
=== imr is now known as exwhyzee
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chuckmcmurraka: you still there?04:44
haudraufgood morning - I run xubuntu since 2weeks, and like it very much. But, after the last installation I can think of (i2p), after the successfull login the session end automatically and returns to the user selection screen. when I start a console, and type 2"startx" all seems to work normal. Any idea how to find the error?08:34
haudraufI'v put the dmesg log here https://paste.ubuntu.com/17023063/08:39
jdwwattshello world09:46
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yoLo_is the bashrc file where i add my new path ??14:57
yoLo_i want to add a path14:59
krytarikyoLo_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#Persistent_environment_variables15:00
marvinisanHi, everyone! Am I right to think that xUbuntu is the fastest and user friendly Linux distribution?15:03
marvinisanBy the way, I am from Brazil. So some fails on written English may occur.15:05
yoLo_marvinisan: .. we're all individuals and our opinions may vary15:05
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marvinisanBut do known some other user friendly Linux fastest than xUbuntu?15:06
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marvinisanI am new at Linux enviroments!15:06
yoLo_marvinisan: i can't really tell you which distro is fastest..15:07
yoLo_we get distros for certain purposes15:07
marvinisanIt seems to me that this distribution is similar to the user experience by WindowsXP! (Sorry if it seems a dumb comparission)15:09
ranumarvinisan, I am brazilian, if you want to talk, I'm open :-)15:21
freeriderI have installed xubuntu on my htpc and I currently having a issue everytime I turn off and on again my tv.17:02
freeridercurrently running 16.04 but this bug seems to around sin at least 14.04 from what I have found online.17:03
freeriderThose are pages talking about the bug I'm having:17:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1308105 in xfce4-settings "Xfce resets TV mode to NULL when power cycled" [Critical,Confirmed]17:04
freeriderAny help would be appreciated...17:06
freeriderubottu: have you succeed to fixed this problem?17:09
ubottufreerider: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:09
freeriderk :)17:09
freeriderIs there someone watching this channel at the moment?17:10
flocculantfreerider: I managed to deal with it by using https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11107#c4817:22
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11107 in Xfsettingsd "xfsettingsd resets TV mode to NULL on power cycle" [Critical,Reopened]17:22
flocculantmade a script - added it to session startup17:23
flocculantthat said - others with the same issue didn't get that to help - you could at least try17:23
xubuntu79dcan somevan help me19:04
xubuntu79dhow to use window border numix with compiz on xubuntu 16.0419:05
xubuntu79dnobady here19:12
xubuntu79dsomevan alive around here19:12
xubuntu79dpls help me19:22
xubuntu79dsomevan here19:22
knome!patience | xubuntu79d19:23
ubottuxubuntu79d: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:23
xubuntu79dcan somevan help,i enable compiz on xubuntu 16.04,how to change my window border,i try in window decoration,dconfig,not changing enithing19:25
kilbithhello, does Compton currently uses xrender or glx as backend ?23:20
kholdstayrei have set my xubuntu to never sleep, and the monitor to never go black, in the power manager settings. nevertheless, it times out after about 10 mins of inactivity, anyone know how to get it to stop sleeping?23:39

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