
Kilosmorning weekenders06:23
inetprowho's a weekender?09:07
inetprogood morning Kilos09:07
Kilosmorning inetpro 09:38
Kilosweekenders are those that manage to be here weekends as well09:38
Kilosoh yes the daily agenda thing is spot on again ty inetpro 09:40
inetprocool, so the question remains, what did you do to break it?09:57
inetproawesome what simple IT automation can do for you hey?10:00
Kilosi didnt  breask it man11:05
Kilosgoogle did11:05
Kilosi didnt go untick the daily reminder thing11:05
Kilosif i break something i say so11:06
Kilosim not a buck passer11:06
Kilosjust struggling with cold and this bad flu11:06
Kilossis has had it for over a week now11:07
pavlushkaHello Kilos inetpro !11:07
Kiloshi pavlushka 11:07
pavlushkaand hello everyone!11:07
pavlushkaKilos: so you didn't break that, :p11:08
Kilosnope, not guilty11:08
theblazehenhey Kilos, pavlushka, inetpro11:10
Kiloshi theblazehen 11:10
pavlushkaHello theblazehen !11:11
pavlushkaMaaz: Barbecue on11:15
Maazpavlushka: What?11:15
pavlushkaMaaz: its weekend.11:16
Maazpavlushka: Huh?11:16
theblazehenMaaz: Braai on11:16
Maaztheblazehen: Huh?11:16
pavlushkamay be its not in the fridge, :|11:17
theblazehenMaaz: Inventory11:18
Maaztheblazehen: *blink*11:18
pavlushkainetpro: I didn't get it actually, http://zequence.net/making-music-on-ubuntu-studio-prologue/ ?11:20
pavlushkais it just about the tool?11:20
inetpropavlushka: "This will be the first post in a series ..."11:22
pavlushkainetpro: the musics will be too much scriptsome, :p11:23
inetproadd the feed http://zequence.net/feed/ to your preferred feed reader11:23
inetprothat is, if you're into music production, like Kilos' daughter11:25
* pavlushka laughs11:26
inetprodone with?12:05
Kiloshe done what you said and tomorrow will ask you why he did it12:18
Kiloshey pavlushka 12:19
pavlushkalol, Yes Kilos !12:19
pavlushkaand inetpro , done the feed adding.12:20
inetprohmm... so he is interested after all?12:20
pavlushkain metal.12:24
paddatrapperHello everybody 12:45
pavlushkahello paddatrapper !12:49
paddatrapperHow are you doing pavlushka? 12:50
pavlushkaDoing good, Thanks, How about you?12:51
Kiloshi paddatrapper 12:54
paddatrapperI'm good thanks. How you Kilos? 12:55
Kilosfulla flu but alive. and now se my sound has disappeared12:56
Kilosmust be a flu that comes from the cape12:57
Kilosmore stubborn than normal at dying12:57
Kiloswb unaffiliated pavel16:45
pavlushkaKilos: Wont you welcome me this time? :p17:07
Kilosat times im eating or otherwise poccupied17:17
Kilosnight all. sleep tight17:38
KilosMaaz watch them17:38
Maazoh Kilos I will watch them no problem, but you better be back soon!17:38
KilosMaaz botsnack17:38
MaazYAY someone cares about me too!17:38
inetprohoesit so stil hier?17:51
theblazehenhey inetpro17:51
inetproaitsa, at least we have someone alive here :-)17:52
inetprohow's things going theblazehen17:52
inetprowb bmg50517:55
theblazehenAlright and you inetpro? Hi bmg50518:00
inetproIs it possible to skip an LTS upgrade?19:22
inetprohas anyone tried upgrading from 12.04 to 16.04?19:23
inetprolet alone 10.04 to 16.0419:24
inetproanyone willing to answer that email on the mailing list?19:24
* inetpro reading http://askubuntu.com/questions/115835/is-it-possible-to-skip-an-lts-upgrade19:25
paddatrapperI suppose use 14.04/16.04 is the wrong answer to that email?19:40
paddatrapperbecause 10.04 IS now broken and needs fixing19:41

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