
John[Lisbeth]what's a good package to virtualize an iso to a server distro and get into the repl from the shell00:08
John[Lisbeth]I know there's a non gui version of virtual box but I don't want to install x with it00:09
sarnoldJohn[Lisbeth]: virsh can do a ton of those things but it's a bit annoying. check out this front end that's a bit easier to work with and doesn't force you to use isos as a nice benefit :) https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/cloud-images-and-uvtool.html00:28
keithzgsarnold: That command does look pretty neat; does it play nicely with virsh, however? As in, is it all just being handled by libvirt in the backend and so one could pop back and forth between using virsh and uvtool (and virt-manager) without any complications?00:40
sarnoldkeithzg: I'd expect it to play nicely, yes00:41
keithzgsarnold: Cool cool. I'll have to keep that in mind for next time I create a new VM here at work, rather than installing from an ISO. For now though it's Friday and there isn't a cloud I can see in the sky, so I should probably just get out of the office already ;)00:48
sarnoldkeithzg: smart :)00:48
b4rhas anyone been success with server as ldap for network logins?01:05
b4ror Active Directory01:06
therealtbekeyboard does not work on install language selection screen;  ubuntu 14.04 server;   keyboard works on bios and grub menus;  in installer keyboard lights not on (numlock capslock)01:08
b4rtherealtbe: install 16.04 lts?01:09
therealtbethanks for the alternative task suggestion01:09
therealtbehowever I would like to complete this task not the one you suggested01:09
therealtbehow do I make the installer recognize the keyboard01:10
sarnoldtherealtbe: maybe try a different 14.04 image? there's several to choose from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases01:10
patdk-lapnever ever had that problem01:10
patdk-lapexactly what is the keyboard? and how is it connected?01:11
patdk-lapsometimes ipmi/kvm things get funny01:11
therealtbeI have tried with two different usb keyboards01:11
therealtbethe keyboards are fine01:11
therealtbethe keyboards work on other computers01:11
therealtbethe keyboards work in bios and grub01:11
patdk-lapbut neither of those two use linux usb drivers01:11
patdk-lapthey use the bios usb drivers01:11
therealtbeok is there a kernel parameter to use bios usb drivers01:12
b4rtherealtbe: md5sum of the image was confirmed upon download? re: sarnold's idea to use another image01:13
therealtbeokay I will do this;  but I have a feeling I will be back.01:13
b4rtherealtbe: sure, faulty images are not common. just an idea tho01:16
b4reven if md5s match01:16
sarnoldI know some images had troubles with keyboards01:17
sarnoldit was years ago and I didn't think it affected 14.0401:17
sarnoldbut it's easy to check a different image01:18
newbsieHow can one specify mailfrom in logwatch on the command line? If I don't want to configure .conf files.....01:19
JanCtherealtbe: you could try to enable or disable "USB legacy" support in the BIOS (toggle from whatever it was to the other)01:28
sarnoldgood idea01:28
patdk-lapshouldn't matter though01:29
patdk-lapwould affect usb keyboard for grub but shouldn't for linux01:29
JanCit shouldn't, but sometimes it does01:29
patdk-lapsomeone should setup ip's for these servers01:30
patdk-lapI just so don't feel like it01:30
JanCand I'm pretty sure that indicates a broken BIOS/firmware, but...01:30
sarnoldpatdk-lap: it01:30
sarnoldpatdk-lap: it's gotta be something like ten thirty on a friday night for you, right?01:31
patdk-lapI plan to install these two new zfs dovecot servers tomorrow morning :)01:31
patdk-lap28tb usable01:32
sarnoldwhat layout?01:32
patdk-lap3way mirrors01:32
sarnoldare these in a redundant/ha sort of configuration?01:33
patdk-lapnot needed01:33
patdk-lapdovecot will self replicate01:33
sarnoldreally? cool01:34
patdk-lapsomething like this01:36
patdk-lapexcept in my case, no nfs01:36
sarnoldthat looks pretty slick :)01:39
patdk-lapbeen using most of that now, directory really helps a lot01:43
patdk-lapturned that on a few years ago01:44
patdk-lapbut never thought to go the storage way till now01:44
patdk-lapoh, almost forgot :)01:45
patdk-lapI wonder if I have network cables01:45
sarnoldare you tripling the backend? or .. replacing an existing storage?01:45
patdk-lapI will be replacing01:46
patdk-lapcurrent system only has 9tb01:46
patdk-lapit's at 7tb full01:46
sarnoldwill dovecot just dsync everything other transparently? or do you have to move things by hand?01:46
patdk-lapfor the most part, it will move it all over01:47
patdk-lapI'll just have to run dovecots basically rsync command01:47
patdk-lapchange my directors to use the new servers01:47
patdk-lapthen do it once more01:47
sarnoldheh, 7tb... I hope you've got 10G NICs? :)01:48
patdk-lapI do01:48
patdk-lapthinking I'm going do lacp 2 ports to the switches from each01:49
patdk-lapthen two more directly connected between them01:49
patdk-lapalmost went with 40gig for that, but I don't need that speed01:49
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patdk-lapand this way I am protected from a nic failure01:50
sarnoldyour new systems sure feel like they could injest that quickly but I'd be surprised if your old ones can read _that_ fast :)01:50
patdk-lapold ones are maildir01:50
patdk-lapI want to use mdbox for these so badly01:50
sarnold10G, sure, 20G... maybe? 30G or 40G probably not..01:50
patdk-lapbut when customers ask to recover email for them, maildir makes that *so* simple01:51
patdk-lapoh, something I should file a bug report on :)01:51
sarnoldI've wondered about that. On the one hand, maildir means N syscalls _per email_, which feels way wasteful. But not having to parse things also feels like a huge win.01:51
patdk-lapwas fixed most everywhere else01:51
patdk-lapbut the new interfaces file just uses interfaces.d/*01:52
patdk-lapreally should be *.conf01:52
patdk-lapto keep it from being screwed with .bak ~ and whatever files01:52
patdk-lapI don't care about syscalls01:52
patdk-lapit's more the inodes that kill it01:52
sarnold"This means that it's possible to move older mails that are rarely accessed to cheaper (slower) storage. " that's cool01:55
XinHowdy gang07:32
XinI have this weird idea just for a fun project07:39
Xinim going to use 2x USB 3 hubs with 2x4 1tb thumb drives that I have lying around07:39
Xinand make it into like, a raid 10 of 2 raid 1's or somesuch07:40
Xinget a couple of tb running at like 200mb/s, out of spare parts07:40
Guest_85757Allah is doing10:19
Guest_85757sun is not doing Allah is doing10:20
Guest_85757moon is not doing Allah is doing10:20
Guest_85757stars are not doing Allah is doing10:21
Guest_85757planets are not doing Allah is doing10:21
Guest_85757galaxies are not doing Allah is doing10:22
Guest_85757oceans are not doing Allah is doing10:22
Guest_85757mountains are not doing Allah is doing10:23
Guest_85757trees are not doing Allah is doing10:23
Guest_85757mom is not doing Allah is doing10:23
Guest_85757dad is not doing Allah is doing10:24
Guest_85757boss is not doing Allah is doing10:24
Guest_85757job is not doing Allah is doing10:25
Guest_85757dollar is not doing Allah is doing10:25
Guest_85757degree is not doing Allah is doing10:25
RoyK!op Guest_8575710:26
RoyKperhaps an op should kick Guest_85757 in the arse10:26
Xinhi all10:39
XinI have a domain name pointing to a vps10:40
XinI have installed postfix on there and just have an a record for my dns10:40
XinI need to add an mx record to get it accepting mail, no?10:41
RoyKno, but you need an mx record for email servers to forward email to it10:41
Xinlol well thats fairly important xD10:50
Xinit seems kind of silly that it wouldnt just try the domain name?10:51
RoyKXin: just register an MX - it's not very hard ;)11:00
masuberuhi all11:01
masuberuI am having issues trying to ssh to my new ubuntu server11:01
masuberuI just installed ubuntu 12.4.511:02
masuberuI can see the ssh_config file but I am not sure if the service is running11:02
masuberuhow can I check that?11:02
masuberuwhat is the name of ssh server on Ubuntu 12.4.5?11:04
XinRoyK; hmm11:11
XinAll set up and testing ok11:11
Xinbut still perminently fails sending from gmail11:11
RoyKXin: youwillrememberthis.xyz. 1800INMX1 youwillrememberthis.xyz.11:33
RoyKlooks good so far11:33
RoyKXin: negative caching in place, probably - wait an hour11:33
Xinyeah but trying to send it mail doesnt work ;<<11:33
RoyKto which email address? I could try11:34
Xininbox@youwillrememberthis.xyz should be up11:34
RoyKXin: telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host11:35
RoyKthat's from a test with telnet youwillrememberthis.xyz 2511:36
RoyKsorry - worked well from outside my network - ISP blocking 25/tcp11:36
Xinsent another about 5 mins ago, no failure message yet11:46
Xinor at all for 40 mins11:46
RoyKdid you get my email?11:48
masuberuwhy is this tasksel: aptitude failed (100)??11:51
masuberuim using 12.4.511:51
masuberufresh installation11:52
masuberuand why apt-get is not installing dependencies?11:52
XinRoyK; Hahah I found it!11:56
Xinand mine are working now11:57
Xinhow grand11:57
Xinthanks bud11:57
Xinnow I just need to set up rsync and im good to go11:58
RoyKXin: good :)12:22
XinJust a random other thingy12:23
XinI want to run a headless gdm/xdm/kdm/whatever12:23
RoyKthe don't install the desktop part12:23
Xinso I can remote in graphically12:23
RoyKor uninstall it12:23
Xinis that a thing?12:23
Xinor should I just use vnc12:24
Xinor something12:24
RoyKI juse use ssh12:24
XinI thought if I had a local gdm or whatever and connected to the remote server12:24
XinId get much better performance12:24
RoyKremote x works well12:24
Xinlike using remote desktop on windows instead of vnc12:24
RoyKjust ssh in and start whatever x program you want12:25
RoyKwhat OS do you have on the client?12:25
Xinit will be ubuntu to ubuntu12:27
RoyKssh myhost12:27
RoyKshould do it12:27
RoyKjust run something like xeyes for a test12:28
RoyKgoogle remove gui ubuntu - it's a simple apt-get remove thing12:28
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=== RoyK^ is now known as RoyK
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YamakasYI know TransIP has a BIG issue now16:48
JanCYamakasY: what?17:11
YamakasYJanC: they based some dropbox on it18:21
JanCyou mean Stack?18:23
JanCdoes it even work on Ubuntu/Linux?18:24
YamakasYJanC: yep18:25
YamakasYJanC: why not ?18:25
JanCI mean, work as a filesystem or something18:25
JanCseems like they support WebDAV18:28
xeviousIs it possible to enable SSH and add apt sources in the Ubuntu Server install environment? Alternatively, can I start an Ubuntu Server installation using the Ubuntu Desktop Live ISO?18:30
JanCYamakasY: not sure why they have a big issue (unless you wonder how they will pay for it too)18:31
OerHeksxevious, answer1: no, server has no live environment to setup ssh, and 2nd a: never done such server install from a desktop iso18:32
xeviousOerHeks: I'm trying to follow this tutorial, but I'd prefer to have a minimal server installation and not have to go through and remove all the desktop stuff. https://github.com/zfsonlinux/zfs/wiki/Ubuntu-16.04-Root-on-ZFS18:33
OerHeksuse the server iso then?18:37
OerHeksi am good in making problems that are not there too :-D18:38
xeviousOerHeks: The server ISO is an extremely minimal environment. apt and dpkg don't even exist in it. It's got udpkg, so I'm mashing at stuff with it until something happens.18:42
JanCI think you should be able to use the desktop live CD to do a minimal install using debootstrap18:46
JanCor from the server installer CD too maybe18:47
xeviousI've almost got dpkg and apt working in the server ISO environment.18:49
YamakasYJanC: they depend on it as they changed it to their own needs20:03
YamakasYso they run FOSS20:03
JanCrunning on FOSS doesn't make you open20:06
xeviousAfter poking at it for a while, it doesn't seem like adding dpkg, APT, and ZFS to the server ISO is the way to go. I'm going to install using the desktop ISO and then pare it down to a server install.20:12
ztanesupervisord not autostarting on 16.04 :?20:33
devster31can I safely run badblocks on a partition without deleting data?22:54
OerHeksbad blocks are known to grow, so i guess the answer is no.23:21
OerHeksor is badblocks some sort of program?23:21
Xin hai all23:21
devster31badblocks is /sbin/badblocks23:29
devster31from e2fsprogs23:30
OerHeksdevster31, oh oke, sure you run it with cron or just a script > SeijiSensei  2012, 08:37 http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2090773.html23:50
tewardjust to reconfirm my understanding of rsync, 'rsync src dest' will sync data from source -> destination, under what conditions?  If there's no difference in last-mod time on destination, where source is a pattern that includes, oh, 80 files?23:57
tarpmanteward: from the second paragraph of DESCRIPTION in the man page: "files that have changed in size or in last-modified time"23:59
BlenderProis there a way to make nano show the full path on the title bar and not just the file name23:59
tewardtarpman: i don't have the manpage in front of me, thanks23:59

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