
flafHi, I have a little problem with a upstart job in ubuntu trusty
flafWhen I try to start a job (start ceph-osd id=x) I have an curious error, like if upstart tried to use an old version of the job.00:02
AnrDaemonpastebin the job file please.00:03
flafAnrDaemon: http://paste.alacon.org/4141900:04
flafAnrDaemon: the point is in /var/log/upstart/ceph-osd-ceph_13.log where I have “/proc/self/fd/9: 8: /proc/self/fd/9: /usr/libexec/ceph/ceph-osd-prestart.sh: not found”.00:04
AnrDaemonI'd remove "respawn" stanzas until you 101% sure it works as intended. Before bad things happen.00:05
AnrDaemonThat's not your job log.00:05
flafAnd the file “/usr/libexec/ceph/ceph-osd-prestart.sh” is not mentioned in the job file _but_ it was present in the previous version of the job start. Because I have updated the ceph package.00:05
AnrDaemonYou don't even log anything in your job, to begin with.00:05
AnrDaemonupstart job logs are named after the job, with optional instance name added after it.00:07
flafAnrDaemon: I'm not sure to understand. I have to edit the job file and remove the 2 "respawn" stanzas, correct?00:09
flafAnd I retry to start my job?00:09
AnrDaemonAnd i strongly suggest moving "instance" and "export" stanzas up.00:09
AnrDaemonComment them out.00:09
AnrDaemonAnd add "console log" while you're at it.00:09
flafIf I add "console log", where the log will be created?00:11
AnrDaemonWhere you expect them.00:11
flafin /var/log/upstart/ ?00:12
AnrDaemonOf course :D00:12
AnrDaemonAlso, I'm not exactly sure, what upstart is going to do with "instance ${cluster:-ceph}/$id"00:13
flafI have tried. After “start ceph-osd id=13”, I have the error “start: Job failed to start” and no log is created in /var/log/upstart/.00:14
AnrDaemonIt is supposed to be one variable, passed to the job from parent. Do make a check.00:14
flafThe only file updated in /var/log/upstart/ after my “start” command is /var/log/upstart/ceph-osd-ceph_13.log00:15
flafand during my “start” command the line “/proc/self/fd/9: 8: /proc/self/fd/9: /usr/libexec/ceph/ceph-osd-prestart.sh: not found” is added in /var/log/upstart/ceph-osd-ceph_13.log00:16
AnrDaemoninit-checkconf your job file.00:16
flafAs I said the ceph package has been updated (apt-get) and the new version of /etc/init/ceph-osd.conf doesn't contain /usr/libexec/ceph/ceph-osd-prestart.sh. But the previous version of /etc/init/ceph-osd.conf (before the “apt-get upgrade”) contains this string. Is it possible that the “start” command still use the previous and deleted version of /etc/init/ceph-osd.conf ?00:18
flafinit-checkconf /etc/init/ceph-osd.conf => “File /etc/init/ceph-osd.conf: syntax ok”00:19
flafIn the “pre-start” stanza, I have tried to add “echo test >/tmp/log” etc. but after the “start” command no /tmp/log was created.00:21
flafAnrDaemon: another curios behavior: “mv /etc/init/ceph-osd.conf /root ; start ceph-osd id=13” => “start: Job failed to start”00:22
flafAnrDaemon: normally the error should be “start: Unknown job: ceph-osd”.00:23
AnrDaemonThat's why am I not using these shortcuts. Only initctl, only hardcore.00:23
flaf(because the file is moved to /root)00:23
flafinitctl start ceph-osd id=13 => initctl: Job failed to start00:24
flafsame message.00:24
flafIn fact, I have the feeling that a reboot could solve my problem. But I'm not sure and this a server in production.00:26
AnrDaemonYou can force upstart to reconsider the jobs.00:27
flafah, how?00:30
AnrDaemonman initctl00:47
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