
allen__Ubuntu Mate 16.04 installation hangs indefinitely at timezone area when I went to type a new location... it is supposed to deleting partitions and formatting new ones in the background so I don't want to just shut off power. But nothing is happening. What should I do??00:37
allen__already tried praying to wimpy00:38
=== r2d2 is now known as Guest22848
=== shawn is now known as Guest26393
shawn_can someone tell me how to download torrents with 16.04 please06:08
randallshawn_, any torrent?06:16
randallshawn_, transmission in your internet folder is the default torrent client, I assume you already know the rest06:19
shawn_i am a total noobe to linux and 16.04. Windows guy for 20+ years06:41
randallahh, well you know where you get the torrents from right?06:41
shawn_ya, i know how to get the torrents, i used utorrent on my windows machine but not sure what works over here or how to install06:42
nomictransmission = good torrent client06:44
randallell over here in linux it's transmission instead of utorrent06:44
nomicsimply install, open torrent file06:44
randallyou already have transmission installed by default06:45
shawn_great, where do i find it?06:45
randallmenu > internet06:45
shawn_excellent, got it! thanks for the help06:48
=== Hobbyboy|BNC is now known as Hobbyboy
=== rw is now known as Guest7898
gordonjcpBlackisle: lovely part of the world09:15
Twikzerhi, i have a problem with the soud11:41
Twikzeri listen nothing in my external soundcard (Traktor A 10) in ubuntu mate11:42
ouroumovHi Twikzer12:48
ouroumovTwikzer, did you install the driver & firmware packs from the Welcome Splash Screen -> 'Getting Started' section?12:49
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as SonikkuA-BANK-ic
alexarnaudhello all !15:57
alexarnaudI'm trying to use Ubuntu Mate on Raspberry Pi 3 but I've lot of issue with sound. Does anyone of you are able to connect the jack or use HDMI to sound output (maybe youtube) ?15:58
alexarnaudI use Ubuntu Mate 16.0415:58
=== Guest7898 is now known as randyw|away
BokmuskeIs there a howto on sound somewhere? It seems to be a frequent problem.18:14
AkuliIt is, but the only solution is to try things until they start working, or just  not get things working :D18:14
Akuliso nothing worth of writing a howto there18:14
nico_anyone online ?19:33
nico_registration key19:34
ubuntu-mateHi, Newbie here22:49
ubuntu-mateThinking of installing Ubuntu over Linux Mint22:50
ubuntu-mateDo I need to activate anything like a firewall22:50
ubuntu-mateSeems like Mint has forgotten Newbies and every time I turn around I find something that needs installing for security22:51
glgamerWell, if I recall, ubuntu mate had the GUI for the firewall already installed...22:52
glgamerif not, it's probably in the welcome screen22:52
glgamerjust needs to be switched to "on" is all I think.22:52
glgamerWhat version of Linux Mint are you using?22:53
ubuntu-mateI was looking for a replacement for XP, fell in love with Mint Rosa, but can't understand much of what is needed on it.22:53
glgamerAh. Was it the Cinnamon desktop edition?22:54
glgamerHeh, I used that for a while myself before moving over to Ubuntu Mate a couple months ago.22:55
ubuntu-mateI am returning to Linux after 6 years of being away22:55
ubuntu-mateWow! Lots of changes22:55
glgamerWelcome back then. I've only been using Linux for roughly a year myself entirely.22:55
glgamerLiking it a lot though.22:55
ubuntu-mateWell, I love eye candy but need the security as well so I am shopping for something with both22:56
ubuntu-mateSince I use a Wifi, I better go hunt down the fire wall nice talking with you22:56
glgamerAlright, good luck. Nice talking22:57
rastacalaveraHey guys, I'm trying to download a news story and am wondering if anyone could recommend an app for that?23:18
glgamerHi Rastacalavera. Ah, sorry, I don't have any idea what would be good for that.23:19
rastacalaveraok, I've been looking at youtube-dl but this video is from a news site so I don't know if it would work23:20

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