=== everton is now known as Guest92857 | ||
xerodox | Hi Guys :D | 01:41 |
xerodox | This is mah first time using ubuntu Mate | 01:41 |
xerodox | I was using Crunch Bang | 01:41 |
xerodox | and I just got a new computer today and I figured it was time for a change | 01:42 |
xerodox | How are you all tonight? | 01:42 |
nomic | ok | 01:44 |
nomic | how are you | 01:44 |
nomic | z. | 01:48 |
xerodox | I am good. | 01:51 |
xerodox | Trying to find a way to pimp my Buntu | 01:51 |
xerodox | need a Xibit type guru to pimp my Buntu Mate. | 01:52 |
don_ | first time running ubuntu mate | 02:11 |
santiago_ | hi I am new in ubuntu mate, and i wonder if i can install a tree inside the box file manager? | 04:31 |
=== daniel is now known as Guest29838 | ||
Guest29838 | hello everyone | 05:41 |
mate_ | hi | 07:50 |
mate_ | i m new here | 07:50 |
mate__ | hello | 08:00 |
mate__ | everyone here? | 08:00 |
superkuh | Maybe. | 08:09 |
mate__ | haha | 08:22 |
mate__ | u r administartor? | 08:22 |
mate__ | what r u guys doing | 08:23 |
=== rw is now known as Guest28813 | ||
nereazif | hey how ya all doin im having issues its always tellin me i got a system problem everytime i start my pc | 08:38 |
nereazif | can anyone help us out | 08:39 |
nereazif | ill google it thanx anyway apreciate it | 08:40 |
amaroq | haro mates? | 09:30 |
gordonjcp | amaroq: morning | 09:31 |
amaroq | morning | 09:33 |
amaroq | I'm trying to suss out how one would go about creating a forum/site ? | 09:33 |
amaroq | Would I want to create a server and download the phpbb software? | 09:33 |
amaroq | Would I need to download the Ubuntu-server edition or can I simply download and add whatever default packages come with the server edition necessary to setup phpbb forum, to Mate? | 09:35 |
god__ | hello | 10:28 |
Paddy_NI | gordonjcp, I installed Ubuntu 16.04 and all of my hardware and software related issues from Ubuntu MATE 16.04 vanished | 15:00 |
=== gary is now known as Guest92069 | ||
=== gary_ is now known as Guest66529 | ||
amaroq | haro? | 18:31 |
=== bobby__ is now known as VoxMod | ||
user2635 | Within keyboard shortcuts, some entries show XF86Mail for example, for the email client | 20:05 |
user2635 | what doe XF86Mail mean? | 20:05 |
user2635 | does* | 20:06 |
noah_ | 1250 | 20:22 |
WireSniffer | Hi all, just thought i would let you know, that just a short while ago, my telegram desktop client for Ubuntu MATE was auto updating, and it downloaded and i pressed update when it asked, but it never actually installed the new version, anyway i removed the ppa thats shows in your software boutique and un-installed telegram client and replaced with ppa:atareao/telegram, then refreshed and it then installed telegram .49 and shows up in | 20:25 |
WireSniffer | Synaptic also. ? | 20:25 |
WireSniffer | so just thought id let you know incase anyone else has problems with telegram update, ppa:flexiondotorg/telegram appears to be problematic ? - this is the one shown in your Software Boutique. thanks | 20:28 |
winston2k | hello | 20:47 |
tripout | <3 mate | 21:51 |
=== twikzer is now known as Twikzer | ||
Twikzer | necesito ayuda, acabo de instalar ubuntu mate y no me funciona el sonido | 22:55 |
Bokmuske | Hi, Does anyone know what that telegram desktop client WireSniffer talked about is supposed to be? | 22:59 |
Bokmuske | Twikzer: How, the sound doesn't work? | 23:00 |
Twikzer | no, i put a music video in youtube for try diferent options, its not sound | 23:01 |
Bokmuske | Does de computer make a sound when you do something wrong? | 23:03 |
Twikzer | no | 23:04 |
Twikzer | is like i not connect the sound card, but with ubuntu and windows 7 its sound | 23:04 |
Bokmuske | There's a preference program for sound in the system menu: system/preferences/hardware/sound. | 23:05 |
Twikzer | yep | 23:06 |
Twikzer | i try with de sound ind the monitor, in the external soundcard and in the usb headphones | 23:07 |
Bokmuske | IN the prefs you can try the warning sounds to see if they make sound, and you can check the volume. | 23:08 |
Twikzer | it not hapen nothing | 23:10 |
Bokmuske | And the volume is wide open? | 23:10 |
Twikzer | is full, if it sound something, my neigbour go to wake up (01:11) | 23:11 |
Bokmuske | Oh dear. | 23:12 |
Bokmuske | And you checked the output tab already? | 23:13 |
Bokmuske | (Because you said you tried different output apparatus.) | 23:14 |
Twikzer | yes | 23:14 |
Twikzer | bfff, y go to restart and see what happend | 23:15 |
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