 18:26 |
reisio | surajit: how 'bout firefox? | 18:26 |
surajit | Thanks guys, will try for Iceweasel | 18:27 |
OerHeks | icecat | 18:27 |
josh98 | surajit: are you trying to run a separate instance of a firefox-based browser using a different profile? | 18:32 |
surajit | Yes sure | 18:32 |
josh98 | so you could accomplish the same thing by running a second instance of firefox (with a different profile)? | 18:33 |
ozbrk | thunderbird doesn't check the provider for the settings its just find outlook settings from the IIS oh man | 18:33 |
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surajit | How can do it josh98? for different profile? | 18:35 |
ozbrk | problem solved by tking an ezample from University of Wisconsin | 18:36 |
ozbrk | example* | 18:36 |
SchrodingersScat | surajit: what are you actually trying to accomplish? because yes, you can run multiple firefox as different users, but not sure if that fits your problem | 18:39 |
surajit | SchrodingersScat: Just for checking on a website, thanks | 18:42 |
josh98 | SchrodingersScat: it sounds like surajit wants his school mail account portal separate from his personal portal | 18:42 |
squinty | fwiw, both firefox and thunderbird can be started with their profile manager routine. firefox --ProfileManager | 18:45 |
SchrodingersScat | there might be some other firefox flags you can use, I use -no-remote so it doesn't try to connect to an existing firefox | 18:47 |
Cyber_Akuma | Anyone ever tried using SLI in Ubuntu? I know I can enable it, but have many people here used it? | 18:47 |
reisio | what's the answer to that question matter | 18:47 |
rox_ | hey, I got a bit of help yesterday with a flickering 16.04 screen, you guys helped me narrow down the issue to graphics card related issues | 18:48 |
rox_ | I still have flickering and would like help figuring out how to fix the problem now that I have na idea of what's causing it | 18:49 |
rox_ | I'm working with Nvidia Optimus | 18:49 |
rox_ | and things only work correctly when I boot with nomodeset | 18:49 |
rox_ | but I want to be able to change my screen resolution | 18:49 |
rox_ | any thoughts? | 18:49 |
rox_ | anyone have experience with Nvidia Optimus and screen flickering? | 18:52 |
Cyber_Akuma | Hmm..... have a system and storage drive in this PC, when I ran a liveusb of Ubuntu it could see both, but when I installed ubuntu to usb it only sees the storage partition. Is that normal to hide other OS partitions like that? | 18:55 |
codfection | guys | 19:04 |
codfection | how to check version of specific software | 19:04 |
codfection | from apt-get | 19:04 |
Fuchs | apt-cache policy packagenamehere | 19:05 |
Fiki | plese like on youtube: | 19:05 |
codfection | thanks Fuchs | 19:06 |
DJones | Fiki: Do you have a relevant on topic support question | 19:06 |
solomon_ | hello | 19:06 |
Fiki | DJones, well I use Ubuntu and sometimes the gui freezes for no apparent reason? | 19:07 |
solomon_ | guys, how can i configure tor and anonymous to be 100% anonymous online? | 19:07 |
DJones | Fiki: ok, so ask your supprot question, but please don't spam links | 19:07 |
sulfasal | 15.10 Trouble with Firefox: This has been going on through all the upgrades, all the "send a reports". A site switches to black and white and freezes. Sometimes goes away on its own, sometimes must kill -9 pid. Anybody else have this problem, solution? | 19:07 |
codfection | solomon_, u can not be 100% ANONYMOUS | 19:07 |
bindi | Can anyone tell me if a "Qualcomm Gobi 2000 HP UN2420 wwan Card +GPS Unlocked 3G Module | 19:07 |
solomon_ | how about 90 or 80% | 19:08 |
bindi | Can anyone tell me if a "Qualcomm Gobi 2000 HP UN2420 wwan Card +GPS Unlocked 3G Module" will work on ubuntu 16.04 out of the box? will testing out with a live usb have the proper drivers? | 19:08 |
codfection | that you can | 19:08 |
codfection | lol | 19:08 |
solomon_ | cox when i use to check my ip it says am 47% | 19:08 |
kaliba | Hello Guys | 19:09 |
reisio | 'lo | 19:09 |
genii | bindi: Yes, Gobi 2000 works. But you need firmware for it | 19:09 |
kaliba | How can I remove Ubuntu and install FreeBSD? | 19:10 |
ioria | | 19:10 |
Gallomimia | kaliba: with a freeBSD installer | 19:10 |
Joenuh | I'm wondering how much you can trust It says i'm 90% anonymous and i did absolutely nothing to improve it | 19:10 |
Gallomimia | be sure and backup any files you want to keep | 19:10 |
bindi | genii: how can i find the correct firmware for finland/europe? | 19:11 |
kaliba | just kidding :D | 19:11 |
genii | bindi: It must have the part with the card that holds the SIM with phone number, though. You also need to install package gobi-loader to insert the firmware | 19:11 |
bindi | genii: i didnt quite catch the first part | 19:12 |
genii | bindi: The firmware will be on the Windows driver disk for it | 19:12 |
kaliba | Is any german in here? | 19:12 |
bindi | genii: the module is bought off ebay, although i found a page for it where they show you how to extract them | 19:12 |
bindi | | 19:12 |
Joenuh | Not German, but close :) | 19:13 |
kaliba | I like the Linux community. | 19:13 |
genii | bindi: The Gobi 2000 card requires a telephone SIM card in order to have an IMEI. On some models the SIM goes directly into the Gobi. On other models there is a wire connector fromt he card to a separate SIM holder. You require this part for it to work. | 19:14 |
neredsenvy | I have app (smartgit) that launches from a .sh can I create a Launcher shortcut to have it autorun ? | 19:14 |
neredsenvy | So I don't have to do it via terminal | 19:14 |
bindi | genii: oh yeah sure, it has a sim holder lol | 19:14 |
kaliba | <neredsenvy> what desktop environment do you use? | 19:15 |
neredsenvy | kaliba: Unity 7 | 19:15 |
genii | bindi: I have a Gobi 2000 here in my laptop and it works fine. | 19:15 |
bindi | genii: still not sure which firmware files i want for it | 19:16 |
kaliba | <neredsenvy> | 19:16 |
genii | bindi: For a finnish firmware, I am not sure either, sorry. | 19:19 |
bindi | genii: apparently there's a sim slot in the motherboard | 19:19 |
bindi | and not in the module directly | 19:19 |
genii | bindi: Yes, that is what I stated earler about two kinds of those cards. Some have onboard SIM slot, some don't | 19:20 |
bindi | genii: is the onboard sim slot expected to work with aftermarket installed wwan card? | 19:20 |
genii | Yes | 19:20 |
bindi | does it need extra wiring or does it go through the mobo :P | 19:21 |
genii | bindi: If you have one which used a slot on motherboard and putting it into a system which does not have that, you will need to manually solder one onto the card | 19:22 |
solomon_ | any one good in using tor? | 19:22 |
bindi | genii: well the motherboard/laptop has a slot for it | 19:22 |
bindi | so it should be good to go | 19:22 |
kaliba | can anyone help me lern english? | 19:22 |
kaliba | :D | 19:22 |
genii | bindi: If the motherboard has it already, yes, is fine | 19:22 |
bindi | genii: okay thanks. my friend will be here shortly with his laptop, we'll try to get it working in the live usb :p | 19:23 |
bindi | or does it need reboots in order to work | 19:23 |
genii | bindi: No reboot, it just becomes active once the firmware is loaded | 19:23 |
bindi | we want to confirm that it works on (x)ubuntu to make the change from windows into ubuntu (it's just for surfing) | 19:24 |
bindi | ok | 19:24 |
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thebluesquirel | hi | 19:25 |
Korenc | Hi, I have a problem with my postfix, but somehow I can't figure out what exactly is going wrong. So when i send or receive mail, I get this error: 451 4.3.0 Error: queue file write error. | 19:28 |
Korenc | I tried google searching the problem, but it's not helping to me. | 19:28 |
sulfasal | 15.10 Trouble with Firefox: This has been going on through all the upgrades, all the "send a reports". A site switches to black and white and freezes. Sometimes goes away on its own, sometimes must kill -9 pid. Anybody else have this problem, solution? | 19:30 |
thebluesquirel | anyone here using xubuntu? | 19:33 |
neopsyche | wierd | 19:33 |
Minimaxx | Yep ! | 19:33 |
neopsyche | dns not working for websites.. but is working for IRC | 19:33 |
kaliba | Yes | 19:33 |
kaliba | I use Xubuntu (Xfce) | 19:34 |
neopsyche | PhoneCo.Scum blocking 8080 / 80? | 19:34 |
neopsyche | so wierd man | 19:34 |
neopsyche | I wonder if its just my ubuntu settings on firewall? | 19:34 |
\9 | try to traceroute it | 19:34 |
neopsyche | how do I tracroute? | 19:34 |
Minimaxx | check if your firewall is blocking port 80 | 19:34 |
neopsyche | Ping works to google / cnn etc. | 19:35 |
\9 | traceroute | 19:35 |
\9 | or whatever host you prefer | 19:35 |
kaliba | <thebluesquirel> how can I help you? | 19:35 |
Minimaxx | type "traceroute" in the terminal | 19:35 |
neopsyche | hahah.. traceroute not installed | 19:35 |
Minimaxx | where "" is te adress of the website you want to traceroute | 19:36 |
\9 | yeah it's not installed by default | 19:36 |
neopsyche | ubuntu 16.04 | 19:36 |
kaliba | apt-get install traceroute | 19:36 |
\9 | for some reason | 19:36 |
Minimaxx | sudo apt-get install traceroute | 19:36 |
neopsyche | and of course.. it cant connect to update / install | 19:36 |
neopsyche | lol. | 19:36 |
\9 | welp | 19:36 |
kaliba | sudo -s; apt-get install traceroute | 19:36 |
neopsyche | kaliba - in a perfect world yes | 19:36 |
neopsyche | lol | 19:36 |
kaliba | dafuq | 19:36 |
neopsyche | kaliba: problem with dns | 19:37 |
kaliba | Yo_Mama has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) lol | 19:38 |
neopsyche | hmm.. i guess this is the only place to chat lol | 19:38 |
coredump | Does anyone run xfce4-power-manager without the rest of XFCE? I am running it with i3 and it almost works, there are some stuff that on;y work when I start it on a console with sudo. I have polkit installed and running and my user is on the power group, I am unsure of what else I need to do. Maybe some XML somewhere defining something that I missed? | 19:38 |
neopsyche | wierd. skype also works | 19:39 |
neopsyche | anything to do with browser not working though | 19:39 |
neopsyche | so perhaps udp is up but tcp is down? | 19:39 |
Minimaxx | what browser did you use ? | 19:40 |
neopsyche | hmm | 19:42 |
neopsyche | minimaxx i tried chrome / ff / chromium | 19:43 |
neopsyche | holy crap its working on chrome | 19:43 |
kaliba | i like chrome | 19:43 |
neopsyche | wierd. so now connection is mysteriously back | 19:43 |
kaliba | but i use opera | 19:43 |
neopsyche | chrome is insecure though | 19:43 |
neopsyche | security risks with plugins / flash | 19:43 |
kaliba | its the same engine (webkit) | 19:43 |
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HackerII | i think vivaldi is the same / 2 | 19:44 |
neopsyche | the little engine that could? | 19:44 |
neopsyche | strange . flash not seem to be working on firefox | 19:45 |
=== jonas_ is now known as Guest82419 | ||
Joenuh | Maybe I missed something but did it just stopped working randomly? | 19:47 |
sulfasal | 15.10 Trouble with Firefox: This has been going on through all the upgrades, all the "send a reports". A site switches to black and white and freezes. Sometimes goes away on its own, sometimes must kill -9 pid. Anybody else have this problem, solution? | 19:47 |
bazhang | !15.10 | 19:48 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Download at - Read the release notes at - Scheduled to go EOL in July, 2016 | 19:48 |
bazhang | thats end of life very shortly sulfasal | 19:48 |
OerHeks | sulfasal, 'a site' is so vague, did you try to reset firefox with a new profile? | 19:50 |
OerHeks | and cleaning history and such | 19:50 |
sulfasal | OerHeks: there are several sites that do this - I can't tell if they're just random or if they're same ones over and over. Stoopid question: How do I change the profile? | 19:52 |
ozbrk | guys need to ask something if any of you are photographer here. Raw Therapee is add a ping line on the photos | 19:53 |
ozbrk | any idea abot why ? | 19:53 |
ozbrk | about?* | 19:53 |
OerHeks | sulfasal, cleanup the hidden folders in your home like ~/.mozilla | 19:54 |
bazhang | !alis | ozbrk use this to search for a photo channel | 19:55 |
ubottu | ozbrk use this to search for a photo channel: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 19:55 |
OerHeks | raw therapee is part of ubuntu-studio | 19:55 |
bazhang | try #ubuntustudio then | 19:55 |
bazhang | !find therapee | 19:56 |
ubottu | Found: rawtherapee, rawtherapee-data | 19:56 |
bazhang | !info rawtherapee | 19:56 |
ubottu | rawtherapee (source: rawtherapee): raw image converter and digital photo processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2-4 (xenial), package size 2367 kB, installed size 8438 kB | 19:56 |
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bazhang | why not use imagemagick ozbrk | 19:57 |
ozbrk | bazhang, imagemagick ? just heart that let me check it too | 19:58 |
bazhang | ozbrk, is rawtherapee gui | 19:58 |
reisio | ping line? | 19:59 |
OerHeks | 2 nice metapackages | 19:59 |
sipsop | Hi, my lenovo yoga 3 keeps freezing randomly every now and then. Looking at /var/log/syslog gives me this: . Any clues? | 19:59 |
OerHeks | sudo apt-get install imagemagick --fix-missing | 20:00 |
ozbrk | bazhang, yes | 20:00 |
bazhang | sipsop, primarily freezes doing what | 20:00 |
sipsop | bazhang: it freezes completely, I cannot even go to tty1 | 20:00 |
sipsop | bazhang: using glances suggests it is not out of memory (8GB available swap, more than 3GB available memory) | 20:01 |
basiclaser | hey i used the built-in OS encryption when installing ubuntu, will i damage the OS if i resize using gparted ? im trying to make room for a windoze dualboot | 20:01 |
bazhang | sipsop, what is using the processes primarily | 20:01 |
basiclaser | 'crypt-luks'... | 20:01 |
sipsop | bazhang: just a web browser, code editor, terminal | 20:01 |
kshenoy | Is there a way to find out what version of dependencies a package was built with? | 20:02 |
OerHeks | sipsop, what guide did you use to install ? did you edit grub like this ? GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pcie_aspm i915.lvds_downclock=1 i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i915_enable_fbc=1" | 20:03 |
OerHeks | iirc that downclock is your solution for these hangs | 20:03 |
sipsop | OerHeks: ooh really, is this a yoga 3 issue, or a general lenovo issue? | 20:04 |
OerHeks | all yoga's need tweaks.. | 20:04 |
sipsop | OerHeks: heh, ok. Let me give that a spin, thanks! Do you have any links for this issue? | 20:05 |
sipsop | I've googled around but haven't come across this suggestion | 20:05 |
folder| | mwahahah lets see the kids faces now | 20:06 |
OerHeks | power issue but haven't seen 16.04 running on yoga yet. don't own one myself | 20:06 |
folder| | installed Ubuntu on the guest / kids computers so I could get WinXP off of our network | 20:06 |
bindi | can i install wine on ubuntu live? | 20:07 |
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sipsop | OerHeks: awesome, thanks so much | 20:07 |
bazhang | bindi, nothing will persist | 20:07 |
bindi | bazhang: i dont need it to persist | 20:08 |
bazhang | bindi, why whould you even consider that | 20:08 |
Minimaxx | if you don't need to persist, then you can but it will be very slow | 20:08 |
bindi | i need to extract some drivers, trying out a wwan card | 20:08 |
bindi | genii: how do i use gobi-loader? :P | 20:09 |
genii | bindi: Put the firmware in a directory like /usr/firmware/gobi then find out what ttyUSB device the Gobi is. Then use gobi_loader like: sudo gobi_loader /dev/ttyUSB2 /lib/firmware/gobi | 20:13 |
genii | bindi: The command i gave assumes ttyUSB2 in this case | 20:13 |
sipsop | OerHeks: thanks a bunch, gotta reboot now :) | 20:13 |
bindi | genii: okay | 20:13 |
genii | bindi: Sorry, firmware in /lib/firmware/gobi , NOR /usr | 20:13 |
bindi | having trouble extracting the firmware files on my pc :p | 20:13 |
bindi | msiexec is just running the installer | 20:14 |
basiclaser | hey i used the built-in OS encryption when installing ubuntu, will i damage the OS if i resize using gparted ? im trying to make room for a windoze dualboot | 20:14 |
basiclaser | 'crypt-luks'... | 20:14 |
genii | bindi: Work is busy today, if I do not respond right away to questions, please be patient | 20:14 |
genii | bindi: You might need to use wine-tricks | 20:15 |
bindi | got em extracted | 20:16 |
bindi | on my own pc :p | 20:16 |
gnome2 | Hi everyone! | 20:17 |
bindi | genii: gobi-loader or gobi_loader, command not found on either | 20:21 |
bindi | genii: it was in /lib/udev/gobi_loader, it just hangs on the command | 20:22 |
bindi | genii: wrong firmware? :P | 20:22 |
genii | wrong many things... | 20:22 |
genii | bindi: udev is not a folder to put firmwares. Please make a directory in /lib/firmware directory and put it there. | 20:23 |
genii | bindi: You will need then to install the package called gobi-loader | 20:23 |
genii | !info gobi-loader | 20:23 |
ubottu | gobi-loader (source: gobi-loader): Firmware loader for Qualcom GobiUSB chipsets. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7-0ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 8 kB, installed size 67 kB | 20:23 |
genii | bindi: So you can install it from the Software Center or else commandline by: sudo apt update && sudo apt install gobi-loader | 20:24 |
genii | bindi: After this, there will exist the command gobi_loader on your system | 20:25 |
bindi | what | 20:25 |
bindi | genii: i didnt put drivers into udev | 20:25 |
bindi | the binary was there | 20:25 |
bindi | i did install gobi-loader | 20:25 |
bindi | /lib/udev/gobi_loader /dev/ttyUSB0 /lib/firmware/gobi/ | 20:25 |
bindi | hangs again :P | 20:25 |
bindi | next firmware! | 20:25 |
genii | bindi: Are you sure it is at ttyUSB0 ? | 20:26 |
bindi | genii: there is no other ttyUSB | 20:26 |
genii | OK | 20:26 |
genii | bindi: Did you use sudo ? | 20:26 |
bindi | yes | 20:26 |
donnieH | !Trainfiles Debbie Macomber - [Cedar Cove 03] - 311 Pelican Court (doc).rar | 20:26 |
ubottu | donnieH: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:26 |
bindi | i tried firmwares 0, 3, umts so far | 20:27 |
donnieH | @search hackin9 | 20:27 |
bindi | again it hangd | 20:27 |
bindi | hangs | 20:27 |
genii | bindi: Do you have a working SIM in the machine? | 20:28 |
bindi | genii: yes | 20:28 |
genii | bindi: Try again, but like: sudo gobi_loader -2000 /dev/ttyUSB0 /lib/firmware/gobi | 20:29 |
bindi | what's the -2000 mean | 20:29 |
genii | bindi: There are a couple models, this means try the other model | 20:30 |
bindi | right | 20:30 |
bindi | well this hangs as well | 20:30 |
bindi | shouldve probably tried -2000 on the previous ones as well | 20:30 |
Mr|Dave | anyone tried 16.04 on older macminis? everything works except wireless. i've tried drivers from broadcom-sta, bcmwl-kernel-source, and firmware-b43-installer, but none of them seem to work (meaning thei interface seems to come up, but scanning produces no results). | 20:32 |
Mr|Dave | i'm guessing a lot has changed in 16.04 also, since a lot of the commands that people suggest running don't exist anymore like nm-tool | 20:34 |
genii | bindi: Try a reboot, then after see if the command: ifconfig -a ...shows a wwan device. Without running any other commands related to the gobi_loader. I think it may be doing that part automatically now | 20:35 |
developer | hello guys ı need a help | 20:35 |
genii | bindi: I set mine up 3-4 years ago, so I'm trying to remember all the steps now :) | 20:35 |
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bindi | genii: it's a live usb | 20:35 |
bindi | i tried all the firmwares with 3 files in it and all of em hang | 20:36 |
bindi | (amss.mbn, apps.mbn, UQCN.mbn) | 20:37 |
genii | bindi: I remember it somehow would change it's USB device and vendor after firmware loaded. But this would be another thing where permanent changes would be required and a reboot | 20:37 |
bindi | genii: lsusb still shows it in qdl mode | 20:38 |
genii | bindi: I'm certain this can be accomplished with a livecd | 20:38 |
genii | not certain, sorry | 20:38 |
genii | hm | 20:38 |
developer | ı need help | 20:40 |
developer | who wants to help me? | 20:40 |
\9 | heh | 20:41 |
ozbrk | guys I need to install this as a solution of a problem | 20:41 |
ozbrk | , | 20:41 |
ozbrk | how can I do it | 20:41 |
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dax | if you have a problem and solve it by messing with libc6 versions, you will end up with two problems | 20:42 |
OerHeks | ozbrk, why not our packages | 20:42 |
dax | and an unsupported, possibly unbootable system | 20:42 |
genii | bindi: There might be some udev magic command to rescan it so that it works properly on livecd, but unfortunately I not know what that would be | 20:43 |
Mr|Dave | does anyone think 14.04 is probably better for older macs? i figured 16.04 would have the best driver compatibility, but most of what i google is help for 12.04 or 14.04. not super useful | 20:43 |
genii | Mr|Dave: Intel or PPC? | 20:44 |
Mr|Dave | intel | 20:44 |
ozbrk | OerHeks, because one of our packages cause the issue | 20:44 |
genii | Mr|Dave: Yes, then probably 14.04, because of the ATI graphics | 20:45 |
ozbrk | according to solution | 20:45 |
Mr|Dave | genii: interesting, ok. graphics work just fine. only wifi is broken. i'll wipe and try 14.04 | 20:45 |
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Mr|Dave | the 16.04 installer wouldn't run anyway because of how little ram i have. had to run a server install | 20:46 |
donnieH | !Mysfyt Debbie Macomber - [Cedar Cove 05] - 50 Harbor Street (v5.0) (epub).rar | 20:48 |
ubottu | donnieH: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:48 |
OerHeks | donnieH, stop that, no filesharing here | 20:48 |
donnieH | sorry OerHeks typed it in the wrong channel... | 20:49 |
OerHeks | donnieH, highly illegal on #freenode too | 20:50 |
genii | bindi: Please do: lsmod | grep serial ...and see if module qcserial is loaded | 20:51 |
bindi | genii: sec, ran out of battery | 20:53 |
bindi | friend has to go and get the cable, unless if we continue tomorrow | 20:54 |
genii | bindi: I will not be here tomorrow or Sunday, but will return Monday-Friday next week, as I connect from work | 20:56 |
Cyber_Akuma | My install keeps complaning about "The package linux-image-4.5.0-sbz needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." I can't seem to Google that file | 20:56 |
genii | bindi: I will be here about 2 hours more today | 20:57 |
Cyber_Akuma | Any suggestions what I can look into? | 20:57 |
OerHeks | linux-image-4.5.0-sbz seems no ubuntu kernel. | 20:57 |
reisio | -sbz, is that copied & pasted? :p | 20:58 |
Cyber_Akuma | yes | 20:58 |
Cyber_Akuma | Can I clear apt-get's install cache or whatever? | 20:59 |
bindi | genii: we'll continue tomorrow i think :p | 21:01 |
auronandace | bindi: genii will see you Monday then | 21:02 |
Bomber4Chats | which type of backup should I use if I have a dual-boot computer with Windows 8.1 and Kubuntu and I want to replace Kubuntu with another Ubuntu flavor, and hopefully keep the data I have from my current Kubuntu system? | 21:12 |
kshenoy | I want Ubuntu to run this command on startup: `setxkbmap -option 'ctrl:nocaps'` How do I get it to do that? | 21:12 |
Bomber4Chats | I have sda5 as / and sda7 as /home | 21:13 |
Bomber4Chats | I should be able to simply replace sda5 with the new ubuntu flavor installation, and set sda7 as /home, right? | 21:13 |
Bomber4Chats | btw, I realize I have 15Gb of Swap, is that an overkill? | 21:14 |
kshenoy | Bomber4Chats: What? Whoa! | 21:14 |
Mordoc_Mystery | Bomber4Chats, Wow - how much RAM do you have in that thing? | 21:15 |
Bomber4Chats | 8.. | 21:15 |
Mordoc_Mystery | Bomber4Chats, usually the rule is either 1.5x or 2x what you have in RAM. Feel free to correct me IRC hive... | 21:15 |
Bomber4Chats | so, yeah.. | 21:15 |
Bomber4Chats | I guess I'm good. | 21:15 |
auronandace | Mordoc_Mystery: that is an old rule getting more irrelevant with the amount of RAM available nowadays | 21:16 |
kshenoy | Bomber4Chats: Here's a rough guide for RHEL: | 21:16 |
* nudoge 's eyes melt at the sight of RHEL | 21:17 | |
kshenoy | ... Sorry but I found it linked off an AskUbuntu post... | 21:17 |
Bomber4Chats | ha, ok. | 21:18 |
Bomber4Chats | so I can lower down a bit | 21:18 |
Bomber4Chats | say 10g | 21:18 |
kshenoy | Bomber4Chats: Dunno, what do you do with it? | 21:18 |
Bomber4Chats | anyway, back to my question | 21:18 |
Bomber4Chats | how should I backup my current Kub Os? | 21:18 |
Bomber4Chats | OS* | 21:18 |
kshenoy | Bomber4Chats: What'll happen if you just install to /sda5 and ask it to use /sda7 during install as your /home? | 21:19 |
Mordoc_Mystery | Bomber4Chats, how much ram do you have in that box? Say it you have 4 GB, you could make it 8GB max... | 21:20 |
kshenoy | I have multiple linux virtual machines (all Ubuntu based though) sharing the same data disk | 21:20 |
Bomber4Chats | kshenoy: I don't know | 21:20 |
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Bomber4Chats | I hope it won't freak out | 21:20 |
Bomber4Chats | If i can revert back to Kubuntu, that's just fine | 21:21 |
kshenoy | But I don't tell it to mount the disk during installation. I just create links within /home | 21:21 |
Bomber4Chats | but again, I want insurance, so I'd like to have an image backup, I believe | 21:21 |
Bomber4Chats | kshenoy: ah, so multiple distros running against the same /home? | 21:22 |
Bomber4Chats | That'd be nice | 21:22 |
kshenoy | Bomber4Chats: Well, not directly. But the end result is the same | 21:22 |
Bomber4Chats | yeah, sure, any details on how to do that? | 21:22 |
Bomber4Chats | how to select that? | 21:22 |
kshenoy | Eg. I have Ubuntu 16.04 and Elementary OS 0.3 (I think...) | 21:22 |
Bomber4Chats | and you can choose which one to boot to | 21:23 |
kshenoy | When I installed them, I didn't mount /home as a separate partition so by default it installed /home in the same partition as / | 21:23 |
Bomber4Chats | uhhhh | 21:23 |
Bomber4Chats | Ok... | 21:23 |
kshenoy | But then after install, I added my "Data" disk | 21:23 |
Bomber4Chats | so did I screw myself over by having sda5 / sda7 /home? | 21:23 |
kshenoy | and created symlinks for ~/Documents, ~/Videos etc. to point to the Data Disk | 21:24 |
kshenoy | Anything that I want to be portable, I put it on the Data partition and then just created links | 21:24 |
Bomber4Chats | hmm | 21:24 |
Bomber4Chats | well, I can't make my sda7 protable, can I? | 21:24 |
kshenoy | I remember trying to do like what you're trying i.e. just have /home as a separate partition and use it interchangeably between different OSes but I remember running into some issues | 21:25 |
Bomber4Chats | hm | 21:25 |
kshenoy | However, I didn't try too hard tbh | 21:25 |
kshenoy | The symlink version worked, so I created a setup scripts that I can just run on a new machine so it doesn't take a lot of time to set up a new system so I'm happy with it | 21:26 |
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kshenoy | Besides, the things that I truly value are my documents etc. which are anyway backed-up via dropbox and my dotfiles repo which are backed-up via dropbox and github | 21:27 |
chadwin | Hello guys.....long time no read!! | 21:29 |
Bomber4Chats | k, I have 336GB of space, 170 used for Kubuntu | 21:33 |
Bomber4Chats | I'll just split off 100G for the new ubuntu | 21:33 |
Bomber4Chats | or...I dunno.. | 21:34 |
stacks88 | in 16.04 are you able to now patch the kernel without rebooting ? | 21:37 |
Cyber_Akuma | apt-get is stuck trying to install a package it can't find >.< | 21:37 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: 'stuck' in what sense? | 21:38 |
Cyber_Akuma | I can't seem to google the packag name either | 21:38 |
nacc | stacks88: not yet available, i don't think, you're referring to kpatch i believe | 21:38 |
Cyber_Akuma | It just says "The package linux-image-4.5.0-sbz needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." and I can't do anything else | 21:38 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: ok, "stuck" would imply "hung" to me, which is not the case, that's why i asked for clarification | 21:39 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: what is that package? | 21:39 |
Cyber_Akuma | No idea | 21:39 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: not an ubuntu one, I believe | 21:39 |
Cyber_Akuma | I think Steam tried to install it when I tried to install Steam | 21:39 |
Cyber_Akuma | Oh wait..... it's part of an attempt to install sound drivers | 21:40 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: so you put a package on, presumably from a PPA, but it didn't finish (i'm guessing) | 21:41 |
apb1963 | Today's random tip: Some useful & interesting info here for both developers and sysadmins. Definitely worth a look. This tip will (probably) not be repeated. Ever. | 21:41 |
Cyber_Akuma | Yeah, it said "unpacking" and never progressed from there | 21:41 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: and that package was then deleted from the PPA or wherever you got it from | 21:41 |
Cyber_Akuma | I still have it in my downloads folder actually | 21:41 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: so you need to tell apt to uninstall it (purge it, most likely) | 21:41 |
Cyber_Akuma | Tried reinstalling it..... still hands on unpacking | 21:41 |
Cyber_Akuma | hangs* | 21:41 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: i'm not really willing to figure that out -- my suggestion is remove that if you want support here, as using said package puts you outside of ubuntu proper | 21:42 |
kshenoy | Bomber4Chats: Why do you need 100G for it? | 21:43 |
Cyber_Akuma | How do I do that | 21:43 |
Bomber4Chats | assuming I can't provide my current /home for the new ubuntu | 21:43 |
kshenoy | Bomber4Chats: No, I mean the base install only takes 8-10G IIRC. 100G is way too much | 21:44 |
bprompt | hmm | 21:44 |
bprompt | kshenoy: mine was around 6gbs IIRC for 16.04 | 21:44 |
bprompt | kshenoy: put a few apps and stuff, and it's around 8gbs total | 21:45 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: i'm just guessing, but `apt-get remove --purge linux-image-4.5.0-sbz` | 21:45 |
Cyber_Akuma | Still complains that it needs to be reinstalled | 21:45 |
kshenoy | bprompt: Right, so 10 or in the worst case 20G should be more than enough. I was curious to see why he wanted to set aside 100G | 21:46 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: please pastebin output of `apt-get update; apt-get remove --purge linux-image-4.5.0-sbz` | 21:46 |
bprompt | kshenoy: 10 is unlikely, but possible, if installing a really big bunch of packages, 100Gbs, depends, if he's going to do rom VMing, I see the need, or run a webserver, or do some media editing | 21:47 |
Mr|Dave | hi, i have an older macmini (intel) and i've been trying to get wireless to work. i tried 16.04, which didn't work. just installed 14.04 to see if that would be any better. any thoughts on what i should be trying/testing/looking at? iwlist scan says "No scan results". on 16.04, i tried firmware-b43-installer, bcmwl-kernel-source, and broadcom-sta-dkms. on 14.04 i've tried bcmwl-kernel-source so far | 21:47 |
Mr|Dave | is there a better room where people are more focused on either apple, wifi, or general networking issues? | 21:47 |
Cyber_Akuma | Probably #apple for apple and #hardware for general networking hardware | 21:48 |
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nacc | !alis | Mr|Dave | 21:49 |
ubottu | Mr|Dave: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http | 21:49 |
Mr|Dave | well i sort of meant ubuntu-on-apple rather than just general apple issues | 21:49 |
Cyber_Akuma | nacc, | 21:49 |
kshenoy | bprompt: Umm, why would one need the root partition to be 100GB for rom VMing? For that matter, what's rom VMing? I assume you meant running virtual machines. | 21:49 |
nacc | Cyber_Akuma: what about `dpkg -P linux-image-4.5.0-sbz` | 21:50 |
OerHeks | Cyber_Akuma, try again without update please... | 21:50 |
Mr|Dave | nacc: yeah, #apple does not look like the right place. it's only for osx | 21:51 |
drale2k | i want to install a specific nginx version but it always gives me "Unable to locate package nginx-1.8.1" | 21:51 |
drale2k | although 1.8.1 exists for sure | 21:51 |
OerHeks | update might triggered this error | 21:51 |
Cyber_Akuma | "Package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting a removal" | 21:51 |
Cyber_Akuma | I also tried it without the update for apt-get before | 21:52 |
nacc | OerHeks: Cyber_Akuma's attempt to install the pacakge didn't finish | 21:52 |
nacc | OerHeks: so it's in an inconsistent state | 21:52 |
bprompt | kshenoy: yes, just thiinking, he may do it on the root, I wouldn't, but tis a reason for a big root | 21:52 |
nacc | drale2k: so generally, there's one version of a given package for each version of ubuntu (allowing for -backports and -updates/-security) | 21:52 |
nacc | drale2k: and it wouldn't be named nginx-<version>, it would be nginx everywhere | 21:52 |
nacc | drale2k: what version of ubuntu? | 21:53 |
nacc | drale2k: no published version of ubuntu currently ships 1.8.1 in its repositories | 21:53 |
Cyber_Akuma | This package isn't in the repos by the way, so I don't see the point of update, I got it from here: | 21:53 |
Cyber_Akuma | It's an expiremental drivers to try to get my soundcard working | 21:53 |
drale2k | nacc: 3.13.0-57-generic #95-Ubuntu | 21:53 |
Mr|Dave | is there a better distro to look at instead of ubuntu? maybe one that has better out of the box wifi support for older machines? | 21:54 |
drale2k | i did a apt-get upgrade and now my webapps stopped working because of an issue wit hthe new nginx version. I jsut want to rollback | 21:54 |
nacc | drale2k: that's your kernel version, `lsb-release -a` will tell the version | 21:54 |
OerHeks | sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove linux-image-4.5.0-sbz* as the name might be longer than that | 21:54 |
drale2k | nacc: i get a lsb-release: command not found | 21:54 |
nacc | drale2k: err, sorry, lsb_release | 21:54 |
nacc | drale2k: don't paste the whole output, just tell the "description" line | 21:55 |
drale2k | 14.04 | 21:55 |
OerHeks | via google i find linux-image-4.5.0-sbz 4.5.0-sbz-1_amd64.deb for some sb-z issue | 21:55 |
nacc | ok | 21:55 |
Snackerr | Hey what is the difference between the MINI.ISO, and the regular Xubuntu? is it worth going out to buy a DVD+R and coming back? What do i miss if i just do the MINI.ISO? | 21:55 |
Cyber_Akuma | OerHeks, I posted the link where I got it from | 21:55 |
nacc | drale2k: for 14.04, the version of nginx is 1.4.6-1ubuntu3.5 (in -updates). Anything else is unsupported here... | 21:55 |
OerHeks | mini iso needs internet ( cable ) to install, and no live function | 21:55 |
nacc | drale2k: if you want to use a ppa or something to get 1.8.1, you can search them and try to find it, but that version is not available for trusty from ubuntu | 21:56 |
drale2k | nacc: is that the latest or the oldest supported nginx version ? | 21:56 |
Snackerr | OerHeks, i have internet, with cable. yes | 21:56 |
Snackerr | OerHeks, any other differences? | 21:56 |
OerHeks | !mini | 21:56 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See | 21:56 |
nacc | drale2k: i don't know how to answer that question? | 21:56 |
OerHeks | mini gives all desktops | 21:56 |
nacc | drale2k: as in, i don't fully undrestand what you're asking | 21:57 |
Snackerr | hmm, i dont see the option to install MP3 support,etc? when doing the MINI.ISO? how do i install it after the install (or check if it did install it?) | 21:57 |
drale2k | nacc: 1.4.6 is the oldest version on ubuntu i can rollback to? | 21:57 |
nacc | OerHeks: Cyber_Akuma: you might also need --force-remove-reinstreq, depending on the state | 21:57 |
OerHeks | err only mint does that, ubuntu uses restricted extra metapackage | 21:58 |
drale2k | currently it is on 1.10.1 which i need to get rid of | 21:58 |
Snackerr | OerHeks, i just installed the MINI.ISO,, from CD. cuz i didnt have any DVD-R's left, is that just as good? hmmmm so only missing theubuntu uses restricted extra metapackage? | 21:58 |
nacc | drale2k: i'm not sure how you did that, as that's the version in xenial/yakkety. Did you install via a PPA? | 21:58 |
Snackerr | OerHeks, i did Xubuntu-desktop, for install | 21:58 |
drale2k | nacc: just apt-get upgrade | 21:59 |
nacc | drale2k: i would recommend removing nginx and installing the version from trusty proper. I don't know what state you are in. | 21:59 |
nacc | drale2k: are you using a PPA? | 21:59 |
drale2k | nacc: no | 21:59 |
nacc | drale2k: please pastebin the output of `apt-get update`. | 21:59 |
nacc | drale2k: there is no nginx 1.10.1 publisehd for trusty in the official ubuntu archives | 21:59 |
nacc | drale2k: in fact, the only place that is currently published is 16.10 | 22:00 |
drale2k | nacc: i see 1.10.1 also when i run "apt-cache showpkg nginx" | 22:00 |
nacc | drale2k: please pastebin as requested and `apt-cache policy nginx` | 22:00 |
drale2k | and it says "Version: 1.10.1-0+trusty0" for "dpks -s nginx" | 22:00 |
drale2k | k mom | 22:01 |
nacc | drale2k: that's from a PPA | 22:01 |
drale2k | oh you are right, it says "" | 22:01 |
nacc | ... | 22:01 |
drale2k | i didn't know lol | 22:01 |
nacc | maybe drop the attitude, and take the help as its given... | 22:01 |
drale2k | what? | 22:02 |
drale2k | what attitude | 22:02 |
nacc | "k mom" :-P | 22:02 |
drale2k | that's "ok, one moment" | 22:02 |
drale2k | what's wrong with that | 22:02 |
nacc | ah, i read it as, "k mom" (stop nagging me) | 22:02 |
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teward | drale2k: nowhere in Ubuntu will you find 1.8.x | 22:02 |
nacc | as in mom = mother :) | 22:02 |
drale2k | ^^ | 22:02 |
nacc | drale2k: my apologies :) | 22:02 |
teward | drale2k: 1.8.x is no longer supported by the nginx PPA team, nor NGINX upstream because it was replaced | 22:02 |
teward | and is end of life on its own | 22:02 |
drale2k | i don't need 1.8.1, was jsut an example. I just need to rollback to what it was before | 22:03 |
drale2k | one or 2 versions erlier | 22:03 |
teward | drale2k: there's no way to know what it was 'before' | 22:03 |
nacc | drale2k: right but you're using a PPA, meaning ask the PPA maintainer | 22:03 |
teward | nacc: *cough* ohai | 22:03 |
nacc | that might be teward :) | 22:03 |
user2635 | Just finished my DejaDup backup, got some errors. Can someone tell me if they look critical and how I can prevent them in future? | 22:03 |
nacc | drale2k: we dpm | 22:04 |
teward | drale2k: happy to try and help you outside of the channel since PPAs aren't supported here | 22:04 |
nacc | drale2k: sorry, we don't know what you installed and when | 22:04 |
teward | drale2k: but FYI, I have less attitude tolerance than nacc - give me any and you get slapped ;) | 22:04 |
nacc | teward: it was a misinterpretation on my end :) | 22:04 |
teward | nacc: ah ok | 22:04 |
drale2k | another chan or priv msg ? | 22:04 |
teward | drale2k: I suggest you'd start by looking in your /var/log/apt/history.log files | 22:05 |
teward | find where the prior nginx was installed | 22:05 |
teward | get the version number | 22:05 |
teward | if it's not what's in the Ubuntu repositories (really old version) then it's from the PPA | 22:05 |
drale2k | teward: it says "nginx-full:amd64 (1.10.0-0+trusty0, 1.10.1-0+trusty0)" | 22:06 |
drale2k | so it wnet from 1.10.0 to 1.10.1 ? | 22:06 |
teward | drale2k: because of a security update, yes. | 22:07 |
teward | drale2k: functionality between 1.10.0 and 1.10.1 hasn't changed | 22:07 |
drale2k | hm, somehow that broke something on my side with dokku (and spdy) | 22:07 |
teward | drale2k: can't help you here, I'd suggest #nginx for debugging that, but SPDY is also not supported in nginx 1.9.5+, or whenever HTTP/2 was introduced | 22:08 |
teward | because that replaced spdu | 22:08 |
teward | spdy* | 22:08 |
drale2k | ok so i need to go before 1.9.5 | 22:08 |
drale2k | but when i try apt-get install nginx=1.9.3 i get "Version '1.9.3' for 'nginx' was not found" | 22:08 |
drale2k | i did not do an distupgrade, so a version before 1.9.5 was available before | 22:09 |
teward | drale2k: 1.9.x is also not supported | 22:16 |
teward | drale2k: problem is: there is no PPA version other than the latest stable, or latest mainline | 22:16 |
teward | drale2k: not that i'd advise using, that is | 22:16 |
teward | drale2k: and there's no versions of those in the Ubuntu repositories, especially not for Trusty | 22:16 |
ilpollo | #ubuntu /join ubuntu-es | 22:19 |
ilpollo | fuc... sorry whats the dir of the spanish chanel please ? | 22:20 |
nacc | !es | ilpollo | 22:20 |
ubottu | ilpollo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 22:20 |
ilpollo | thanks regards | 22:21 |
BS | hi | 22:26 |
BS | how are you people | 22:26 |
BS | ? | 22:26 |
JhonC | Hi there! | 22:28 |
JhonC | is apt the same as aptitude? | 22:28 |
\9 | JhonC: not really, apt is a newer user-friendly front-end to apt | 22:30 |
\9 | aptitude's practically obsolete by now | 22:30 |
BS | I am from Syria and the system is not being updated its so hard here | 22:30 |
JhonC | uh... Ok. | 22:30 |
Cyber_Akuma | Huh, by some miracle me screwing up the Ubuntu kernel several times over with expiremental stuff that wasn't installing right didn't render the OS unbootable.... and the expiremental drivers actually work | 22:31 |
SchrodingersScat | JhonC: they both use the same package system, so really whichever you prefer, but seems apt is the one being pushed as standard now. | 22:33 |
JhonC | what are the differences between apt and apt-get? | 22:35 |
nacc | JhonC: apt is more interactive oriented, i guess | 22:35 |
ozbrk | I still don't get it why I can't enable webgl on google chrome I tried everything and nvdia drivers are on 361 | 22:36 |
nacc | JhonC: `man apt` and `man apt-get` | 22:36 |
kshenoy | Can someone tell me how to run a command on startup? | 22:36 |
ozbrk | I tried to reproduce the crash and it ends with a really long output | 22:36 |
JhonC | I like your opinions | 22:38 |
ozbrk | kshenoy, just type to unity "startup" | 22:39 |
ozbrk | kshenoy, then you'll figure it out | 22:39 |
kshenoy | ozbrk: I put my command in there but it didn't start | 22:40 |
ozbrk | kshenoy, well don't out it on a command line then just type unity searchbar and you'll see something like startup apps | 22:41 |
ozbrk | kshenoy, if you find it and type your command maybe your syntax is false check your command if it is requires sudo or something | 22:41 |
kshenoy | ozbrk: That's what I meant. I added my command to startup applications and checked the box next to it | 22:42 |
kshenoy | ozbrk: This is what I have there: `setxkbmap -option 'ctrl:nocaps'` | 22:42 |
kshenoy | It doesn't require sudo. If I select and paste it in terminal it works | 22:42 |
ozbrk | kshenoy, I don't know the command just here to tell you how you can do it. | 22:43 |
kshenoy | ozbrk: Fair enough. Thx for helping out :) | 22:43 |
ozbrk | kshenoy, It seems it is a keyboard configuration command why do you need it | 22:44 |
kshenoy | ozbrk: It maps Caps Lock to Control i.e. I can use the CapsLock as an additional Control | 22:45 |
niranjan | Hi there, on Ubuntu 12.04 desktop, got the update notification and started updating. It's more than three hours and update is still not done. I noticed process dpkg-preconfigu is eating 50% of cpu. Can I kill that process as update seems to have crashed for some reason | 22:56 |
W00dP3ck3r | yes | 22:57 |
ozbrk | niranjan, why are you using 12.04 | 22:59 |
OerHeks | 12.04 is still supported | 23:00 |
niranjan | I have not got the update notification yet. I am expecting it this month based on calendar I saw on ubutnu website | 23:00 |
ozbrk | niranjan, can you reach the apt-get update && upgrade ? | 23:01 |
niranjan | ozbrk, trying that now | 23:01 |
ozbrk | niranjan, if you can try to update it with terminal more dependable accutaly | 23:01 |
ozbrk | OerHeks, wow really thats strange | 23:02 |
nacc | ozbrk: what's strange? | 23:03 |
OerHeks | 'more dependable'?? | 23:03 |
niranjan | ozbrk, on command line it worked. Most probably culprit was mysql update. It was showing a configuration screen and likely UI could not handle it | 23:07 |
niranjan | Saw this error too - /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-apt-config.config: line 182: [: =: unary operator expected | 23:08 |
therealtbe | how to launch installer in text only mode? | 23:11 |
therealtbe | keyboard gets stuck on language selection first page of installer | 23:12 |
OerHeks | only the mini-iso can do text-only install | 23:13 |
therealtbe | why does my keyboard work in bios and grub, but not on language selection install screen? | 23:14 |
OerHeks | therealtbe, what machine is this? | 23:16 |
therealtbe | OerHeks: intel nuc | 23:17 |
therealtbe | maybe there is some grub kernel parameter that I can add to tell it to not kill usb keyboard | 23:18 |
OerHeks | check if there is an bios update | 23:18 |
OerHeks | also a win7 issue | 23:19 |
nacc | usb handoff from the bios can be buggy, for sure | 23:19 |
nacc | all that legacy mode stuff and whatnot | 23:19 |
OerHeks | his keyboard works in grub, not installer.. | 23:20 |
Bashing-om | OerHeks: therealtbe :: Kernel cannot match what bios hands off ? Maybe change the USB settings in bios ? See if that makes a difference . | 23:22 |
dyc3 | Ive got a bit of a weird problem on my hands. I have a folder "/var/lib/tftpboot/" and, according to ls, it's a folder and i can list the files inside it (there are none currently). But when i try to use cp to copy files into it (specifically, "cp -r /media/USER/UUI/install/netboot/* /var/lib/tftpboot"), it says "cp: target '/var/lib/tftpboot/' is not a directory." has anyone else encountered this before? | 23:25 |
nacc | dyc3: is /var/lib/tftpboot by any chance actually a symlink? (ls -ahl /var/lib/ would say) | 23:26 |
dyc3 | nacc: no, because i created it myself, and i double checked | 23:28 |
nacc | dyc3: are you doing hte cp as root/under sudo? | 23:28 |
dyc3 | nacc: yes, and i have tried using a different folder as well | 23:29 |
nacc | dyc3: and the different folder also doesn't work? | 23:29 |
dyc3 | nacc: nope | 23:29 |
Ben64 | dyc3: pastebin the output of "ls -ld /var/lib/tftpboot" | 23:30 |
jason_ | Can I copy my Ubuntu install to another disk? I just bought a larger SSD and want to transfer the install to it (so I can put the small one in my laptop). | 23:30 |
Ben64 | jason_: yep | 23:30 |
jason_ | Ben64, can you point me towards how to do it? | 23:32 |
Ben64 | jason_: easiest way would be to dd the whole thing over | 23:32 |
f0xtr0t-qwerty-k | hey guys | 23:33 |
dyc3 | nacc: | 23:34 |
jason_ | Ben64, there's not a tool for doing this? I'm a bit hesitant to use such a low level approach. | 23:34 |
jason_ | and I would need to screw around with some configuration files I'm sure? The bootloader at least? | 23:35 |
dyc3 | oops, wrong person | 23:35 |
dyc3 | ben64: | 23:35 |
Ben64 | jason_: no, a full dd would be no different | 23:35 |
Ben64 | dyc3: strange | 23:36 |
dyc3 | im using ubuntu 14.04.3 if it helps | 23:37 |
Ben64 | dyc3: something weird is going on, is /var some weird fs or something | 23:38 |
dyc3 | ben64: no, everything is on one partition | 23:38 |
est31 | my system always pesters me about installing flash | 23:39 |
est31 | how can I make it shut u | 23:39 |
est31 | p | 23:39 |
dyc3 | ben64: and iirc its ext4 | 23:39 |
est31 | and installing flash doesnt count | 23:39 |
nacc | dyc3: at the risk of sounding foolish: `cd /var/lib/tftpboot; cp -r /media/USER/UUI/install/netboot/* .` ? | 23:39 |
nacc | dyc3: does that fail the same way? | 23:40 |
dyc3 | one sec | 23:40 |
dyc3 | nacc: it worked! thanks | 23:43 |
nacc | dyc3: strange. :) | 23:43 |
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nacc | dyc3: in some sense, that's worse, as it breaks expectations :) | 23:43 |
nacc | dyc3: but glad you got your stuff copied :) | 23:44 |
Ben64 | original problem might have been typo then | 23:44 |
jason_ | Ben64, so if I just dd my current linux install over to a new disk, take the old disk out of my machine, everything will work perfectly without doing anything extra? | 23:45 |
R13ose | How do I combine two videos together into one? | 23:46 |
Ben64 | jason_: indeed. just make sure to do that from a livecd/usb and you're going to want to extend the partitions after | 23:46 |
givonz | anyone with experience installing ubuntu as a dual boot to win 10? | 23:46 |
tpw_rules | my update manager on 14.04 is confused. it says i have i have an update and that 76.4MB will be downloaded, but the "details" box shows no update and neither apt-get nor aptitude show that any packages can be upgrade | 23:49 |
pandax | hi | 23:50 |
pandax | is there where linux users are hiding | 23:50 |
R13ose | pandax: yes | 23:51 |
pandax | lol | 23:51 |
the-erm | Has anyone ever heard of a tool that will basically do cron jobs but in a digest format? The idea would be if the subprocess exit's with anything other than 0 it will send print the output immediately other wise it'll store it and send the out put once a day. | 23:51 |
pandax | we are back in time | 23:52 |
pandax | it's the 90s | 23:52 |
pandax | we are chatting | 23:52 |
tpw_rules | if i click install it just pretends to do stuff for a second then goes back to the same screen | 23:52 |
Bashing-om | pandax: Just a bunch of some .. IF ubuntu as the distirbutionm you have some hope . | 23:52 |
pandax | bro this is ubuntu MATE | 23:52 |
tpw_rules | i can right click and deselect all but then it just says no packages to install. right click -> select all brings back the 76.4MB | 23:53 |
pandax | hi sean | 23:53 |
Bashing-om | pandax: K; Mate is supported here . | 23:53 |
givonz | anyone with experience with 14.04 on virtual box? | 23:55 |
dyc3 | givonz: why do you ask? | 23:56 |
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