
tarpmanteward: not being snarky - being specific so you know where to look for more details :)00:00
tarpmanteward: but now I'm curious, how do you have rsync but not the manpage?00:00
tewardtarpman: question asked by coworker over texts00:00
tewardIRCing from my iPhone :p00:00
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Xinyo homies00:19
Xinany rsync peeps in here00:19
=== JanC is now known as Guest69235
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
XinI need to set up a bi-directional file sync00:19
Xinwell, actually between 3 nodes00:20
Xinso 2 links per node00:20
Xinbasically so all my servers self-replicate changes, wherever they're made00:20
Xinoverwriting files with newer modified times, adding new files, deleting explicitly deleted files00:21
Xinor is there something better than rsync for that?00:21
Xinlike some kind of replicating filesystem or somesuch00:22
Hawky__I found a dead link on the http://conjure-up.io homepage. It's been there for weeks. I emailed webmaster@ubuntu.com and webmaster@conjure-up.io, but it's still busted00:37
Hawky__the link is: The latest CONJURE-UP news - More CONJURE-UP news from Ubuntu Insights00:38
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Hawky__thought I might as well report it here incase any of the web admins for conjure-up.io are listening :)00:39
Xina broken link? ON A WEB PAGE?!00:40
therealtbereport it to w3c immediately00:40
therealtbethunderbirds r go00:40
Hawky__Slap bang in the middle of the homepage no less!00:40
=== Xin is now known as Asshole
=== Asshole is now known as Xinny
therealtbeubuntu server 14.04 installing from usb key;  it says it cannot mount CD-ROM.  there is no cdrom.  it's running from usb key duh00:42
therealtbewhy does it try to mount cd-rom when there is no cd-rom00:43
tewardikonia: jrwren: thanks to you both on the dovecot assists the past week or so - thanks to your assistance, and the Ubuntu community at large, and Google, my migration task of 9.10 -> 14.04 is DONE ^.^01:19
* teward can now work on the fifty other projects he has01:19
Xinnyhey peeps is there a way I can dump a file of packages loaded in apt-get so I can pipe it into apt-get on another system to do an approximately same/same setup?01:29
Xinnyphp -i01:29
Xinnylol soz01:29
tewardXinny: dpkg --get-selections01:35
tewardif you want to store it so you can move the file over: dpkg --get-selections > packages.txt01:35
tewardthen move packages.txt01:35
tewardthat's one way anyways01:36
Xinnythx teward - someone in #ubuntu suggested apt-clone too01:37
Xinnyboth look perfect01:37
tewardXinny: the one I just stated doesn't save auto or manual installed data though01:37
tewardnot sure about apt-clone01:37
tewardalso, for the future...01:37
teward!crosspost | Xinny01:37
ubottuXinny: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.01:37
tewardpick one, wait there01:37
Xinnyfair enough haha :)01:37
tewardif you don't get a reply in an hour consider a crossposte01:37
Xinnylool who's got an hour to sit on their hands01:37
Xinnyfor that kind of time id use forums01:38
Xinnyhey why does ubuntu server not include 'mail'02:14
Xinnywhere do I get that02:14
jrwrencongrats teward03:11
dirtyneed some help guys; I have a new supermicro server with 10 drive bays filled with 512GB SSDs, I have two SATA controllers, one is sSATA and the other SATA03:28
dirtyfour of the drives are on the sSATA controller, the other six on the SATA controller, in the installer for ubuntu server, under the partitioner for guided LVM, I get raid10 device #126 973.0 GB - Software RAID device03:28
patdk-lapso, what exactly is this so called sSata thing?03:29
patdk-laphopefully they are ahci controllers though03:29
dirtypatdk-lap: it's the second bios controller applicable to four of my 10 drives03:29
dirtythey are ahci03:30
dirtythe other six are on a "SATA Controller"03:30
patdk-lapyes, but you are not naming the controllers03:30
dirtys/bios controller/bios sata controller/03:30
patdk-lapwell, everything has a bios, and the bios is unrelated to anything else in the system03:30
dirtypatdk-lap: right, that's the nomenclature under the aptio BIOS within the supermicro mobo03:30
patdk-lapyes, so what is it?03:31
patdk-lapor maybe, what is it you are attempting to do?03:31
patdk-lapinstead of talking about all this non-meaningful infomation03:31
dirtyuhm, how else do I make this clear... I have 10 drive bays, four are controller by a "sSATA controller" under the aptio bios, the other six are under the "SATA Controller", all are set to AHCI, not RAID, and not IDE03:32
patdk-lapthey have names and model numbers :)03:32
dirtypatdk-lap: be tact, or don't attempt to help please?03:32
dirtyI need help, not chiding03:32
patdk-lapactually, you need help locating *any* infomation first03:34
dirtythe problem is with the drive configuration recognition for the Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM03:34
patdk-laplike the model of your supermicro motherboard, the model number of the chipsets used03:34
patdk-lapand the all overal best part, the actual question or problem you have03:34
patdk-lapthe overall description above doesn't even matter yet03:34
Xinnywhats the package I need to add for ssh?03:34
patdk-lapcause no one knows what it is in relation to03:34
patdk-lapXinny, openssh-server or openssh-client03:34
Xinnyty, and what about for vpn03:35
patdk-lapwell, if you mean openvpn, openvpn03:35
Xinnyvirtual private network03:36
Xinnyhaha ok ty03:36
patdk-lapyes, that is a generic concept :)03:36
patdk-lapcould mean, openvpn, ipsec, pptp, ...03:36
XinnySure, its an open question. I dont have any specific security model in mind.03:36
XinnyIt just needs to be a tunneling protocol of some variety I can use on both windows and linux03:36
patdk-lapopenvpn for more simple, or strongswan if you want to have real fun :)03:37
Xinnyopenvpn will probably do just fine03:37
dirtypatdk-lap: I'm setting up LVM across 10 drives, six of which are being recognized as SCSI[1-10], of which 5-8 are being globbed as RAID10 device #126 - 973.0 GB Software RAID Device, this is a SuperMicro SuperServer 1018R-WC0R03:38
dirtydoes that help?03:38
patdk-lapso the question is?03:38
dirtyI need the RAID10* device "unwrapped" as individual block devices to manage03:39
patdk-lapyou don't want that raid10 thing?03:39
dirtypatdk-lap: yeah03:39
patdk-lapah, just go into your bios and tell it to use ahci, and not raid03:39
dirtypatdk-lap: did that, they're already labelled AHCI buddy03:39
patdk-lapany more specific, I still need your model info03:39
patdk-lapand time to actually real your motherboard manual03:39
patdk-lapif it was, it wouldn't show as raid03:40
dirtypatdk-lap: calling my bluff then?not trying to start any ego crap, but seriously, I did my diligence and triple sanity checked03:41
dirtyit's AHCI on both controllers03:41
dirtynot RAID or IDE03:41
patdk-lapyes, and my instructions are generic03:41
patdk-lapsince I still don't know what you have03:41
dirtywhat else do you need? starting to crack me up here, I swear I'm being as clear as I can03:42
patdk-lapyou still have not posted any model infomation at all03:42
patdk-lapI asked several times for the model of your motherboard, and sata controllers03:42
patdk-lapah, once the raid infomation is set, looks like your screwed03:43
patdk-laphave to wipe it manually03:43
dirtypatdk-lap: I never set it to RAID, and for good measure I wiped the drives manually using dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd? bs=512 count=403:44
dirtyfrom the rescue shell03:44
patdk-lapthat hardly even clears the mbr03:44
patdk-lapit won't touch a gpt partition03:45
patdk-lapor raid config03:45
patdk-laptry, dmraid -r /dev/sd?03:45
dirtypatdk-lap: here's the mobo http://www.supermicro.com/products/motherboard/Xeon/C600/X10SRW-F.cfm03:45
patdk-lapif you really want to use dd03:45
patdk-lapatleast use bs=1M count=1003:46
patdk-lapthat will work if it's at the start03:46
patdk-lapcan't remember if it is at the end or not03:46
dirtypatdk-lap: alright, excuse my reactions, thanks for attempting to help, I'll attempt your suggestion and be right back here, carry on if you have more info I'm trying.03:46
patdk-lap-r E /dev/sd? likely03:47
dirtyRoyK: trying to say don't use dmraid there?03:49
RoyKsomething like that03:49
dirtypatdk-lap: alright I'll dd larger to bs=1M03:49
patdk-lapmaybe mdadm :)03:49
dirtywith a count of 1003:49
dirtywhat would be the mdadm command suggestion to be sure if there's any RAID shit set, that it's unset03:50
patdk-lapno difference03:50
patdk-lapdmraid can handle more than mdadm03:50
RoyKdirty: I didn't follow - what sort of raid are you building?03:50
dirtyso mdadm -r /dev/sd?03:50
patdk-lapI think mdadm can only do two of those types03:50
patdk-lapdmraid can do more03:50
patdk-laproyk, he is attempting to destroy it03:50
patdk-lapit was built automatically03:51
RoyKah - dd is the guy, then03:51
dirtywe'll see how it goes03:51
dirtyI'm almost to the rescue shell03:51
patdk-lapthe intel raid header is a complex mess though03:51
dirtythis installer is a bit drawn out03:51
dirtypatdk-lap: seems that way03:51
patdk-lapit's kindof like audio wave files03:52
Xinnyhow do I enable root for openssh03:52
patdk-lapvery flexable and nice, but kindof hell to deal with03:52
Xinnyactually nm ill google it03:52
RoyKpatdk-lap: some audio porn to help the raid up?03:52
patdk-lapyou want a moaning track?03:52
dirtybout time, got to my shell03:52
dirtyattempting the dd @ 1M03:52
dirtyhmm interesting, the target block devices seem to be giving me output on the dmraid -r /dev/sd?03:55
dirtypatdk-lap: I'll run through the installer again and see where I get this time, thanks for trying to help me ;)03:56
dirtyalso applied the dd @ 1M bs at 10 counts03:57
* dirty fingers crossed03:57
RoyKsome raid systems store metadata at the end of the disk04:00
Magnetz741When I get "Server accepts key:" in ssh -v, while my attempts at authenticating give "Permission Denied (publickey)" does that mean it won't accept my AuthorizedKeysFile?04:01
RoyKMagnetz741: try chmod 0600 $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys04:02
Magnetz741It asks for the passphrase on the key, even though there isn't one. If I set PasswordAuthentication yes, it asks for both keys and doesn't fail to connect04:02
Magnetz741RoyK: Alright, I had it at chmod 70004:03
dirtyahhh yay, well now the installer is showing something a bit different fellas, so instead of the "RAID10 device #126 - 973.0 GB Software" now I'm getting "RAIDmd126 device #:RAIDactive device #(auto-read-only)RAIDraid10 device....04:03
dirtyRoyK and patdk-lap any other suggestions?04:03
RoyKMagnetz741: no need for +x for a config file04:03
patdk-lapyou need to reboot likely04:03
* RoyK has no idea04:03
patdk-lapit's cause you just dd'd it04:03
patdk-lapbut it didn't remove what it had already knew about04:04
dirtypatdk-lap: well I also peformed the dmraid -r /dev/sd?04:04
dirtyso, next step please? this almost feels like progress04:04
patdk-lapya, but that is the same as dd really04:04
patdk-lapit doesn't remove it from the system04:04
dirtywell ff, I'm open to suggestions... again, the controllers in the BIOS are both AHCI...04:05
dirtyso... I'm open for suggestion04:05
dirtyneed to get this damn server rolling for prod soon, this is a drawn out "fun" hangup I didn't expect04:06
Magnetz741RoyK: Weird, .ssh seems to be owned by root, in /home/user/.ssh/, I still get Permission Denied (Publickey)04:07
dirtys/th AH/th set to AH/04:07
dirtypatdk-lap: "10x SATA3 (6Gbps) via C612" on that mobo... so I guess the controller is a C612?04:09
patdk-lapbut that only does 8 I believe04:10
RoyKMagnetz741: it must be owned by the user04:10
dirtypatdk-lap: well the way it appears in the BIOS is 4 and 604:10
dirtythe other would be... Intel SATA04:11
dirtythat's f'in generic04:11
dirtyI have four in question... the other six show up fine in the ubuntu server installer04:11
dirtythat's why I kept bringing up the sSATA and SATA crap... my assumption is the C600 controller is handling the four and labeled "sSATA controller" in the aptio BIOS04:12
dirtyyeah it's a bit bizarre to me04:12
patdk-lapit's the normal 6 via the intel ICH04:13
patdk-lapand 4 via the c61204:13
dirtythat aligns with my thought04:14
patdk-lapthe manual on the board is horrible04:14
dirtyleave it to .tw04:14
patdk-laphmm, dunno about the ssata thing04:15
patdk-laphave never used it before :(04:15
dirtythe ssata thing is just how the C612 appears in the BIOS04:15
dirtyit's very similar to the Intel SATA in terms of configuration04:16
patdk-lapya, it's a funny chip, it actually doesn't do anything, pretty much just gpio pings04:16
patdk-lapand the driver has to emulate sata on it04:16
dirtypatdk-lap: the intent here is to do software RAID 1 on two of the drives for the OS, and the other 8 RAID 10 if that means anything, but wiht this hangup holding four of my drives hostage, I'm in a bit of a ringer04:17
Magnetz741Royk: Well if I do chmod 600 on ~/.ssh I can't even read the permissions, even while I've chowned the file to the correct user, every guide says chmod 700 for .ssh and it hasn't given my issues with logging in while ~/.ssh is chmod 700 and PasswordAthentication yes is set in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, I get "Permission denied (publickey)" when I set PasswordAuthentication no, and it still asks for both the rsa key's passp04:20
Xinnyweird question, I want to rename something to the current unix timestamp ?04:21
dirtypatdk-lap: when I attempted an FBSD install... it reconized all 10 of the block devices distinctively; but bhyve is too experimental for my goal, so I went to Ubuntu server in hopes that I could do LVM instead of ZFS and get KVM rolling04:21
RoyKMagnetz741: the dir should have 0700 - the files under it should have 060004:22
dirtyI don't know if that makes any difference to you, maybe it's a device driver issue with the current ubuntu-server stack?04:22
patdk-lapdid you do a reboot yet?04:23
dirtyI had04:23
dirtyI'll do it again right now for good measure04:23
Magnetz741RoyK: Yeah, that's how it's set now, still get Permission denied (publickey)04:26
Magnetz741RoyK: I also doublechecked the keys, they match04:27
patdk-lapand owned by the user of that folder?04:27
patdk-lapnot root?04:27
Magnetz741patdk-lap: Yep04:27
Magnetz741patdk-lap: Host/Server is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS while the client is Arch04:27
Magnetz741Checking ssh versions04:28
dirtypatdk-lap: same crap on reboot04:29
dirtyshould I do a longer dd, is there anything else you can think of to destroy this pseudo RAID array?04:29
Xinnyis it possible to config my domains dns records so that it tries my dev server first, and if its offline, refer the request to a backup server?04:30
Xinnyor do I have to reset my a record each time04:30
patdk-laplonger won't help likely04:31
patdk-lapbut wiping the last 10megs of the disk, probably won't hurt04:31
dirtyman, what a effin pita04:37
Magnetz741I'm trying to remember how the hell I had this set successfully before04:48
Magnetz741ssh is backwards compatible right?04:51
Magnetz741So differing versions couldn't be the issue, client being Arch and later than the server which is Ubuntu 14.04?04:52
RoyKssh is backwards compatible unless you use something like ssh v1, but that dates back 15 years05:07
Magnetz741RoyK: It was because I was trying to authenticate using the public key x'D05:23
dirtythanks guys!05:26
* RoyK likes a YESSS05:27
Magnetz741Now here's the real question, should I dist upgrade my webserver?05:27
RoyKMagnetz741: I always do that05:27
syeekick"error connecting to /tmp/tmux-1000/default (No such file or directory)09:40
syeekick" anyone had this error before, i've never had tmux fail on me09:40
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