
FredUbuntuHello, It seems that there's is the same bug when opening MUSESCORE on Ubuntu studio 16.0400:05
FredUbuntui saw there that this bug has been fixed in version 2.03, see answer #54 here: https://musescore.org/en/node/8697100:05
FredUbuntubut i can't manage to install version 2.0300:06
FredUbuntu(can't find it in repositories)00:06
tewardFredUbuntu: probably doesn't exist yet in the repositories00:13
tewardFredUbuntu: because it doesn't exist in Debian yet as 2.0.3, it's not existing in Ubuntu00:13
FredUbuntui had an answer from #ubuntu devel00:14
tewardpoking Debian to update may be a start00:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1574432 in musescore (Ubuntu) "window load crash on starup" [Undecided,New]00:14
tewardyeah i'm reading there now :)00:14
FredUbuntuseems that it'll fixed soon00:15

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