
zeegives me option to unmount, manage flags or info00:00
LtLzee: windows, but i don't know what kind of mess your HDD is in. windows wont even recognize linux partitions00:00
zeeim on ubuntu gparted right now00:00
tominatorDoes GPT work on BIOS?00:00
OerHekslet windows do the ntfs partitioning change, as advised in the docs00:01
LtLzee: get out of ubuntu, boot windows00:02
OerHeksdiskmanagmnt.msc something00:02
zeeim on ubuntu gparted right now cd rom partition if its there. do i shrink anything?00:03
zeewait sorry so boot windows- go to disc management-00:04
LtLtominator: GPT can work with BIOS, yes00:04
LtLzee: yes00:05
zeethen if a cdrom partition is there eject it- do i shrink anything ntfs related or will the computer do all that for me?00:05
LtLzee: who or what made a cdrom partition?00:05
kshenoyAnyone using urxvt here?00:06
zeethen boot again open ubuntu and click download ubuntu lts?00:06
LtLzee: eject the cdrom for now00:06
tominatorDoes GPT work on BIOS?00:06
zeei have no idea its just been there when i opened gparted00:07
OerHekstominator, why repeating and not reading answers?00:07
zeeidk if it will still be on windows disc managment00:07
tominatorOh, I missed it, I'm sorry00:07
OerHekscrossposting channels?00:07
tominatorI'll maximize the windows :P00:07
LtLzee: i would download the iso image from windows, open a dos prompt go to the download dir, insert a blank dvd/cd and type 'isoburn /q <filename.iso>'00:08
tominatorSo, if I want to install Ubuntu on a portable disk that would work on BIOS and UEFI computers, what would I do?00:08
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tominatorKind of an "everydrive"00:08
LtLzee: but use diskmanagement to shrink the ntfs partitions ansd leave space for linux unallocated00:09
Xinholy crap00:10
zeeltl: idk how to do any of that dos prompt, download dir, etc00:10
Xinthe kubuntu live cd is the slowest thing ive ever experienced00:10
OerHekstominator, install with uefi disabled, and make sure Grub install is on the same drive. i don't know a double install solution.00:10
mtvmcgrtis it safe to delete a initrd.img file from /boot?  I just recovered from an out of disk space error and that's hanging around /boot00:10
OerHeksso you need to disable uefi to boot00:10
OerHeks*every time00:11
LtLzee: zee to be safe reboot, it will run chkdsk, if that suceeds boot the install cd/dvd and tell it to use unallocated space to install, put the bootloader in the mbr of drive 100:11
tominatorAlrighty. But with UEFI disabled on the installation, It won't boot on recent computers?00:11
OerHeksand using an ext hdd on multiple machnes, the hardware should be identical00:11
tominatorAlso, How do I disable the UEFI on the installer?00:11
mtvmcgrtAlso, how many kernel versions should be retained by the autoremove function?   I thought it was supposed to be latest -2 but I'm seeing latest -500:12
LtLtominator: disable secure boot in bios00:12
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tominatorAh, I see00:12
tominatorAlright, thank you guys!00:12
Xinand the installer keeps crashing lool00:12
Xinthats great00:12
HackerIIbad burn ?00:12
OerHeksgbear14275, 2, current and the previous one00:13
LtLXin: checksum the burn00:13
tominatorOh, one last thing, should I go with 32 or 64 bit? Is it worth it, since 64 bit can run 32?00:13
OerHeksgbear14275, good way to change nickname after asking something00:13
XinI did00:13
Xinah well00:13
zeeltl: only problem is i didnt use a cd to install i used unetbootin does that make a diff00:13
LtLtominator: go 64 if its a 64 bit cpu. i.e., amd6400:13
Xinima build up from server-minimal00:13
tominatorOkay, but if I want it on a 32bit chip as well as 64?00:14
Xintominator; you can just include kernels for each eh00:14
LtLzee: unetbootin messes up debian installer, i suspect it will do the same to ubuntu, i never ever use it00:14
OerHekstominator, lolz ..00:14
Xinjust add them through software manager00:14
gbear14275OerHeks, apologies, just for fun what's your output from listing your installed versions? sudo dpkg --list 'linux-image*'|awk '{ if ($1=="ii") print $2}'00:15
Xinsame with any drivers your other servers need00:15
zeeoh ok so i just get the cd and start from scratch ltl?00:15
tominatorSo 64bit Ubuntu can run on a 32bit computer if I have the right kernals? XD00:15
LtLtominator: 64bit will not work on a 32bit cpu00:15
Xin64 bit software wont run, so you will need to bundle that too00:15
tominatorOkay, thats what I thought00:16
Xinyou can use 32-bit on a 64 bit so that can be an easy solution00:16
Xinbut you're handicapping yourself00:16
LtLXin: exactly00:16
tominatorAh, So not worth it then00:16
tominatorto be able to boot on the few 32bits left00:17
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* LtL chuckles00:17
gbear14275tominator, do you know how much RAM your computer has?00:17
Bashing-omgbear14275: Keep 2 initrd.img files at least . .. and if 'autoremove ' did not function as expected .. there is a pronlem in the packge management system . Is the package manager now broke ?00:18
tominatorWell, my goal is to have a usb drive that I can boot off of, to do maintenece, or take over a computer if I need to00:18
tominatorLets go with 4gigs00:18
tominator2 at least and 16 at most00:19
gbear14275Bashing-om, trying to figure out how my /boot got full... it looks like autoremove wasn't removing old kernels00:19
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minimeckshenoy: '29c9' doesn't work either in xterm, but '00a1' for example does. Could it be a problem of 'extended ascii code'?00:19
gbear14275for example right now autoremove says nothing to remove yet I have kernels (59, 60, 62, 67, 69 & 71)... a few more than latest -200:20
LtLgbear14275: autoremove doesn't touch kernels00:20
OerHeksgbear14275, let me guess, uname -a says 60 in use?00:20
kshenoyminimec: Thx for responding. I don't know what that problem is.00:20
tominatorgbear14275: lets say 4gb00:20
kshenoyminimec: But in general, I find xterm to be quite lacking when it comes to unicode support00:20
Bashing-omgbear14275: If the partition is full .. then apt has no head room to operate with .. is one explanation . Now may be a real pain to fix if the package manager is broke .00:20
gbear14275tominator, apologies, not really relevant if you're making a live-usb, but 32bit OS'es can't address more than 4 gigs of RAM without special extensions.  So if you had more than 4 I was going to say go 64 bit to use all your RAM00:21
tominatorAh, I see, interesting00:21
Bomber4Chats2Would love to hear if anyone has dealt with installing Ubuntu with dual boot on a RAID0 system00:21
tominatorAlright, i think thats all, I shall return if I need anything else. Thank you guys, you're all incredible00:22
gbear14275OerHeks, Bashing-om; yes, just got done manually recovering from a 100% full /boot... one of the reasons it was full was because of excess old kernels (which I thought autoremove took care of)...00:22
minimeckshenoy: I don't have urxvt installed here. I use guake, gnome-terminal and xfce4-terminal (for irssi only). So I cannot help you further.00:23
gbear14275OerHeks, 71 now...00:23
kshenoyminimec: I'm able to see the glyph when I open my Xresources file in gvim so I know it's not a font issue00:23
gbear14275but yeah, I'll have to make sure it's automatically rebooting after upgrades so the running version doesn't keep it from removing old versions00:23
kshenoyminimec: Are you able to see the glyph in any of those?00:23
minimeckshenoy: ?00:24
minimeckshenoy: GOt that?00:24
gbear14275LtL, autoremove doesn't touch kernels?00:24
kshenoyminimec: Are you able to see the glyph in guake/gnome-terminal/xfce4-terminal?00:24
LtLgbear14275: no00:24
kshenoyminimec: Sorry, got what? Last message I saw from you was saying you don't have urxvt...00:25
Xinany rsync folks in here? I need to make a bi-directional sync so on both ends of the rsync it sync's; overwriting files with newer modified times, adding new files, deleting explicitly deleted files00:25
LtLgbear14275: just don't uninstall a kernel you're booted into00:25
Bashing-omgbear14275: Let's look at the sloppyation / Pastenin the outputs of ' ls -al /usr/src/ ' ls -al /lib/modules/ ' ls -al /boot ; dpkg -l | grep linux- '. See what we are going to have to do . .. autoremove only works when you invoke it .. there are ways to do that aitomatically removing kernels .. but not the fefault behavour .00:25
Xinor is there a better tool for this?00:25
minimecI just printed it. I try again... "?". Do you see the sign between the ""00:25
XinDo any of the google drives or anything have native linux clients00:25
minimeckshenoy: ^00:25
kshenoyminimec: Err, I see a question mark between the quotes00:26
cosmicfireswhat email clients are there to replace thunderbird?00:26
minimeckshenoy: Ok. So the sign is 'two squares" slightly defferred... right?00:27
kshenoyYep, you can see it here: http://graphemica.com/%E2%A7%8900:27
OerHekscosmicfires, tons of emailclients, depends on your requirements really https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/department/mail/00:28
gbear14275LtL; I'm reading this, but I might be misunderstanding it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/563483/why-doesnt-apt-get-autoremove-remove-my-old-kernels00:28
Evanif my private key has a password, can i pass that as an argument in the command instead of having to manually type it at a prompt?00:28
gbear14275how would I setup a headless machine to both automatically update and remove old files (including kernels)00:30
gbear14275want to avoid another out of disk error00:30
minimeckshenoy: So xterm and urxvt sre not able to display that unicode. Don't know if there is a solution to that. Easiest solution is to use a different terminal software.00:30
kshenoyminimec: Right, I wanted to check if anyone with URxvt also has the same issue00:31
kshenoyminimec: Also, what's the extended ascii problem you were referring to?00:32
LtLgbear14275: i'm a debian guy, i've never removed kernels with autoremove, maybe ... apparently it can, looks painful though.00:32
minimeckshenoy: I was just confused with ascii/unicode...00:33
jamesdLtL: do know what's even more painful, doing it manaully on 600 servers.00:33
jamesdautomation for the win00:33
LtLjamesd: agreed00:33
neredsenvyWhy do my ssh keep dropping after like 30-60s00:34
aiaiovgbear14275: look into the unattended-upgrades package, should so some of what you need.00:34
aiaiovgbear14275: the rest can be done with a crone job to remove unnecessary files like apt-get autoclean00:35
jamesdneredsenvy: ping -c 1000   remoteserver     and see if it drops packets00:35
neredsenvyjamesd: So far past the DC point tho not 1 packet dropped00:37
neredsenvyI did ssh -v root@...00:38
neredsenvyNothing special00:38
aiaiovgbear14275: you can also do this: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-x.x.x.x-generic , then update-grub2 to update the system00:38
jamesdneredsenvy: make sure you don't have a timeout set in yoru sshd config files... never heard of a 60 second timeout but i guess it could happen, we had 5minutes for a while at work00:39
Bashing-omgbear14275: 'uname -r' to show the booting kernel .. do not mess with the this one .00:39
neredsenvyWhere are my ssh config files00:39
jamesd /etc/ssh00:39
OerHeksdo it serverside /etc/ssh/sshd_config: ServerAliveInterval 300 (seconds)00:39
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LtLXin: really00:41
neredsenvyNo timeout set in ssh on server or my machine00:42
OerHekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/index.html good start00:43
jamesdtry seeting  this to 3000:44
jamesd$ cat ~/.ssh/config00:44
jamesdHost * ServerAliveInterval 6000:44
jamesdServerAli... is on its own link00:44
jamesder line00:44
LtLoff for a smoke...00:46
Keeper_i have an rtl8723be wifi issue ive tried everything but reverting back to 12.04 can someone help00:46
kandinskiI run Ubuntu Vivid on a x220, and at some point in the past month my multimedia buttons and OS level keystrokes (like ctrl-alt T for a new terminal) stopped working00:47
kandinskihow should I go about diagnosing/debugging this issue?00:47
OerHeksupgrading to a supported version might help00:48
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) was the 22nd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on February 4, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/vivid00:48
minimeckandinski: you can start 'xev' in the terminal put the mouse pointer in the square of the window and press the keys. See if they give some feedback in the terminal where you started xev before.00:49
Bomber4Chats2Just to confirm, currently Ubuntu cannot be properly installed on a RAID0 array, correct?00:49
Keeper_i have an rtl8723be wifi issue ive tried everything but reverting back to 12.04 can someone help it seems as if for a moment i am able to turn on wifi then it turns itself off00:50
kandinskiminimec: I see the events, it seems ctrl-alt produces an event, then T produces a second event00:51
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kandinskiso it's three events (ctrl-L down, alt-L down, t down) on down, and three more on up. Is that what I should expect also on a laptop where the shortcuts work?00:52
minimeckandinski: First of all, some keystrokes you mention are defined in the user session. Do you use the unity desktop. Open >settings>keyboard and go to the shortcuts tab. MOst of them are defined there00:53
kandinskithey are defined there, and enabled as far as I know. No Custom Shortcuts defined that could be overriding the default ones either.00:54
kandinski(yes, I'm using Unity)00:54
minimeckandinski: Check the AudioMute (or similar) button once with 'xev'. If it shows up correctly, then the keyboard should be recognized correctly. You could then try to reset the unity desktop to its default settings or add a new 'test-user' once, login and check the buttpns with that new user. If it works, your unity setup has a problem.00:57
kandinskiAn event is received, but XLookupString recognises 0 bytes00:58
kandinskiminimec: thanks00:58
kandinskiI'll fiddle with it a bit, report after00:58
minimeckandinski: Hmm... I see now that AudioMute is not shown as AudioMute...00:59
Xinnyhey guys and girls how can I run an instance of chromium as another user easily?01:05
XinnyI want 2 instances in the same desktop as different users01:05
Xinnypreferably labeled as the user somehow01:05
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minimeckandinski: First of all... You should upgrade your distribution. 'Vivid' is end of life. After the upgrade, your problem should be solved, as it seems to be a known bug... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/texmaker/+bug/138611101:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1380702 in Canonical System Image "duplicate for #1386111 No keyboards shortcuts in QT apps" [High,In progress]01:06
samthewildoneIs 15.04 LTS Gnome not supported anymore ?01:07
samthewildonenot listed there.01:07
samthewildone9 months01:07
daxsamthewildone: correct, you want 14.04 or 16.0401:10
Velveeta_ChefIs it just me or does the built in Software tool suck01:10
samthewildonedax, 16.04 isn't working for me, I need my amd drivers.01:10
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samthewildonedax, I'm not going to wait 3 - 6 months for them to start working on hd7000 series cards.01:10
daxsamthewildone: have fun with 14.04 then, and hope that something else works for you by 201901:11
daxsamthewildone: and pay close attention to the ongoing situation discussed in https://tjaalton.wordpress.com/2016/03/11/no-catalystfglrx-video-driver-in-ubuntu-16-04/01:12
dax(personally, I have a 7870 and have been using Radeon for years, but then I don't try to shoehorn Linux into uses it's not good at)01:13
samthewildonedax, I've been following and saw that amd release new beta drivers for the "newer" cards.01:13
igoryonyaHello, I want to make a shared /var/cache/apt/archives folder. I.e. it would be a mounted network disk, available by all Ubuntus on the LAN. I am wondering, maybe there is some kind of fuse file system, that will watch over this disk, so it will make sure that while a file is in partial directory, wait the other system will not be able to download the same file and continue with the next.01:13
samadhi guys01:14
daxsamthewildone: the current state of amdgpu for the 7000 series is worse than radeon01:14
daxsamthewildone: it's a highly alpha not-intended-for-users thing with no 3d acceleration01:14
igoryonyaThen, configure automatic update in the way, so that it will retry on failed downloads automatically, after a certain while. By that time the first os, that was already was downloading that file already has placed it to the archives directory and it will just install on the second retry.01:15
uRockSOunds like the built in drivers in ubuntu.01:15
daxuRock: the built-in AMD drives in Ubuntu have 3d acceleration01:15
roxare you guys talking about video drivers?01:16
daxyou may not like its performance compared to Catalyst, but it at least exists :P01:16
uRockThey don't allow for using HDMI for sound, which breaks one of the main purposes for my PC.01:16
daxthey do on my 787001:16
daxwhich card do you have?01:17
uRockdax, it is the reason I am dual booting 16.04 with 14.0401:17
roxanyone here got ubuntu 16.04 running with nvidia optimus?01:17
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uRockdax 640001:17
XinnyuRock; if you want to build a pc for a given purpose using any specific operating system01:17
Xinnyscope what hardware will work with that os...01:17
uRockXinny, it worked fine, then 16.04...01:18
Xinnyso then maybe time to build a new rig ;001:18
uRockXinny, money doesn't grow on trees.01:18
XinnyI at times upgrade my pc every month lol, selling near new run in and tested hardware01:18
Xinnyfor more than I paid01:19
uRockSOunds like fun01:19
OerHeksnice, but this goes offtopic01:19
daxuRock: strange. https://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature/ lists that chipset as having hdmi audio support01:19
XinnyPeople dont know what things mean in computerlandia, they just want to pay a decent price and have it work well01:19
uRockdax, it won't list in the SOund to select it.01:19
uRockdax, I admit that I haven't really tried very hard to get it working, yet01:20
neredsenvyI tracked my ssh drop error to01:22
uRockdax, I've only been using 16.04 for a week and I have a Windows PC doing the job for now.01:22
neredsenvypacket_write_wait: Connection to ..... port 22: Broken pipe01:22
neredsenvywhat is this01:22
uRockneredsenvy, try https://askubuntu.com/questions/127369/how-to-prevent-write-failed-broken-pipe-on-ssh-connection01:24
jason_im having some screen tear issues invubuntu mate. i have an amd chipset. any idea?01:25
uRockjason_, which release?01:25
uRockAre you using VLC?01:26
LtLneredsenvy: likely your ISP01:26
UhelpHELLO!  My Internet worked until I followed instructions for Installing x Ubuntu and now it doesn't. ... what do I do to get my wifi working?  Radio is switched on.  Thanks01:26
jason_no seems apparent across applications01:26
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Keeper_i have an rtl8723be wifi issue ive tried everything but reverting back to 12.04 can someone help01:29
Xinnyhey peeps is there a way I can dump a file of packages loaded in apt-get so I can pipe it into apt-get on another system to do an approximately same/same setup?01:34
bazhang!aptoncd | Xinny01:35
ubottuXinny: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline01:35
XinnyI dont actually need the packages01:35
moxygerenmy ubuntu keyboard settings there is a key called "super"... so, when i press Shit+Super+Space it makes something. May i know what's the Super key? All i have is Ctrl, Alt, Tab, Backspace, Enter, Home, Insert, End, Page Up, Page Down, Delete, Num Lock beside the common alphabet and numeric and signs keys01:35
Xinnyjust their names01:35
bazhang!clone | Xinny01:35
Xinnythe server is on the other side of the world with a much faster internet connection haha01:35
ubottuXinny: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate01:35
Xinnyahh legend01:35
Xinnywhats the easiest way to acron a file copy when the modification time changes01:38
guest5351what if i dont upgrade my 15.10 now ?? can i able to use it ??01:50
guest5351its because i dont connect my laptop to internet and dont do any gaming or programming01:51
Bashing-omguest5351: Though you may use it after EOL .. there will be no security fixes or any updates .01:51
guest5351i Just use it for playing music01:52
guest5351i use internet and all other things on desktop pc01:52
guest5351I Got 15.10 there also and PlanninG to UPGrade Desktop to 16.04 soon01:53
Bashing-omguest5351: Long as the system does not break ,, well-  one can continue to use it . there will be no software repository for repairs .01:53
guest5351I heard Ubuntu 16.04 LTS takes lot of resources01:54
guest5351my laptop is dual core 2.16 GHz01:54
guest53513GB DDR2 RAM01:54
guest5351and Intel 4000 Grapics01:54
guest5351My friend says that 16.04 LTS will Lag on this configuration01:55
winston2k16.04 mate running smoothe on eeepc1000 netbook w/ 2 gigs ram01:56
Bashing-omguest5351: Nope .. You exceed the minimum ram for a good ecperience ( 2 Gigs ) . You should be fine on 16.04 .01:56
winston2kwith compiz and 4 desktops01:56
guest5351ok then i will upgrade01:58
hammer25I'm going to be building a pc in a few months with the intention of running ubuntu as the primary OS02:00
hammer25with several other VMs on top02:00
SwanmarkTo do what?02:00
hammer25mostly doing programming stuff. is a graphics card necessary?02:00
SwanmarkAs long as there's onboard graphics on your CPU.02:01
hammer25cool. thats what i assumed. I was looking at the i7 6700k02:02
SwanmarkYeah that should be fine02:03
E_onehi everyone!!02:03
SwanmarkLook at the advanced technologies02:03
SwanmarkIntel Virtualization02:03
SwanmarkYou should look into that before building02:03
hammer25So does VT-x just automatically do its thing? How much configuration is needed?02:07
Swanmarkhammer25: I'm not familiar with it, sorry.02:09
SwanmarkYou'll have to do some research yourself. :P02:09
hammer25Will do02:09
kandinskiminimac: sigh, I wasn't looking forward to upgrading. Making my backups now.02:10
hammer25I'm actually learning about this stuff in the military right now, its pretty cool02:10
SwanmarkGood luck, Hammer.02:10
Nalalanboa noite galera preciso de ajuda02:11
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.02:11
SwanmarkHelloooooooo again02:12
SwanmarkWould someone help me with my locale?02:12
SwanmarkCan't seem to change it :(02:12
=== cha is now known as cha2
SwanmarkWhen I make changes in /etc/default/locale02:16
Swanmark... they don't do shit.02:16
SwanmarkWhen I run the locale command, I dont get what I saved in mentioned file02:17
Swanmarkeven after logging out and back in02:17
givonneswan what r u trying 2 do?02:23
guest5351had anyone used puppy linux ??02:23
chanop guest02:23
guest5351it can be used in 128 MB Ram they saying02:23
Swanmarkgivonne: My locale is wrong! :(02:24
SwanmarkI can't change it02:24
egggssure have 5351 works great for old systems,  but this is support for   ubuntu  :/02:24
Swanmarkgivonne: http://paste.is/16915/02:24
SwanmarkI want all of that to be is_IS.UTF-802:25
givonneswan if u do locale -a does is_IS.UTF-8 come up?02:28
egggsheya guest5352 how goes it02:30
givonneswan and u do a "locale-gen is_IS.UTF-8" ?02:31
atralheaven1to kill a process by its name, I should use "pkill" right?02:32
SwanmarkIt's up to date.02:32
SwanmarkI just need to change the locale from POSIX to is_IS.UTF-802:32
soLucienwhat's the lowest memory version of Ubuntu server?02:32
SwanmarksoLucien: I've ran it on 256MB, not sure if that's the lowest02:32
soLucieni'm looking for a Ubunti version that can function as a router02:33
soLucienso as little memory as possible02:33
soLucienUbuntu *02:33
soLucienSwanmark i assume not all versions of Ubuntu can work on 256 MB RAM02:33
guest5352how to configure router on ubuntu ??02:34
soLucieni have tried the latest version, and the best i could do was 300 mb02:34
SwanmarkNot desktop versions, no.02:34
bigdissavedquick question, where is a good place to post screen shots, I have one to share for help needed.....02:34
soLucienunder 300 mb it would not boot02:34
soLucienSwanmark the screenshot question by bigdissaved02:35
SwanmarkThe 256mb in question was a VPS that I rented02:35
SwanmarkSo that might have been altered in some way.02:36
soLucienSwanmark  i see.02:36
soLucieni want something similar02:36
SwanmarkOnly ubuntu server I've ran myself was on a 16GB machine02:36
mundus2018apt-add-repository: command not found02:36
mundus2018is it different in 16.04?02:36
Swanmarkgivonne: Any idea how to change the locales?02:36
givonneideas yes.  you can change the system setting instead of doing it manually.02:37
bigdissavedI will get the sys info, wifi module is not working atm... has anyone seen this before? it is on current build, an i915 chipset02:37
Swanmarkgivonne: Yes please, how do I go about doing that?02:37
givonnei'm running 16.04 LTS  in the GUI, top right corner, the gear icon, click.  the drop down will give you an option for system settings.  the first line will have an option language.  you can change the system language there.02:39
Swanmarkgivonne: only command line here :D02:40
SwanmarkThanks for trying, givonne. :)02:43
givonnewhat happens if u edit the file manually & change the "Lang=" variable to "Lang="is_IS.UTF8"02:44
SwanmarkThat's what I've done already. Here's my file: http://paste.is/16916/02:45
givonneswan.  the file you just showed me has "en_US" for LANG, not "LANGUAGE02:47
givonneswan.  sorry.  your 2nd file has LANG="en_US.UTF-8" but no "LANGUAGE" variable02:48
SwanmarkYeah I could add LANGUAGE as well.02:49
SwanmarkBut those 3 variables do not change in the locale command though.02:49
givonneswan try adding "LANGUAGE=en_US"02:49
bigdissavedhas anyone seen thishappen? is it mostly with text... console, etc... http://pasteboard.co/1rGwEb30.png02:49
Swanmarkgivonne: Do I have to logout for the effect to take effect?02:50
SwanmarkAnd close screen etc.02:50
givonneswwan logout & login again02:51
SwanmarkScreen can stay open?02:51
SwanmarkNope, didn't work.02:51
givonneswan first type out the file.  make sure changes took.  try a reboot.  if u can reboot.02:54
givonneswan  my file looks like this:02:56
Swanmarkgivonne: I could reboot, but I got some things running, can't just reboot like right now02:56
SwanmarkOh boy. :P02:56
SwanmarkDrone`: pls02:57
givonneswan u can copy that to a new file.  backup your old file with a rename & rename the new.  see what happens/02:59
givonneswan what happens if you just do this at the command line?  $ LANG=en_US.utf803:00
Swanmarkgivonne: That's kind of what mine looks like, just fewer variables.03:00
Swanmarkgivonne: that does not change it03:01
givonneanyone with experience running 14.04 in virtual box?03:02
givonneanyone with experience getting php7 running on 16.04?03:02
SwanmarkI think I fixed my issue givonne03:02
SwanmarkThank you for your help03:02
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givonneswan how?03:04
Xinnystupid question but whats the key combo for pasting into a straight tty03:07
Xinnyim running in a vm and clipboard sharing is on, but ctrl+v doesn't work nor ctrl+alt+v03:08
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dirtyneed some help guys; I have a new supermicro server with 10 drive bays filled with 512GB SSDs, I have two SATA controllers, one is sSATA and the other SATA03:13
dirtyfour of the drives are on the sSATA controller, the other six on the SATA controller, in the installer for ubuntu server, under the partitioner for guided LVM, I get raid10 device #126 973.0 GB - Software RAID device03:14
dirtyfor the sSATA controller...03:14
dirtythese are unused drives03:14
dirtythere is no RAID set03:14
dirtyunder the FBSD installer all drives appear distinct03:15
dirtyany help please?03:15
dirtythe other six drives on the SATA controler show up as SCSI[1-10]03:15
dirtyI tried going into rescue mode and dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd? bs=512 count=4 to wipe them clean03:16
dirtyplease help?03:16
bumbleheadis there a template somewhere for building web apps on ubuntu --not a service app but a web app with html/css/javascript?03:16
bumbleheadsomething that could be installed on ubuntu touch or ubuntu desktop through the store/software center?03:16
reisiobumblehead: nothing worth using, really03:17
reisiobumblehead: what kind of "app"?03:17
dirtyunder the BIOS, the drives are set to AHCI, they are not set to RAID03:17
dirtyreally need to get this rolling03:18
reisiodirty: what's up?03:18
dirtyreisio: read up and help if possible03:18
bumbleheadreisio: i want to publish a flashcard app for learning japanese hiragana and katakana03:18
dirtygave the best explanation I could03:18
reisiobumblehead: not to discourage you, but: even though that's undoubtedly already been done?03:19
bumbleheadi was able to build an nw.js version of the application and i made a snap package with that but it did not run due to sandbaxing/chromium issues03:19
bumbleheadreisio: the existing ubuntu applications aren't very good03:20
bumbleheadthe flashcard kata/hira applications lack certain features03:20
reisiobumblehead: it's hard to make a good app for helping people to achieve things they aren't qualified to do03:20
Xinnyhow do I make sure a command runs on a user logging in03:20
Xinnya specific user03:21
reisiobumblehead: you can do it pretty easily yourself, though, with help from #css, #javascript &/or #programming-language-of-choice03:21
bumbleheadreisio: i have already made the application03:21
bumbleheadit works well03:22
bumbleheadi just want to know how to package it for ubuntu03:22
dirtyreisio: any idea on how to "unravel" the RAID10 device #126 into the missing block devices /dev/sd[efgh]? I've already dd if=/dev/zero's the drives out on count=403:22
dirtythere's absolutely nothign on the drives and no hardware or software raid is set03:22
dirtyfrom the rescue shell03:23
dirtyhope I'm making sense and being clear03:23
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XinnyOk so this might be a crazy idea.. What about if I have 4 servers that I want to take offline, and then syndicate a new environment out... Using dropbox to sync the core filesystem.03:24
XinnySo everything gets wiped and resync'd03:24
Xinnythen bought back online once sync is complete03:24
reisiobumblehead: a web app?03:25
reisiobumblehead: what does it require? What languages?03:25
RonWhoCaresIs there a way to move the menu off the side to either the top / bottom03:25
RonWhoCaresI am using 16.0403:25
reisioXinny: go ahead03:26
reisioRonWhoCares: yes, try unity-tweak-tool03:26
Xinnyreisio; Am I literally able to clear / as root with the dropbox client running in memory?03:26
reisiodirty: might want to talk to #linux or #ubuntu-server; RAID is a little more than desktop usage03:26
reisioXinny: yes03:27
XinnyWow, this could be a remarkably simple solution to this problem hahah03:27
reisioXinny: anything running will work as long as it's running, and anything it might occasionally run is running03:27
dirtyreisio: alright, I gues that's about as close as I can get from here :) appreciate the acknowledgment03:27
reisioXinny: so if an app (stupidly) regularly polls some other app (instead of having daemonized it [where it'd be running already]), that app would fail03:27
reisionot likely any crucial app, would that be03:28
splitlipRonWhoCares: open terminal and type > gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Launcher launcher-position Bottom03:28
reisiodirty: just a suggestion; I'd help if I knew about it03:28
Xinnyyeah I understand03:28
dirtyreisio: appreciated03:29
reisioXinny: makes windows/updates seem designed by infant children, no? :p03:29
RonWhoCaressplitlip: Is there a way for it at the top03:30
Xinnyreisio; ehh, I love the windows server architecture, AD and its sibling tools are really great03:30
bumbleheadreisio: it requires support for html/js/css the same way a browser would03:30
Xinnylinux is more capable, but at the price of having to have every rollout take agessss03:30
splitlipRonWhoCares: the menu bar is at the top and cannot be moved. the launcher can be to the left or on the bottom03:30
RonWhoCaresI hate the left03:31
reisioXinny: :p03:33
reisiobumblehead: then you only need a package that craps out a .html file03:33
reisioor a wrapper that runs the preferred installation's browser to open a .html file03:34
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bigdissavedis someone free, I have a question03:47
bumbleheadone question about ubuntu touch --should i be looking to build a 'snap' package or a 'click' package?03:48
Bashing-ombigdissaved: Many are watching . None cam respond 'til the question is asked .03:50
bumbleheadbumblehead: also --should I be using the ubuntu-sdk tool or should i be using a snap yaml file with shell commands?03:54
folder|what is the recommended AMD driver?03:59
drink_n_driveHi folks, can I have some help with Realtek rtl8723be wireless driver? I STFW and tried a few things before coming here. Right now on Ubuntu 14.04.103:59
Bashing-omfolder|: 16.04 ? It is in the kernel . there is no other at this time .04:00
Magnetz741What's the proper channel for Ubuntu Server?04:00
folder|Bashing-om, ah okay.  I just installed 16.04 and wasn't sure if there even any alternatives04:00
folder|will the generic kernel drivers work for gaming?04:00
Magnetz741Ben64: Thanks04:00
Bashing-omfolder|: AMD is working hard to give us what we asked for . What we have is what we have ,, The work does continue .04:01
bigdissavedBashing-om, I have asked it though, 2x above, no response at all...04:02
bigdissavedI am updating to 16.04 now, going to see if it changes...04:02
Bashing-omBogdaniel: Look'n above . See if I know enough .04:02
folder|Bashing-om, I'm not complaining about what drivers we currently.  I just didn't know what we have now.  It's my first time trying Ubuntu04:03
Bashing-ombigdissaved: Might see if changing the graphic's driver has any effect .. Not that I do know .04:05
kevdogHey does anyone know if its possible to partition the /boot partition with zfs -- or simply use zfs for everything04:06
bigdissavedthanks... I have the intel open source drivers, for 15.14 installed....04:08
bigdissavedJust noticed the new vrsion, updating atm...04:08
Bashing-ombigdissaved: What is the hardware ? show in a pastebin site : ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ' .04:08
Bashing-om!pastebinit | bigdissaved04:09
ubottubigdissaved: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com04:09
dani_ /join #australia04:09
SQLdani_ uh.... no?04:09
dani_hey SQL04:10
dani_australia is invite only04:11
bigdissaved00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated                                    Graphics Controller (rev 03)04:11
bigdissaved        Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device 100304:11
bigdissaved        Kernel driver in use: i91504:11
dani_can you help me SQL ?04:11
bigdissavedcan not install pastebinit, upgrading atm...04:11
SQLdani_: Perhaps04:12
dani_any help would be appreciated04:12
bigdissavedI know this is an older system... it is for my garage... to stram music, look up tech specs... nothing powerfull needed out there.04:13
bumbleheadi've just cloned and the ubuntu snapcraft demo repo04:13
bumbleheadi staged and installed the webchat demo04:13
bumbleheadand `snap list` shows webchaty04:14
SQLdani_: What do you need?04:14
bumbleheadbut when I run `webchat` the terminal shows 'command not found'04:14
dani_SQL, counselling04:14
dani_can you help?04:14
SQLdani_: Yeah, I think you're in the wrong channel. No thanks on the trolling /ignored.04:15
Bashing-ombigdissaved: The only driver available is what is installed and loaded .. the i915 driver . Others here will have to advise why the display is bad. Maybe a hint in X's log file ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit ' Make sure the driver is good .04:16
bigdissavedwould you know, is the log cleard every boot?04:18
Bashing-ombigdissaved: Rotated .. yes .. that log is fresh .04:19
ghost_Hi everyone i need help please, why my wireless stops working when i suspend my laptop?04:20
Bashing-ombigdissaved: ^ older logs are Xorg.0.log.old >>> Xorg.1.log .04:20
Bashing-omnightf0x: reading .04:21
Bashing-ombigdissaved: We have 2 sets of graphics .. hybrid ? really need to see the pastebin of ' lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' " As I read on on the log file .04:23
bigdissavedthere is 2 DVI out's on the motherboard... white n blue04:27
kshenoyWhat's the difference between the i3 and i3-wm packages in 16.04?04:28
Bashing-ombigdissaved: Presntly confused .. we have driver " (II) intel(0): [DRI2]   DRI driver: i965 : in the log ,... but above is "  Kernel driver in use: i915 " . Huh ?04:30
Guy1524hey guys, so when I try to shut down my computer, it doesn't fully shutdown, how do I see where it gets stuck, also it takes a unusually long time to boot04:31
SQLGuy1524: depends on the OS04:31
Guy1524here is my dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17019975/04:32
Bashing-ombigdissaved: And to add to the cobfusion " 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: " from lspci outpur .. thje log file shows another port " (--) PCI: (0:0:2:1) " Any idea of what this is ?04:32
bigdissavednope, it is why I am here04:33
Xinnyhey guys04:33
Xinnyif I have two ubuntu desktop 16.whatever installs, one running headless aka no local video04:34
Xinnyhow can I connect my second headed as a client to that x server04:34
Xinnyassuming a local network connection/vpn04:34
pvsharovXinny: via ssh -y04:34
Xinnyoh really? that simple eh04:35
Guy1524Xinny: using which X server?04:35
Bashing-ombigdissaved: Not savvy on Intel, but be nice to see what the system sees for the hardware : pastebin ' sudo lshw -C display ' See what we can make of it .04:35
Guy1524ssh -y will use the client's x server04:35
XinnyGuy1524; well, im lazy so ive just added ubuntu-desktop to ubuntu-server04:35
Xinnyon both04:35
Guy1524ok, just so you know, it uses the client's graphics card to render04:36
bigdissavedbest part of the comp... it was Fre!04:36
XinnyGuy1524; thats perfect04:36
Xinnythats what I want04:36
Guy1524oh ok, cool04:36
Xinnyso I dont need to reconfigure anything? just ssh -y in ?04:36
Guy1524ssh -y in and launch the application04:37
XinnyIll probably atleast need to stop x or whatever starting on the headless one eh04:37
kevdogI think its ssh -YC right -- for compression?04:37
XinnyI dont want compression04:37
Guy1524x doesn't start unless a display is plugged in04:37
Guy1524you dont need to worry about that04:37
Guy1524there will be no compression04:37
XinnyI have gigabit fibre connections04:37
Guy1524afaik atleast04:38
Bashing-ombigdissaved: Well that do ^ shed some light " 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: ;; 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller" . Bit I do not know enought about Intel to say . Others will have to jump in here .04:38
Xinnythhis seems too easy to be true04:38
kevdogIs there a downside to using C flag?04:38
Guy1524ya, the gl calls go straight to the client04:38
Xinnywhat do I run to start the graphics manager stuff for ubuntu-desktop?04:38
Guy1524on client or server?04:38
Xinnyboth lol04:38
kevdogAre you using a display manager?04:39
Guy1524on server, you don't need to start anything like that I think04:39
Xinnykevdog; yeah whatever ubuntu-desktop uses :P:P04:39
Guy1524on the client just make sure you have a display manager like lightdm and a desktop environment like unity04:39
XinnyGuy1524; if I ssh in, its going to be a terminal unless I start something04:39
kevdogI think lightdm is the display manager on the default ubuntu install04:39
Guy1524both should come with ubuntu-desktop04:39
Xinnyso its just 'unity' or?04:40
Guy1524Xinny: ya, then when you launch the app the window will open04:40
Guy1524no, unity is already installed04:40
Xinnyinstalled yes, but it shouldnt start by default04:40
Guy1524its already started04:40
Xinnyim not saying anything crazy here am I04:40
Guy1524you are using it right now04:40
kevdogFor the client -- you aren't going to get a desktop -- you'll just start graphics application04:40
Xinnylol no im using windows right now04:40
Guy1524oh lol didn't know that04:40
Guy1524windows 10 linux subsystem?04:41
XinnyAnd because it started as a ubuntu-server install, it shouldnt open unity by default04:41
Guy1524or putty04:41
XinnyI putty into my vps and want a real gui04:41
kevdogYou need an X-server running on the client -- you know that right04:41
Guy1524idk how to do X forwarding in putty sorry04:41
Xinnykevdog; yeah its X to X04:41
Bashing-ombigdissaved: Looks to me like you have 2 display ports .. both Intel ... Change the display to this other port ??04:41
kevdogYea - but what program do you have on the windows client for the xserver?04:42
Xinnyvmware running the same exact image04:42
estr_only speak eng.?04:42
bigdissavedyes 2 2 ports, have an adapter for dvi to rgb... only works on one port04:42
bigdissaved1 blue 1 white04:42
pvsharovestr_: yeh.04:43
kevdogOh - I didn't know you were running Ubuntu desktop through a VM on a Windows host -- sorry04:43
Xinnyheheh its ok its convoluted I know04:43
estr_:(   i a, from Ukraine04:43
kevdogSo if running Ubuntu client in a VM, why do you need putty04:43
pvsharovestr_: Ну, есть русский канал04:43
kevdogputty is for windows04:43
pvsharovestr_: #ubuntu-ru04:44
Bashing-ombigdissaved: Ouch .. As apters many times do not pass all the info or incorrect info from the display to the card . In this case . I do not know what to advise .04:44
XinnyI dont neeeeed putty, but both should still be accessible via putty04:44
XinnyI will only launch the vm to make system changes, and I just want a tty set up to the possibly remote server for live changes04:44
estr_o, свои04:44
XinnyI could use vnc04:45
Guy1524Xinny: have you seen this: http://superuser.com/questions/299158/how-to-make-putty-do-the-equivalent-of-ssh-x04:45
Xinnybut I hate vnc04:45
bigdissavedok, I might fight with the bios settings... but it looks like the conflist is with the two ports?04:45
Guy1524apparently there is an x forwarding option in putty04:45
estr_<pvsharov> из СНГ?04:45
pvsharovestr_: go to russian channel.04:45
pvsharovestr_: i try to help you there04:46
kevdogDont use VNC.04:46
Guy1524ya, vnc is not necessary here04:46
kevdogHere is a link for putty x forwarding and Xming if you need an X server on windows:04:47
Xinnythat could be nice, then I could just connect to both the local dev vm AND the remote vm that way04:47
Xinnythanks Guy1524 and kevdog04:48
kevdogHonestly -- as nice as x forwarding seems,  just use ssh with combination of screen or something .. I've always found that to be the most low tech most reliable way, particularly if you can use vi or nano or emacs04:49
Xinnyoh yeah nah I probably will 99% of the time04:49
XinnyI just want this available too04:50
Xinnywho knows what I might have to do on the road04:50
kevdogYea no problem04:50
Xinnyplus this vps is $10 a year hahah, I kind of just want to see how far I can push it >:D04:51
Guy1524should I post my question again since its been awhile04:53
Bashing-ombigdissaved: No, there is no conflict . display port 2 is unclaimed, so not in use . I would more tend to think it is that the adapter is not passing the info between correctly .04:54
Guy1524Here it is: When I try to shut down my computer, it doesn't fully shutdown, how do I see where it gets stuck, also it takes a unusually long time to boot.  Here is my dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17019975/04:56
bigdissavedstill installing upgrade updates04:56
dacresnijoin #lgc-weekly04:59
=== badon_ is now known as badon
bigdissavedwith the chat about x forwarding.... can you do it wuth a KDE session? or is it just small graphical apps?05:04
authenticis irssi is an example of a foreground process?05:10
irkedAnybody know why it takes almost 2 minutes for a website to load in a fresh install Lubuntu 16.04 LTS and freezes when 2 tabs are open?05:13
bumbleheadevery few once a month or so i try to turn my webapp into an ubuntu touch app and i always hit a dead end :(05:14
bumbleheaddespite the marketing which says otherwise it is difficult to build a webapp for ut05:15
Bashing-omirked: Low on ram ? hitting swap hard .. or a very small swap ?05:15
irkedBashing-om: I've got 1GB. How do I check swap? Thx.05:17
Bashing-omirked: What returns from 'free'; with 2 tabs open . Awap uage will be shown from 'free' .05:19
irkedBashing-om: I had a laptop w/half the memory & w/Lubuntu 14.04 and never had this issue.05:19
bigdissaveddang...... just finished upgrade.... login says in red, "system is booting up. See pam_nologin(8)" above the passward box.... and I can not log in... guest session is useless... back to log in...05:20
irkedBashing-om: I don't understand. How do I check?05:21
Bashing-omirked: Might also run 'top' and see if there is a memory hog .05:21
irkedBashing-om: O.K. I ran Top, never have before, what do I look for?05:22
Bashing-omirked: My result of 'free' " Swap:         7996          0       7996 . What is, what is used ... and waht is available in swap . In my case I am not touching it .05:22
razor79hi there. is anyone experiencing problems with 16.04 + plasma 5 after yesterday updates? i have a black screen + segfault for sddm. intel video05:24
Bashing-omirked: In 'top' the load average at the top of the display .. and in the display it's self the %mem . anything BIG ?05:25
OerHeksirked, what websitestakes that long to load .. and wired network or wireless?05:27
OerHeksmuch unclear, impossible to answer05:28
irkedBashing-om: Sorry, my computer froze for abt 1 minute, just unfroze.05:29
irkedOerHeks: when i open gmail, takes long. I go into slow connection w/o javascript. I'm able to open emails lightening fast.05:30
irkedOerHeks: when I open 2 tabs on twitter, takes abt 2 minutes to load and sometime it freezes.05:31
OerHeksirked, sounds like a light system, single core?05:31
irkedBashing-om: i got 2 tabs open in terminal and i have 2 click the tab i want several times b4 it open that tab.05:33
irkedOerHeks: how do i check if single core?05:33
OerHeksopen terminal: lscpu #this shows cpu specs05:34
bigdissavedhas anyone done a network install, hosted from a winblos server?05:36
irkedOerHeks: what line do i look for, for cores?05:37
irkedBashing-om: Had to close the top tab, pc keep freezing up.05:38
OerHeksyes, cpu's05:38
irkedOerHeks: I put info on this link:  http://codepad.org/XZaPGSIq05:41
Bashing-omirked: Sounds like a memory issue . As to the root cause, yet to be determined .05:42
OerHekssingle core, with ht .. not that strong cpu05:43
irkedBashing-om: Is there a memory test I can do?05:43
OerHeksintel p4 .. what do you expect?05:43
irkedOerHeks: fyi this pc had XP.05:44
irkedOerHeks: Odd, b/c I had Lubuntu 14.04 on a laptop w/half the memory and it was faster than this desktop w/more memory.05:45
irkedBashing-om: Will it be best if I install Lubuntu 14.04 LTS on this desktop?05:49
irkedOerHeks: So better to buy more memory or install Lubuntu 14.04 LTS?05:53
irkedI think my pc is frozen, again.05:55
Xinnyhey I used apt-get on a package I didnt want, but it was a meta package like ubuntu-desktop05:55
dramadoes p4 support PAE?05:55
Xinnyhow do I cleanly remove that and its dependencies if not used elsewhere05:55
somsipdrama: cat /proc/cpuinfo to get capabilities of your chop05:57
bigdissavedBashing-om: thanks for your help.... comp is screwed up after upgrade... doing a fresh install, hope it helps/fixes it05:58
Bashing-omdrama irked : Most P4's do support pae.. But I do not see yet that this one does .05:59
dramasomsip, ty... that was for irked http://askubuntu.com/questions/475097/can-i-install-ubuntu-14-04-on-intel-p4-3gb-ddr3-ram05:59
somsipdrama: ah - k06:00
dramaintel made a bunch of different cpu's didn't they06:00
Bashing-ombigdissaved: :) .. that does, unfortunately happen .. generally a carry over from problems before the upgrade .06:00
bigdissavedit was pam, not intels fault06:00
bigdissavedI do like fresh installls vs upgrade anyway06:01
Bashing-ombigdissaved: LTS install, I always start fresh and clean .06:02
x_in most cases fresh install take 5-10 min which is much faster then upgrade for me06:02
bigdissavedwhat is lst again, and that is what I have on my usb install drive atm06:02
Bashing-ombigdissaved: LTS -- Long Term Support ( 5 years ) .06:03
razor79bump ->  is anyone experiencing problems with 16.04 + plasma 5 after yesterday updates? i have a black screen + segfault for sddm. intel video06:07
razor79thank you06:07
bigdissavedinstalling16.04 fresh now, intel graphics now... I will let you know06:07
bigdissavedwhat intel chip?06:08
razor79bigdissaved: intel hd 3000 (int)06:09
bigdissavedok, i915 here06:09
Bashing-ombigdissaved: How far along are you on the new install ? Can I wait up long nuf to see if the display is good in the new install ?06:09
bigdissavedalmost done, installing 3rd party apps06:09
irkedWhat else is odd is that this pc had dual boot XP/Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and it was faster than single boot w/Lubuntu 16.04 LTS. *sigh06:10
bigdissavedrestarting now06:10
razor79bigdissaved: that's right. but perhaps livecds will not has the latest drivers (which possibly are broken). i found only one similar complaints so far - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=232678306:10
bigdissavedI will update the second I get to the desktop06:11
Bashing-omirked: What is going to hurt ,, yours is a 32 bit processor .. and getting toggh to find support for 32 bit software .06:11
* bigdissaved flashes back to Weird Al's "All about the Pentum" song..06:12
OerHeks18.04 lts will run slower i guess ..06:13
* bigdissaved watches it on youtube06:13
irkedBashing-om: So either install Lubuntu 14.04 LTS or get more ram to use Lubuntu 16.04 LTS? Is that correct?06:15
Bashing-omirked: You are looking at lubuntu - forcepae : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE ; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1307105 .06:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307105 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel install fails due PAE checks" [Low,Triaged]06:18
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bigdissavedBashing-om: at desktop now, looking good, so far06:19
bigdissavedin sudovi is it user   ALL=(ALL:NOPWD) ALL ?06:21
irkedubottu: What does that mean? The solution Bashing-om gave me won't work?06:22
ubottuirked: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:22
Bashing-ombigdissaved: I will rest the easier knowing you are good .06:22
irkedubottu: Well!06:22
irkedBashing-om: So I guess I need to find the best Linux OS for my hardware? Anything close to Lubuntu 16.04 LTS?06:24
OerHeksirked, you could go back to 14.04 to see if that works better for you (hardware)06:25
irkedOerHeks: That's the same conclusion I'm realizing. DRATS!06:27
bigdissavedis there a defult root passward?06:28
OerHeksbigdissaved, no06:29
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:29
bigdissavedyes... unless you edit the sudo config file, and there is a syntex error... can not get to root....06:30
GhcyjtcyjfcjyfxHow good is ubuntu on thinkpads06:30
GhcyjtcyjfcjyfxHow good is ubuntu on thinkpads06:31
HappyHoboFreeWhiz was trying to help me with my sound on xubuntu?06:31
irkedOerHeks: Is there something I missed when reading the minimum specs for Lubuntu 16.04 LTS? All I saw min 512MB.06:31
GhcyjtcyjfcjyfxHow good is ubuntu on thinkpads06:31
HappyHobocan anybody help me06:32
Bashing-omirked: Found the lonk I was hunting : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2263647 woll help you a bunch .06:32
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OerHeksirked, so 16.04 is heavier than 14.04 .. i cannot make it better.06:32
OerHeksGhcyjtcyjfcjyfx, there are many thinkpads06:32
GhcyjtcyjfcjyfxIm getting a thinkpad 1306:33
irkedBashing-om: thx! Will go check it out.06:33
xinudGhcyjtcyjfcjyfx, https://www.google.be/?gws_rd=ssl#q=ubuntu+ont+thinkpad06:33
HappyHoboI've used puvocontrol and that did nothing, I tried alsamixer, I even dpkg-reconfigure pulsaudio and still no sound.06:34
irkedOerHeks: If you throw in flowers and chocolate, it might! ;)06:34
HappyHoboCan anyone help me?06:35
irkedBashing-om: Just making sure, just ignore your 2 previous links? ==>You are looking at lubuntu - forcepae : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE ;06:36
irkedBashing-om: and ==>https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1307105?06:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1307105 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel install fails due PAE checks" [Low,Triaged]06:37
Bashing-omirked: As far as I know, your CPU us not PAE capable . so the links provided will help and guide .06:38
HappyHoboBashing-om:  can you help me?06:39
irkedBashing-om: Oh, o.k. Will check out the links then. Thanks again.06:39
Bashing-omHappyHobo: No, sorry .. I have no experience with sound .06:39
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Bashing-omirked: Nother thought. as no PAE, bet no SSE2 .. and therefore no flash capable .06:41
irkedOerHeks: Thanks for your help!As far as I know, your CPU us not PAE capable . so the links provided will help and guide .06:41
irkedBashing-om: OH, O.K. Don't know what PAE or SSE2 mean but will google. :)06:43
bigdissavedQ... what is the best way to do vnc? on same network..06:43
irkedOerHeks: Disregard after !. Dumb cut and paste. lol!06:44
irkedThanks again Bashing-om and OerHeks. Signing out.06:47
razor79bigdissaved: i am using remina + tightvnc on win machines06:51
bigdissavedbah.... how do I remove readonly on a file?06:53
razor79bigdissaved: on any file?06:54
Ben64chmod u+r file06:54
razor79bigdissaved: chmod +w xxx06:54
Ben64whoops ^ that06:54
Bashing-ombigdissaved: Maybe not a good idae to change permissions if this is a system file .06:55
TeguI have been using ubuntu 14.04 (with i3 mostly but tried XFCE as well) on an Athlon XP just fine. I guess it's similar or worse than the pentium 4 mentioned here. haven't tried 16.04, it might be slower..06:56
bigdissavedBashing-om: the sudoers config file.... had : instead of )    and no sudo.... and booted on life stick..06:58
bigdissavedis it +r or -w for read only back?06:58
OerHeksa lot of housefires start with such old hardware :-(06:59
Ben64bigdissaved: you should not be editing sudoers manually06:59
deathbyMetaLwhat kernel version does 16.04 come with?07:00
bigdissavedjust wanted nopasswd07:00
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Bashing-ombigdissaved: it be a " -r " .07:00
OerHeksdeathbyMetaL, 4.4 >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenialXerus/ReleaseNotes07:00
bigdissavedbeen a looong time from the last time I played with the linux console... rusty07:01
Maohow to connect to linux mint help ?07:10
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ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:11
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Maoyes but how i do that ?07:11
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OerHeksMao,  i don't know, it seems to be forbidden http://irc.spotchat.org/07:13
bigdissavedon a fresh install, what base packages do you install?07:13
bigdissavedkinda a general question07:13
bazhangthe restricted-extras, that bring in the various music and video support bigdissaved07:14
bigdissavedlike installing the 3rd parties optin in the installer? or is there more in that one?07:15
bazhangbigdissaved, the partner repo?07:15
bazhangbigdissaved, that has skype, for example07:16
bazhang!manual | bigdissaved have a read07:16
ubottubigdissaved have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:16
OerHekstons of articles 'todo after install' https://www.google.nl/search?q=ubuntu+16.04+to+do+after+install07:17
bigdissavedthank you07:19
Maoi know  that is wrong channel but i can not connect to the right one may i ask for help here ? my problem is that i did purge kde  and i try to boot to mate but i am stack forever on splash screen with logo how i can open command line here just after boot ?07:31
Bashing-omMao: What release are you attempting to boot ?07:32
Maomate LM.17.307:33
OerHeksadding a desktop is no problem, removing one give vary results07:34
OerHeksctrl alt F2, login, and reinstall the mate desktop07:34
auronandaceMao: this channel doesn't support mint07:34
Bashing-omMao: Mint .. Has their own support channel . :)07:34
Maoyes but is blocked07:34
HappyHoboWhat does the /opt directory have?07:35
auronandaceMao: that doesn't make this mint support07:35
Maoin which point i must press the ctrl+alt+F2 ?07:35
Maowhile booting ?07:35
auronandaceHappyHobo: by default the /opt directory is empty07:36
Maono it doesn't but i kindly ask if for help sinse i can not connect anywhere alse07:36
OerHeksHappyHobo, 3th party software happen to use /opt/ , also a good place to store software if you have no clue where to put it.07:36
MaoOerHeks: in what point  i have to do the ctrl+alt+f2 ? while booting ?07:38
auronandaceMao: try ##linux instead, this channel is only for official ubuntu distributions07:38
HappyHoboauronandace:  I need sound advice.07:38
auronandaceHappyHobo: then i'm probably not of much help sorry, i haven't had any sound problems in years07:39
HappyHobowhen I used the32 bit I didn't have this issue.07:40
Bonn333Mao: /join #linux07:45
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grhm2anyone played world of tanks on ubuntu?08:25
TheSilentLinkDoes anyone know if the amd drivers are supported on lubuntu 16.04?08:25
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OerHeksTheSilentLink, the amdgu and radeon open drivers are supported, not the closed binairy blob08:35
Dead_OfficeHi , I'm locked out of sudoer . When I do "sudo adduser me sudo" I get "is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported." Duh!! . When I try to su as root I get "Authentication failure" although that I didn't change my password08:39
Dead_OfficeDead_Office, try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery08:42
Dead_OfficeDead_Office, thanks bye bye lol08:42
kristian_on_linuthe hell ... did Unity just update itself?08:43
kristian_on_linuon 14.0408:43
mozaHello, I am trying to fix my sound properly, after having build a new motherboard with my old harddrives that run Ubuntu 14.04. More info here : http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=02824db0b63ad31a4202605366801cdac027d2e108:44
mozaIs there a thing to try first?08:44
ether8unnywhat sound card? onboard?08:45
mozaYes, i don't have any added sound card than the motherboard's08:46
ether8unnyok do you want jack or anything aside from Alsa or pulse?08:46
rdzhey all. i acknowledge you can address other hosts on the local network by their name when using hostname.local  . can i configure my machine to automatically try hostname.local when i ping hostname (without .local suffix)=08:47
hansheiridear all. I've upgraded to win10 (dualboot with 14 lts). When booting up now, I always end u in the grub rescue mode. Can I fix this problem through the "grub rescue mode" or should I try to re-install grub via live CD?08:47
mozaI just would like my speakers to get any kind of sound ether8unny ... They are plugged in in my motherboard's jack on the back for now08:47
rdz/etc/resolv.conf already has a line "search local", but ti doesn't seem to help08:47
ubuntuah.. hello08:50
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Guest483anyone able to help with a minor issue?08:51
Guest483so I was told to download ubuntu as I have a currupt file issue - Windows can't delete it and I was told Linux can - however after booting into the USB drive, it recognises my main drive, but not my second drive - and that is where the corrupt file is. Any ideas?08:54
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hansheirican someone help me with reinstalling grub after win10 upgrade?08:59
vofmaybe this helps hansheiri  http://askubuntu.com/questions/760102/ubuntu-16-04-error-installing-grub09:07
hansheirivof: thx, the install wizzard is throwing errors, but I managed to get to the disk partitioning. Apperently I'm having gazillions of partitions and I'm unsure where I should installed grub into :-/09:18
marklyfordHi Folks, new Ubuntu user so be nice to me :) Im looking to get something developed and wonder if anyone could people me in the right direct of best channel to use ?09:18
vofsorry hansheiri not running 16.04 myself09:19
hansheirivof: thx anyway09:21
igoryonyaThen, configure automatic update in the way, so that it will retry on failed downloads automatically, after a certain while. By that time the first os, that was already was downloading that file already has placed it to the archives directory and it will just install on the second retry.09:21
igoryonyaHello, I want to make a shared /var/cache/apt/archives folder. I.e. it would be a mounted network disk, available by all Ubuntus on the LAN. I am wondering, maybe there is some kind of fuse file system, that will watch over this disk, so it will make sure that while a file is in partial directory, wait the other system will not be able to download the same file and continue with the next.09:21
igoryonyaThen, configure automatic update in the way, so that it will retry on failed downloads automatically, after a certain while. By that time the first os, that was already was downloading that file already has placed it to the archives directory and it will just install on the second retry.09:22
NetmageDoes anyone know a tool where I can set up the time my kid can use ubuntu. After this time the system should shutdown or locked or something else09:23
somedudeanyone here?09:26
marklyfordI'm here , for what its worth :009:26
lalalaaaHi! Does anybody know why I can't install packages (upgrade Ruby) on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4a643a35e716ead816904cf28559513b09:27
somedudeso you guys talk about ubuntu here?09:27
splitlipNetmage: timekpr still in development?09:27
bosyihello. is it possible o install ubuntu 16.04 without installing bootloader?09:28
EriC^^lalalaaa: saucy is eol09:29
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:29
bosyijust choose sda5 instead of sda?09:29
EriC^^bosyi: what's your real issue?09:29
EriC^^or concern09:29
bosyiEriC^^, i have arch. i want ubuntu in dual boot, but leave arch (systemd-boot) as bootloader09:31
lalalaaathanks EriC^^09:31
EriC^^lalalaaa: no problem09:31
EriC^^bosyi: is it uefi?09:31
NetmageThe real issue is that my son is playing offline or watching videos. He is 8 years and the self control is not working09:32
bosyiEriC^^, yes09:32
EriC^^bosyi: after installing ubuntu, use efibootmgr to set arch first09:32
TehdastehdasI hate this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/155853709:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1558537 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Windows being ejected into wrong workspaces" [Undecided,New]09:33
bosyiwhat about install process. where to install bootloader?09:33
EriC^^leave it /dev/sda09:34
bosyii feel i'm hit grub bug09:37
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EriC^^bosyi: why do you say that?09:40
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sivanghi all, so wht's that deal with that issue booting into Ubuntu and not being in the sudo group anymore for my main user?..10:04
sivangthis post on the forums unfortunately does not seem to come up with a workaround, http://askubuntu.com/questions/275920/why-am-i-suddenly-not-a-sudoer-anymore10:06
boobobherro, i just did a fresh install of ubuntu and my raid is /home. now that i've mounted it i dont get bash colors anymore : /10:06
JohnnyLwhat's good to back dvds to a playable format under Ubuntu?10:16
eminSelamun Aleyküm10:23
eminAbiler bir hata alıyorum yardımcı olabilir misiniz?10:24
stevenmorning, is there a clean way / hook to execute custom scripts on system halt/reboot?10:28
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:29
stevenhe just left :)10:29
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iman1366hi every body!!10:35
iman1366can I ask my questions here?10:35
MonkeyDustiman1366  let's hear it, in one line10:36
iman1366I had win on my personal laptop. my laptop was lenovo thinkpad e540. now I have migrate to ubuntu 16. but right click is disabled for me!!!10:37
MonkeyDustiman1366  are you now in ubuntu?10:41
iman1366I am using ubuntu.10:41
MonkeyDustiman1366  and is it a wireless mouse?10:41
iman1366No. It is just lenovo touch pad right click!!10:42
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MonkeyDustiman1366  it's not even a mouse?10:42
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iman1366If it was a mouse then I will find its driver for linux.10:43
iman1366but it is not.10:43
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trudkoHi everyone, how to find out if my chromium does use hardware accelaration on youtube? I did turn it on , but chrome still takes up to to 40 percent of CPU and I would expect it to take much less for simple youtube video11:02
trudkoI am running this on laptop with integrated GPU (i5 4300U)11:03
MonkeyDusttrudko  is this useful https://www.youtube.com/html511:07
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kristian_on_linuanybody else got an unexpected Unity update today?11:09
trudkoMonkeyDust: well ti says that browser supports HTMLVideoElement H.264 WebM VP8 Media Source Extensions MSE & H.264 MSE & WebM VP911:10
MonkeyDusttrudko  you can enable it, scroll down11:11
trudkoMonkeyDust: enable what?11:12
MonkeyDusttrudko  yiu can mark 'The HTML5 player is currently used when possible.'11:12
trudkoI do have it and the HTML 5 is used that is not my problem, problem is that my CPU goes high when watching simple video on youtue11:13
givonnecan anyone help with installing 14.04 on Virtual box?11:14
explosivegivonne: what's the problem11:14
givonnei've tried installing it a few times.  the install goes mostly correct.  but, when I reboot at the end of the install, it just keeps coming back and asking for my pswd.11:15
givonnethere is an error message when i start the install.  don't have it exact.  something like "repl ... not valid.  use 0x...address instead."  i can't do much but hit enter and continue.11:17
givonnecan anyone help with a windows 10 / linux dual boot?11:17
duryhi there channel :-)11:22
givonnenewbie to irc here.  if there are 1856 participants, how come i see almost no conversation?11:26
MonkeyDustgivonne  this is a support channel, no conversation channel11:27
MonkeyDustgivonne  for nice conversation, type   /j #ubuntu-offtopic11:27
MonkeyDustincog  wrong channel11:28
vofMonkeyDust daily fail too ;p11:28
givonnemonkeydust i don't even see conversations about support.  i was hoping to learn something for discussions about troubleshooting11:29
alessandro_1979Hi to Everybody!11:32
alessandro_1979just joined mirc, now playing with the settings11:39
MatumarosHi, I'm about to install Ubuntu GNOME. I have 2 harddrives of the same size and so I was wondering, what is the best way to incorporate the second harddrive?11:39
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MatumarosDo I just mount it under /video or something like that?11:40
MonkeyDustMatumaros  is this useful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID11:43
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MatumarosMonkeyDust: I was just at the step to format the drives and apparently it formated both to look like one (1TB)11:45
MonkeyDustMatumaros  or if you want to use the second harddrive for data storage only, you can simply click it in the file manager11:45
MatumarosMonkeyDust: Thank you11:47
amaroqI'm trying to suss out how one would go about creating a forum/site ?11:48
amaroqWould I want to create a server and download the phpbb software?11:49
Matumarosamaroq: there are many websites online in which you can create a site/forum for free11:49
amaroqWould I need to download the Ubuntu-server edition or can I simply download and add whatever default packages come with the server edition necessary to setup phpbb forum to ubuntu-os ?11:49
Matumarosas long as you don't mind that you don't have a fully custom name for your url11:50
amaroqMatumaros, oh, ok. any you could care to mention?11:50
amaroqphpbb is open-source, so, I thought to go that route11:50
Matumarosamaroq: Wait, I didn't go on such websites for a long time11:51
TheSilentLinkhello how do I change the name of windows in the grub loader? cause it is called windows recovery but still boots windows 1011:51
Matumarosamaroq: http://top5-websitebuilders.com/create-a-website-for-free/?gclid=CjwKEAjwm8-6BRDgnb-Dk96UmRASJADbMycYq8JYzbgU_jMUUXpSASutDazTIxgfKtVS06uIi4R6WhoCfIHw_wcB11:51
amaroqRegarding server: do I need to download the server-edition and re-install or can I download the missing packages from the server edition to my existing installation?11:52
Matumarosamaroq: oh, so you already have a server?11:52
amaroqMatumaros, no, not yet. I was asking whether I can download missing packages to make my os like a server, or do i need to reinstall the server edition?11:53
amaroqMatumaros, that link is for free websites. Does that include forum software?11:53
Matumarosamaroq: I see, well, if you don't know much about all this stuff then I would recommend you to do it over a provider and not on your own machine11:54
MatumarosI don't really know myself how to turn Ubuntu into a server myself11:54
Matumarosyes, some offer a forum builder, but I have to look at their individual pages11:54
MonkeyDustamaroq  you can download the ubuntu-server installer, or you can use tasksel to install the programs you want/need11:58
MatumarosA few minutes ago it finalized the installation process, went black, removed the installation medium and now it says "[**     ] A start job is running or Ubuntu live CD installer (1min 5s / no limit)"11:59
Matumarosis that supposed to take so long?11:59
amaroqMonkeyDust, taskell ?11:59
MonkeyDust!info tasksel12:00
ubottuPackage tasksel does not exist in xenial12:00
Matumaros*"for" not "or"12:00
ioria!info tasksel^12:01
ubottutasksel (source: tasksel): tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is optional. Version 3.34ubuntu3 (xenial), package size 31 kB, installed size 244 kB12:01
exSnakewhat's the main difference between NUMA and UMA? is a modern PC NUMA?12:01
TheSilentLinkhello how do I change the name of windows in the grub loader? cause it is called windows recovery but still boots windows 10?12:02
MonkeyDustexSnake  http://www.dpreview.com/forums/post/1757794612:02
Fabou_hi everyone. I use ubuntu 16 on a macbook pro. I have a D-link NAS DNS-320 and I don't manage to use it on ubuntu (no problem with windows on another PC)12:02
MonkeyDustexSnake  just noticed, that post dates from 200612:02
explosiveTheSilentLink: that's a bit difficult, you can disable os_prober and make a custom entry for windows12:03
exSnakeso maybe the new architetture like skylake can be NUMA12:03
Fabou_Even plugged directly by ethernet on the macbookpro or plugged on a internet box12:03
TheSilentLinkexplosive: o ok how do I do that?12:03
explosiveTheSilentLink: sudo nano /etc/default/grub12:04
explosiveadd the line GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true12:04
explosivesave & sudo update-grub12:04
explosiveTheSilentLink: actually hold on a sec, get the current windows entry from /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:05
explosiveand copy it to /etc/grub.d/40_custom12:05
explosivethen do the above12:05
TheSilentLinkexplosive: o ok thanks12:06
explosivecopy everything between menuentry { .... } and change the name to whatever you'd like12:06
explosiveno problem12:06
MatumarosIt's still stuck on that step, what should I do? :/12:10
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BluesKajHiyas all12:15
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onlyhello, need urgent help please12:18
onlyI get this when I try to start apache2:12:18
onlymktemp: failed to create file via template ‘/tmp/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX’: Read-only file system12:18
onlyeverything was working fine, no idea what has happened12:19
MatumarosI am at a black screen where it says "[**     ] A start job is running or Ubuntu live CD installer (1min 5s / no limit)" for like half an hour now, what should I do?12:19
explosiveonly: try mount | nc termbin.com 999912:21
onlyexplosive: http://termbin.com/7e4712:22
incogA famous local tradition in Dongyang is the virgin boy egg, an annual tradition in early spring time where the urine of prepubertal school boys preferably under 10 years is collected and boiled with eggs and then sold (for 1.50 yuan around twice the price of a regular boiled egg.) and eaten, it is said "it tastes like spring". In 2008, Dongyang recognized the eggs as "local intangible cultural12:23
nick_zonehi, how do i Completely purge unity and install gnome12:23
xafarderrhello, can you confirm if gnome-flashback have any future?12:23
explosiveonly: try cat /proc/mounts | nc termbin.com 999912:24
explosivenick_zone: that's tricky, is it a fresh install?12:25
onlyexplosive: http://termbin.com/6phf12:25
nick_zoneexplosive: yep, kind of fresh12:25
nick_zoneexplosive: installed it only a couple of hours back.12:26
explosivenick_zone: fresh installing ubuntu is the way to go12:26
nick_zoneexplosive: with gnome default DE?12:26
explosiveonly: the root fs is mounted ro, maybe you need to try to run a fsck12:26
MonkeyDustnick_zone  no need to purge, simply install gnome-shell, logout, switch, login12:26
explosivenick_zone: yeah, download ubuntu gnome12:26
nick_zoneMonkeyDust: but there will be a lot of unwanted unity packages, which I am never going to use , right12:27
onlyexplosive: fsck on a VPS?12:27
explosiveonly: yeah, the filesystem might be screwed (it's nothing hardware)12:27
explosiveonly: type "sudo touch /forcefsck" and reboot it12:28
MonkeyDust!flavours | nick_zone12:28
ubottunick_zone: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. The current list is: !Edubuntu, !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, Ubuntu !Kylin, !Lubuntu, !Mythbuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, !Xubuntu, and Ubuntu !MATE12:28
onlyexplosive: touch: cannot touch ‘/forcefsck’: Read-only file system12:28
Fabou_anyone for helping me with my NAS?12:28
explosiveonly: try sudo mount remount,rw /12:29
explosivethen sudo touch /forcefsck and reboot12:29
onlymount: special device remount,rw does not exist12:29
MonkeyDustnick_zone  you can download one of the other ubuntu flavour iso's, then install that ... tip: backup first12:29
onlyexplosive ^12:29
explosiveonly: sudo mount -o remount,rw /12:30
nick_zoneMonkeyDust: i will just install gnome-shell and gnome-desktop :)12:30
ron__On ubuntu 16.04, you can watch the video and change the language ?12:30
nick_zonethanks mate :D12:30
onlyexplosive: mount: cannot remount block device /dev/xvda read-write, is write-protected12:30
explosiveonly: maybe the vps did that somehow? as a security measure?12:30
MonkeyDustnick_zone  mind: unity is a compiz plugin for gnome312:30
nick_zoneMonkeyDust: so only so much package to download. :)12:31
onlyexplosive: wrote them an email12:32
explosiveonly: ok12:32
onlyexplosive: is there anything else I could try?12:32
explosiveyou can add fsck.mode=force to grub kernel line12:33
explosiveif you can access grub when the pc boots12:33
ron__yes I found totem, vlc and mplayer work not very well12:33
explosivenick_zone: inside tip, ubuntu + multiple de's = not so nice12:34
onlyexplosive: what would be the best way to explain it to the VPS?12:34
onlyjust tell them I can't start apache2?12:34
nick_zoneexplosive: why so?12:34
explosivenick_zone: first you'll have ubuntu notifications in gnome looking odd, then display manager issues, then, then, then..12:34
explosivethe addition of desktops is like, i dunno "an option"12:35
nick_zoneexplosive: u scare me :P12:35
explosiveif it's fresh install i'd just reinstall ubuntu gnome fresh12:35
explosivefixing lightdm and other stuff will take longer than backing up your list of programs and d/l the .iso and reinstalling12:35
explosiveand you'll have a sane clean install12:36
nick_zoneexplosive: i will do that then12:36
explosiveonly: tell them the disk is mounting read-only and when you try to remount read-write it says disk is write-protected12:37
explosivenick_zone: ok ;)12:37
nick_zoneexplosive: thanks mate :)12:37
explosivenick_zone: no problem :)12:37
mikatonehi need to rebuild a software array raid 5 this is an old array that i plugdin today and one of the disk is DEAD I'm sure I can rebuild this array but I'm having some troubles here12:44
onlyexplosive: where can I check the log file, maybe there's something there12:45
mikatoneit seems i can't get any details about partition system from both hdds fdisk or gparted nothing...12:46
mikatoneany help would be much apreciated12:46
MonkeyDustmikatone  what's the output of    lsblk ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/12:47
MatumarosPlease, I need help, I reinstalled Ubuntu GNOME and when it finished it told me to remove the installation media and press enter12:47
MatumarosI did, it restarted and now it says "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key"12:47
mikatoneMonkeyDust http://paste.ubuntu.com/17028867/12:48
MonkeyDustmikatone  ok, now lsblk -f ... what was your initial quesion?12:49
mikatoneMonkeyDust sda is an old disk that it is working fine I'll use it to replace the old dead one if possible12:49
explosiveonly: /var/log/syslog12:49
mikatoneMonkey Dust rebuild the array I just need to extract the data then i can burn the hdds :)12:50
mikatoneMonkeyDust rebuild the array I just need to extract the data then i can burn the hdds :)12:50
mikatoneMonkeyDust http://paste.ubuntu.com/17028948/12:51
MonkeyDustmikatone  other useful command:  sudo blkid12:52
mikatoneMonkeyDust I've ecrypted the array ...12:52
MonkeyDustmikatone  sounds like you have work to do, good luck!12:53
mikatoneMonkeyDust http://paste.ubuntu.com/17029006/12:53
MatumarosIs there nobody who can help me? :(12:53
onlyexplosive: *coughs* kernel: [2049021.071272] end_request: I/O error, dev xvda1, sector 2137186412:54
mikatoneMonkeyDust any tip? I'm kind of lost here... fortunatly there is nothing with much value in there asside from my first kid photos :(12:55
bittin_Any of you Linux dudes can help me find a Debian 7.11 amd64 iso?12:55
BluesKajbittin_, ask in #debian or google it12:56
explosiveonly: uh oh12:56
explosiveonly: which vps?12:56
onlyexplosive: can you please translate what has happened12:56
onlyexplosive: chunkhost.com12:56
explosiveonly: did you try restarting the server?12:57
onlyfrom their admin panel?12:58
explosiveonly: contact them and show them the error12:58
explosiveshould be sorted out12:59
BluesKajMatumaros, is this a dual boot with windows 8 or later?12:59
onlyexplosive: but in layman's terms, could you please explain what has happened?12:59
MatumarosBluesKaj: No, I had Win8 on it, then installed Debian Jessie and now I'm trying to install Ubuntu, which uses all available space13:00
explosiveonly: i/o errors usually mean hardware issues or failure, it could mean they have a problem with their raid or something too13:01
BluesKajMatumaros, in legacy mode with secure boot disabled?13:02
bittin_unborn in #debian helped me now :)13:02
MatumarosBluesKaj: I also had disabled UEFI before installing Debian, but I can't even get into BIOS anymore13:02
MatumarosBluesKaj: unless it switched something around by itself, yes13:02
MatumarosBluesKaj: I gotta go now, please pm me if you know a solution, otherwise I'm going to ask in half an hour again13:03
BluesKajbittin_, fine , but this is ubuntu support, not debian, so no need for comments here about debian13:03
BluesKajMatumaros, we need more details about your machine13:05
computerpeople do you know how to tracepath in ubuntu? i cannot seem to get it to work13:11
=== tb is now known as Guest5347
incogA famous local tradition in Dongyang is the virgin boy egg, an annual tradition in early spring time where the urine of prepubertal school boys preferably under 10 years is collected and boiled with eggs and then sold (for 1.50 yuan around twice the price of a regular boiled egg.) and eaten, it is said "it tastes like spring". In 2008, Dongyang recognized the eggs as "local intangible cultural13:24
Myrttiincog:  could you not?13:25
=== XinZhao is now known as doggo
BluesKajincog, interesting but offtopic here13:27
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
ubottuGuest92299: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:31
MatumarosBluesKaj: Acer Aspire G3620 Desktop-PC (Intel Core i7 3770, 3,4GHz, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 16GB SSD, NVIDIA GTX 660, DVD, Win 8) this is my computer13:33
BluesKajGuest92299, why do you Italians think Ubunrtu is a file sharing room13:33
MatumarosBluesKaj: do you need more information?13:38
BluesKajMatumaros, to enter the UEFI/BIOS use the F2 key, or the DEL key at the Acer Logo screen13:38
MatumarosBluesKaj: I tried that, it didn't let me13:39
MatumarosI'm going to try again...13:39
BluesKajwhat was the response when you tried ?13:39
MatumarosBluesKaj: nothing, it just went straight to that black screen with the message13:41
BluesKajwhat message?13:41
MatumarosBluesKaj: now I spammed both buttons and it appears to be stuck on the "acer explore beyond limits" screen13:41
MatumarosBluesKaj:  "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key"13:42
fenecothe scroll step of my mouse seems to be much smaller on ubuntu than osx and windows, any idea what I could do increase system wide? on chrome I know there are some plugins that help, but I wanted to fix it system wide13:43
Fabou_is there anyone to help me with my DLink NAS?13:46
BluesKajMatumaros,ma do you still have windows 8 installed or the windows boot partition , check with gparted live media or the ubuntu iso media13:47
MatumarosBluesKaj: no, I completely overwrote it13:47
MatumarosI formatted everything before installing Debian, and the same now with Ubuntu13:47
BluesKajMatumaros, so do you still have the GPT partition table or msdos13:48
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
vishwaHey guys, I have a question. My default software updater keeps telling me I need to update, but when I approve it stops because some of the packages are from untrusted sourcces.13:50
vishwaHow do I get past this?13:50
MatumarosBluesKaj: I don't understand the question?13:50
MatumarosWhen I started Debian I got into grub, it had Debian selected and started it13:51
MatumarosThere was no trace of Windows left in there13:51
BluesKajMatumaros, so you reformatted the whole drive to ext4 and created anew partition table for it13:52
MatumarosBluesKaj: I just selected "Overwrite Debian and install Ubuntu"13:53
Matumarosthat used all of my 1TB13:53
MatumarosBluesKaj: I was able not to get into BIOS13:54
Matumaros"Boot Menu" is "Disabled", is that right?13:54
Matumaros"Quiet Boot" is "Enabled"13:54
BluesKajsecure boot should be disabled and you should be using legacy mode in the BIOS13:56
MatumarosBluesKaj: secure boot is disabled, I'll check for legacy mode13:57
MatumarosBluesKaj: I can't find legacy mode14:01
MatumarosMine doesn't look like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyabVjIZik014:01
BluesKajMatumaros, it shoulkd be in the boot sequence section14:02
dykeli need help to test backbox14:02
MatumarosBluesKaj: for me that section is called "Boot Options"14:03
Matumarosand at the top it says "Launch CSM", which was on "Never", the other option is "Always"14:03
MatumarosI tried both already14:03
MobiesqueHi, just upgraded to 16.04. I get to the login screenthen, enter password  the screen glitches and bounces back to enter password.14:04
Matumarosthen there is Boot Priority Order and then"Boot Menu = Disabled", "Fast Boot = Disabled", "Quiet Boot = Enabled" and "Halt on = All, but Keyboard"14:04
BluesKajMatumaros, disable launch CSM that's UEFI not legacy14:05
mlwDoes anyone have any idea when we can expect a snap of the ubuntu-sdk? :)14:05
MatumarosBluesKaj: I did14:06
Matumarosbut I started that with Del, not with F2, which might be the cause14:06
MatumarosUsually I started it with F2, but that doesn't work now14:06
BluesKajMatumaros, shouldn't matter, but use what works14:07
MatumarosBluesKaj: alright, so what to do now?14:07
BluesKajhave you tried to boot into ubuntu?14:08
MatumarosBluesKaj: How?14:08
pepperoneis xubuntu good choise if i have been using MATE?14:09
pepperoneWhat are yhe differences? besides DE (64bit mate just won't install in my computer)14:09
BluesKajMatumaros, by restarting your pc from a cold start.14:10
compdocpepperone, I install ubuntu server, then install a minimal mate on that14:10
MatumarosBluesKaj: completely shutting it down and letting it start without pressing anything? Yeah, that's when that message pops up14:10
BluesKajMatumaros, then trying to reinstall ubuntu would be next14:11
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MatumarosBluesKaj: I already did that, should I do it again?14:12
MatumarosBluesKaj: OK, I'm selecting "Install Ubuntu GNOME"14:13
BluesKajMatumaros, not being familiar with some of those BIOS settings like quiet boot I'm not sure , but I think if that's not working then disable quiet boot and see what happens:-)14:13
HadesWatch3rHas anyone upgraded 14.04 to 16.04 without any issues yet?14:14
Mobiesque_I can no longer log ib14:14
MatumarosBluesKaj: Too late :P BTW, I have no internet connection on that machine because I use a WiFi Adapter that it doesn't recognize right away14:14
BluesKajHadesWatch3r, i did14:14
HadesWatch3rYou have a recent system ? Skylake, nvidia ?14:15
ron__hello, I have a mobile network card but I don't know to use. Are you a documentation ?14:16
BluesKajHadesWatch3r, no just an intel laptop14:17
HadesWatch3rahh.. thanks BluesKaj.14:17
HadesWatch3rI'm going to attempt it today...14:17
MatumarosBluesKaj: Selected English as language and now it asks me to "Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware, Flash, MP3 and other media", I selected that both times last time, should I?14:17
BluesKajHadesWatch3r, via do-release-upgrade?14:18
=== acidrainfall is now known as croberts
pepperonecompdoc Is ubuntu server CLI only, so you can install what ever DE you want?14:19
BluesKajMatumaros, , install those apps after the OS is ainstalled , it's less compilcated14:19
compdocpepperone, yes, thats right14:20
HadesWatch3rupgrade launched....14:20
HadesWatch3rfingers crossed.14:20
MatumarosBluesKaj: Now I select "Erase Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and reinstall"14:20
Matumarosor "Erase disk and install Ubuntu GNOME"14:20
Matumaroswith the latter I can also select "Use LVM with the new Ubuntu GNOME installation", maybe that helps?14:21
HadesWatch3rhmmm first problem... not enough space left on /boot...14:21
BluesKajMatumaros, which desktop do you want , Unity is default on Ubuntu14:21
HadesWatch3rHow to clean boot partition?14:21
MatumarosBluesKaj: GNOME, I don't like Unity14:22
pepperonecompdoc thanks for info I am a noob in this linux stuff14:22
nedstarkunity 8 will make ubuntu great again14:22
compdoctheres a lot to learn14:22
BluesKajMatumaros, don't fool with LVM if you don't undersytand it14:23
MatumarosBluesKaj: that is why I'm asking you what to select :)14:23
BluesKajMatumaros, Erase disk and install Ubuntu GNOME14:24
pepperonecompdoc yeah, I have noticed...have been playing around with these "just works" distros (mate,mint,lubuntu & xubuntu)14:25
mikatoneHi any ideia how can I replace a dead hard drive raid 5  array?14:25
MatumarosBluesKaj: Ok, now I can select drive, either "SCSI1 1.0 TB" or "SCSI2 16.0 GB" (I have no idea where that one comes from)14:25
MatumarosOr I can select advanced partition tool14:25
compdocpepperone, those are pretty good, but on my servers I dont need liberoffice and bluetooth and all the other stuff that gets installed14:26
MobiesqueSorry to ask again, any idea why I can't get past the login screen after upgrading to 16.04? Nvidia issue maybe?14:26
BluesKajMatumaros, select "someting else"  which is manual partitioning them we'll proceed from there14:27
pepperonecompdoc i heard something about screen tearing in xubuntu, is that still a problem?14:27
MatumarosBluesKaj: Alright, now what?14:27
compdocno idea14:27
BluesKajMatumaros, choose continue and wait for the partitoner to load14:28
MatumarosIt is loaded14:28
nedstarkxfce has screen tearing, not just xubuntu, if your pc supports compton it eliminates it14:28
BluesKajMatumaros, where is the 16G partition located ?14:29
Theodorecan i get some help on ubuntu and installing http://ajenti.org14:29
huntzorhi all14:30
MatumarosBluesKaj: /dev/sdb1 ext414:30
huntzorhere ubuntu users?14:30
BluesKajMatumaros, is there a /dev/sda partition?14:31
huntzorрусские есть тут?14:31
MatumarosBluesKaj: yes, /dev/sda and below it free space (1 MB), /dev/sda1 (efi, 536 MB), /dev/sda2 (ext4, 991143 MB), /dev/sda3 (swap, 8522 MB)14:32
DJones!ru | huntzor14:34
ubottuhuntzor: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.14:34
MatumarosBluesKaj: My both drives are of equal size and are together 1TB, I have no USB or other thing attached, so I don't know where those 16 GB come from14:34
BluesKajMatumaros, choose the efi and delete it14:34
zero_coderi am trying to install ubuntu14:34
zero_coderhow should i make the partitions manually. there should be a parition name /mnt/efi?14:35
MatumarosBluesKaj: ok, did that and now?14:35
BluesKajMatumaros, actually choose every partition and delete each on except the swap14:35
joeyjoeI'm having trouble upgrading to ubuntu 16.0414:36
MatumarosBluesKaj: /dev/sdb too?14:36
joeyjoeCould not determine the upgrade14:36
joeyjoeAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.14:36
MatumarosBluesKaj: I can't remove /dev/sbd, but I cleared everything below that so the only thing that shows up is "free space"14:37
Theodorehello ?14:39
Theodorecan i get some help on ubuntu and installing http://ajenti.org14:39
BluesKajma  you should have a lrgeunallocated space now , correct?14:40
BluesKajlarge unallocated space14:40
MatumarosBluesKaj: yes, 991681 MB14:41
=== daniele_ is now known as daniele__
BluesKajscuse the typos Matumaros14:41
daniele__Hi everyone14:41
Matumarosno problem :)14:41
daniele__I'm having a problem with the upgrade of nvidia-364 driver14:41
huntzor /join #ubuntu-ru14:42
daniele__When I try to install libcuda1-364 apt report this error message14:42
daniele__"var-lib-snapd-lib-gl.mount is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it"14:42
* Volcanion farts and stinks up freenode14:42
BluesKaj Matumaros, try deleting /dv/sdb again, unless it's a boot ssd drive or some such14:42
MatumarosBluesKaj: I see no option to do that14:43
zero_coderhi, how should i manually set partition for ubuntu14:43
MatumarosThe only things I can click are "New Partition Table..." and "Revert"14:43
=== davis is now known as Guest25787
* vishwa what14:45
MatumarosBluesKaj: I was wrong, the 16 GB is a 16GB SSD 214:45
BluesKajok Matumaros think I know what it is ,it's probly the media containing the iso, choose the unallocated space and choose chanhe . then ext4 and  / boot in the dropdown14:45
MatumarosI think I got confused with my other machine, this one has one drive with 1TB14:46
MatumarosBluesKaj: all of it?14:47
=== doggo is now known as Xin
yoLo_where is the PATH file ??14:48
yoLo_i want to add a path14:48
Xinlol wat14:48
MatumarosBluesKaj: the unallocated space of /dev/sda, right?14:48
yoLo_i have tried export PATH.. doesn't work14:48
BluesKajMatumaros, ok then choose the unallocated space and choose change . then ext4 and  / boot in the dropdown...if you want to make a smaller partition like 16G for root / then you resize sda14:48
MatumarosBluesKaj: then what?14:49
BluesKajMatumaros, iwith the rest you can make a separate /home partition14:50
MatumarosBluesKaj: um, so 16 GB for /root and how much for /boot?14:51
BluesKajchange then ,ext4 and /home in the dropdown ...no /boot is required14:52
MatumarosBluesKaj: so I end up with one swap and one /home that takes all space available?14:53
BluesKajMatumaros, you should have a 16GB / (root) partition at the front as I told you above..did you resize the allocated spave /dev/sda to 16GB ?14:55
jhnwutAnyone in here that plays Arma 3 with mods? Having some issues. Even though I "subscribe" to the workshop mod, I can't find it. I saw it download 2.2GB of workshop content even.14:55
yoLo_is bashrc file where i add a new path ??14:55
MatumarosBluesKaj: it wasn't quite clear because one time you said "boot" and one time "root"14:55
joeyjoeI'm having trouble upgrading to ubuntu 16.0414:56
MatumarosBluesKaj: please just tell me one time clearly what I will end up with14:56
HadesWatch3rMy terminal just went blank.... during upgrade to 16.04...15:00
HadesWatch3rthat's not a good sign..15:00
BluesKajMatumaros, forget boot altogether, sorry about the mistake it should be (root) aka / , a 16Gb partition at the begining of the drive /dev/sda1, then the /home partition is next taking up the rest of the drive, with swap at the end15:00
yoLo_HadesWatch3r: not very good idea to upgrade15:00
yoLo_always go clean install15:00
HadesWatch3rToo late for that now..15:00
OerHeksjhnwut, is that on wine?15:01
HadesWatch3rI can't ..I've tried.. the only dist I can Install clean is ubuntu 14.04.15:01
HadesWatch3rthe rest freeze at the "enter crypto password for luks"15:01
HadesWatch3rso I tried going back to 14.04 and then upgrading..15:01
yoLo_HadesWatch3r: so you cant even do a clean install of 16.04 ??15:01
yoLo_through burned cd, HadesWatch3r  ??15:02
HadesWatch3rTechnically I should say that yes I can... but it will not allow me passed the enter password for LUKS.15:02
jhnwutOerHeks: No, Arma 3 i supported on Ubuntu natively.15:02
yoLo_HadesWatch3r: what's you device ?15:02
HadesWatch3rSkylake ..15:02
MatumarosBluesKaj: why did it create a 159999 MB for / and 1MB free space?15:02
HadesWatch3rnvida ..15:02
BluesKajMatumaros, / is /dev/sda1 , /home is /dev/sda2 , then swap15:03
yoLo_HadesWatch3r: your pc, laptop... ??15:03
HadesWatch3rSkylake/nvidia 980ti/32gig ram/512 ssd..15:03
MatumarosBluesKaj: yes, but now I have "free space (1 MB)" and "free space (0 MB)"15:03
BluesKajMatumaros, sometimes the block devices don't line up correctly on a peririon so it leaces a small space15:04
MatumarosBluesKaj: oh, ok, now I have it as you said15:04
HadesWatch3rWow, I can't spawn a new terminal now.. or open anything..15:04
HadesWatch3ronce I reboot this is going to bomb I bet.15:04
yoLo_HadesWatch3r: what is the cpu ?15:04
Matumaroscan't I bind /dev/sdb to something?15:04
MatumarosBluesKaj: also, /home as Primary, not Logical, right?15:05
=== imr is now known as getsteamed
BluesKajMatumaros, do you have a / partiton ?15:06
=== getsteamed is now known as imr
MatumarosBluesKaj: yes, 16 GB15:06
yoLo_HadesWatch3r: are you doing dual boot ? or you're only installing ubuntu on it ?15:06
HadesWatch3ronly Ubuntu15:06
heroh9hello ubuntu15:06
MatumarosBluesKaj: brb15:07
HadesWatch3rIntel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz15:09
yoLo_HadesWatch3r: try upgrading ram to atleast 2GB ?15:09
HadesWatch3rI have 32 gigs ?15:09
yoLo_32GB or ram ?? :|15:11
HadesWatch3r32GB of Ram15:11
HadesWatch3r512 SSD HDD15:11
nedstarkin 5 years, that will be the minimum required to run chrome15:11
HadesWatch3rThe Upgrade is not complete... I have to reboot.15:12
yoLo_good.. HadesWatch3r try downgrading to 2GB or atleast 4GB and try installing ubuntu 16.04 64-bit version again15:12
MatumarosBluesKaj: so now I have /dev/sda with /dev/sda1 (ext4 / 16 GB), /dev/sda2 (ext4 /home rest of space) and /dev/sda3 (swap 8522 MB). Then I also have /dev/sdb with /dev/sdb1 (ext4 /tmp 16 GB).15:12
MatumarosBluesKaj: is that fine like that?15:12
HadesWatch3rYou think having 32Gb of ram is the issue?15:12
yoLo_HadesWatch3r: well.. i remember having similar issue like 7 years ago..15:13
yoLo_HadesWatch3r: i was able to install but the distro was extremely slow15:14
HadesWatch3rI'll see if the reboot works and then try your suggestion.15:14
yoLo_HadesWatch3r: and i mean very very slow until i downgraded the ram15:14
HadesWatch3rthanks for the tips though.15:14
BluesKajMatumaros, is dev/sdb1 a logical partition?15:14
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yoLo_HadesWatch3r: also make sure your bios is up to date15:14
MatumarosBluesKaj: all of them are15:14
flux242lol, yeah, the distro get stray in ram15:15
MatumarosBluesKaj: oh no, sorrry, all of them are primary15:15
BluesKajMatumaros, is there any data on sdb1?15:16
MatumarosBluesKaj: um, no? In the "used" column it says "unknown" everywhere15:17
BluesKajMatumaros, what file system is on sda1, ext4 or ntfs ?15:19
BluesKajsdb1 rather Matumaros15:19
heroh9hi, how can I connect with ssl sript, I can15:21
exSnakei have a question about sed15:21
exSnakesomeone know how to use it?15:21
heroh9i can't download it from the site15:21
MatumarosBluesKaj: ext415:22
heroh9any help?15:23
jameslI am having difficulties setting the SSH banner, I created the file at /etc/sshd-banner, then put "Banner /etc/sshd-banner" in /etc/ssh/ssh_config but the banner is not displayed before the login prompt, why is this? What do I need o change to enable SSH banner?15:23
BluesKajMatumaros, is that a separate driv, HDD or SSD ?. some newer pcs come with a small separate ssd drive for boot or root ,usually boot if it's windows15:24
MatumarosBluesKaj: I guess you didn't see my message about that before, it's a 16 GB SSD, the main one is actually one 1 TB drive, not two15:25
BluesKajMatumaros, yes but you said it was on a differnt pc15:26
MatumarosBluesKaj: No, I got confused, on my other PC I have two separate drives which make up 1 TB15:26
BluesKajMatumaros, then you could put / on that drive and use the 1TB for /home and swap15:28
BluesKajhope it's not too late15:28
MatumarosBluesKaj: oh, ok, I'll do that15:28
MatumarosBluesKaj: ok, so the device for boot loader installation should be /dev/sdb then, right?15:30
BluesKajMatumaros, just resize the present /  partition to fill the rest of the drive except for swap and reset it to /home15:30
BluesKajMatumaros, yes15:30
BluesKajfor mgrub bootloader15:30
BluesKajgrub even15:30
MatumarosBluesKaj: sdb or sdb1?15:30
MatumarosBluesKaj: now I get the message "The partition table format in use on your disk normally requires you to create a separate partition for oot loader code. This partition should be marked for use as an "EFI boot partition" and should be at least 35 MB in size. Note that this is not the same as a partition mountet on /boot. If you do not go back to th15:33
Matumarose partitioning menu and correct this error, boot loader installation may fail later, although it may still be possible to install the boot loader to a partition.15:33
homeHi,  I keep getting this error when I try to do a system upgrade: The upgrade needs a total of 66.7 M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 36.8 M of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.15:33
homeany help is appreciated15:34
kahrlhome: have you tried 'sudo apt-get clean'?15:35
homekahrl: yes - several times15:35
ioriahome df -H15:35
hammer25silly question - how to you guys say "sudo"?15:35
OerHekshome, try autoremove15:35
hammer25like pseudo, or soo-doo?15:35
Matumaroslike sumo :)15:36
homeioria: df - h and autoremeove ok BRB15:36
helpless_noobHi guys! I just installed Lubuntu but I was never prompted for a wifi network connection during the installation.. Now Lubuntu was successfully installed but I can';t connect to the Wi-Fi. I read through all the blogs which talk about how to add the icon back but that did not work either (here's a link to the solution which did not work for me -> http://www.webupd8.org/2014/04/fix-lubuntu-1404-network-manager.html)15:36
BluesKajsoo doe15:36
homeioria: is that sudo df -h?15:36
ioriahome  nope15:37
MatumarosBluesKaj: what should I do about that message?15:37
ioriahome  just  df -H15:37
ikoniahelpless_noob: if you where not prompted, it's probably because it can't configure the card, due to poor/no linux support15:37
helpless_noobI went on about how instead of throwing this old lap top my father should rather install linux on it, and now that he's finally agreed I can't get it work so your help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks so much15:37
ikoniahelpless_noob: what is the make/model of the the wireles card15:37
homeioria: Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev            990M  4.0K  990M   1% /dev tmpfs           201M  1.6M  199M   1% /run /dev/dm-0       1.8T   15G  1.7T   1% / none            4.0K     0  4.0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup none            5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock none           1001M   20M  982M   2% /run/shm none            100M  120K  100M   1% /run/user /dev/sda1       236M  195M   29M  88% /boot15:37
ioriahome  don't paste in here, please ... use paste.ubuntu.com15:37
helpless_noobikonia: how can I find that out? It's a rather old lap top mind you15:37
homeioria: ok15:37
helpless_noobikonia: lemme google the model specs15:37
ikoniahelpless_noob: is the machine running now ?15:38
homeioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17034821/15:38
homeioria: sorry15:38
helpless_noobikonia: it is indeed15:38
helpless_noobikonia: can't find the model but it's an old lenovo (not a think-pad)15:39
ikoniahelpless_noob: type "lspci" in the command prompt, and look for something that looks like it could be a wireless card15:39
ioriahome  a little bit small your boot partition ... 88% full15:40
ioriahome  can you paste ls /boot15:40
helpless_noobikonia: network controller?15:40
helpless_noobikonia: or an ethernet controller?15:40
ikoniahelpless_noob: not eithernet, you're looking for wireless15:40
minimechelpless_noob: The model information might be under the battery slot. Try to remove the battery once...15:41
homeDerHerks: autoreove file not fount  - I'm on ubuntu 14.0415:41
MatumarosBluesKaj: ?15:41
ioriahome  in case, sudo apt-get autoremove15:41
helpless_noobikonia: no mention of wireless15:41
ikoniahelpless_noob: that's suggesting to me it can't see it, it's broken or there is no wireless15:42
lordcirthhelpless_noob, "lspci | pastebinit "15:42
ikonialordcirth: he's not on a network....15:42
lordcirthikonia, oh ok nvrm15:42
homeioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17034998/15:42
ikoniahelpless_noob: can you use eithernet/cabled connection ?15:42
helpless_noobikonia: nope.. I'm connected on 3g15:43
ikoniahelpless_noob: so that machine is actually on the interent at the moment ?15:43
BluesKajMatumaros, I don't know...seems it's expecting or looking for a UEFI boot partition . I f that's tha case I would start over with gparted live media and wipe the whole drive by deleting all partitions and creating a new dos partition table, that's all I can suggest ...unless someone else has better options.15:43
helpless_noobactually.. can't I tether from my iPhone and connect my iPhone to the Lubuntu15:43
homeioria: getting autoremove now15:43
helpless_noobikonia: ^15:43
ikoniahelpless_noob: if you can do that, thats great15:43
helpless_noobikonia: no it is not connected on the internet.. I'm writing to you from another machine15:44
ioriahome  i'd remove some kernel's packages too15:44
MatumarosBluesKaj: Hum, I'll just try it like this15:44
abhishekAny ideas on this http://04paste.ubuntu.com/17034599/ OS-kubuntu 16.15:45
helpless_noobikonia: nope.. it's not picking it up :(((15:45
helpless_noobikonia: man.. this sucks15:45
homeioria: autoremove is still running15:46
ioriahome  ok, let it going15:46
abhishekhow can I check which drivers are required from command line15:47
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HackerIIhelpless_noob:  can you run a hard line to the levino ??15:48
helpless_noobHackerII: no I can not, only have 3g15:48
ikoniahelpless_noob: how are you trying to tether ?15:48
ikoniawifi/cable/blutooyh ?15:48
homeioria: HEY! It looks like that cleared it up!  THANKS!!!15:49
ioriahome  ok,  but think about your small /boot and kernels that you don't need ... in case  sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.19.0-25-generic  sudo apt-get linux-headers-3.19.0-25-generic  ... and  so on15:50
OerHeksioria, that just happened, with autoremove ..15:50
OerHekshe is now looking at update-grub .. that can take a while15:50
ioriaOerHeks, oh, good to hear15:50
homeioria: I maybe a bit of a noob for that.  I left it all as defaults15:51
helpless_noobikonia: I turned personal hot spot on my iphone and connected it to my lubuntu15:51
helpless_noobikonia: my problem is that I don't see the network manager icon :/15:51
ikoniahelpless_noob: how did you connect it ?15:51
helpless_noobplugged it in via USB15:51
helpless_noobikonia: ^15:52
ioriahome   run uname -t to know your current kernel and decide if you need other 5 of them ...15:52
ioria*uname -r15:52
helpless_noobikonia: there's a Network Connections app where I can add networks but that's not it...15:52
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ikoniahelpless_noob: what do you mean "thats not it"15:52
ikoniathats not what ?15:52
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helpless_noobikonia: can't choose from any networks there15:52
ikoniahelpless_noob: chose from any networks ?15:53
HackerIIyou have to make one using that15:53
helpless_noobikonia: well.. usually on windows it automatically picks up that it's connected to a network15:53
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helpless_noobikonia: when I plug in my iphone with hotspot on15:54
ikoniahelpless_noob: you're not using windows, and it can't see your wifi card.....15:54
helpless_noobikonia: here nothing happens..15:54
ikoniahelpless_noob: for it to use your phone over a cable it has to be able to use ethernet over usb, which will need configuring15:54
helpless_noobikonia: ahaaa15:54
ikoniahelpless_noob: you'll find it a lot easier to possibly take this forward if you can use ethernet15:55
homeioria: thanks again.  I have to get to work.  It took the upgrade.15:55
ikoniathen we can work out your wifi situation and see if it's supported/fixable15:55
ioriahome   no problem, have fun15:55
helpless_noobikonia: alright so... where does that leave me?15:55
helpless_noobikonia: thanks for your patience and time15:56
minimechelpless_noob: ikonia: If he tried to launch 'nm-applet' in a terminal. If we are lucky, he would get his icon and would be able to configure the usb network.15:56
ikoniayou're welcome to try that, I don't believe that will work,15:56
helpless_noobminimec: I did try that15:56
helpless_noobminimec: notshing shows up15:56
minimechelpless_noob: Ok. THX15:57
HackerIIif this is 14.04, it has a habit of nm-applet not showing, you have to delete it and re-install it.15:57
helpless_noobminimec ikonia: I tried running nm-applet manually from the terminal15:57
helpless_noobikonia: I get the following error:15:57
ikoniait certainly does not have a "habbit"15:57
helpless_noobikonia HackerII it's 1615:58
helpless_noobikonia: the error is: WARNING:: Error retrieving accessibility bus address: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown15:59
helpless_noobikonia: ...The name org.ally.Bus was not provided by any .service files15:59
ikoniahelpless_noob: are you launching it with sudo ?15:59
OerHekshelpless_noob, that is no error, just a message, that happens often when you start a gui program from terminal16:00
ikoniait should be able to get dbus session data for his user though16:01
ikoniaassuming he's not using sudo16:01
helpless_noobikonia: when I run it with sudo I get the same error and below it: (nm-applet:1861): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_window_thaw_toplevel_updates: assertion 'window->update_and_descdendants_free_count > 0' failed16:01
helpless_noobikonia: when I run sudo nm-applet it adds another icon to the tray16:02
helpless_noobikonia: but the icon it adds is not a wifi icon16:02
helpless_noobikonia: it's just two disconnected displays16:03
ikoniano, because it can't see your wifi card16:03
helpless_noobikonia: aha I see16:03
ikoniathis is why I don't see the point of even looking at nm-applet until your hardware is available to it16:03
helpless_noobikonia: I'm screwed16:03
helpless_noobikonia: I see16:03
helpless_noobikonia: shit.. I screwed my father over royally16:03
helpless_noobikonia: should I try and install ubuntu?16:04
helpless_noobikonia: I've got the ubuntu ISO which I use sometimes16:04
ikoniahelpless_noob: please don't swear16:04
helpless_noobI do apologise16:05
ikoniahelpless_noob: I don't see any value to installing ubuntu again, until we know what your hardware is and it's support situation, it's just spinning your wheels16:05
helpless_noobikonia: ok cool I'll try get the model16:05
helpless_noobikonia: Lenovo G55016:05
helpless_noobikonia: http://support.lenovo.com/za/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/lenovo-g-series-laptops/lenovo-g550-notebook16:06
ikoniaI don't want the device model16:06
ikoniaI want the wifi card info thats in it16:06
helpless_noobikonia: getting it16:06
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ikoniahelpless_noob: are you sure it has a wifi card in it ?16:07
helpless_noobikonia: COMMUNICATIONS Wireless Protocol 802.11b/g Wireless Controller Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN Wired Protocol 10/100 Ethernet16:07
ikoniaok, the broadcom16:07
ikoniaso that maybe why it doesn't work out of the box16:07
helpless_noobikonia: yeah my father used to connect to our wi-fi from his windows which I just nuked :((16:07
ikoniahelpless_noob: why are you putting ubuntu on this ?16:08
helpless_noobikonia: cuz the windows hadn't been updated in ages, it was clunky, it just froze and I told him that installing a light version of linux, and in particular ubuntu my favourite flavor, would make it better16:09
OerHekssudo ubuntu-drivers devices/sudo ubuntu-drivers list/autoinstall16:09
helpless_noobikonia: he literally only uses it to browse the internet16:09
helpless_noobikonia: not even skype..16:09
ikoniahelpless_noob: you need to look at that broadcom model and find out if/what it needs16:09
ikoniaa lot of broadcom models work out of the box, some require additional 3rd party kernel modules16:10
OerHeksidentifying a PCI Wifi device: "lspci -nn -d ::280"16:10
ikoniaif it's struggling to run windows 10, I can't see ubuntu being "faster"16:10
helpless_noobOerHeks: can't connect the lap top to the internet through a cable.. I'm on 3h16:10
helpless_noobikonia: it's struggling to run windows 716:10
HadesWatch3rUpgrade failed.16:10
ikoniahelpless_noob: same16:10
OerHekstype it over? this should give one line "lspci -nn -d ::280"16:11
helpless_noobOerHeks: it does16:11
helpless_noobOerHeks: Network controller [0280]" Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY [14e4:4315] (rev 01)16:12
helpless_noobOerHeks: Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY [14e4:4315] (rev 01) *16:12
lickalotthey guys.  Found an old ipod (gen3 64GB) and it is maxxed out with music.  Some of which I've lost/misplaced over the years so I'm trying to get it back.  Running ubuntu 16.04 and have installed banshee (no worky), libgtkpod (installed successfully but not helping yet), and attempted to install libgpod and libspice (niether of which were found).  I've since given up and tried to use qemu and VM with windows but I'm getting a USB redirection error.16:13
lickalott Any help on either side would be appreciated.16:13
ikonialickalott: don't waste your time with an ipod16:13
ikoniathats the most realistic advice I can offer you16:13
ikonia(on linux)16:14
helpless_noobikonia OerHeks: so should I just try and connect the lap top with an ethernet cable, run the updates and hope it sorts itself out?16:14
lickalottso find a windows box ikonia?16:14
ikoniahelpless_noob: certainly not that simple, but there is room to investigate16:14
ikonialickalott: you'll find it easier and quicker16:14
TheSilentLinkhello when I press ctrl+alt+1 it shows a black screen anyone know why?16:15
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OerHekshelpless_noob, when you connect with cable, i think this is what you need:  sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer >> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:18
MatumarosBluesKaj: didn't work :(16:18
helpless_noobOerHeks: thakns so much!16:18
helpless_noobikonia: thakns so much for your help too and your patience16:19
helpless_noobI shall try and find a internet connection tomorrow with a cable and install the updates16:19
OerHekshelpless_noob, then you are a good son :-)16:19
MatumarosDoes anybody else know how to fix the message "Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Book Media in selected Boot device and press a key" after installing Ubuntu?16:20
MatumarosI just want it to work ;(16:20
BluesKajMatumaros, describe "didn't work" ..that same warning about the boot ?16:20
MatumarosBluesKaj: yes, exacly same thing as before16:20
BluesKajMatumaros, then my suggestion is to start over with gparted live media and wipe the whole drive by deleting all partitions and creating a new dos partition table, that's all I can suggest16:21
MatumarosBluesKaj: do you have a link for an ISO or something that I can burn to a CD/DVD?16:22
BluesKajMatumaros, i have laptop that came with windows 8.1 and the procedure above worked , it's a bit radical but ti works16:22
BluesKaj!gparted | Matumaros16:23
ubottuMatumaros: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:23
MatumarosBluesKaj: couldn't it just be that I don't have grub installed or something?16:23
BluesKajMatumaros, no it's not even letting you past the POST page so I'm pretty sure it's that UEFI problem16:24
MatumarosBluesKaj: OK, I'm going to try the live CD then :(16:25
BluesKajMatumaros, but you can try installing grub from the live cd16:25
MatumarosBluesKaj: next computer I buy I'll make sure that Linux is pre-installed16:26
MRXwho have botnet !16:26
Matumarosevery time I try to install Linux somewhere (no matter which distro) I have issues and it takes hours to resolve16:26
OerHeksMRX wrong channel for botnet-owners, this is ubuntu support only16:27
BluesKajMatumaros, I still think wiping the drive completely and creating a new dos partition tabl;e will solve your problem and gparted can do that16:30
SpacePirateI scp'd my obmenu-generator from my arch laptop to my ubuntu server. Now, when I try to generate an openbox menu, I get this error: "Can't locate Linux/DesktopFiles.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Linux::DesktopFiles module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.22 /usr/share/perl516:31
SpacePirate/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22 /usr/share/perl/5.22 /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base .) at /usr/bin/obmenu-generator line 34"16:31
SpacePirateIs there something I can do to fix this?16:31
ikoniayes, install the missing perl libraries16:32
ikoniait's looking in /usr/local suggesting it's a manual build16:32
ikoniaso I'd say stop what you're trying to do, and re-create them properly using distro tools16:32
MatumarosBluesKaj: I will try that16:36
BluesKajMatumaros, it worked for me16:36
themarttinspq essa inicialização do ubuntu 16.04 está assim16:38
themarttinssem inciar o grub?16:38
SpacePirateWhy am I getting "permission denied" when following these instructions: https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home%3AHead_on_a_Stick%3Aobmenu-generator&package=obmenu-generator , despite running as root?16:39
ikoniaSpacePirate: probably because it's not executable16:39
ikoniaSpacePirate: that package is also for debian - not for ubuntu16:40
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SpacePirateUbuntu is based on debian...16:42
ikoniabut it is not debian16:42
SpacePirate>For debian, not ubuntu... (managed to get it to work anyway)16:42
ikoniaup to you if you want to use it, but your machine will not be supported16:43
SpacePirateThat's fine by me.16:43
dave_470anyone form mtl here?16:46
trijntjeI just suspended my computer, and now I have no sound. How can I fix this?16:46
ikoniadave_470: why ?16:46
dave_470just to know!16:46
dave_470new to all of this and in mtl16:47
jackcomhow can i install vnc server?16:47
dave_470so thought i would ask!16:47
ikoniadave_470: have a look at the links in the /topic16:47
ikoniadave_470: that will give you an idea what this channel is all about and how to use it16:47
dave_470cool thx16:47
dyc3I have been at this for a few hours now, but i set up a dhcp-tftp server to boot off of, and it works. I'm trying to set up the simple menu system (described here: http://www.syslinux.org/wiki/index.php?title=Menu ) but i can't seem to get it working. It's not exactly clear to me what to put in my pxelinux.cfg/ files, and what files i should have. Can someone help me understand this?16:49
ikoniadyc3: you just need a definition file in the pxelinux.cfg directory16:50
ikoniadefault is the norm16:50
ikoniathen you can include more if you want a more complex setup16:51
computerpeople, how can i check to see if a software is available in apt-get?16:51
computeror what is the code it is under?16:51
ikoniacomputer: search the repo16:51
ikoniawhat is the code ?16:51
trijntjeI just suspended my computer, and now I have no sound. How can I fix this? A reboot doesn't help16:51
computerikonia: i am note sure of the code it is the Visual Molecular Dynamics16:52
dyc3ikonia: the wiki article says i need a  com32/menu/menu.c32 file with my menu definitions in it16:52
ikoniathe code ?16:52
ikoniadyc3: no, thats a library used to display the menu, thats not the actual definition file16:52
dyc3ikonia: oh, ok. i'll take another shot at it.16:53
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SpacePirateikonia: thanks for the help btw.16:55
FrameFeverI get following error when eexcecuting: "curl -sSL "http://llvm.org/apt/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key" | sudo -E apt-key add -"16:55
FrameFevergpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.16:55
squintyFrameFever, firefox -> The requested URL /apt/llvm-snapshot.gpg.key" was not found on this server.16:58
ioriaFrameFever, APT mirror was temporary switched off due to excess load. We are working on bringing it back. Stay tuned!16:59
FrameFeverioria: what is the problem? something on LLVM?17:04
ioriaFrameFever, no idea17:04
FrameFeverioria: what is an APT mirror?17:06
chaotixhas anyone else noticed a problem in ubuntu 16.04 where when you go to type things in, it will mess up or change to another field or something?17:07
ioriaFrameFever,   http://llvm.org/apt/17:07
chaotixi cant really describe the problem in a way that i can google17:07
ikoniachaotix: type things where ?17:07
chaotixinto text fields17:08
ikoniatext fields where ?17:08
chaotixfor example, typing in this box here in hexchat, sometimes its almost like if i pressed alt+tab17:08
ikoniaare you on a laptop ?17:08
chaotixor, in the middle of typing, it will select all the text and theen i will type over it17:08
chaotixikonia, yes17:09
ikoniachaotix: I suspect your track pad sensitivty is way too high17:09
ikoniait's a common complaint17:09
chaotixok, i will try to change that, thanks17:09
ikoniaand it's selecting text/changing area when your thumb hovers over it17:09
chaotixi will do it now and see if it helps17:09
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velushello i am as user root and tryign to run something and i keep getting permission denied17:14
velusok i got it now i needed to do it as a executable17:15
user2635In home, what is the 'Templates' folder for?17:19
ioriauser2635, http://askubuntu.com/questions/94734/what-is-the-templates-folder-in-the-home-directory-for17:21
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user2635ioria, thanks17:24
ioriauser2635, you're welcome17:24
LiveBootcan anyone help me with a persistent ubuntu USB drive?17:25
Guy1524guys, I have an nvidia card, how do I turn up core voltage and power limit17:26
Guy1524all I see is graphics and memory clock after I enable coolbits17:26
tuxedo_why google earth doesn't work on 16.04?17:27
Guy1524nvm found out17:27
BluesKajGuy1524, search for nvidia xserver settings17:28
NyticianHi I'm thinking of switching from Windows to Linux but I want to use it on a fully offline PC is that possible?17:28
tuxedo_why google earth doesn't work in 16.0417:28
ikoniamelh: no problem at all17:28
ikoniatuxedo_: what happens when you try to use it17:29
OerHekstuxedo_, some lsb error ? https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/maps/XKPWeYfekb8;context-place=topicsearchin/maps/category$3Alinux%7Csort:relevance%7Cspell:false17:29
BluesKajNytician, why offline ? Linux is alot safer online than windows is.17:29
OerHekslsb and lsb-core have been depreciated in Ubuntu 16.0417:30
tuxedo_I'm installed with gdebi everything ok in the installation, when i look for in unity lunch i Cant see over ther17:30
NyticianYeah it's not safety it's just personal reasons really. Is it possible to get things from USB on an online PC and install them on the offline one?17:30
ikoniaNytician: a lot more work, but yes17:31
BluesKajNytician, unless you use the 3rd party install option while installing ubuntu which does need an internet connection at least temporarily for an easier install17:33
tuxedo_sorry give me this error17:34
tuxedo_Dependency is not satisfiable lsb-core(>=3.2)17:34
ikoniatuxedo_: so thats why it doesn't work, the package provided by google has dependencies that ubuntu can no longer meet17:35
Nyticianoh blueskaj didn't know it required internet just to install :s17:36
ikoniait's not required17:36
tuxedo_I trying now with the 32bit edition17:36
ikoniait's an option17:36
ikoniatuxedo_: it won't work17:36
tuxedo_so, has to wait for google update17:37
OerHekstuxedo_, there are pages to download the old debian packages, but that can make problems too, like http://skagitsignal.com/how-to-install-google-earth-64-bit-in-ubuntu-16-04-lts-x64/ ... PLUS ... Signature by key 4CCA1EAF950CEE4AB83976DCA040830F7FAC5991 uses weak digest algorithm (SHA1)17:38
OerHeksno updates too17:39
OerHeksgo for openstreetmaps :-)17:39
xanguaGnome maps17:39
BluesKajpretty slim install just adds to your install workload later, Nytician17:39
NyticianAhh okay. The reason I want Linux primarily over Linux is because it's open source and Windows requires Internet activation. When I get Ubuntu working what about software? I've been reading it's all command line based connecting to Internet can I do it manually somehow? I don't mind effort because once I get it working I'll keep backups etc17:40
Nytician@ ikonia and blueskaj17:40
NyticianAhh I see17:40
ikoniaNytician: have a read of https://help.ubuntu.com17:41
ikoniaNytician: that should give you an overview17:41
BluesKajNytician, there's a package manager GUI to help install packages/apps, but once you're familiar with th command line it's very useful and powerful17:43
NyticianIkonia thanks I'll look through17:43
NyticianBlueskaj yup I'm wanting to learn but like I say I would want to get software from another PC via use but17:43
Nyticianusb* but so far I only find online methods of installing software really17:44
xangua! Offline | Nytician17:44
ubottuNytician: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. See also !APTonCD17:44
OerHekssoftwarecenter can download packages for offline too17:45
NyticianOh nice that's built in? Awesome!17:45
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BluesKajNytician,, that's the beauty of Linux , so many options :-)17:47
SlartibartHow do I make a service start upon system boot in 16.04? (Wow, that did sound complicated) Is it possible to make it start when needed, is required or similar? To be specific I'm using postfix, which requires courier-authdaemon to be started. It's fine to start it when I boot, but at the same time I don't want to start things until I actually need them..17:47
SlartibartShould I create a file for the service in /etc/init?17:47
ikoniaSlartibart: if you install postfix it comes with a systemd init script17:48
ikoniaSlartibart: the OS will manage it for you17:48
ikoniaSlartibart: /etc/init is dead, 16.04 uses systemd, no longer upstart17:48
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Slartibartikonia: Sounds great, but I guess my system is missing something then :-[. I started the postfix service and then I couldn't login, which was due to courier-authdaemon not running. I'll read up on systemd and dig into it though. Thanks :).17:52
ikoniaSlartibart: how did you start the postfix service17:53
ikoniaSlartibart: when you installed it it should have autostarted17:53
Slartibartikonia: sudo service postfix start17:53
ikoniaSlartibart: there we go then17:54
ikoniathats not calling systemd directly,17:54
SlartibartJust as I felt good about having learned using service..17:54
OerHekssystemctl status postfix.service17:54
nutzz[Homework] There is a question on my homework: "Whatt are the data structures used by the linux kernel to keep track of the active processes?" I know that there is a process table which keep informations about each process (like pid, or what systems resoruces it has allocated). Could this be a good answer?17:57
PinchiukasIs it just me or does xenial-backports just contain a single package?17:57
SlartibartOerHeks: Thanks.17:57
SlartibartSomething isń't working though. I stopped the authdaemon with 'systemctl stop courier-authdaemon.service', and then 'systemctl restart postfix.service' (with authentication popups as I wasn't using sudo). And then I couldn't login again, the authdaemon wasn't running. Should I reboot  or something before testing this again?17:59
chaotixikonia, i found the way to access the touchpad's settings, and i was hoping you could help me to make sure i dont mess anything up18:11
chaotixikonia, here is the output:18:14
chaotixikonia, here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17041539/18:15
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chaotixi think i got it18:19
PinchiukasIs it just me or does xenial-backports just contain a single package?18:21
mundus2018Im trying to make the alias fuck='sudo !!'18:24
mundus2018but it says sudo: !!: command not found18:24
ikoniamundus2018: grow up18:25
ikoniawe don't want that sort of langauge in here18:25
mundus2018ok cool, im just asking how to make an alias18:25
ikoniaexactly as you have done18:25
Cprossuhey what's the easiest way to override false EDID? I have a monitor that has a recc'd edid of 1280x768 @ 48.7hz (it will run fine forced at 60hz but I'd be fine with it at 1024x768 @ 60hz since it is a digital signage thing)... every time the machine reboots it defaults to the incorrect edid, same if the monitor is unplugged/replugged.18:26
mundus2018why is it says sudo: !!: command not found18:26
mundus2018*is it saying18:26
Cprossugraphics is like i945g on an atom board18:26
russell_hello all i am new. hope you dont mind if i hang around a18:26
ikoniabecause !! is not found or a valid command18:26
mundus2018I can do sudo !!18:26
ikoniayes you can18:26
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ikoniahowever !! is not a valid command18:27
ikoniaso the alias will execute it literally18:27
Guest48940can someone please tell me how to properly backup 'apt-get'  to work offline, i want to be able to run apt-get update and then save this state for backup to an offline machine18:27
mundus2018!! is a command18:27
ubottumundus2018: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:27
ikoniamundus2018: no, it's not18:28
mundus2018I can run !! as user18:28
mundus2018without sudo in front18:28
ikoniait's a shell function18:28
Guest48940join #linux18:28
amaroqto make forum using phpBB i need LAMP or just "basic ubuntu server" ?18:33
Guest48940does anyone know how to properly back up apt-get after running apt-get update to restore current state onto another system, thanks18:33
Guest48940if i try to reinstall packages onto an offline system i will get errors that it needs to grab 'mb of archives'18:33
Exagone313Guest48940: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware#Installing_packages_without_an_Internet_connection18:34
Guest48940i want to backup the current state of apt-get after running a fresh apt-get update and restore this list onto another system18:34
Guest48940nothing seems to work18:34
TopriHi there! I have this question about the preparation of a bootable partition on an external Hard Drive: I have 2 partition on the USBHD, say A and B. B is flagged bootable. I need to tell to StartUp Disk creator that I want it to deploy the distro in B, but somewhat it does not mention both partitions in a menu. It just sees only the Drive as a whole...18:34
ikoniaTopri: because it uses the whole key, not a partition18:34
OerHeksamaroq, lamp is ubuntu server  .. linux, apache myql php18:35
Exagone313Topri: do you want to install ubuntu on this partition?18:35
Topriso, considering just B is bootable, it will deploy on B leaving A intact?18:35
amaroqOerHeks, and the other one? "basic ubuntu server" ? I dl tasksel and it's giving me options18:35
Guest48940Exagone313, that is not really what i am looking for, i am looking for an answer of how to properly back up an updated instance of apt-get, not a third party application18:35
Guest48940how do i import the list after running 'apt-get update' onto another system18:36
OerHeksother one??18:36
Exagone313amaroq: lamp just means linux + apache (apache2) + mysql (or mariadb) + php (php5 or php7). you can do this any linux distrib, like ubuntu server18:36
ikoniayou can use ubuntu desktop just fine18:36
Exagone313with any*18:36
Guest48940i tried backing up /var/cache/apt/ pkgcache.bin and srcpkgcache.bin and /etc/apt entirely18:36
amaroqOerHeks, sudo tasksel shows me options including "basic ubuntu server"18:37
Guest48940im specifically looking for information on how to back up apt-get thanks18:37
amaroqExagone313, I see, so, why the options Lamp or 'ubuntu server' ?18:37
OerHeksamaroq, if you want a forum, you need a webserver = lamp18:37
Exagone313I don't support the software you use18:38
amaroqOerHeks, ok, that's all I need to know then - thanks :)18:38
Exagone313Topri: if you want to install Ubuntu on B, try debootstrap18:38
Exagone313+ install grub or selinux on your usb key18:39
ikoniawhy do that ?18:39
ikoniaExagone313: selinux ??? what are you talking about18:39
Exagone313wrong term I think18:39
ikoniaTopri: you just want to run a system from a usb key yes ?18:39
amaroqikonia, were you talking to me, "you can use ubuntu desktop just fine" ?18:40
ikoniaamaroq: yes18:40
Topriikonia: yes. I previously deployed just in B, some time ago...I just got confused that diskcreator does not separate A from B...18:40
amaroqI didn't get that, ikonia18:40
ikoniaTopri: disk creator creates install media18:40
amaroqikonia, installation is now on the way, but could you explain anyway, please?18:40
Topriyes, I want to creat an install media.18:40
ikoniaTopri: you will have a better experience if you actually boot the isntaller and install to the usb key, so the file system is not runing from decompressed squash fs18:41
ikoniaamaroq: explain what ?18:41
amaroqikonia, what you said to me about ubuntu desktop being fine - how?18:42
ikoniaamaroq: just install a web server, php and mysql, it doesnt' matter if it's ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop, it will work just fine18:42
Topriok, i'll do my best to figure this out! thanks!!18:42
amaroqikonia, got it. Yes, that's what I'm doing in fact. I am running Mate here and installed tasksel as I was advised to with which I've chosen 'LAMP' which it is now installing (on my ubuntu-mate desktop system)18:43
SpectreNectarhello, trying to join the Linux world here =) here's where am at: http://files.64digits.com/SpectreNectar/DSC_0179.JPG (help much appreciated)18:46
ikoniaSpectreNectar: and ?18:46
SpectreNectarI'm wondering how to define swap space18:47
ikoniaexactly the same as a partition18:47
ikoniayou just set the file system to swap18:47
SpectreNectarso edit partition -> use as: swap area for (the entire tb=18:48
ikoniawhy would you use 1tb ?18:48
ikoniayopu've not defined any linux partitions18:48
ikoniadefine some linux partitions and define a swap partition,18:48
SpectreNectarbecause that's the amount there is on it.. I have sereral drives on the machine18:49
ikoniaSpectreNectar: do you understand what swap is used for ?18:49
ikoniaand why are you worrying about swap when you haven't defined any linux partitions for ubuntu to install to18:49
SpectreNectarI'm concerned because it gave a popup that I ought to have some18:50
ikoniayou don't have ANY linux partitions18:50
ikoniawhy are you pressing "install now"18:50
SpectreNectarI thought I had one  actually I made one after the screenshot18:50
ikoniaso just create a swap partition then18:51
SpectreNectarlet me give a fresh screnshot sec18:51
ikoniamake it a gig or two max18:51
mundus2018777 is full perms right?18:52
mundus2018or is that 775?18:52
tewardmundus2018: "full perms" varies use case to use case18:52
ikoniamundus2018: is open to everyone with full access18:52
mundus2018I just mean like full rw18:52
mundus2018oh thanks18:52
ikoniamundus2018: everyone in the world will have read/write/execute18:52
mundus2018ok, thanks what I needed18:53
ikoniano-one should ever need 77718:53
ikoniaI'd suggest you look at what you really need18:53
SpectreNectarthis is what I'm looking at now: http://files.64digits.com/SpectreNectar/DSC_0180.JPG18:54
Exagone313mundus2018: permissions are also recursive, if you set 600 to /a, and 777 to /a/b, only the own of /a can do something with /a/b18:55
ikoniaSpectreNectar: so make a swap partition18:55
Exagone313and permissions on directories are a bit different also, but I don't remember which one do what18:56
SpectreNectarikonia, can I do that now that I have used up all the space?18:56
ikoniamake the partition smaller then18:57
SpectreNectarok so I'll just revert then and preserve some space for swap18:57
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SpectreNectarikonia, thanks for helping out I got it working now ^^19:07
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calmarhi all. let's say I install ubunto onto a usb3-external harddisk. .. how likely will that system startup onto another computer?19:10
Javabeani have a setup similar, calmar... it doesn't work out so well switching comps19:11
ioriacalmar, it should19:11
MonkeyDustcalmar  or do you mean, an unwanted 'other computer'19:12
ioriacalmar, you install grub on your external, so booting every pc from that device should start it19:12
OerHekscalmar, if the hardware is identical, maybe.19:13
calmarmaybe with a different graphic-card.. there's the .. hang.. right?19:13
JavabeanOerHeks: i have no trouble with identical hardware, everything else hangs during plymouth19:14
ioriacalmar, it will load the opensource driver19:14
calmarioria, MonkeyDust, OerHeks ok cool, thanks :)19:14
HappyHoboHello folks.19:14
ioriacalmar, but clearly depends....19:15
krabadorcalmar, a static installation may not work properly everywhere19:15
calmarioria: krabador yeah.. I guess into the console.. it should so.  the rest may be tricky19:15
calmar(similar cpu..)19:16
ioriacalmar, don't but a 64 bit on a pentium 4, for example :þ19:17
HappyHoboI'm having sound issues still.19:18
HappyHoboIt no workie.19:23
OerHeksHappyHobo, time to give details what you did and what you tried to fix it19:24
HappyHobowell I tried pavucontrol and nothing shows as being muted, I tried alsamixer, I tried dpgk-configure pulseaudio19:26
lordcirthHappyHobo, do you have 2 sound devices, one of which is an HDMI audio?  That's a common problem.19:28
OerHeksalsamixer > f6 > select sounddevice19:28
HappyHobolordcirth:  No I don't.19:28
lordcirthOk, was worth a shot.19:29
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BluesKajHappyHobo, details please19:30
HappyHoboI dist-upgrade and I lost my sound.19:31
HappyHoboI never had this problem with ubuntu mate19:31
HappyHoboxubuntu should be the same19:31
MonkeyDustHappyHobo  in a terminal, type    alsamixer ... if you see MM, go there and hit m to unmute19:35
HappyHoboI don't see a MM19:35
HappyHoboWell there is an mm on headphones19:36
ioriaHappyHobo, uname -r ?19:36
HappyHobo uname -r19:37
BluesKajHappyHobo, what about automute in alsamixer, is it disabled?19:38
HappyHoboWhere do I find that?19:38
BluesKajon the far right19:38
HappyHoboIt says enabled19:38
BluesKajuse the downkey to disable it19:39
HappyHoboStill no sound19:39
ioriaHappyHobo, you can try to boot a previous kernel from grub, pressing Shift19:39
HappyHoboOK brb19:40
HappyHoboreboot now right?19:40
ioriaHappyHobo, yep19:40
* BluesKaj wonders if he knows how to navigate in alsmixer19:40
HappyHoboNot very well but yes19:41
BluesKajwith the left right arrow kweys19:41
BluesKajoh well I guess a different kerenel might fix the problem, but I doubt it19:42
ioriaespecially if he ran autoremove19:43
BluesKajpulseaudio is also misdirecting the signal in some cases even after changing the output to the correct setting19:45
KuroganeHello, i have a problem with files anime and is about unicode problem. The problem is i have a files with name for example "econ#U00f3micas" and i want to convert to "económicas". there is any way to do in script command line?19:45
HappyHoboStill no sound.19:47
MonkeyDustKurogane  type    mv econ [tab] económicas [enter]19:47
ioriaHappyHobo, cat /var/log/apt/history.log19:48
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KuroganeMonkeyDust, what? is not just a file i have a lot files with this issue also in various directories.19:52
HappyHobohttp://pastebin.com/1MhtcFed   IT'S HUGE!19:52
MonkeyDustKurogane  ok, then you need a script, you can use 'sed' for it ... the people in #bash can help better with scripts19:52
yoLo_I'm stuck in a log in loop..19:53
yoLo_how can i fix this ?19:54
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ioriaHappyHobo, yeah, a lot of packagers updated ... idk what could be the issue19:56
BluesKajyoLo_, drop to a tty/vt , ctl+alt+f1-f6 . login then update and upgrade19:56
yoLo_BluesKaj:  tty/vt ??19:56
HappyHoboioria:  I update daily.19:57
BluesKajyoLo_, Vt is a virtual terminal like the console19:57
Exagone313yoLo_: did you change your graphic card driver or edited any Xorg setting?19:58
ioriaHappyHobo, the upgrade of 2016-06-03  17:16:20 it's big ...19:58
HappyHoboYes it is.19:58
yoLo_i edited ~/.profile19:58
Exagone313yoLo_: then go into a tty, and edit your file back19:59
ioriaHappyHobo, aplay -l     gives you your card ?19:59
yoLo_Exagone313: how do i get into tty ?19:59
yoLo_recovery mode ?? Exagone313  ?20:00
Exagone313yoLo_: did you search by yourself before asking this question?20:00
ioriaHappyHobo, syntax error ...20:00
HappyHobo aplay -l  **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****  card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC272X Analog [ALC272X Analog]20:00
HappyHobo  Subdevices: 0/1  Subdevice #0: subdevice #020:00
yoLo_Exagone313:  i have but never encounter tty20:01
yoLo_It said that i need to go in recovery mode20:01
Exagone313yoLo_: ctrl + alt + f120:01
Exagone313f7 is the default for graphic, and f1...f6 are ttys20:01
yoLo_Exagone313: i hit this at boot up right ?20:02
Exagone313when you see your login screen (lightdm probably)20:02
yoLo_ok Exagone313  in tty mode i can have access to everything right ?20:03
Exagone313yoLo_: you get a terminal20:03
yoLo_so i can modify ~/.profile20:03
yoLo_i will do this right now20:03
Exagone313yes, but inside a terminal, so using an editor like vim20:04
HappyHoboioria:  typing speak ubu speak isn't working.20:04
BluesKajExagone313, nano is less dangerous20:04
Exagone313I don't know others, tell him how to use it20:04
BluesKajyoavz, sudo nano ~/.profile , then do your edit , ctl+o then enter, then ctl+x, to save and exit the file20:06
user2635Within keyboard shortcuts, some entries show XF86Mail for example, for the email client. What does XF86 mean?20:07
BluesKajoops yoLo left20:07
HappyHoboBluesKaj:  can you take over where ioria left off since he left?20:08
MonkeyDustsudo -e edits with the default, wel, editor20:10
note1989Hi i would like to change keymap when i pressdown alt and then when i release switch back. What i really just want to do is to have three special swedish characters when pressing down alt. getting tired of switching layout all the time20:10
BluesKajHappyHobo, I wasn't following since I couldn't figure out what you guys were doing with changing kernels etc20:10
HappyHoboHe thought it was a kernel change that did it.20:11
MonkeyDustBluesKaj  and ~/.profile doesnt need sudo, as it sits in /home20:11
HappyHoboHe thought it was a recent update that did it.20:11
BluesKajMonkeyDust, oh right doh!20:11
BluesKajHappyHobo, think pulseaudio/pavucontrol might be misdirecting the audio signal, that's a recent bug with some cards, once you set he out put in pulse , make sure you reboot20:16
user2635What does KP mean in relation to keyboard shortcuts?20:21
OerHeks KeyPad (numberpad key buttons).20:23
HappyHoboBluesKaj:  Um what am I doing?20:24
BluesKajsorry HappyHobo, i have to go20:28
econdudeawesomeHowdy all! Ran into some weird error. My hard drive space is totally gone after leaving my computer on a few days20:30
HappyHoboCat left behind downloading kitty porn?20:31
econdudeawesomepossibly. Barring that, any thoughts? :)20:31
k1lecondudeawesome: possible logfiles issue with spamming errors in them.20:32
HappyHoboHi k20:32
ubuntu446hello all, i have failover ip block, i want to use them to by pass a ban if the main ip , how can i achieve this ? days and days looking with no clue20:33
ubuntu446is there any way to do this ?20:33
ubuntu446need ur help20:36
ubuntu446is there any one here who can help me ?20:37
MonkeyDustubuntu446  'pass a ban'? ban by whom?20:45
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tewardMonkeyDust: "by pass a ban" = "bypass a ban"20:49
tewardwhich sounds like they're trying to ban evade somewhere20:49
tewardand I don't think that's something we really help with here?20:49
MonkeyDustteward  it sounds suspicious, that's why i asked20:50
josephpagoda-lapHello Everyone!  I'm running Ubuntu Gnome but I think the issue applies here too.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/1312834  I'm running into that.  I'm on my Macbook and things seem to be working ok, it's just that issue that I've got left to fix.20:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1312834 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Mouse pointer won't move with two fingers on trackpad" [Undecided,New]20:52
josephpagoda-lapany ideas on what I can do?20:53
josephpagoda-laphttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/1026046 that is the same bug it looks like20:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1026046 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Missing support for thumb resting on bottom of clickpad" [Medium,In progress]20:54
josephpagoda-lapso this has been known about and confirmed for quite some time20:54
ubuntu446MonkeyDust ban of ip by a server20:57
ubuntu446so im trying static route20:57
ubuntu446i have failover block ip20:57
ubuntu446i want to use one of them as a main ip, so when i download something, their server will see another ip20:58
MonkeyDustubuntu446  how legal is that, in your country?20:59
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ubuntu446im not downloading movies or music20:59
HappyHoboI just can't get the sound working.20:59
ubuntu446its just live stream and i convert it20:59
helpyhello all21:02
helpyi can't get urdu fonts right21:02
HappyHoboHi helpy21:02
helpycan anyone help ? i have done everything possible21:03
MonkeyDustubuntu446  then simply ask them to unban your ip21:03
helpythis too21:03
ubuntu446thank you for your help, even that it still a challenge for me to know how can we achieve this21:03
ubuntu446or im not allowed to know ?21:03
mundus2018Im trying to configure a samba share, will path = / work?21:04
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mundus2018 /ns identify21:05
whaitymundus2018 ;)21:06
mundus2018thank god I didnt type my password lol21:06
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helpyanyone ?21:08
k1l!rootirc | numnum21:10
ubottunumnum: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.21:10
abdulkarimis it possible to install torrents21:10
k1labdulkarim: "install torrents"?21:10
wafflejockabdulkarim, you use a torrent to download a file21:10
wafflejockabdulkarim, you install a torrent client21:10
wafflejockabdulkarim, the .torrent file is just a link to get the actual download21:11
k1labdulkarim: you can use torrent clients. or use torrent clients to down/upload torrents. but you cant "install a torrent"21:11
ubuntu446guys pls how can i change the primary adresse , like taken one from my failover block21:11
abdulkarimhow do i get that torrent client21:11
wafflejockabdulkarim, you can use, sudo apt install transmission21:12
k1labdulkarim: i think ubuntu ship transmission as a program to load torrents.21:12
wafflejockabdulkarim, yeah I have it here not sure if it was installed by default or not21:12
MonkeyDustabdulkarim  sudo apt install transmission21:13
MonkeyDustoh, wafflejock said it21:13
player0khi to all21:16
player0kCan someone help me with a question? http://askubuntu.com/questions/779082/ubuntu-16-04-gnome-session-ubuntu-not-found21:16
helpyi can't get urdu fonts right21:21
helpycan anyone help ? i have done everything possible21:21
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josephpagoda-lapso I just tried using the mtrack driver, and it mocks me21:24
Guest71221Can anyone offer advice to a beginner?21:24
josephpagoda-lapwhen I disable the synaptics driver and just have a secton for the mtrack driver, my mouse doesn't move at all...21:24
josephpagoda-lapGuest71221: what's going on?21:24
Guest71221Joseph, I'm trying to download and install Ubuntu 14.04 with no success.21:25
calmarGuest71221: problem is where?21:26
Guest71221I make an iso disk and get it started installing, then popups for windows driver updates are everywhere. I'm trying to replace WIN7 with ubuntu21:27
geniiSounds suspiciously like a wubi21:28
calmarpopups for windows driver, Guest71221 ? more specific?21:29
Bashing-omGuest71221: Did you verify the .iso download .. And what option in the installer did you select ?21:29
k1lGuest71221: did you boot the usb or did you run that in windows?21:29
geniik1l: Exactly...21:30
Guest71221It pops up in the middle of the download- two buttons on a small area- one flashing green.21:30
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calmarGuest34048: .. so the problem is with downloading the iso?21:33
calmarGuest34048: or download of the packages?21:34
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calmarwhile installing21:34
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player0k_ Can someone help me with a question?   http://askubuntu.com/questions/779082/ubuntu-16-04-gnome-session-ubuntu-not-found21:35
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PickledEggsHey sorry calmar, I was Guest34048 but I think you were looking for someone else21:35
Bashing-om!info katoolin21:36
ubottuPackage katoolin does not exist in xenial21:36
calmarPickledEggs: yeah true sorry21:36
calmarand he quit actually21:36
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player0k_ubottu, don't use that shit21:37
tewardplayer0k_: please don't repeat yourself21:37
OerHeksplayer0k_, so you installed kali tools with a github script?21:38
Cprossuwhelp I'll try one more time!\21:39
Cprossuhey what's the easiest way to override false EDID? I have a monitor that has a recc'd edid of 1280x768 @ 48.7hz (it will run fine forced at 60hz but I'd be fine with it at 1024x768 @ 60hz since it is a digital signage thing)... every time the machine reboots it defaults to the incorrect edid, same if the monitor is unplugged/replugged. graphics is like i945g on an integrated itx atom board21:39
OerHeksplayer0k_, good luck with that, not really supported here, try #kali-linux21:39
player0k_OerHeks, yes21:41
player0k_OerHeks,  i broke whole packages dependencies21:41
player0k_Now I'm trying to bring back to life gnome-session21:43
OerHeksthere must be a reason kali hanged from ubuntu to debian ..21:43
k1lplayer0k_: make backups of your data and reinstall. there is no way back after using those scripts21:47
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player0k_k1l, thanks.... I will continue to use the KDE21:50
aashhow to set up linux machines in network using oracle vm ware21:50
josephpagoda-lapanyone know how to enable the mtrack driver?22:04
OerHeksthere is some wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro11-1/utopic#A2.6_Fixing_the_touchpad22:06
vlabis there a reason ubuntu shows up twice on my boot manager?22:12
vlabboth lead to the same install22:12
vlaberr bootloader22:12
OerHeks2 different kernels, perhaps ?22:13
josephpagoda-lapOerHeks: i hope it works22:14
OerHeksjosephpagoda-lap, there are more pages with the same info, so i guess it will >> http://yarenty.blogspot.nl/2014/08/how-to-fix-macbook-pro-touchpad-on.html22:14
vlabi do see vmlinuz-generic and vmlinuz-generic.efo.signed22:14
vlabin /boot/ could i safely remove one?22:15
josephpagoda-lapOerHeks: I've tried that already22:15
OerHeksoh efi boot .. not sure you can remove one22:15
josephpagoda-lapand just didn't have my mouse working at all after that22:15
josephpagoda-laphere goes nothing though22:17
josephpagoda-lapOerHeks: well, my mouse doesn't work now22:19
josephpagoda-lapI think those instructions are broken22:19
OerHekshmm bad news :-(22:21
josephpagoda-lapat least I know keyboard shortcuts22:21
josephpagoda-lapso I think I can revert the changes22:21
josephpagoda-lapbut i would think with issues being over for multiple years this would be addressed by now :-/22:21
Allan_Who can help me loading Fedora GRUB to Windows Bootloader22:22
k1lAllan_: the #fedora guys or the ones in ##windows22:23
josephpagoda-lapok, just installed the synaptics drivers22:23
josephpagoda-laprebooting again22:23
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Allan_#Windows has a channel?22:24
Allan_double ##?22:24
Allan_thank you22:24
jordan36262hi are you guys active?22:25
* OerHeks is watching join/parts22:26
* jordan36262 is exploring the world of IRC22:27
jordan36262what are your favorite active technology-related freenode IRC channels?22:27
winston2khi jordan22:27
jordan36262hi winston22:28
squinty!alis | jordan3626222:28
ubottujordan36262: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu or /msg alis list http22:28
* jordan36262 tips his fedora for squinty 22:29
winston2kjordan what irc client are you using?22:29
max-iesi acasa22:29
jordan36262a good choice?22:29
_`Markbad choice ;-s22:30
OerHeksjosephpagoda-lap, maybe you face this issue, not beiing member of input group https://github.com/BlueDragonX/xf86-input-mtrack/issues/9022:30
winston2kjordan sure hexchat is good22:30
Velveeta_Chefhexchat is nice22:30
winston2kim using irssi command line client22:30
winston2kgetting used to it22:30
rsaw6002Ok I'm having issues adding i386 arch to new 14.04 LTS install. I've done sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 and then print arch and still only see amd64 listed. Any ideas?22:31
MiniFridgeHello, I have GPG4Win on my Windows computer and want to verify my Ubuntu iso authenticity. However, running the command shown in step 2 here is giving me an error.22:31
MiniFridgegpg: "8439 38DF 228D 22F7 B374 2BC0 D94A A3F0 EFE2 1092" not a key ID: skipping22:32
MiniFridgegpg: "C598 6B4F 1257 FFA8 6632 CBA7 4618 1433 FBB7 5451" not a key ID: skipping22:32
OerHeksrsaw6002, no need for add-arch or ia32-libs anymore, just install the package:i386 and install -f fixes the rest22:32
MiniFridgeI'm running the command in Windows Powershell22:32
MiniFridgeI have GPG 2 installed22:32
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jordan36262"##c++ :Cannot send to channel" why is that?22:34
rsaw6002Tried that first, unable to fix dependencies is what I get22:34
SonikkuAmericaMiniFridge - why not just use a checksum to verify?22:35
bpromptjordan36262:    means, the channel is in I think is +r mode, which means, you can only post to channel if your nick is registered in the network22:36
squintyMiniFridge,  if you are wanting to check the md5 sum, there is a freebie called Winmd5 you can download.22:36
MiniFridgeSonikkuAmerica, I wanted to check the authenticity22:36
MiniFridgesquinty, nah, I want to check the signatures22:36
MiniFridgeI have HashCalc for the sums22:36
jordan36262bprompt, oh ok. whats the command for registering?22:36
bpromptjordan36262:    a sign of lame ops, usually IMO, and not much worth bothering with22:36
dax!register | jordan3626222:36
ubottujordan36262: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode22:36
daxjordan36262: (this isn't a general IRC support channel, please use #freenode for future queries)22:36
jordan36262!register | jordan3626222:37
ubottujordan36262, please see my private message22:37
\9jordan36262: /msg nickserv help register22:37
jordan36262ok sorry guys22:37
rjdjI downloaded Ubuntu desktop from the website, used the USB app to burn it to USB disk and them when booting off it, it goes through some Ubuntu screens and then my monitor goes out of frequency. Please advise?22:41
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josephpagoda-lapthat might be it22:43
josephpagoda-laplet me check22:43
ubuntu__curious is there a way to turn on /setup kernel debugging on a ubuntu operating system either for com/usb or tcp/port without having to recompile the kernel22:44
ubuntu__is there a grub config file setting for this or a sysctrl setting for it some option so that i can connect be kgdb debugger from my other machine to this one22:45
ubuntu__It doesn't seem right not to have the ability to kernel debug a problem without having to recompile a kernel with menuconfig for it22:46
rsaw6002So it looks like libcairo2:i386 is the broken dependent. I can't get it to install at all. Any thoughts?22:46
ubuntu__I have been told there is no standard but there really is if you consider using menuconfig to do so22:46
ubuntu__But there should be a config setting for linux and unix like major system you think like microsofts msconfig or bcedit options to set a com or tcp/port up for it... but thats just me22:47
MiniFridgeWell, I guess I can just check the hash. Low chance of it being compromised anyway, probably.22:48
ubuntu__If anybody know please explain how you do it without recompiling a kernel22:48
rsaw6002rjdj: what are you running Ubuntu on? Laptop desktop?22:48
MiniFridgeThanks anyways.22:48
josephpagoda-lapah ha, it was that my user needed to be a member of the input group22:53
josephpagoda-lapwhat user does gdm run as?22:53
josephpagoda-lap(I'm on ubuntu gnome)22:53
josephpagoda-lapso that way my mouse can work before I login too22:53
OerHeksjosephpagoda-lap, no, newer versions of Xorg are rootless, they do not have permission to access input devices by default.22:54
josephpagoda-lapOerHeks: yes22:54
josephpagoda-lapthat's my point22:54
OerHeksbefore login ..22:54
josephpagoda-lapwhat user does it run as before I login?22:54
josephpagoda-lapthat way I can fix the touchpad so it works before login22:55
josephpagoda-lapany ideas OerHeks?22:59
OerHeksnot sure how to determin this, gdm23:01
OerHeksfor lightdm i think there is a place for a script https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Adding_System_Hooks23:01
josephpagoda-lapi suppose I could make a script to chmod the /dev/event* to make it world readable and such23:04
josephpagoda-lapor would that not work?23:04
ubuntu__one laptop one desktop23:09
ubuntu__so is kernel debugging only available from custom linux or recompiled linux?23:25
ubuntu__Or is there away to turn it on on any linux operating system you have root access to?23:25
ubuntu__Kind of wanted the ability to turn it on like you do for a windows machine not having to recompile obviously23:27
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OerHekshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures#Kernel or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging is  a good start23:30
ubuntu__OerHeks ya thats not what i am looking for more on how / if it is possible to turn on /set up kernel remote debugging on a random linux box without recompiling23:37
ubuntu__So i can attach it using kgdb23:37
ubuntu__Don't want to recompile/ restart the os to do this. And you should have the ability to step thru kernel code line by line just as gdb does it in userland make sense to me. Dmesg, strace , ptrace ,...etc can only do some much if one wants to see very thing except missing the bootloader code23:40
ubuntu__very => everything23:41
kholdstayreubuntu suspends when inactive, even though it is set to not suspend in the power management settings, anyone know why?23:42
SpectreNectargreetings, I just installed Ubuntu today and was wondering how to run a program that I also made just today =) like, I dbl click and nothing happens. Any ideas? thx23:47
htnsSpectreNectar, what did you write the program in?23:48
SpectreNectarCode::Blocks (C++) runs fine inside the IDE23:48
SpectreNectarhtns, I'm very new to Ubuntu and am also wondering how to maybe try and run it through the terminal to see possible outout errors23:51
htnsSpectreNectar, yes, within the terminal go to the directory where the program is `cd /path/to/dir/' (without quotes) and run the program as such ./your-program-filename23:52
SpectreNectarhtns, aha! error while loading shared libraries: libphysfs.so23:54
SpectreNectarhtns, so I need to include the so23:54
htnsSpectreNectar, I am not an expert in c++, please consider the c++ irc channel23:55
SpectreNectarhtns, I think I got it now though so thanks ^23:56
htnsnot a problem, anytime23:56
josephpagoda-lapOerHeks: So I've just about got everything working23:59
josephpagoda-lapit works much better than before23:59
josephpagoda-lapbut I can't do a two finger click on the button area of the touchpad to right click23:59
josephpagoda-lapso my workaround was that I enabled 3 finger clicking to make it work23:59
josephpagoda-lapand that is a suitable workaround23:59
josephpagoda-lapit's _almost_ perfect23:59

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