
Logannacc: that sounds good to me00:05
Loganit'll fix a lot of packages that are stuck in proposed or failing to build00:05
LoganFredUbuntu: it looks like it's a simple fix that we may be able to bring down to 16.0400:07
Loganwould you be willing to test an updated package with the patch if I build one for you?00:07
FredUbuntuyes sure00:08
Loganokay, please follow Bug 1574432 and await a .deb file :)00:08
ubottubug 1574432 in musescore (Ubuntu) "window load crash on starup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157443200:08
Loganif it works, I can work on getting it pushed into the repository00:08
FredUbuntuok, thank you !00:09
FredUbuntuwhere will i dowload the .deb file ?00:10
LoganI'll attach it to that bug once I've built it00:13
FredUbuntuok, i understand, thx00:14
naccLogan: ack, will do00:46
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Logancan someone kill this? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxml2/2.9.3+dfsg1-1.1/+build/985544002:18
LoganPowerPC builds are being held up due to a lack of builders, and this stuck build isn't helping :P02:19
Loganthis appears to be quite stuck as well: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haskell-dimensional/
Loganoh wait I can kill that one :302:20
sarnoldwhere's the "kill" button?02:20
Loganyou should be able to cancel the first one if you're a core dev02:22
sarnoldi'm not a core-dev; I've got an interesting set of privileges which made me wonder if I could kill it if only I knew how :) but I don't see anything obvious02:23
LoganI'm pretty sure the rule is that you can only cancel the build of a given package if you had the privileges to upload it in the first place02:23
sarnoldthat makes sense. since those are yakkety and I've got no privileges in -devel I can't kill them..02:26
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hallyn<sheepish> ... cancelled04:45
* hallyn wonders who he just piseed off04:45
FredUbuntuI would like to try a bugg fix on musescore12:01
FredUbuntubut i don't know wich file to download12:01
FredUbuntui'm on Ubuntu Studio 64bits12:02
FredUbuntuwhen i go there : https://launchpad.net/~logan/+archive/ubuntu/arb/+build/986009812:03
FredUbuntui see 3files at the end of the page12:03
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FredUbuntuHello, I would like to try a bugg fix on musescore https://launchpad.net/~logan/+archive/ubuntu/arb/+sourcepub/6486195/+listing-archive-extra  but i don't know wich file to download ( i'm on Ubuntu Studio 64bits). when i go there : https://launchpad.net/~logan/+archive/ubuntu/arb/+build/9860098 , i see 3files at the end of the page14:09
cjwatsonFredUbuntu: use dget (from the devscripts package) on the .dsc file on https://launchpad.net/~logan/+archive/ubuntu/arb/+sourcepub/6486195/+listing-archive-extra14:20
cjwatson.dsc is the top-level bit of the source package; it refers to some other files, and dget knows how to follow those links for you14:21
cjwatsongive dget the URL to the .dsc file though rather than downloading the .dsc separately first14:22
cjwatsonso in this case "dget https://launchpad.net/~logan/+archive/ubuntu/arb/+files/musescore_2.0.2+dfsg-2ubuntu1~test1.dsc"14:22
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maprericcan someone check why src:limnoria is not getting auto-synced from debian?17:57
b4rsure, what's the procedure?17:58
b4rhow would someone verify src:limnoria is getting auto-synced?17:59
jbichamapreri: that's bug 158766718:01
ubottubug 1587667 in dpkg (Ubuntu Xenial) "Import from Debian fails for source packages with included tarball .asc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158766718:01
maprerioh, right, I wanted to try the new .asc thingy with it, i forgot about that!18:02
mapreriumh, the dpkg backports are still to do.  well, guess there is still time before yakkety.18:03
maprerijbicha: ta!18:04
michael_someone here?19:02
tewardmichael_: better to just ask your question19:04
tewardand have patience19:04
michael_if yes, how to enable widi (wifi-display/miracast) on ubuntu? i get nuts with that connman and https://github.com/01org/wds19:06
tewardI think that's a better question for #ubuntu rather than here?19:08
tewardsupport questions like that are better suited for #ubuntu (or #lubuntu where you originated from)19:08
michael_here is devel. miracast/widi is not supported im ubuntu, ubuntu is using an old wpa_supplicant and connman19:09
michael_i am on the wrong channel?19:11
michael_teward, where can i find help about ubuntu, miracast, widi, sink-server and p2p? i thought this is the right channel?19:15
michael_teward, it is not worth to ask in #ubuntu, just beginners questions. the question is connman 1.32 and latest wpa_supplicant in Xenial/Yakkety 1.32 is only supported in Yakkety, why?19:30
maprerimichael_: this channel is about developing ubuntu itself, so no, this is not the right channel.19:30
maprerithat said i wouldn't know where it is better suited.19:30
michael_mapreri, what are you developping? no implemantation of wds?19:31
michael_if not, where can i find help about how to implementate wds on ubuntu?19:33
tewardThis isn't a support channel for this.  #ubuntu, #lubuntu, etc. for support but NOT here; you could try posting on Ask Ubuntu or the Ubuntu Forums the question as well19:34
michael_there is no help for that19:35
michael_seems nobody made ever a sink-server for widi on ubuntu19:36
michael_as i said wpa_supplicant and connman are too old for that19:36
tewardthen you're out of luck, because we're still not the correct channel for this discussion.  You're welcome to compile those softwares from source instead of using the ones in Ubuntu, but that's an unsupported approach in general19:37
michael_i compiled it, but still no luck to get "connmactl technologies" to get the p2p service on an ath9k available :(19:38
Unit193mapreri: It wasn't on DDA, is *asc support interesting?19:39
michael_i was reading p2p is avialable on ath9k but how?19:39
michael_i am using latest wpa_supplicant19:40

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