
magespawngood morning05:06
mazalMorning all05:43
theblazehenhi magespawn,mazal06:37
mazalHey theblazehen 06:39
mazalHow can I wake up an external drive in a script ?06:46
mazalMy external is one of those that powers down when not busy , so in a script that copy to it , how can I wake it up before the copy start ?06:46
mazalWould touch work ? touch /media/username/drivename ?06:47
magespawnmazal: are you just trying to wake it up? does it not wake up when there is a request for it?07:37
mazalmagespawn, it does , but takes a few seconds to wake up. I'm just worried that the copy process itself might loose data , I dunno if the cp process waits till it fully started up before starting to copy07:38
Kilosmorning all07:38
mazalMôre oom07:38
magespawnhi Kilos 07:38
Kilosmazal how do i find the brightness control on kde07:39
mazalmagespawn, so I was thinking wake it up sleep 40 , start copy07:39
magespawni think it should, the wake up might make the copy quicker though07:39
mazalKilos, I dunno sorry07:39
Kilospower just came on and screen so dark i cant see much07:39
mazalLaptop ?07:40
magespawnyou would have to run the script or auto run before every copy though07:40
mazalIsn't that under power savings somewhere ?07:40
Kilosused to be07:40
magespawnthere is usually physical keys on the keyboard for that07:40
mazalmagespawn, currently it's a backup script that starts with cron , so to that same script I just anted to add something that wakes up the drive07:41
Kilosyay ty, was in startup and shutdown07:42
Kilospower thing  was unticked07:42
mazalThat's a strange place to put that07:42
Kilosbad things happen when power dies and i havent shutdown before battery dies07:42
Kilosbattery last 2 mins hehe07:43
mazalKilos, my new install is finished btw07:43
mazalHave none of the bugs I had on KDE. Unity has a big system breaking bug though07:43
Kilosreport it07:43
mazalAfter pc is on for a while nautilus stops working completely. Yet another very basic thing not working07:44
mazalGoogle was no help with that one07:44
mazalI am forced to use a different file manager :(07:44
Kiloslearn how to use the syslogs and see if you can find what happens when it stopped07:45
mazalWhen running it from cli it gives bunch of errors , but I don't understand them07:45
Kilosi gotta go let sheep out07:47
Kiloslet one one the clever guys see that and theyll tell you what to do07:48
Kilosdid you use tail and cat07:48
Kilosi forget which does what07:48
Kilostry them07:48
Kilosyou can teach me07:49
mazalCan also not remember how to use it hehehehe07:49
Kilostail /var/log/syslog07:49
Kilosand cat it too07:49
KilosMaaz seen thatgraemeguy07:49
MaazKilos: thatgraemeguy was last seen 15 days, 46 minutes and 42 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-05-23 00:03:15 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-05-23 09:30:57 PDT07:49
mazalSimple thing like a file manager really does not need this issues07:50
mazalLoosing a lot of faith in Ubuntu07:50
Kilosdont start07:50
Kilosuse plan c07:50
Kilosi must go lewt sheep out man07:51
mazalonly thing I could find re this issue is that 16.04 shipped with an old version of nautilus due to bugs07:51
Kilosdo an aptitude reinstall nautilus and see if it fetches a patch07:51
mazalIt didn't help though , is still broken07:52
mazalGo to sheep oom :)07:52
mazalWe talk later ;)07:52
mazalBring iets lekker saam07:52
theblazehenmazal: Check out hdparm08:23
theblazehenCan disable power down there I think08:23
magespawntheblazehen: will that stop the hard drive powering down?08:29
theblazehenYes. Set timeout period really high or something. Don't remember exact command, but have done it before08:29
theblazehenOr just disbable08:30
Kilosmazal baie bokdrolletjies maar nie daai wat beacon maak nie08:40
theblazehenWow, accidentally used spice rather than vnc, it's actually fast with centos 7 vm08:44
theblazehenGot a 1 mbit connection to the host08:44
theblazehenvnc is faster with rhel5 and windows08:44
magespawntheblazehen: spice?08:49
theblazehenmagespawn: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/SPICE - supposed to be faster08:50
theblazehenWas *way* slower with win server 2012. I'm talking 10-20 second display latency08:50
theblazehenDown to ~0.5 s with vnc08:51
theblazehenGetting ~0.2 maybe with spice on centos 708:51
theblazehenActually less than that. Maybe 50 ms08:51
mazaltheblazehen, it looks like hdparm -S0 /dev/sdx09:06
mazalBut I am unsure if that is correct09:07
theblazehenmazal: That looks familiar, yes09:07
mazalThat's from reading man , something I am not good with09:07
theblazehenWhat's the worst that can happen?09:12
mazalI break the drive lol09:13
mazalOh oom Kilos I forgot to tell you. I tried that aptitude reinstall nautilus09:15
Kilosyes mazal ?09:15
mazalIt dl'ed 2 small files to quick for me too see what it was09:15
Kilosdid it fetch anything09:16
mazalyeah , 2 small files09:16
Kilosand you have a pause button09:16
Kilosi dont know what cli shows after09:17
mazalWill see in time if nautilus freeze up again09:17
Kilossomewhere must be a record of what it did09:17
Kilosoh is it working now09:17
mazalFor now yes. But is always working after reboot , and then after a while stops working09:17
Kilosok lets hope its been patched09:18
mazalWill see in about 2 hours if it still responds09:18
mazalI have a question though09:18
mazalWhy did aptitude pull in more files after I already did an update ? Does uptitude fetch updates that normal apt update doesn't fetch ?09:19
Kilosi have found that update/upgrade leaves out many updates09:19
mazalwhy ?09:19
Kilospro and fly argue with me09:19
Kilosi think they not classed as important enough to add in to auto update09:20
Kilosbut a reinstall of many packages fetches new stuff09:21
Kilosright back in 10.10 i said if i use synaptic and right click reinstall everything thats already installed then it fetches lotsa data09:22
mazalMust be a reason for that09:25
theblazehenI hate openshit09:28
mazalKilos, if you don't disable the automatic cleaning of the apt-cache then it will have to fetch data again as auto cleaning would have deleted a lot of packages09:29
mazaltheblazehen, hey ?09:29
Kilosi have save all packages ticked09:29
theblazehenInstall issues, networking issues, too much docker for my liking ...09:30
Kilosi dont often clean09:30
mazalKilos does that tick you mentioned modify /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20archive though ?09:32
Kilosi have no idea09:32
mazalThat's the config file that normally determines the auto cleaning09:32
Kilosdont ask me such involved questions09:35
KilosMaaz coffee on09:39
* Maaz flips the salt-timer09:39
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!09:43
KilosMaaz danke09:43
* mazal fiddles09:58
mazalKilos, nautilus still working. By now it usually frozen10:34
mazalI wonder though , hmm , lemme test something10:35
theblazehensuperfly: Didn't check the link. Have you seen the Underhanded C contest? Or or ioccc?10:57
theblazehenI wonder what happens if your swap partition just vanishes.. I probably shouldn't add a sd card as swap, even if it *does* have okay iops10:58
MaNIdepends if it is in use at the time or not :)11:01
theblazehenMaNI: Well, because it'll sometimes evict ram to use more ram as disk cache, it will normally always have a bit used11:02
theblazehenOh well. `sudo swapon /dev/mmcblk0`11:02
theblazehenLets find out11:02
theblazehenOr if I use it as a bcache writeback cache..11:03
MaNIwell that depends on how much ram you have - my box only touches swap in very rare circumstances - if programs were using the swap then I'd expect them to segfault (crash) when they try to access any memory that was swapped11:03
theblazehen8 GB on laptop. Used to run a bunch of VMs, but now run it on vm host at home11:04
theblazehenCurrently using 4.5 GB11:05
theblazehenUsing 12/18 GB on desktop11:05
theblazehenand 1.7/32 GB on VM host11:05
MaNIzram can be a good option for that11:08
MaNIif using lots of VMs then enabling KSM is also a huge plus11:08
theblazehenYeah. Well, I do everything on vm host now. I used to use zram with my netbook. 512 MB normal memory, 1536 MB (I think) for the compressed swap11:14
theblazehen2 GB swap on usb hdd11:15
theblazehenanother 2 gb on internal hdd11:15
theblazehens/usb hdd/flash disk/11:15
theblazehenRunning vms were slow without VT-x :(11:15
theblazehenAnd dual monitor was painful11:15
theblazehenI'd idle at ~30% cpu load (both hyperthreaded cores) on the xfce desktop with pulseaudio and conky running11:16
theblazehenAround 80-90% with chromium (firefox was too slow :()11:16
Kilospower again11:20
MaNIcable theft or maintenance?11:22
theblazehen4.9 MB swap used. Lets find out what happens at the end of day11:22
mazalOom Kilos , I *think* I found what is making nautilus crash11:22
Kilosmust be repairs, because they not supposed to steal aluminium cables11:23
Kiloswhat is it mazal 11:23
mazalKilos, I retraced everything I did this morning and did the same11:23
mazalall stayed stable , until I wrote an iso to usb stick11:23
mazalBoom nautilus broken11:23
mazalParticularly though , it was systamback writing11:24
Kiloswhat are you using to do that11:24
mazalsystemback *11:24
mazalIt mos has a build-in app11:24
mazalSo tomorrow , I will test iso writing with different app and see if it's that specific app11:25
Kilosis there a systemback group on irc11:25
Kilosask them11:25
mazalI see though that boot disc creator has also been removed from Ubuntu , so will try unetbootin11:25
theblazehen`dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null status=progress bs=1M` 16 GB/s on vm host. How much do you guys get?11:26
mazalWonder why they removed it ?11:26
mazalnvm found it " startup disk creator "11:27
mazalWill test now , too curious to wait for tomorrow11:28
theblazehen3060251230208 bytes (3.1 TB, 2.8 TiB) copied, 191.489 s, 16.0 GB/s11:29
theblazehen!sudo nice -n -20 !!` gives extra 300 MB/s11:30
mazalKilos, written with startup disk creator done. Nautilus still stable11:39
Kilosso you have the culprit11:40
Kilosmine worked ok whe n i did it i think11:40
Kiloswill try again sometime11:40
mazalSo that's 1 bug squashed11:42
mazalWon't use systemback to write11:42
mazalNow this install has only 1 other bug...so far11:43
mazalSoftware centre won't open11:44
Kilosuse synaptic11:45
Kilosi dont like software centre at the best of times11:45
mazalYeah I never use it , wanted to go in just to check it out and saw it doesn't launch11:46
* Kilos reboots to get sound working again15:52
magespawnhome time chat later all16:06
=== urbanslug is now known as zipper
Kilosinetpro wb17:44
Kilosyou didnt fixit yet17:45
inetproyou broke it?17:45
Kilosweird prob17:47
Kilossound intermittently disappears17:48
Kilosand i dunno how to see where what switches off17:48
Kilosseems to be a common thing on t410 but this one was fine till a couple of weeks ago17:49
inetprojust leave it off17:49
Kilosit doesnt show its muted17:50
Kilosnono man17:50
Kilosi need to hear things happen17:50
inetproyou can learn to go without sound17:50
Kilosi even looked at man sox17:51
Kilosbut thats a major man page17:51
Kilosa reboot fixes the sound17:51
Kiloswhen sound goes its only from internal speakers17:53
Kilosheadfones still work17:53
Kilosnow dont say wear headfones17:54
Kilosthats not an option17:54
Kilosgremble still studying?18:00
Kiloshave you worked out where you went wrong last time?18:01
magespawngood evening18:21
Kiloshi magespawn 18:22
magespawnhey Kilos, so whats up?18:22
Kilosdefinitely not the temperatures18:23
Kilosgonna be cold the weekend if the coming cold front doesnt go down south more18:23
magespawnnever that at this time of year18:23
Kiloslooks like snow coming on the mountain rangres18:24
Kilosso get a heater18:24
magespawni think i should be able to manage18:25
magespawnthere is a panel heater in the flat i rent18:25
Kilossjoe tough guy hey18:25
Kilosah that can help18:25
Kilosim very sad18:26
Kilosmr fixit wont help me fix my sound, says i must get used to having no sound18:27
magespawnwho is mr fixit?18:27
Kilosi have been abandoned in the desert18:28
Kilosthe pro18:28
Kiloshave you forgotten18:28
Kilosoh my18:28
magespawnand what is wrong with your sound?18:28
Kilosworks from booting and then randomly disappears18:29
Kiloscommon t410 prob i see18:29
magespawnahh well, is there a bug for it?18:29
grembleHey Kilos It is my life for the next two week18:29
magespawnhey gremble18:29
Kilosgood man gremble , get all your ducks inna row18:30
Kilosthen one shot kills many18:30
Kilosthere have been a few unsuccessful ones magespawn since 12.0418:30
grembleHey magespawn 18:31
Kiloslenovo have even replaced some motherboards18:31
magespawnwow, i thought maybe is was a software problem18:31
Kilosyeah the guys trying to help have tried lots of things18:32
magespawnso, gremble, what is your life for the next two weeks?18:32
Kilossome commands restart it18:32
Kilosthen other times no luck18:32
grembleExams started. So This week study, and the week after I am writing all of them18:37
magespawnah well, that usually leads to better things18:37
magespawnlike the end of the exams18:37
Kilosnight all. i got soak inna hot tub then crash18:42
Kilossee you tomorrow18:42
magespawngood night Kilos 18:42
magespawni am also off, good night all18:49
qwebirc87600Is there a support channel for ...Cape Town users !19:15
qwebirc87600Is there a support channel for ...Cape Town users !19:30
FelconianHi all19:33
FelconianAnyone home !19:34
paddatrapperHey Felconian 19:34
Felconianhi ..i am looking for a support group for Ubuntu 16.04 ... not sure if i am at the right place19:35
paddatrapperWe can try help. A couple of us are running 16.0419:35
paddatrapperWhat issues are you having?19:35
Felconiani am new to Linux ..so forgive my ignorance if i miss small things 19:36
paddatrapperWelcome to the true OS :)19:36
FelconianI have been battling to setup my box as a Gateway firewall 19:37
paddatrapperWhat's the issue you're having with that?19:37
FelconianI have gone through alot of how too on the net and i still am haveing issues with getting traffic (internet) to pass through the box19:37
paddatrappergremble: I write my last exam tomorrow!!19:37
Felconiangood luck padd19:38
paddatrapperFelconian: As far as I'm aware you need two nicks and to place it into the lan before switches, etc19:38
FelconianRouter <-> Firewall <-> Switch 19:39
Felconiani have them installed .. 19:39
paddatrapperThat way you can use IP tables on passthrough traffic to manage your rules19:39
FelconianKernel IP routing table Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    100    0        0 enp3s0   U     100    0        0 enp3s0     U     1000   0        0 enp3s019:40
Felconianwell that did not work ?19:40
paddatrapperWith it setup can you connect to the internet?19:40
paddatrapperCan you pastbin/similar that? Formatting on IRC messages sucks19:41
Felconiani can ping both NIC's in the UBUNTU box from the switch .... side19:41
paddatrappertheblazehen: inetpro Got any suggestions?19:43
Felconiani am just creating an account on past bin19:46
paddatrapperYou can use gist.github.com if you want to do it annonomously19:46
theblazehenIp forwarding is enabled right?19:51
theblazehenCan't really think now19:51
theblazehenMaaz coffee on19:51
* Maaz washes some mugs19:51
Felconianthats a bit of stuff from 3 locations19:52
Felconiansorry the other NIC was not plugged in ... so i am doing now and running the route -n 19:53
paddatrapperMaaz: coffee please19:54
Maazpaddatrapper: Done19:54
MaazCoffee's ready for theblazehen and paddatrapper!19:55
paddatrapperMaaz: thanks19:55
Maazpaddatrapper: Okay :-)19:55
Felconianfunny thing is i can ping all the IP's ... on both sides of the box19:55
paddatrapperPretty sure the point is for that not to be possible19:56
FelconianFrom the So i can ping the Router ... through the Ubuntu 16.04 box .... from the internal network 19:56
FelconianIs there anyhting elso i can show you 19:57
theblazehenFelconian: Can you get a tcpdump on the firewall, both nics, and from the internal network, upload to pixeldra.in? I;ll see if I see anything tomorrow. Otherwise hopefully someone else here can help19:57
FelconianHow ?19:57
FelconianWe got hacked ... our telkom router  ... from somone is the US ... they planted ... ransom ware on 2 PC's but could not get to the AD server ... they had the audsity to call us as well 20:00
FelconianI keep backups of everyhting so i lost 2 days work ...20:01
Felconianso now i am taking internet security ... seriousely 20:01
FelconianIs anyone in Cape T?own 20:03
FelconianIs anyone in Cape Town  ?20:03
paddatrapperFelconian: I am20:05
Felconiani am willing pay you to show me how to setthis up correctly !20:06
FelconianCan bring the Box to you if you like !20:07
paddatrapperUnfortunately I've never really done it before, but I'd be happy to give it a try20:07
paddatrapperI'd be happy to take a look at it next week and try get it up and running. It'd be fun to work with I reckon 20:09
FelconianThing is i have gone through every possible tutorial ..even reinstalled Ubuntu 16.04  ..and started from scrath ... I tried Bridging ... the two NIC's that did not work ... and once that happens ..the Linux BOX ...stops connectecting to the internet20:09
FelconianStep by Step ... so i am sure i am missing somthing realy simple ..because of my inexperience 20:11
theblazehenmaaz seen andrewlsd20:11
Maaztheblazehen: andrewlsd was last seen 12 days, 12 hours, 39 minutes and 59 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2016-05-26 00:31:53 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2016-05-26 01:59:37 PDT20:11
paddatrapperFelconian: Well let's see what the tcpdumps have to say and we can take it from there20:15
FelconianHow do i dump that info ?20:15
FelconianWoW ..this is epic!20:17
Felconianjust reading that first page is INSPARATIONAL !20:18
Felconiando i specify the IP address or the adpter ? 20:22
theblazehenFelconian: adaptor20:23
paddatrapperI'd say the interface you are wanting to monitor20:23
theblazehenFelconian: do `-w somefile.pcap` to save to a file, that way it can be opened in wireshark20:27
paddatrapperAlright I'm off. Night everyone20:27
theblazehennight paddatrapper20:27
theblazehenFelconian: Have you looked at something like pfSense, or shorewall or ipcop?20:28
theblazehenRunning pfSense myself20:28
Felconiannope ... 20:29
FelconianI have only been using Linux for 72 hours20:30
theblazehenCheck pfsense out. Has the wonderful pf firewall :) And gui config20:30
theblazehenBased on freebsd20:30
theblazehenEasy setup20:30
FelconianEverything i know is what i read ... good or bad ?20:30
theblazehenVery good IMO20:31
Felconianlooking at it now 20:31
theblazehenFelconian: http://i.imgur.com/bvnlCjA.png20:32
theblazehenMy rules, pretty simple20:32
Felconianare you running this on your own box ...or theres?20:33
theblazehenOwn box20:34
theblazehenFelconian: http://i.imgur.com/HDnsvMm.png main interface :)20:34
Felconiani dont see any prices for the software ?20:35
theblazehenIt's free20:35
theblazehenBut optional paid support afaik?20:35
Felconianthats ok 20:36
FelconianBetter than bying an Window 2012R server licnece for the firewall ... pc20:36
Felconianbecause thats where i was going ... ! 20:37
Felconianif this did not work out!20:37
Felconiani will try this ... Thank you ...20:37
theblazehenCool! Let me know if you have issues20:38
theblazehenThis runs on basically any hardware too. Used to run on an old 600MHz celeron with 128 MB RAM20:38
theblazehenAlso, just to note, make sure that if you use a usb to install get the usb image. Unlike linux isos, pfsense iso's can't be dd'd to a usb directly. They give an img.bz2 or something like that20:40
Felconiancool thanks ... its going on a  AMD 965 Phoem II  .... 4G Ram 20:41
theblazehenYeah, more than good enough. I'm now on a Petnium something with 2 GB RAM20:42
theblazehenWith that much ram look into snort as an IDS, and perhaps a transparent squid proxy for bandwidht saving20:42
theblazehenCan't type any more :/ And just treated a line conatining `<?php` as an empty line, and deleted it20:43
theblazehenI guess it's time for bed20:43
FelconianThank you 20:43
FelconianI am going to pay Total war .... WARHAMMER20:43
Felconiani need to kill some ORCS20:44
superflypaddatrapper: I usually just install BIND for dns forwarding (I know, people will kill me, but it's what I know and it's easy to set up compared to other stuff out there), dhcp-server and arno's ip tables firewall, and that's usually your firewall done.21:34

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