
pleia2Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 468 for the week May 30 - June 5, 2016 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue46800:16
sethjpleia2, Ask Ubuntu is having another moderator election. Nominations only last a week. any way we could get it in the newsletter after the fact?00:43
pleia2sethj: unfortunately not, we can't retract the mailing list posts and stuff00:49
pleia2why such a short nominations period? :(00:49
pleia2people may be on vacation, especially since it's summer-ish!00:50
sethjhmm, that's a good point. I dunno, that's just the way they all work..00:51
sethjUsually we have them in February..00:52
sethjpleia2, no chance we could at least edit the wiki page then?00:52
pleia2sethj: please don't, it changes history and unless it's a small typo or something I don't like altering the wiki after we've published01:05
pleia2sethj: maybe have an ubuntu member with a blog post to the planet instead?01:06
pleia2we can also post something on fridge.ubuntu.com01:06
pleia2for fridge you just send an email to ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com with the Subject as the title and the body of the email of what we should post01:07
pleia2I just got back from a trip so my house has no food, off to remedy that01:07
sethjpleia2, yep we have a planet post planned. Thanks for the tip about the fridge! I'll do that. No biggie about the newsletter, I should have been more on top of it.01:08
sethjyou go get something to eat! :)01:08

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