
acheron_ukclivejo: needs symbols sort I assume http://kci.pangea.pub/job/yakkety_unstable_kcalcore/09:41
clivejoacheron_uk: know how to patch symbols?10:30
acheron_ukI tried and got http://paste.ubuntu.com/17086159/10:32
acheron_ukclivejo: with the actual diff being http://paste.ubuntu.com/17086184/10:35
acheron_ukassume the +#MISSING needs resolving10:35
clivejoUsually if it is a private symbol, we can ignore it10:36
clivejotheres a link somewhere that we can check symbols10:37
acheron_ukyeah, I got that, but went round in circles trying to check10:37
acheron_uka link? the API ref, or something more 'friendly'?10:38
clivejodid you feed in both logs?10:38
clivejoacheron_uk: there looks to have been a SO bump recently - https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kcalcore/commit/?h=kubuntu_unstable&id=4e4b61d7d16ada4126e145ca0e2091d8a22a5b3010:50
clivejoso that might be ok10:51
clivejoremove it anyway and just make a note in the changelog10:51
acheron_ukfair enough. :)10:52
clivejoyofel: can you shed more light on this? ^ ^10:54
clivejoacheron_uk: are you subbed to the KDE Release Team ML?10:57
acheron_ukI did sub to a few - have to check10:58
clivejoDid you see this ? https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/release-team/2016-June/009483.html10:58
clivejoyou can sub here - https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/release-team10:59
acheron_ukYes I got that email, but admit I hadn't read it11:00
clivejothats my problem, too many emails!11:01
acheron_ukI get so many emails on various things, that some filters are set to mark things as auto-read11:01
acheron_uki.e. they are there for ref if I need them11:01
acheron_ukbetter turn off that filer11:02
clivejoyeah, soee_ is supposed to announce this stuff!11:02
acheron_ukfor the note on the MISSING in the changlog, do I need to list the whole symbolname?11:04
acheron_ukthat seems cumbersome and untidy, but complete11:05
clivejono, just that you think its safe to remove due to the recent SO bump11:05
yofelis that from the CI build log?11:06
clivejoyofel: yes11:06
yofelon a first guess: I would say "bad" - because the so bump happened for 16.04 already, which has already been released so doesn't cover this11:07
yofelbut I didn't look at the actual symbol yet11:07
clivejoit looks to be replacing and existing11:08
yofelalso, huh? https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kcalcore/commit/?h=kubuntu_unstable&id=ff4837985fae4f63a45f326efc48c53c21044c3e11:08
* acheron_uk goes to make coffee11:10
clivejoin that case which symbols do we take11:10
clivejowe had the KCI version in kubuntu_unstable and 16.04.1 in yakkety?11:11
yofeloh, that was a merge? Then fine11:14
clivejoyeah "Merge branch 'kubuntu_stable' into kubuntu_unstable"11:14
yofelI was just irritated as such things normally shouldn't happen11:14
clivejoour work flow hasnt been very fluid recently11:15
clivejowhen apps got staged it didnt seem to pull in the unstable changes11:16
clivejoI dont think Scarlett used the script11:17
yofelhas a misworded changelog11:18
yofelthat was a lib version bump, *NOT* an SOVERSION bump11:19
yofelotherwise the bottom line would've changed11:19
yofelSo to me, this looks like an ABI break introduced by 196f5d638be7ac4b0b085c5e09e41d6ef3927c4b11:20
clivejo- _ZN8KCalCore10ICalFormat13readIncidenceERK10QByteArrayPNS_13ICalTimeZonesE@Base 15.07.9011:20
clivejo+ _ZN8KCalCore10ICalFormat13readIncidenceERK10QByteArray@Base 4:16.04.111:20
yofelyou might want to ask volker what his intentions were here11:20
yofelyes, he removed a function parameter, that's an ABI break as that function is in KCALCORE_EXPORT ICalFormat -> public: Incidence::Ptr readIncidence(const QByteArray &string);11:22
clivejoIve been getting crashes in korganizer I wonder are these related11:22
yofelyou can't get any more public than that11:22
clivejoin KCalCore::ICalTimeZoneData::ICalTimeZoneData11:22
BluesKajHowdy folks11:22
yofelonly if the actual crash says "missing symbol in ..."11:22
acheron_ukhi BluesKaj11:23
BluesKajhi acheron_uk11:23
yofelclivejo: https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=kcalcore.git&a=commitdiff&h=196f5d638be7ac4b0b085c5e09e41d6ef3927c4b11:23
clivejoRemove ICalTimeZones from public API here. 11:24
clivejoIt's supposed to be removed as part of John's work to kill KDateTime and 11:24
clivejoKTimeZone, so hide it inside KCalCore here where it's easier to refactor. 11:24
yofelsounds sensible, but requires an so version change11:25
yofelso maybe politely ask him whether he's aware of that11:25
yofelsometimes people just don't realize it11:26
yofelwell, something like "hey, I think your commit foo to bar breaks the ABI, did you forget to change the so version or is that intenional?"11:27
yofelthe plasma-nm dev I talked to also didn't realize that back with his wimax refactoring11:28
clivejothat was back in April?11:29
yofelyeah, doesn't look to be part of the 16.04 branch though, so at least it's master-only11:30
yofelah right, they branched end of march11:31
yofelso maybe just ping him that he should please not forget to bump the so version before 16.0811:31
yofelor rather just bump it right now11:31
clivejo<hefee> clivejo: we break api/abi yes11:35
clivejois this a which comes first thing, the chicken or the egg?11:36
yofeldepends on what the chicken is ;P11:38
yofelthere's no rule for that really, hence why I said "polite reminder" because people tend to forget about it.11:38
clivejothey seem to know about it11:38
yofelI would really recommend not removign the MISSING tag until the version changes11:38
yofeljust so that WE don't forget11:38
clivejoso in this case you would leave the #MISSING tag in the symbols file as a reminder?11:40
yofelyep. I hope lintian complains about that... haven't tried that in a while11:40
clivejoIm sure it will11:40
clivejoit usually finds numerious ways to complain about stuff!11:41
clivejoacheron_uk: did you catch all that?11:42
acheron_ukI'm here taking mental notes11:42
clivejomy mental notes are broken11:42
* clivejo has to write stuff down11:43
acheron_ukso basically do the patch and accept that the #MISSING part stays for now?11:44
clivejoyup, and make a note in the changelog that you expect a so bump11:45
yofelbreaks stuff for people that try to actually use the CI packages, but the workaround for that is more work than it's worth11:46
acheron_ukso something like? http://paste.ubuntu.com/17087001/11:48
yofelthat's fine11:49
clivejoany way to get these hook/triggers fixed?11:51
yofelwhich ones?11:51
clivejoLP git ==> KCI rebuild11:51
yofelinteresting: " The wikis are locked down to only two teams: ~ubuntu-members and a Canonical team." - That would explain some things11:52
* clivejo thinks we should get our own wiki11:52
clivejoI cant even log into it11:53
yofelwell, we use the KDE one for moderately updated stuff or docs page preperation. Notes for fast editing, and docs for static stuff11:53
yofelbut yeah, the ubuntu wiki is a mess11:53
clivejosurely a mediawiki install auth users against LP would be lot simpler11:54
yofelbut I'm fairly sure that nobody here wants to maintain a wiki. Although we could restrict the login to LP teams as well11:54
clivejohere we go again "Launchpad is temporarily unavailable"11:55
acheron_ukset up a wiki on local machine here ages ago for personal notes, and found it was 10 x hassle than it was actually worth11:56
clivejofor personal stuff I agree11:57
clivejobut for public information and multiple editors, they are great11:57
acheron_ukoh I know, and agree11:57
acheron_ukwas replying more to the "I'm fairly sure that nobody here wants to maintain a wiki" part11:58
clivejounless you get an edit war11:58
clivejoyofel: mind if I stage FW5.22 ?11:59
clivejosorry 5.2312:00
yofelgo ahead12:03
clivejocan I remove all the packages in staging-frameworks?12:04
clivejoIll go have lunch and start it running this afternoon 12:04
BluesKajvar-lib-snapd-lib-gl.mount is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it ???12:07
BluesKajdpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-opencl-icd-340_340.96-0ubuntu6_amd64.deb (--unpack):12:08
BluesKaj there is no script in the new version of the package - giving up12:08
BluesKajok, think it's the kernel version I'm using, it's non default12:10
acheron_ukprobably not. they reverted a nvidia change as it caused just such a bug12:11
acheron_ukproblem is it can need a bit of a hack to get the fixed packages installed12:12
acheron_ukLP: 158900612:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1589006 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Failed unmounting Mount unit for nvidia support in snappy" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158900612:12
BluesKajdidn;t know my nvidia-340 driver needed fixing12:12
BluesKajdon't tell me kubuntu is going to adopt snappy 12:14
BluesKajmaybe i should get rid of theubuntu-graphics ppa , i remembered that it's still enabled12:15
BluesKajthat made no difference12:17
acheron_ukthere are workarounds in that bug report12:22
BluesKajok there's nothing broken here in terms of multimedia 12:24
BluesKajthink I'll just leave it for now 12:25
yofelwell, we're looking at snappy. Although I'm not particulary impressed from what I've seen so far12:39
mhall119hey guys, is Kubuntu 16.04 using Muon or Muon Discover?13:09
mhall119are they separate apps?13:09
clivejoit was orginally called Muon13:09
clivejobut the packager manager is Muon Package Manager13:10
clivejoand Discover is the software centre13:10
mhall119ok, I think I understand now, thanks clivejo 13:11
clivejothe package manager was kinda left behind and non-maintain13:11
mhall119clivejo: (reading the backlog) FWIW the community team is pushing for a switch to MediaWiki for wiki.ubuntu.com 13:11
clivejobut a few people have stepped up to maintain it13:12
clivejomhall119: any progress on that?13:12
mhall119clivejo: we need to make sure it has a juju charm and mojo spec for IS to easily deploy and scale it13:13
mhall119then the big effort will be in moving/converting all of the content from moin to mediawiki13:13
mhall119since they use different markup13:13
mhall119there are some scripts out there that claim to do this, but they'll need some heavy testing13:13
clivejoId be against the automatic import of all the moin data13:14
mhall119yofel: if you have any questions about snappy I can try and answer them, otherwise the experts in #snappy are very helpful13:14
clivejotheres large parts of it are extremely out of data13:14
mhall119clivejo: that was also discussed, try and fing the most actively edited & viewed pages, and only copy them over13:14
mhall119most edited we can get, but I don't know if we have data on most viewed13:15
clivejopersonally Id ask the community to move it over13:15
clivejoand update everything as they go13:15
mhall119I don't think the docs team would go for that13:17
yofelmhall119: thanks for the offer, but I talked with didrocks lately and he pointed me to the WIP docs, I just couldn't look into them in depth yet.13:19
yofelbut stuff like dependency definition for snappy seemed... very maintainer work intense. But maybe I just didn't properly get how it works13:20
mhall119yofel: not sure what you mean by "dependency definition"13:27
mhall119all I've had to do so far is list package names from the archives that needed to be included13:28
yofelmhall119: ok, what I saw in the example IIRC was "stage-packages: libqt5gui5"  - which is nonsense IMO as ldd can tell you that. And with the several dozen deps we often have thanks to the split frameworks  etc. maintaining that doesn't sound fun13:37
mhall119yofel: stage-packages is the equivalent of Depends in debian/control13:38
yofelexcept that *that* is auto-generated by dpkg-shlibdeps13:39
mhall119it pulls dependencies from their package in the archive, and unpacks them into the snap's filesystem13:39
mhall119ok, I see what you mean13:39
mhall119yeah, for krita for example I had to check the build package's Depends, not the source of debian/control13:39
mhall119which did require a krita 3.0 deb package already exist13:40
yofelI mean, I can understand that the system might have a hard time figuring out what ldd components are part of the foundation, and what is supposed to be included into the snap13:40
yofelbut I would essentially need to write a script, that gets a whitelist of all binaries I know of that we might want to have included, run that over the compiled output, filter ldd, and then have that list all wanted packages in the field13:41
yofelwould do the job, but sound somewhat clumsy13:41
mhall119is that what dpkg-shlibdeps does?13:42
yofelto some extent yes, is runs ldd over all binaries, then asks dpkg in what packages said dependencies are (plus other stuff, but that's essentially it)13:44
mhall119that can probably be done in snapcraft too, you can raise a bug on lp:snapcraft for it to do it13:44
mhall119then a variable used in stage-packages like in debian/control that will put them in13:45
mhall119at build time13:45
yofelright, I would hope someone's already looking at that, I simply didn't check yet13:46
BluesKajis kubuntu adopting snap or snappy or whatever it's called?13:46
mhall119maybe someone is, but there's a lot of work going into snapcraft right now, so having a bug to track it would be good13:47
mhall119BluesKaj: Kubuntu has the tools already in 16.04's archive13:47
yofelBluesKaj: additionally maybe, as a potential replacement for the backports eventually. If things turn out to work better than they do right now13:48
BluesKajthanks mhall119, yofel 13:48
mhall119it's still early days, but we're using KDE apps as real world use cases to work through the limitations and bugs in snappy13:48
acheron_ukclivejo: will KCI pick up the the new version numbers 5.23 for frameworks on it's own somewhere, or will someone have to update each component?14:57
clivejoacheron_uk: Thats why I was wanting to do the staging14:57
clivejobut Im having trouble with the script14:57
acheron_ukThat was what I hoped14:58
acheron_ukclivejo: just tried and got the same15:11
acheron_uknot that I really know what I'm doing with that15:12
acheron_ukclivejo: missing comma in https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/+git/kubuntu-automation/tree/upstream-names.json15:39
acheron_ukline 30 after libkleo15:39
acheron_uk"libkleo" I mean15:40
clivejoah thanks15:52
acheron_ukhad to be something simple I thought, but my python is not great so slightly amazed I worked that out15:56
clivejofew big downloads16:14
acheron_ukprobably just as well it rejected my ssh key when I tested then16:15
clivejojust telling you what I been telling you :P16:16
clivejobecome a kubuntu member :P16:17
acheron_ukbit early to do that16:17
acheron_ukdon't you need 2 months sustained contributions or something?16:18
clivejoyeah, but you can start getting your profile and set a date for meeting16:18
acheron_ukgood point16:19
clivejoyou have a good understand16:19
clivejoprobably more than me!16:19
acheron_ukdon't know about that, but I generally learn quickly16:20
clivejook staging script completed16:21
clivejo3 problem packages16:21
clivejodid you get a KDE ID?16:23
acheron_ukyes. but not a developer/contributor account yet16:23
clivejodont think you need that for depot16:24
acheron_ukI thought you did, but could be wrong...16:24
acheron_ukI don't see any option to upload a ssh key, except in the dev account application https://identity.kde.org/index.php?r=developerApplication16:26
acheron_ukas and far as I can tell, depot tells you to get lost without one registered16:27
yofelit's 6 months actually - no exceptions, except that any kind of kubuntu related activity is valid16:28
acheron_ukfair enough16:28
acheron_ukIf you think your contributions have been significant and sustained, you can try to become a member. Generally, a minimum of two months of visible, significant activity will be required. 16:29
acheron_ukyofel: so that 2 months is wrong? ^^^16:30
clivejoIm not sure, but theres lots of stuff needs doing :)16:31
clivejoI only decided to go for it after valorie bribed me!16:32
yofelacheron_uk: yes, I guess that page is a bit outdated and needs fixing. The official guideline is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember - "it is rare for applications to be accepted from people contributing for less than 6 months"16:32
clivejoand so I could push buttons on KCI16:32
acheron_ukyep. I'm not overly bothered. would be nice, but it's not the reason I'm here16:33
yofelthe borderline is a bit fuzzy, as you can never give a fixed starting point for "contributing", but we once got told "please don't do that" when we accepted someone after 2 months16:33
acheron_ukI can understand that16:35
acheron_ukthey want people who are going to carry on with it it, rather someone putting in a short amount of effort to gain a 'badge'16:36
yofelexactly. You get a bunch of benefits, as well as a bunch of additional permissions with the membership, so it shouldn't be given out lightly. Makes it more valuable to have too ;)16:37
acheron_ukIndeed. it has to be meaningful16:38
clivejoacheron_uk: but you need to start on that path16:50
acheron_ukthink I already have16:53
clivejoindeed :)16:53
acheron_ukbut yes, if going to end up there then it's best to have it in mind16:54
acheron_ukget ducks in a row as they say16:54
clivejokeep posting up git diff's16:55
clivejoif they make sense I have no problem pushing them for you :)16:56
acheron_ukI shall, and hopefully at a better pace once I have a better idea how to prioritise16:56
acheron_uki.e. things that are blocking the building of several others16:58
yofeldo you have a change that you want applied right now? I would like to try having Launchpad be of use here ;)16:59
clivejoacheron_uk: so Ive run the staging script16:59
acheron_ukat the moment it feels like taking random potshots, which it not bad per se, but I would hope can do it with more reason16:59
clivejoand I have a bunch of files I have to upload to the PPA16:59
acheron_ukyofel: not this sec16:59
clivejoIm about to go the git push16:59
clivejoso I need to pause KCI17:00
acheron_ukclivejo: yes. imagine that would be wise17:00
yofelacheron_uk: how much do you know about git?17:00
yofelas in: do you know what a pull request is?17:01
acheron_ukyofel: very much beginner, but I do learn well17:01
acheron_ukyofel: basically a request to include your changes?17:03
yofelyes, the better git hosting solutions like github and gitlab make heavy use of them for reviews, and LP can do them as well by now.17:04
acheron_ukmost things I done with git are just messing around with a local copy for my own purposes17:04
yofelThat's I think a better way to do this than sending diffs around ;)17:04
yofelNow I need to figure out how to properly use them on LP though...17:04
clivejocan you tell me how as well17:05
acheron_ukIf you can, and I am able to submit them, then yes sounds better17:05
clivejothis move to LP git is all new to me17:05
* clivejo opens up a new kate document17:06
* clivejo kicks KCI17:06
clivejoits too quiet17:07
clivejoits like a bad child, when it goes quiet its time to worry17:07
yofelisn't it usually done with the daily builds around this time?17:08
clivejoonly gets done about an hour or two before it starts over again!17:08
clivejoabout 22:00-23:00 my time17:09
yofelSo, I tried making this: https://code.launchpad.net/~yofel/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kcalcore/+merge/296702 by cloning kcalcore, committing, running "git push lp:~yofel/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kcalcore kubuntu_unstable", going to the repository branch site for the repo I just pushed to and opening a pull request17:09
yofelthe annoying part is that you have to manually fill in the merge target :/17:09
yofelgithub can guess that..17:09
yofelbut I guess it would do the job17:10
yofelnow I'm off for dinner though. bbl17:11
* acheron_uk get ready to try that17:11
* clivejo wanders off for dinner too17:12
clivejowell I got an email for your test17:12
BluesKajat least the nvidia upgrade bug isn't preventing other upgrades from working17:13
BluesKajso far17:14
acheron_ukLP: is not responding to any clone I try to do, and some error pages on the website.17:26
acheron_ukso I think time for refreshment here as well 17:26
IrcsomeBot<Clifford> Large whiskey!17:46
* genii sprinkles some in his next coffee18:14
acheron_ukclivejo : yofel think that worked18:17
acheron_ukso now that is rejected or accpeted, whet do I do with that repo/branch I created under my LP usermame? Keep it? Bin it and start over next time I need to propose a change to that packaging?18:56
clivejoI rejected it18:56
clivejocause its a test :P18:56
clivejobut thats pretty cool, I can add comments and stuff18:57
* acheron_uk is still dealing with the rejection18:57
clivejoLOL you already fixed kcalcore :P18:58
acheron_ukdid you get an email notification?18:59
acheron_ukgood. I got a bounce message from kubuntu-devel list, presumably as I wasn't subbed then under my LP email19:00
acheron_ukpreumably it also went to kubuntu-packagers as well19:01
clivejoacheron_uk: could you write a guide to how you do that?19:02
acheron_ukto put where?19:02
clivejohopefully the Dojo :)19:03
acheron_ukok, I really meant in what sort of format19:04
acheron_ukhow would that be presented in the dojo?19:04
clivejonot sure yet19:04
acheron_ukbullet point style list?19:04
clivejojust basic instructions19:04
* clivejo has never done this before19:05
clivejomost of my stuff was git diffs19:05
acheron_ukI'll just do it as a bullet point list then that you could have on a slide, or adapt to something else19:05
clivejocan you propose a totally new git repo, or does it have to already exist?19:06
acheron_ukI just pushed to my account and it all created itself19:06
acheron_ukit was ridiculously easy19:09
clivejowell thats the main reason to move to LP19:10
clivejohopefully make it easier for people to help maintain the packaging19:10
acheron_ukthat's partly why I asked about whether I should bin it after each time, as it was so simple to create each time19:10
acheron_ukyes having it all together is good19:11
clivejoIve pushed most of FW5.23 to LP and PPA19:14
clivejothere are 3 Ill have to do manually19:15
acheron_ukanything actually built?19:17
acheron_ukthat makes sense19:18
clivejobut the rest will need a poke19:18
mamarleyOnce the stuff builds I will test it on my Yakkety VM and report the results. :)19:19
acheron_ukI need to make another one of those19:19
clivejorunning kubuntu-retry-builds script19:19
acheron_ukthe YY VM I have started off as xubuntu, as I couldn't get the YY iso to install19:20
clivejomy internet seems to be misbehaving 19:23
acheron_ukI assume rick has not scheduled the next dojo?19:29
clivejonot sure19:29
clivejotheres a podcast tomorrow, so probably find out more then19:30
acheron_ukdidn't know that. TY19:30
clivejoset yourself a reminder :)19:32
acheron_ukreminder set19:32
* clivejo thinks kubuntu needs more how-to clips on Youtube19:34
acheron_ukespecially now plasma 5 has changed a lot, and many will be upgrading from trusty19:35
acheron_ukthis one wasn't bad https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php?70261-Excellent-Plasma-desktop-tutorial19:37
clivejohi soee_20:04
soee_wee My S5 Neo is installing Android 6 update... finally20:34
marco-parilloThis (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1577540) is still affecting me.20:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1577540 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Yakkety) "ubi-console-setup failing on yakkety images" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:40
marco-parilloIf it is widespread, do not be so quick to delete your YY partitions / VMs because it might be difficult to get them back20:41
acheron_uktesting installing from the daily ISO in a VM now20:57
acheron_ukmarco-parillo: http://i.imgur.com/7S6K9wB.png20:58
clivejoyofel: Theres a missing symbol here worrying me, can you can a look? https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging-frameworks/+build/988124021:05
marco-parilloacheron_uk: That is it. I will add to the bug report.21:10
acheron_ukmarco-parillo: and if I try to ignore and continue, eventually get http://i.imgur.com/W2Rp5FU.png21:12
acheron_ukand that is on the 2nd go, after one failure the same already21:12
marco-parilloIf it is pretty unviversal, I wonder why this is not marked as a critical bug.21:13
acheron_ukjust going to try xubuntu daily to see what happens to that21:13
jimarvanhey lovely people21:18
acheron_ukmarco-parillo: same on xubuntu21:18
acheron_ukhi jimarvan :)21:19
clivejohi jimarvan21:19
jimarvanhow are you guys?21:20
jimarvangod I am exhausted21:20
clivejotoo hot21:20
clivejoand really realy fed up with LP21:20
jimarvangn peeps, see you tomorrow! :)21:35
clivejoacheron_uk: if you have patches for FW5.23 feel free to submit them22:09
acheron_ukclivejo: I'll have a look in the morning22:25
clivejono prob22:26

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