amayes3481 | I am having internet freezes anyone have any info on why, running 15.10 | 01:43 |
nomic | internet freezes = isp / communications (external to system) | 01:44 |
nomic | router | 01:45 |
zp2133 | Hey all, is there a way to enable/install a thunderbird or mail icon in the panel. I've tried the firetray plugin for TB, but its no longer maintained. | 01:49 |
randall | zp2133, pending on your panel version, yes | 01:51 |
zp2133 | randall, I'm running Ubuntu-Mate 16.04 Mate Panel 1.12.2 | 01:52 |
randall | if it's like redmond or cupertino, I'm pretty sure you can drag the icon to place it on the panel or something | 01:53 |
zp2133 | ahh...sorry man, I wasn't very clear. Looking for a mail notification icon. | 01:54 |
Switches | You should be able to "right click" the app and then "add launcher to panel" as far as a "tray indicator" goes I'm not so sure, unless someone can maybe get ubuntu "message appindicator" working | 01:55 |
zp2133 | Firetray is great, but wasn't sure if there was mail notification native to mate, kind of like the unity notification system or xfce osd-notify | 01:55 |
fifty-sevenC | Someone message me asking for help while I am on a phonecall and I come back and they already gone. :'( | 02:01 |
dan | good evening | 02:47 |
Quenz | How do I clear old network entries from caja? I renamed my windows computer and it now lists two entries, one with the old name, and one with the new name | 06:18 |
ouroumov_ | Hi Quenz | 06:18 |
Quenz | Hello ouroumov_, can you help me? | 06:18 |
ouroumov_ | Not sure | 06:19 |
* dpaterso thinks Trump statements are racist | 06:19 | |
ouroumov_ | Quenz, you have bookmarks for network shares basically? | 06:19 |
Quenz | There's a network section in caja that lists all the computers connected to our router basically | 06:19 |
Quenz | And it still lists my windows computer's old name, as well as the new one | 06:20 |
* dpaterso wonders why Mat is no longer hosting the Linux Action Show | 06:20 | |
Quenz | caja being the file manager in mate | 06:20 |
ouroumov_ | Quenz, you can't right click the entry you don't want and pick "remove" ? | 06:20 |
Quenz | There is no "remove" | 06:21 |
* dpaterso thinks Mate is a superior Linux desktop platform | 06:21 | |
ouroumov_ | weird, I have remove if I right click network in caja | 06:21 |
ouroumov_ | Quenz, what version of Ubuntu MATE are you running? | 06:21 |
Quenz | Says 1.10.2 in about | 06:22 |
ouroumov_ | Quenz, please open a terminal with CTRL+ALT+T and type lsb_release -a | 06:23 |
Quenz | 15.10 | 06:23 |
dpaterso | xenial | 06:24 |
ouroumov_ | Quenz, ok | 06:24 |
ouroumov_ | So yeah, I don't know how to do it in Wily Quenz (that's the version you're using) | 06:24 |
Quenz | It is the latest version, right? | 06:25 |
ouroumov_ | Quenz, have you considered upgrading to Ubuntu MATE 16.04 ? | 06:25 |
ouroumov_ | No it's not :) | 06:25 |
ouroumov_ | 16.04 LTS is out now | 06:25 |
Quenz | Huh I only installed it like a week or so ago | 06:25 |
ouroumov_ | But first point release hasn't happened yet so there's a few bugs and that's why it's not advertised by the software updater | 06:26 |
ouroumov_ | Quenz, weird, you went to the Ubuntu MATE download page on the website? | 06:26 |
Quenz | Yup | 06:26 |
Quenz | I'll upgrade | 06:27 |
ouroumov_ | You should have had the 16.04 download option ^^ | 06:27 |
ouroumov_ | Quenz, hold on | 06:27 |
ouroumov_ | Before considering the upgrade: do you have AMD graphics? | 06:27 |
ouroumov_ | If you have, you might wanna reconsider | 06:29 |
Quenz | Too late but I have intel graphics | 06:29 |
ouroumov_ | Okay | 06:29 |
alkisg | What's wrong with AMD? | 06:29 |
Quenz | Oh wait no it's asking to confirm | 06:30 |
* alkisg is on xenial + AMD currently... | 06:30 | |
Quenz | Is intel graphics okay with 16? | 06:30 |
ouroumov_ | alkisg, amdgpu driver has support for a limited range of hardware at the moment | 06:30 |
ouroumov_ | Quenz, yes | 06:30 |
alkisg | amdgpu is only targetting a limited range of hardware though :) | 06:31 |
alkisg | It doesn't affect 90% of amd users... | 06:31 |
ouroumov_ | | 06:31 |
alkisg | Yup, all those still use radeon fine | 06:31 |
alkisg | amdgpu won't replace radeon... | 06:31 |
Quenz | wow it just said i was going 2000 PB/s for a moment there | 06:38 |
alkisg | It shouldn't need more than 1 sec to download the whole internet then, provided you have enough free space on your hard disk... :D | 06:38 |
Quenz | :D | 06:38 |
noc | anyone who can help me. my chromium browser crashes everytime I open it. It will just disappear | 07:42 |
nomic | ops | 07:45 |
nomic | oops | 07:45 |
nomic | on raspberr pi3 there isn't enough resource for browser | 07:45 |
nomic | also, ask on ubuntu forums | 07:45 |
nomic | or in#ubuntu -- less busy here (specially am.) | 07:45 |
=== rw is now known as Guest29753 | ||
noc | nomic what about less resource for browser on pi3? because im currently using pi3 | 09:32 |
noc | i already updated the chromium browser using synaptic but still same issue | 09:33 |
noc | anyone who can help? | 09:44 |
ozmage | hello there is mate 1.14.1 for ubuntu mate xenial ? | 11:50 |
ozmage | or in yakity yak | 11:51 |
ozmage | ? | 11:51 |
ozmage | 16.10 | 11:51 |
ozmage | nooooooo | 11:54 |
ozmage | ?????? | 11:54 |
=== ricotz_ is now known as ricotz | ||
mikolotko | Anyone there? I need help. | 12:52 |
mikolotko | Can't install any program, including synaptic. It says "package does not exist". | 12:52 |
ouroumov_ | Hi mikolotko | 12:53 |
ouroumov_ | mikolotko, you're using the software boutique? | 12:53 |
mikolotko | Hi there. Yes, I'm using the software boutique. Before that, I used the terminal, "sudo apt-get install synaptic" | 12:54 |
mikolotko | Can't install even on terminal. | 12:54 |
ouroumov_ | Okay | 12:54 |
mikolotko | This is a fresh install, old VAIO computer, Pentium 4 era. | 12:55 |
ouroumov_ | Please make sure you've subscribed to Welcome Updates and that the software boutique is set to retrieve the latest software listings | 12:55 |
mikolotko | Hmmm, where can I access that? | 12:56 |
mikolotko | oh, just saw the welcome updates | 12:56 |
ouroumov_ | Okay | 12:56 |
mikolotko | "restart in a few minutes" brb | 12:56 |
ouroumov_ | Update? | 13:00 |
mikolotko | As for "the software boutique is set to retrieve the latest software listings"? | 13:00 |
mikolotko | Still updating cache | 13:00 |
ouroumov_ | Okay | 13:00 |
ouroumov_ | I need to go to the library to return a book | 13:01 |
mikolotko | Okay. Thanks for your help, btw. :) | 13:01 |
ouroumov_ | After it's done updating cache etc run the fixes from the software boutique (last icon on the right) and keep us updated | 13:01 |
ouroumov_ | be back in something like 20m | 13:01 |
mikolotko | That did the trick. I'm installing synaptic now. Thank you very much. :) | 13:03 |
mikolotko | I go now, be back tomorrow. I can sleep now. :) | 13:04 |
fifty-sevenC | Hi ouroumov | 15:36 |
fifty-sevenC | ouroumov_, | 15:36 |
ouroumov | hi fifty-sevenC | 16:10 |
fifty-sevenC | ouroumov, do you know what benefit there is supposed to be for mate to move into a snap? | 16:14 |
ouroumov | Yes I do | 16:15 |
ouroumov | The word is: more flexibility on software updates | 16:15 |
ouroumov | As well as: more software able to run | 16:15 |
ouroumov | As well as: some sandboxing of the applications | 16:16 |
fifty-sevenC | The things I read about it make it sound like days or yore windows apps bundling dlls | 16:16 |
ouroumov | Well, sure | 16:16 |
fifty-sevenC | What benefit does mate get from being sandboxed? | 16:17 |
fifty-sevenC | And how does this affect the standard linux directory structure? | 16:17 |
fifty-sevenC | is there going to be a /snaps/mate* ? | 16:17 |
ouroumov | Well, all MATE components that do network access from whatever reason will profit from a sandbox | 16:18 |
ali1234 | none, and the snap would have to be configured to remove most of the sandboxing for it to even work at all | 16:18 |
ouroumov | fifty-sevenC, those are not questions I can answer | 16:18 |
ali1234 | it affects the standard linux directory structure heavily - it basically completely throws it away | 16:18 |
ali1234 | snaps or flatpak or appimage are not suitable for packaging an entire desktop yet | 16:19 |
ouroumov | ali1234, you're not pro-snap? | 16:19 |
ali1234 | i am pro snap i just think it's funny the way people think it will fix all problems overnight | 16:19 |
ali1234 | it won't | 16:19 |
ouroumov | Well, of course. | 16:20 |
ouroumov | Are some people really thinking that? | 16:20 |
ali1234 | yes | 16:20 |
ali1234 | not just some people | 16:21 |
ouroumov | They must not be very well informed about general computer security :/ | 16:21 |
ali1234 | not just some people, but people who actually work at canonical (but outside the snap teams) | 16:21 |
ali1234 | the snap team has all these ideas of what they want to do but so far they're not even close to implementing it | 16:22 |
ali1234 | many people look at the list of goals as if they are something that exists now | 16:23 |
ali1234 | and then say things like "snap will fix all the problems with nvidia driver, nvidia can just make a snap out of them and it will work perfectly" | 16:23 |
ali1234 | that might be the idea but as of yet there isn't even a plan of how that would work | 16:24 |
ali1234 | snap is so very much under development that they weren't even able to do a release for 16.04 | 16:25 |
fifty-sevenC | snaps are in 16.04 | 16:26 |
fifty-sevenC | snaps find | 16:26 |
fifty-sevenC | It is a pretty short list though | 16:26 |
ouroumov | So I've reported my first bugs on launchpad and upstream GNOME | 16:28 |
ouroumov | It was underwhelming | 16:29 |
ouroumov | first bug * | 16:29 |
fifty-sevenC | Unless you're getting paid to report bugs it will always be underwhelming. lol | 16:30 |
fifty-sevenC | When you're paid to report bugs everyone is like,'Good job!' except the guy who broke it and he is like,'Fuck you!" lol | 16:31 |
ouroumov | Well for now it's still better than when I reported one to my school's IT dept | 16:31 |
ouroumov | At least I wasn't told (yet) "we can't do anything about that. Closed." | 16:32 |
ouroumov | It was triaged and set to priority "low" :/ | 16:33 |
fifty-sevenC | They will make it higher priority if there is no workaround or a lot of people report it | 16:35 |
fifty-sevenC | What is the bug? | 16:35 |
ouroumov | Premature timeout of wifi password input: | 16:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1589535 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "nm-applet silently timesout on long 'WPA/WPA2 Personal' password input" [Low,Triaged] | 16:36 |
ubottu | Gnome bug 767321 in nm-applet "nm-applet timeout on lengthy password input -> clicking 'connect' does nothing" [Normal,New] | 16:36 |
ouroumov | Thanks ubottu, you're a good baut. :o | 16:36 |
fifty-sevenC | That is a weird bug | 16:43 |
ouroumov | Quite | 16:44 |
ouroumov | And I think there's a good chance only my compatriots will be affected | 16:44 |
ouroumov | Passwords that take longer than 25 seconds to type are not that frequent | 16:44 |
ouroumov | -frequent+common | 16:45 |
fifty-sevenC | I use a password manager | 16:46 |
fifty-sevenC | So copy paste a roni | 16:46 |
ouroumov | I'm never used a password manager | 16:50 |
ouroumov | 've* | 16:51 |
ali1234 | there is a version of snap in 16.04 but it was already out of date before it was even released | 17:03 |
mate|72852 | why on google chrome, when i minimize it, i cannot use my desktop, like the icons? | 17:22 |
ouroumov | mate|72852, can you explain some more? Hadn't heard that one yet. | 17:23 |
mate|72852 | well, i recently installed ubuntu mate 16.04 lts | 17:23 |
mate|72852 | i installed google chrome from software boutique | 17:23 |
mate|72852 | i realised that once i minimize it, i cannot access my desktop icons | 17:24 |
mate|72852 | i see the | 17:24 |
mate|72852 | them* | 17:24 |
mate|72852 | i cannot click them though, nor can i right click the desktop for options | 17:24 |
ouroumov | I can't reproduce your bug | 17:25 |
mate|72852 | really? | 17:25 |
ouroumov | Yes, are you sure this is related to google chrome? | 17:25 |
mate|72852 | im using a toshiba satellite c50 b 14d | 17:25 |
mate|72852 | yes | 17:25 |
mate|72852 | its google chrome | 17:25 |
mate|72852 | not firefox | 17:25 |
mate|72852 | or opera, etc | 17:26 |
ouroumov | What option are you using under MATE Tweak -> Windows -> Window Manager ? | 17:26 |
mate|72852 | compiz | 17:26 |
ouroumov | Probably a compiz bug | 17:26 |
mate|72852 | marco makes my screen go weird | 17:26 |
mate|72852 | so i use compiz | 17:27 |
mate|72852 | which works fine | 17:27 |
ouroumov | compiz is buggy | 17:27 |
mate|72852 | true.. | 17:27 |
ouroumov | What in marco makes your screen go weird? | 17:27 |
mate|72852 | when i drag windows across the screen, the whole screen flickers | 17:27 |
mate|72852 | like MAD | 17:27 |
ouroumov | Also, marco option are you using (Marco (no comp) - Marco (Software comp) - Marco + Compton) | 17:28 |
mate|72852 | ive tried them all before | 17:28 |
ouroumov | hm | 17:28 |
mate|72852 | they do pretty much the same thing except marco compton is smoother | 17:28 |
ouroumov | And you had the flickering on all versions? | 17:28 |
mate|72852 | i havent tried on the no comp one | 17:29 |
ouroumov | You should consider filing a separate bug report for that flickering bug. | 17:29 |
ouroumov | It's an interesting one | 17:29 |
mate|72852 | and where can i do that? im new to linux btw | 17:29 |
ouroumov | Ubuntu has a bug tracker @ | 17:30 |
mate|72852 | ive only been using ubuntu 14.04 for like 2 months, then kubuntu 14.04 for a short while, then ubuntu mate 16.04 | 17:30 |
ouroumov | Here's the list of ubuntu bugs: check out if someone already reported the issues you've seen | 17:31 |
andrew_ | test | 17:45 |
andrew_ | why is the grub theme so slow? | 17:46 |
grampa | My ethernet doesn't work on 16.04 of Ubuntu-mate and also Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 but works for Ubuntu 14.04. Where can I find out why? | 18:00 |
Akuli | grampa, copy/paste to terminal: ifconfig | nc 9999 | 18:04 |
grampa | grampa@PCG:~$ ifconfig | nc 9999 | 18:07 |
grampa | | 18:07 |
grampa | enp0s25 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1d:09:81:b0:20 | 18:13 |
grampa | UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 | 18:13 |
grampa | RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 18:13 |
grampa | TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 18:13 |
grampa | collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 | 18:13 |
grampa | RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) | 18:13 |
grampa | Interrupt:20 Memory:fdfc0000-fdfe0000 | 18:13 |
grampa | lo Link encap:Local Loopback | 18:13 |
grampa | inet addr: Mask: | 18:13 |
grampa | inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host | 18:13 |
grampa | UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 | 18:13 |
grampa | RX packets:323 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 18:13 |
grampa | TX packets:323 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 18:13 |
grampa | collisions:0 txqueuelen:1 | 18:13 |
grampa | RX bytes:25449 (25.4 KB) TX bytes:25449 (25.4 KB) | 18:13 |
grampa | wlxc83a35c7436b Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr c8:3a:35:c7:43:6b | 18:13 |
grampa | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: | 18:13 |
grampa | inet6 addr: 2602:306:344f:4480:41ef:7d82:983f:4420/64 Scope:Global | 18:13 |
grampa | inet6 addr: 2602:306:344f:4480:303a:e515:b3cc:6c62/64 Scope:Global | 18:13 |
grampa | inet6 addr: fe80::2a2e:ddeb:557b:d6d1/64 Scope:Link | 18:13 |
grampa | UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 | 18:13 |
grampa | RX packets:4319 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 18:13 |
grampa | TX packets:873 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 18:13 |
grampa | collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 | 18:13 |
grampa | RX bytes:714817 (714.8 KB) TX bytes:98518 (98.5 KB) | 18:13 |
ouroumov | no flood please | 18:16 |
fifty-sevenC | Hi | 18:19 |
grampa | bye | 18:41 |
acharya | my wifi signal in Ubuntu seems to be really weak | 18:44 |
acharya | anyone else faced this issue and solved it? | 18:44 |
ouroumov | acharya, you know how to find out your wifi card's model and active driver? | 18:45 |
acharya | not really, can google it though | 18:45 |
ouroumov | open a terminal using CTRL+ALT+T | 18:45 |
ouroumov | type in "inxi -N" | 18:45 |
acharya | done | 18:46 |
acharya | Card-1: Realtek RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter | 18:46 |
acharya | driver: rtl8723be | 18:46 |
acharya | Card-2: Realtek RTL8101/2/6E PCI Express Fast/Gigabit Ethernet controller | 18:46 |
acharya | driver: r8169 | 18:46 |
ouroumov | | 18:46 |
acharya | will read the thread. Thanks ouromov! | 18:48 |
ouroumov | yw | 18:48 |
ml2mst | Hi all, I would like to talk about a problem with the OpenMSX emulator on Ubuntu MATE for Raspberry Pi | 20:00 |
ouroumov | hi ml2mst | 20:01 |
ml2mst | I think there is something wrong with the dependant cbios package | 20:01 |
ouroumov | ml2mst, not sure you're gonna find an expert with that here | 20:02 |
ouroumov | Though feel free to stay a while | 20:02 |
ouroumov | We do however, have a rather lively community forum | 20:02 |
ml2mst | OK, I've been using Ubuntu MATE on PC as well right from the start. | 20:03 |
ouroumov | ^^ | 20:04 |
ml2mst | @ourmoumov perhaps I should figure out the package maintainer and ask him/her to solve the problem | 20:05 |
ouroumov | sure :] | 20:06 |
ml2mst | Problem only exists on Ubuntu MATE 16.04 for Raspberry PI, wasn't an issue on previous releases nor IA32/64 | 20:08 |
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jett | hey there | 22:19 |
ouroumov | hey jett | 22:22 |
jett | what's up? | 22:22 |
ouroumov | lessee | 22:23 |
ouroumov | Well; not much | 22:23 |
ouroumov | you? | 22:23 |
jett | nothing much, just loaded ubuntu onto my pi. | 22:24 |
ouroumov | rpi3? | 22:24 |
jett | yes. | 22:24 |
=== cam is now known as Guest39616 | ||
ouroumov | You should follow the steps in the "Getting Started" section of the welcome splash screen | 22:25 |
jett | yeah I looked through that | 22:25 |
jett | any way to fix the screen scaling? | 22:25 |
jett | it's not filling my whole monitor. | 22:25 |
ouroumov | Do the driver + firmware install, then reboot. If it doesn't fix things look towards xrandr. | 22:27 |
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