
=== ac1dh0n3ycl0ud is now known as muffinmaker42
tpw_ruleslooked in synaptic and it wanted some package downgraded. did that and it's happy00:00
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catopettHi folks, i am looking for howto make a DOS .com-file to readable .c-file, that means to re-enginer a file that is made in TURBO C00:15
catopettHi folks, i am looking for howto make a DOS .com-file to readable .c-file, that means to re-enginer a file that is made in TURBO C00:16
W00dP3ck3rcatopett, google for TurboC decompiler00:21
W00dP3ck3rAlso,. this is an Ubuntu forum, not programming. Please search for the appropriate channel, thanks00:21
jason_will the startup disk creator work for a windows ISO?00:30
mattgyverjason_, you mean like to create a Windows installation disk?00:32
jason_it looks like it doesn't work00:32
mattgyverjason_, I really doubt it you may want to look into unetbootin (or something similar I think there is something that replaced it)00:33
uRockjason_, it pretty much only works with ubuntu00:33
mattgyverjason_, look into 'winusb' it looks like its right up your alley00:34
jason_I'm going to try unetbootin. The name seems familiar. I think I've used it before.00:35
mattgyverjason_, it doesn't look like unetbootin is going to support the bootloader00:36
mattgyverjason_, but feel free to give it a shot00:36
mattgyverjason_, I only did some really fast googling on the topic so I am no expert on the topic00:36
jason_I saw that but the "warning this could make your system unbootable" thing kind of scared me. I have no idea what EFI/UEFI is.00:37
R13oseI have tried to use MP4Box to combine the videos and this does but messes up in the middle for some reason.  Any ideas?00:38
mattgyverjason_, you really run that risk anytime your fooling with this stuff.  EFI/UEFI are BIOS security features.  If your install goes wrong you are not going to own a brick you will just find that the system your attempting to install on wont boot and you will just reinstall the bootloader00:38
jason_but this sounds like installing winusb poses this risk00:39
mattgyverjason_, all that tool is going to do on your local system is generate the USB media for you from the ISO thats all, its your source system its talking about because say its already got an OS on it well it could very well pooch something00:39
jason_not the actual installation00:39
mattgyverjason_, oh ill look again maybe I didn't catch that - thats really odd if thats the case00:39
jason_"Warning for Ubuntu EFI: installing WinUSB on EFI loaded Ubuntu will uninstall the grub-efi packages in order to install the grub-pc packages. It will make your system unbootable if you don't manually reinstall grub-efi package before rebooting."00:40
Bashing-om!uefi | jason_00:41
ubottujason_: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:41
mattgyverjason_, yeah I see that now.  On your system what is the output for 'Installation' when you run; sudo apt-cache policy grub-efi00:41
mattgyverjason_, sorry I meant 'Installed'00:41
xenial-user2!xenial | Bashing-on00:42
ubottuBashing-on: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Read the release notes at http://ubottu.com/y/xenial00:42
xenial-user2haha :D00:42
Cyber_Akuma-UbunI have a 144hz screen and am trying to set my refresh above 60hz, but xrandr keeps saying that 144 or 119.98 is not supported even though it listed those as avaliable refresh rates00:45
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) was the 20th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/ - CHECK FOR POINT RELEASES at http://releases.ubuntu.com - Release Info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes00:45
jason_It really makes no sense to me that a tool for creating a bootable usb disk needs to modify my operating system in a way that potentially makes it inoperable.00:45
mattgyverjason_, its because basically if you already have those packages installed it needs to remove them to grab some packages it needs which wont be installed if you have htem00:46
mattgyverIf that output returns "Installed: none" then your golden because your not using those.  If it does then you just need to execute; sudo apt-get install grub-efi   when you are finished installing winusb00:46
mattgyverjason_, though the usual proceed with caution00:46
Cyber_Akuma-Ubunis xrandr the only way to set my screen refresh rate?00:47
OerHeksjason_, winusb is not an official app anyway00:48
mattgyverjason_, I don't know what your rig is like but you could always spin up Virtualbox to bring up a VM to run winusb in and do the dirty work there too00:48
jason_oh that's a good idea. I'll do that.00:51
mattgyverjason_, yeah give that a shot and here is another article with a video though its hard to say how current it is; http://goo.gl/zA8WfK00:52
R13oseAny ideas on my question?00:56
xenial-userhi R13ose00:57
R13osexenial-user: hi00:58
OerHeksR13ose, maybe you can give more info?01:03
R13oseOerHeks: which info?01:03
xenial-userstupid pieces do not fit: http://oi63.tinypic.com/2zdnlvp.jpg01:04
OerHekswho can answer "I have tried to use MP4Box to combine the videos and this does but messes up in the middle for some reason. '??01:05
xenial-userI use ffmpeg01:05
xenial-userbut commands are tricky01:06
OerHeksin the middle of the screen, between mpegs, all same format/framerate?01:06
OerHekssome of us are blind and cannot see your screen01:07
R13oseInbetween the videos, this shows the first video again and the start of the second video are both messed up.01:07
therealtbekeyboard does not work on install language selection screen;  ubuntu 14.04 server;   keyboard works on bios and grub menus;  in installer keyboard lights not on (numlock capslock)01:08
xenial-userhello cha201:11
R13oseIf I upload the files to dropbox would someone else be able to combine the videos and send me a file to download?01:11
Ben64R13ose: way beyond the scope of this channel01:12
R13oseOkay sorry01:12
mattgyvertherealtbe, check the bios and see if USB legacy mode is enabled.  I had a simliar issue in the past and that was my issue.01:20
HansProlemanhello all, i'm running 16.04 on a hp compaq mini 311c and my wired network isn't working :x01:24
mattgyverHansProleman, is your wireless or are you on a different system right now?01:25
HansProlemandifferent system, wireless not working either but a separate problem :p01:25
mattgyverHansProleman, so starting with the obvious questions just to chase down the right thing has it ever worked, also have you tried a different cable?01:27
HansProlemanit's never worked. not tried a different cable, but have tried another laptop with same cable and worked okay01:27
mattgyverHansProleman, okay cool so we at least know the cable is good so that is out of the way.  Have you ever seen any activity lights on the ports?01:28
temdoes the device show up with ifconfig01:28
temshould be eth0 usually01:28
pvsharovHansProleman: check speed an duplex01:31
temthat might be it.. i forgot they get renamed now due to udev .....01:31
HansProlemanthere are activity lights mattgyver01:31
temnice so the device seems to have been detected01:32
mattgyverHansProleman, good deal01:32
temso its probibly a networking issue01:32
mattgyverHansProleman, tem, yeah I would agree01:32
temrun dhclient01:32
temand then try to ping google.com01:32
tem( im drawing on general linux knowledge, not specific ubuntu knowledge.)01:33
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mattgyvertem, yeah that may work if its just a dhcp issue though it wont be persistent because its likely using a NetworkManager configuration01:33
HansProlemansudo dhclient, ping www.google.com?01:33
temyea two seperate commands01:34
HansProlemandoesn't seem to be returning anything01:34
mattgyverHansProleman, yeah try that first just as a quick fix.  Then tell me what the status of this output is; sudo service NetworkManager status  so we can determine if thats the daemon your using.  It should say something like active(running)01:34
temif for some reason you dhcp diddnt work when it booted, dhclient will re-request a lease. and then when you ping google it should return something.01:34
temwhat mattgyver said :>01:35
HansProlemanis indeed active (running)01:35
HansProlemanah thanks for the explanation tem01:36
mattgyverCool, whats the output of this command; ls /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ | wc -l01:36
temi assume you have dhcp lol.. but thats a pretty reasonable assumption01:36
mattgyverHansProleman, I just wanna get a feel for how many configs you have and then we can figure out which one to look at01:36
pvsharovHansProleman: try to set port on your network device you connected to speed in 10mb/s01:37
HansProlemanmattgyver, 101:37
mattgyverPerfect, one sec gonna ask you to paste something in pastebin01:37
HansProlemanokay sure01:37
mattgyverHansProleman, cd into this directory; /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections01:37
mattgyverjust do a quick ls and tell me if you have any files in there01:38
HansProlemanjust Auto Ethernet mattgyver01:38
mattgyverPerfect, can you; sudo gedit /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/* and then paste that text into pastebin so we can see how NM is configured?01:39
HansProlemansure, give me a minute to transfer it haha01:39
mattgyverCool should hopefully be a copy paste, if you want change to mod the IP's so we don't know them thats cool if you setup a static config01:40
HansProlemani'm not too bothered, i meant b/c i need to find a usb stick :p01:40
mattgyverHansProleman, Ohhhh okay I gotcha.  There is probably a better method to go about this but at least this way were not driving blind trying to help.01:41
kshenoyAnyone tried installing rxvt-unicode on Ubuntu 16.04?01:41
kshenoyI get an error saying it has unmet dependencies. It requires libperl5.20 which is not installable01:42
mattgyverkshenoy, can you maybe paste the output of 'sudo apt-get install libperl5.20' into the pastebin just so we can get a better look?01:44
kshenoymattgyver: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16971822/01:45
kshenoy16.04 has libperl5.22 package which is already installaed01:45
pvsharovwhy you don't want to check for simple network problem?01:45
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HansProlemanmattgyver, http://pastebin.com/VTzAT5yd01:46
mattgyverHansProleman, thanks ill check it out01:47
pvsharovsuch a speed and duplex incapabiliti between NIC and router01:47
mattgyverkshenoy, looks like it was deleted.  I am not running 16.04 does this return any results; sudo apt-cache search libperl501:49
motaka2hello i have installed jdk8 with netbeans8 together, although netbeans compiles in jdk8 , but java version says i am using java 1.7 , i know the path to new jdk is /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_91   but i doth know to which folder it should point01:49
kshenoymattgyver: Pasted output of search: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16971960/01:50
mattgyverHansProleman, perform an ifconfig and let me know if the MAC listed in there matches the MAC address for any of your active adapters (maybe the enp one)01:51
HansProlemanyeah enp0s10 matches01:53
HansProlemanthe mask is given as, whereas my win pc uses, could that be relevant?01:53
mattgyverHansProleman, yup change it and see what happens01:53
mattgyverkshenoy, I have two options for you.  1) Try installing that 5.22 version.  2) try installing the .deb listed here under Downloadable files https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/s390x/libperl5.20/5.20.2-601:54
pvsharovHansProleman: if you obtain ip liki 192.168.1.* you must change mask for
HansProlemansorry, change the mask where? in manually defined ipv4?01:56
pvsharovHansProleman: yeh01:56
mattgyverHansProleman, sorry make the change within Network manager itself01:56
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mattgyverHansProleman, the config file was just the best way for me to physically see what you have going on without having to guess01:57
HansProlemanokay, will do01:57
pvsharovwill be better if you show ipconfig on windows machine01:57
mattgyverHansProleman, it looks like to me you have it setup as auto which is actually DHCP though01:58
mattgyverHansProleman, still try this however.01:58
kshenoymattgyver: Umm, the architecture for the deb files doesn't match01:59
kshenoyIt's for s390x. I'm running amd6401:59
mattgyveroh okay, yeah try the 5.22 then its what replaces 5.2001:59
ron__arf ubuntu turn the screen off after a sleeping computer :x02:00
HansProlemanmattgyver, ifconfig now shows mask as, and network manager icon suggests i'm connected, but can't ping google02:00
HansProlemanconfig is identical to windows ipconfig save for ip02:01
kshenoymattgyver: I already have 5.22 installed02:01
mattgyverHansProleman, okay open up Network Manager and select Edit on the Auto Ethernet connection then go to the IPv4 Settings tab and tell me what the 'Method' dropdown is set to02:03
pvsharovHansProleman: what ip address you obtain on windows?02:03
HansProlemanmattgyver, manual02:03
motaka2i have installed jdk8 with netbeans8 together, although netbeans compiles in jdk8 , but java version says i am using java 1.7 , i know the path to new jdk is /usr/local/jdk1.8.0_91   but i doth know to which folder it should point02:03
HansProleman192.168.1.183, though i've checked the one i was using for manual was in range02:03
mattgyverHansProleman, and the gateway matches the routers IP?02:04
HansProlemanyeah :x02:04
mattgyverHansProleman, since your not actively connected on that sytem try this; sudo service NetworkManager restart02:04
Bashing-omHansProleman: Isolate to a DNS issue ? What results from ' ping -c3 ' ?02:04
pvsharovHansProleman: it's correct mask for this ip. Check default gateway's ip. There must be router's ip02:04
Keitarois there any people still alive ?02:05
Keitaroi have some pb with my bash personalization plz02:05
HansProlemanBashing-om, unreachable02:06
mattgyverkshenoy, sorry im still looking to see if I can find the right package arch type but its not looking like there is one suggesting the only way to install may be from source (from what I can tell but I am not certain)02:06
mattgyverHans, can you even ping your router?02:06
mattgyverlike, or whatever02:06
Bashing-omHansProleman: K; :( .. ping your router by IP for the router ?02:07
mattgyverHansProleman, ^^ sorry that was for you02:07
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pvsharovHans ProBleman ))))02:08
HansProlemanpinging the router, i get unreachable with both auto ethernet and manually defined ipv402:08
HansProlemanhaha pvsharov02:08
mattgyverkshenoy, this is all I can find https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/libperl5.20/5.20.2-602:08
HadesWatch3rWhat is the latest kernel for 14.04.04 LTS02:09
Keitaroi modify my bashrc file like that http://paste.ofcode.org/TCbnFcaSAYyrBze9zqJh3x02:09
pvsharovHansProleman: what router model you use?02:09
mattgyverkshenoy, I honestly have no clue if that is going to cause any conflict with existing packages02:10
HansProlemanit's a uh *ahem* bt home hub 502:10
Keitaroand i don't understand why when i write long commands that the commands instead to go to the next line it roll on my PS1 at the begining of my command02:10
Keitaroif someone can help me plz ^^02:10
mattgyverHansProleman, stupid question how many ethernet ports does this sytem have just the one?02:10
Keitarosorry for the hl someone02:10
HansProlemanjust the one, it's a lil netbook02:11
pvsharovhow much pins on port it have? 4 or 8?02:11
mattgyverHansProleman, okay thanks02:11
kshenoymattgyver: Only 1 way to find out :P02:11
mattgyverHansProleman, whtas the output of route -n02:12
pvsharovHansProleman: 8 pins?02:12
mattgyverrather, do you have a line that kinda looks like;    <router IP >  UG02:12
kshenoymattgyver: *sigh* Yeah, libperl depends on perl-base 5.2002:12
mattgyverkshenoy, I imagine there is someway to install this along side though its probably going to be a manual process as you will have to compile it from source and link it unfortunately.  At least thats the impression I am getting.02:13
mattgyverkshenoy, kinda like this guy details here; http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1289564/how-should-i-install-more-than-one-version-of-perl it is going to be a bigger chore I bet02:15
HansProlemanmattgyver, yes but the mask for that row shows as
HansProlemanflags UG02:17
pvsharovHansProleman: ok. I go Away. Just try to check what I told you about02:18
HansProlemanit is indeed an 8 pin ethernet port02:19
nginxstais there a way to remove the top two packages here http://paste.ubuntu.com/16972661/ without messing up the 3rd nginx-full installation?02:19
pvsharovHansProleman: try to connect to another port02:20
mattgyverHansProleman, so that entire line is all zeros?02:20
pvsharovor directly to router02:21
mattgyverHansProleman, sorry misunderstood yeah those zeros for the mask sound right.  As long as the number between is your routers IP.02:21
princeanyone aware of the www-data exploit?02:23
HansProlemanmattgyver, yes both zeros except for correct gateway ip02:23
princeWhere someone is able to login to your vps? or some shit02:23
princeor is that apache/php related02:23
pvsharovHansProleman: seems like your nic is dead02:24
mattgyverHansProleman, What does it say for iface in that column for route02:24
HansProlemanmattgyver, enp0s10 as expected02:25
mattgyverRun this command and tell me if you see your interface listed in there along with the correct mac address; cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules02:25
mattgyverThere should be a line that starts with SUBSYSTEM="net" and ends with NAME="enp0s10"02:26
mattgyverHansProleman, ^sorry02:26
Bashing-omHansProleman: To check your card and host ' ping -c3 ' .02:26
mattgyverHansProleman, its very important that your MAC in that file matches what ifconfig states it is - and unless something goofy was done it should.02:28
HansProlemanBashing-om, that pings fine02:28
Bashing-omHansProleman: :) card is good then :) .02:29
HansProlemanmattgyver, that returned no such file or dir02:29
mattgyverThats interesting.  What version of Ubuntu are you using?02:30
mattgyverHansProleman, (if you don't know offhand, cat /etc/lsb-release)02:30
HansProleman16.04 LTS02:31
HansProlemanposs i made a typo02:31
HansProlemandoesn't look like it02:31
mattgyverAnyone else on 16.04 and can confirm that file exists on their system?  I am on 15.04 and generally its always available on debian systems.02:32
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HansProlemancould it be relevant that if i check the config in network manager again, net mask has changed from to something like 24?02:33
Cyber_AkumaHas anyone here managed to get Nvidia 3D Vision working in Ubuntu?02:34
mattgyverHansProleman, naah thats just because for sanity purposes it converted it into CIDR notation02:34
HansProlemanah okay02:34
mattgyver24 ==
mattgyverHansProleman, I am honestly wondering if udev is the culprit.  I may have you try something shortly.02:34
HansProlemanhad a slight feeling that might be the case but wanted to check :p02:34
HansProlemanokay, thanks02:34
HansProlemanit's really weird. this is a totally fresh install02:35
Cyber_AkumaDoes it still require a Quadro card, or can it be used on consumer cards now?02:35
mattgyverHansProleman, thats even stranger then - no issues during installation?02:35
HansProlemanthere were a couple of boots where the desktop didn't seem to be presenting post-login so i hard rebooted02:36
HansProlemanbut possibly it was just because this is a slow laptop and i'm impatient, i dunno02:36
mattgyverHansProleman, okay.  Give this a shot; sudo /lib/udev/write_net_rules enp0s1002:37
HansProlemansudo: /lib/udev/write_net_rules: command not found02:38
mattgyverHansProleman, alright, lets try a different approach02:39
mattgyverOn that system I want you to do this; sudo service NetworkManager stop02:39
mattgyverThen, sudo service networking start02:39
mattgyverHansProleman, just lemme know that both of those commands didn't error out02:40
HansProlemanthose ran fine02:40
mattgyverHansProleman, were going to try and configure the other daemon temporarily just to see if we can get that working02:40
mattgyverokay.  One sec I am going to paste you a config and tell you the file to paste it all into02:40
=== ArcticWolf is now known as Godddddd
incogdoes canonical do enough for migrants, refugees and otherkin? www.twitch.tv/l0de call in live at 415-349-5666 !02:42
mattgyverHansProleman, does your router do DHCP, I want to elimiate variables if we can02:43
mattgyverHansProleman, actually no screw that.02:43
HansProlemanit does indeed02:43
mattgyverHansProleman, real quick do an ifconfig and lemme know if you still see enp0s10, you shouldn't02:45
HansProlemannaw it's still there. why should it be gone?02:46
mattgyverHansProleman, were going to temporarily make it go away so its not a variable for this02:46
mattgyvertype, sudo ifdown enp0s1002:46
mattgyverthen check ifconfig again and it should be gone02:46
mattgyverNetworkManager is set to start that up on boot/restart so it will come back when we light the service back up after this test02:47
HansProlemanokay uh... that's weird. i get an unknown interface return02:47
mattgyverokay actually that may be because the service is off and networking is on02:47
mattgyverdisregard that part then.02:47
mattgyverYou will need to make some changes to this, pastebin wouldn't let me make a change quick enough because it thought I was spamming, http://pastebin.com/zdrEV3Qg02:48
mattgyverSo, just for your sanity, sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces02:48
mattgyverHansProleman, when that file opens, append this at the bottom but make the following 2 changes.  1.  Change line 2 from saying enp0s10 to eth0.  2.  Make sure your IP settings match, I used the MAC address from your last paste and my best guess for the rest.02:49
mattgyverWhen that is done, leave the file open but save it.02:50
Bashing-ommattgyver: HansProleman Be a good idea to make a backup of any file one edits . Handy to revert, and never can tell what might happen .02:51
HansProlemanyep got a backup saved. altered gateway to match02:52
mattgyverBashing-om, yeah were just gonna test this quickly just to see if its isolated to network manager then remove it02:52
mattgyverHansProleman, okay, sudo service networking restart02:52
mattgyverHopefully that restarts, if so do an ifconfig and tell me if you see eth0 now02:53
HansProlemancontrol process exited with error code :-x02:53
JhonCIs Python gonna be compiled one day? ...02:53
lordcirthJhonC, well it does get JIT compiled02:54
Bashing-ommattgyver: I do not know systemd 16.04 .. but uf ya going manual on the inter face ya got to tell network-manager . set to true in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf .02:55
mattgyverBashing-om, even if we stopped the NetworkManager service?02:56
Bashing-ommattgyver: Honestly, I do not know .02:56
JhonCI'm gonna read about JIT02:57
JhonCthank you02:58
mattgyverHansProleman, insert this into line 2 of that file, so directly underneath the 'auto eth0' line; allow-hotplug eth002:58
HansProlemansorry, was i meant to append prior paste to it or replace? i appended02:59
mattgyverHansProleman, then save the file and sudo service networking restart02:59
mattgyverHansProleman, yeah your appending this all below your initial configuration which probably just had auto l0 in it02:59
HansProlemancontrol process exited with error again ugh02:59
mattgyverokay.  Do this.03:00
mattgyverRemove the following lines; address, netmask, gateway, hwaddress03:00
mattgyverThen, change the iface line to say dhcp instead of static, save the file03:01
mattgyverYou will basically have 3 lines for this stanza then starting with the following respectively; auto, allow-hotplug, and iface03:02
HansProlemanokay so i have auto lo, iface lo inet loopback03:02
mattgyverHansProleman, yeah those are good you wanna keep them in there03:03
HansProlemanthen auth eth0, allow-hotpluf eth0, iface eth0 inet dhcp03:03
mattgyveryeah, hotplug03:03
mattgyverokay, so then do a; sudo service networking restart03:03
HansProlemanstill exiting with error aaaa03:04
mattgyverHansProleman, dang man.03:04
mattgyverOkay, what if you change eth0 to enp0s1003:05
mattgyverthen save and restart03:05
mattgyverrestart the networking service that is03:05
HansProlemanit didn't exit!!03:06
mattgyverokay, yeah that may have been a my bad03:06
mattgyverso.. I guess the device is still listed in ifconfig (it was previously)03:07
mattgyverBut if you can just confirm that03:07
HansProlemanyeah it's still there as enp0s1003:10
mattgyverHansProleman, okay03:10
JhonCto make GTK interfaces, which programming language is better, Python or C?03:11
mattgyverHansProleman, try sudo dhclient enp0s1003:11
jamesdJhonC: depends on what you want to do...  if you are writing a kernel or a device driver C is better.. but python is quicker to write code, and the code can be just as fast as C.03:12
JhonCOk, thanks!03:12
HansProlemanmattgyver, doesn't seem to be returning anything03:13
Bashing-ommattgyver: HansProleman :; a working examle of /etc/network/interfaces . Where my router hands out DHCP . http://paste.ubuntu.com/16973923/ .03:13
mattgyverHansProleman, I assume you can't ping the router right?03:14
mattgyverBashing-om, thanks for that03:14
Bashing-ommattgyver: My bit to try and help. I want that you get this working .03:16
mattgyverHansProleman, this is really strange.  If that didn't work then lets put that networking service back together.03:16
glassERROR: You need live-build (>= 1:20151215kali1), you have 3.0~a57-1ubuntu25 #that package is orphaned any suggestions?03:17
HansProlemanpinging the router just returns unreachable on both auto ethernet and manual03:17
mattgyverHansProleman, the account your using, is it one you created during the installation or did you maybe add it at a later point?03:17
HansProlemancreated during install03:17
mattgyverOkay, clean up time.  Go into /etc/network/interfaces and remove all those lines we added from auto eth0 down03:18
mattgyversave the file and then run this; sudo service networking stop && sudo service networking start03:18
mattgyveroops, wrong commands03:18
mattgyversudo service networking stop && sudo service NetworkManager start03:18
mattgyverHansProleman, I really am curious why you don't have that udev file03:22
mattgyverHansProleman, it could be a change in later versions of Ubuntu but its definitely new to me03:23
HansProlemansorry haha, meant to ctrl + f that03:24
mattgyverHansProleman, does this report anything; sudo udevadm info -a -p /sys/class/net/enp0s1003:24
mattgyverTrying to see if udev is even aware that the device exists03:25
mattgyverIf it doesn't it may say like 'syspath not found'03:25
mattgyverotherwise your gonna see a lot of garbage03:25
HansProlemannaw i got the garbage03:26
mattgyverOkay, well at least we have that.03:26
mattgyverHansProleman, what is the output of this; sudo udevadm info -a -p /sys/class/net/eth0 | grep KERNEL==03:27
mattgyverim thinking enp0s1003:27
HansProlemansyspath not found :x03:28
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Bashing-omHansProleman: mattgyver :: Network device assignment happens in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules based on the MAC address for each device. Does this file exist ?03:30
mattgyverBashing-om, yeah thats what stumped me because it doesnt exist on his system03:31
mattgyverI did just literally find something that says this is no longer done in udev03:31
mattgyverThey moved to a predictable name format, hence why he has enp0s10 as his interface name.03:31
HansProlemani only downloaded the iso today haha03:31
mattgyvergranted this is a gentoo thing I am finding this in03:31
lordcirths/predictable/mostly deterministic in a perfect world03:32
Bashing-ommattgyver: I do have a 15.10 systemd install lemme check abd see if the file exist on it .03:32
mattgyveryeah I am on 15.04 and I have it03:32
mattgyverI actually got linked to that by some ubunutu forums post03:32
mattgyverIt looks like 204 removes this03:32
mattgyverI am on 219 however this system was upgraded from 14LTS before 15 so it probably transitioned over with me03:33
mattgyverAnd for what its worth udev is seeing the device so its obviously there03:34
mattgyverI feel now udev is a red herring03:34
mattgyverHansProleman, can you post your /var/log/dmesg file somehow?03:35
HansProlemanfrom sudo nano /var/log/dmesg i just get "nothing has been logged yet"03:36
lordcirthHansProleman, try just running the command, "dmesg"03:38
mattgyverHansProleman, yeah you can redirect that to a file too, dmesg > ~/dmesg.txt03:38
HansProlemansorry man i gotta call it a night, it's close to 5am haha03:40
mattgyverHansProleman, hey no worries man I wish we could have figured it out03:41
HansProleman'sokay, thank you for trying, you did a lot better than i would have :-)03:41
mattgyverHansProleman, your welcome, take care03:42
ThetaOrionisHi guys, sorry for such a noobish question. So, in the light of recent hacking attack on Mint's site, do you think community-maintained distros like Ubuntu Mate are as safe as the official Ubuntu is?03:46
lordcirthThetaOrionis, it is not their community-maintained status that made Mint vulnerable, it was their poor attention to security.03:47
lordcirthMany other community distros are quite secure.03:47
ThetaOrionisAh, I see, thanks lordcirth.03:48
ThetaOrionisI didn't read much about the attack, to be honest.03:48
daxthey used a crap password and got pwned03:48
lordcirthMint was formerly famous for disabling certain security updates because they might cause problems for a handful of users.03:49
lordcirthkernel updates, mostly.03:49
ThetaOrionisSo, last question, do Ubuntu spinoffs like Ubuntu MATE get the same security updates as Ubuntu official versions do?03:49
daxsame repositories, so same updates03:50
lordcirthdax, some distros fork the repos tho03:50
daxoh, they said spinoffs03:50
daxofficial flavors do not.03:50
jamesdjust make sure you run the update command...  fixes in the repo doesn't make you more secure until they are applied03:50
daxincluding mate03:50
lordcirthIn which case they take Ubuntu updates, put them in their own testing, and generally push them soon03:50
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE03:50
lordcirthOh sorry I misread03:50
lordcirthI thought we were still talking about Mint, etc03:50
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ThetaOrionisGreat! I'm greatly relaxed, many thanks dax03:50
daxlordcirth: we both did, lol :)03:51
ThetaOrionisThanks to you too lordcirth and jamesd03:51
catopettIs there a game named doom3 for ubuntu?03:51
lordcirthcatopett, there are doom clones and source ports.03:51
catopettIs there a game named doom for ubuntu?03:51
WattisLoveHi. When using compiz, how do you hide window contents when moving windows? I've checked all options in the "Move window" section in the compiz configurator and I don't see any option to hide the contents of the window while moving03:58
catopettHi, is it a way to install windows in wine?03:59
Ben64no, wine lets you run windows programs in linux03:59
craysiiitypically one would install windows using something like virtualbox or qemu03:59
glasshow to remove live-build 3.0~a57-1ubuntu2504:00
catopettqemu, do i install this with apt-get install?04:00
Ben64catopett: you'll probably have an easier time if you use virtualbox04:01
lordcirthVirtualbox is much easier, yes04:02
lordcirthsudo apt-get install virtualbox04:02
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catopettIs there RADIOHAMS here?04:27
catopettIs there RADIOAMATEURS here?04:31
monstercoHi everyone; I know this is not so much about Ubuntu but I have an Ubuntu LTS running on Amazon and I think one of the programs I installed changed ssh to openssh and so I can't ssh into this instance now at reboot. what can I do to get this working now?04:36
incogMuhammad Ali: Boxing legend dies at age of 7404:36
monstercoops - was thinking that this evening04:37
jamesdmonsterco: when you don't have console access to a machine or vm, take frequent snapshots and backups, so you can rollback and recover.04:38
monstercojamesd - good idea04:38
monstercobut this is a free tier04:39
monsterconot sure if allowed04:39
monstercoand i am stuck now04:39
monstercowhat is the solution?04:39
jamesdmonsterco: they are allowed, you may have to pay a few pennies a month to maintain them.. but nothing to break the bank04:39
jamesdmonsterco:  only solutions i can think of  are painful to you at least on AWS.   spin up another vm,  mount the drive from the broken vm at a different point, backup your data or try and fix it, or force ssh to start up on a different port and then repair.04:41
monstercoi see - ok so i have to mount it and then see what has happend to ssh basically?04:41
monstercoi mean i won't be able to configure openssh or anything because it's just a mounted drive and not an actuall system?04:42
jamesdmonsterco: yeah.   if you can get a shell on the broken vm.. how else do you make changes.04:42
jamesder can't get a shell04:42
jamesdunless you left some other method to connect.04:42
monstercono other method left04:43
monstercoso how can I mount this?04:43
jamesdnot without a console.04:43
monstercoi don't even know where the volume is04:43
monstercoi have another instance now04:43
monstercoI think I can do this...I have found a guide but I may need help with ssh settings...04:45
jamesdon aws goto ec2,    look at Elastic block store  you will find a list of all your volumes04:46
ojiihi everyone. my system (15.10) won't boot anymore after I installed updates yesterday, boot repair info is http://paste.ubuntu.com/16975693/04:46
monstercofunny thing is that Amazon can show me current snapshot of the screen or log of server starting but there is no raw access to machine; i mean this can be a really good feature for amazon to implement04:46
ojiiit just goes from bios screen to black to bios screen forever04:46
jamesdmonsterco: yeah not sure why they don't give you access to your vm console, xen  does it and so does kvm.04:47
monstercoyep - that is exactly what i have on my xen...04:47
monstercomaybe for security reasons...well, it effectively means they have to provide a physical server to everyone...04:47
monstercobut maybe just provide like "vzctl enter instance #" specifically so one can use the damn thing04:48
jamesdthey have to provide a domU...04:48
monstercothis is so backward minded...04:48
HappyHoboI'm running xubuntu 16.04LTS and I have no sound whatsoever.  I've consulted the ubuntu forums and found nothing that helped me.  I'm running an Acer Aspire One netbook with built in speakers.  I tried to remove the .config files for pulseaudio to start over and there weren't any04:48
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Guest42078can anyone help me with this? Is this a bug?: http://askubuntu.com/questions/779995/desktop-icons-keep-rearranging-whenever-i-refresh-the-desktop-or-boot-the-system04:48
HappyHoboIt worked just fine then stopped.04:49
HappyHoboHi.  How are y'all?04:50
guest5351i have a lid close problem with ubuntu04:50
heisenbergI are watching Mr Robot, and you?04:50
monstercojamesd - if I have selected to attach a key pair while starting an instance do you know where I can find the root password for it? I know for Windows it's a simple right click that gives it04:50
jamesdthe user is ubuntu   and there may not be a root passwd,  i don't remember. i just use sudo04:52
HappyHoboHow can I get my sound to work again?  I have some Bob Seger to listen to.04:52
HappyHoboPlease don't deny me my Bob.04:52
HappyHoboIs that for me?04:54
HappyHoboIt doesn't look like that.04:54
HappyHoboHi timahvo1 what do you know about pulseaudio?04:55
HappyHoboHi notadeveloper04:56
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HappyHoboHELP ME I'M MELTING.04:57
akishi all. is it true that 16.04 creates by default a swap file and not a swap partition?04:57
HappyHoboMine has a paritition, I have a 4 gig partition04:59
HappyHoboHi Aggraxis gsingh04:59
Aggraxishello :)04:59
HappyHobo I'm running xubuntu 16.04LTS and I have no sound whatsoever.  I've consulted the ubuntu forums and found nothing that helped me.  I'm running an Acer Aspire One netbook with built in speakers.04:59
HappyHoboHi freeWiz05:00
freeWizI'm new here05:00
HappyHoboEveryone here is it looks like.05:00
AggraxisHmm. I wish I knew what to tell you. I haven't powered up my netbooks in a year or two. I'm running Ubuntu Mate in a virtual machine.05:01
freeWizI'm running linux mint on virtual machine ,too05:01
HappyHobothere is no pulseaudio .config file05:01
AggraxisDid you do a dist-upgrade or is it a clean install?05:02
HappyHoboclean install then a dist-upgrade05:02
Aggraxisdid sound work before the dist-upgrade?05:03
HappyHoboIt worked after the dist-upgrade and stopped after added the extra for mp3, flash, and so forth.05:03
freeWiz#HappyHobo what is your distro?05:05
HappyHoboxubuntu 16.04LTS05:05
freeWizand you have sound issue,now?05:05
HappyHoboInstalled, dist-upgrade, extras non free and now no sound.05:06
HappyHoboClementine, vlc, the last great radio, nothing, nada05:07
HappyHoboI couldn't find anything on the forum freeWiz05:07
HappyHoboHi dreki bogdan05:08
freeWizI'm looking it up05:08
freeWizto find a soloution05:08
HappyHoboI appreciate that.05:08
freeWizdon't mention it, man05:09
buffon137How to give out a Notification on a web page ? I have tried the object Notification.requestPermission() but it didn't work any suggestions ? very appreciate !!!05:09
akisHappyHobo: there is no swap partition for me. if was any i could delete it. i am wondering how can in delete the swap file.05:10
ojiican anyone help me get my system to boot again? http://askubuntu.com/questions/781668/system-wont-boot-anymore-after-software-update05:10
HappyHoboI've never heard of a swap file.05:11
freeWiz#HappyHobo try this : install 'qasmixer' then go into the menu and choose 'Settings > Sessions and Startup > Application Autostart > Add' and name it whatever (ie Volume Control) then for the command type in: qasmixer --tray then reboot.05:15
freeWiz#HappyHobo , or this:" sudo apt-get update"  "sudo apt-get install pavucontrol" Select the device and remove mute sound.05:16
topirateI have installed ubuntu in my main machine as well as vmware05:19
topirateHow do i repartition after installation05:19
topirateI am using cfdisk and it sends the machine to grub rescue everytime i do it05:20
HappyHoboIt was already installed and now it won't start.05:20
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freeWiz#akis , put these commands in your shell as a root: "swapoff -v /swapfile" and remove everything in /etc/fstab file and then "rm /swapfile"05:21
HappyHobofreeWiz:  it just says Establishing connection to PulseAudio:  Please wait and it has for 5 minutes.05:24
freeWizHappyHobo: okay, let me check05:25
freeWiztopirate: you should use fdisk not cfdisk05:28
topirateWell i have only used cfdisk till now05:28
akisfreeWiz: swapoff /swapfile05:29
akisswapoff: /swapfile: swapoff failed: No such file or directory. why?05:29
topirateIs it possible freeWiz to repartition after installation05:30
topirateWith fdisk i mean05:30
HappyHoboIt is still telling me to wait.  Is pavucontrol my ex and best friend?05:30
HappyHobofreeWiz:  found it yet?05:39
HappyHoboeff this bites.05:42
HappyHobofreeWiz:  ?05:46
HappyHobofreeWiz:  I have pavucontrol up and neither show as being muted.05:50
HappyHobofreeWiz:  I did what I know what to do and it didn't work.  I did a dpkg-configure pulseaudio/05:57
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akiswhy /dev/xubuntu-vg/swap_1 is not active but /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 is acive? does swap space works properly and safely? (16.04 clean installation with a full disk encryption)06:30
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spartan29can I ask a question?06:34
spartan29its related to theming the unity panel06:35
spartan29the top panel in unity06:35
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Guest37299y porq06:36
ron__I  will spend nearly a day for removing ubuntu, lot of bug the 14.04 :x06:36
ron__14.04 -> 16.04 :x06:36
akismy /etc/fstab is like this: #/dev/mapper/xubuntu--vg-swap_1 none            swap    sw              0       0                                                     /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0 .  Is it acceptable or is it anything wrong on this?06:51
EriC^looks ok06:51
hestonshould html5 at 1080p be maxing out a core 2 duo 2.53 ghz?06:52
hestonboth cores are maxed and im dropping a ton of frames06:53
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newbie|2Setting up a Belgian ID card reader ... Can someone help?  Every time I try to use it, the light goes off on the card reader.06:56
akisEriC^: did you answer at my question?06:57
EriC^akis: yes06:58
akisEriC^: ok, thank. why xubuntu--vg-swap_1 has a # and <disks> shows it as not active. Is that how it works? Cryptswap looks active.06:59
EriC^akis: i think it's due to upgrading maybe06:59
AndroUser2Yo anyone who know how to create a new partition in already installed ubuntu07:00
akisEriC^: upgrading? i did a clean installation.07:00
EriC^akis: # comments the line out07:00
EriC^akis: hmm no idea then07:01
EriC^it's fine though07:01
akisEriC^: i am wondering if it Ok for xubuntu--vg-swap_1 not to be active , but cryptswap is active.07:01
EriC^cryptswap is encrypted swap07:02
akisEriC^: i know that, but i thought that xubuntu--vg-swap_1 should also be active. i dont know how it works.07:02
EriC^akis: no it shouldn't07:03
akisEriC^:ok, so everything is ok?07:03
akisEriC^:ok, thank you for your time today.07:05
EriC^akis: no problem07:05
pizzapie002will he freezingon bay trail processor ever be fixed?07:10
pizzapie002its been 6months https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=109051#c507:11
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 109051 in intel_idle "intel_idle.max_cstate=1 required on baytrail to prevent crashes" [Normal,New]07:11
pizzapie002makes me mad how much trouble ubuntu has given me07:12
pizzapie002yespecially since the laptop came with it pre installed07:12
pizzapie002kernel panic same day i get it07:12
pizzapie002thocuh pad doesnt work work after re install07:13
pizzapie002and now the freezing07:13
lokkias mesa driver07:13
lokkiwhat shud i get07:13
lokkii got ati radeon 5000 series07:13
lokkii cannot do catalyst07:13
lokkibut need mesa07:13
lokkiwat a good mesa driver07:13
lokkibut seriously :p07:14
lokkiwith new lubuntu07:14
lokkiin software install07:15
lokkiu can only install 1 software ata time07:15
lokkihow to change that ?07:15
lokkithat i wanna know too07:15
lokkiuninstall what07:15
lokkilubuntu is good07:15
lokkii ll keep it07:15
lokkialso iam not pro07:15
lokkino big problem07:15
lokkibut it used to work07:15
lokkimaybe lubuntu got alot bugs07:16
pizzapie002theres no one here, its the middle of the night07:16
pizzapie002im came here cause ubuntu has given me nothing but trouble07:16
lokkii like lubuntu07:16
lokkii ve tried ubuntu07:17
lokkibut lubuntu i like better07:17
lokkiand linux mint07:17
lokkitc pizzapie00207:17
AndroUser2pizzapie002 will you pls explain yer troubles with ubuntu07:18
mos_but my poor english07:18
pizzapie002freezing on kernel4.407:18
pizzapie002happens on bay trail processors07:19
pizzapie002still no real fix after 6 months07:19
ubottujose_36: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:19
pizzapie002kernel versionws new than 3.1607:19
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gebbionehi folks, my ux got stuck and i managed to get out of it doing alt+ctrl+esc and then killed the offending processes. But now i am stuck on the terminal. Running lightdm didn't work to return to ux07:32
gebbioneis there a way to do it07:32
gebbioneor is a restart the only way07:32
vbotkagebbione, try Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to the console07:35
gebbionei m in the console07:35
gebbionei have run lightdm from there07:36
pizzapie002irc dead07:38
rp2nope, just asleep07:38
rp2gebbione, one thing you could do is kill off all of your processes07:39
rp2has anyone here ever compiled a C++ application for Ubuntu? I really aspire to create a package for it07:40
gebbionerp2 the ux was blocked, i got a terminal and killed VLC that was blocking something. I guess i need to configure xorg better. But right now i m in a shell07:40
gebbionehow do i return to Gnome07:40
rp2gebbione, if you do killall -r . (kill all your processes) you can probably log in again after doing Ctrl-Alt-F707:41
rp2but if you are the only user you might as well reboot07:41
XinHi all07:42
rp2how do I list all packages with certain build dependencies?07:42
Xindoes anyone know a command to take a system image of a running ubuntu box?07:42
Xinfrom inside the running box07:42
Xinlike windows volume shadow copy or whatever07:43
gebbionerp2 i wanted to avoid reboot and regain access to the locked gnome session to avoid loosing the currently running processes/applications07:43
rp2a system image?07:43
rp2gebbione, in what sense is it locked?07:43
rp2maybe there is nothing to return to07:44
rp2is X still running?07:44
Xinhmm actually never mind I just need to use rsync07:44
gebbionei did exit from it with Alt + CTRL + ESC/F107:44
gebbionei got a terminal when i did this07:45
gebbioneand now i want to go back to the X session07:45
rp2do Ctrl+Alt+F707:45
Xinits like F5 or F707:45
Xinor somesuch07:45
gebbionerp2 that worked exactly like i needed it07:46
XinI just picked up one of these07:48
vbotkaXin try "apt-cache rdepends"07:49
Xinvbotka; cheers ill take a look07:49
pizzapie002can i safely run 16.04 with an older kernel version?07:52
pizzapie002is there a guide to use older kernel07:52
rp2I thought it was goign to be much harder ...07:52
rp2vbotka, does that also list build dependencies?07:53
renn0xtk9what are the most reliable and ubuntu-friendly printers ?07:54
renn0xtk9my canon mg5350 is now showing the b200 error and I gone fed up with canon lack of driver07:54
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rp2wait. I can get the build dependencies of a package with sudo apt-get build-dep <package>07:55
rp2what I need is the reverse: given a build dependency, find packages that have it07:55
MC_KejmlHello, could someone please help me out with memory problem on centos? It's described here http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/287532/total-memory-decreased-when-increasing-swap-file. Many thanks07:57
HituI want  coad Arduino using codeblocks IDE ...can i do?07:59
Hituhelp me..08:01
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Hituhii pizza08:03
ubuntu-mateso i changed my interface to "opensuse" in ubuntu mate. how to change it back, cant find the interfaces and shit again08:08
pizzapie002install windows08:09
ubuntu-mateoke thx08:09
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Kits_who do you even know here08:10
Myrttipizzapie002: could you  please give actual help to people and not just tell them to install Windows?08:11
Myrttior if you are bored, find another channel08:11
cyborg__test testing 12308:12
Kits_yes, its working08:12
cyborg__oh k08:12
cyborg__i know kits_08:14
rp2MC_Kejml, please be even more specific in questions. how do you know 'you cannot run your applications anymore'?08:15
rp2which applications? what happens when you try?08:15
MC_Kejmlrp2, after trying all the commands I have described at stackoverflow, I was unable to start JIRA with a XSX XMX of 384 - 768MB. Before, it worked slowly, but it worked.08:16
MC_KejmlIf that helps.08:16
heisenbergwhy if run tcpdump look very address in Ububtu?08:16
MC_KejmlWhen the service is started, it crashes upon startup with that it cannot load various addons.08:16
rp2very address? what does that mean? address is a noun08:19
rp2'start JIRA'? JIRA is a web application. how do you start it?08:19
heisenbergvery IP. '-'08:20
akikheisenberg: you can create filters in tcpdump to only show the data you're interested in08:21
XinI need to set up a vpn08:21
Xinfrom my vps to my office pc08:21
MC_KejmlI start it through Putty when I connect to the server08:22
rp2I have a script for our VPN but there are different types08:22
Xinwell id prefer something I can configure once and never touch again08:22
XinWell for starters the current routing is nutty, I have no idea why but my pings go around australia nearly 2 full times, then out to the us via a slow route08:23
XinI'm hoping a vpn can negotiate this more effectively08:23
rp2MC_Kejml, hmmm ... so JIRA is a service? I didn't know that08:23
Xinand beyond that just as a general tunnel from here to the US08:24
Xinso I can steal ur goodies08:24
rp2aaah ... it's Tomcat08:24
MC_KejmlSo what could be done? How can i return my RAM to the previous state?08:25
MC_KejmlThese were the only operations I have done before the RAM was lowered.08:25
rp2Tomcat is probably configured to consume more memory than you have available ... you can fix that by feeding it extra parameters08:25
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rp2but it would be better to undo the messing with the memory that you did. leave it to the OS if you don't know what you're doing. it's really complex stuff08:25
Xingood advice08:26
rp2nbut how? I don't know ...08:26
rp2my /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches is 0, so you may want to set it to 0 again08:27
rp2but I have no idea what that does08:27
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rp2looks like that won't actually do anything - http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/17936/setting-proc-sys-vm-drop-caches-to-clear-cache08:28
MC_KejmlAh, yep. Those were the commands I used before08:29
Guest79438I'm confusef about choosing ubuntu or fedora can anyone help me?08:30
akikrp2: why do you say it doesn't do anything?08:31
MC_KejmlMy drop_caches is already 0, so that probably wouldnt help08:31
Guest79438I Ubuntu can  do anything that Fedora do?08:33
akikMC_Kejml: the drop_caches is like giving a direct instruction to the kernel08:33
effectnetoh wow mint is more popular than ubuntu?08:34
rp2akik, the answer in that link says it08:35
akikrp2: ok so the link is wrong then08:35
akikrp2: i'm asking you which part of that url says that drop_caches doesn't do anything08:36
rp2anyway, I think your swapoff and swapon commands are the more likely culprits08:36
rp2akik: I didn't say that08:37
akikoh sorry i misunderstood then08:38
MC_KejmlI see.08:38
MC_KejmlTried swapoff and swapon again, no difference08:38
MC_KejmlI didnt get the memor back that is08:38
jarnosHow do you change language and/or keyboard layout before starting a live session using an installation media? Before there used to be shortcuts for that in a screen.08:40
rp2MC_Kejml, what does  cat /proc/meminfo | fgrep -i swap show?08:40
akikjarnos: doesn't the grub let you select your language with F3 when booting?08:40
rp2and  swapon -s ?08:41
akikjarnos: otherwise you can you setxkbmap while in the live session08:41
allstarsnorks2Hi. I'm unable to boot into LightDM in Ubuntu 16.04. When I go into CLI, I get "A start job is running for hold"08:41
MC_Kejmlrp2, it says swapcached = 0, total and free = 2 gb.08:41
allstarsnorks2How do I fix this?08:41
MC_Kejmljust like swapon -s08:42
MC_Kejmlonly one folder with the swap file08:42
rp2so you have swap space available08:42
MC_Kejmlyep, 2 gbs08:42
rp2but JIRA (Tomcat) doesn't want to use it, whereas it was happy to use it before. at least that is my guess08:44
rp2have you changed anything in JIRA's configuration?08:46
rp2on the server itself I mean08:46
rp2MC_Kejml, is this how you installed JIRA? https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira064/starting-jira-automatically-on-linux-720411810.html08:48
MC_KejmlNah, nothing. It started using a bit of the swap, though, when I tarted it.08:48
MC_KejmlNow it is stopped and I have done swapon swapoff again.08:48
rp2so what was the error it threw?08:48
MC_KejmlThis one - https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/troubleshooting-jira-startup-failed-error-394464512.html08:49
allstarsnorks2Hi. I am getting the "A start job is running for Hold until boot process finishes up" error while booting Ubuntu 16.04.08:49
allstarsnorks2Does anyone hat's wrong, and how I can fix it?08:49
rp2MC_Kejml, is anything else on that machine consuming a lot of memory?08:50
rp2can you reboot it and see if that fixes things?08:51
rp2allstarsnorks2, sorry I hav never seen that08:52
MC_KejmlI rebooted it in the morning, and nothing changed. Okay, something did: I had 720 MB of RAM, then I started JIRA and I was at 650 MB permanently. Dunno if the start caused this, though.08:53
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dotanvidia ?08:56
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jarnosakik, Oh, it was because I used mkusb to create the installation media.08:57
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effectnethi anyone use mint, how do you like it?09:02
effectnetjust curious09:02
morsnowskimint rocks09:02
bazhang!mint | effectnet09:02
ubottueffectnet: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:02
morsnowskiubuntu derivate done in ireland09:02
bazhangnot supported nor on topic here effectnet09:03
bazhangtry their irc network or #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat09:03
rp2MC_Kejml, this is perfectly normal. first, I think Tomcat defaults to 128M memory use, so whan you start it (JIRA), you have 120M memory less available. please be aware that "I had 720 of RAM" doesn't say much. is that much available to your system? or is that much available and not in use?09:03
rp2if it's the latter you can probably get JIRA to run faster by increasing the amount of memory it uses but that will go at the expense of whatever else you run on that machine09:04
rp2sorry about all the typos09:04
=== abhijain is now known as abhijain15
MC_KejmlI had 720 of total ram when running free -m.09:05
MC_KejmlI run nothing else, as I have only 1 GB physical RAM available09:05
MC_KejmlAh, except for postgres09:05
MC_Kejmlbut that's it09:05
MC_KejmlStill, before yesterday it had shown around 900-960 total RAM.09:06
effectnetthx :D09:07
rp2maybe one of your memory modules broke?09:21
rp2it's really weird to lose total ram just liek that09:21
gabrecan somebody help me? I have some locale related problems09:26
rp2you could reboot, select memory test in the boot menu and see what comes up09:26
rp2I have to go09:26
gabreI m just installing a notebook for the mother of my gf and I wanted to set locale to Hungarian. it worked BUT some menu items in nemo (desktop) which are english09:27
gabrebtw I m using cinnamon09:27
gabreI mean ..there are some menu items in nemo desktop which are in English..09:28
gabrecan anybody help me?09:28
gabreI ve checked 'locale' and everything is set to HU09:28
MC_Kejmlok rp2, thanks anyway09:31
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allstarsnorks2Hi. What GTK 3 version does Ubuntu 14.04.4 come with by default?09:36
gabreI have some translation / locale problems with nemo desktop menu09:41
gabrecan anybody help with that?09:41
bazhanggabre, perhaps its a bug, consider filing one09:43
bazhang!bug | gabre09:43
ubottugabre: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:43
newsalorHello! My girlfriend wanted to try Win10 on her dualbooting lapton with ubuntu. She started the upgrade that win7 had been pestering her with. Naturaly grub did not like it, but set prefix; set root; insmor normal; normal did the trick. I had to repeat a few times. Yay! Win10 + ubuntu side by side. The thing still did not know from where to boot and I tried boot-repair. Now I have lost the windows boot entirely. How to undo? http://paste2.org/5ayv91DV09:44
gabrenewsalor: have you googled for win10 boot repair or something like that?09:45
akikgabre: you can set the locales in /etc/default/locale09:46
newsalorgabre: This was the program I used. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair09:46
gabrenewsalor: for win10 I guess U d need a win specific repair (boot fix app of MS)09:46
gabreakik: all the locales are set to HU (Hungarian)09:47
akikgabre: maybe nemo desktop doesn't support that locale(?) or changing it at all09:48
gabreakik: cinnamon has a language pack (cinnamon-l10) which has Hungarian in it including all the translations (which are proper, I had a look)09:49
gabreand half of the menu items are OK09:50
gabreI mean they are translated to HU09:50
newsalorgabre: Your halo did the trick. I finally managed to update-grub. Thanks a bunch!09:52
gabrenewsalor: I m not sure it was my halo but you re welcome :)09:54
gabrebtw I found some code parts that need to be edited to get a hardcoded Hungarian translation09:54
gabrethis is an ugly hack but it works09:54
TikityTikI got an AMD A6-3400M on my laptop but it's only available up to 1.4 Ghz it says09:57
TikityTikon the sticker it says it can go up to 2.3 Ghz, any help09:58
Ben64what says only 1.409:58
gabreTikityTik: may it be some kind of driver? Eg. my older i5 had a boost mode which did not show up in Linux (boost from the maximum 2.1 Ghz to 2.5 Ghz)09:59
TikityTik@ Ben6409:59
gabreTikity: showed up in linux = that was indicated by indicator cpufreq09:59
TikityTikgabre: I don't know09:59
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gabreTikityTik: I will google it wait :)10:00
Ben64from google - The processor core is clocked at 1.4 GHz base clock speed and is able to automatically overclock up to 2.3 GHz (TurboCore, depending on temperature and used cores).10:00
TikityTikBen64: Well i checked my bios and there's no settings to setup the cpu10:01
TikityTikI want the cpu fan and as well as the cpu itself to be fast10:01
Ben64note the "automatically"10:01
TikityTikBen64: I don't think it's doing it10:01
gabreTikityTik: according to Ben64 and google it seems that it sets itself automatically so you only see e.g. 1.4 ghz but it run on 2.310:01
gabrebut we may try to find an app or something that can show its real speed10:02
TikityTiki still have slow load times for ffmpeg and firefox javascript pages10:02
TikityTikgabre: that would be helpful10:04
gabreTikity: sorry this may be slightly related but http://askubuntu.com/questions/43764/how-do-i-get-turbo-boost-working10:04
gabrecheck it pls10:05
gabre(and also check "Related questions" on the right)10:05
TikityTikyeah it's showing one core going up to 2.1 Ghz10:07
TikityTikbut every other core is like 100 Mhz10:08
TikityTikgabre: It's dumb, this cpu sucks10:09
Ben64welcome to the exciting world of mobile computing10:09
TikityTikI want to change this laptop alone for the bad keyboard that has sticky keys and as well for the touchpad being glitchy as well.10:10
gabreTikityTik: sorry but which kind of device is this?10:10
TikityTikgabre: acer aspire 7560G10:11
TikityTikbroke about 5 plastic keys and one of the arrow keys is still broken but I don't want to order another plastic key10:11
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Ligahey how can i upgrade from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS?10:12
TikityTikwith a computer10:13
gabremaybe this? :S10:14
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akikTikityTik: does it ever go up if you stress test your cpu?10:15
sayabonne jour10:15
TikityTikakik: what do you mean?10:15
TikityTikakik: i have 1 core on the cpu getting Turbo boosted when I use ffmpeg10:16
akikTikityTik: by default the cpu frequency is not static but it goes up and down automatically10:16
TikityTikand regardless of the -threads option, it's only 1 core10:16
TikityTikakik: ok?10:17
TikityTiki noticed that it is dynamic10:17
akikTikityTik: sudo apt install stress; sudo stress --cpu 410:20
akikthen you can watch /proc/cpuinfo if it goes up to the frequency you mentioned10:20
bonhoefferhmm. . . in my ubuntu shell in win10, i can't get ping to work: ping: icmp open socket: Permission denied10:21
bonhoefferoptions appreciated10:21
akikTikityTik: i think they were called cpu governors that you can tell how you want your cpu to behave10:21
TikityTikDeal with it later as I have to do something10:22
TikityTikI'll deal*10:22
akikTikityTik: on my i5-6200u the cores are idling at 400MHz10:22
dani_cia later..10:23
sudomarizewhen i install nvidia-367 drivers, reboot and try to log in, it wont let me. It just keeps sending me back to the login screen10:29
sudomarizehow can i fix this?10:30
CasWHey guys, how can I input chinese characters? Preferably with a pinyin input method, like I have the Google pinyin keyboard on my phone10:35
sudomarizeok apparently it didn't even let me uninstall the drivers10:38
motaka2hello, i have installed netbeans with integrated jdk8 , but it seems I still have java 7 , what should i do ?10:39
sudomarizewow why is there no one here?10:39
Ben64it's way early am in the US10:40
sudomarizeah ok10:41
motaka2no one here ?10:44
Ben641851 people10:44
motaka2but they are sleeping10:46
sudomarizeBen64: any idea why i can't remove these packages? http://imgur.com/LY1YKU10:46
TheSilentLinkhello is there a way to put a safeguard on the command rm so it ask if you want to delete the file without having to add -i every time10:47
sudomarizeBen64: i added the graphics-drivers repo and installed nvidia-367, and low im in a login bootloop10:47
sudomarize(i.e. if i try to login it just send me back to the login screen)10:47
Ben64what video card do you have10:47
Ben64and that link doesn't work sudomarize10:48
sudomarizeBen64: it's for a 960, but it's not installed yet as it arrives later today10:48
Ben64then why did you install the driver?10:48
sudomarizeBen64: http://imgur.com/yLY1YKU10:48
sudomarizeBen64: so it's ready for when i install the GPU10:48
Ben64so what video card do you have now10:49
sudomarizeBen64: just a G3258, no video card10:50
Ben64there is a video card10:50
sudomarizeBen64: there's not10:50
Ben64or you'd have no video10:50
sudomarizeintegrated graphics from the G3258 i'm guessing then10:50
sudomarizebut no dedicated GPU10:50
Ben64doesn't look like nvidia was properly installed either10:53
sudomarizeBen64: weird10:54
sudomarizeshould i just reinstall? it's a new install so it's not a huge deal if i hve to10:54
sudomarizei'd obviously prefer not to, but if there's no solution...10:55
OLderDan@TheSilentLink use alias?10:55
sudomarizeBen64: bah screw it, i'll just reinstall10:56
TheSilentLinkOLderDan: yea that is why I did!10:56
Ben64sudomarize: its some kind of snappy thing, which i have no experience with10:56
Ben64in the future, don't install drivers for stuff you don't have :D10:56
sudomarizeBen64: ok xP10:59
sudomarizeBen64: are you sure the same thing wouldn't happen even if i had the gpu installed though?10:59
Ben64sudomarize: nope11:00
Ben64but at least could get nvidia working11:01
Ben64impossible for it to work without an nvidia card11:01
sudomarizeok good point11:01
greenjackanyone know a good text based audio player?11:09
TheSilentLinkis there a program I can install where it will give me a joke?11:12
TheSilentLinkif I type something into the terminal?11:12
BluesKajHi folks11:17
solitario3ciao a tutti11:18
duryhi there channel11:18
duryI got a usb stick totally 4gb but one partition it's only readonly how to make it writable11:22
duryI want to take advantage of all its entirety... I've tried with gparted not success11:24
MonkeyDustdury  in nautilus, do you see it listed on the left? if yes: right click on it and format11:26
duryMonkeyDust, error formatting it11:28
MonkeyDustdury  more specifically...11:29
duryMonkeyDust, can I paste it11:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:31
duryMonkeyDust, right11:31
motaka2hello, i have installed netbeans with integrated jdk8 , but it seems I still have java 7 , what should i do ?11:32
duryMonkeyDust, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16984047/11:33
duryMonkeyDust, got it?11:34
ozbrkguys I need somewhere to get support for raw therapee11:34
MonkeyDustdury  try ubuntu's Disk Utility11:35
MonkeyDustozbrk  this is ubuntu support11:36
ioria!info rawtherapee11:36
ubotturawtherapee (source: rawtherapee): raw image converter and digital photo processor. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2-4 (xenial), package size 2367 kB, installed size 8438 kB11:36
duryMonkeyDust, can't even disk utility not format option though11:37
ozbrkMonkeyDust, oh man really.11:38
durymotaka2, install g alternatives11:38
ozbrkMonkeyDust, thats why I asked for where I can get support for the program I didn't told the issue11:38
motaka2dury: i should run that with sudo ?11:38
durymotaka2, that's right11:39
motaka2dury: donkarlo@donkarlo:/var/www/Java/Test1/dist$ sudo install g alternatives11:39
motaka2install: cannot stat ‘g’: No such file or directory11:39
durymotaka2, there is GUI11:39
motaka2dury: ?11:40
durymotaka2, one minute11:40
durymotaka2, are u there?11:43
motaka2dury: Yes11:43
durymotaka2, ok can you try sudo apt-get install galternatives  just that ... all right?11:44
motaka2dury: running ...11:45
durymotaka2, installation success?11:45
motaka2dury: no11:45
durymotaka2, sudo apt-get install galternatives did you do that?11:46
durymotaka2, sudo apt-get install galternatives11:46
motaka2dury: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16984384/11:47
durymotaka2, first you have to install JDK 8 properly11:48
motaka2dury: I installed the one bundled in netbeans, that was not enough ?11:49
durymotaka2, isn't install yet11:49
durymotaka2, one sec.11:49
motaka2dury: please note that I am in iran and maybe the trouble is because oracle doesnt give services to iran11:51
durycan you do this http://tecadmin.net/install-oracle-java-8-jdk-8-ubuntu-via-ppa/#11:51
durymotaka2, follow this http://tecadmin.net/install-oracle-java-8-jdk-8-ubuntu-via-ppa/#11:52
motaka2dury: it didnt succed yesterday , if you want i will re run11:52
durymotaka2, so you did or tried that yesterday http://tecadmin.net/install-oracle-java-8-jdk-8-ubuntu-via-ppa/#  right?11:54
motaka2dury: yes11:54
durymotaka2, I see11:55
durymotaka2, mmmm... let me see11:55
motaka2dury: netbeans can compile java files using java8 and i see the results of running them in netbeans terminal, but when i use java - jar "file.jar" it produces errors11:57
durymotaka2, I don't know sorry11:58
syeekickhey popey !11:58
motaka2dury: no problem thanks for your care11:58
MonkeyDustmotaka2  type    /j ##java     <-- double #11:58
durymotaka2, I  thought you got problems installing jdk 8, though11:58
ams__I'm trying to fake my mac address, but whenever I connect to the wifi using the network manager UI it sets it back. Anyway to set it permanently? `sudo ifconfig wlan0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55` is the command I'm using.11:59
motaka2MonkeyDust: donkarlo@donkarlo:/var/www/Java/Test1/dist$ /j ##java     <-- double #11:59
motaka2bash: /j: No such file or directory11:59
MonkeyDustmotaka2  type it here in irc12:00
motaka2dury: it seems jdk8 is only used by netbeans12:00
duryMonkeyDust, can I format the entire usb by terminal12:00
duryMonkeyDust, maybe it will work better12:01
motaka2MonkeyDust: very funny because they say I have to ask in ubuntu12:01
MonkeyDustdury  http://askubuntu.com/questions/517354/terminal-method-of-formatting-storage-drive12:01
duryMonkeyDust, right12:01
ozbrkI need a photography workflow softare but current ones are running so slow12:02
ozbrkyou just enter the section and wait the program to render it12:03
ozbrkunlike the adobe lightroom it provides real time rendering12:03
ozbrkreallyl wondering about why12:05
FredUbuntuHello, I would like to try a bugg fix on musescore https://launchpad.net/~logan/+archive/ubuntu/arb/+sourcepub/6486195/+listing-archive-extra  but i don't know wich file to download ( i'm on Ubuntu Studio 64bits). when i go there : https://launchpad.net/~logan/+archive/ubuntu/arb/+build/9860098 , i see 3files at the end of the page12:07
dury/dev/sdc read-only file system how to convert it as writable file system12:14
exSnakei'm trying to get process info by pid, is there a way using grep to do this?12:15
MonkeyDustexSnake  try pgrep12:18
TheSilentLinkwhat is the command to output the terminal into a webpage?12:18
codenamepodBootable USB is not working with Ubuntu 16.04 preinstalled.12:19
codenamepodAnd, Ubuntu itself seem to be corrupted.12:19
exSnakeMonkey, i mean, i have the pid12:20
exSnakei was looking to grep like:12:20
exSnakeps -ef | grep '4545'12:20
exSnakebut didn't work like that12:21
MonkeyDustexSnake  works here, so i guess 4545 simply doesnt exist12:22
exSnakeoh yeah, u're right...12:23
exSnakewhat's the difference between pid an ppid?12:23
akikdury: sudo mount -o remount,rw /filesystem might work12:24
MonkeyDustexSnake  "In addition to a unique process ID, each process is assigned a parent process ID (PPID) that tells which process started it. The PPID is the PID of the process’s parent." ... https://delightlylinux.wordpress.com/2012/06/25/what-is-pid-and-ppid/12:24
exSnakeso it's fork of the main one12:24
akikexSnake: not necessarily a fork, but parent and child12:25
duryakik, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16985546/12:25
akikdury: use the mount point as last argument12:26
ozbrkI really sorry to say this but I have to delete ubuntu again12:26
=== backbox_ is now known as M2RDM
ozbrkthere is no alternative for photography in tihs world12:26
anomhai gang12:26
ozbrkhave a good time mates12:27
MonkeyDustozbrk  if you don't get an answer here, try in #ubuntustudio12:27
anomany of you use a wireless headset/headphone with ubuntu? if is which one?12:27
anomtrying to find something that is good and works. lol12:27
ozbrkMonkeyDust, it is not about the os mate12:27
duryakik, how is it?12:27
M2RDMis hack easy to learn ?12:27
ozbrkMonkeyDust, it is about the software support. I saw too many dead photography projects here12:27
akikdury: sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdc /filesystem (by default the mount is rw)12:27
duryakik, don't understand in other words if you can please12:27
ozbrkMonkeyDust, Darktable and rawtherapee with Digikam are only the standalone softwares and non of them satisfied me. They have lack of ease of use12:28
ozbrkMonkeyDust, No real time prewiews or fast rendering.12:28
M2RDMis hack easy to learn ?12:29
ozbrkMonkeyDust, I will keep ubuntu installed maybe I don't know maybe one day photography in open spurce world will grown. I hope you get me12:29
akikM2RDM: no. do you have an ubuntu support question?12:29
nikashayes, me12:29
Javabeanhave your tried shotwell?12:29
nikashait's about steam os12:29
duryakik, is missing /something I don't know what filesystem12:30
nikashaI have a problem with the resolution in Team Fortress212:30
ozbrkand hated it rightaway12:30
akikdury: make an empty directory where you'll mount /dev/sdc. actually i just noticed that you should use a partition like /dev/sdc1, not /dev/sdc12:30
Javabeanhave you read the digikam manual, your issues could be because things are named differently.12:30
ozbrkI tried it too12:31
nikashamy Desktop can see well but when I run Team Fortress Can see well but the mouse can fit with the resolution12:31
ozbrkI'm trying for weeks12:31
Javabeanwhat were you using on windows/mac?12:31
ozbrkUFRaw, Raw Theraphee, Darktable12:31
ozbrkDualboot system12:31
Javabeani wonder if they would run under wine12:32
ozbrkAdobe Lightroom/Photoshop and etc.12:32
ozbrkno they can't too complex for wine12:32
ams__I'm really struggling to change my wlan0 mac address permanently on ubuntu 16.04. Anyone got any pointers? After changing it the wifi doesn't work (not internet traffic), so network manager re-connects and blats my spoofed mac.12:32
ozbrkguys I'm not offensive  I really fall in love with ubuntu and keep using it since 10.04 witnessed the development and amazed but12:33
ozbrkI'm a photographer at the end12:33
duryakik, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16985859/12:34
ozbrkthere is nothing for me. But  I will keep installed to come back12:34
Javabeanhttps://appdb.winehq.org/ several systems you mentioned are shown to run under wine12:34
ozbrknot with all features and they will run too slow12:34
ozbrklack of performance as expected12:35
akikdury: pastebin sudo parted -l12:35
ozbrknd just the programs not plug-ins12:35
david_hi all, trying to install linux-firmware-nonfree to get wifi working but package can't be found and i don't know why. have updated recently12:36
Javabeanah, i only looks at ratings...not details12:36
ozbrkok guys12:36
ozbrksee you later12:36
ozbrkI hope you all know it is nothing wrong with to use what do you need12:37
ozbrkhave a good and open day12:37
Javabeansorry "I" couldn't help you12:37
david_sorry accidentally dc'd12:38
ozbrkno one could you are not a Rawtherappy or Darktable developer12:38
Javabeannor am i an ubuntu/wine developer, i am just a random dude that tried12:38
akikozbrk: nobody forces you to use linux. it's not for everybody and not for all use cases12:38
ozbrkthis is their jjob to improve their projects to win us for Open Source world. They have to be real competitors to Adobe12:39
ozbrkakik, I know mate told ya reaslly enjoyed12:39
ozbrkakik, I know mate told ya really enjoyed and development is really good even steam and insurgency (games) are here now three years ago those are only dreams12:40
Javabeanozbrk, maybe try #digikam... its the channel that develops/assists with digikam12:40
MonkeyDustozbrk  you can cntribute with your input, suggestions, financial gifts etc12:40
ozbrkMonkeyDust, As I said I will leave ubuntu installed not remove it as I'm using windows again. I will give feedbacks to force developers12:41
sighi, when I switch to full-screen on my browser (say, youtube), and alt-tab to an app on another monitor, the fullscreen stops12:41
ozbrkJavabean, I will give feedbaks to them12:41
sigcan I make it somehow so that one monitor is full-screen, and I could work on the other monitor?12:41
ozbrkok guys cya12:42
Javabeanlet them have time to respond, its a small room and who knows what their timezone is12:42
Javabeansee you next time ozbrk12:42
akikdury: most of the time you would have a fat32 or ntfs partition on a usb stick. it is possible to format it as ext3/ext412:45
duryakik, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16986211/ want to make this usb stick one partition12:45
duryakik, read and write in win or linux12:46
duryakik, so... what I can do, then?12:48
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duryakik, that partition is fat1612:49
elNewberinoHey, got a little problem: Running ubuntu 14.04 and while i can still get into the login screen and even start a guest-session, i get a black screen once i log into my user account.12:50
akikdury: sudo mount -t msdos /dev/sdc1 /mountpoint12:50
duryakik, after that command here is the result: mount: mount point /mountpoint does not exist12:52
akikdury: you need to create an empty directory where you'll mount it12:53
akikdury: your file manager should be able to do it automatically12:54
duryakik, empty directory where in /dev/sdc12:55
duryakik, empty directory where in /dev/sdc or what?12:56
akikdury: don't touch files under /dev12:56
akikdury: create an empty directory for example in /media/username12:56
duryakik, empty directory where in /home/user for instance12:57
akikdury: anywhere :)12:57
elNewberinoAnyone got an idea what might cause the black screen? Thought about drivers but then it would be black for guest-sessions as well, wouldnt it?12:58
duryakik, ok...12:58
akikdury: by default ubuntu mount the removable storage under /media/username12:58
duryakik, thanks to be so patient with me really appreciate it12:58
hexhexcan i talk in here without a registered nick test?12:59
SchrodingersScathexhex: received12:59
hexhexas the busiest room you can join on the most popular network, i put you in charge12:59
exSnakeis there a way to grep file created on a certain mont?12:59
exSnakeis there a way to grep file created on a certain month?*12:59
akikdury: i remember something that some new usb sticks might need some special instructions13:00
hexhexdoes anyone know where i can make enough money to pay for my weed in a chatroom?13:00
SchrodingersScatexSnake: check out 'find' it can select files that were modified in a certain range and then feed that into grep to grep what you want13:00
hexhexthanks SchrodingersScat13:00
SchrodingersScat!support | hexhex this chat is for ubuntu support13:01
ubottuhexhex this chat is for ubuntu support: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com13:01
exSnakei tried with find but didn't work: ls -ld `find ./.. ` | grep -e ' May '13:01
exSnakegive me error13:01
hexhexSchrodingersScat: as the busiest room, i put ubuntu on world support13:01
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:02
duryakik, after that command: mount: /dev/sdc is write-protected, mounting read-only  I want to make it writable13:02
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hexhexWe are now telling everyone ubuntu is behind  and they support13:03
SchrodingersScatexSnake: find has a bunch of options that may help you, here's one person's question that seemed maybe similar, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5289420/unix-bash-listing-files-modified-in-specific-month13:03
akikdury: you could try sudo dosfsck -av /dev/sdc113:04
akikdury: umount it first13:05
exSnakewait maybe i did it, but didn't know how to grep out the result to a file... tried with: ls -ld `find ./..` | grep -e ' May '13:05
exSnakebut if i add13:05
exSnakels -ld `find ./..` | grep -e ' May ' > output.txt13:05
akikdury: man dosfsck13:05
exSnakei get errore like: ls: cannot access13:05
hexhexfree software ubuntu chatroom technology, anyone link me please?13:06
duryakik, this might need special instructions I guess...13:08
duryakik, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16987104/13:08
duryakik, still read-only file system13:08
MonkeyDustdury  sure the usb stick is not damaged?13:10
akikdury: /dev/sdc is the whole device. /dev/sdc1 is your fat16 partition13:10
LigaHi i upgraded ubuntu from 14 to 16 LTS and i have Ralink RT3290 wifi card. and now it doesnt work it doest work. cant see network list :( please help13:11
akikdury: if you don't have any data on the disk now, you could try re-creating the file system on /dev/sdc1 with mkfs.fat13:12
duryakik, /dev/sdc is not all device /dev/sdc is fat16 partition13:14
duryakik, /dev/sdc is not all device /dev/sdc is fat16 partition of usb stick13:16
akikdury: how did you come into this conclusion?13:17
duryakik, disk utility day that13:18
duryday = say sorry13:18
akikdury: run sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc13:19
duryakik, ok13:19
duryakik, this ubsstick has two partitions /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd13:23
akikdury: you're mixing things now13:24
akikdury: pastebin sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc13:24
akikdury: oh wow i'd guess your stick is broken13:27
duryakik, the other side13:27
ron__It is funny the parition type 20, 6b and 4913:28
akikdury: /dev/sdd seems to be ok. if you look into sizes of /dev/sdc partitions, you'll see that there's something wrong13:29
akikmy mobile's battery is dying soon so i have to stop13:29
Jordan_Udury: A device named "/dev/sdc" is never a partition. That is how linux names whole disks.13:30
user2is there a cpu-z equivalent for 16.04?13:39
gde33any way to edit system colors with a gui?13:40
Hansheirihey all, I have a question: Currently I'm running a dual boot (win8 + ubuntu 14 LTS). I plan to upgrade win8 to win10. I've also read that this will break grub. Is that correct?13:40
gde33I tried to apply a color profile but I got an internal error13:41
SchrodingersScat!info hardinfo | user213:41
ubottuuser2: hardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1.4ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 212 kB, installed size 491 kB13:41
MonkeyDustHansheiri  yes, if you install windows after linux, grub will be overwritten... yçu can repair this, however13:41
gde33it seems non of the default themes give good contrast for selected items in unfocused windows?13:42
gde33I would like them to have a bright color like the orange when it is focused13:42
HansheiriMonkeyDust: ok. I'm using full disk encryption on Ubuntu (AFAIR its LUKS + cryptsetup or something). Does this have any influence on reinstalling grub? or does it not matter?13:42
Hansheiridoes anyone know if running LUKS / cryptsetup has any influence on the installation of Grub? (e.g. in case I have to reinstall grub, do I need to pay attention?)13:50
lordcirthHansheiri, so long as you have a proper /boot, and your grub config is correct, just updating/reinstalling grub shouldn't have any differences.13:54
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lordcirthNow if you lose your grub config, that could get messy.13:54
Hansheirilordcirth: hmmm so the question is if a upgrade from win8 to win10 will mess up /boot or not?13:55
lordcirthHansheiri, /boot is it's own partition, so assuming you don't let Windows overwrite it, it will be fine.  But Win10 will overwrite the bootloader with it's own, and you'll need to either chroot into ubuntu from a livecd and reinstall,13:56
lordcirthOr run that grub repair disk13:56
lordcirthAlthough I have not tested it with Win8 or newer bootloaders, it shouldn't make a difference: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair13:57
Hansheirilordcirth: ok, that was my plan (updating to win10 and then run https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair)13:58
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Hansheirihmmm not sure if I should risk it :P13:58
SchrodingersScatHansheiri: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows which iirc links to boot-repair13:58
lordcirthHansheiri, good.  It should work.  If not, know that you can chroot into your Ubuntu install from a livecd.13:59
Hansheirilordcirth: can I chroot into ubuntu when I use full disk encryption?13:59
lordcirthHansheiri, yes, but it's a lot harder.13:59
lordcirthwell, ish13:59
SchrodingersScat!backups | Hansheiri, if you have backups of the info in the luks and win8 then you shouldn't worry that much. Or be comfortable with a liveusb recovering both of those.14:00
ubottuHansheiri, if you have backups of the info in the luks and win8 then you shouldn't worry that much. Or be comfortable with a liveusb recovering both of those.: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:00
lordcirthYou have to decrypt the LUKS using cryptsetup tools, then mount the plaintext block device14:00
ropoI installed terminator, now whenever i `ctr + alt + t`, the terminator prompts out instedad of the main terminal, how do i disable tht?14:01
lordcirthropo, search "default" in menu14:02
Hansheirilordcirth: ok, thx!14:02
ropolordcirth, under preferences?14:03
=== kirkland` is now known as kirkland
ropoor config?14:03
lordcirthropo, probably, but I think if you just search "default" in your menu, you'll get a "default applications" program.14:03
lordcirthI am not on Unity atm to test14:04
ropolordcirth, terminal is not listed in te default app programs14:05
FredUbuntuHello, I would like to try a bugg fix on musescore https://launchpad.net/~logan/+archive/ubuntu/arb/+sourcepub/6486195/+listing-archive-extra  but i don't know wich file to download ( i'm on Ubuntu Studio 64bits). when i go there : https://launchpad.net/~logan/+archive/ubuntu/arb/+build/9860098 , i see 3files at the end of the page14:05
lordcirthropo, 1 sec I will start an Ubuntu VM14:06
lordcirthropo, you can just change the shortcut, Ctrl-Alt+T, to mean "open gnome-terminal" rather than "open default terminal"14:11
ropolordcirth, open gnome-terminal is for  the terminator?14:12
lordcirthropo, gnome-terminal is the default Ubuntu terminal14:12
lordcirthWhich is what you wanted, right?14:12
roposo in .bashrc file?14:13
ropoi mean should i add that in?14:13
user2635I've set up my home to be encrypted, then I use dejadup to backup. If I do a fresh ubuntu install, can I still restore my files?14:13
lordcirthropo, no, your terminal emulator has nothing to do with .bashrc14:13
lordcirthropo, under keyboard shortcuts, change the meaning of the shortcut.14:13
ropooh yes, wait a sec14:14
lordcirthuser2635, dejadup works on the plaintext files, just like you see when logged in, so the encryption is irrelevant14:14
user2635lordcirth, thanks.. i'm a just a bit worried, I don't even know if the backup works as i'm a linux newb14:15
lordcirthjust like if you download a file into your home directory from the internet, it doesn't matter to it whether it's being encrypted14:15
user2635lordcirth, is it a bit like veracrypt?14:15
user2635where its just done on the fly14:15
user2635I can relax then!14:16
lordcirthuser2635, similar, as in your plaintext files never exist on disk14:16
lordcirthbut different where veracrypt/truecrypt make a single block to store things on, whereas ecryptfs uses a directory14:16
lordcirthOn disk, your home directory is empty :)14:17
user2635err... I don't understand14:17
user2635but if you're sure I can restore14:17
user2635then I'm fine14:17
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive
SchrodingersScatuser2635: the dejadup copy should be encrypted however you chose for dejadup, and your harddrive should be encrypted however you separately set that up.  If you dejadup'd your home then the dejadup copy should only require the dejadup credentials.14:18
user2635SchrodingersScat, I didn't choose any dejadup creds14:19
user2635in that case I think its simple14:19
user2635I'm able to restore with no problems14:19
user2635SchrodingersScat, lordcirth thanks for the quick replies :)14:19
SchrodingersScatuser2635: I've never used it, should maybe check if there's anything special you need, like gpg keys, to get that setup again.14:20
lordcirthuser2635, on disk, your home dir data is stored in /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.Private , encrypted, and your home directory is empty.14:21
SchrodingersScatuser2635: from https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/DejaDup/HowItWorks "Déjà Dup relies on duplicity to handle the encryption, and it uses gpg with a symmetric cipher. Basically, that means it is encrypted just with the password your provide. You will need to remember that password to restore your data. "14:21
lordcirthWhen you put your password in, ubuntu decrypts the files on the fly, and shows them in /home/$USER14:22
lordcirthIt's cool stuff14:22
user2635lordcirth, ohhh I see!14:23
SchrodingersScatuser2635: so you should be fine. And what lordcirth is saying is that really the data is technically on the disk in /home/.ecryptfs/ like he said, and shows the decrypted files in /home/user/foo , so if you backed up /home/user/foo then dejadup sees them as regular files.14:23
ropolordcirth, it worked14:23
lordcirth^ exactly14:23
lordcirthropo, you're welcome14:23
ropoanyways my terminal lags a bit in start, why is that?14:24
user2635do you know if ubuntu mate comes with dejadup by any chance? not that it matters, I guess I can always install it14:24
lordcirthuser2635, Linux (/unix) is based on a series of programs, each doing their job, and caring as little as possible about how the others do theirs.  This is a good example.14:24
lordcirthuser2635, it's just a package install14:24
ropoi mean it is blank for sec or two and then shows the "user@machine_name:~$"14:24
user2635lordcirth, I love the analogy14:24
guest5351I am using ubuntu 15.1014:25
lordcirthropo, you probably have something big in your .bashrc14:25
guest5351afraid to go to 16.0414:25
SchrodingersScat!upgrade | guest5351: looking to upgrade? 15.10 support will be ending soon.14:25
ubottuguest5351: looking to upgrade? 15.10 support will be ending soon.: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:25
ropocould nvm cause that? lordcirth14:25
eversonHi can one get TeamSpeak to work on Ubuntu? Thanks14:26
SchrodingersScat!backups | guest5351: backup and don't be afraid.  Have a liveusb you can use to recover.14:26
ubottuguest5351: backup and don't be afraid.  Have a liveusb you can use to recover.: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:26
SchrodingersScateverson: yes, teamspeak works fine14:26
lordcirthropo, I am not familiar with "nvm"14:26
ropoguest5351, be aware of your driver!14:26
SchrodingersScatlordcirth: nvm == nevermind14:27
guest5351If I upgrade using update_manager is it safe ??14:27
SchrodingersScatlordcirth: oh, wait, no14:27
eversonSchrodingersScat, thanks. To install it?14:27
eversonSchrodingersScat, I can't find it in software centre14:27
lordcirthSchrodingersScat, not in this context I think :P14:27
ropothere's no fglrx for ubuntu 16.0414:27
duryJordan_U, are u there?14:27
effectnetsomeone said that about 30% of the users here are in Mint.  is that true?14:27
SchrodingersScateverson: that's not really supported.  It's third party software that may not be respecting of your freedom, you need to get it from their official site then extract it and run a file.14:27
lordcirtheffectnet, I am not aware of a way to get reliable statistics about that.14:28
eversonSchrodingersScat, ok thanks for the help :)14:28
lordcirthSchrodingersScat, everson https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TeamSpeak14:28
lordcirthThis says it's a "teamspeak-client" package14:28
ropoguest5351,if you have AMD, AMD dropped support for their proprietary-blob fglrx video driver so it can't be included in 16.04 LTS. The last release AMD did can not be used because it is incompatible with the newer x.org display server.14:28
lordcirthNot all packages show up in Software Center, I prefer Synaptic14:28
Leagnushi! Is there an y way to launch OpenBox in Unity?14:28
LeagnusOpenBox menu14:29
SchrodingersScat!info teamspeak-client | lordcirth14:29
ubottulordcirth: Package teamspeak-client does not exist in xenial14:29
lordcirthhmm.  Guess it's an old entry.  Should be updated14:29
duryakik, are u there?14:29
LeagnusI need pipemenu in Unity14:29
user2635lordcirth, SchrodingersScat reason why I need to backup is because my partitions are not right. I was advised to rearrange it, its currently in this order /swap, root, home14:30
akikdury: i am here but so are many other people14:30
lordcirthLeagnus, try "openbox --replace"14:30
lordcirthuser2635, what was the reason for this advice?14:30
SchrodingersScateverson: they make it easy though, just extract their files to a place, run ./ts3client_runscript.sh and it'll start, probably run you through the setup wizard and then you're done.14:30
lordcirthIt's not how I would do it, but I don't see major problems14:31
Leagnuslordcirth: no, its will be Openbox, not Unity14:31
user2635lordcirth, SchrodingersScat - to give you the short version. I need to extend my home partition, but don't know how14:31
lordcirthLeagnus, you need to run Unity2D14:31
user2635lordcirth, SchrodingersScat in ubuntu, I don't see this option within 'Disks'14:31
user2635lordcirth, SchrodingersScat I suspect its because I'm mounting home currently14:32
eversonSchrodingersScat, ok cool thanks again14:32
lordcirthuser2635, oh ok.  Well do you have space to expand into?14:32
lordcirthuser2635, ext4 filesystem?14:32
Leagnuslordcirth: Unity2D can run while openbox runing?14:32
SchrodingersScatuser2635: you normally can't edit a partition while it's being used, so you could try from a liveusb, but i've never done that with an encrypted drive, can probably use the cryptsetup tools to edit it.14:32
user2635lordcirth, the space is in front of swap, order is free space, swap, root, home14:32
akikdury: did you figure out what's wrong with your usb stick?14:32
lordcirthLeagnus, so some guy on the internet says, anyway: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22055/how-can-i-use-unity-2d-with-another-window-manager-besides-metacity14:32
lernerhi. xubuntu 16.04 on a clevo m7xsun: the regular way of turning my computer down means, always, having to plug the cable off: I click on turn off and sometimes the screen freezes on the background and stays like that until I unplug the cable, sometimes I get a blank screen and stays like that until I unplug the cable, sometimes I get to see what the computer dows (what programs are being shut down) and freezes on a certain process14:32
lernerand stays like that until I unplug the cable... Im afraid thats affecting the hdd14:32
duryakik, this usb stick in nautilus one side is /mnt/usb-General_UDisk-0:0 and /media/user/B89C-54F014:32
lernerso please, how do I solve this?14:32
lordcirthuser2635, ah ok.  Is there anything other than stuff in /home to backup?14:33
akikdury: when you say "one side", what do you mean?14:33
user2635SchrodingersScat, I think thats why they just told me to backup, wipe it and just install fresh. as its easier than messing around with live14:33
lordcirthuser2635, yes, it is in your case14:33
duryakik, this usb stick in nautilus one side is /mnt/usb-General_UDisk-0:0 and /media/user/B89C-54F014:33
EvilAngelnick Elegant14:33
SchrodingersScatuser2635: always good to have backups, if you value things you've done :^)14:33
=== EvilAngel is now known as Elegant
durysorry to repeat14:34
=== Elegant is now known as ElegantA
user2635lordcirth, not that I know of... I'm assuming everything is stored there though14:34
user2635lordcirth, my important things are stored there at least but I'm not sure about program settings14:34
lordcirthuser2635, all your downloads, docs, etc should be there.  That being said, there's no harm in just backing up / just in case, if you have the space.14:34
user2635lordcirth, i'm going to skip it this time14:36
user2635SchrodingersScat, lordcirth one more question, is there a normal order for partitions? like /, /home, swap?14:36
user2635or does the order not matter?14:36
SchrodingersScatuser2635: afaik most of the user settings should be in your /home/user/.  If you don't recall changing much in /etc/ or not running a server in /var/www/ then you probably don't need that much more, but it's up to you depending on how you use the machine.14:36
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive
user2635SchrodingersScat, i'm not a techie so i should be fine14:37
user2635and I don't run a server14:37
lordcirthuser2635, if you are running out of space, you could just not add a separate /home14:37
lordcirthThat way you don't waste any space.14:37
akikdury: i don't understand what you mean by one side14:37
user2635lordcirth, instead of doing a fresh install? good idea actually14:38
lordcirthuser2635, no, when you do a fresh install, I meant14:38
lordcirthJust install with swap and /14:38
SchrodingersScatuser2635: think he means just having / then swap, and then home can pull as much as you choose14:38
lordcirthif you have / and /home, and fill either one, there will be wasted space in the other.14:38
akikdury: when you now run "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc" does it look ok or does it still contain huge partitions?14:38
duryakik, when I plug that usb in nautilus appears 2 mounts or volumes: one is 3,8 GB Volume in /media/user/B89C-54F0 and MASTER  /mnt/usb-General_UDisk-0:0 there is *.mp4 file14:39
lordcirthI rarely make a separate /home, for that and simplicity14:39
SchrodingersScatuser2635: you'd lose a benefit of being able to format / without losing /home/, but wouldn't have to plan how much to set aside for /home/14:39
exSnakewith awk i can print first and third column of a csv file with this: awk -F "," '{print $1  "\t" $4}' csv.txt14:39
exSnakeif i want to create a script where i can pass file and simply output using print $1 $414:39
exSnakehow i can do?14:39
user2635SchrodingersScat, do you also juts have a single /?14:39
user2635just* - like lordcirth14:40
exSnakeexample i want to use: awk -f script.awk csv.txt14:40
lordcirthexSnake, a script that takes one argument, the name of a file, and outputs this awk result on stdout?14:40
lordcirthoh an awk file.14:40
lordcirthI thought you meant "myscript file"14:40
exSnakewhat's the difference?14:40
lordcirthexSnake, well "myscript.sh csv.txt" is shorter :P14:41
exSnakei mean a file with instruction like BEGIN { print $1 $4 }14:41
lordcirthYou can make an awk file, or you can make a script which runs this awk command14:41
exSnakei want to pass to awk a file with the commands to do14:41
user2635I thought the normal way was /, /home, and swap. I've never known any different, as a normal user I don't know how it will impact me14:41
SchrodingersScatuser2635: yes, but it's completely up to you :)  I considered setting a partition aside on another machine, because I was getting sick of recovering 400-500GB back onto the machine every time I goofed up and needed to reinstall, but then I ended up not. It was a tough call14:41
lordcirthuser2635, mostly, it won't.14:41
lordcirthYou get more space, but you can't reformat /home and / separately, which I doubt you will have any reason to need.14:42
user2635ok I shall do swap and /14:42
user2635does the order matter?14:42
lordcirthSchrodingersScat, personally I mount data dirs for most of my stuff, so my /home isn't big14:42
user2635 / then swap, swap /14:43
SchrodingersScatlordcirth: this wasn't home14:43
streulmaCan I make an updated Ubuntu ISO for use with persistent? My persistent file is only 4GB on FAT3214:43
lordcirthuser2635, not much.  I generally put swap first but it probably doesn't matter14:43
user2635ok i'm almost ready14:43
SchrodingersScatlordcirth: moot point, I'll be fine though.14:43
user2635as i'm not very experienced, do I have to tick bootable flag for any of those14:44
user2635i forgot to mention i'm dual booting windows/linux14:44
user2635Obviously, I won't touch my windows partitions14:44
lordcirthuser2635, you don't need to use "bootable" grub should take care of that I think14:44
SchrodingersScatexSnake: bash uses $1 as variables as well, so something like awk -F "," '{print $1  "\t" $4}' $1 #would take the first parameter ./your-script parameter14:45
lordcirthSchrodingersScat, no, that's what the ' ' are for14:45
user2635lordcirth, great, thanks14:45
lordcirthoh nvrm I misread again14:46
lordcirthSchrodingersScat, exSnake yeah, that's what I meant when I said to make a bash script14:46
exSnakeSchrodingersScat so i cant create a script where i can pass my file?14:48
squintystreulma,  you can do updates to your iso usb but newer kernels will not be updated.  If you desire new kernels then doing a full install rather than using persistence is the way to go14:49
SchrodingersScatexSnake: I'm saying you can, if it's just that line it's relatively simple, like 2 lines14:49
gde33I just had some overheated cpu issues, then I reboot, now my system monitor resources tab is empty14:49
streulmasquinty, I use live because running Linux from USB drive always corrupt the system by unclean shutdiwn14:49
exSnakei tried to write the same command in the script but didn't work14:49
gde33oh it works again nvm14:50
SchrodingersScatexSnake: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16990915/14:51
lordcirthexSnake, make a bash script, put a shebang line " #!/bin/bash " then the line that SchrodingersScat gave you.  Then make it executable.14:51
zolomonHeya, is there a way to stream audio from my ubuntu 16.04 to my windows 10 PC that has speakers connected to it? I would like to join audio from both machines to the same speaker set.14:51
zolomonBoth machines are on the same LAN.14:51
swenzelI have this problem https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-find.html but none of the points fit14:52
lernerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1526661 < what command do I need to get all the information the uploader submitted? (apport version, architecture...)14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1526661 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 15.10 hangs on shutdown" [High,Fix committed]14:52
swenzelMy windows boot has no problem finding the network but Ubuntu 16.04 doesn't list it...14:53
lordcirthzolomon, try mpd http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Clients14:53
user2635For those who use dejadup, is there a way to find out how long a backup took?14:53
SchrodingersScatlordcirth: didn't think mpd's streamed14:53
lordcirthswenzel, what is your network card?14:53
lordcirthSchrodingersScat, it's a client/server model, it doesn't care if it's localhost or lan or internet14:54
lordcirthyou run mpd on linux and a client on windows, in this cas14:54
SchrodingersScatlordcirth: the audio would still be on the linux machine, no?14:54
lordcirthOh good question14:55
exSnakeoh it work!14:55
lordcirthSchrodingersScat, I think you are right :(14:55
SchrodingersScatexSnake: great!14:55
lordcirthDifferent use case14:55
exSnakebut if i want to make the other way, i mean, passing to awk a file with the commands to do?14:56
=== Tarsas_ is now known as Tarsas
lordcirthexSnake, then you write a file in Awk14:56
exSnakei have to include in the awk the csv file name too?14:56
exSnakeor i can pass it?14:56
swenzellordcirth, lshw says BCM4313 802.11bgn Wireless Network Adapter14:56
SchrodingersScatexSnake: you've lost me, I no longer know what your goal is.14:56
lordcirthSchrodingersScat, awk allows you to write files in Awk (the language) and load them into awk (the command) with -f14:57
exSnakei mean, awk can take as arguments with -f a file14:57
exSnakewhat lord said...14:57
exSnakethis is what i want to do14:57
lordcirthswenzel, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=223293914:58
computerhello ubuntu people, trying to install lubuntu on an old HP laptop, no CD rom, tyring to boot from USB but getting GRUB, how to boot to install?14:58
exSnakebut i'm wondering if i can pass the file name too, or i have to write it all in the awk14:58
lordcirthswenzel, tl;dr sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter firmware-b43-installer14:58
lordcirthcomputer, you are using the BIOS boot menu to choose the USB?14:59
computerlordcirth: yes14:59
lordcirthcomputer, and it is booting grub on the hard drive?14:59
SchrodingersScatzolomon: I can't think of many great ways, might depend on what audio. if you mean all system sounds then a vnc might be the easiest? there's probably a way to make a more complicated setup14:59
bozsikarmandHi! I have a problem: I have installed zsh, set it to default: sudo chsh -s $(which zsh)14:59
bozsikarmand, installed ohmyzsh, the i'd like to change the thewme to Agnoster. ZSH_THEME="agnoster", Copied patched Menlo font to /usr/share/fonts/truetype, installed patched fonts from here https://powerline.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation/linux.html#font-installation14:59
bozsikarmand, refreshed font cache. but ufortunately some unicode chars dont dhow up in gnome terminal14:59
bozsikarmandwhat should i do?14:59
computerlordcirth: i just get grub, if i choose the HDD i get windows installation14:59
lordcirthcomputer, doesn't grub have an option to run/install Lubuntu?15:00
computerwhat is the command?15:00
SchrodingersScatexSnake: oh, k, well you can move the bash variables around as you need them. The bash parameters follow $1 $2 $3 etc. so you can add more and assign them as you please.15:00
computerlordcirth: what is the command?15:00
lordcirthcomputer, did you make this liveUSB with a Lubuntu ISO?15:00
lordcirthcomputer, oh, you have a grub command line, not a menu?15:01
swenzellordcirth, thx I'll try that15:01
computerlordcirth: i did yes, using ubuntu, on a macbook pro, would this make a difference?15:01
computerlordcirth: yes command line15:01
lordcirthcomputer, that should be fine.  Maybe it got corrupted?  Try just making the USB again, double checking the guides, if you have another computer around still.15:02
exSnakeSchrodingersScat so i can pass it like: awk -f myscript.awk file.csv ?15:02
craigbass76WHere's samba logging these days? I'm typing systemctl start smbd and failing. /var/log/syslog is all I can find getting updates when I do this, and isn't real handy info.15:02
computerlordcirth: i tried with lubuntu and ubuntu live USBs both of which worked on aother comptuer recently (yesterday)15:02
lordcirthcomputer, but on this laptop you get a Grub command line?15:03
computerlordcirth: yes15:03
SchrodingersScatexSnake: idk awk ;(15:03
lordcirthexSnake, you are into awk-specific territory now, there are lots of guides online15:03
lordcirthcomputer, what exactly is the grub prompt?15:04
squintycraigbass76,  /var/log/samba  here on 16.0415:05
computerlordcirth: GNU GRUB 2.02 beta2-9ubuntu1.3 then some introduction line then grub>15:06
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive
explosiveyes Norux15:10
craigbass76squinty: I read them, just noticed that the time stamps were yesterday15:10
Noruxdo you remember, I installed ubuntu 16.04 on my pc right?15:11
computerlordcirth: any idea what i can do?15:11
Noruxnow my graphics driver doesn't work anymore, for whatever reason, explosive15:11
craigbass76squinty: I meant I hadn't read them.15:12
lerneri just filled a bug on launchpad and after uploading apport, I get: dpkg-query: no packages found matching linux15:12
lernerdo I need install "linux"?15:12
swenzellordcirth: didn't work15:13
swenzeland I already got the proprietary drivers from the additional drivers list15:13
gde33anyone use multiple monitors with vlc? I have a black frame inserted when focusing it in full screen and with a maximized window it inserts a black frame when it loses focus.15:15
swenzellordcirth: I'm going through the guide here http://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers right now15:16
lordcirthswenzel, did you reboot after installing those?15:17
swenzellordcirth: yes, I did15:17
lordcirthcomputer, this is a very strange problem.15:17
lordcirthswenzel, if you do lspci, find the ID of the wifi card, then do "lspci -vv <ID>", does it mention a driver in use?15:18
swenzellordcirth: it says "kernel driver in use: wl"15:20
lordcirthswenzel, the forum thread says that removing wl made it work for some people15:21
computerlordcirth: i will try that thanks15:23
Guest_85757Allah is doing15:28
Guest_85757sun is not doing Allah is doing15:28
Guest_85757moon is not doing Allah is doing15:28
daedGuest_85757: i disagree15:28
BrianBlaze420bad command or file name15:29
Guest_85757stars are not doing Allah is doing15:29
MonkeyDustGuest_85757  stop15:29
lordcirthI would probably disagree if I knew what he was trying to say15:29
Guest_85757planets are not doing Allah is doing15:29
BrianBlaze420say the same thing about goats15:29
Noruxexplosive, Do you remember that I installed 16.04 on my computer? I now get errors from the graphics card driver and the computer won't boot15:30
lernerwhat a strange channel to troll15:30
lordcirthNorux, what card and what driver?15:30
lordcirthlerner, high traffic15:31
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
Noruxlordcirth, Radeon R9 270x, driver no idea. I know that 16.04 is not supported by amd15:31
lernerbut still to think somebody here is in need of being preached...15:31
=== Cyber_Akuma-Temp is now known as Cyber_Akuma
lordcirthNorux, won't boot, or won't boot to desktop?15:32
swenzellordcirth: it's using bcma-pci-bridge now... If I'm not mistaken it should, however, be using b43 right?15:32
lordcirthswenzel, well does it work?15:32
swenzellordcirth: nope... still not seeing all the networks15:33
Noruxlordcirth, I got an error message from rc.local saying "Graphics not found" or something, but I get to my desktop when booting in recovery mode15:33
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest20655
Noruxlordcirth, so i don't get a console when I boot normally.15:34
lordcirthNorux, ok, look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:35
Noruxlordcirth, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16992691/15:36
Noruxhello, ciach15:38
lordcirthNorux, ok, so you are using the "radeon" driver but it's not loading15:38
lordcirthNorux, this is posted from recovery mode?15:39
Noruxlordcirth, yes, otherwise i'd not be able to post it15:39
Novellhi.. I'm using SecureBoot and I'm trying to add my own cert so that I can sign the VMware modules.. I've added my cert with mokutil 10 times, but it still doesn't show up as enrolled.. Also, running sign-file on the modules doesn't seem to do anything at all as the modules still won't get any signing info when checked with modinfo.. Anyone got any pointers ?15:39
lordcirthNorux, do you have a Xorg.1.log or a Xorg.0.log.old ?15:40
MonkeyDustNovell  how is that ubuntu related?15:40
NovellMonkeyDust: how is it not since that is what I'm using15:40
Noruxlordcirth, Xorg.0.log, Xorg.0.log.old, Xorg.1.log, Xorg.1.log.old15:40
Noruxand Xorg.failsafe.log and Xorg.failsafe.log.old15:41
lordcirthNovell, #vmware might be better able to help15:41
Novellreally ? So should I ask how to sign the VirtualBox module in the virtualbox channel ?15:42
lordcirthNorux, look at the dates & times, try to find one that might be from the failed normal boot15:42
elNewberinoHey, got a little problem: Running ubuntu 14.04 and while i can still get into the login screen and even start a guest-session, i get a black screen once i log into my user account.15:42
lordcirthNovell, I don't think you're offtopic here, I'm just not sure if anyone here can help you.15:42
Noruxlordcirth, I don't think any of those are15:43
Novelllordcirth: someone here must have used secureboot and module signing..15:44
lordcirthelNewberino, did you do updates or anything recently?15:44
lordcirthOr perhaps edit .bashrc or .bash_profile ?15:45
elNewberinodont think so.15:45
Noruxlordcirth, i edited .bashrc and the file where the $PATH is stored, if that helps.15:46
lordcirthelNewberino, ok, use Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get a terminal, and log in as your normal user.15:46
lordcirthNorux, you edited $PATH?  Are you sure you didn't mess it up?15:46
elNewberinoIts an old Laptop I mostly use for streaming, so didnt really have too much stuff on it, thought it might be pipelight, already uninstalled it though15:46
lordcirthBreaking $PATH can break weird things15:47
elNewberinologin via terminal works fine15:47
lordcirthelNewberino, ok, so that narrows it down15:47
lordcirthelNewberino, is the last login you tried your real user?15:47
Noruxlordcirth, I wrote PATH+="~/.scripts":$PATH15:47
lordcirthIf not, try it again, get the black screen, etc, then read /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:48
Noruxin my .bashrc15:48
elNewberinoother than pipelight.. virtual boy, firefox+plugins, thunderbird. think thats all i got on it.15:48
elNewberinowell only got one user on it15:48
Noruxthat didn't help, so I edited the PATH file (whatever it's called again).15:48
lordcirthNorux, that adds it twice15:49
Noruxlordcirth, wrong, I know, I removed it from the .bashrc then15:49
Noruxwoops that "wrong" shouldn't be there haha15:50
lordcirthNorux, so what file did you edit?15:50
Noruxlordcirth, /etc/environment15:51
lordcirthNorux, ok, and what, exactly, did you add?15:51
Noruxlordcirth, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16993434/15:52
lordcirthNorux, ok, and before it was similar, just without your appended bit?15:53
lordcirth(I am not on Ubuntu atm)15:53
lordcirthNorux, ok, well that's probably not your problem.  The comment about path was not to you, originally15:54
Noruxlordcirth, I know, I just knew that I edited it so maybe that was the problem15:54
Techspectrewhy would the password for gksu be different than sudo?15:54
lordcirthTechspectre, "su" requires the password of the user you switch to15:55
lordcirthAs opposed to sudo which requires your own password, then checks if you're allowed to become other users15:55
Techspectrelordcirth, oh so for a gtk dialog for sudo I should use gksudo?15:56
lordcirthTechspectre, so if you want the same behaviour as sudo, use "gksudo"15:56
TechspectreThank you lordcirth15:56
elNewberinoSo  any Idea what might cause my blackscreen-problem? Or should i just go reinstall?16:01
lordcirthelNewberino, you must have missed my message.16:01
lordcirthMake sure that your last graphical login is the broken one, so it gets logged16:01
lordcirthelNewberino, then read /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:01
arunangshuhow to deactivate password after waking ubuntu from sleep mode16:02
lordcirtharunangshu, search "lock" on menu, settings are there16:03
elNewberinook, anything special i should be looking for?16:04
=== motaka3 is now known as motaka2
lordcirthelNewberino, search for (EE) - errors16:04
arunangshuthanks lordcirth16:05
arunangshuis there any gui application for configuring ppope connection16:06
elNewberinoFailed to load module nvidia. module does not exist. That doesnt sound right16:06
Noruxlordcirth, so do you have any idea what is the reason for that?16:07
hispeed67what is a good channel to discuss video hardware?16:08
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http16:09
arunangshuis there any gui application for configuring ppope connection16:09
ZeranoeI'd like to securely overwrite unused disk space with Ubuntu. Is there a tool for that?16:10
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive
hispeed67zeranoe: gparted ?16:10
explosiveZeranoe: securedelete16:10
explosive!info securedelete | Zeranoe16:10
ubottuZeranoe: Package securedelete does not exist in xenial16:10
explosive!info secure-delete | Zeranoe16:10
ubottuZeranoe: secure-delete (source: secure-delete): tools to wipe files, free disk space, swap and memory. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-6ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 61 kB, installed size 145 kB16:10
lordcirthelNewberino, if it doesn't find nvidia, it will load nouveau.  Look for the last error.16:11
catopettI have a DVD with MAC TIGER OS, and trying to mount it, but cannot get it mounted, neither can i get thie iso mounted, need help16:13
catopettI have a DVD with MAC TIGER OS, and trying to mount it, but cannot get it mounted, neither can i get the iso mounted, need help16:13
elNewberinoNouveau(GO)[XvMC]failed to initialize extension16:13
catopettI have a DVD with MAC TIGER OS, and trying to mount it, but cannot get it mounted, neither can i get the iso mounted, need help, geting the error, WRONG FS16:16
yorwosany idea why i get this message when apt-get update ? - W:Failed to fetch http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages  Hash Sum mismatch16:17
JohnCis Ubuntu-Mate Free Software or Open Source?16:18
JohnCbecuase in the welcome windows in the introuction says open source16:20
tewardJohnC: most of the underlying software in any of the Ubuntu variants is Free and/or Open Source16:22
tewardexcept maybe proprietary drivers needed for certain hardware16:22
JohnCBut free and open are no the same thing16:22
tewardoh you're one of those people, okay... *goes to do something productive instead of arguing*16:22
catopettJohnC: What is the difference then?16:23
JohnCgo and look for the different16:23
catopettJohnC: I have a DVD with MAC TIGER OS, and trying to mount it in UBUNTU, but cannot get it mounted, neither can i get the iso mounted, need help, geting the error, WRONG FS16:25
HackerIIfrom piratebay ?, el oh el16:25
elNewberinoSo is it a problem with nouveau? Got one of those nvidia-optimus laptops btw, in case that matters. think i already had problems with that a few times.16:26
elNewberinoI just dont get why it works fine in a guest session, but not with the user16:28
=== badon_ is now known as badon
catopettIf i have a os disk (ISO-FILE), how can i find out what FS it has? With MOUNT or some other software in ubuntu16:28
tewardcatopett: in theory, fdisk -l /path/to/ISO16:28
tewardcatopett: but that doesn't guarantee a result16:28
evilopcatopett: `file`16:29
tewardalso `file` but if it's an ISO, still16:29
evilopiso means nothing, that is just some random file extention that people use16:29
evilopin the old days iso ment iso9660, but not so anymore16:29
* teward shrugs16:31
tewardevilop: OS Disk could mean anything from an installer image to an actual disk image of a hard drive and its partitions, we basically can't answer it in its current form then16:32
tewardextensions aside16:32
Noruxexplosive, do you have time?16:32
tewardevilop: that said, even with an installer ISO, `fdisk -l /path/to/image` will list the partitions and filesystem types of whatever's on the image16:33
explosiveNorux: yeah, what's the problem?16:33
jarki b searching for the german ubuntu channel16:34
teward!de | jark16:34
ubottujark: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:34
=== motaka3 is now known as motaka2
=== BrianBla- is now known as BrianBlaze420
=== BrianBlaze420 is now known as BrianBlaze
=== Guest21250 is now known as rafaelg
Noruxexplosive, you remember i installed 16.04 on my pc? now the graphics driver won't work and i can only boot in recovery mode16:43
explosiveNorux: ok, which graphics card do you have?16:44
NoruxR9 270x16:44
SnackerrHey, i just installed the Mini ISO, and it it didnt ask me to install "MP3 supports, etc"  like the regular DVD installer does... so what am i missing now? which packages do i need to install to make a "mini.iso"  just like a "regular ISO"?16:46
explosiveNorux: is that nvidia?16:46
Noruxexplosive, nope, amd16:46
explosiveNorux: oh16:46
explosiveSnackerr: ubuntu-restricted-extras16:46
explosivein the multiverse repository16:47
Noruxexplosive, well yeah, i will not buy amd again haha16:47
explosiveNorux: did you try an older kernel?16:47
explosive!info linux-generic16:47
ubottulinux-generic (source: linux-meta): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB16:47
explosivehmm still 22 it seems16:47
explosiveit's been like a month or 2 still 22 wtf..16:48
explosiveNorux: did you try mainline kernels?16:48
Noruxexplosive, yes, although i only had one old kernel. The thing is, it worked with that kernel before, but now it doesn't anymore16:48
explosiveNorux: oh16:48
explosiveNorux: try to upload logs from failed attempts16:49
explosivefrom /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/lightdm/*16:49
explosivedo you reach lightdm even?16:49
Noruxexplosive, yes i do16:49
Cyber_AkumaIs there a way I can install Ubuntu on a spare drive without having it touch the bootloaders or anything else on my windows drives?16:50
explosiveNorux: ok, try cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log* | nc termbin.com 999916:50
battleaxeI want to build a very old, but still effective, small home server system.  specs: core2duo cpu, 2gb non-ecc ram, 4x250gb spinning disks + 64gb boot ssd. after finish laughter, do you think i could use ZFS on this to serve up ~500gb of 'protected' (from bit-rot and from 2 device failures) to my network?16:50
Noruxexplosive, you might also wanna check out this: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/4kqlom/new_to_this_movement_need_some_help/d3hcewv16:50
Noruxexplosive, i installed that driver as it was recommended16:51
explosiveNorux: hmm, ok16:51
Noruxexplosive, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16996181/16:51
akikCyber_Akuma: yes you can install grub to the beginning of your linux partition, then later add it to windows boot loader16:51
akikCyber_Akuma: it's a bit difficult but there are guides on how to do it16:52
Noruxexplosive, also: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16996215/16:52
Noruxfrom the Xorg.0.log16:52
Snackerrbattleaxe,  i heard ZFS gets fragmented when 70+% full, and there are NO DEFRAG TOOLS  :(16:53
akikCyber_Akuma: here's one https://www.iceflatline.com/2009/09/how-to-dual-boot-windows-7-and-linux-using-bcdedit/16:53
Snackerrbattleaxe, also heard that ZFS does not work its magic, when it is encrypted  :(   i have been looking at ZFS also, is there a GUI for it?  it doesnt seem compatilbe with GNOME-DISKS?16:54
battleaxeSnackerr: that sounds like an overly simplistic 'rumour'.. certainly zfs is complex and you can optimize it for many different cases?16:54
battleaxeSnackerr: i think we both have a lot to learn :)16:55
Snackerrbattleaxe,  i heard it from a ZFS expert who has multiple TB drives setup on ZFS.  he likes it, but says there are weird "gotchas"  like that16:55
explosiveNorux: can you upload the list of packages that were upgraded before it stopped working?16:56
Noruxexplosive, uhh, where do i find them16:56
Cyber_Akumaakik, my goal is to have a drive I can plug in and choose to boot into when I need it. Not a usb drive but actual hdd to expirement with tings you can't from a usb install16:56
Noruxexplosive, i don't have them in my mind16:57
explosiveNorux: /var/log/apt/history.log16:57
Cyber_AkumaAs in, I hit the "choose boot device" button on my motherboard and point it to the hdd16:57
Cyber_Akumaon post16:57
Noruxexplosive, http://paste.ubuntu.com/16996451/16:57
explosiveCyber_Akuma: install ubuntu as usual but to a usb16:57
akikCyber_Akuma: ah ok. i've installed ubuntu on an usb stick so that it operates on its own16:58
Norux(i prefer pastebinit haha)16:58
battleaxeSnackerr: cool, you should invite the expert to come here and help :) Mostly I am interested in ZFS for the 'bit-rot' problem, but with my very old hardware I might look into btrfs instead16:58
explosiveNorux: when did it stop working?16:58
Cyber_AkumaI did that from a VM, but it didn't seem to get all the harware of tha ctual system I ran it on, and usb is very slow too16:58
clingggHi. I'm testing Ubuntu 16.04 with a pendrive on a laptop but it does not recognize any wireless. But in the same laptop I'm now connected to a wifi. Any idea?16:58
Noruxexplosive, yesterday, around 16.2016:58
neredsenvyAnyone experienced issues installing nodejs16:59
neredsenvyin sense that it takes forever16:59
explosiveNorux: did you install any ppa before it failed?17:00
catopettHow do they make restore disk?17:00
Noruxexplosive, you mean between the last boot and the first failed boot?17:00
squinty!wireless | clinggg17:00
ubottuclinggg: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:00
explosivedid you install the ppa before it failed or after?17:00
Noruxnot afterwards, but well I added the new graphics driver PPA ~10 days ago17:01
explosiveNorux: ok, try to remove it17:01
explosiveinstall ppa-purge17:01
Noruxexplosive, do i run sudo apt-get ppa-purge or just sudo ppa-purge17:02
explosivesudo apt-get install ppa-purge17:02
Noruxexplosive, yeah i know haha but to actually remove the ppa17:03
explosiveNorux: how did you install it? which ppa:..../.... ?17:04
Noruxwith sudo add-apt-repository ppa:paulo-miguel-dias/mesa17:04
explosiveNorux: ok, run sudo ppa-purge ppa:paulo..../...17:04
catopettIs it a good helicopter simulator for ubuntu?17:05
Noruxexplosive, okay done ;)17:05
explosiveNorux: ok, give it a shot17:05
Noruxexplosive, are you sure haha17:06
Snackerrbattleaxe,  BTRFS is even worse than ZFS:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O64JRTcx3c17:08
Snackerrbattleaxe, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfpNGJt40Lc17:08
Noruxexplosive, quick question, do i have to set GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET to false if i set GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT ?17:08
jamesdSnackerr: btrfs is more secure than ZFS,   there are times when you write you data to your storage, and it refuses to let even root or the owner see the data ever again.17:08
Snackerrbattleaxe, but yes, i am in the same boat as u, it seems cool as hell, the "SELF-HEALING" zfs17:08
zolomonSchrodingersScat: Thanks. Would it be difficult to write a tool that would stream the system audio? I have no experience on the linux side how the audio architecture works. If I can get access to it via C/C++ at least, then I am confident that I could write a client/server solution that would work for my own case at least.17:09
lordcirthZFS is great.  I have never had a problem with it.17:09
Snackerrjamesd, another "Gotcha" with BTRFS, and (probly ZFS) is if you do a "dirty shutdown"  that it screws up your files.  if you dont shutdown properly17:09
lordcirthAn experienced sysadmin I work with refuses to put production data on anything but ZFS.17:09
Snackerrjamesd, oh, that was a joke, i just got it  LOL17:10
jamesdSnackerr: ZFS  can possibly lose the last 5 seconds of your data in the case of unclean shutdown.17:10
lordcirthSnackerr, ZFS does that in much rarer circumstances than btrfs.17:10
explosiveNorux: not sure, grub does give warnings about those kind of stuff17:10
jamesdif you value your data, put your fileserver on a UPS17:10
Snackerrlordcirth,  is there a GUI guide for ZFS?17:10
Noruxexplosive, just because my grub timeout is like 0.01 seconds haha17:11
lordcirthSnackerr, not that I've ever seen.  zfs's command line interface is trivial for basic operations and needs no GUI.17:11
jamesdlordcirth: there are gui's and web interfaces for ZFS, but except for nfs v4 ACL's, i  find them pointless17:11
Snackerrlordcirth, this is needlessly complicated, i like my GUI's  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/encryptedZfs17:11
explosiveNorux: you want grub to show?17:11
Noruxno i just want the timeout to be a bit longeer17:12
Snackerrlordcirth, you call this trivial?  lol  ^17:12
lordcirthSnackerr, that's encrypted ZFS root, that's way more complex than a normal install17:12
lordcirth" trivial for basic operations"17:12
Snackerrlordcirth, for EXT4 is is ONE checkbox  LOL,  that is "trivial"!!17:12
Noruxexplosive, i've set it to 5 now, should be fine. I'll restart now.17:13
lordcirthSnackerr, yes, it also loses data trivially when that drive dies :)17:13
Noruxexplosive, brb17:13
Snackerrlordcirth,  i want ONE checkbox for ZFS, when does that come out?17:13
lordcirthsudo zpool create storage raidz sda sdb17:13
lordcirthsudo zpool create storage raidz sda sdb sdc *17:13
blu3_lighthello everyone. I'm new to irc.17:13
lordcirthblu3_light, hi17:13
lordcirthSnackerr, well, FreeNAS has a nice GUI for ZFS.17:13
Snackerrlordcirth, i also read that LUKS encryption messes up ZFS's magic abilities  :(17:13
Snackerrlordcirth,  https://pthree.org/2012/08/21/encrypted-zfs-filesystems-on-linuxzfs17:14
blu3_lightdo you know the python channel? :)17:14
lordcirthSnackerr, that method works too17:14
blu3_lighthi lordcirth thanks for welcoming me to the group.17:15
Snackerrlordcirth,  i dont have RAID, just one  Backup-HDD that i manually Sync once a week. so i'm thinkin about ZFS for that, but it will Definitley be over 90% full (so fragmented to the point of no return, if i use ZFS???)17:15
Noruxexplosive, that worked!17:15
lordcirthHowever, ZFS was not originally designed for situations where block-level data-at-rest encryption was needed17:15
SnackerrEXT4 is fine with 90% full, and has Defrag tools also17:15
Noruxexplosive, is there any other driver I could possibly use that is updated for 16.04?17:15
explosiveNorux: great17:15
lordcirthSnackerr, why would you use ZFS for a single drive?  Snapshots?17:16
lordcirth!alis | blu3_light17:16
ubottublu3_light: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http17:16
Snackerrlordcirth,  to prevent bit-rot, etc? any other reason?17:16
exSnakewhat's the difference between doing find . -size +1024k -fprint file.txt17:16
exSnakeand find . -fprint file.txt -size +1024k17:16
explosiveNorux: i think amd has a pro version of the amdgpu driver, not so sure about how well it works though17:16
lordcirthSnackerr, ZFS on one disk will detect bitrot, not fix it, unless you use copies=217:16
lordcirthIt can, however, tell you what file is damaged so you can fix it17:17
Noruxexplosive, hmm. I might just stick with this one (is that the one provided by Canonical?)17:17
explosiveNorux: the one you're using right now?17:18
Noruxexplosive, yes17:18
jamesdif you want ecryption for ZFS out of the box, you need to use Solaris 11...17:18
explosiveNorux: it should be the one by canonical17:19
explosiveunless you manually installed something else or a ppa did17:19
explosivei think it's this package xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu17:20
Noruxexplosive, okay i thought so. Yeah, that's already installed. offtopic question: do you use xchat?17:20
coventryWhat is the actual command-line command which kicks off the ubuntu desktop (want it for a docker image.)17:21
xanguacoventry: you mean install?17:21
explosiveNorux: yeah17:21
navdeephello world17:21
Noruxexplosive, is there an option to auto disable the join-/leave-messages?17:21
coventryxangua: No, I mean the command the login manager runs to kick off your desktop environment when you successfully log in.17:22
explosiveNorux: you mean xchat or gnome-crap?17:22
explosiveNorux: xchat isn't in 16.04 by default17:22
lordcirthNorux, it will be in your IRC client's settings17:22
zykotick9!quietirssi | Norux17:22
ubottuNorux: To ignore joins/parts/quits in your favorite IRC client, see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages17:22
kevdog@Norux -- it's in the settings of xchat17:22
* zykotick9 suggests NOT using xchat and instead using the supported hexchat in it's place17:23
lordcirthHexchat is nice.  I'm using it17:23
explosiveit's ugly imho17:23
danangi use hexchat17:23
kevdogI'm currently using hexchat -- but that's because I'm on a Mac right now.  What happened to xchat? Did it fork?17:23
Noruxkevdog, it's not :(17:24
lordcirthHexchat is not particularly exciting, I admit, but it works fine.17:24
kevdogWhat's better?17:24
explosivethe fonts suck imho17:24
lordcirthexplosive, well you can change fonts17:24
zykotick9kevdog: fyi, xchat is a dead/unsupported project...17:24
lordcirthirssi or weechat are nice - once you get decent configs17:24
explosivelordcirth: i tried making it a clone of xchat, downloaded a bunch of stuff, still sucked17:24
\9kevdog: xchat died, hexchat is a continuation17:25
explosiveto each his own though, i'm using the 15.10 version of xchat17:25
kevdog@zykotick9 -- I didn't know that -- Not a fan of irssi17:25
lordcirthI just tried setting my hexchat font to Terminus - 9 is too small and 10 is too big :(17:27
explosivealso i couldn't get the left side and chat side and input side background to be different17:28
explosivelike in xchat it's white on the left, light gray in the channel, and white at the bottom etc. in hexchat it's just one color for all17:29
Noruxwho recommended hexchat to me?17:32
Noruxhahaha okay. how do i set the automatic authorization here :D17:32
explosiveyou like?17:32
Noruxyes ;)17:33
lordcirthNorux, Ctrl-S for network list17:33
lordcirthSet auth per netowkr17:33
Noruxcan i set them globally lordcirth?17:35
Noruxoh. nvm17:35
lordcirthNorux, why would you want to autosend your password to all IRC servers?17:35
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cyborg_ninjahello everyone17:37
ioriaexplosive, we are only two in here using xchat .... i found a ppa for 16.0417:38
explosiveioria: ;)17:38
cyborg_ninjaim using irssi17:39
Noruxone last question, will hexchat show up in my notification tab? like where thunderbird is for example?17:39
cyborg_ninjawhat is better irc client... I'm new here in IRC soo happy17:39
ioriaexplosive, ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager  ; install y-ppa-manager , search for xchat and install it17:39
cyborg_ninjahave you also used empathy?17:39
xanguacyborg_ninja: empathy sucks for irc, period17:41
Noruxexplosive: Thanks a lot again. This is the 4th time you helped me repair my computer even though you don't know it hahaha17:42
explosiveNorux: no problem :)17:43
lordcirthcyborg_ninja, irssi is nice if you like it.  If you want a GUI IRC client, Hexchat is nice.17:44
cyborg_ninjalordcirth, i'll try sometime in the future.17:46
cyborg_ninjahow long does the NickServe sends a verification on the email?17:47
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lordcirthcyborg_ninja, shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.  Check your spam folder too17:48
cyborg_ninjalordcirth, thanks.. what other channels do you visit?17:48
lordcirthcyborg_ninja, on Freenode, #ubuntu , sometimes #archlinux , and whatever tool I am working with at the moment17:50
cyborg_ninjalordcirth, thanks.. you do sysadmin job?17:51
lordcirthcyborg_ninja, I am interning as a junior sysadmin, basically17:52
cyborg_ninjalordcirth, nice.. I'm an IT auditor, if your familiar with it... I have a bit of a problem.17:53
htnshi, what is the difference between "Xubuntu minimal installation" and "Xubuntu desktop"17:54
htnswell, desktop is self-explanatory, but is "minimal installation" a superset of desktop?17:54
htnsor is it something completely different?17:54
lordcirthhtns, a subset17:55
lordcirthhtns, is this on the download page?17:55
xanguahtns: you're talking about xubuntu core?17:55
OerHeksjust a set of minimal core apps, not that much smaller than normal xubuntu17:55
htnsim installing ubuntu mini iso17:55
htnsand it's asking me choose sw to install17:55
lordcirthhtns, oh, in the installer?17:55
lordcirthJust install Xubuntu desktop17:56
htnslordcirth, yes, so far i have standard system utilities and openssh server selected17:56
lordcirthhtns, oh that list, ok.17:57
htnsso what exactly is "Xubuntu minimal installation?" i google'd but cant find the difference b/w "xubuntu desktop"17:57
catopetthow do i start / run flightgear? sudo flightgear does not work, help17:57
xangua!mini | htns17:57
ubottuhtns: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:57
OerHeksrunning flightgear as root is a bad idea17:58
lordcirthxangua, I think he's at the installer menu in the normal CD?17:58
OerHeksjust use the laucher in your menu17:58
OerHeksindeed xangua xubuntu-minimal is xubuntu-core http://xubuntu.org/news/introducing-xubuntu-core/17:59
catopettHow do i run it then? I do not find it in menu17:59
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lordcirthcatopett, "locate flightgear" to search for it18:01
OerHeksif you disabled indexing programs and documents, flightgear starter shall be found next login18:02
catopettFound it on desktop, ok i give it a try18:02
UtilsHi. I had ubuntu installed, and I have no idea what I did but I must of removed the partition through windows (it was a long time ago I must of did this). I'm getting grub no such partition. Upon doing the ls command I have (hd0)(hd0,msdos5)(hd0,msdos2)(hd0,msdos1) I tried ls on them but it returned unknown filesystem on all.18:02
UtilsI want to keep the windows install but I guess at this stage I want ubuntu removed but of course I can't boot. Any ideas how to fix this?18:03
cyborg_ninjahello guys. what is the status of 16.10 lts?18:03
xanguacyborg_ninja: 16.10 won't be LTS18:03
lordcirth16.04 is LTS18:04
cyborg_ninjaxangua: haha, sorry. what was the lts version again.18:04
lordcirthIt's a bit of a strange system18:04
_Kevin_Is there a way to update my samsung 850 evo firmware on ubuntu 16.04?18:05
lordcirth_Kevin_, iirc samsung provides a bootable iso for that18:06
_Kevin_that's only for the 840 evo and below18:06
_Kevin_I was reading on the archwiki that there is a samsung magician in the aur "Another option is to use Samsung's samsung_magicianAUR, which is available in the AUR."18:07
_Kevin_and it doesn't work with wine or playonlinux (basically the same thing)18:08
_Kevin_the .exe from the samsung website18:08
cyborg_ninjaguys i'll gonna go. i'll be back in the future.18:08
OerHeks_Kevin_, there is an linux version of it http://askubuntu.com/questions/537471/samsung-magician-on-ubuntu-14-0418:08
MikerhinosNot sure if I set something wrong in keyboard layout, but I can't do special chars like caps "ç" (normally alt+0199)18:09
lordcirthMikerhinos, Linux doesn't work that way18:11
lordcirthMikerhinos, there is the compose key18:11
_Kevin_The thing where it says where to download the firmware and whatnot, the link has changed and I can no longer access it18:11
lordcirthMikerhinos, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComposeKey18:11
OerHekskevin, open terminal : wget http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/minisite/SSD/downloads/software/samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2.tar.gz18:13
OerHeksand hopla18:13
Mikerhinoslordcirth, Ok I'm in the layout options menu, is there any choice that will give the "alt" key the same combinations as in Windows to do special chars ?18:15
lordcirthMikerhinos, no, the compose key uses human-readable combos, for example Compose-e' gives you an e with an accent, u" gives umlaut, etc18:18
_Kevin_can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong? https://paste.ubuntu.com/17000404/18:20
Mikerhinoslordcirth, Ok so it will be complicated for me lol, I'm french and we have the "ç" letter, and I don't find how to do a capital version of it :/ I Guess I'll just copy paste from web lol18:20
ioriaMikerhinos, try  ctrl+shift+u  and type 00e7    and  enter18:20
k1l__Kevin_: are your sure its a .tar.gz?18:21
_Kevin_that's the file extension18:21
ioriaMikerhinos, capital ?   ctrl+shift+u  and type 00c718:22
_Kevin_Tar archive (gzip-compressed) (application/x-compressed-tar)18:22
Mikerhinosioria, Where did you got these magic numbers ? lol, because it works : Ç18:22
lordcirth_Kevin_, are you sure it finished downloading correctly?18:22
ioriaMikerhinos, it's the Unicode http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/00e7/index.htm18:23
_Kevin_lordcirth: yes https://paste.ubuntu.com/17000592/18:24
lordcirth_Kevin_, ok, well try "gunzip"18:24
bmcgahananyone have experience with iptables, ufw, and nat?18:24
bmcgahanI have an order of operations problem I can't figure out18:24
Mikerhinosioria, Thanks, added http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/a.htm to my bookmarks :)18:24
_Kevin_says it's not in gzip format18:25
ioriaMikerhinos, bon18:25
lordcirthbmcgahan, I have some experience with iptables.  My experience with ufw is "don't use it"18:25
andersonbmcgahan, order of operations? Like math?18:25
andersonok sorry.18:25
bmcgahanI have two lines as follows18:25
bmcgahansudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i bond0 -p tcp --dport 11001 -j DNAT --to-destination
bmcgahansudo ufw insert 1 allow from
andersonmy bad.18:25
lordcirthbmcgahan, you can pastebin your "iptables -L"18:25
lordcirth" iptables -L | pastebinit "18:26
Mikerhinosioria, Hey you're from Texas, do you know how's the weather in Austin ? Because in a few hours there's the FMX Best Trick in the X-Games and I hope to see it tomorrow lol (8:30PM here in France)18:26
_Kevin_didn't know about pastebinit, pretty useful imo18:27
bmcgahanso what I'm trying to do is poke a hole in the firewall, so that when someone telnets to the server at port 11001 it translates to an inside host at port 702318:28
bmcgahanthat part is working fine18:28
bmcgahanbut it's open to all sources18:28
OerHekskevin123, enough info to find howto unpack .. https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=46645.018:28
bmcgahanI only want it to translate if the traffic is coming from
OerHekstar xvfz ..18:28
bmcgahanbut apparently the nat rule also opens the firewall hole18:28
lordcirthbmcgahan, is your internal network?18:29
bmcgahanbond0 is the outside interface18:29
lordcirthbmcgahan, and you want to port forward?  And block all but a certain internet IP from using the port forward?18:30
_Kevin_OerHeks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/17000944/18:31
bmcgahanyeah exactly18:31
bmcgahanline 231 is blocking those ports "-A ufw-user-input -i bond0 -p tcp -m multiport --dports 11001:11030 -j DROP"18:31
k1l__Kevin_: are you sure that is that file?18:31
ioriaMikerhinos, i'm not from Texas, sorry18:31
lordcirthbmcgahan, but it is running after the NAT lines18:31
k1l__Kevin_: and not a corrupted website shipping some random code instead of that file?18:31
bmcgahanbut lines 33-92 are being processed first18:31
bmcgahanyeah that's the problem18:31
bmcgahanI don't know how to get it to run before the nat18:31
Mikerhinosioria, Yes you're from Italy lol sorry I looked at the freenode server...Anyway thanks for the infos ! :)18:32
lordcirthbmcgahan, and you want to do this with ufw?18:32
bmcgahanor iptables18:33
ioriaMikerhinos, no problem ^_°18:33
bmcgahanufw is already there I can't remove it completely18:33
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bmcgahanit's a cloud app that automatically adds these UFW rules during deployment18:33
bmcgahanand I'm trying to add these exceptions afterwards18:34
lordcirthah tricky18:34
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_Kevin_k1l_: https://i.imgur.com/Uc6TIBF.png18:35
bmcgahanwhat about in the nat statement itself "-A PREROUTING -i bond0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 11001 -j DNAT --to-destination"18:35
bmcgahancan I say only NAT if coming from
=== anderson is now known as stumpy
OerHekskevin123, i see, cannot help you there18:35
OerHekscontact samsung maybe?18:36
_Kevin_It's fine, not your fault18:36
k1l__Kevin_: yes, you loaded "something"18:36
OerHeksbad archive ..18:36
lordcirthbmcgahan I think there is a way to do that18:37
k1l_kevin123: bu i still think that this "something" is not what you think it is.18:37
=== stumpy is now known as anderson
k1l__Kevin_: ok, just test the link in a browser: http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/minisite/SSD/downloads/software/samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2.tar.gz18:38
k1l__Kevin_: and if you look at the wget output "301 moved". the link is not working18:38
lordcirth_Kevin_, run "file <filename>"18:38
_Kevin_It's from this site (https://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=46645.0 and another user linked me the same link, and it was on an ubuntu forums answer. This is the wget site I've been using http://www.samsung.com/global/business/semiconductor/minisite/SSD/downloads/software/samsung_magician_dc-v1.0_rtm_p2.tar.gz18:38
lordcirth_Kevin_, yeah, click that link, it redirects to the samsung homepage18:39
lordcirthyou downloaded a bunch of html and stuff18:39
_Kevin_Ah I see18:40
lordcirthbmcgahan, you could also add a rule to block traffic to the forwarded port, when it is coming from your gateway.18:40
_Kevin_So I'm guessing it's no longer available. Would the firmware be included anyway in kernel backports?18:40
lordcirth_Kevin_, why do you need the firmware, again?  Is there a bug?18:40
_Kevin_No, just optimizations18:40
_Kevin_I read somewhere that it's good to update the firmware for ssd's18:41
bmcgahanlordcirth: how though?18:41
k1l__Kevin_: i dount it would be included in the kernel at all. that is stuff that samsung needs to fix on their machines18:41
lordcirthbmcgahan, is your gateway your firewall?18:42
bmcgahanthere is no gateway it's just a server on the internet18:43
bmcgahanit's a cloud server18:43
lordcirthbmcgahan, ok but what hosts is it NAT'ing for, then?18:43
bmcgahanit's a hypervisor18:43
bmcgahanit's natting to the guests18:43
lordcirthoh ok it's NATing for VMS18:43
hooli_Kevin_: https://github.com/hughsie/fwupd18:44
lordcirthOk, so something like this, I think: iptables -A FORWARD -s <server internal ip> --dport <internal port> -j REJECT18:45
lordcirthbmcgahan, ^18:46
lordcirther, maybe not18:46
daumie@ruben HI buddy18:46
lordcirthbmcgahan, I mostly use shorewall to manage iptables, I find it much easier.18:47
_Kevin_hooli: that's already included in ubuntu and I have nothing to update. I guess I don't need to update anything then.18:47
_Kevin_Thanks for all the help, guidance, and info everyone :)18:47
lordcirthbmcgahan, have you considered a VPN between these 2 machines?18:49
OerHekshave fun kevin18:49
daumie-kelvin_ You are welcomed :-)18:49
bmcgahanlordcirth: adding the -s from the NAT statement fixed it18:55
bmcgahanthanks for the help18:55
bmcgahansudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i bond0 -s -p tcp --dport 12030 -j DNAT --to-destination
lordcirthbmcgahan, ah excellent18:55
lordcirthYeah that makes sense18:56
lordcirthbmcgahan, if ever you find yourself using iptables, and there's no existing system in place like here, don't, use shorewall.18:58
lordcirthShorewall is great.18:58
=== robert__ is now known as PickledEggs
catopett7nickserv identify 5eiknygt19:09
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lordcirthcatopett, time to change your password, lol19:13
catopettI know, how do i do that?19:13
lordcirthcatopett, always do that from the server tab, not the channel, just in case19:13
lordcirthcatopett, /query nickserv19:13
lordcirthcatopett, then say "help"19:13
catopett /msg NickServ DROP catopett 5eiknygt 3a3af9f6:39155bab19:17
lordcirthcatopett, 2 mistakes: 1, doing this in channel where a mistake can post it.  Should do it in Freenode tab so it doesn't go anywhere.19:18
OerHekscatopett, do this in a private channel, we all have fun now19:19
lordcirthsecondly, don't put spaces in front of the slash19:19
lordcirthmichael_, hi19:19
catopettIt is the keyboard, it does not work all time correckt19:19
michael_is this here a better place to ask for widi/miracast sink-server than in #ubuntu-devel?19:19
catopettHow do i change password then, need help19:20
lordcirthcatopett, /query nickserv.  Do everything in that tab.19:20
Fuchscatopett: /msg nickserv help set password19:20
Fuchscatopett: if you want to _drop_ the account I think it's a bit pointless, mind19:21
PickledEggsSo I'm new to Linux and using 16.04 but I'm trying to learn some of the finer points of the command line in preparation for the Linux+ and I'm having a little trouble nailing down exactly how the -p flag works with the command cp and unfortunately the man pages aren't helping. When I cp a file inside my home directory it seems to keep ownership and permissions with the exception of write permission for others - if the original file19:21
PickledEggshad that write permission the copied file removes it but keeps all other permissions even without the -p flag to preserve permissions and ownership. If I cp files outside my home directory the -p flag acts as expected.19:21
michael_i need help with connman (new version), wpa_supplicant (new version) and https://github.com/01org/wds19:21
PickledEggsIs there some sort of rule or guideline to when permission/ownership is preserved without the -p flag?19:21
PickledEggsIs it just in my home directory or is it when I cp between any two folders I own?19:22
lordcirthPickledEggs, when you say "cp files outside my home directory" do you mean copying things into it, or out of it?19:23
catopettNow i have changed password19:23
lordcirthcatopett, great :)19:23
akarvi /join ubuntu-de19:24
lordcirthcatopett, you may want to setup SASL if your client supports it, so you don't have to auth manually every time19:24
catopettI do have to identify again or do i?19:24
lordcirthcatopett, whenever you connect to freenode you need to login.  Most IRC clients support doing this for you.19:24
michael_any idea, how to get miracast (widi) as a sink-server (receiver) working on ubuntu 16.04 (16.10)?19:25
ioriaPickledEggs, cp -p works fine here19:25
PickledEggsI'm more curious about when file permissions are preserved without the -p flag19:25
PickledEggsif I have a file with 777 permissions in ~/Documents and I cp it to ~/OldDocs which has folder permissions of 700 the file retains 777 permissions19:27
Bashing-omPickledEggs: A good tutirial on permissions: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/Permissions .19:27
ioriaPickledEggs, yep19:29
PickledEggsThank you Bashing, I'll take a look. I've got a pretty good handle on permissions, just the unexpected behavior of cp preserving permissions without using the -p flag when moving files between folders with different permissions inside my home directory19:29
SoulboyHi I was hoping I could get some help with my WiFI issues I haev a log for it here http://paste.ubuntu.com/17003812/19:30
SoulboyI'm trying to dual boot ubuntu on an alienware 15 r2 but I don't think it recognizes my WiFi card despite having installed the firmware for it and such (it's running the killer wireless 1535 card)19:31
ioriaPickledEggs, with -p, flag i mean19:32
PickledEggsyeah, it happens even without the -p flag, which is what threw me off19:33
ioriaPickledEggs, are you sure ?19:33
PickledEggscertain, but only IF both folders are subfolders of my home directory19:34
ioriaPickledEggs, did you use -r to chmod the folder ?19:34
PickledEggsI left the folder with default permissions19:35
PickledEggsand chmod the file to 77719:35
PickledEggsthen cp to the new folder19:35
PickledEggsI was just trying to play with cp and the various flags to make sure I understood them, but this has been nagging me since it didn't do what I expected and I can't seem to find any real documentation about when it works that way19:36
ioriaPickledEggs, make a try ,  touch filename, chmod 777 filename, mkdir dirname, chmod -R 700 dirname, then cp (without -p ) filename in dirname19:36
PickledEggswhen I do that the file in the new directory is now 77519:38
ioriaPickledEggs, yep19:38
ioriaPickledEggs, use -p19:38
ioriaPickledEggs, to preserve19:39
PickledEggsyeah, I get that part19:39
PickledEggsI tired it just to be sure and it retains 77719:39
PickledEggswhat I'm stumped about is why when I copy it without -p it changes to 775 and not 700 like the folder19:40
lordcirthPickledEggs, when you do "touch newfile" what permissions does it have?19:40
catopettPickledEggs: Is'nt it easyer to use mc?19:40
ioriaPickledEggs, man umask19:41
PickledEggscatopett, I'm just trying to understand this part of cp, my teacher explained it so poorly she confused herself19:42
jarlathI'm a bit out of touch with processors these days. Could someone tell me if they think laptop 1 would be much faster than laptop 2 (which I already run Ubuntu on and it's very nice)? [1]: http://www.ebay.ie/itm/201596048734?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT19:43
jarlath[2] http://www.ebay.ie/itm/311589162878?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT19:43
lordcirthHonestly I have never really thought about the cp permission defaults.  Usually I just look and chmod19:43
akikjarlath: buying a ssd is such a speed boost compared to a hdd that i can honestly suggest that19:44
jarlathakik: I have SSD in it and will put one in the new model.19:44
lordcirthjarlath, 2.13 Ghz 2 core HT  vs 2.4Ghz 2 core HT.  And the turbo freq is the same, 2.9.  I don't see that much improvement.19:46
lordcirthjarlath, Wait, which laptop do you already have?19:47
jarlathlordcirth: thanks. I've seen such price differences between i5 and i7 on Dell's site that I thought it would make a big diff. I have the Dell one at the moment (i5) and I'm eyeing up the HP.19:47
lordcirthjarlath, The dell is faster.19:47
lordcirth2.4 Ghz vs 2.119:47
jarlathlordcirth: thanks, glad I asked as I had it backwards :)19:48
lordcirthjarlath, np.  What is slow, exactly?  Are you sure it's CPU?19:48
catopettI do not like DELL, i am a HP-person my self19:49
lordcirth2.4 isn't that bad for a laptop.  4GB RAM is a bit small though.19:49
jarlathlordcirth: The Dell runs well and I was going to just get a 2nd one. But when I saw the HP for the same price and i7 vs i5 I thought maybe I should consider it.19:49
lordcirthjarlath, I thought you were replacing the laptop.  You want a second one?19:50
jarlathlordcirth: yes, one was for my daughter - we got it cheap. But it turned out to be the snappiest machine in the house :) So now that she's using it more I'm getting tired of my 9 year old lump that's significantly slower.19:51
lordcirthjarlath, Ah I see.  Well, of those 2, the Dell is better, but I think you could get a different laptop that's better.19:51
lordcirthDepending on your budget, maybe.19:52
jarlathlordcirth: much appreciated. I'll dig around a bit more. But the price is quite good and I won't be gaming.19:52
jarlathlordcirth: out of curiosity, what spec would you boost and by how much if you had to pick one - cpu? I already have a spare SDD.19:53
catopettwhait does this mean? "Connection reset by peer"19:53
jarlathcatopett: it means the server/service you were downloading from/logged into has dropped your connection.19:54
jarlathcatopett: for example, if I'm rendering a large web page from my server and I shut it down, that message could appear in the browser that was accessing it. Could be ssh i'm thinking of, can't remember.19:55
lordcirthjarlath, I would want 8GB RAM.  After that, I would boost CPU single-thread up to 2.8Ghz or so, then I'd look at quad-core.19:55
jarlathlordcirth: gotcha.19:56
jarlathThanks again.19:56
lordcirthjarlath, np19:56
catopettDELL = Du Er Lett-Lurt19:58
jnagroi need ideas debugging why my sdcard reader wont show up in 16.0420:01
jnagromacbook pro 13" retina (12,1)20:02
jnagrolots of docks online how to boot from sdcard (never got these to work)20:02
lordcirthjnagro, lspci, lsusb20:02
jnagrodoesnt show in any of those.20:02
jnagroi *think* its probbaly a usb device under the covers20:02
k1l_jnagro: sdcard is known to be an issue on apple hardware.20:02
jnagrok1l_: so i'm out of luck?20:03
k1l_jnagro: on some devices the sd-card and wifi chip can interfer. so try to use ethernet instead of wifi and see if that works.20:03
OerHekssome cardreaders and wireless have the same controller on macbook pro20:03
jnagroits not the end of the world, it would just be nice. i have a small microsd storage expansion thing that fits perfectly in the slot - works in OSX20:04
jnagrowhich would effectively double the storage i have available20:04
jnagrobut, like i said, not the end of the world.20:04
OerHeksis your wireless BCM57765 by any chance ?20:04
jnagro03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43602 802.11ac Wireless LAN SoC (rev 01)20:05
PickledEggsThank you ioria and Bashing-om, I've got it down now. My Linux teacher did a terrible job of explaining how that part of cp works and confused me by erroneously telling us that without -p files would always take on the permissions of the destination directory, which is simply untrue.20:07
lordcirthPickledEggs, many IT teachers who try to do a Linux unit do poorly20:08
PickledEggsyeah, no kidding - I often feel like I have a better grasp on the material than her, and I only know what I've had to pick up to keep my AWS and Google Compute Engine web servers running20:09
lordcirthI was lucky and got a really good teacher that year, he actually wrote the Linux+ textbook20:10
PickledEggsthe Sybex one?20:11
lordcirthPickledEggs, https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4019770.Jason_W_Eckert20:11
lordcirthAlso he was on the team that ported Gentoo (and the linux kernel) to mips6420:12
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PickledEggsdamn, that's cool20:16
PickledEggswhat school if you don't mind me asking?20:17
MonkeyDustguys keep that for -offtopic20:19
lordcirthMonkeyDust, sorry20:19
Bashing-omPickledEggs: :) .. this is20:20
Bashing-om'buntu .. we are all in this together .20:20
Guest93007does anyone knows what `Unnamed/non-netdev interface` means in the output of $iw dev?20:20
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pilnei really don't know what i did to cause this, and it has happened on several varieties of ubuntu (unity, xubuntu, gnome, and mate), and several versions (15.04, 15.10, and 16.04). when i first install and pop up a terminal, i get a prompt instantly. After a while, when pulling up a terminal, it takes about a second or so to get a usable prompt, any ideas?20:27
auronandacepilne: you can wait a second or so20:28
lordcirthauronandace, he can, but that wasn't the question20:28
pilnei mean i do, i've never let that be the reason i re-install (that happens when i do something massively stupid lol), but it is a bit of a niggle i'd like to rid myself of.20:28
lordcirthpilne, if you run "history" how long is it?20:29
lordcirthAh, that's probably not it then20:29
lordcirthpilne, if you open a new tab in the terminal, is it fast?20:29
pilnethe only *wierd* thing i install could be nvm for managing node.js versions20:29
lordcirthWhat about when you run "bash"20:30
pilnenew tab has same delay20:30
lordcirthpilne, did nvm put anything in your .bash_profile or .bashrc ?20:30
pilneyes, it puts a small shim in to control which version of node loads20:30
lordcirthin .bashrc ?20:30
lordcirthThat's probably it20:30
pilnethis is pretty beefy hardware, so i didn't think that would be the cause, but i wouldn't be surprised to find out it is20:31
lordcirthpilne, SSD?20:32
pilneno, i7 2.2ghz, 12gb ram. but spinning platters still >.< lol20:32
pilnei've been meaning to put a ssd in20:32
MonkeyDustpilne  ssd isnt the new standard yet, i alsoi have spinning platters20:39
OerHeksNVMe is the new standard :-) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NVM_Express20:40
lordcirthI have a 250GB SSD and a 1TB, 1.5TB, and 2TB random spare drives with 1TB raidz on each.  It's a weird setup.20:40
compdocwasting a little space20:42
enoch85does ubuntu 16.04 get IP from DHCP at startup?20:47
MonkeyDustenoch85  yes, unless you changed the network settings20:48
enoch85it doesnät seem like it, because I provide VMs and my users have connection issues20:48
enoch85they have to run ifconfig -a to get the correct iface20:48
MonkeyDustenoch85  ok, try changing the vm network settings to bridged, instead of NAT20:48
enoch85MonkeyDust: they are bridged... when I package it I get ens33 but my users get something else...20:49
enoch85MonkeyDust: and ubuntu doesn't recognize it20:49
OerHeksenoch85, check networkmanager, 'allow all users' enabled?20:49
enoch85OerHeks: can you be more specific please?20:50
OerHeksno, just check networkmanager and your connection details20:50
lordcirthcompdoc, me?  If the ZFS ever gets near full, I'll use the rest for scratch space.20:51
enoch85OerHeks: how do I get to networkmanager from cli?20:51
lordcirthenoch85, are these Ubuntu desktop or Server VM's?20:51
enoch85lordcirth: server vms20:51
OerHeksif you say ubuntu 16.04, we assume the desktop.20:51
enoch85OerHeks: sorry20:52
enoch85OerHeks: cutting edge here...20:52
OerHekson server you want no networkmanager :-D20:52
lordcirthFor Server, network settings are in /etc/network/interfaces20:52
enoch85lordcirth: yeah I'm aware of that, that's why I got confused20:52
lordcirthenoch85, just to be clear, you are making VMs, then sending them to clients?20:52
enoch85lordcirth: so what should I change, there are now "allow all users" afaik20:53
lordcirthAnd it's not working the same on their system?20:53
enoch85lordcirth: yes20:53
lordcirthenoch85, VirtualBox?20:53
enoch85lordcirth: yes20:53
OerHeksenoch85, hmm i think you need to set static ip20:53
enoch85lordcirth: they get another iface, that's something new in 16.0420:53
enoch85depending on location and stuff afaik20:54
lordcirthenoch85, inside the vm, it gets ens33, but when it boots up on your client's vmware, it gets a different name?20:54
lordcirthThat would happen when the network settings for the VM (in vmware) differ.  ie providing a different emulated NIC type.20:54
enoch85lordcirth: static? hell no :) then they wouldn't be able to connect if their router is setup differently. this vm get's downloaded liek 100 times per day.20:55
enoch85lordcirth: I get ens33 inside the VM, and they get something else, not all the time though20:55
Bashing-omenoch85: I am getting a glimmer that networking interfacing has changed in 16.04/ Does this file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules exist ?20:55
lordcirthenoch85, OerHeks recommended static, not me20:56
enoch85Bashing-om: sec20:56
enoch85lordcirth: sorry..20:56
lordcirthOne way to fix it is to revert to eth# naming, yeah20:56
enoch85btw guys, try downloading it yourself: https://cloud.fsgo.se/index.php/s/SEpDJG3JHqoZIyx20:57
lordcirthenoch85, I'm not sure many here are still on vmware20:57
lordcirthVirtualbox or qemu/KVM are common now.20:57
enoch85Bashing-om: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules does NOT exist20:57
OerHeksdisable predictable interface naming http://askubuntu.com/a/62850420:57
lordcirthAh, owncloud?  Interesting20:57
OerHeksi would get used to that20:58
enoch85I'm on esxi so that's why I made them in VMware20:58
lordcirthenoch85, fyi, vmware is being sued because esxi includes GPL'd linux kernel code.20:59
enoch85lordcirth: oh crap20:59
lordcirthenoch85, don't worry, you're not in trouble.20:59
lordcirthHowever, I would avoid deploying any new VMWare hosts if you have a choice, it was already losing popularity anyway21:00
lordcirthMay as well switch to KVM or Vbox21:00
enoch85lordcirth: to late, I set up my new server in esxi just a few days ago21:00
enoch85i was thinking of going to proxmox, but no21:01
enoch85I'm starting a new job next week and they use esxi so I figured I learn something by having it at home as well21:01
enoch85Bashing-om: what about the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ? should make one?21:02
htnshi, what is the best resource to learn java ee application development?21:02
enoch85worst case I will script it so that it runs ifconfig -a and gets the iface which is UP21:02
OerHekshtns, join ##java or #java for that, ubuntu phone is java-free \o/21:03
enoch85OerHeks: yay!21:03
OerHeksnot even dalvik ..21:04
enoch85OerHeks: cool stuff21:04
hppeople i have just installed lubuntu on an old HP laptop. i cannot get the wifi to work, anyone can help to tell me what is the hardware to install? i cannot find it...21:04
enoch85Bashing-om: I have /etc/udev/rules.d/99-vmware-scsi-udev.rules thoug21:04
OerHekshp check the drivers util first, type driver in dash21:05
Bashing-omenoch85: As I am getting a glimmer . Networking has changed .. I have not caught up .21:05
enoch85Bashing-om: thanks!21:05
hpOerHeks: type drivers in terminal?21:05
OerHekshp if no available driver shows up, open terminal: lspci # and see if the device is listed21:05
OerHekshp, no in dash, ubuntu search21:06
hpOerHeks: i have lubuntu not ubuntu21:07
lordcirthhp just use "lspci" then21:07
OerHeksLubuntu has LXDE menu > Preferences > Additional Drivers.21:08
lordcirthOh cool21:08
hpOerHeks: lordcirth ok i have a list of drivers but i do not udnerstand them, i don't know what i should be looking for21:08
lordcirthhp, OerHeks has just informed us that Lubuntu has a GUI for this ^21:09
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lordcirthI can never keep track of what variants come with what21:09
OerHeks1st part is video .. below that there is AMD/INTEL microcode, and wireless drivers possibly21:09
hplordcirth: OerHeks ok checking21:10
OerHekson 16.04 i would just do 'sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' and get over it ( this installs all available items, suitable by default config)21:10
OerHeksor run: sudo ubuntu-drivers list21:11
OerHekssystemd-analyze plot > /home/$USER/Documents/isthisniceoristhisnice.svg21:12
enoch85Bashing-om: please keep me updated if you find anything useful21:12
hpOerHeks: in ubuntu if you choose to download 3rd party apps and update during the installation you will get all the nesseary drivers, i did the same here in Lubuntu, but did not get the wifi nor flash21:14
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hpwill be back might need to restart and see what happens21:14
Bashing-omenoch85: I am in that learning process .. I Have not to this time made the move to 16.04 // But I will .. and want to be somewhat prepared .21:16
hpl0rdkermit: OerHeks ok i found the application you wrote about addidtional drivers, there were switched off, i switched them on and restarted. but still no wifi21:19
sonyхелло ворлд21:21
sonyесть кто то21:21
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minimechp: May I join the discussion.... As stupid as it sounds... Check if you have a WiFi-Hardware switch..., then try to run 'iwconfig' and 'rfkill' in a terminal. First command will show you if the system 'sees' your WiFi device. 2nd command would show you, whether the device is 'blocked' or not.21:22
minimechp: Also... Give us the exact model name of that HP computer.21:22
hpminimec: ok 1 moment, the HP laptop is HP pavilion, but not sure which model, it has an 11" screen, it is second hand from someone who has not used it for a while, it has intel core m21:23
hpi will run your commands now minimec21:24
minimechp: The exact rfkill command is 'rfkill list'. You may have to install the program.21:24
paul__i am new installed ubuntu mate21:26
winston2ksame here ubuntu-mate21:26
paul__very clean and fast21:26
hpminimec: paste of both commands, https://da.gd/zgqv21:27
winston2kyes it is are you using hexchat?21:27
hpthere is no wifi hardware swtich minimec21:27
winston2kim using irssi command line irc client21:28
paul__that is nice21:28
paul__irssi is a real chat client21:28
minimechp: Ok. The system doesn't see any wifi device. Look @ the back of the laptop or under the battery slot and give us the exact model name.21:28
winston2kstill learning21:28
hpminimec: ok 1 minute21:28
paul__i am looking for a way to add an event in to lightning calendar tru the panel (clock)21:29
hpminimec: would the model be 11-n101nx?21:29
auronandacehp: you may need to use a fn key combination21:29
hpauronandace: such as?21:30
auronandacehp: i can't see your keyboard so i don't know21:30
lordcirthhp, look for a keyboard key with a wifi symbol21:30
minimechp: Can you also give us the output of 'lspci' on fedora paste?21:32
paul___winston2k: here i am with irssi21:32
OerHeksbetter use paste.ubuntu.com21:32
hpminimec: ok 1 moment21:32
winston2kare you fluent in irssi?21:32
auronandacepaul___: you might like weechat if you want a maintained commandline irc client21:33
lordcirthjust " lspci | pastebinit "21:33
winston2kirssi is not maintianed anymore?21:33
hpminimec: https://da.gd/uDlYt21:33
paul___auronandace: i am already happy that i installed ubuntu mate :-)21:33
OerHekscarefull with those short url21:34
paul___on my lenovo21:34
hplordcirth: auronandace looked at all keys, no wifi symbol, there is airplane symbol that does nothing21:34
zykotick9paul___: re: auronandace's weechat suggestion, i've personally _tried_ on twice to switch from irssi -> weechat, but i've returned to irssi both time... YMMV.21:34
zykotick9s/on twice/twice/21:35
paul__i need to learn first use hexchat and then irssi ..21:35
minimechp: Give us the output of 'lspci -k | grep -A2 Broadcom'. I am looking at this thread on askubuntu... http://askubuntu.com/questions/402341/how-to-enable-drivers-for-bcm4314221:36
PickledEggshp: you sure f12 isn't a wifi function toggle?21:36
* zykotick9 is a very terminal-based person ;) http://imgur.com/tSxHIwW21:37
OerHekswhat is the output of # rfkill list21:37
hpminimec: https://da.gd/qaQx21:38
minimechp: I agree with PickledEggs. FN f12 might be a wifi toggler, but even then iwconfig should see the device, even if it is disabled, I guess.21:38
winston2kmy linux buddies shame me into command line...everything21:38
winston2kso thats why im using irssi21:38
hpPickledEggs: minimec F12 is the airplane mode, when i use it nothing changes, neither wifi shows up not the internet cuts out21:38
lordcirthwinston2k, it's a fast way to learn, I found21:39
minimechp: do you see any devices when you do 'rfkill list'?21:41
hpminimec: i see bluetooth only21:41
minimechp. ok. Give me a moment. It might be that the wrong Broadcom driver is loaded, but I need a 5. min break... ;)21:42
hpminimec: ok21:43
hpminimec: :-)21:43
coventryWhat is the actual command-line command which kicks off the ubuntu desktop (want it for a docker image.)  As in, after lightdm authenticates you, what commands does it run to start the desktop|21:43
Jordan_Uwinston2k: irssi is most definitely still being maintained and actively developed. What suggested otherwise?21:43
winston2kJordan, thought you were drawing a distinction between the two21:44
winston2kgreat then ill stay with irssi21:44
* paul___ going to sleep, bye bye21:44
coventryAh!  "unity"21:46
jhenkeHi, I am trying to run Xenail in a KVM VM with Virtio VGA to have proper OpenGL, but it does not get past the plymouth boot screen, so I do not even have a chance to see the cause of the problem. Did anybody got it working already?21:48
jhenkeThe kernel should have the proper DRM bits and well as Mesa in xenial21:48
vampi-the-froghey guys. is there a midnight commander IRC channel?21:51
compdocdont think Ive ever seen a Virtio VGA21:51
compdocthats not an option in virt-manager, at least21:52
minimechp: Ok. I am back. So you did not have any 'additional dirvers' to install right?21:53
lordcirth!alis | vampi-the-frog21:54
ubottuvampi-the-frog: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http21:54
lordcirthvampi-the-frog, doesn't look like it21:54
MonkeyDustvampi-the-frog  no, ask your question here21:55
hpminimec: i could not find any21:55
hpminimec: but i found the driver name21:55
vampi-the-frogwell I like how you can view large text files with good performance, and I want to write something to view a particular binary file format, but expanded to text21:55
vampi-the-frogso, kind of decompiling huge files21:56
minimechp: What do you mean by that? "but i found the driver name"21:56
vampi-the-frogbut somehow, make it so you can easily seek through the file (page up, page down, end, home) with good performance21:56
hpminimec: boardcom 802.11 linux STA wireless driver bcmwl-kernel-source21:57
hpminimec: not sure if it is or not21:57
MonkeyDustvampi-the-frog  F3 to view, F4 to edit21:57
PickledEggsSo if I want to stream protected flash content (e.g. mlb.tv, espn3) I have to use Firefox instead of Chrome right? Since FF still has legacy support for NPAPI and PPAPI doesn't support DRM content, right?21:57
vampi-the-frogMonkeyDust, I know that, I'm trying to add support for a binary format so one could "view" it with F321:59
hpminimec: BCM43142 802.11b/g/n is this usedul?21:59
minimechp: Ok. That's what I am asking myself. You have the driver 'bcma' loaded, but I guess you need 'bcmwl'.21:59
MonkeyDustvampi-the-frog  a sort of plugin, you mean?22:00
minimechp: We can try to 'blacklist' the 'bcma' driver once, and reboot. That would be the following command in the terminal: echo "blacklist bcma" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/wlan-blacklist.conf22:01
minimechp: Then reboot. If we are lucky... who knows...22:01
hpminimec: ok see you in 5 minutes22:01
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vampi-the-frogMonkeyDust, yeah22:02
dreamaddict_real quick...does anyone know where I can find info in order to make a better decision on which libcurl-dev to install...?22:03
MonkeyDustvampi-the-frog  start here, hope it helps https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=10417622:04
user2635does anyone know how to reset the home folders so they 'return' to the system language? Basically I switched back to english but my folder names haven't yet22:04
MonkeyDustauch, mint22:04
hpminimec: did not work :-(22:04
hpstill no wifi22:04
minimechp: can you give me the output of 'lspci -k | grep -A2 Broadcom' again?22:05
hpminimec: ok 1 moment22:05
MonkeyDust!find libcurl22:06
ubottuFound: libcurl3, libcurl3-dbg, libcurl3-gnutls, libcurl3-nss, libcurl4-doc, libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libcurl4-nss-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev, libcurl-ocaml, libcurl-ocaml-dev (and 25 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libcurl&searchon=names&suite=xenial&section=all22:06
hpminimec: https://da.gd/B8mLU22:07
minimechp: Did you give me the 'new' output, or just the same as before, because that 'bcma' module is still noaded.22:09
hpminimec: the new one22:09
minimechp: What does '/etc/modprobe.d/wlan-blacklist.conf' give you? It should say 'blacklist bcma'. <ctrl>x to close the nano software.22:12
minimechp 'nano /etc/modprobe.d/wlan-blacklist.conf'...22:12
hpminimec: yes blacklist bcma22:13
Bomber4ChatsOK, I'm having a difficult time figuring out where I'm losing myself when trying to properly install ubuntu, but here we go:22:14
Bomber4ChatsI have an MSI ws60 6qJ workstation laptop. It contains a 256GB SDD hard drive. What the Intel Rapid Storage Technology is showing me is that I actually have a SATA array with 2 128GB PCIe SSDs22:15
Bomber4ChatsWindows is showing me 1 disk for the SSD (there's another HD of 1TB)22:15
Bomber4Chatsso it shows 2 disks, instead of, say, 3222:15
Bomber4Chatsso it shows 2 disks, instead of, say, 32822:15
minimechp: ok. strange... We will remove that blacklist file again... 'sudo rm /etc/modrpobe.d/wlan-blacklist.conf' and verify that the 'bcwl-kernel-source' package is installed 'sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source'.22:16
Bomber4ChatsWhat happens is when I set SATA mode in BIOS to AHCI Ubuntu is seeing 2 drives of 128GB. Windows is showing that 40GB of the 256GB SATA array are being used by Windows (C:)22:16
Bomber4ChatsSo Ubuntu is not helping me see what not to allocate from the SSDs so as not to ruin Windows for Daul Booting\22:17
Bomber4ChatsI'm not sure what I should be disabling / enabling to have both Windows and Ubuntu agree on some disk partitioning that would have Windows have it's space, and Ubuntu have the ability to take some of that space on the SSD of itself, without ruining Windows22:18
hpminimec: when i command sudo rm /etc/modrpobe.d/wlan-blacklist.conf i get no file directory22:18
hpbcmwl-kernel-source  is installed22:19
LtLhp: modprobe was spelled wrong22:19
Bomber4Chats(and BTW, if I try to boot to Windows on AHCI, it won't (boot device not find, some similar text). This probably has to do with the fact that Windows was preinstalled on the SSD array)22:19
hpminimec: bcwl-kernel-source: command not found22:20
minimechp: Yeah I misspelled 'modprobe' in the command...22:20
hpLtL: thanks, fixed22:20
LtLhp: always use tab-completion when possible to avoid typo's22:21
hpLtL: will do  :-)22:22
minimechp: I misspelled that one again. It's 'bcmwl-kernel-source'22:23
hpminimec: still command not found22:24
minimechp: 'sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source' See... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&section=all&arch=any&keywords=bcmwl-kernel-source&searchon=names22:25
minimechp:  Do you have the 'restricted' repository enabled?22:26
hpminimec: already installed22:26
hpminimec: not sure if there is a restriction22:26
minimechp: So it's installed. ok.22:26
hpminimec: yep :-/22:27
Bomber4ChatsI hope someone hasn't seen my request yet so they can take a look at it. :P22:28
minimechp: So in the following forum post they purge and reinstall that kernel source package (besides blacklisting a Lenovo specific driver). I do not see the reason for that, but I don't really know what to do next. Blacklisting 'bcma' didi not do the trick, as it was loaded after reboot (strange). http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2302450&page=2&p=13398720#post1339872022:30
hpminimec: hmmmm its ok i will follow their instrcutions and see what happens, i really appriciate your help, there seems to be other inconsistancies with other firmware anyway, sound does not work etc...22:32
hpthank you so much :-)22:32
danawarHi Ubuntu i don't know where to take this question but inside networking on my VPN i tick the box 'use this connection only for resources on its network' and i cannot access resources on the network but if i untick i can additionally if i untick i no longer have working internet ! :(22:32
LtLminimec: does ubuntu need a 'deb-src' line in /etc/apt/sources.list to get source code?22:34
minimecLtL: Yes. If you want the sources of a package you need the 'deb-src' line of the according repository.22:35
LtLroger :)22:35
=== badon_ is now known as badon
OerHeks 22:50
cyborg_is irc HTTPS , I can debug., the information on this side or can say irc HTTPS programs for irc programming.:)23:01
cyborg_irc programs are https  ?!23:02
Bomber4Chats2So my windows boot manager is currently residing on my RAID0 array, which is running on my ssd.23:03
Bomber4Chats2I want to install Ubuntu on a part of that ssd.23:03
YankDownUndercyborg_, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat23:03
cyborg_after small program call ether ape too show protocol23:03
Bomber4Chats2Kinda sounds like a mission in impossible, no? I don't have a Windows 10 install disk / iso23:04
cyborg_pinging drones wired.23:04
Bomber4Chats2And I shouldn't think about deleting the raid volume, right?23:04
OerHeksBomber4Chats2, you can obtain one free from ms, ask in ##windows23:05
cyborg_tcpspy shows yes. irc is secure.23:05
YankDownUndercyborg_, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat23:06
OerHeksyou can enable ssl for irc, but https apps for irc ..23:06
lordcirthcyborg_, IRC is secure if enable ssl, but many don't.  So don't assume it's secure.23:07
cyborg_over out...developer23:07
seeithello, can someone help me troubleshoot setting up xrdp on a 14.04 Server running on azure?23:09
OerHeksseeit, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/xrdp .. else find the azure channel howto setup the host23:11
Bomber4Chats2If I have backed up an image of Windows to an external drive, will it incluse a Windows installer?23:12
seeitbeen there, and its not working, thanks23:12
daneshello, I am trying to extend my monitor to a third display using an hdmi to vga adapter. Right now I can mirror screens but not extend it. Any suggestions?23:18
hey00Hello, I just came back to ubuntu (mint), and after some updates, I have a software updater popup asking me to reboot. If I click "restart later", it comes back 10 minutes later. Anyone know how to make sure that popup will never again pop up on my screen?23:28
winston2kclick restart now23:29
HackerIIusually, when it asks to reboot, it needs to be rebooted23:29
OerHekshey00, click reboot, and it will disappear23:29
OerHeksor wait, is this a mint issue? happens on ubuntu too anyway23:30
hey00OerHeks: no, I don't want to reboot, and I don't want my OS to keep nagging me23:30
HackerIIel oh el23:30
HackerIIman-up and reboot23:31
hey00I tried fiddling with the settings but got nothing.23:31
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org23:31
hey00I installed ubuntu mint (official ubuntu flavor). And I didn't install linux to put up with windows-like bullshit, I want control of my system, I want to turn that popup off23:32
Bomber4Chats2Doesn't step 2 of the answer to this SO question delete windows from the disks? http://askubuntu.com/q/660023/55246623:32
HackerIIandroid has your name on-it23:32
daneshello, I am trying to extend my monitor to a third display using an hdmi to vga adapter. Right now I can mirror screens but not extend it. Any suggestions? can I do it directly on the terminal?23:33
hey00No idea?23:35
OerHekshey00, install dconf-editor, and edit com.ubuntu.update-notifier >> http://i.imgur.com/uUbiv7F.png23:35
hey00OerHeks: thanks, I'll try that23:35
OerHeksbut you will need a reboot to activate i guess23:36
zeecan some one pleas help me23:36
zeebasically i downloaded the OS by using unetbootin and it worked but the thing is windows is still there taking up a bunch of space also everything i download and update deletes everytime i restart or shutdown my computer im new to all this please for the love of god help me!!!23:36
zeebasically i downloaded the OS by using unetbootin and it worked but the thing is windows is still there taking up a bunch of space also everything i download and update deletes everytime i restart or shutdown my computer im new to all this please for the love of god help me!!!23:37
OerHeksa live usb is just a live usb, nothing get stored (unless you created a persistance part)23:38
zeehow exactly do i do that23:38
hey00zee: do you want to install ubuntu on your hard drive or keep using a live usb?23:39
zeei want to install it on my harddrive @hey0023:39
zeei want to delete windows but not till i get ubuntu to start saving my info23:40
jay_in mly hard disck for me but my os is Kubuntu23:40
=== Guest60007 is now known as coollinuxpenguin
hey00then once you boot on the live usb, you should have an "install ubuntu" icon on your desktop. click it and follow23:40
zeeok ive tried that but it wont let me because too much space is being used by windows23:41
coollinuxpenguindont install on bad23:41
coollinuxpenguinit wont work23:41
zeewhat is a bad hdd23:42
coollinuxpenguinhdd is hard disk drive23:42
zeehow do you know if its bad or not23:42
coollinuxpenguinbefore install do a the live disk23:43
OerHeksbad hdd is an prelimenairy conclusion, zee needs to make free space in windows first, then start the usb with installer23:43
coollinuxpenguinand check disk23:43
hey00I see. I guess you used the automatic install when prompted. I don't know how ubuntu does it. I would use gparted to reduce the windows parition and create a new empty one, then the manual mode of the install to tell it to use that new one23:43
zeeidk what a live disc is either im extremely new to all this23:43
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:43
coollinuxpenguinthat willl help23:44
kshenoyCan someone help me figure out why urxvt doesn't display a glyph properly? The glyph in question is U+29C923:45
coollinuxpenguinyou will love ubuntu23:45
zeehey00: yes i did automatic install . how do i figure  put which partition is windows23:45
coollinuxpenguinhow many partitions are there23:46
zeei think like 4 or 5 let me check real quick23:48
LtLzee: windows partition will be labeled NTFS23:48
LtLzee: fdisk -l23:49
zeeltl: you still there?23:50
LtLzee: yes23:50
zeecan u do a private chat with me so the rest of these chat pop ups wont confuse me23:51
LtLzee: we should keep it in the channel for cross-checking purposes, i am not familiar with live installs.23:52
zeeltl: i have three rows that says ntfs23:53
zeehow do i know which one to do23:53
LtLzee: the proper way to dual boot is boot windows, use disk management to shrink the NTFS partition and leave unallocated space for linux.23:54
zeeone says SYSTEM 199.00 MiB ..... the other sayd /cdrom 213.42 Gib23:54
LtLzee: thats weird, i won't touch that.23:54
minimeczee: try '/ignore * JOINS PARTS QUITS' without '' in the chat text line. If you are lucky, there will be much less 'flodding' in the #channel.23:55
LtLzee: okay, you have windows and a windows recovery partion, both you keep. the cdrom is irrelevant23:55
john38does anybody here know anything about GLabels????23:56
tominatorWhat partition table can be read by BIOS and UEFI?23:56
LtLzee: the point is to prepare the hdd for linux properly. from windows.23:57
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:57
tominatorubottu: I'd like for it to work on both23:58
zeeltl: ok so delete cdrom23:58
ubottutominator: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:58
OerHeksSize: minimum 100Mib. 200MiB recommended.23:58
OerHeksType: FAT3223:58
OerHeksOther: needs a "boot" flag.23:58
tominatorDoes GPT work on BIOS?\23:58
LtLzee: no, eject it. i dunno what youre doing with a cdrom partition.23:59
zeedo i go to windows to do this or use ubuntu23:59

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